
I have tried to load flash 11.3.300.257 3 times because I wanted to view some trailers on vudu and kept getting that prompt. So 3 times I get msg you are now running flashplayer l go ahead and restart my laptop go to programs no flashplayer......also get same message at vudu keeps prompting me to download this version of flash player HELP this is just a pain now I dont even care about vudu just whats the deal?????

This is the Flash Media Server forum. For better answers regarding Flash Player please post your questions here : http://forums.adobe.com/community/flashplayer

Similar Messages

  • I'm having trouble installing Flash Player 11.3.300.257

    Last week I got an automatic pop up to update Flash Player. I did as I normally do and a little while later I noticed that Flash Player is no longer working on my computer.
    My system:
    Dell Precision Workstation 690
    Windows 7 Ultimate (64 bit)
    Mozilla Firefox 12.0
    I have full administrative rights on this computer
    I can provide other info as requested.
    The steps I have taken so far:
    The initial update installation appeared to work normally with no hang ups or delays. At the end of the installation Firefox opened to the Adobe page saying the installation was succesful. However, it became clear when I tried to watch video on Youtube and other sites that Flash was not operational.
    I went to the Flash download page again and tried the installation again, but had the exact same result.
    I checked the Plug-Ins in Firefox tools and it verified I have the latest plug ins installed for Flash Player.
    Rebooted the system and tried again. Same result. (I later shut down the system overnight and the next day tried again with the same result)
    I found the Flash Player uninstaller and ran that. Rebooted. Installed latest version. Same result as before (Installation seems to complete as normal but Flash is not working).
    I tried a clean installation per these instructions; http://forums.adobe.com/thread/928315
    I got the exact same result as before.
    Throughout the process, including after the clean install, I have checked this page http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/find-version-flash-player.html
    Each time I see the same thing - Under where it says "Can you see the movie below?" I see nothing. No movie and not even a grey box. Just blank white page until I see the box saying "Yes I can" and "No I can't".
    In another thread similar to this ( http://forums.adobe.com/message/4421001#4421001 ), someone asked the original poster this:
    "What files do you have in
    C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash ?
    C:\Windows\syswow64\Macromed\Flash ?
    Can you also post the contents of the FlashInstall.log files from both these folders?"
    In a pre-emptive effort if it helps anyone, this is my answer to that request:
    C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash ?
    C:\Windows\syswow64\Macromed\Flash ?
    FlashInstall.log (from C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash)
    =O====== M/11.3.300.257 2012-06-11+15-35-56.121 ========
    0000 [I] 00000010 "C:\Users\cad 01\AppData\Local\Temp\install_flash_player.exe" -install -iv 8 -au 0
    0001 [W] 00001036 Software\Macromedia\FlashPlayerPlugin/Version 2
    0002 [W] 00001036 Software\Macromedia\FlashPlayerPlugin/PlayerPath 2
    0003 [I] 00000020 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerCPLApp.cpl
    0004 [I] 00000011 1
    0005 [W] 00001037 SOFTWARE\MozillaPlugins\@adobe.com/FlashPlayer/ 2
    0006 [W] 00001037 SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Adobe Flash Player Plugin/ 2
    0007 [W] 00001036 Software\Mozilla\Firefox\extensions/Plugins 2
    0008 [W] 00001036 Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Firefox\extensions/Plugins 2
    0009 [W] 00001036 Software\Opera Software/Last CommandLine 2
    0010 [W] 00001036 Software\Opera Software/Last CommandLine 2
    0011 [W] 00001036 Software\Opera Software/Plugin Path 2
    0012 [W] 00001036 Software\Opera Software/Plugin Path 2
    0013 [I] 00000014 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_11_3_300_257.dll
    0014 [I] 00000015 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashUtil32_11_3_300_257_Plugin.exe
    0015 [I] 00000017 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash
    0016 [I] 00000019 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerCPLApp.cpl
    0017 [I] 00000022 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerPlugin_11_3_300_257.exe
    0018 [I] 00000021 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe
    0019 [I] 00000012
    =X====== M/11.3.300.257 2012-06-11+15-36-04.249 ========
    FlashInstall.log (from C:\Windows\syswow64\Macromed\Flash)
    =O====== M/11.3.300.257 2012-06-11+15-35-56.121 ========
    0000 [I] 00000010 "C:\Users\cad 01\AppData\Local\Temp\install_flash_player.exe" -install -iv 8 -au 0
    0001 [W] 00001036 Software\Macromedia\FlashPlayerPlugin/Version 2
    0002 [W] 00001036 Software\Macromedia\FlashPlayerPlugin/PlayerPath 2
    0003 [I] 00000020 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerCPLApp.cpl
    0004 [I] 00000011 1
    0005 [W] 00001037 SOFTWARE\MozillaPlugins\@adobe.com/FlashPlayer/ 2
    0006 [W] 00001037 SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Adobe Flash Player Plugin/ 2
    0007 [W] 00001036 Software\Mozilla\Firefox\extensions/Plugins 2
    0008 [W] 00001036 Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Firefox\extensions/Plugins 2
    0009 [W] 00001036 Software\Opera Software/Last CommandLine 2
    0010 [W] 00001036 Software\Opera Software/Last CommandLine 2
    0011 [W] 00001036 Software\Opera Software/Plugin Path 2
    0012 [W] 00001036 Software\Opera Software/Plugin Path 2
    0013 [I] 00000014 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_11_3_300_257.dll
    0014 [I] 00000015 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashUtil32_11_3_300_257_Plugin.exe
    0015 [I] 00000017 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash
    0016 [I] 00000019 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FlashPlayerCPLApp.cpl
    0017 [I] 00000022 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerPlugin_11_3_300_257.exe
    0018 [I] 00000021 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe
    0019 [I] 00000012
    =X====== M/11.3.300.257 2012-06-11+15-36-04.249 ========
    I have never had an issue updating Flash Player on this computer before and nothing of any significance has changed (ie, hardware, software, admin rights, etc). I'm at a total loss and I would appreciate any advice anyone could give.

    Flash Player Protected Mode provides a modern, sophisticated set of security protections that we see as critical in today's security landscape. 
    We highly recommend that users not disable ProtectedMode.  Also, it's worth noting that by manually changing your mms.cfg, you have opted out of Protected Mode for all future versions of Flash Player, as we will continue to honor that preference. This puts your system at risk, and that risk will continue to grow over time. 
    Ultimately, this is an issue with the RealPlayer Browser Record plug-in.  There is a more technical explanation in the Mozilla bug referenced above in the thread, but the simplified version is that the security enhancements designed to prevent the introduction of malware via Flash Player make RealPlayer Browser Record plug-in no longer compatible with Flash Player for Firefox.  You can disable the record functionality to eliminate this issue, while retaining the ability to view both Flash and Real Player content.
    To disable the Real Player Browser Record functionality while maintaining the enhanced security provided by Flash Player with Protected Mode, do the following:
        Launch RealPlayer
        Click the RealPlayer icon in the upper-left corner of the window, and choose Preferences
        Choose Download & Recording from the left-hand menu
        Uncheck "Enable Web Download & Recording for these installed browser"
        Click OK

  • Adobe Flash Player 11.3.300.257 bug

    Adobe Flash Player 11.3.300.257
    firefox 12
    windows 7 famillial 64 bits sp1
    processeur dual core 8500
    carte video nvidia 560gtx 1go
    carte son creative x-fi  64 mo
    5 go ddr2
    quand je vais ecouter de la musique sur youtub image saccade et son decaler puis crash du systeme adobe flash player 11.3.r300 ne fonctionne plus windows se met a chercher la cause j'ai dut reinstaller la version et la tout refonctionne donc la mise a jour et a revoir au niveaux de la compatibiliter tous mes programmes son a jour sauf   adobe flash player 11.3.300.257

    Il s'agit de la version en langue anglaise du Forum Adobe -
    Vous voudrez peut-être poser votre question sur le forum Adobe langue française.

  • Win 7 / FF 13 - Flash 11.3.300.257 doesn't work

    OS: Win 7 64bit
    Browser: Firefox 13
    Flash Player: 11.3.300.257
    Since updating to the above Flash Player version, flash isn't working anymore, which simply means, nothing related to flash is working if using Firefox. Flash is still working with Chrome and IE 9.
    Flash 11.3.300.257 is also working with Win XP / Firefox 13.
    I've deinstalled and reinstalled twice, but it didn't help. As far as I can see there are other people having trouble with this lastest Flash version in Firefox.
    Is it possible to get the previous Flash Player version which was running with Win 7 64bit / Firefox 13? Would be great because I guess it'll take a while until this problem gets solved.

    This issue is caused by an incompatibility between Flash Player on Firefox and the RealPlayer Browser Record Plugin for Firefox.  Disabling the RealPlayer plug-in will resolve the issue for you.
    There's more detail over in this thread: http://forums.adobe.com/message/4486789#4486789
    To disable the Real Player Browser Record functionality while maintaining the enhanced security provided by Flash Player with Protected Mode, do the following:
        Exit Firefox
        Launch RealPlayer
        Click the RealPlayer icon in the upper-left corner of the window, and choose Preferences
        Choose Download & Recording from the left-hand menu
        Uncheck "Enable Web Download & Recording for these installed browser"
        Click OK

  • What is the problem with Adobe Flash Player 11.3.300.257?

    I tried to update to Adobe Flash Player 11.3.300.257 using FireFox. I get the screen that says "initializing" and that seems to go okay. I am then shown the screen that asks me how I want to handle updates. I choose notify me. Then the download starts. It completes 47% and then I get a message that says Timed Out. Adobe does not seem to have any solutions. I downloaded it fine on Internet Explorer. FF is the only problem

    Currently, I don't have any version of Flash installed as a plug-in on Firefox.
    On Internet Explorer, I downloaded the 11.xxx - no problem.
    The previous version of Flash for Firefox was 10.3.xxx - I was using that until I went to a frequently visited website and it prompted me to update to the latest version.
    I began the download.
    First thing I saw was the installer started "Initializing." That stopped and then I was ask to select an update method (automatic, notify me, no update). I selected Notify Me. I clicked Next and then download and install started. It stopped at 47% and gave me a Timed Out message. It then said that it was unable to install. I turned off my antivirus software etc. No luck. No message that I can find indicates that it is getting blocked.
    One of the suggestions I read was that, if the 11.xxx version did not download and install, then I should uninstall the earlier versions. I did this. Still no success. The problem continues.
    Bing Maps: That has been going on for about one year. I cannot get any search results if I type in a location. The map appears for a brief second and then disappears. It is like it is getting blocked but I cannot figure out how. It does not happen on IE. I was using Firefox on Bing maps fine - this was an overnight change.

  • PLUG INS check tells me that Shockwave Flash plugin is outdated. But when I check on Adobe website, I have the current version of this plugin (11.3.300.257)

    PLUG INS check tells me that Shockwave Flash plugin is outdated. But when I check on Adobe website, I have the current version of this plugin (11.3.300.257)
    I saw similar posts, but none recent.

    I'm having the same issue...
    According to the Shockwave homepage, I have the lastest version installed. It's only when I visit the Firefox plug-in update page, that I'm told it's outdated.

  • Flash player 11.3.300.257 plays video too fast

    I have just updated to the lastest version of flashplayer 11.3.300.257.  Now, all vidoes in youtube and bbc iplayer etc that use flashplayer run very fast and without sound (just like fast forwarding x4).
    I am on Windows Vista Business Edition (all updates included)
    Browser is IE9.
    I have tried a clean reinstall of flash player a number of times but same issue.
    I have cleared caches and deleted all history etc via the advanced section of the software.
    I have also removed the hardware acceleration.  Nothing has helped.
    However, if i run in "safe mode" it seems to run at the correct speed.  I have uninstalled all recent software updates (such as skype) but still the issue remains.  Is it likely to be a conflict issue?
    I have tried to install a previous version of flashplayer from the archives page but get an error message 1722.
    Can anyone help?

    For my reference, here's the bug:
    https://bugbase.adobe.com/index.cfm?event=bug&id=3217331 - Flash player 11.3.300.257 plays video too fast
    In order to get traction on this, they're going to need to be able to reproduce it.
    It would be great if you could do two things:
    - Provide direct links to a couple videos that reproduce this problem. 
      If they're on different sites, and based in the US, even better.  (Geographic restrictions make it hard to troubleshoot.  We can VPN, but that can mask/introduce network and timing problems.)
    - Provide the output of dxdiag.exe
      Go to Start > Run > and type "debugdiag" no qoutes, then hit [Enter]
    Save the output and attach it to the bug above.

  • Flash Player 11.3.300.257 has issues with Firefox 13

    Yesterday I did a speedtest on http://speedtest.ziggo.nl. My download value was the same as my upload value so I contacted my provider to see if there was a problem. Discovered myself that the problem wasn't my internet connection but the update of Flash Player I did some hours earlier. On Internet Explorer and Chrome I get normal download values when I do a speedtest, but on Firefox the download value is the same as the upload value. Also I get a lot of 'Flash Player is crashing' popup windows.
    I use Firefox 13 on Windows x64. Updated to Flash Player 11.3.300.257.
    I uninstalled Flash using Adobe's uninstaller and installed a previous version (11.2) and everything was working fine again. I got normal download and upload values when doing above speedtest. When I updated to 11.3.300.257 again, the download value was as low as the upload value again and besides that a lot of Flash error popups again.
    So apparently the Flash Player 11.3.300.257 plugin for Firefox has a serious bug of some kind?

    Hey Chris,
    I was able to duplicate this issue on my Windows 7 laptop as follows:
         1)  Completely uninstall FlashPlayer (using your tool) as well as Mozilla Firefox and Mozilla Maintenance Service (used Windows 7 - uninstall from Control Panel).  Please note that I checked the box that said "Remove my Firefox personal data and customizations" to ensure that Firefox was completely gone from my laptop.
         2)  I then went out to the Firefox website and downloaded the "Firefox Setup 13.0.1.exe" app to my laptop.  I ran this app to install Firefox.
         3)  I then went to the following website http://www.ishmael.org.uk/karaoke02.php as I know that this URL uses Flash Player (obviously you can go to any URL that uses Flash Player - I'm just letting you know which one I used).  I then clicked on the icon on this page to install Flash Player.
    Once the install was completed, the URL stops responding and appears to be locked up (although it will occassionally hiccup and display portions of the page and then lock up again).  You will eventually get a pop-up notice from Firefox that has the header "Warning:  Unresponsive script" and says the following: 
         A script on this page may be busy or it may have stopped responding.  You can stop the script now, or you can continue to to see of the script will complete.  Script:  chrome://browser/content/browser.js:6551 
    Selecting "Stop script" will get Firefox working until you hit another page that uses Flash Player.
    To ensure that the above URL is not the culprit, I used one from your website http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/find-version-flash-player.html and had the same results.
    Hope this info helps!
    NOTE:  As a reminder, I do not have RealPlayer installed on my laptop (and never have had it installed)

  • 11.3.300.257 only has 2 channel audio

    After update the player to 11.3.300.257 few days ago.
    In IE8, all audio of flash video only has 2 channel left.
    Before this, I have 4.1 channel.
    There is no problem on Chrome or Firefox.
    What can I do to have 4.1 back?

    Could you take a minute and vote for the following bug and include a copy of your system's dxdiag report?

  • SCUP/SCCM install of 11.3.300.257 fails

    I'm having trouble deploying the new combined 32/64bit version of Flash published through the SCUP cab catalog and SCCM Software Updates deployment. On every one of my machines the update fails with the same error. I have a mixed environment of Win XP 32bit and Win 7 64 bit machines.
    I've previously had no trouble at all deploing Flash (and other Adobe updates) updates using the SCUP catalog and SCCM. It is first with 11.3.300.257, where the msi contains binaries for both 32 and 64 bit, that i experiece issues.
    The error i get in the WindowsUpdate.log is:
    WUAHandler.log (SCCM related log) gives the error:
    Installation job encountered some failures: Error = 0x80240022.
    UpdatesHandler.log (SCCM related log) gives the error:
    Update execution failed.
    The Windows Application Event Log displays nothing in relation to the msi, so no usefull info there.
    Anyone else out there with the same issues, or with some guidance?

    Have, I am having the exact same problem. But 90% of my machines are fine. It is the about 30 machines, about 10% of the total, which fail with this error message. I cant see anything wrong with these machines, or anything in common thats different from the machines that patch ok.
    This has occurred with all Flash ActiveX updates for Internet Explorer since I began using SCUP with SCCM.
    any other advice that could be of use? Thanks!

  • Since I updated Flash Player to 11.3.300.257 today(06.09.2012), it freezes on launch.

    On today's morning(06.09.2012) I updated my Flash Player to 11.3.300.257 and then launched Firefox. As soon as a site started to appear in browser, Firefox frozen.
    So I launched with all add-ons disabled and managed to confirm that Firefox freezes only when Shockwave Flash plugin is enabled
    I tried to uninstall and install Flash Player, tried to mess with plugin container, but nothind helped

    you dont change the name of the file it will still look like mms.cfg what u have to do is open the file with notepad as administrator and you will see this
    then type in the "ProtectedMode = 0" under that so it looks like this
    ProtectedMode = 0
    then go file save and click save if it says access denied its because ur not running notepad as administrator
    click on the windows button go to the search bar and type "notepad" right click notepad and select run as administrator then go to file, open, and type mms.cfg in the bar next to filename click open add the ProtectedMode = 0 line and save it

  • Flash Player 11.3.300.257 crashes Firefox 13 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION_EXEC

    bug reported: https://bugbase.adobe.com/index.cfm?event=bug&id=3210091
    Add mine to the dozen or so (and growing) threads reporting similar after "upgrade" to newest Flash 11.3.300.257

    Hey Chris,
    here my first crash: flash crash (feedback has been sent)
    1) open all these videos
    2) workaround: change video quality to get all the videos buffering in pause mode.
    3) all the videos are ready for watching.  flash plugin RAM : 800MB!
    play this video. full screen mode.
    then, after a few seconds, move the pointer to return to the beginning
    => 6) the video exit the full screen mode > expanded mode with a " ! " in the video window.
    7) flash plugin does crash
    send the feedback
    9) reload all the videos. now the flash ram = 400MB!!!
    never seen a flash crash in the past, even if I did open 15 YT videos 1080p.!!
    please watch these reports:
    crash: bp-e3b86a68-f646-4136-ba96-77f212120623
    crash: bp-8d7717ae-0af2-4486-8a05-ab39f2120623

  • Adobe Flash Player 11.3.300.257 isn't working properly.

    Hi! Ever since I updated my flash player I haven't been able to use anything that uses flash. It just keeps crashing every few pages and lagging. The browser I use is Firefox and my PC is a Windows 7. I was wondering if it's happening to others too and if you're working on fixing it? Or should I just try to download the older version instead?

    I'm sorry you are running into this problem with Firefox.  If Flash content is causing your browser to crash, at this time I'd recommend reverting back to a previous version.  We are hard at work on solving this problem, but we do not have a fix available yet.
    How do I revert to a previous version of Flash Player?

  • Adobe Flash 11.3.300.257 Install issue with SCCM

    I've been using SCCM (Currently 2007 R3) to install Flash at my orginization for several years.  Always setup the same way and always worked.  Until now.
    I create a distribution, set the install to be `msiexec /i install_flash_player_11_active_x_32bit.msi /qn`, create an advertisement, assign it to a collection, and wait.
    On my two test boxes (One Windows 7 fully patches and one Windows XP fully patched) I get the same error.
    Windows Installer per-user elevation of this program ("010004B5" - "Install Flash") failed for advertisement "01022398".This program was started. Please check the status of this program to determine whether or not it was completed sucessfully Possible causes: The version of Windows Installer on the computer is less than version 2.0, or the setup program does not support Windows Installer per-user elevated rights installations. Possible solutions: Update the version of Windows Installer on the computer to version 2.0 or later, or contact the software vendor that supplied the install program to determine if a version of setup that supports per-user elevated rights is available.
    The program does not run and Flash is not installed.
    I know windows installer is fine so It has to be the msi. 
    Anybody else having this issue?

    Hi Cris,
    I modified my install to be `msiexec /i install_flash_player_11_active_x_32bit.msi /qn /L+* "C:\foo\flash.log"` and gave it another run.
    The good news is that it made the flash.log.  The bad news is that it is empty.  I'm going to try again with the x and v extra logging.
    I'll let you know.

  • Non-responsive scripts after installing Flash Player 11.3.300.257

    Adding more info, I do not happen to have RealPlayer installed.
    After updating FlashPlayer to the latest version I experienced non-responsive scripts - I use NoScript plugin with Firefox, as well as Java 7 update 4.

    Java 7 update 5 has been just released, thanks for replying.
    I did not install it though, in order to try to reproduce the problem.
    I am a Mechatronics Engineer and I have a non-common OS and software configuration.
    There is a numerical simulation application in my system which requires a programming language compiler to run, and such compiler requires the OS primary SDK and framework to be "understood" by the system.
    That said, I believe all the debugging routines might be somehow limiting FlashPlayer abstraction layer functionalities.
    As awkward as it may seem now, Firefox did not crash after one absolutely random measure I took.
    I opened this page: http://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/downloads.html and downloaded Windows Flash Player 11.3 Plugin content debugger (for Netscape-compatible browsers) from this link: http://download.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/updaters/11/flashplayer_11_plugin_debug.exe.
    Although there is a hanging before opening the about page and Youtube, flash content is indeed presented.
    Well, there might be a different abstraction layer approach regarding this content debugger version.
    I wait for further insight from you guys.

Maybe you are looking for