Flex Spark Border Only On 3 Sides of Button

I have a skin class whose host component is a Toggle Button. I need to be able to add a border around it but only on the top, left, and right sides, As I understand it you have to the: <s:Line> component. So I added:
          <s:Line   left="0" top="0" right="0">
                              <s:LinearGradientStroke  rotation="180" weight="2" caps="square">
                                        <s:GradientEntry color="0xffffff"
                                        <s:GradientEntry color="0xffffff"
                                                                                 alpha.selectedStates="1" />
This worked for the top line , But I can't seem to get the left and right lines. I tried: this for the left side line, but it did not work (no line showed up):
          <s:Line   left="0" top="0">
                              <s:LinearGradientStroke  rotation="90" weight="2" caps="square">
                                        <s:GradientEntry color="0xffffff"
                                        <s:GradientEntry color="0xffffff"
                                                                                 alpha.selectedStates="1" />
How can I achieve the 3 Lines around the button?

Ok I was able to add top and left side lines but I can't fifure out the right side line. What amn I doing wrong?
***TOP SIDE***
          <s:Line   left="0" top="0"  right="0">
                              <s:LinearGradientStroke  rotation="180" weight="1" caps="round" >
  <s:GradientEntry color="0x70706F"
  <s:GradientEntry color="0x70706F"
                                                                                 alpha.selectedStates="0" />
          <s:Line   left="0" top="0"  bottom="0">
                              <s:LinearGradientStroke  rotation="90" weight="1" caps="round" >
  <s:GradientEntry color="0x70706F"
  <s:GradientEntry color="0x70706F"
                                                                                 alpha.selectedStates="1" />
          <s:Line  right="0"  top="0" bottom="0">
                              <s:LinearGradientStroke  rotation="90" weight="1" caps="round" >
  <s:GradientEntry color="0x70706F"
  <s:GradientEntry color="0x70706F"
                                                                                 alpha.selectedStates="1" />

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  • Flex Spark DataGrid BUG skipping rows on refresh

    I have a small one file example that demonstrates this Flex DataGrid bug.
    I tried to report it to Flex bugs and the page timed out.
    I am filling a column in a spark datagrid with checkboxes to select that row.
    In the header of that column is a checkbox to select ALL the rows.
    However, the middle row is not getting refreshed so the display is wrong.
    The checkbox looks empty when the backing value is correct.
    I have added a print to the code that sets the values in the data and it is setting everyone.
    But when I print the isSelected code it is NOT being called on ONE (the middle) visible row.
    If I move away or scroll up and down the check box shows the check mark.
    So My only conclusion is that refresh has a bug.
    Here is the example that demonstrates the problem.
    Simply select the header checkbox and the 3rd checkbox does not get updated on refresh.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                                     xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="955" minHeight="600">
                                  import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                                  private static var values:Array = [
                                            {selected: false, position: 1},
                                            {selected: false, position: 2},
                                            {selected: false, position: 3},
                                            {selected: false, position: 4},
                                            {selected: false, position: 5}
                                  public static var datalist:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( values );
                                  public static function updateDataList( value:Boolean ):void
                                            for each( var item:Object in datalist ) {
                                                      trace( "updated: " + item.position );
                                                      item.selected = value;
              <s:DataGrid dataProvider="{datalist}">
                                            <s:GridColumn dataField="position" width="200"/>
                                            <s:GridColumn width="34" >
                                                                          <s:GridItemRenderer textAlign="center">
                                                                                                        private function changeSelection( data:Object, event:MouseEvent ):void
                                                                                                                  data.selected = ! data.selected;
                                                                                                        private function isSelected( data:Object ):Boolean
                                                                                                                  trace( "isSelected: " + data.position );
                                                                                                                  return data.selected;
                                                                                              <s:HorizontalLayout horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle"/>
                                                                                    <s:CheckBox id="selbox" label="" selected="{isSelected(data)}"
                                                                                                                  click="changeSelection(data, event)"/>
                                                                          <s:GridItemRenderer height="30">
                                                                                                        private static var selectAll:Boolean = false;
                                                                                                        private function changeAllSelection( event:MouseEvent ):void
                                                                                                                  selectAll = ! selectAll;
                                                                                                                  Main.updateDataList( selectAll );
                                                                                              <s:VerticalLayout horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle"/>
                                                                                    <s:CheckBox label="" selected="{selectAll}"
                                                                                                                  click="changeAllSelection(event)"/ >
    Here is an image of the failed result... after selecting the top checkbox.
    Below is an image of the output produced by the two traces.
    Notice that the refresh has not called isSelected on the 3rd element.

    I have a small one file example that demonstrates this Flex DataGrid bug.
    I tried to report it to Flex bugs and the page timed out.
    I am filling a column in a spark datagrid with checkboxes to select that row.
    In the header of that column is a checkbox to select ALL the rows.
    However, the middle row is not getting refreshed so the display is wrong.
    The checkbox looks empty when the backing value is correct.
    I have added a print to the code that sets the values in the data and it is setting everyone.
    But when I print the isSelected code it is NOT being called on ONE (the middle) visible row.
    If I move away or scroll up and down the check box shows the check mark.
    So My only conclusion is that refresh has a bug.
    Here is the example that demonstrates the problem.
    Simply select the header checkbox and the 3rd checkbox does not get updated on refresh.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                                     xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="955" minHeight="600">
                                  import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                                  private static var values:Array = [
                                            {selected: false, position: 1},
                                            {selected: false, position: 2},
                                            {selected: false, position: 3},
                                            {selected: false, position: 4},
                                            {selected: false, position: 5}
                                  public static var datalist:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( values );
                                  public static function updateDataList( value:Boolean ):void
                                            for each( var item:Object in datalist ) {
                                                      trace( "updated: " + item.position );
                                                      item.selected = value;
              <s:DataGrid dataProvider="{datalist}">
                                            <s:GridColumn dataField="position" width="200"/>
                                            <s:GridColumn width="34" >
                                                                          <s:GridItemRenderer textAlign="center">
                                                                                                        private function changeSelection( data:Object, event:MouseEvent ):void
                                                                                                                  data.selected = ! data.selected;
                                                                                                        private function isSelected( data:Object ):Boolean
                                                                                                                  trace( "isSelected: " + data.position );
                                                                                                                  return data.selected;
                                                                                              <s:HorizontalLayout horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle"/>
                                                                                    <s:CheckBox id="selbox" label="" selected="{isSelected(data)}"
                                                                                                                  click="changeSelection(data, event)"/>
                                                                          <s:GridItemRenderer height="30">
                                                                                                        private static var selectAll:Boolean = false;
                                                                                                        private function changeAllSelection( event:MouseEvent ):void
                                                                                                                  selectAll = ! selectAll;
                                                                                                                  Main.updateDataList( selectAll );
                                                                                              <s:VerticalLayout horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle"/>
                                                                                    <s:CheckBox label="" selected="{selectAll}"
                                                                                                                  click="changeAllSelection(event)"/ >
    Here is an image of the failed result... after selecting the top checkbox.
    Below is an image of the output produced by the two traces.
    Notice that the refresh has not called isSelected on the 3rd element.

  • Flex Spark Datagrid - Scalable (font size) with No scroll Bars

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    Is there a way to listen for the size change of the DataGrid? 
    I would probably need to change the font size to increase/decrease as the event gets fired on Datagrid Resize. 
    Any suggestions?

    I've pasted as much code as I can legally can.  What i would like to achieve is that when the the window resizes, the Content & the DataGrid Scales. I am also aware of scalemode on the VBox, though it scale oddly with width more than height (this is internal).
    Else, I tried:
    protected function vgroup1_addedToStageHandler(event:Event):void
                //stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.EXACT_FIT;
                stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.SHOW_ALL;
                stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
                scaleX = .5;
                scaleY = .5; 
                /* if(stage.stageWidth != (event.currentTarget as VGroup).width || stage.stageHeight != (event.currentTarget as VGroup).height)
                    var scaling:Number = 1;
                        scaling = stage.stageWidth / (event.currentTarget as VGroup).width;
                        scaling = stage.stageHeight / (event.currentTarget as VGroup).height;
                    scaleX = scaleY = scaling;
    == THIS IS All I can Post ==
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
            import mx.events.FlexEvent;
            import mx.events.ResizeEvent;
            import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
            import mx.rpc.xml.SimpleXMLDecoder;
            import mx.utils.ArrayUtil;
            import mx.utils.ObjectUtil;
            import spark.components.ResizeMode;
            import spark.effects.Resize;
            // Skin Colors
            private const ALTERNATING_GRID_COLOR:Array = [ 0xF5F5F0 , 0xE7E4E9 ];
            private const ROLL_OVER_COLOR:int = 0x6D9960;
            private const SELECTION_COLOR:int = 0x668F59;
            private const TEXT_FONT_SIZE:int = 11;
            private const TEXT_COLOR:int = 0x080808;
            private const SUMMARY_TEXT_COLOR:int = 0xFAAFFF;
            // First column width
            private var collectiveFirstColumnWidth:int = 160;
            private var collectiveValuesColumnWidth:int = 50;
            // XML data
            [Bindable] private var portfolioSummary1:XMLList;
            [Bindable] private var reconstructedAC:ArrayCollection;
            private function convertXmlToArrayCollection(file:String):ArrayCollection {
                var xml:XMLDocument = new XMLDocument(file);
                var decoder:SimpleXMLDecoder = new SimpleXMLDecoder();
                var data:Object = decoder.decodeXML(xml);
                var array:Array = ArrayUtil.toArray(data);
                return new ArrayCollection(array);
            private function convertToAC():void {
                var ac1:ArrayCollection = convertXmlToArrayCollection(psr1)
            private function restructureXMLIntoHierarchicalAC():void {
            private function addProperty(obj:Object, attribute:String, value:String):Object {
                var o:Object = obj;
                o[attribute] = value;
                return o;
            protected function httpservice1_resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
                portfolioSummary1 = event.result.Analytics.Side.Analytic as XMLList;
                trace('-----\nSide: Sell' + ObjectUtil.toString(event.result.Analytics.Side.(@name=='Sell')));
                trace('-----\nSide: Buy: Analytic Values : \n' + ObjectUtil.toString(event.result.Analytics.Side.(@name=='Buy').Analytic.@value));
                //dg.dataProvider = new XMLListCollection(portfolioSummary1);
                //dg.requestedRowCount = dg.dataProviderLength;
            protected function vgroup1_addedToStageHandler(event:Event):void
                //stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.EXACT_FIT;
                stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.SHOW_ALL;
                stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
                scaleX = .5;
                scaleY = .5; 
                /* if(stage.stageWidth != (event.currentTarget as VGroup).width || stage.stageHeight != (event.currentTarget as VGroup).height)
                    var scaling:Number = 1;
                        scaling = stage.stageWidth / (event.currentTarget as VGroup).width;
                        scaling = stage.stageHeight / (event.currentTarget as VGroup).height;
                    scaleX = scaleY = scaling;
            protected function vgroup1_resizeHandler(event:ResizeEvent):void
                (event.currentTarget as VGroup).resizeMode = ResizeMode.SCALE;
            <fx:XML id="psr1" source="data/PortfolioSummaryResponse1.xml" />
            <fx:XML id="psr2" source="data/PortfolioSummaryResponse2.xml" />
            <fx:XML id="psr3" source="data/PortfolioSummaryResponse3.xml" />
            <s:XMLListCollection id="headXMLListCol"
                source="{psr1.children()}" />
            <s:HTTPService id="portfolio_HS" result="httpservice1_resultHandler(event)"
                resultFormat="e4x" url="data/PortfolioSummaryResponse1.xml" />
        <s:VGroup id="vbox" width="100%" height="100%" top="0" left="0" bottom="0" gap="0" addedToStage="vgroup1_addedToStageHandler(event)">
            <!-- First DataGrid -->
            <components:ExpandableDataGrid5 id="dg"
                        <s:GridColumn id="field1" dataField="dataField1" headerText="Portfolio Summary"
                        <s:GridColumn id="field2" dataField="dataField2" headerText="Buy"
                        <s:GridColumn id="field3" dataField="dataField3" headerText="Sell"
                        <s:GridColumn id="field4" dataField="dataField4" headerText="Total"
                        <fx:Object dataField1="data1" dataField2="data2" dataField3="data2"  dataField4="data16"></fx:Object>
                        <fx:Object dataField1="data2" dataField2="data3" dataField3="data3" dataField4="data17"></fx:Object>
                        <fx:Object dataField1="data3" dataField2="data2" dataField3="data2"  dataField4="data16"></fx:Object>
                        <fx:Object dataField1="data4" dataField2="data3" dataField3="data3" dataField4="data17"></fx:Object>
                        <fx:Object dataField1="data5" dataField2="data2" dataField3="data2"  dataField4="data16"></fx:Object>
                        <fx:Object dataField1="data6" dataField2="data3" dataField3="data3" dataField4="data17"></fx:Object>
                        <fx:Object dataField1="data7" dataField2="data2" dataField3="data2"  dataField4="data16"></fx:Object>
                        <fx:Object dataField1="data8" dataField2="data3" dataField3="data3" dataField4="data17"></fx:Object>
                        <fx:Object dataField1="data9" dataField2="data2" dataField3="data2"  dataField4="data16"></fx:Object>
                        <fx:Object dataField1="data10" dataField2="data3" dataField3="data3" dataField4="data17"></fx:Object>
                        <fx:Object dataField1="data11" dataField2="data2" dataField3="data2"  dataField4="data16"></fx:Object>
                        <fx:Object dataField1="data12" dataField2="data3" dataField3="data3" dataField4="data17"></fx:Object>
                        <fx:Object dataField1="data13" dataField2="data3" dataField3="data3" dataField4="data17"></fx:Object>
                        <fx:Object dataField1="data14" dataField2="data3" dataField3="data3" dataField4="data17"></fx:Object>
                        <fx:Object dataField1="data15" dataField2="data3" dataField3="data3" dataField4="data17"></fx:Object>
            <!-- Summary Totals -->
            <components:SummaryRow >
                <s:Label text="Summary Totals" fontWeight="bold" color="{SUMMARY_TEXT_COLOR}"/>
                <s:Spacer width="100%" />
                <s:ButtonBar click="convertToAC()"> 
                        <fx:String>Convert to AC</fx:String>
                <s:ButtonBar click="restructureXMLIntoHierarchicalAC()"> 
                        <fx:String>Parse XML</fx:String>
                        <fx:String>15% POV</fx:String>
            <!-- Second Datagrid -->
            <components:ExpandableDataGrid5 id="dg2"
                        <s:GridColumn dataField="dataField1"
                        <s:GridColumn dataField="dataField2"
                        <s:GridColumn dataField="dataField3"
                        <s:GridColumn dataField="dataField4"
                    <fx:Object dataField1="data16" dataField2="data2" dataField3="data2"  dataField4="data16"></fx:Object>
                    <fx:Object dataField1="data17" dataField2="data3" dataField3="data3" dataField4="data17"></fx:Object>
            <!-- Summary Totals - values -->
                <s:Label text="Summary Totals - Values" width="100%" fontWeight="bold" color="{SUMMARY_TEXT_COLOR}"/>
            <!-- Third Datagrid -->
            <components:ExpandableDataGrid5 id="dg3"
                        <s:GridColumn dataField="dataField1"
                        <s:GridColumn dataField="dataField2"
                        <s:GridColumn dataField="dataField3"
                        <s:GridColumn dataField="dataField4"
                    <fx:Object dataField1="data18" dataField2="data2" dataField3="data3"  dataField4="data16"></fx:Object>
                    <fx:Object dataField1="data19" dataField2="data3" dataField3="data3" dataField4="data17"></fx:Object>
            <!-- Percent of Tops -->
                <s:Label text="Percent of Tops" color="{SUMMARY_TEXT_COLOR}" width="100%" fontWeight="bold"/>
            <!-- Fourth DataGrid -->
            <components:ExpandableDataGrid5 id="dg4"
                        <s:GridColumn dataField="dataField1"
                            itemRenderer="itemRenderers.LeftAlignGridItemRenderer"  />
                        <s:GridColumn dataField="dataField2"
                        <s:GridColumn dataField="dataField3"
                        <s:GridColumn dataField="dataField4"
                    <fx:Object dataField1="data20" dataField2="data1" dataField3="data1" dataField4="data20"></fx:Object>
                    <fx:Object dataField1="data21" dataField2="data2" dataField3="data2" dataField4="data21"></fx:Object>
                    <fx:Object dataField1="data22" dataField2="data3" dataField3="data3" dataField4="data22"></fx:Object>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:DataGrid xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                 import mx.events.FlexEvent;
                /*import mx.events.ResizeEvent;
                [Bindable] private var oldWidth:int;
                [Bindable] private var oldHeight:int;
                protected function thisDatagrid_resizeHandler(event:ResizeEvent):void
                    oldWidth = event.oldWidth;
                    oldHeight = event.oldHeight;
                override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void {
                    if (oldWidth < width) {
                        setStyle('fontSize', getStyle('fontSize') + 0.5); // might wanna~ width % height to increase by a certain pt
                        //this.scaleX += .1;
                    } else if (oldWidth > width) {
                        setStyle('fontSize', getStyle('fontSize') - 0.5);
                        //this.scaleX -= .1;
                    trace('unscaledWidth: ' + unscaledWidth);
                    trace('unscaledHeight: ' + unscaledHeight);
                    trace('explicitMinHeight: ' + explicitMinHeight);
                    trace('explicitMinWidth: ' + explicitMinWidth);
                    minHeight = measuredMinHeight;
                    super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
                protected function thisDatagrid_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                    requestedRowCount = dataProviderLength;
                    requestedMaxRowCount = dataProviderLength;
                    requestedMinRowCount = dataProviderLength;
                    minHeight = measuredHeight;
                /* protected function datagrid1_addedToStageHandler(event:Event):void
                    stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.SHOW_ALL;
                    /*                stage.align = StageAlign.TOP;
                     this.width = stage.stageWidth;
                    this.height = stage.stageHeight;
    You can Check other ExpandableDataGrids:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:DataGrid xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="off"
                import mx.events.FlexEvent;
                import mx.events.ResizeEvent;
                protected function thisDatagrid_resizeHandler(event:ResizeEvent):void
                    if (event.oldWidth < width) {
                        setStyle('fontSize', getStyle('fontSize') + 0.5); // might wanna~ width % height to increase by a certain pt
                        //this.scaleX += .1;
                    } else if (event.oldWidth > width) {
                        setStyle('fontSize', getStyle('fontSize') - 0.5);
                        //this.scaleX -= .1;
                    minWidth = measuredMinWidth;
                protected function thisDatagrid_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                    requestedRowCount = dataProviderLength;
                    requestedMaxRowCount = dataProviderLength;
                    requestedMinRowCount = dataProviderLength;
                    minHeight = measuredMinHeight;
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:DataGrid xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                 import mx.events.FlexEvent;
                 import mx.events.ResizeEvent;
                [Bindable] private var oldWidth:int;
                [Bindable] private var oldHeight:int;
                protected function thisDatagrid_resizeHandler(event:ResizeEvent):void
                    oldWidth = event.oldWidth;
                    oldHeight = event.oldHeight;
                override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void {
                    if (oldWidth < width) {
                        setStyle('fontSize', getStyle('fontSize') + 0.5); // might wanna~ width % height to increase by a certain pt
                        //this.scaleX += .1;
                    } else if (oldWidth > width) {
                        setStyle('fontSize', getStyle('fontSize') - 0.5);
                        //this.scaleX -= .1;
                    trace('unscaledWidth: ' + unscaledWidth);
                    trace('unscaledHeight: ' + unscaledHeight);
                    trace('explicitMinHeight: ' + explicitMinHeight);
                    trace('explicitMinWidth: ' + explicitMinWidth);
                    minHeight = measuredMinHeight;
                    super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
                protected function thisDatagrid_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                    requestedRowCount = dataProviderLength;
                    requestedMaxRowCount = dataProviderLength;
                    requestedMinRowCount = dataProviderLength;
                    minHeight = measuredHeight;

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    If it is how should code for calling only client side method look like?(now i am writing that map into html by myself, but it is not nice solution ).
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    <map name="Innen">
    <area shape="rect" coords="460,46,494,365" href="#" title="W7" alt="W7" onclick='alert("Nicht belegt")'>
    <area shape="rect" coords="429,92,457,365" href="#" title="W3" alt="W3" onclick='alert("Nicht belegt")'>
    <img align="LEFT" src=<%= """ + componentRequest.getWebResourcePath()+ "/images/spannbacke_innen.gif" + """ %> width="500" border="0" alt="Karte" usemap="#Innen">                    

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    Direction Attribute for <p> - <p dir="rtl">Hello</p>
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    check this out . this should be able to answer you question.

  • How do I get my printer to print only on one side of the paper?

    I want to print only on one side of the papger.  But machine prints out on both sides.  When I remove the duplexer at back of machine, the paper flies out the back and printing error says no paper.  I'm going nuts.   I am a writer and can only submit material on one side of the paper.   I just got this machine and hate that it has no manual and the manual on line is beyond me.  I need simple easy to understand instructions for my simple brain. thanks

    Follow these steps to disable two sided printing:
    Open the file you would like to print. From the File menu select Print. The Print window appears.
    NOTE: The Print window might be minimized. Click the Show Details button to see all available settings.
    Click the settings drop down, it will usually appear as the name of the program (e.g. TextEdit)
    Will appear as Copies & Pages within Microsoft Office applications.
    Select Layout from the drop-down menu.
    Set the Two-Sided option as Off.
    You may save the settings as a preset by clicking Presets > Save Current Settings as Preset...
    By doing so and completing the print job these settings will remain default till another preset will be used in the future.
    Say thanks by clicking the Kudos thumb up in the post.
    If my post resolve your problem please mark it as an Accepted Solution

  • Flex Mobile Project only lists "Google Android" in Target Platforms

    I just downloaded the masters colection cs5.5 and im am using FlashBuilder 4.5.  When I create a new Flex  Mobile Project, only Google Android is a target platform.  I don't see  Blackberry or iOS as options.
    I do see Apple iOS when I create a mobile ActionScript project.
    This must be due to a configuration setting.  Can anyone help?
    i have already looked at this peron post and i have tryed all of the sollutions and none of them seem to work http://forums.adobe.com/thread/867857

    That didn't help me either.  Ultimately, here's what I did.
    I uninstalled and reinstalled the software
    After it was reinstalled, I updated to the 4.5.1 SDK PRIOR to doing any other software update.
    Then I updated the Software
    The software update found all new items and installed them properly (which is what I believe the issue is -- if you update prior to using the 4.5.1 SDK it doesn't install the required bits).
    Now it seems to be working for me.
    Not sure if that's the problem, but that's how I fixed it.

  • When creating a PDF from the scanner, it only scans one side despite the settings.

    When creating a PDF from the scanner, it only scans one side. I am using a fi-7160 that supports scanning both sides at once. The Scanner software is configured to scan both sides, and so are the presets in Adobe Acrobat Pro. I've only gotten the setting to work with the Custom Scan setting. Has anyone else had this problem, and what is the solution?
    Additionally, the software bundled with the scanner with automatically omit the back sides of a page if it is blank. I am scanning large files with occasional double sided pages. Is there a way to avoid having to manually delete blank pages when creating a new PDF from the scanner? It takes twice as long because I'm using the OCR stabilization.

    Hi anne,
    Could you please let me know what Acrobat and OS version are you using.
    Does this happen in case of any particular PDF or all PDF files?
    Try repairing Acrobat and then again check.
    Hope to get your response.

  • Flex spark dataGrid gridColumn itemrenderer binding bug

    I hava a TextInput within mx DataGrid gridColumn itemrenderer and binding its text to {data.f1} ,
    when I set DataGrid dataProvider column (0,0) to "value1" by actionsript code,
    it will update "value1" to TextInput field.
    But if I change to spark DataGrid, TextInput Text won't be changed.
    Please see below two samples, when user click "set var" button, it set dataProvider column (0,0) to "value1",
    sample1 is in mx comopent, it works fine and will update "value1" to TextInput Text.
    sample2 is in spark component, it did not work.
    anyone can help for spark component ?
    many thanks.
    *** sample1 (mx componet): ***
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    minWidth="955" minHeight="600"
    <mx:Button x="235" y="52" label="set var" click="setVar()"/>
    <mx:DataGrid id="grid_1" dataProvider="{ia_row}" x="25" y="52">
       <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="f1" headerText="Column 1">
          <mx:TextInput text="{data.f1}" width="95%"/>
       <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="f2" headerText="Column 2"></mx:DataGridColumn>
       import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
       import mx.events.FlexEvent;
       private var ia_row:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
        {f1:"a1", f2:"b1"},
        {f1:"a2", f2:"b2"}
       private function setVar():void{
        var t_row:Object = ia_row.getItemAt(0);
        t_row.f1 = "value1";
        ia_row.setItemAt(t_row, 0);
    *** sample2 (spark componet): ***
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    minWidth="955" minHeight="600"     
    <s:Button x="267" y="94" label="set var" click="setVar()"/>
    <s:DataGrid id="grid_1" x="55" y="94" width="204" height="139" dataProvider="{ia_row}">
        <s:GridColumn dataField="f1" headerText="Column 1" width="120">
            <s:TextInput text="{data.f1}" width="95%"/>
        <s:GridColumn dataField="f2" headerText="Column 2"></s:GridColumn>
       import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
       import mx.events.FlexEvent;
       private var ia_row:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
        {f1:"a1", f2:"b1"},
        {f1:"a2", f2:"b2"}
       private function setVar():void{
        var t_row:Object = ia_row.getItemAt(0);
        t_row.f1 = "value1";
        ia_row.setItemAt(t_row, 0);

    sir, I think it does not send CHANGE event to dataGrid, so my suggestion is following:
    private function setVar():void{
        var t_row:Object = ia_row.getItemAt(0);
        t_row.f1 = "value1";
        ia_row.setItemAt(t_row, 0);
        ia_row.refresh();//it is used to dispatch Event if dataprovider was changed.

  • Delete white border around all 4 sides of Page

    I have a Page, that inludes two images, and few text boxes, solid background color of light gray. Nothing very complicated.  Everything looks fine, as I look at the Page on my computer screen. There is no white border. However, when I print a copy of this Page,  it has a white 1/16" border, on all 4 sides of paper. I checked Inspector, but do not see anything that would account for this weird white border. Hope you can help.

    1. you would see a grey border at the edge where the printer can't print.
    In the page setup you should look att the predefined paper sizes for borderless options. If you have a Photosmart there should be a bordeless option. Might be called something else.

  • The bookmark side bar when I click onto a topic will not come up to full screen it stays only in the side bar area.

    Is there a setting some where that needs to be adjusted. Some topics will come up to full screen, but yahoo is staying only on the side bar. To get a full screen version I have to google.

    Hi fullertondigital,
    Thank you for your question. I understand that websites, such as the google image search, are not displaying the same way in another browser. In order to make sure that this is not caused by an add on please see if it happens in [[Troubleshoot Firefox issues using Safe Mode]]
    It could also be that you need to select the option to open the image in a new page. The new image search has the block bock appear when you select one of the images. Make sure that javascript is enabled for this animation to work correctly on the page.

  • The speaker is used when im using my phone in speaker phone mode or listen to music.This speaker is only the right  side hole  and the left one is mic

    The speaker is used when iam using my phone in speaker phone mode or listen to music.This speaker is only the right side hole and the left one is micophone?

    Correct. As indicated in response to your duplicate post.

  • Side volume buttons only work with phone

    the side volume button on my 4S only works when talking on the phone.  It will not work for music.  Does anyone know why?  There has been no water on this phone.

    Re-insert a pair of headphones and remove them.  Or restart the phone.

  • Recording stereo audio and only getting one side - what gives?

    Recording audio in stereo mode in logic and only getting one side showing on the meter and same side showing on the audio file - I've checked the interface - is there a logic setting I'm missing?

    Is Universal Track Mode enabled?

  • Only getting my side of messages to iOS in Messages

    It was working fine, but yesterday started only receiving my side of messages if I originate them on my mac or not. I just get empty bubbles from whomever I am talking with, which is totally useless!
    I tried deleting the file com.apple.iChat.StatusMessages.plist but that didn't help.

    Still having the same problem with Messages in Snow Lion. I only get my side of messages and an empty baloon where people reply, though they still show up on my iOS devices.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Can not install salt on redhat 6.4

    Hi ! I have redhat 6.4 and try to install tuxedo + salt I have tuxedo installed successful.  when I try to install salt, it faild like this: [hanql@redhat64 ~]$ ./salt12110_64_linux_5_86.bin -i console Preparing to install... Extra

  • Portal user registration Verification

    Today, virtually all businesses collect personal information about customers, employees and others. This information is valuable to hackers – evidenced by the increasing frequency and severity of data breaches across the globe. Sourced through Scoop.

  • Connecting 4.5B to ECC 6.0

    I am working on a scenario of Connecting 4.5B to ECC 6.0. I want to make 4.5B system to talk to SLD. Tcode sldcheck in 4.5B system gives error "t code sldcheck is unknown" Or is there any other procedure for me to follow. Please guide me. -Naveen.

  • Turn off a button?

    Is it possible to turn off a button in highlight state. Basically have no highlight state, so that when a button is 'highlighted' it disappears to reveal an image on the background layer?

  • Revel favorite not showing stars/rating in elements organizer in PSE12 ?

    Is this metadata field (adobe revel favorite) not available in PSE12 after syncing?