FLV Doesn't work!!!!!!!

Hi everyone!!!
My site goes through the follow structure:
(startpage) that loads the (mainpage) in a new container MC
(alvo) but
in the same level (0).
From within the (alvo).(mainpage), I call another container
(movies), now in level (2).
This new MC has a FLV component that should load videos
acording to a variable value generated from the buttons in
The problem:
In my computer everything works fine and I have some friends
that told
me the same.
But in some cases, the people goes to the site and all the
flash content
works fine, but the video doesn't appears.
The site:
Is hosted in linux APACHE.
The code:
switch (_global.my_video) {
case "demo" :
my_FLVPlybk.contentPath = "
case "..." :
import mx.video.*;
this.attachMovie("FLVPlayback", "my_FLVPlybk", 10);
my_FLVPlybk.bufferTime = 8;
my_FLVPlybk.autoSize = true;
my_FLVPlybk.setSize(400, 270);
my_FLVPlybk.x=2, my_FLVPlybk.y=2;
my_FLVPlybk.autoRewind = true;
my_FLVPlybk.skin = "
The questions:
Why the video doen't work??
Someone have any idea about whats is happening??
Is that code right??

MotionMaker escreveu:
> Be sure they have Flash player 8 installed. They need to
right mouse click over the the Flash movie to find out.
I've solved the problem!!!

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    First of all you can't use h264 in an flv, Flash Video files encoded with the H264 codec must have the ending (mov, mp4 or F4V)
    Those need to be preparated as Adobe recommends, best choice is to use the Adobe Media Encoder or an Adobe editing tool that outputs a proper h264 file.

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    I would think this is a swf (.fla) issue instead of DWCS4. What do you mean by using a DW sk
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    You may take a look at it in here:
    Or, if the client decides to put it active on-line, here:

    let me try to explain a little better the structure.
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    have you got any idea where the problem is?

    flv is Flash...have you tried this one: http://www.wimpyplayer.com/products/wimpystandalone_flvplayer.html

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    Here is the link:
    Here is the code on my page:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
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    It's not 100% clear from your post, but you should be aware that CS5 plugins should not work in CS5.5. Because of a CS5.5 bug, CS5 plugins will load in InDesign 7.5.0, but that is fixed in 7.5.1 so they will not load.
    You should lean a bit harder on Virginia Systems. They should be able to tell you how to get them the stack trace from the crash which they should be able to look at and tell you which plugin (if any) is responsible for the crash. I could do it for Mac OS X but I don't know how under Windows. You could start by looking at the Event Viewer, though. That may have some helpful information about the crashes and the faulting module.

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    i have a macpro, flash professional and quicktime pro. flash professional comes with a FLV quicktime plugin that lets you export to FLV from quicktime. the plugin is installed and is in the quicktime plugin folder but the export option does not appear in the export drop down.
    i have the same set up on a PPC mac and i have no problems with exporting FLVs from quicktime pro.
    i have the feeling that the plugin doesn't work on intel macs but don't know for sure. is there anyone here who is running an intel mac, quicktime pro and flash professional that can export to FLV from quicktime?
    i can't find any information anywhere on this.

    anyone? there's got to be a few of you who have macpro's that are using quicktime pro and flash 8 professional....
    any help would be appreciated.

  • Var doesn't work if I load external swf.

    I have a set up with two pages or labeled sections on the main timeline. I brake the code corresponding to actions happening in each page/labeled section. On first page there is a var specified for each button
    var sourceVar:String;
    Then each button uses this var to load a video into FLV player (player itself is constructed in the second page/labeled section).
    function JTV_SatelliteCenterpiece_PlayVideoPopUp(event:MouseEvent): void {
    where "flv_pb" is the label for the second page/labeled section. On this second page/labeled section there is an FLVPlayback component named "SWF_flv2" which uses this var
    SWF_flv2.source = sourceVar;
    All above works. My problem is that I decided to load externally all the items (image buttons) into the first section. So I saved them as an external SWF file, with all the code in that external swf file.
    Then I link the buttons to section "flv_pb" this way:
    function JTV_SatelliteCenterpiece_PlayVideoPopUp(event:MouseEvent): void {
    The link to the "flv_pb" section works, which tells me that the set up with "MovieClip(parent.parent.parent)." is appropriate.
    However the code as before with the set up of (still being in the external swf file):
    works as well, I am not sure why?
    The problem seems to be in the var
    I have an error message 1120: Access of undefined property sourceVar
    It is referencing the code in the second page/labeled section "flv_pb"
    SWF_flv2.source = sourceVar;
    What are my actions?  I kept the code in the external swf file. Should I move it to the main timeline if it is possible? Should I only reference the var in the main time line?
    Should all the code be kept in the beginning of the time line, rather be sectioned into the sections?

    Thank you for your reply.
    Please let me know if all the animation code should be left in the external SWF file (which is being loaded) and all the linkage code on the main time line?
    If so then the code block specifying the link and loading on the botton:
    var sourceVar:String;
    //event listener//
    howTo_mainInfo.JTVs.JTV_SatelliteCenterpiece_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, JTV_SatelliteCenterpiece_PlayVideoPopUp);
    function JTV_SatelliteCenterpiece_PlayVideoPopUp(event:MouseEvent): void {
    Should be left as it is on the main time line or only the function part and event listener put in the external SWF file?
    I tried this way puttin the var and function on the main time line and it brings me to the proper page/labeled section but doesn't load the video.
    In the OUTPUT Panel I have an error message:
    VideoError: 1000: Unable to make connection to server or to find FLV on server
        at fl.video::VideoPlayer/stop()
        at fl.video::FLVPlayback/stop()
        at acolyte46_howTo_Loader_fla::mainsite_mc_2/stopF2()[acolyte46_howTo_Loader_fla.mainsite_mc _2::frame283:49]
        at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndPlay()
        at acolyte46_howTo_Loader_fla::mainsite_mc_2/onClick_closeXhowToVideos_btn()[acolyte46_howTo _Loader_fla.mainsite_mc_2::frame283:28]
    Frame 283 is "flv_pb" page/labeled section to where the links properly works but video is not being loaded?
    Same code perfectly worked without any error message before I moved things into an external SWF file.
    I am also confused why both ways are working out of the loaded SWF file:
    shouldn't only one be the correct one?

  • On-demand streaming doesn't work

    I want to config the on-demand Adobe MEdia Server on Amazon.
    I've done all steps from this instruction http://help.adobe.com/en_US/flashmediaserver/amazonec2/WS6fc2df2b6d2ce24359910e2812c396a83 eb-7ff8.2.html, but it doesn't work.
    I check the sample video files in player http://www.osmf.org/configurator/fmp/#
    For the video
    it says 'Buffering' and nothing more
    For the video
    it says 'We are having problems with playback. We apologize for the inconvenience'
    What's the problem?
    I checked the player on this page http://ec2-54-234-27-150.compute-1.amazonaws.com , it works fine

    Ask in the FMS forum.

  • Cp5 - Slide with FLV doesn't continue to next slide.

    Is this still a bug? I'm on Windows XP. I have an FLV on a slide, set to display for length of slide, and 'pause slide till end of video'. The FLV has the minimal clearskin1 playbar, and synchronize with project is unchecked, loop in unchecked.
    I don't want the learner to be able to skip the video, so I have the project skin turned off. After the FLV plays I want the slide to advance to the next slide, which is a quiz slide. After publishing, if I don't pause the video, it works. But if I pause the video, it sometimes DOESN'T work...the video fades to black and the slide just sits there, and since there is no skin, there is no way to go to the next slide. If I put a 'Next' button on the slide and have it appear toward the end of the video, then I run into the problem of it appearing too soon if the person pauses the video for a long time, since the slide continues to play even if the FLV is paused.
    Is this a bug in CP5 as well?

    Quick question before I give up on this. Can I only add tables in this manner. I am trying a simple file right now untill I understand how to do it. I create a file that contains a button (which will be used for adding an extra drop down list) and a drop down list. I did not include a second button to remove the section.
    I then select the button and in the Script window add the:
    // Invoke the Instance Manager to add one instance of the detail subform.
    //Invoke the recalculate method to include the field values from the added row in calculations.
    So my subform is called "subform1" while my element I want to duplicate with the button is called "DropDownList1"
    At this point I get confused and not sure what I need to do.

  • Media Encoder, yes I know its been covered b4 but still doesn't work

    I'm having the typical
    "Encoding Failed. Could not read from the source" and I've tried the things explained here http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/407/kb407106.html. The catch is, this is a brand new install of Adobe Production Suite on a brand new computer. It was working perfectly fine for about a month or so, but then one day, nothing. No updates were run and no new software installed. I've a few other things that some members have posted but still nothing works. Very frustrating because I do this for work and have deadlines. Any one have any ideas. The only thing I can think that it could possibly be is that I upgraded to Flash 10 about a week b4 the problems started occurring. Otherwise, it doesn't work on files that have been moved around a little bit but "relocated" when asked where the files are, but it also doesn't work on files that have stayed put the whole time.
    -Drew Jensen

    Details...hmm... all of the adobe products have been updated to the 4.2.something, whatever is the newest version. Lets see... i7 920 w/ 12GB ram, 3HDD (1 scratch, 1 OS, 1 data). Windows 7 Ult. 64-bit (no available updates).
    Some details of the problem... I was using handbrake to rip some marketing material and was able to edit them in PPro, but as soon as I tried to encode them, that when the problems started, I assumed that it was because of the file format that I encoded with in handbrake. Anyways, I had to edit the video in Windows Movie Maker, then took the WMV and dropped it into Media Encoder and was able to encode to the proper media format then. Anyways, I got the side project done, then went back to my projects. I edit interviews on the green screen, encode alpha channel, and throw them up on websites. So I did my normal stuff, but now when I encode, or try, I always get the error from media encoder listed below.
    - Source File: C:\Users\djensen\AppData\Local\Temp\Mike Ponce.prproj
    - Output File: C:\Users\djensen\Desktop\MPonce_return.flv
    - Preset Used: WorkPreset
    - Video:
    - Audio:
    - Bitrate:
    - Encoding Time: 00:42:41
    11/23/2009 1:35:25 PM : Encoding Failed
    Could not read from the source. Please check if it has moved or been deleted.
    I had moved the first video I tried editing after the side project, but any videos that were in their place before all this happened are getting the same error.
    That's all the details that I can think of. Thanks for direction Harm, sometimes when you're stressed we forget the most important things eh?

  • Loading XML generated by PHP doesn´t work

    I know what will you say: Search for a tutorial.
    Yes, i´ve searched here. Through internet. But i get no answer.
    I checked format. This is the xml output:
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <nivel nombre='A1'>
    <nivel nombre='A2'>
    <descargable>si</descargable><nivel nombre='B1'><item>
    I think the format is perfect. I can read it on my Firefox as a perfect xml.
    Now. This is action script code:
                var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
                loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, cargaXML);
                loader.load(new URLRequest("reproductor_generador_datos.php"));
    When loaded i do
    To see the xml, but it´s php. It hasn´t generated it.
    I follow every tutorial. This is the way. Is there any other way to make it "EXECUTE" the php code?? it donesn´t seem to work.
    The same happens when i assign it to an XML in AS3. It doesn´t work.
    Please help me. It´s taking so many time.

    Thanks a lot for the help, guys.
    Well. I think i had problems trying to copy the xml here. That´s why it´s broken.... but i don´t find the problem, though, there...
    Let me post here another example on how is it now. It´s got the header, and the <?xml tag.
    well. maybe i fixed it ... lol... but i think it won´t work.

  • Dreamweaver FLV Plyaer not working on website

    Hey guys,
    I am completely new to website editing and to facilitate my life I have integrated Dreamweaver CS3's Media (FLV) tool to play videos on my website. It works fine in dreamweaver under live view but as soon as I preview it in browser it doesn't work I have also tried to access it online and it doesn't work. Basically I have uploaded 5 videos on the same page and all I get when I load the page are the video headings and white spaces (No signs of loading/buffering). Have any of you had this problem before? The website is http://www.soccerexperience.com/pg_media_astro.html.
    Thanks in advance for your helpful support

    The mp4 videos inside a <video> will play correctly on HTML 4 sites - there is absolutely no requirement to change the doctype and it makes no difference to its function. It won't however validate as the <video> tag is not recognised as an element - it is just treated as a <div>.
    I am not really sure what is going on with your page however there are a few things you need to check/amend and see if it helps.
    The videos are cancelling on load. How have you encoded these videos?
    As already advised, use JW Player, YouTube or another video player - it will save some headaches.
    Your video_js script is returning 404 not found. You will need to check its URL.
    The main reason you have been advised on a video player is so the videos will play across all browsers. At the moment, without a webm or ogg video, FireFox can not play your mp4 video. An interesting note is that even though your video plays on the home page, a direct link to it doesn't load the video. Your video on the homepage also has a , in the filename. This should not be there.

  • Does FLV export plugin work with macpro (intel macs)?

    i have a macpro (intel based mac), flash 8 professional and
    quicktime pro. flash 8 professional comes the FLV quicktime plugin
    that lets you export to FLV from quicktime. the plugin is installed
    and is in the quicktime plugin folder but the export option does
    not appear in the export drop down.
    i have the same set up on a PPC mac and i have no problems
    with exporting FLVs from quicktime pro.
    i have the feeling that the plugin doesn't work on intel macs
    but don't know for sure. is there anyone here who is running an
    intel mac, quicktime pro and flash professional? if so, does the
    FLV option appear in quicktime's export drop down?
    i can't find any information anywhere on this.

    i can use the flv encoder fine BUT flash pro 8 installs a
    quicktime plugin that allows any app that exports using the
    quicktime engine to save as flvs. on my non intel mac i can open up
    a video in quicktime pro, select export and choose FLV. on the
    intel i can't do that because the FLV option is not appearing in
    the export drop down. i checked the pluging and it is installed but
    it's not appearing as an export option.
    i'm trying to check to see if others are experiencing the
    same problem. is the flv plugin not compatible with intel macs? is
    it compatible with quicktime7? etc.

  • Mini-DVI to S-Video Adapter doesn't work

    Hi, I am using the Mini-DVI to S-Video adapter from apple to connect my macbook to the TV. But the only thing I get is a grey flickering picture on my TV. When I click on the monitor-button I can see that my macbook detects only a monitor (but not a TV) in addition to the macbook-LCD-display. I tried all different resolutions, but needless to say it doesn't work.
    Can the adapter be broken, or is there a problem with the macbook?
    Macbook white 2 GHz Intel Core Duo 1GB RAM   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    my macbook detects only a monitor (but not a TV) in addition to the macbook-LCD-display
    If you connect the Mini-DVI to S-Video adapter, the monitor button on the menubar should show resolutions for Color LCD in one section and NTSC/PAL in the other.
    A grey flickering picture is indicative of picking the wrong standard-PAL vs. NTSC.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Make x64 default with "open with" menu

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  • Lost all my thumbnails - new tabs open only a blank page. How do I get them back?

    The support topic on this question says to look for a "pin" icon in the upper left corner of the browser. I do not show one. Firefox used to just automatically populate my new tabs page with the thumbnails, but it is no longer doing that, and I don't

  • I forgot my security questions answers and cannot get into itunes! Help!

    I cannot remember my answers how can I find them or create new ones???

  • How to restore Nano while using older version of iTunes?

    I'm running itunes 7.4 on Win XP Pro without SP2. My kid went ahead and upgraded nano to 1.1.2 PC version. Now itunes doesnt see the nano and says it can not be used because it requires iTunes version 7.6. I cant upgrade PC to SP2. So how can I downg

  • Crashes on launch

    All of the sudden, my Safari is crashing upon launch. In the past month or so, it was hogging up my memory and processor for short spurts. I have little app in the top bar of my Mac that shows that kind of stuff. It crashed and I can't get it back up