Folio : articles orientation issue

i made a folio, nothing really new in it
but when i try to download it today it says "please make sur all articles have the same orientaions properties, then try again"
i wonder why as they all have been made the same way, and how do i track these properties ?
in the folio producer it does not look like i can force it or evne hav access to it (BTW only one article out of 166 is showing completely)
in the folio builder when i go to "article properties" i don't have much more information : when i go all the way right, the article is always set as "landscape" ... but it's all blank
can someone please help me ?
best regards

yes and i've did it all over again, now it works ... except taht in the preview on the PC, now when i try to see the folio it says that
"L'article "section_1_femme_h" n'est pas compatible avec le lecteur pour lequel le folio est en cours de publication"
thx to goole it means
The article "section_1_femme_h" is not compatible with the drive for which the portfolio is being published
note that if i delete the article in quesiton, it says then same thing for the article coming just after itc, etc.etc.
it works on the iPad ... and i see everything on the folio producer

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    Hi BabalooToo,
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    If your iPhone becomes unresponsive, there are some troubleshooting steps I'd like you to follow through outlined below.  As far as your "iCloud sync," what exactly is the issue you're experiencing?
    If a single application is not responding or stops responding when it opens, you can force it to close.
    If the device is unresponsive or if certain controls aren't working as expected, restart your device.
    If the device remains unresponsive or does not turn on (or power on), reset your device.
    If there is no video or if the screen remains black, verify that the device has enough charge to turn on:
    If you are using an iPad, ensure that it's connected to the USB Power Adapter supplied with the device.
    Let it charge for at least twenty minutes, then see if it starts normally.
    If there is no image on the screen, press the Sleep/Wake button to attempt to wake the device.
    If the screen displays a red battery icon, continue charging the device until the battery is fully charged. Learn more about charging iPhone and iPod touch, or iPad.
    If the above steps do not resolve the issue, or the if the screen remains black or shows a persistent Apple logo, try restoring with iTunes:
    Connect the device to your computer and open iTunes.
    If the device appears in iTunes, select and click Restore on the Summary pane. Learn more about restoring iOS software.
    If the device doesn't appear in iTunes, try to force the device into recovery mode, and then restore it.
    If the above steps do not resolve the issue, contact Apple.
    iOS: Not responding or does not turn on - Apple Support
    Take care,
    Alex H.

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    Thanks guys – both good advice. Turning into Object States would be a good solution but it loses a bit of the point as swiping through the pages in the articles won't be possible – might as well do it on the web in that case.
    A shame DPS won't allow you to do "vertical swipe only" the same way as "horizontal swipe only". Oh well.
    Thanks again!

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    The sharing of the data is not the problem, in fact, cloud storage can be one of the solutions. But regardless, if people work on different locations or in the same intranet, it can always happen, that designer B goes on holiday and there needs to be done a change on one of the articles inside the folio that B has been working on. It is a pitty, that Designer C cannot take over and do the changes without either having to have user/password of B or "destroying" the folio settings, removing the article completely and re-entering it drom scratch (with all correct settings, namings etc) what makes B having to do the same, as soon as he comes back. This might also have to do with the absolute path references used in folios instead of logical ones (every user can set as "folioroot" on his computer) what also would make the dropbox (or adobe cloud) approach work, as everybody would share the same subfile structure and could "jumpstart" working on the folio.
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    Need help ASAP.

    Mike, I basically have to do the same. The idea to use DPS for something else than glossy magazine or corporate catalog, is my brainchild, and losing hopes feels like euthanazing a pet, to say the least.
    With the only exception: I don't see DPS as an inferior product. Rather, it is a raw product, brought to the light before it is really ready, in order (as it is often, if not always, happens in hi-tech industry) to corner the territory before competitors catch up.
    As you could see in other threads, there are no books or training courses available yet, and I believe Adobe team is not quite sure what can and cannot be done with DPS. A part of the minefield is Apple iOS, that enforces certain limitations to ensure system stability. And I am sure, there is a lot of other factors in play that we are not aware of, and probably never will be.
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    Just my 5 cents...

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    After testing another peice of HTML that also included video streaming and heavy JavaScript, I narrowed the issue down to my JS. I had two Nivo Slider Carousels that were the route of the performance issues.
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    I hope this may be of some help to other's in the future?

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    I'd like to help, but for the life of me, I can't make out what you're saying.
    Try again?

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    Is this a known bug? Is there a way around it? It is some kind of crazy when an uploaded folio has 4 times the size as all his assets?!?!
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Bob,
    sorry for my late reply.
    I have done some additional testing and came to the conclusion that no button is responsible for the big file sizes.
    It was the overlay setting after all (sorry for pointing in the wrong direction). As I switched the slideshow from "Raster" to "Vector" the file size decreased plenty. (I thougt I checked this but actually I did it only in vertical articles.)
    However I did not know that the export format has such an impact on file size. This one article decreased from 52 MB to 17 MB. And it was only one slideshow with 7 (retina) images inside.
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    Uninstall and re-install the Digital Publishing Suite Tools for CS6. If that doesn't resolve the issue, un-install and re-install InDesign CS6.

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    Finally I deleted the changed issue in the DPS Folio Producer Organizer, but the multi issue viewer still shows the old version of the issue.
    What can I do now?

    I suggest calling enterprise support for this, they should be able to help you figure out what is going on. You can find contact information by logging into and looking in the bottom middle of the page.

  • Flex app rejection because of Orientations issue on iOS7

    down votefavorite 
    We found that your app does not comply with the Apple iOS Human Interface Guidelines, as required by the App Store Review Guidelines.
    While supporting both variants of both orientations, each with unique launch images, provides the best user experience and is recommended, we understand there are certain applications that must run in the landscape orientation only. In this case, it would be appropriate to support both variants of that orientation in your application, e.g., Home button right and left.
    Addressing this issue typically requires only a simple and straightforward code modification. However, if you require assistance, the Apple Developer Support Team is available to provide code-level assistance.
    For more information, please review the Aim to Support All Orientations section of the iOS Human Interface Guidelines.
    I have decided to open application only in Landscape mode and I have following code to restrict:
    <aspectRatio>landscape</aspectRatio>  <autoOrients>false</autoOrients>

    I have
    <aspectRatio>landscape</aspectRatio>  <autoOrients>false</autoOrients>
    in my app.xml file, and my application supports only landscape orientation. Still apple has rejected it. 
    I have used air sdk 13.0.0.** and flash builder 4.7
    They have givebn rejection number
    10.6: Apple and our customers place a high value on simple, refined, creative, well thought through interfaces. They take more work but are worth it. Apple sets a high bar. If your user interface is complex or less than very good it may be rejected
    Even my app made for iPad only
    can you tell me why they have rejected it.
    They given me rejection screenshot:
    I simply don't understand why this happens, while I am forcing an app to open in landscape mode only?

  • Portrait photo orientation issue when viewed in slideshow

    I have experienced this problem since first upgrading to 8.0. I have upgraded to 8.02, but this problem persists.
    Most (but not all) of my portrait photos display incorrectly during slideshows (but display correctly otherwise). The pictures are rotated 90 degrees and are squished vertically and stretched horizontally. The result are pictures that fill a portrait oriented "frame" but are sideways, squat and stretched width-wise.
    As near as I can tell, all my photos that I took with my digital cameras (all Canons of various models) have this problem, while only some photos I have received from friends have this issue. Perhaps it is an issue with iPhoto reading Canon's orientation flag? But why is it only a problem in slideshows?
    I'm uncertain if this is relevant, but I've also noticed none of my portrait photos display properly when viewed via Front Row.
    So far the only trouble shooting ideas I've been able to think of are:
    1 - Remake my slideshows from scratch
    2 - Rebuild my photo library.
    Neither of these fixed my problem. Does anyone have a suggestion?

    Try quitting iPhoto and trashing your iPhoto preferences file ("your username" ==> library ==> preferences ==> when you launch iPhoto a new default one will be created - reset any user preferences you have changed and repoint iPhoto to the library if you have moved it

  • Folio Producer Editor issue

    I'm connecting to and start the Folio Producer Editor.
    The previously accessible folios are visible, but when I try to open them it freezes and eventually the flash plugin crashes.
    This has been tested on a Windows PC (Dual Xeon, 8GB RAM, QuattroFX3500) as well as on a MacBookPro.
    Are there any issues with the server that have been reported?

    The fix for this problem was deployed this afternoon between 2 & 3PM PST. Please investigate your workflows where this problem was encountered and follow up with me at [email protected] if there are any more problems with crashing bugs in Folio Producer or Folio Editor.

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