Font organization

Can anyone help me understand why some fonts are located in /Library/fonts/ and others are in /System/Library/fonts/ ?

Hello ~Bee
Here are the fonts currently in /system/library/fonts/ :
I've been working at this a little while, and did see the article you linked. Consequently, I removed (moved to another folder) the following fonts from /system/library/fonts/ :
Apple LiGothic Medium.dfont
Geeza Pro Bold.ttf
Geeza Pro.ttf
Helvetica LT MM
Times LT MM
ヒラギノ丸ゴ Pro W4.otf
ヒラギノ明朝 Pro W3.otf
ヒラギノ明朝 Pro W6.otf
ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W3.otf
ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W6.otf
ヒラギノ角ゴ Std W8.otf
儷黑 Pro.ttf
But the font problem w/ Safari persists. Also, I should mention that when I tried to fully delete the above list, the system complains, telling me Pro W3.otf, AquaKanaRegular.otf, Pro.ttf and the last two .ttf's are in use. And it does this when every application save Finder is closed.

Similar Messages

  • Font Folders (i.e. Comprehensive CS-wide Font organization!)

    Having zero built-in font organization in CS is akin to using Premiere Pro without bins or Photoshop without layers.  In other words, it's a mess!  I've seen other posts suggesting ways to organize fonts, yet none that I felt present a complete solution.  With that said, here is my suggested solution to the current lack of font organization in CS:
    Font Folders
    Ability to create collapsible (i.e. 'twirlable') Font Folders at the top of each CS program's Font List.
    Ability to add (drag-drop)/remove/reorder/rename fonts within these folders, and add the same fonts to several folders.
    Four permanent 'Master' Font Folders at the top of each CS program's font list:
    'Program Name Fonts' (e.g. 'Photoshop Fonts')
    'CS Fonts'
    'Program Name Projects' (e.g. 'Premiere Pro Projects')
    'Font List'
    'Program Name Fonts' would be Font Folders that only appear in the respective program in which they were created.  Thus, a 'Wedding Videos' Font Folder created in Premiere Pro would only appear in that program.
    'CS Fonts' would be Font Folders that automatically appear in every other CS program.  Thus, a 'Favorites' Font Folder created in Photoshop would automatically appear in Illustrator, AE, PP and other relevant CS programs.  Any eventual changes made to this folder, in any CS program, would automatically appear in every other CS program.
    'Program Name Projects' would be automatically created Font Folders to keep track of the fonts used in previous projects.  Thus, should a video editor want to reuse the same 10 fonts that were used in a project from a year ago, referencing those fonts would be as simple as opening the respective Font Folder.  For greater organization, Project folders should automatically be categorized into root folders by year, and allow the same renaming/deleting/reordering as the other two types of Font Folders.
    'Font List': putting all installed fonts into their own collapsible folder would allow users to twirl this folder closed when they only want to focus on fonts within other Font Folder categories.
    Right-clicking on any Master Font Folder or Font (Sub-)Folder could give users contextual menu options to export/import the Font Folder structure and/or the fonts within them. This would make sharing fonts and/or Font Folders between users and between computer systems quick and easy.
    These contextual menus should also give users the option to 'Sort Alphabetically'.
    Right-clicking on the 'Font List' folder could give users different display options:
    Display all installed fonts
    Display uncategorized fonts (only shows fonts that have not been manually added to a Font Folder by user)
    Diplay unused fonts (only shows fonts that have not been used, i.e. do not appear in the 'Program Name Projects' Font Folders.
    By default, Adobe could populate the 'CS Fonts' folder with standard categories, such as 'Serif', 'Sans Serif', 'Fixed width', etc, to organize its default CS fonts.
    Every font folder should contain a preview of each font, just like fonts in Photoshop's Font List do.  For maximum usefulness, the default characters 'Sample' should automatically be replaced by the first 1-30 user-selected characters within the program's interface.  Thus, should a Premiere Pro user want to compare how the title 'Jenny+Edward' looks in all 20 fonts in his/her 'Wedding Videos' Font Folder, doing so would be as simple and instantaneous as selecting the text in the Titler, and twirling open the 'Wedding Videos' Font Folder!
    A horizontal resize bar at the top of each CS program's Font List (just like the bar at the bottom of Premiere Pro's Project Window) would allow users to resize font names and font previews within all 4 Font Folders.  This would ensure a perfect viewing size for all users, on all resolution monitors.
    Why should editors have to scroll through a list of 100, 300, or 500+ installed fonts that are completely inappropriate for a certain title, every time they want to locate and compare the 5-10 fonts that are well suited? Allowing this kind of intuitive, built-in font organization, with a simple drag & drop interface, would be a God-send and set Adobe apart as the first software company to address font management in this way!
    Comments?  Ideas?  Missing features?  Please share!
    ps. My 'Project Name Fonts' idea may be harder to program by virtue of requiring automation.  This feature could therefore be released in a subsequent version, should its omission allow for the sooner release of the other features I suggest.  Thank you.

    Hi Ann,
    I just tested out the DiskFonts extension you found.  Thanks for the tip.
    Here's what I tested and found so far (Windows only):
    DiskFonts ( only 3rd-party program we've found that currently supports Premiere, but not CS6.  In CS6 it crashes, but from what I can gauge, it's of limited use.  Too many basic things missing, such as ability to create various font sets/folders, and resize bar for previews.  I like how it's a dockable window though.
    Font Agent Pro 4.1 ( Terrible interface, heavy program, wants to copy fonts from default Windows folder to custom location?? Bad, bad, bad.
    MainType 5.1 ( Great interface, very customizable, ability to create font folders (Root Groups & Subgroups) with custom icons.  Second best option I've found after TypeDNA.
    TypeDNA 2.2.1 ( Best 3rd party app I've found so far!  Straightforward  with customizable information columns and most font viewing options (list view, card view, family view).  Intelligent tools such as 'Similar' (right-click on any font and click 'Similar' to automatically get a list of all similar looking fonts), and font search by attributes (weight, width, italic and optical). Fantastic features!  Missing features: Premiere Pro integration, resize bar for previews (resizing currently requires a visit to the Preferences), colour pickers for font/background colors, subgroup font folders (currently only allows root level groups), CTRL-A font selection (keyboard shortcut doesn't work), 'Smart Sets' (available in Suitcase Fusion 4 and Font Explorer X Pro).
    Suitcase Fusion 4 ( Great interface for font previews (selectable font/background colors, resize bar, etc.), but drag/dropping fonts to font folders (sets) always gives me an 'unexpected error' message.  Even if it did work, the interface for managing custom sets is terrible: custom sets cannot be added to the 'System Fonts' root folder (where all fonts are listed), they can only be added to custom 'Library' root folders.  However these root folders cannot be simultaneously 'twirled down', which makes drag-dropping fonts from one's library directly to a custom set impossible.  This UI is insane.
    Font Explorer X Pro 2.3.3 ( Sloooow startup.  Can create custom Sets and Smart Sets, nested within master Folders, and even export Sets! (all contained fonts sent to zipped file) However, the complete lack of font list preview options (tiny preview characters can't even be resized!) makes this otherwise nice program unusable for font management (preview options only available in window that displays 1 font at a time).
    If TypeDNA can add the missing features I mention above, and add extensions for Premiere Pro and After Effects, then it would, IMO, remove the need for Adobe to add font folders as suggested.  However, ideally, Adobe can take cues from these programs (MainType interface + TypeDNA's smart tools + Font Explorer X Pro Set exports) and give us its own built-in solution.
    Any programs missing in this list that I should test?

  • Font organization in FontBook

    Hi folks.
    I downloaded four Gill Sans fonts that are alternate versions of the Gill Sans MT fonts that came preinstalled with my Mac (the actual font name is Gill Sans MT Schoolbook). My issue is that FontBook lumps the four Gill Sans MT Schoolbook fonts into the Gill Sans MT family instead of saving them as their own separate font, so when I go into a program like Word, only four of the eight total fonts are available for me to use. How can I fix this?

    Got 'em. The issue I first thought of is okay. Since some of your Gil Sans fonts weren't showing up, I figured there may be a naming conflict. But the internal names are good.
    My issue is that FontBook lumps the four Gill Sans MT Schoolbook fonts into the Gill Sans MT family instead of saving them as their own separate font...
    That's correct. Since the MT fonts all have the same internal family name, they should appear as a group rather than individual entries. when I go into a program like Word, only four of the eight total fonts are available for me to use.
    A bit confused there. On the site you mentioned, there were only four Gill Sans MT Schoolbook fonts to download. Where did the other four come from? Or are you referring to the Mac versions?
    All total (assuming you download the same four fonts I found), you should have four Gill Sans MT Schoolbook fonts...
    Gill Sans MT SchoolBook
    Gill Sans MT Schoolbook Bold
    Gill Sans MT Schoolbook Italic
    Gill Sans MT Schoolbook Bold Italic
    ...and six Gill Sans fonts from OS X.
    Gill Sans
    Gill Sans Bold
    Gill Sans Italic
    Gill Sans Bold Italic
    Gill Sans Light
    Gill Sans Light Italic

  • Brush, Pattern, Font, Custom Shape Tool, gradient, etc organization

    On record, I have over 1,000 brushes, over 1,000 fonts, and I'm making other resources on the fly. I have an issue here: I can't find anything!!
    (I also have a second issue with resources and crashes, but I'll get to that later.)
    Is it that hard to ask Adobe to put in some font organization, tags for brushes and a search engine for them? Sometimes it's a pain trying to find the right font, but say, I think, "Hmm.. I want a font that is remotely Western, probably serif" there is no way in Adobe Photoshop to get through all of those fonts in a timely manner which means I'm spending about 2 hours shuffling through the fonts trying to find the right one. Sure there is a panel where you can select your favorite ones, but that's not by category... there is no sane way to find the font just for you.
    Same thing for brushes. Often the problem with brushes is that people lose where they've come from, meaning no credit to the brush maker and when you want, say, fairies because you need some, you can't remember where the hell they are. And if you do, you have tons of brushes to sort through. People have a compulsion to not label their brush sets properly, which drives me nuts because they also expect you to give them credit. How about Adobe gives them a leg up? Give them a space not only to name the brush, but give it tags, a name and a website where it was found at. (Not required, but can be used or even expanded down.) And give it search capability. (So I type in birds, then the brushes menu retrofits to show all brushes with the tag of birds, I delete the search line, all the brushes come back, I type in standard. All of the round brushes come up, etc. I type in spiritsighs and all of her brushes come up... and so on). Gradients, etc should be the same.
    Sure you can clear your brushes, but do you know how many brush packs I have to sort through, then load to get the right one? --;; A pain. (Plus brush packs are often lost in computer crashes, harddrive wipes, etc.)
    So I'm asking for a way to organize and find these resources more easily, with better searching abilities, because while the guys on Photoshop TV can afford to dump their probably thousands of brushes for a demo, isn't it kind of odd that they often say, "Where is it? "Ah there it is" in their tutorials? They've apologized at least a dozen times for the "ah there it is" and the "I'm sorry Adobe doesn't give a font organizer", but here is a crappier alternative.
    I'd like this in other programs in the CS suite too. Especially the Historyless Illustrator (Illustrator needs History) and InDesign. InDesign should have had font management a long time ago--most of it is about type setting anyway.
    Second part:
    Crashes. You've spent 2 hours making the right brush, stayed past your bedtime, made the brush, and voila, Photoshop crashes. You've just lost 2 hours of work, your files, which in your artistic daze you forgot to save and any chance of getting that brush file back.
    So I propose three fixes which are already out there in Computer land that Photoshop hasn't implemented. (And other Adobe products should also implement).
    1. The auto save. When the user isn't using the screen, or at x intervals it will ask the user if they want to save, which is settable by the user (prompting and the auto-saving). Microsoft has it, Most Mac programs have it, Adobe Photoshop should also have it.
    2. Generated back up files. At some intervals, instead of a full save, in case of a crash, Adobe Photoshop, when prompted will create back up files.
    3. A way for Photoshop and Illustrator when creating brushes, etc to auto-save said brush when the brush is created, rather than generating a pack. Like it updates a file in Photoshop when one creates a brush. This means it will hard save to the computer and one doesn't have to make a brush pack or shut down photoshop to get the brush to save. I think this would save a lot of people heartbreak.
    Minor peeve, but when I hit undo often it jumps to the previous layer I was at. I'd like an option to turn this "feature" off.

    not sure if anybody mentioned  this. has a product for viewing and organizing your  brushes patterns etc. 25 bucks.
    This should be native to Photoshop rather than from an external program. It's in many other programs,so I don't understand why Photoshop doesn't have a system native to it.
    To be blunt: If that has happened more than once to you and you still  don’t save useful, newly created brushes regularly you should, in my  opinion, improve your workflow.
    Saving a brush into a set should be doable  in something like 15 seconds, less if you use Keyboard Shortcuts.
    Even  less than that if one automates the task with a Script (which could  then be invoked either via a Keyboard Shortcut or Configurator Panel).
    Let  me know if you want to give it a try.
    You misunderstand me. I save the brush into the brush panel, and I may have the brush in up and working, but to save the brush permanently, you have one of these options:
    1. Quit Photoshop between each brush made. The Save Brush Preset was NOT a permanent solution. It should be automatically saved to a file. Such as "all". Illustrator has a similar feature, though this really needs to be streamlined for Illustrator as well.
    2. Save as a brush pack. However, if you have a bunch of brushes planned, this becomes a pain to do. This means out of say the 100 brush packs you have to find it every single time and add it and even if Photoshop crashes, the brushes you saved won't show up in the brush menu, because Photoshop doesn't remember any of the brushes you made until you quit Photoshop. This means then, if you're in the middle of making a brush and Photoshop crashes, you have to bring up said brush pack.
    Do you really make brushes? 'cause I do. I make lots of brushes and it annoys me to no end that when I save the brush to the brush panel it's not a permanent save, but temporary. It should be permanent and I shouldn't have to shut down Photoshop to get it to save automatically to the Photoshop Brush palette.
    I spend a lot of time refining my brushes by testing them, making them, and then testing them again. When I get the brush perfect, and find that something big has happened, I expect the brushes I saved to the brush palate should have saved permanently. But test it... You can force quit Photoshop, after saving to a brush to the brush palate and find that it's not at the end of the brush palate anymore. This is wacky and should be fixed. I view it as an internal bug rather than a "feature" i.e. something they didn't think about when they gave users the ability to create their own brushes. This is very programable as other programs can do it and as you pointed out it, it is minor. Especially with the advent of workable backup files, it has become ten times easier. Since Photoshop remembers on shut down, it may be even more minor--just shifting some code from the shut down process to the "save to Brush palate" process. I wouldn't mind say 5-10 seconds more of waiting while it saves if the  save ends up in a permanent save.
    But as for organizing Brush Presets  and Brush-name search capabilities Photoshop could indeed do with some  improvements. (I still work with CS4, so I don’t know what changes  exactly CS5  brought in that respect.)
    Fonts on the other hand … I suspect  the risks connected with implementing any expanded font-capabilities in  Photoshop may be significant.
    Font organizers already exist. And programs have implemented them with success without hindering the work flow. I'm proposing this in addition to the "favorites" and the type-in pull down menu, not instead of it. As there are working examples, I doubt it will be that difficult to mock up. This isn't like a new fangled idea--so making it isn't as difficult. It should have been in In Design a long, long time ago... All the Adobe Products need one. I wouldn't even mind if it was an external program that worked with the suite. (Similar to Font Book for Mac with the Coco Products)

  • All adobe products:any trick to disable some fonts temporally ??

    there are tons of fonts overthere! .. if you install all those your machine will dramatically slow! .. each software will load all fonts each time! .. but i don't need all those all the time .. can i temporary disable some fonts??? ..let's say 2 modes .. (deep design mode - normal mode) when i enter deep design i want photosop to load all fonts .. but normally i don't need all those to be loaded each time!!!! just the basic fonts will be ok! .. i install all fonts when needed and then delete it! that works but i need something better and faster.. is there a feature or something do the trick?

    i_like_photoshop wrote:
    there are tons of fonts overthere! .. if you install all those your machine will dramatically slow! .. each software will load all fonts each time! .. but i don't need all those all the time .. can i temporary disable some fonts??? ..let's say 2 modes .. (deep design mode - normal mode) when i enter deep design i want photosop to load all fonts .. but normally i don't need all those to be loaded each time!!!! just the basic fonts will be ok! .. i install all fonts when needed and then delete it! that works but i need something better and faster.. is there a feature or something do the trick?
    Additional program called Font Manger is a software designed to solve exactly a problem like yours. Its main purpose is to reduce performance hit caused by large number of fonts installed in the system. Good font managers have features like automatically installing and uninstalling the desired fonts which can be associated with opening certain programs, files, etc. Font managers usually also have features such as organizing and previewing fonts externally.
    By the way I have exactly the opposite problem of yours as described in the other thread Noel pointed to. My computer can handle a number of fonts large enough that requires some organization in the font menu in order to be manageable but no programs offer such features.
    Out of curiosity what's the number of fonts installed in your system folder and what kind of hardware and system software you have?
    by the way: installed fonts are loaded when the system starts and stay in the memory all the time, they do not load when each program opens, but may take time for the program to read and display for the first time in the session a long list of fonts. That's why I would like some menu font organization that will not require listing and reading all fonts but only certain user defined submenu sections.

  • New Idea for Adobe

    A fellow class mate and I of a graphic design degree course study have discussed and decided that Adobe should make a font organizer piece of software. Something to organize and install fonts on Windows easily and efficiently.
    [email protected]

    The best way to give a voice to your idea would be to submit a feature request via Adobe's Feature Request/Bug Report Form.
    Adobe Systems

  • How should I organize and disable non-english fonts.

    I'm a graphic designer and I'm having trouble organizing all of these random hebrew/japanese/chinese fonts that I never use.
    I don't want to screw up my system, but I also don't want to scroll through 200 fonts every time I want to find one.
    Is there an easy way I can find all of the non-english fonts and disable them?
    Fontbook freezes and crashes all the time for me, so I've been using Suitcase Fusion free trial for a few days and disabled a bunch of fonts through it. Though, it prevents me from disabling anything considered a "System Font" which is fine, only having the necesccary non-english fonts is okay, I just don't want 75% of my font list in my adobe applications to be un-usable fonts.
    I guess my problem is that by default, some fonts are pre-disabled on OS X, and should I run into problems, I want a way to easily re-enable these fonts if I need to. Also, since I've disabled so many fonts, I dont' know what ones are enabled by default. How would I go about restoring all of my fonts?
    I think it'd be nice to be able to sort all of the fonts by what language they're in. But I don't know what language the font is because I don't speak those languages. Another problem is that you can't organize local fonts in Suitcase. I think using fontbook would be my best option for this, before switching back to Suitcase for regular use, but I still have the problem of restoring my already disabled fonts correctly, and figuring out which fonts are in what language. Could anyone help me out with this?

    PS Here is a rough list of fonts provided with OS X intended for use only with particular non-Latin scripts:
    Arabic :  al bayan, baghdad, damascus, decotype naskh, geeza pro, nadeem
    Hebrew: arial hebrew, corsiva hebrew, new peninim, raanana
    Thai: ayuthaya, krungthep, sathu, silom, thonburi
    Lao : lao
    Tibetan: kailasa, kokonor
    Korean: gungseo, headline, nanum, pcmyungjo, pilgi, applegothic, applemyungjo
    Chinese: biaukai, gb18030, hei, heiti, kai, lihei, lisong, stfangsong, stheiti, stkaiti, stsong, apple ligothic, baoli, kaiti, lantinghei, libian, songti, wawati, weibei, xingkai, yuanti, yuppi
    Japanese: hiragino
    Armenian: mshtakan
    Ethiopic: kefa
    Indic: devanagari, bangla, gurmukhi, gujarati, oriya, tamil, telugu, kannada, malayalam, sinhala,
    Myanmar : myanmar
    Cherokee : plantagenet cherokee
    UCAS : euphemia
    Khmer : khmer

  • Elements Organizer and Editor Fonts Too Small

    Is Adobe ever going to fix this problem of the fonts not adjusting their size in both the organizer and the editor?  The only option to alter the font seems to be to switch to a "System Font", but that option doesn't work. It doesn't change the font size at all, even if you turn off Aero and set the system font to 125%, the menu fonts don't change. In short, the software is not Windows compliant, afte how many years that Adobe has been making a windows version of this ptogram?
    The default font size can't be read more than a foot or so away from the screen on today's pretty much standard 22" 1680x1050 LCD display. On top of that, who in their right mind thinks black text on a gray backgound effects 'contrast' rather than 'blend'?
    I've searched the internet regarding this problem, and it seems to have persisted through multiple versions of this software, but has gotten worse through versions 7, 8 and 9 based on user numerous posts. Actually, it looks like Adobe just doesn't plan on addressing the problem at all.
    Does anyone even get a response from Adobe when they post about this font issue? It doesn't look like it, as far as I can see.  

    That seems to be a reasonable explanation.  Since a thumbnail does not have as much information as the actual file, it shouldn't be surprising that visual difference exist.  I just wasn't expecting them to be quite so noticeable.

  • How to organize / group fonts in Photoshop

    When I open fonts drop down menu inside of Photoshop, I have over 300 fonts listed in alphabetical order, most of which I don't use. 
    I installed about 20 fonts that I like. But how do I group them together? After typing and selecting text in Photoshop, I want to quickly flip through my 20 best fonts collection (with up and down arrow) to see which font looks better. Is there a way to do it?
    I tried deleting all fonts from Library, and leaving only my 20 fonts there, but that didn't work out, because text in other applications started looking funny.
    Please let me know if there is a better solution.

    Can't offer you much help but can only mention how bad the font technology is in this respect. In my opinion the font usage interfaces available nowadays  are the most primitive and undeveloped than any other software solutions.
    Initially, decades ago, the primary goal of the font managers was system performance. In the early desktop computers even a few dozen fonts would slow down considerably the system performance. Nowadays the computers are so much faster that I can have thousands of fonts installed without any problem. So, the major advantage of font managers is lost and I have to use them for organization purposes only. However because they are external means to a problem that needs to be solved internally on a system and program level, they are very inefficient. You have to organize your fonts externally and load or unload with another program all the time in order to have manageable font menu. However this doesn't affect the system fonts and many program fonts which are a number large enough to clutter and interfere with any external arrangement. Basically a font manager allows you to organize your fonts externally where you can choose which fonts you want or don't want to use, then the font manager  automates the installing and uninstalling of these fonts in the system fonts folder and thus limits the number of fonts that appear in the font menus. Font managers don't have access to and can't sort the font menu in anyway.
    Ideally, this problem should be solved on a system level. The perfect interface I imagine would be user created sub-folders in the system Fonts folder where a font or its alias can be put and this would be the way the fonts should appear in the Fonts panels and menus of the programs with collapsible sub-menus.

  • Changing PSE 11 Organizer font

    For PSE 11 Organizer, how do I increase metadata display font size? 

    I believe you can not.
    There is no option in PSE to change the font size of the application.
    However you can change the overall size of your display by reducing the resolution of your machine. But this will affect all the applications.

  • PSE 11- font size in Organizer

    Has Adobe given you the option to enlarge the font for Tags, dates, etc. in PSE 11?  Or is it still in extremely small print.  I went from PSE 6 to PSE 10 and it was a shock.  I can barely make out the tags and photo info on the screen without being a couple of inches from my monitor.  Find I'm still using PSE 6 to organize my photos but would like to have everything in one area.  I'm using Windows 7.

    What you are describing seeing is what I am seeing with 4.1.3 Safari here.
    (Resisting an urge to gaslight the issue here. )
    You might remove all Google cookies and see if there are any Google plist files that may be causing the problem.
    Gonna add my screen grab as well:

  • Organizer Font Size

    How do you increase the font size of the Documentation in Xcode's organizer? I didn't see a setting for it in Xcode's preferences. They only
    seem to control settings for text appearing in the code editor itself, not the organizer window.

    It works but not that good. When I choose Editor->Zoom in, the font does get enlarged. But this only works for the current topic. When I move to another one, the font is changed back to the originally small one. Furthermore, the Zoom-in does not have a shortcut key to use. It is not that convenient to use. Any one know how to assign a short key for it?

  • Organize Fonts by Style/Collection

    Hey Everyone,
    I came across a feature he other day that came in really handy and was wondering if there is a plugin for InDesign CS6 that could accomplish a similar effect.
    In MS Word, when you go to Font-->Font Collections, there is a dropdown menu with a list of the fonts I have loaded in the categories I specified in FontBook. For instance, when I loaded my serif fonts into FontBook, I put them in a collection called "Serif." MS Word then uses this information and has my fonts organized into my specified folders. Bascially, it allows me to separate my fonts by style, ie. Serif, Sans Serif, Slab Serif, Retro etc. See attached image to get a better idea of what I'm talking about.

    It's a nice idea, but Adobe is (understandably) reluctant to add platform-specific features. There is no equivalent to Font Book in Windows (at least, not as comprehensive), and also nothing like the Font Collections.
    Microsoft doesn't seem to worry about non-transferable platform features. Perhaps you could first convince them to make something similar like Font Book for the next Windows

  • How do I organize Font Book fonts?

    I want to get all my variations of a font into one font family in font book. For example, I want my light font, bold font, extra bold font ect. to all go under one name(under one side arrow) in font book instead of having each varitation its own arrow. When I use adobe illustrator I want to have it so there is only one name and then I can arrow over to look at all the different varations. How do I do this?

    Could be many things, but it's best to start with these two steps, which may fix it also...
    "Try Disk Utility
    1. Insert the Tiger Mac OS X Install disc , then restart the computer while holding the C key.
    2. When your computer finishes starting up from the disc, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu. (In Mac OS X 10.4 or later, *you must select your language first.)*
    *Important: Do not click Continue in the first screen of the Installer. If you do, you must restart from the disc again to access Disk Utility.*
    3. Click the First Aid tab.
    4. Click the disclosure triangle to the left of the hard drive icon to display the names of your hard disk volumes and partitions.
    5. Select your Mac OS X volume.
    6. Click Repair. Disk Utility checks and repairs the disk."
    Then Safe Boot , (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, reboot when it finishes.
    Safe Boot... holding Shift key down at bootup. Safe Boot is a special way to start Mac OS X 10.2 or later when troubleshooting.

  • Non-profit organization: licensing for one font on 61 computers

    We are interested in using Chaparral Pro on the event tickets that we print out.  The ticketing software can be used on (currently) 61 computers which connect to about 10 printers through one server.  Assuming we need a license for each computer, what is the best method to get those licenses?  Buying 13 of the $35 "5 computer" licenses seems odd; is there some sort of volume licensing program available?

    Hi nsamps
    Details about non-profit eligibility can be found here:  A reseller would assist with pricing info.
    Please contact us if you sign up for a non-profit membership and wish to cancel the individual membership.
    Kind regards

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    I'll ask this in the Pages section, though it also applies to Numbers. I currently use MS Office for Mac 2011, but would like to uninstall it and use iWork 09.  I do have to interactively work on basic text documents and basic spreadsheets with other

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    Hi, we are using SRM 5.0 I need information about services in SRM so, we have two types of product - material and service. we have already tested shopping, bidding and other functionality with material. It is clear for me. now it is time for service

  • Activity Monitor won't leave dock

    I've tried right mouse also pulling above dock to remove-but won't go away.

  • SOAP response without envelope

    Hi!!! Anybody can help me please? I send a SOAP message to a WebService and I receive a reply message. The problem is that I can see correctly the answer using replyMessage.writeTo(System.out); but if I call SOAPBody body = reply.getSOAPBody(); I hav