Folder vs workset in roles

  I want to assign a set of iviews/pages to a role. I would like to know what is the best practice to add this objects to a role, i.e.
1. To create a role and create folders under this role and add pages/iviews to this folder
2. To create worksets and add pages/iviews to it and finally to add worksets to a role.
should I use worksets/folders under a role. if both can be used, when should i use which one.
Thank you

Hi Yogi,
if you want to group iViews (for they belong together), you normally create a workset outside a role and add the iViews (as delta links) to the workset and then the workset (as delta link) to the role. This way you can very simply re-use this group in another place instead of putting all iViews again under a role folder.
Role folders are normally only used for building a navigational structure.
For building up the PCD and role content, also see
Hope it helps
PS: Please consider rewarding points for helpful answers on SDN. Thanks in advance!

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    Julien Boffet

    Hi Julien,
    You need to give Permissions on the Workset and Roles folders in Content Admin --> Ur respective workset.
    Just right click on the Workset and add the respective user name in the list and then give the proper permissions to him, whether he needs full permission or only Read etc.
    I have a great PDF for the same, let me know how can i send it to you.
    You can refer these SAP NOTES for the same
    • 713210
    • 775117
    • 786523
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    [Points guranteed for helpful answers]

    Hi Deb,
    as far as I know there is no standard tool for mass assignment of content objects to portal roles. But you can easily develop your own solution. The folloowing sections of the SAP Library should be helpful:
    <a href="">How PCD Lookups are Performed</a>
    <a href="">Working with Semantic Objects</a>
    <a href="">Delta Links</a>
    Best regards,

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    Hi Praveen,
       You can find the documentation you are looking for on the SAP help portal.  This link will take you to the Administration Guide for EP5 SP6.
    In the left hand navigation you can pick the topics that you are interested in.  e.g. pages, roles, iviews.
    Hope this helps.

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    For every workset you need to set property "Entry point" as true.
    In Content explorer:
    1)select relevant workset and right click on that. select edit obejct option
    2) In property category select navigation or all option in drop down.
    3) There you can see property "Entry point" select radio button "yes" and Save the changes.
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    Hope this helps.

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    You have to:
    -Select the role that you want to create a folder
    -Go to "Folder Tabsheet"
    -Create your folder
    -Open your workbook
    -Save the Workbook into this role in the corresponding folder.
    Regard, hope it helps
    Assign point if useful please.

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    Hi Robert,
    Thanks for your posting!
    Form your descirpiton, I suggest you can refer to Tom Zhang's solution via this
    1. Enable Remote Desktop. (You have done this step)
        2. RDP to one instance of your service. Open up IIS Manager and set the application pool identity to use the account that we used for RDP.
        3. On on-premise local machine, right click "My Computer' and select "Manage". Add a new account with the same account name and password as we specified for Remote Desktop.
        4. Give the new account necessary permissions to write file to the shared folder. (I think you have done this step too)
        5. Try running the code again and see if it works.
        6. If it still says "access to path <folder path located on local machine> is denied". Please check the permission of the shared folder again.
        7. If it works, then the next step is to configure the application pool identity using Startup Task instead of using Remote Desktop (See the suggestion in
    But I still recommend you enable Remote Desktop for your web role to check if the Startup Task has successfully configured the application pool identity or not.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
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    Hi Karthick,
    I think I answered on another post, but here it is again:
    Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
    env.put(Constants.REQUESTED_ASPECT, IPcdAttribute.PERSISTENCY_ASPECT);
    env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, request.getUser());
    env.put(IPcdContext.PCD_PERSONALIZATION_PRINCIPAL, request.getUser());
    InitialContext iCtx = null;
    String roleID = "pcd:portal_content/DanielContent/DanRole";
        iCtx = new InitialContext(env);
        IPcdContext attrSet = (IPcdContext) iCtx.lookup(roleID);
        response.write(attrSet.getAttributes("").get("").get() +"--PP<BR>");
    Hope it helps.

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    Could you please tell me how to create a Workset within the Role? 
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    Thanks for any helps!
    Niki Nguyen

    Hey Niki,
    Go to Content Admin->Portal Content.
    Select your default work folder. Right click it and select new workset.
    Create and save workset.
    After that open your role and right click on workset and select the option add to role.
    If you are not aware of the location of the role select tab search and type some keywords with *. select it and click locate in catalog.
    Hope this helps!
    Atul Shrivastava

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    Silvia .

    Hi Silvia,
    you don't have to use the RAW TEXTS for role folders. You can however translate role folder titles and descriptions in any available language. BUT you first have to translate them from source language: Raw Texts to target language (e.g.): English
    Then you can translate them from English to any other language you desire.
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    As, due to a bug, texts for role folders are initially saved only as Raw Texts, they don't appear in English (master language).
    You first have to translate them from "Raw" to "English" and then everything is fine.
    Hope I could shed some light on this.

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    Hi Andrew,
    That was the first thing that came to mind. I tried publishing to the KM folder, but then could not find any way to link the object in the KM folder to the Role / Workset under my Portal Content.
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  • Folder Assignment to Role

    I have iviews in folders(ABC and XYZ) which are placed  in Content Admin-->Portal content . I want Assign this folder to Roles with out using work set. Is it possible???Please let me know the procedure.

      If you want to show folderwise in DTN to the user, then you can create folders from role page. E.g., Create role and workset. Add workset to role. Now open the role page. Right click workset listed under role -> Create New Folder. Give name as ABC. Similarly create another folder XYZ. Add the iViews from ABC portal content folder to role first. Then right click the iViews listed under role one by one and click cut. Now right click XYZ listed under workset and choose Paste. This way you can cut all the iViews and paste them in folders under workset. Now if entry point of role is true, then role is 1st level, workset in 2nd and folders will list in DTN. If you expand folder, you can find the iViews.
    Harini S

  • Roles, Worksets Users

    Hi, i have the following escenario:
    i have some iviews into some pages into a workset and that workset into a role called 'Home'. The field 'Entry Point' is set in the role and the workset
    in the other hand i have a user called Director and this user is into a Role called Directors.
    everything(iviews, pages, workset and role) have permissions for that role Directors.
    the problem is that when i log into the portal(Administrator and Director users), i dont se the 'Home' role in the top navigation level.
    i hope anybody can help me...

    once again:
    > I set up 'Entry Point' in the folder
    > and in the role properties
    No need for this. Period.
    > In the permisions of the role
    Role assignment does not work via permissions. Period.
    This has been told twice now. I hope we got it cleared...
    Now the question: Where does your UME role Director come from? Or is it a user, as written now: "i add the <i>user 'Director'</i>"?!
    If the latter is the case, go to user administration, Roles, search for your user, edit the user, search for the role Home, assign this role to the user, save it(!). Done.
    Hope it helps
    Message was edited by: Detlev Beutner
    Now Yoav has been faster...

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