Flashback area !!!

Can anyone tell me how clean my flashback area ???
it is full ...

In fact flashback logs are automatically deleted by the database, if you delete them manually, next database startup may fail with the following error in the Alert log:
ORA-38701: Flashback database log 1 seq 1 thread 1: "string"
ORA-27041: unable to open file
OSD-04002: unable to open file
O/S-Error: (OS 2) The system cannot find the file specified.So, you may do as follow:
sqlplus /nolog
connect / as sysdba
shutdown immediate
startup mount
alter database flashback off;
alter database flashback on;
alter database open;Normally, all the flashback logs will be deleted.
If you have some Restore Point, you'll have to drop them before disabling and re-enabling flashback.
For dropping Restore Point you may have a look on the following link:
Afterwards, you may reduce the DB_FLASHBACK_RETENTION_TARGET parameter or, increase the disk space for the FRA and increase DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE accordingly.
Hope this help.
Best regards,
Edited by: Lubiez Jean-Valentin on Jul 18, 2010 11:22 AM

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    Thanks all for the confirmation, it's just as I suspected.
    I would have loved this as a feature request, because logically the guaranteed restore point requires space and would halt operations to do so, whereas the normal restore point is a 'nice to have':
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    Note: there is nothing else in the flashback area except the logs.

    Yes, you can use following to perform cleaning
    there is another way of cleaning your flash recovery area (not recommended though)
    reduce the value of db_recovery_file_dest_size. Make it less than the total space occupied by the flash back logs.
    Hope it helps.

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    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-16038: log 2 sequence# 246 cannot be archived
    ORA-19809: limit exceeded for recovery files
    ORA-00312: online log 2 thread 1: 'E:\ORACLEDATA\SILO5\REDO02.LOG'
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    Daniel, considering that the flashback area amounts to a hot online backup then it should be configured to hold a full database backup and all archived redo log files generated between backups. This means to take full advantage of the feature you need for the flashback area to be larger than the database.
    But if you cannot afford this much space you can set the db_flashback_retention_target to a shorter period of time. This will reduce the period of time that you can flashback to but it will reduce the space requirements of the feature.
    HTH -- Mark D Powell --

  • Flashback area size

    I need a brief summary how flashback works.
    Flashback is on. The destination is an ASM Storage +Flash/Flashback
    These are the settings:
    db_flashback_retention_target 4800 (minutes)
    db_recovery_file_dest +FLASH
    db_recovery_file_dest_size 147000M
    But my Flashback area is filling up.
    Why are the files are not deleted automatically ?
    Does the parameter db_recovery_file_dest_size have any impact on that configuration.
    Is it filling up to this limit until its cleanup ?
    What other parameters does have an impact to the flashback area and cleanup process ?

    user3930650 wrote:
    I need a brief summary how flashback works.
    Flashback is on. The destination is an ASM Storage +Flash/Flashback
    These are the settings:
    db_flashback_retention_target 4800 (minutes)
    db_recovery_file_dest +FLASH
    db_recovery_file_dest_size 147000M
    But my Flashback area is filling up.
    Why are the files are not deleted automatically ?
    Does the parameter db_recovery_file_dest_size have any impact on that configuration.
    Is it filling up to this limit until its cleanup ?The retention parameter is NOT for all the files except just the flashback logs. So if you have a flashback logs available older than the retention parameter given, those would be deleted automatically. Other files are based on the retention policy that you have set for your databae which would trigget whether the files are eligible to get deleted or not. Oracle would throw an alert if the FRA is filled up to 90% of the total space but it won't increase it automatically so for that, you do need to increase the size manually.
    What other parameters does have an impact to the flashback area and cleanup process ?Please see my above reply for the same.
    Also, please mention your db version all the time even when you think it would be completely not required!

  • Flashback area sync

    Hi guys.
    I have problem with the flashback logs.
    I deleted the logs with the os command and i suppose i have a problem with sinchronization
    of the database and the real state on the filesystem where the flash logs are(were).
    This is the output from :
    select * from v$FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA_USAGE
    CONTROLFILE                   0                         0               0
    ONLINELOG                     0                         0               0
    ARCHIVELOG                86.61                         0            3422
    BACKUPPIECE                   0                         0               0
    IMAGECOPY                     0                         0               0
    FLASHBACKLOG              13.42                         0             106..destination
    sho parameter db_recovery
    NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
    db_recovery_file_dest                string      /u01/lun0/gmigr1/archcount of the files in the destination :
    find . -type f | wc -l
    466and db_recovery_file_dest_size is
    db_recovery_file_dest_size           big integer 350G
    df -h
    794G  578G  217G  73% /u01With this setup I have the entry in the alert log all the time :
    ORA-19815: WARNING: db_recovery_file_dest_size of 375809638400 bytes is 100.00% used, and has 0 remaining bytes available.I try to do sync with the RMAN crosschek and delete but v$FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA_USAGE still shows the wrong status.
    Maybe i didn't do it like i shoud.
    Do you have any suggestions ?
    DB is on RHEL 4

    Thanks vathomas .
    I did it this way:
    RMAN> crosscheck archivelog all;
    RMAN> delete expired archivelog all;..it appeared i had expired archive logs which coused Oracel to wrong interpret flash area usage....
    thanks you for advice.

  • Flashback Recovery area Full in Oracle 10g

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    Archive destination is USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST
    Our DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST =/S01/app/oracle/flash_recovery_area/
    We got the Error:- ORA-00257
    Inorder to resolve the error we changed the log_archive_dest_1='/S01/app/oracle/db/archive'
    now the archive destination is changed to /S01/app/oracle/db/archive
    Archive logs getting generated in the above directory from now onwards.
    In the mean time i moved all the files from /S01/app/oracle/flash_recovery_area/
    to diff directory.
    But the below query gives still the space used is 3935.27 MB, where physically there are no files in /S01/app/oracle/flash_recovery_area/
    When will these values in the query update. Is there anything i have to do to reclaim the space 3935.27 MB (in the query below). Now after reclaiming the space, i want to use the Flash Back Recovery area (/S01/app/oracle/flash_recovery_area/) for the archive logs, like a switchback to where we are initially. How to reclaim the space ? How to switch back archive logs to Flash Back Recovery Area (/S01/app/oracle/flash_recovery_area/).
    Please the below report for the above conversation.
    Sat May 20 page 1
    Flash Recovery Area Status
    Space Space Reclm
    Limit Used Space
    File Name (MB) (MB) (MB) Files
    /S01/app/oracle/flash_recovery_a 4000.00 3935.27 3935.27 90
    Experts share your experience. Appreciate your reply in this regard..........

    In UNIX style environments you often don't see reclaimed space until the database is restarted. Backup the database and archivelogs and the flashback area shoudl take care of itself in future. If not, you can always delete obsolete archivelogs manually by using the DELETE command in RMAN.
    To cleanup now, first you must tell RMAN that the files you've moved are no longer available:
    crosscheck archivelog all;
    You can then delete the obsolete archivelogs using the following RMAN command:
    delete obsolete;
    I'm assuming you use RMAN for all your backups :)

  • Flashback Recovery Area Usage near 100% - what happens next?

    I am fairly new to Oracle flashback. I have a database which is nearing 100% usage of the flashback area. Until now, I've just been increasing the size to delay the inevitable. I've also gone and pruned archivelogs (using OS commands) from the fra, but this does not seem to have any effect. What I wanted to know is, what will happen if I let it reach 100%. Will the database cease functioning or will it prune files that it no longer needs and free space on its own?
    Thanks for any insight you can provide.

    geeter wrote:
    Thank you.
    With respect to "how" I am using flashback, this is something that also confuses me. It seems as if "Flashback Database" has NOT been enabled, but I know that I can flashback a table within my database by enabling row movement on it. I have specified USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST as the location to multiplex archivelogs and I use the EM dbconsole to take full backups of the database which seems to also populate a directory "autobackup" even though the backups are directed somewhere else. My guess is that I do NOT have flashback enabled in the sense you meant. I'd appreciate any clarification.To enabling flashback you have to issue ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK command at mount stage in 10g(can at open stage in 11g) and you can check it from V$DATABASE.FLASHBACK_ON column.If it is 'YES' then that is enabled else is not.In additionally you performed FLASHBACK TABLE feature this is based on undo tablespaces(undo information and related undo settings/parameter) and nothing relationship with FLASHBACK DATABASE.

  • Why do we have to flashback the failed primary DB to make it the new standby ?

    RDBMS Version:
    Platform : RHEL 5.8
    Standby Type : Physical Standby
    Primary DB name        : berlin
    Standby DB Unique name : lisbon
    Lets say berlin DB goes down due to a hardware failure so lisbon is made the Primary DB. Now lisbon is running without a standby DB.
    berlin crashed --------> at SCN 4000
    lisbon takes over ------> from SCN 4000 and proceeds
    In the below url, some steps involving flashback are mentioned on how to make the failed primary (berlin) the new physical standby.
    berlin DB crashed at SCN 4000. So, to make berline the new physical standby , can't we just run
    and mount the DB and start the Redo apply ?
    Why do we need to flashback the old primary DB to SCN 4000. Wasn't berlin DB already at SCN 4000 when it crashed?

    The key is the SCN must be at exactly the same point the Standby became Primary.
    Generally you want to use Flashback so the "Old primary" can be at a point where it can become the new Standby. Once you are there you can use Switchover to return the Data Guard setup.
    To get the correct SCN I use :
    Flashback complete.
    Database altered
    If you don't have flashback you can use RMAN to perform the same thing.
    Best Regards

  • Problem with SPACE_RECLAIMABLE in Oracle Flashback

    Hi All,
    I have oracle version running. I have some queries.
    Recently I am learning about flashback technology.
    What my issue is that the SPACE_RECLAIMABLE column always shows 0 although there is enough space in the flashback area.
    Snapshot is as below.
    SQL> select * from v$recovery_file_dest;
    C:\app\mudassar\fast_recovery_area 4353687552 104857600 0 2
    I am not able to understand why? Where is the issue?
    As per my understanding this should show the space that is free..
    Please guide me on same.

    822922 wrote:
    Hi All,
    I have oracle version running. I have some queries.
    Recently I am learning about flashback technology.
    What my issue is that the SPACE_RECLAIMABLE column always shows 0 although there is enough space in the flashback area.
    Snapshot is as below.
    SQL> select * from v$recovery_file_dest;
    C:\app\mudassar\fast_recovery_area 4353687552 104857600 0 2
    I am not able to understand why? Where is the issue?
    As per my understanding this should show the space that is free..
    Please guide me on same.http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/server.112/e25513/dynviews_2125.htm#REFRN30304
    SPACE_RECLAIMABLE      NUMBER      Total amount of disk space (in bytes) that can be created by deleting obsolete, redundant, and other low priority files from the fast recovery area
    and probably
    It does not show the space that is free, it shows the space that COULD BE freed if you removed files (see the list of possible files above) from the FRA.

  • Flashback database log status

    My question are
    - how come the oldest_flashback_scn is 0
    - how come oldest_flashback_time is empty
    And I can still do "as of" query
    SQL> select * from v$version;
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE Production
    TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    SQL> select
    3 to_char(oldest_flashback_time,'Dy DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),
    7 from v$flashback_database_log;
    0 15 151461888 67700736
    SQL> select count(*) from test1 as of scn 364263;

    I've setup Flashback and was working properly. I meant to setup a very small size of flashback area and tried to make it to be filled then I get oldest flashback scn "0" from the view v$flashback_database_log. Can anyone explain this for me please?
    and it was like this
    545777 Thu 25-Mar-2010 16:56:27
    Thanks gurus
    Edited by: HenryLiu on 25/03/2010 15:16
    Edited by: HenryLiu on 25/03/2010 15:21

  • Deleted guarantee restroe point (flashback database)?

    User create restore "guarantee" restore point like:
    create restore point full_restore guarantee flashback database;By mistake he/her delete all flashback content. Database is shutdowned.
    After trying to open, there is a know problem with flashback restore point.
    All around the internet there is a hint like:
    startup mount;
    alter database flashback off;
    alter database flashback on;
    alter database open resetlogs;But here is a problem with "guarantee" restore point which doesn't allow to open the database without having flashback files that will ensure "guarantee restore point".
    Oracle will rather die then not to ensure "guarantee" statement!!! All looks that this is a dead end situation!
    My question is : What to do in such a situation if you do not have backup ed flashback area and content is somehow lost.
    This lead to very interesting question: How danger is "guaranteed restore point" in such a cases?
    Any hint or comments more then welcome.
    Sorry if this is not right group for asking about flashback....

    'Flashback database' is a nice feature, but you should never rely on it entirely. If you've lost your flashback logs and NO regular backups are available, in case of a media crash, you are in a bad situation, because you cannot restore/recover,

  • How to delete archivelogs once they are applied on Physical Standby

    We have Primary and Physical Standby.
    According to Note, ID 331924.1, we have
    on Primary:
    RMAN configuration parameters are:
    on Standby:
    RMAN configuration parameters are:
    I would like to delete the archivelogs from Primary(as soon as they are applied to standby) as well as from standby and schedule a RMAN script which will run every hourly. The archivelogs are taken on flashback area.
    Please guide.

    Handle: chakra
    Status Level: Newbie
    Registered: Oct 27, 2006
    Total Posts: 107
    Total Questions:  56 (46 unresolved)
    Name Anirban
    Why so many open questions. Close the answered questions, give points and keep forum clean.
    Refer the below link
    Best Way to monitor standby, primary databases, including alert logs, etc.
    Edited by: jazz81 on 10-May-2012 16:38

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