Flash Player - Ubuntu 8.04 64bit

--------- Orignial Question ---------------
Hi. I am running Ubuntu 8.04 (64 bit version) and have been
unable to install the Flash Player that was automatically suggested
by the download thing. I think the version was ment for the regular
linux OS not the 64 bit. Is there a alternative?
Oh also i am using Mozilla for a browser.
--------- Solution Found ------------
Installing "icedtea-gcjwebplugin" and the
"Flashplugin-nonfree" through synaptic package manager solved that

Thanks for reaching out.  Can you send me a private message with your company info and contact details?  I'll get it escalated.  Just click my name. (Edit: I found your email address on your profile, which I think is what I need to know for the moment.)
In the meantime, I'm wondering if either of these is a viable workaround:
- Disable hardware acceleration in IE  - How to enable or disable software rendering in Internet Explorer 9
- Disable hardware acceleration in Flash - How do I disable or enable hardware acceleration?
If disabling hardware acceleration in Flash is a viable workaround, you can deploy a customized mms.cfg file that disables hardware acceleration to your managed hosts.  I can give you details, but let's confirm that it's viable before we dive deep into that.
Adobe Flash Player Administration Guide for Flash Player 14 | Adobe Developer Connection
In the meantime, I'll try and get a test configuration going in our virtual infrastructure and see if I can reproduce this.
Jeromie Clark
Engineering Manager - Flash Runtime

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    What is the error message you're getting ?

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    Thanks for the reply Mvargas1.
    That certainaly is confusing - System 32 is for 64 and WOW 64 is for 32!
    Both my Firefox and Internet Explorer browsers seen to be working with Flash Player OK.
    I uninstalled and re-installed Flash Player and Secunia no longer finds a down level version.
    Thank You
    Frank C

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    Hi, thanks. I'm sure you know that you must use the 32bit browser as there is no Flash Player support for the 64bit.
    Also you must be the Administrator and use the Administrator Account to Install Flash Player.
    Download the Uninstaller and SAVE it to your Desktop:
    Then Download the Flash Player Installer for Internet Explorer and SAVE it to your Desktop:
    Be sure to read and follow the Uninstall instructions as there are a couple of things you need to do first. When you are ready to use the Uninstaller, Close all browsers. Run the Uninstaller and when finished, Reboot. Since you have IE, Reboot again. When that is finished, Run the Installer and when finished, Reboot Once.
    Go here to test: http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/

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    Hi, I think it's helpful to understand that the Square Flash Player for 64bit browsers ONLY and yes it's still a "beta".
    Now the 10.3 that you have is also a beta, and I think it's for a 32bit browser with certain new features. I haven't had time
    to read all of the info(plan to) but I didn't see yet that it is even supposed to work in the 64bit browsers. That would be confusing as that is what the Square is for.
    While this is a beta release of Flash Player 10.3 for desktop operating systems only, we are planning to release Flash Player 10.3 for mobile and the next version of AIR and AIR SDK for desktop and mobile soon. (That's interesting!)
    Well I just went to find out and here is this:
    When will Adobe Flash Player support 64-bit operating systems and browsers?
    Flash Player 10.3 will not have 64-bit support. Support for 64-bit operating systems and web browsers on Linux, Mac OS, and Windows is currently available in the Flash Player "Square" preview release on Adobe Labs. Developers can use the "Square" preview with the current Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 9 beta. Availability of 64-bit support in a publically available release for consumers will be announced at a later date.
    It's confusing, but there is only one Flash Player that supports the 64bit browser and that is Square.
    The 10.2 is for 32bit or 64bit Operating Systems but only works with the 32bit browsers.
    The 10.3 is a version that is in beta and will be shipped, but it appears it will be only for DESKTOPS.
    If the 10.3 is working fine for you, I'd keep it. Are you sure IE9 that you have is a 64bit? I wasn't aware of that at all.
    Well, hope I haven't confused you in trying to explain this
    Hope this message goes thru.

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    bennycal wrote:
    How do I get rid of it?
    You can permanently set it by using the Flash Player Settings Manager.

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    Help please

    I suspect we're running into a permissions issue here.  You could try running through the steps listed in this FAQ.  I'll also ping our install team to see if they've done any guest account testing.
    How do I fix Windows permission problems with Flash Player?

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    PD: sorry for my English

    I have an embedded ati x1250 in an asus m2a-vm motherboard, I bought this motherboard because in that moment asus gave full support in 64bits linux debian based systems.
    At this moment asus and amd only provides full support for this chipset on 64bits red-hat based linux and de source code produces error dependences in debian linux, I am using the fglrx that provides debian linux but It don't works correctly and the 3D sometimes crashes the x window system.
    This is my xorg.conf:
    Section "ServerLayout"
        Identifier     "aticonfig Layout"
        Screen      0  "aticonfig-Screen[0]-0" 0 0
    Section "Files"
    Section "Module"
        Load  "GLcore"
        Load  "glx"
    Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier  "Generic Keyboard"
        Driver      "kbd"
        Option        "XkbRules" "xorg"
        Option        "XkbModel" "pc105"
        Option        "XkbLayout" "es"
    Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier  "Configured Mouse"
        Driver      "mouse"
    Section "Monitor"
        Identifier   "Configured Monitor"
    Section "Monitor"
        Identifier   "aticonfig-Monitor[0]-0"
        Option        "VendorName" "ATI Proprietary Driver"
        Option        "ModelName" "Generic Autodetecting Monitor"
        Option        "DPMS" "true"
    Section "Device"
        Identifier  "Configured Video Device"
    Section "Device"
        Identifier  "aticonfig-Device[0]-0"
        Driver      "fglrx"
        BusID       "PCI:1:5:0"
    Section "Screen"
        Identifier "Default Screen"
        Monitor    "Configured Monitor"
    Section "Screen"
        Identifier "aticonfig-Screen[0]-0"
        Device     "aticonfig-Device[0]-0"
        Monitor    "aticonfig-Monitor[0]-0"
        DefaultDepth     24
        SubSection "Display"
            Viewport   0 0
            Depth     24
    I tried to start x without the glx and GLcore modules but It don' work and if I start x with the standart vesa drivers when I move the mouse I can take a coffee while the pointer moves across the screen.
    I prefer to try to run natively the flash components in webpages but I see that It can' be.

  • Flash Player on Ubuntu 8.04

    I'm using Ubuntu 8.04 on a HP Pavilion Entertainment PC.
    Flash player does not work properly, and I need some ideas, tips,
    and or a new version of Flash Player.

    It's easy. Just right click the link to the video, then click
    "Copy shortcut", the following link will be placed into your
    clipboard: "javascript:var target=window.open('
    http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid1681694208','FlexDisplayingdataintheDataGr id','scrollbars=no,resizable=no,status=no,width=1030,height=820');"
    Then just copy the text "'
    and paste it to the address bar of a new browser window
    Try it !!

  • Problem with Flash player in Ubuntu 11.04 for Firefox

    I am running Ubuntu 11.04 on my laptop and use firefox as my main browser.
    I have a very strange experience when browsing video sites like Youtube.com or Bumperhit.com
    Some videos are playing all right.
    But some others, show an error message "Please install Flash Player" etc etc.
    I am unable to understand, why this is happening only for some videos?
    Also when I try to install the flash Player from Adobe's site, there is no option to save the program.
    I would like to save the program, so that I have to download the installable multiple times.
    Thank you in advance for your valuable guidance.

    Adobe offers the Flash installer as a tar.gz archive and as an rpm archive.<br />
    Both files can be opened with a proper archive manager and you can copy to libflashplayer.so to a plugins folder in the Firefox Profile Folder (you need to create that folder) or to another folder that Firefox scans for plugins if you do not want to install the plugin via the software installer.

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    Well i use lubuntu 14.04 and i've realized that the html5 player on youtube works so much better than the flash player, but i can't use it by default, for play videos i have to request the html5 player, and the problem is when i restart the browser or when i turn off my computer, big is my surprise because youtube is using the flash player. If i disable the flash plugin is ok because youtube doesn't have another option but to use html5, but this is not the solution, because there is still some videos that use flash, and other web sites too. so: how can i fix this or i just have to wait that mozilla gives html5 support for linux, because on windows the default player is the html5. i'd really appreciate any help, thanks

    I usually use Ubuntu, and am not aware of HTML5 being the default for Flash videos on Windows.
    Is it more likely you have chosen an option on the YouTube website to use HTML5. I think this page offers support and includes an option to toggle HTML5 or FlashPlayer.
    * https://www.youtube.com/html5

  • Flash Player upgrade not working on 64bit Intel-Mac in Safari 5.0.4

    I feel robbed! I want to use my Safari.
    The latest upgrade of Flash player does not work.
    I don't even remember downloading it, it must've been an automatic update!
    I can not play youtube videos nor can I play any games on Facebook.
    Who knows what is not working in my Avid!! I have not been working on that lately.
    The flash player still works on FireFox, but i have no intention on switching to that.
    The first aid has been run a few times.
    It will download the free flash player for Intel Mac and it says the install is successful, but it is not there.
    I have CS4 and it never bothered or disrupted the free flash player before.
    I uninstalled it just in case and nearly lost it! When I tried to reinstall Flash, it said my disc to was blank!
    Luckily, a friend in the business of fixing computers was able to get that back! whew.
    The flash player from the CS4 is showing up in a folder and will even open when clicked on, but it does nothing. It is version 10.0 r2.
    When I go to the place where they say to "see what version of flash you have"
    I just get that icon that says to "Get Adobe Flash player".
    It down not show the suggested "missing plug-in" pictures.
    Yes, I read there is compatibility issues with the 64 bit Mac, but it always worked before!!!
    Help!! Please!!

    So the Shockwave Flash plugin in FF is Installed and Enabled. That's why Flash Player is working and why you were able to see the Flash Player logo animation. On the other hand, evidently the Shockwave Flash plugin is either not Installed in Safari or if it is it is Disabled. And that is why it's not working and you can't see the Flash Player logo.
    Yes, I know Flash Player can be Installed in any supported 64bit OS. Also I thot that the 64bit browser in Mac was the "default" browser and the "Compatibility layer" had to be used. Similiar to the PC IE8 or IE9, switching over to the Compatibility feature in the browser.
    Do you need to activate the Compatibility feature?  I have had other Mac users tell me that their problem was they were using the 64bit browser and found out they had to use the 32bit browser, so I thot it was something they had to do. I would think if it was automatic they would not have had to "do" anything. But like I said I don't use Mac so can only relate what they tell me.
    With Safari on either of the test sites, no Flash Player version was displayed?
    Look into the HD/Library/Internet Plug-ins/ directory and see if you have the below two files:
    Flash Player.plugin, flashplayer.xpt
    After that see if this thread is of any help: http://forums.adobe.com/message/2725949#2725949

  • Adobe Flash Player on Win 8.1 64bit ES logs out user at the end of Youtube film

    Dear Players.
    My Adobe Flash Player on Win 8.1 64bit ES (Spanish) in IE11 logs out user at the end of Youtube film. In Event viewer there is apparently no error information. I use Fujitsu Siemens Lifebook S6410, where on Windows Vista 32 bit and IE9 with current Flash there was no problem on Youtube films.
    I have a feeling that initially after installing Windows 8 and 8.1 the films of Youtube finished correctly showing a mosaic of proposed next films. Now when the film ends, and the mosaic of the proposals should appear, the user is logged out.
    I did all the Adobe recommendations, and it does not help. Yet the problem is only with Youtube for the moment. All other Flash content on other pages shows ok.
    Any suggested solution?
    Kind regards
    Marcin Balcerzyk, Seville, Spain.

    Microsoft has been changing how they identify IE in the UserAgent string in IE11 (and in more recent versions of IE10). This has been occurring over various releases and it's not new to the latest updates.  As you see, sometimes they identify as Netscape/Mozilla instead of IE.  You can Google 'Microsoft User-agent string' the search will return various MSDN articles on this topic.  Long story short, most websites use OS/browser version in the user-agent string to display content for that particular combination, however, Microsoft wants content developers to use feature detection, not browser detection.  Compatibility view will work because Microsoft will change the user-agent string properties to something prior to the changes they've made.  By doing this, Microsoft leaves it up to the content developer to update their site.  Some have, some have not.

  • How do I install Adobe Flash Player on Ubuntu 32bit ARMv7 Little Endian machine?

    How do I install Adobe Flash Player on Ubuntu (12.04) 32bit ARMv7 Little Endian machine? The .tar.gz and .deb files contains shared libraries for i386 target.

    There is a procedure of Manual Installation of Adobe Flash Player on Ubuntu, follow these steps :
    Open http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/otherversions/
    Choose Linux 32-bit on Step 1
    Choose Flash Player 11.2 (tar.gz) on Step 2, download the file
    Once download is complete, right click on the flie (tar.gz) and click on "Extract here"
    Launch Terminal (Keyboard Shortcut : Ctrl+Alt+T)
    Go to that location where you extracted the file
    Run this command : sudo mv libflashplayer.so \/usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins
    Launch Mozilla Firefox and check do you have Adobe Flash Player

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