FMS 3.02 late-starts mp3s with id3

Hi all,
I hope someone else has seen this!
I've found that mp3 files that have id3 tags (i.e. almost all
of them) don't stream properly via FMS using rtmp.
Here's an easy way to see the issue. Go to
and click the "Play" button at Episode 17. It will play properly.
Then try the same thing with Episode 16. Episode 16 is the exact
same media file, but 17 has no id3 tag and 16 has one.
We're using the sample "vod" application for streaming using

Deeper investigation reveals that it's the id3v2 APIC frame
that is causing FMS to malfunction. On media that has the APIC
frame, FMS skips the first few seconds of the media on playback via
RTMP. On media without the APIC frame, FMS initiates playback
For your listening pleasure, one with the APIC and one
WITHOUT the frame:
WITH the frame:

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  • Bad bug with ID3 tags of different case for same artist

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    <key>Location</key><string>file://localhost/Volumes/Media1/iTunes/iTunes%20Music/OutKast/Speakerboxxx,%20Th e%20Love%20Below%20(Disc%202)/13%20Pink%20&%20Blue.mp3</string>
    <key>Location</key><string>file://localhost/Volumes/Media1/iTunes/iTunes%20Music/Outkast/Aquemini/12%20Spot tieOttieDopaliscious.mp3</string>

    I'd like to note that I'm experiencing the exact same issue. I'd add to this but petegas4life has it spot on. I'm just replying in hopes this thread gets noticed so the engineers at apple can look into this and hopefully fix it in the next release.
    Reproducing the problem is pretty simple too. Just take one song from an album and change the case of the artist name. You'll see the music move to the boot drive and all of the songs from that artist won't work in itunes anymore. And if you're relying on iTunes to edit the tags, fixing the files is a PAIN because they keep disappearing on you.

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    G5 dual 2.0 GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.1)  

    Maybe I'm missing something, but have you tried just using the ftp command without Fetch, etc.? I run Fetch too but here is a straight command from my Desktop to another local machine Desktop for a file and results. I have Apple Fwall on on all machines and port forwarding thru my DSL Modem router too. I just couldn't figure out if you had done this, for what it's worth.
    doug-pennington-s-Computer:~/Desktop pennington$ ftp
    Connected to
    220 doug-penningtons-Computer.local FTP server (tnftpd 20040810) ready.
    Name ( doug pennington
    331 Password required for doug pennington.
    Welcome to Darwin!
    230 User penn logged in.
    Remote system type is UNIX.
    Using binary mode to transfer files.
    ftp> cd Desktop
    250 CWD command successful.
    ftp> ls
    229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||49904|)
    200 EPRT command successful.
    150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for '/bin/ls'.
    total 1
    -rw------- 1 penn penn 6148 Mar 19 00:50 .DS_Store
    -rw-r--r-- 1 penn penn 0 Apr 1 1976 .localized
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 penn wheel 13780 Mar 15 16:14
    dr-xr--r-- 3 penn penn 102 Mar 19 00:50 box
    drwxr-xr-x 6 penn penn 204 Feb 7 11:40 opof jigs
    -rw-r--r-- 1 penn penn 26 Mar 19 02:31 tripe.txt
    226 Transfer complete.
    ftp> get tripe.txt
    local: tripe.txt remote: tripe.txt
    200 EPRT command successful.
    150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for 'tripe.txt' (26 bytes).
    100% |********************************************************************************| 26 9.20 KB/s 00:00 ETA
    226 Transfer complete.
    26 bytes received in 00:00 (0.38 KB/s)

  • [Guide] Install and run Windows 7/8 from an external drive without using bootcamp (works for late 2012 iMacs with 3TB drive)

    This is a copy of a post from my blog, you can also Read it on my blog...
    After I received my new iMac with a 3 TB Fusion Drive, I was disappointed when I realized that Bootcamp was not running on this model and prevented me from installing Windows on it. I wanted to take advantage of the powerful iMac hardware to play games but I couldn't.
    There are a few ways of working around this limitation, but I found most of them quite complex and most of the time they required formatting the internal hard drive or repartitioning it and go for a brand new installation of Mac OS X. I was not comfortable with that.
    But there is another way, and that is to install Windows on an external hard drive, using either USB or Thunderbolt. Personally I used a Lacie Rugged 1 TB drive that has both USB3 and Thunderbolt connectors. Both work very well.
    This guide may interest you if:
    You have an internal hard drive of more than 2TB and you can't run bootcamp at all (like late 2012 iMacs with a 3TB drive)
    You have limited space or you don't want to dedicate disk space on your internal hard disk drive to a Windows installation
    What this guide will make you do:
    It will make you erase all your data from your external USB3/Thunderbolt hard drive
    It will make you install Windows on your external USB3/Thunderbolt hard drive
    It will make you install bootcamp drivers
    What this will not make you do:
    It will not make you modify anything on your internal Mac hard drive
    It will not make you use or install the bootcamp assistant
    It will not activate the Preference Pane for the default boot drive. You have to boot by pressing the ALT key to manually select your boot drive each tome you want to boot Windows.
    What you'll need
    An external hard drive with a USB3 and/or Thunderbolt connector. This drive will be formatted so ensure you saved your files before going further. You can use either an SSD drive or a classic hard drive.
    A Windows 7 or 8 install DVD or ISO (check whether to install 32 or 64 bits versions based on your Bootcamp drivers) and the corresponding Windows serial number.
    One of the following:
    Mac OS X with a Windows 7 or 8 Virtual Machine (use VMWare Fusion or Parallels Desktop for example. Note: VMWare Fusion seems to have some issues with Thunderbolt and USB3. Plug your drive to a USB2 enclosure or hub to work around this -it worked for me-, or use another VM software) → Read the important note below
    A PC running Windows 7 or 8 → Read the important note below
    Windows AIK (free) running on your Virtual Machine or on your PC, or just the imagex.exe file (the rest of the Windows AIK package is not needed)
    Download imagex.exe
    Download Windows AIK (this download and installation is not required if you have already downloaded imagex.exe)
    Bootcamp drivers for your Mac. You can get these either by running bootcamp from your Mac (Applications > Utilities > Bootcamp) or, if like me you have a 3TB drive and can't run bootcamp at all, use the direct download links here.
    A USB stick to store your bootcamp drivers
    IMPORTANT: If your Mac has a 64 bits processor, your Windows Virtual Machine on OSX, your Windows installation on your PC and your Windows DVD/ISO must also be in 64 bits!
    Step by Step guide
    Step 1: Get the install.wim file
    If you have a Windows ISO file:
    Mount the ISO
    If you're on OS X: double click on the ISO file
    If you're on on Windows 7: Use a software like Virtual Clone Drive (free)
    If you're on Windows 8: double click on the ISO file
    Open the mounted drive, then go to the "sources" folder and locate the "install.wim" file. Save this file to C:\wim\ on your Windows installation or virtual machine.
    If you have a Windows DVD: open the "sources" folder on the DVD and locate the "install.wim" file. Save this file to C:\wim\ on your Windows installation or virtual machine.
    IMPORTANT: If instead of a "install.wim" file, you have "install.esd", you can not continue this step by step guide. And an ESD file can not be converted into a WIM file. So you must get a version of the Windows installation DVD/ISO that has an install.wim file.
    Step 2: Clean, partition and format your external hard drive
    On your Windows installation or virtual machine, plug in your external hard drive (can be plugged using USB2, USB3 or Thunderbolt at this stage)
    Open the command prompt in administrator mode (cmd.exe). To run it in administrator mode, right click on cmd.exe > Run as admin.
    Type the following and hit enter to open the disk partitioner utility:
    diskpartType the following and hit enter to list your drives:
    list disk
    This will display a list of disks mounted on your computer or virtual machine. Make sure your drive is listed here before you continue.Identify the disk ID of your external hard drive. Replace # by your real external disk ID in the command below:
    select disk #Clean all partitions by typing the following (warning: this will erase all data from your external drive!):
    Create the boot parition by typing the following followed by the enter key:
    create partition primary size=350
    This will create a 350MB partition on your external driveFormat the partition in FAT32 by typing the following:
    format fs=fat32 quick
    Set this partition to active by typing:
    Assign a letter to mount this partition. We will use letter B in our example. If B is already used on your PC, replace B by any other available letter:
    assign letter=b
    Windows will detect a new drive and probably display a pop-up. Ignore that.Create the Windows installation partition using all the remaining space available on the external drive by typing the following:
    create partition primary
    Format the new partition in NTFS:
    format fs=ntfs quick
    Assign a letter to mount this partition. We will use letter O in our example. If O is already used on your PC, replace O by any other available letter:
    assign letter=o
    Windows will detect a new drive and probably display a pop-up. Ignore that.Exit the disk partitioner utility by typing:
    Step 3: Deploy the Windows installation image
    Still using the command prompt in admin mode (you didn't close it, did you? ), locate the imagex.exe file mentioned in the "What you'll need" section and access its folder. In our example, we have put this file in C:\imagex\imagex.exe
    Type the following and hit enter (remember to replace o: with the letter you have chosen in the previous step):
    imagex.exe /apply C:\wim\install.wim 1 o:
    This will take some time. The Windows installation image is being deployed to your external driveOnce done, type the following to create the boot section (remember to replace o: and b: with the letters you've chosen in the previous step):
    o:\windows\system32\bcdboot o:\windows /f ALL /s b:
    If you get an error message saying that you can't run this program on your PC, then most probably you are running on a 32 bits installation of windows and you're trying to deploy a 64 bits install. This means you did not read the important notes in the beginning of this guide
    If you get an error message on the options that can be used with the BCDBOOT command, then it's because you're installing Windows 7, and the /f option is not supported. If that is the case, remove /f ALL from the command and retry.
    Step 4: Boot from your external drive and install Windows
    Plug in your external drive:
    If you've done all the previous steps from a Windows PC, unplug your external drive from your PC and plug it to your Mac, either on a USB3 or a Thunderbolt port.
    If you've done all the previous steps from your Mac using a Virtual Machine, ensure the external drive is plugged in to a USB3 or Thunderbolt port. Using USB2 should also work but you'll get very poor performance so I don't recommend doing that.
    Reboot your Mac and once the bootup sound is over, immediately press the ALT (option) key and release it only when the boot drives selection screen appears. If you did not get the boot drives selection screen, reboot and try again. The timing to press the ALT (option) key is quite short. It must not be too early or too late.
    On the boot selection screen, choose "Windows" using the arrow keys on your keyboard, then press enter.
    The Windows installation starts. Follow the on-screen instructions as normal. The installation program will restart your computer one or 2 times. Don't forget to press ALT (option) right after the bootup sound, and boot on Windows again each time to continue the installation.
    Step 5: Install bootcamp drivers
    Once the Windows installation is complete, plug in the USB stick where you stored the bootcamp drivers (see "what you'll need" section), open it and right click on "setup.exe" and select "Run as admin". Follow the on-screen instructions.If you have an error saying that you can't run this program on this PC, obviously you have installed a 32 bits version of Windows and the bootcamp drivers for your Mac are made for a 64 bits version. You have to restart the whole guide and make sure to get a 64 bits version of Windows this time!
    Once the bootcamp drivers are all installed, reboot and press ALT (option) after the bootup sound to boot on Windows again. And Voilà, you have Windows installed on your USB3/Thunderbolt drive running on your Mac.
    Now each time you want to boot on Windows, press and hold the ALT (option) key after the startup sound and select "Windows", then press Enter.

    Hi i'm trying to follow your guide, I installed windows 8 on bootcamp to do it planning to remove it after the operation is done, but i get stuck at part 3: every command i give to imagex i get a pop-up ftom windws asking how do I want to open this kind of file install.wim and imagex does nothing, what do i have to do to stop those pop-ups?

  • After upgrading to Mountain Lion, Interface builder starts up with an error every boot.

    I've got a late 2008 Macbook Unibody 13", and a few months back I upgraded from Snow Leopard to Mountain Lion.  Ever since the upgrade, at every boot up Interface Builder starts up with an error.  I've just ignored it mostly, but now I'm getting annoyed with it.  How can I find the programs that start up every boot to research this, or stop it from loading Interface Builder every time?

    You have to delete it using the minus sign at the bottom. The check/un-check is for hiding items.

  • How do I start iTunes with whichever iTunes library I want?

    How do I start iTunes with whichever iTunes library I want?
    I've created a 2nd iTunes library using the "press shift-key while opening iTunes from the start menu" method given in iTunes help. Now, when I try to start iTunes from the Quick Launch menu or from the system start menu, I get the new library--without choosing it.
    Otherwise, the new library works as I'd hoped. By turning off "Copy files to iTunes Media folder when adding to library," I'm able to use "Add Folder to Library" (where the folders are in the 1st iTunes library) without using more disk space for the 2nd library. So far, it works just fine for CDs and movies. I'm anticipating an iPad which can hold much less than my iPod Classic.
    I have the latest iTunes (

    A solution found!
    I found where Apple addresses the question. Actually, I had tried this before I found Apple's answer and before I asked the question here and I didn't get it to work. I finally have it working, but the Apple answer is missing a step--or so it seems.
    Locating Apple's answer:
    From the iTunes window,
    Help > More resources > iTunes Support Website > iTunes Library and Backup > iTunes Library >
    How to open an alternate iTunes Library file or create a new one.
    Apple quote:
    1.If iTunes is running, quit iTunes.
    2.If you are using Windows, hold down the Shift key and from the Start menu and choose All Programs > iTunes > iTunes.
    3.If you are using the Mac, open iTunes and immediately hold down the Option key.
    4.You should see one of the following screens:
    End quote.
    As it says, you get a prompt to: Quit or Choose Library or Create Library.
    I created my new library by choosing "Create Library" and expected to be able to use "Choose Library" later. So, when I clicked "Choose Library," I got a new window that's titled "Open iTunes Library" (it looks a lot like a Windows Explorer window). I selected (on the sidebar) the old library, clicked "Open" and nothing happened. The problem is likely my inexperience with this type of issue, but, still, the solution seems hokey.
    After too much screwing around and a 24oz beer, this is what's working:
    1. If iTunes is running, quit iTunes.
    2. Hold down the Shift key and from the Start menu, choose All Programs > iTunes > iTunes. (You don't have to have the shift key down until just before you click the last "iTunes.") Don't release the shift key 'til the prompt comes up.
    3. The prompt is: Quit or Choose Library or Create Library. Click "Choose Library."
    4. When the "Open iTunes Library" window comes up, click the desired iTunes library on the sidebar. (Mine are named "iTunes" and "iTunesIPad.")
    5. Then, you'll see a list of items in the right pane. Find the file named "iTunes Library.itl" and click it.
    6. Now, with both the iTunes library name selected on the sidebar and the "iTunes Library.itl" file selected in the right pane, click the "Open" button.
    7. iTunes will come up using the desired library.
    8. Using iTunes from the Quick Launch menu or the desktop will bring up the same iTunes library again, even if you shut down your computer.
    9. When you want to change the iTunes library in use, start at step 1.
    Nice about this, is that I would only have to get into the "iTunesIPad" library if I need to add something to it from my regular "iTunes" library or I want to sync to the iPad. Most of the time, I'll use my regular 185GB "iTunes" library (even here, I deselect many movies so that I can sync the library to my iPod).
    I must add the warning that I'm doing this because the iPad (that I don't have yet), won't hold even half of what I have in my iTunes library. At this point, the "iTunesIPad" library will take up very minimal disk space since it's using pointers to the regular library rather than copies from the regular library AND it's easy to switch between libraries only when needed. I can't say that this will all work until I try more setup work and I actually use it with an iPad. If someone knows that this is going to cause problems or if they have a better idea, I'd sure welcome comment. BTW, before trying this, I restructured my iTunes library (File > Library > Organize Library > Reorganize files in the folder "iTunes Media.") to bring it up to date and then backed it up on an external drive. The website "iLounge" has an article about the old and new library structure.

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    Could be many things, we should start with this...
    "Try Disk Utility
    1. Insert the Mac OS X Install disc, then restart the computer while holding the C key.
    2. When your computer finishes starting up from the disc, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu at top of the screen. (In Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you must select your language first.)
    *Important: Do not click Continue in the first screen of the Installer. If you do, you must restart from the disc again to access Disk Utility.*
    3. Click the First Aid tab.
    4. Select your Mac OS X volume.
    5. Click Repair Disk, (not Repair Permissions). Disk Utility checks and repairs the disk."
    Then try a Safe Boot, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, reboot when it completes.
    (Safe boot may stay on the gray radian for a long time, let it go, it's trying to repair the Hard Drive.)
    If perchance you can't find your install Disc, at least try it from the Safe Boot part onward.
    If that doesn't work, Does it boot to Single User Mode, CMD+s keys at bootup, if so try...
    /sbin/fsck -fy
    Repeat until it shows no errors fixed.
    (Space between fsck AND -fy important).
    Resolve startup issues and perform disk maintenance with Disk Utility and fsck...

  • Hard disk in mums macbook failed, bought a new one, formatted it first. Have tried starting it with every possible key and I either get flashing question mark folder or a cursor.

    Hard disk in mums macbook failed, bought a new one, used sata adapter cable to format it for mac first. Connected it and have tried starting it with every possible key combination and I either get flashing question mark folder or a cursor. A disk is stuck in it so I can't boot from OSX, and yes I have tried every option of starting to try and eject disk but none work. HELP ME!

    Five ways to eject a stuck CD or DVD from the optical drive
    Ejecting the stuck disc can usually be done in one of the following ways:
      1. Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the
          left mouse button until the disc ejects.
      2. Press the Eject button on your keyboard.
      3. Click on the Eject button in the menubar.
      4. Press COMMAND-E.
      5. If none of the above work try this: Open the Terminal application in
          your Utilities folder. At the prompt enter or paste the following:
            /usr/bin/drutil eject
    If this fails then try this:
    Boot the computer into Single-user Mode. At the prompt enter the same command as used above. To restart the computer enter "reboot" at the prompt without quotes.
    If you have a 2010 MBP or later, then you can use Internet Recovery. Start by rebooting the computer. At the chime press and hold down the COMMAND-OPTION-R keys until a Globe appears in the upper part of the screen. This process can take upwards of 15 minutes to get connected to the Apple network servers. You should eventually see the utility screen of the Recovery HD. You may now go about the process to install Mountain Lion:
    Install Lion/Mountain Lion on a New HDD/SDD
    Be sure you backup your files to an external drive or second internal drive because the following procedure will remove everything from the hard drive.
    Boot to the Internet Recovery HD:
    Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND-OPTION- R keys until a globe appears on the screen. Wait patiently - 15-20 minutes - until the Recovery main menu appears.
    Partition and Format the hard drive:
    1. Select Disk Utility from the main menu and click on the Continue button.
    2. After DU loads select your external hard drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.
    3. Under the Volume Scheme heading set the number of partitions from the drop down menu to one. Click on the Options button, set the partition scheme to GUID then click on the OK button. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Partition button and wait until the process has completed. Quit DU and return to the main menu.
    Reinstall Lion/Mountain Lion: Select Reinstall Lion/Mountain Lion and click on the Install button. Be sure to select the correct drive to use if you have more than one.
    Note: You will need an active Internet connection. I suggest using Ethernet if possible because it is three times faster than wireless.

  • When I downloaded firefox someone else's bookmarks and homepage are there, it is a used computer. How can I "start over" with firefox?

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    The simplest method will be to create a new profile and delete the old one. User information such as bookmarks is stored in a profile folder. You can create and remove profiles by using the profile manager. First use the profile manager to create a new profile, then use it to delete the old profile.
    For details on using the profile manager see the [[managing profiles]] article. An alternative site that can help is

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    I wrote two simple .java files, one test program and one containing a simple class.
    Both files are compiling without errors but When I run the program I get an error NoClassDeffoundError.
    I use the import <package> statement And I think I'm using the CLASSPATH variable correctly.
    SET CLASSPATH=d:\nopol
    path for the .java containing the test class is:
    d:\nopol\utilities \myapp.
    In the test file I use "import utilities.myapp.*.
    I would be very happy if anyone could help me
    Thanks beforehand

    The test file should be in d:\nopol, if it's not a part of your package utilities.myapp. Everything should be compiled from d:\nopol, the test class with "javac" and the class in the package with "javac utilities/myapp/".
    Your classpath seems fine for now, though. But yes, do add the period there, otherwise you could run into problems later.

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    The audio starts to disapear randomly from all the audio tracks.
    It is not only playback problem. When I exported the video, the audio was partly missing, same as the project.
    I have tried to look help on forums and search all what I could find, but havent been able to solve this.
    Small fix has slightly helped:
    I export audio to single track and bring it back to project. This works but I still usually have more editing to do.
    I simply cannot understand why the playback disapears, I fear it is a bug.
    I found lot of earlier version problems on people with similar type of problems, but no help for this version of program.
    To solve the matter I have changed my audio setting in PE12.
    Tried Premiere Elements WDM Sound and ASIO4ALL V2, but same problem on both.
    I have looked up that my audio playback device and PE12 matches, and are not muted, and volumes maxed.
    I have deleted my C:\ appdata\roaming\adobe  premiere elements & premiere elements 12 folder preferences.. not helping..
    I press the update pretty much everyday hoping for new version.. But yes, program keeps telling me its the latest.
    I usually only work with 3 audio track maxinum. And I am doing really the most basic stuff here..
    I have set all my audios to foreground and it has given me best results, but it does not seem to take the problem away as at somepoint randomly my audio playback is missing again, randomly across the playback.
    Please anyone? I am feeling hopeless here.
    Info on my computer:
    Operating system: Win7
    Processor: AMD Phenom(tm) x4 955 processor 3.20 GHz
    memory (RAM): 4GB
    system: 64bit
    <moved from downloading, installing, setting up forum by mod- kglad>
    Message was edited by: kglad

    First of all, thank you for replying my message!
    I will go and try to answer best I can.
    Source media properties:
    Progressive frame rate, I record this from a game.
    Recording program: dxtory
    codec: Lagarith Lossless codec
    Format: avi
    Frame width: 1920
    Frame height: 1080
    Data rate: 1990656kbps
    total bit rate 1992192kbps
    Frame rate 30/frames/seccond
    Audio of video properties:
    Codec: PCM
    Format: 16bit, stereo
    Bit rate: 1536kbps
    Channels: 2(stereo)
    Audio sample rate 48 kHz
    In addition to that I use wav files for music and narrate
    Music files sizes 20-50mb
    bit rate: ~1411kbps
    In total sizes of audio involved is usually something like 300mb
    What are you or the program setting as the project preset in the new project dialog. See Edit Menu/Project Settings/General and its Editing Mode, Timebase, and Frame Size readings.
    I opened new project and this is what i got:
    Editing mode: HD 1080i
    Timebase: 25,00 frames/second
    Frame size: 1920 x1080
    Audio is 48000 Hz
    (I dont know how to change these, btw. Program don't seem to let me change editing mode.
    I also looked up my most recent project and found these settings:
    Editing Mode: DSLR
    Timebase: 30,00 frames/second
    Frame size: 1920 x1080
    ..and same audio settings
    Do the problems persist if you start a new project? Do you find the audio problems develop when the Timeline content is fairly well developed or can the problems occur when there a minimal amount of content of those tracks? Let us look at the size and duration of this project.
    Yes, I have had this problem with all my projects. Sometimes it goes away tho, just enough for me to work bit more. My work progress usually starts by clipping the video material, like 1h material to 8minutes in clips. After that I want to work with audio tracks, and here problems start! When I start working with more than 1 track, so the problem is at later stage. To fix the problem a small fix I have used, I export audio like music and effects tracks together to 1 wav and bring it back. After that, I start working with narrate track. To describe the problem with audio:
    Audio Randomly starts to disapear when I playback, and can also be gone if I export the video out.
    My source videos total size are usually within 80Gb max limit and audio edit material 300mb total.
    In my last project my biggest source video was 47GB and leingth of 1h 4m, in addition to that I had 3 smaller videos, sizes of 1GB, 1,54GB and 300MB.
    Is there any evidence that you are accidentially moving the audio track rubberband to alter the audio volume. That rubberband is the orange line that runs horizontally through the middle of the audio clip when you are looking at the wave form display style of that audio track. The rubberband represents audio volume.
    No, audio volumes might have been adjusted in my tracks but they are present. The problem is usually like ~2-5seconds, a random audio track can be heard (like music or narrate) or just no sounds at all. This makes it very difficult to work with the audio. Also I gotta say that this problem starts by simply having the 2-3 audio tracks.. In my recent project the only adjustment I used to edit the audio was fade in/out.
    I don't have any other audio problems with any other programs.
    I am more than happy to provide more information if needed. I hope this information helps.
    In addition I can say that when I close Adobe Premiere Elements 12, it crashes. No idea why.
    I have also looked up my firewall settings, anything involved adobe and premiere..
    In addition some effects like HD text templates make "Adobe Media Core CS6" crash. I tend to just not use em, or if I need em, I add em at end of the edits.
    I hope this helps, I would really like to solve this problem.
    Thank you alot for taking the time to answer! I welcome anyone to help mee too! Please giev links to similar problems too. Thank you everybody!

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