Footnote - separator

I'm using footnotes for the first time in Indesign CS2 and have encountered a problem.
Footnotes can be separated from the body text by a separator. However, the distances between the body text and the separator and the separator and the first footnote are rather small, causing an ugly layout. Can these distances be defined (ie set to a fixed value)?
Many thanks in advance!

No, the distance cannot be set to a fixed distance. The actual distance depends on a lot of variables -- such as the leading of the regular text on the page above it and the leading and number of lines of the footnote text itself.
But if you find this distance is often too small, check what it says in the Document Footnote Options. Chances are, if you never heard of this dialog before, this distance is still at its default value of 0 mm.
See the Help: tml for a full description of the options.

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    Hi Peter,
    If I see it again, I will. But the one that prompted the OP I fixed. The way
    to fix it is to go into Document Footnote Options, and toggle the line on
    and off. But it's a problem, because it's just one more thing that needs to
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    Thanks, Karyn

    > Using IDCS4, I have a multiple chapter book that has (hundreds of) footnotes.
    > The editor has decided to change the distance between the footnote number and the
    > text of the footnote. I've gone into the Footnote Options (in each chapter)
    > and changed the separator to an en-dash, but it is being applied unevenly.
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    If you manually deleted the separator and replaced it with a different
    character it won't get changed.
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    > synchronized? For example, the footnote options, hyphenation options, etc. I want them all
    > the same and I dislike having to manually change them in each chapter document.
    Hyphenation settings are controlled by the settings in the paragraph
    style so those will get changed when you synchronize the paragraphs.
    Unfortunately, there is no way to synchronize th footnote options.

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    FTE does the low-level work of laying out glyphs within a
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    This procedure is very demanding.
    I think is a better method to do it.

    From your post it seems that you wish your footnote to appear at the end of the EPUB.
    Ooja, well, not at all. I have a text, not a footnote, that should appear at the end of the epub.
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    I have tried:
    1     Tagging the paragraph footnote number as 'figure' with Alt text of the footnote copy.
    2     Inserting the number into an anchored text box tagging as above.
    3     Inserting the number as a picture into an anchored object box tagging as above.
    Help please. Should one of these work or is there a work around?
    Many Thanks
    Pete Denly

    petedenly wrote:
    Many thanks Peter for this, I think that the same problem exists with cross-references as well!
    Let me try and explain.
    What I have been asked to do is produce reports that can also be read by a screen reader for non-sighted people.
    The access tags available in InDesign generally work well with one or two exceptions - this being one of them.
    When reading a paragraph with a footnote number in it, the reader just reads the text-number-text ok and then reads the footnotes at the bottom of the page as paragraphs following the rest of the page text.
    What really needs to happen is that when the screen reader reaches a footnote number in a paragraph it should then read the footnote text before continuing with the rest of the paragraph.
    Hence why I have tried inserting the footnote text as Alt = 'footnote text' in the position of the footnote number in the paragraph.
    I hope that explains the problem better?
    Any solutions?
    Pete Denly
    Hi, Pete:
    You are describing changing the reading order within the PDF. I don't know if it's possible to make this happen automatically in InDesign.
    A workaround would be to create cross-references to the footnote paragraphs immediately following the footnote reference numbers in the main text, so the screen reader sees the footnote text right after the reference. If you mark these "captured" paragraphs with a condition, you can hide or show them to create a normal PDF, and one for screen readers.
    To avoid readers processing the footnotes, you can conditionalize, and hide their condition when you show their captured text in the cross-references. You can cross-reference to hidden conditional text!
    Turning the conditions on and off will reflow your document significantly. I'm assuming that page layout isn't an important concern for screen-read documents.
    When hiding footnotes, the footnote separator line remains. To remove it, you'd need to turn off Rule Above in the Footnote Options dialog box.
    To manage making these variations of final output, you can create one template document for each variation. In this example, the template document for screen readers should have the footnote property of no rule above, and condition settings that display the cross-references that capture the footnotes in text, while hiding the footnotes. The template document for standard output should have the footnote property rule above set on (if you want it), and the condition settings that hide the cross-references and display the footnotes. The template documents don't need any content or layout. To bring the template document properties into your main document you can use Load Conditions and Sets from the Conditional Text panel menu. To do this for multiple files at once, create a book file for each output variation, add the appropriate template file and the rest of the document files to the book, choose the properties you want to load from Synchronize Options on the Book panel menu, then synchronize the book using the template file as the style source.
    Because InDesign  can't load or synchronize footnote settings across documents - you have to do it manually - it might be more convenient to drag pages from the master document (the one that contains all conditions showing, and footnote rule above on) into each template document, where the condition and footnote settings of the receiving document will apply to the incoming pages.
    Peter Gold
    KnowHow ProServices
    Message was edited by: [email protected]
    Peter Spier suggested my posts on using cross-references while I was writing (and testing) this suggestion. I guess we share a wavelength as well as a first name<G>.

  • Footnotes contents

    Hello Guys,
    I'm facing a problem with footnotes. When using the "contents"-property the special characters like footnote numbering, suffixes and prefixes are returned withing the footnote text. How is it possible to retrieve only the "real" text of the footnote without this special characters?
    Thanks in advance!

    You are partly wrong -- only the footnote number placeholder is returned in the "contents"; it does not contain the suffix and prefix. These are encapsulated inside the number placeholder code itself.
    It does contain that number code (Unicode character 4), followed by the Separator text as defined in the Document Footnote options. However, some care is necessary, because it's possible to manually edit this text in the footnote itself. It's even possible to remove the number code itself as well, so the last thing you'd want is simply "removing x characters" from the start of the string.
    This ought to work: grab the contents, inspect if the first character is the number code, and if so, compare the stuff right after it with the original Footnote Separator text. If it's exactly the same, remove it from your version; if not, you better leave whatever is there.
    That would look like:
    myFootnote = app.activeDocument.stories[0].footnotes[0];
    contents = myFootnote.contents;
    sep = app.activeDocument.footnoteOptions.separatorText;
    if (sep.length && contents.charCodeAt(0) == 4 && contents.substr(1,sep.length) == sep)
    contents = contents.substr(sep.length+1);
    alert ("["+contents+"]");

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    My second question - is there some way to alter the indentation of the short line above a footnote (separating it from the body text)?
    Thanks in advance.

    Here you may see the standard behaviour and a workaround for the notes.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) vendredi 16 juillet 2010 23:00:42

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    Can anyone suggest solutions for these two situations please?

    Importing the Illustrator .ai files into FM is really a no-no since FM
    doesn't actually support the .ai format. This is an accidental
    conversion in that the .ai format is a pseudo-pdf. FM's internal PDF
    filter is recognizing that component and rendering it. You may
    actually be losing content without knowing it. If you are editing in
    Illustrator, then you can save in image format, but this would require
    re-importing into FM. You could automate this using FrameScript.
    As far as changing things in existing PDFs, you may be better off
    asking in the Acrobat Forums. However, I don't think this will be an
    easy one, as a vector is a vector, and any line on a page (a footnote
    separator, table rules, etc.) would be a candidate for a conversion.
    You'll need an operator to mark the area of the drawing that needs to
    be rasterized.
    You may want to consider other security measures to lock down the PDF
    to prevent copying the contents and/or build in a print function via
    the scripting that forces the hardcopy to print as an image (see
    Advanced functions in the Acrobat print dialogue). The benefit to this
    would be that your users get to see the highest resolution possible
    (the scalable vector drawing) and there is minimal impact on your

  • PLEASE HELP-Is there a way to spell check footnotes in indesign cs2 separately

    Is there a way to spell check footnotes in indesign or in incopy cs2 separately?

    Select all the text - not in the footnotes - but in your normal text frames.
    Then go to Window>Type and Tables>Character
    Change the Language to No Language
    Then run your spell check. It will only check the spelling in your Footnotes now.
    When done, change the language back to whatever your usual dictionary language should be. (note it may still check text inside tables - so you might have to put up with that?)
    Anyone know of a way to script changing all the text bar footnotes to No Language - run a spell check - then reset the text language back?
    ( you don't want to hear the other crazy ideas I had for this one !)

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    Thanks for any hints!

    If the column MSGV2 contain sale order numbers then below change should work. Also Make sure your field msgv2 is compatible with VBELN.
    * Get sales order headers for message variable (SO number from ZRIV output)
      IF LINES( gt_cmfp ) IS NOT INITIAL.
        SELECT *
          FROM vbak INTO TABLE gt_vbak
          FOR ALL ENTRIES IN gt_cmfp          "--> Change
         WHERE vbeln = gt_cmfp-msgv2.

  • How can I remove the Endnote Separator Line from Pages?

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    Does anyone know how to remove this line? We don't want it in the final design & are trying to root it out before exporting the whole document to Adobe In-Design.
    Here is what the Endnote Line Separator looks like:
    Many thanks!!

    Fixed artifact of Pages v5. There is nothing to set, configure, or change.

  • Looking for a script to connect bodytext to footnote and cross-references

    Need to do the following:
    I was provided with separate (tagged-text) files: bodytext, (foot)notes and cross-references. Now I am looking for a solution (script?) that can do the following:
    to restore the connection between the body-text, the footnotes and te cross-references after placing these in a document in Indesign.
    The cross-references should appear (in anchored text-frames) in the margin and the notes in a separate frame at the bottom of the page. If possible in the same way as footnotes in Indesign appear, but in a separate frame to be able to do some more formatting than native footnotes would accept.
    I have tested the plugin: Side Heads from InTools, and tis works well with Indesign files tthat contain footnotes. But this doesn't work with separately placed footnotes from a tagged-text-file, as they re not knotted together.
    I can't do any scripting myself.
    I would appreciate any help, and I am looking forward to your response...

    The first thing to do is:
    regexp "match regexp = ([0-9]+)" $_cli_result match count
    if $count eq 0
    exit 0
    The second is a bit more challenging.  I think this will work:
    cli command "show call active voice br"
    foreach line $_cli_result "\n"
    regexp "^([0-9a-zA-Z]+) : " $line match callid
    if $_regexp_result eq 1
    regexp "^dur 1d" $line
    if $_regexp_result eq 1
      cli command "show call active voice br | section $callid"
      syslog msg "$_cli_result"

  • Importing footnotes in tables from a Word document

    Hi everybody,
    I am new here. Hoping to find an answer for a problem i am dealing with. It's about footnotes in tables from an imported Word document. I noticed there are several discussion about this topic, but couldn't find a satisfying answer. So...
    Like a said i am importing a Word document in InDesign. This document is containing footnotes in text and in tables. In the Word document the numbering for the footnotes is for example, number 1-9 in text and 10 in table, 11-15 again in text and 16 in table. In others words, the footnotes both from text and tables are one serie of numbers. When i import this Word text in InDesign the numbering is changing. The numbering of the footnotes in tables starts with number 1. So in InDesign i have two separated series of footnotes. Each starting from number 1. And that 's a problem. I want them to apair as one serie of numbers, including the footnotes in tables. Is there a solution for this problem?
    An other minor problem is that the footnotes in the tables appear at the end of the document and not as footnotes. Like I said before two separated series.
    At the end i want to change, in the InDesign document, all the footnotes into endnotes. I know how to do that.
    Is there a solution? Maybe changing something in Word? (I tried saving as RTF tekst, changing footnotes into endnotes in Word but it didn't help). Can GREP being of any use?
    I hope you can be of any help. Already thanks.

    Support the Improve Footnotes Rally 2010! (Improve Footnotes Please )

  • How to change the location of footnotes?

    I want to change the locations my footnotes.
    Instead of a footnote beneath the box, I want to place it in a different textbox.
    Most easily is to make a textbox on a masterpage and link it with the footnote 'placer'.
    I have attached a sample of I want to display my footnotes. Just beneath the page - separately -
    Thank you very much for reading my question. I hope somebody knows the answer.

    Thank you for your reply.
    Q: "What would you do if there are two or more notes in a column?"
    A: Add one or two more line in the textbox on the master page, plus noting more sources next to each other. Which makes it possible to note approximately 12 sources.
    But really? No way to I can get InDesign's footnotes outside the story's frame? Noway?!
    Really sure about that? I use Adobe CC and I cannot believe that it isn't possible. Serious? I thought you can make every kind of lay-out with InDesign.

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