For Debug Problem.....

Hi All..
           I am doing Webdybpro application. For that i am putting break point in Funtion Module side(ABAP). Still Friday break points are working.
          But today moring onwards the break point are not working. So i am unable to debug the function module code from Webdynpro side.
         Anyone knows what is the reason...?
         Please reply ASAP....
Thanks and Regards

Hi gobinath,
check in your visual the following steps
1)Go to VA->configuration Adapter->cluster_data
2)Expand clusted data and find Propertysheet--->Switch to change mode
3)Change Server's debug mode to 'yes'
4)Click on the pencil icon in the tool bar and confirm.
5)Log off VA and restart the sever
refer the following thread
Debugging in Webdynpro java?
Re: Debugging ABAP Code From Within WebDynpro

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    Peter Boekelaar,
    cn_max_date CONSTANT DATE := TO_DATE('12/31/2005','MM/DD/YYYY');
    CURSOR cg_tst( b_param1 NUMBER )
    SELECT ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(SYSDATE), b_param1) tst_date
    , USER tst_user
    FROM dual;
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    , i_max_date IN DATE
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    END IF;

    Fundamentally it means the database connection has been lost, but they may be an underlying error.
    Try the following to give yourself more chance of seeing the underlying error.
    1. Run sqldeveloper from <sqldev>\sqldeveloper\bin\sqldeveloper.exe. This will leave a console window open.
    2. If the problem occurs, look for error messages in the console.
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    static final boolean DEBUG = false;
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    A similar issue has been logged and is being tracked. Please refer to below bug for more description.
    Workaround: Even though ipa is not installed on the device, ipa will be generated in the specified output folder(bin-debug).Using iTunes install the ipa on the device and launch the app to make a debugger session.
    Let me know if you require more information.

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    System Error:
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    Me again. Was doing some searching on the net about this one since I've gotten no response.
    Found this at Inprise (Borland) about a debugging problem with JBuilder3 (I assume that the base of jdev is still JBuilder).,1410,19739,00.html
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    I can't seem to debug Applets with JBuilder3 Standard. If I attempt to debug my Applet
    I recieve the following error: access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission
    modifyThreadGroup )
    at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(
    In a nutshell this is an installation problem with JBuilder3 Standard edition.
    The install for JBuilder3 Standard did not provide the file 'DebugApplet.policy'.
    To resolve this problem download the file from the following URL:
    After you have downloaded the file, copy the file to your JBuilder3\bin directory.
    This will fix the problem.
    You can also cut and paste the following:
    (NOTE: create the file DebugApplet.policy in your JBuilder3\bin directory)
    // These policy permissions are needed for the AppletViewer used by
    grant {
    permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessClassInPackage.*";
    permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "modifyThread";
    permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "modifyThreadGroup";
    permission "*", "accept, connect, listen, resolve";
    permission java.util.PropertyPermission "appletviewer.version", "read";
    permission "<>", "read";
    Could this be a problem in JDev3 too?

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    I have found the classcastexception. For resolving this problem, I want to display messages for debugging on jboss console.
    Can any body help me to solve this problem.
    Best regards,

    I have found the classcastexception.So fix it, what do you need debugging statements for?
    I think you mean "I need to find a ClassCastException in my server code, but I haven't got a stack-trace, so I can't figure out where to put a printStackTrace() statement... so I need to put some debug statements in the code, but I'm not even sure where they will be displayed."
    Am I warm?
    Well, I don't know about jBoss, but weblogic server sends its standard output stream back to the standard output stream of the process which started it... so you redirect stdout to a file when you start your server, and then you can tail it or whatever... and then of course you just do System.out.println statements.
    Hope that helps. Keith.

  • That application could not be lanched for debugging. ensure that the target device screen is unblock and that the application in installed

    what is the problems?

    Hi windows phone app can not debugging,
    >>that application could not be lanched for debugging. ensure that the target device screen is unblock and that the application in installed.
    Based on the error information, it seems that you are trying to deploy the application on the Windows Phone Device. Then what Windows Phone OS are you using? Can you run
    the application by using the Windows Phone Emulator?
    For deploying the application on the Windows Phone Device, first please try to make sure you have registered your phone for Windows Phone development. For more information, please refer to: . 
    After that please try to make sure that phone screen is unlocked and the project you want to run is set as the default Startup project.
    Besides, please try to refer to the following article about how to deploy and run apps on a Windows Phone device: .
    Best Regards,
    Amy Peng
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Debugging problem

    I want to debug my AIR app built with Flash Builder on the iPad. I followed the instructions on ito/
    I compiled my application using the -debug option. While creating a debug version of the IPA using the -target ipa-debug option , I get the following error
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unable to find named traits: mx.collections.errors::ItemPendingError
            at com.adobe.air.ipa.AOTCompiler.convertAbcToLlvmBitcode(
            at com.adobe.air.ipa.AOTCompiler.GenerateMacBinary(
            at com.adobe.air.ipa.IPAOutputStream.compileRootSwf(
            at com.adobe.air.ipa.IPAOutputStream.finalizeSig(
            at com.adobe.air.ADTPackager.createPackage(
            at com.adobe.air.ipa.IPAPackager.createPackage(
            at com.adobe.air.ADTEntrypoint.parseArgsAndGo(
            at com.adobe.air.ipa.PFI.parseArgsAndGo(
            at com.adobe.air.ipa.PFI.main(
    I am using the following command for creating the ipa
    "pfi -package -target ipa-debug -connect  -provisioning-profile myProvisioningProfile.mobileprovision -storetype pkcs12 -keystore ipad_dev.p12 -storepass pass "SampleIPadApp.ipa" "SampleIPadApp-app.xml" "SampleIPadApp.swf"
    I have tried all options for connect(with ip etc. as mentioned in the developer guide) but getting the same error.
    On googling for the problem, the only thing I deduced was that you get this error when you use the debug version of .swf file. But in this case I do want the debug version. Second problem could be if you are using referencing a swc via RSL. I am not using any and moreover i am able to succesfully create ipa with the -target ipa-test option.
    In the blog post mentioned above there's a note by the author that - "I used ActionScript 3 project in this post because currently Flex has issues when packaging an ipa with a debug SWF."   Is this still true? Has anybody been able to succesfully debug their app(developed in Flex) on iDevice?

    I managed to solve the problem by using the compiler from Flex SDK 3.6. Earlier I was using Flex SDK 4.1. Don't know what problems I'll face later on. I wonder if developing iPhone app in Flex is advisable or not. Mabe its better to have a pure ActionScript project.

  • Help reqd to config.Eclipse + Lombaz for debugging on Weblogic 8.1

    By: c srini
    Help-Eclipse Lombaz config -debug on Weblogic [ reply ]
    2005-07-12 21:31
    Require help to configure my project in Eclipse with Lmbaz onto Weblogic 8.1.
    Following is a brief scenario of my problem:
    I have an existing web-based project that i need to import into Eclipse.
    I have Eclipse 3.0 and Lombaz 3.0.1. I use this with Weblogic 8.1, JDK 1.4.2 and Ant.
    My project requires some environment xml files to be loaded and i have them set in the classpath.
    I am unable to import the project and start it in the remote debugging perspective.
    Can you please help me import my project into Eclipse and to use Eclipse with Lombaz for debugging on Weblogic?
    The following is a part of what i have in my build file.
    This shows the diorectory structure as it exists in my project and the build directories(from which the war is created)
    <property name="src-root" value="C:/my-project" />
    <javac srcdir="${src-root}/src"
    <target name="copyfiles" depends="init">
    <fileset dir="${src-root}/js" >
    <fileset dir="${src-root}/css" >
    <fileset dir="${src-root}/images" >
    <fileset dir="${src-root}/html" >
    <fileset dir="${src-root}/jsp" >
    <fileset dir="${src-root}/letters" >
    <fileset dir="${src-root}/envXML" >
    <copy todir="${build}/WEB-INF" >
    <fileset dir="${src-root}/DD" >
    <copy todir="${build}/WEB-INF" >
    <fileset dir="${src-root}/tld" >
    <target name="init">
    <mkdir dir="${build}" />
    <mkdir dir="${build}/css" />
    <mkdir dir="${build}/js" />
    <mkdir dir="${build}/images" />
    <mkdir dir="${build}/template" />
    <mkdir dir="${build}/RMDEnv" />
    <mkdir dir="${build}/RMDTemp" />
    <mkdir dir="${build}/RMDLog" />
    <mkdir dir="${build}/RMDLog/AppLog" />
    <mkdir dir="${build}/RMDLogLog/DebugLog" />
    <mkdir dir="${build}/WEB-INF" />
    <mkdir dir="${build}/WEB-INF/classes" />
    <mkdir dir="${build}/WEB-INF/lib" />
    <!-- mkdir dir="${root}/WEB-INF/classes/src" / -->

    good that you posted the SoniqMQ params.
    You have configured WLS to look for the Local JNDI names in the MQ params.
    You need to use
    "SonicMQSampleQ1" for destination-jndi-name
    "SonicMQQueueConnectionFactory" for connection-factory-jndi-name
    Hope this helps.
    Thanks and regards,
    Pazhanikanthan. P

  • PKGBUILD for LPCXpresso - problems with ldconfig in installer

    I am actually trying to install LPCXpresso 7.3.0 on Archlinux, but of course I don't want to do this the dirty way (just use the installer and install it without pacman). Instead I want to install it with an PKGBUILD, which is quite hard, because it uses some binary installer thing.
    First of all here the PKGBUILD I made so far:
    arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
    build() {
    cd "$srcdir"
    ./Installer_LPCXpresso_7.3.0_186_Linux-x86 --mode silent --prefix "$pkgdir/opt/lpcxpresso/"
    I know that there aren't any deps yet and that I should use a package() function. But I just wanted to get the install process itself working before I add those things.
    The problem is, that in the .tar.gz file there is one binary install file. At the end of the installation process, there are ldconfig calls, which fail (due to no writing permission for /etc/).
    I could not patch those ldconfig calls out, or trick the installer somehow to think they executed succesfully. I don't know how to extract files out of this binary by myself (this would be helpful, because then I can do the install process via script).
    For Debugging: After installation has finished (even with an error) a file named unpack.ini should be in /tmp/ijtmp_*/ which contains license and install steps. I tried to use --debug, but it did nothing.
    I think there are two types of possible solutions:
    1) extracting and copying the files out of the installer binary by script
    2) tricking the installer that it executed ldconfig successfully and then run ldconfig by script/hand (or do nothing).
    Any hints how to get this thing to install?
    Last edited by Evilandi666 (2014-08-24 11:45:41)

    Some more Info: The install binary is created using installjammer, but I still did not find a method to extract it.
    Last edited by Evilandi666 (2014-08-24 13:40:38)

  • Techniques for debugging

    Hello  gurus,
    as this is technical question but still,
    Can you plz give  me the techniqe for Dbugging
    Thank you

    /h is used for debugging
    whenever you face a problem in SAP execute the same transaction again and then enter /h in the command field. this will swith on the debugging mode and then the program will be displayed and  you will have control on each step.
    The following keys are used by abapers.
    F5 to (single step) is used to execute the statment step by step.
    F6 is used to execute only a Perform statment.
    F7 is used to execute come out of the Perform statment
    F8 is used to execute completly.
    Before you go to debugging mode you should be aware of some of the technical terms like.
    Select option
    Data field
    Function module
    Sub routines
    Modular program
    and so on

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    I have the same problem, I have been killing myself to configure tnsnames.ora in different ways but that never worked. Except sqlplus, not a single front end tool is able to connect to database. And the surprising part is sqlplus does not require any connect string in order to connect to database, just the username and password suffice. I would really appreciate if anybody could help in this regard. I have tried another software like Erwin data modelling tool to connect to database but ... only frustration...Please help.

  • I've only had my iphone 5s for a week. I keep getting an error message of "Server has stopped responding."  I need the server to work. Does anyone know if there is a "fix" for the problem? Other wise, I probably best return for a refund and get a Samsung.

    I've only had my iphone 5s for a week. I keep getting an error message of "Server has stopped responding."  I need the server to work. Does anyone know if there is a "fix" for the problem? Other wise, I probably best return for a refund and get a Samsung.  Thanks

    sandyzotz wrote:
    Other wise, I probably best return for a refund and get a Samsung.
    Unlikely.  Based on the complete lack of detail of the issue provided it is entirely possible the same issue would occur.
    Unless and until the user provides some actual details of the problem, there is nothing the indicate that the issue is with the iPhone.

  • HT204266 My iPad (version 1, IOS 5.1) has quit connecting with the store. I am unable to update or buy any app. I did a reboot and a reset with deleting the data. I can not find anything in support for this problem. Any help will be appreciated.

    My iPad (version 1, IOS 5.1) has quit connecting with the store. I am unable to update or buy any app. I did a reboot and a reset with deleting the data. I can not find anything in support for this problem. Any help will be appreciated.

    My iPad (version 1, IOS 5.1) has quit connecting with the store. I am unable to update or buy any app. I did a reboot and a reset with deleting the data. I can not find anything in support for this problem. Any help will be appreciated.

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