SELECT thcc.ConfirmationNumber , thcc.AmountReceived , hcc.AmountReceived
FROM OPENQUERY([SQLREP01], 'SELECT TOP 10000 ConfirmationNumber , Rate, AmountReceived , FirstName , LastName , Status FROM TCOLLECTION.dbo.[EXPEDIA_HOTEL_HCC] WITH (NOLOCK)')
) hcc
on thcc.ConfirmationNumber = hcc.ConfirmationNumber AND thcc.FirstName = hcc.FirstName AND thcc.LastName = hcc.LastName
AND thcc.Status = hcc.Status
AND thcc.Rate = hcc.Rate
WHERE thcc.AmountReceived != hcc.AmountReceived
I have local table with 130 K Records and I want to compare against REMOTE Linked Server.
The query never gets compleated. The linked serve account I use doesn't have the permissions to run DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS.
It only has SELECT permissions. Number of Rows available in REMOTE SQL SERVER TABLE IS 43 Million.
My question is How can force the execution of the query only on REMOTE Server?
How can I tell the query is being processed on the remote server?.
Looking at the query plan, I see the REMOTE SCAN. 
Msg 2557,
Level 16, State 7,
Line 1
User 'username'
does not
have permission
to run
for object 'tablename'.
DBCC execution
completed. If
DBCC printed
error messages,
contact your system
EXEC sp_spaceused
tablename 43871515  
24567264 KB
11982600 KB 12578296
KB 6368

As mentioned 2 different needs (*) Small table, (*) Bigger table, I will recommenced to think on using 2 different solutions according. Basically for the small table we can just import the data to the local machine, as a new table, and use simple compare,
But for the bigger table (or if there is very poor NET connection) it is better to use a solution which uses data traffic as little as possible and for this we needs your tables structure. There will be different solution if all you have is ID (INT) column
or if you are need to compare 1000 NVARCHAR(MAX) columns. Moreover we need to know if you only need to compare (get a list of different records) or you need to fix the records which are not the same or missing, and in this case we need to know what is the
rule for the fix (for example TabeleA have a record different from TableB so we fix TableB, T1 has missing records that is on T2 then do we delete it fro m T1 or copy from T2? etc')
Please post DDL+DML and some missing information :-)
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  • Remote Query execution option

    Hello Experts,
    I have installed and configured Intercompany 2.0 for testing, during which I could not find remote query execution option which was there in earlier version.
    Is there any setting to be done to enable this feature in new version.

    Hi Deepak,
    To access the Remote query execution feature of Intercompany, you are required to enable the SAP B1 user for the same. Follow the steps below to enable Intercompany solution Remote Query Execution feature:
    Log in SAP B1, navigate to Administration--> Setup--> Users and search the user.
    On Users-Setup screen, select Can Use Remote Query Execution check box and choose Update button.
      3. Now, using this user, login SAP B1 and open Query Manager window.
    4. Now on Query Manager window; Select a query, choose either of following options and execute          the query:
         Local: To execute and pull data from the logged in company.
         ALL   : To execute and pull data from all intercompany configured companies.
         Selection: To execute and pull data from a selected set of intercompany configured companies.
    Refer to Intercompany Integration Solution User Guide for further information related to Remote query execution.
    Agneesh Jain
    SAP Intercompany Team


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    I don't have the DB OWNER permission to see whats going on REMOTE Server.
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    I would appreciate the help on this?
    SELECT * FROM sys.dm_exec_requests req
    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(req.sql_handle) as sqltext
    WHERE session_id != @@SPID
    connection_id blocking_session_id wait_type wait_time last_wait_type wait_resource open_transaction_count open_resultset_count transaction_id context_info percent_complete estimated_completion_time cpu_time total_elapsed_time
    A80C7435-54C1-49F3-86F1-3F7EEF56FD32 0 OLEDB 52 OLEDB CHC-SQLREP01 (SPID=119) 0 1 294705 0x 0 0 4875 1188972
    SELECT session_id,percent_complete,CASE estimated_completion_time WHEN 0 THEN'NA' ELSE CONVERT ( VARCHAR(255),DATEADD(MILLISECOND,estimated_completion_time,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) END Estimated_finish_time,
    (total_elapsed_time/1000)/60 Total_Elapsed_Time_MINS ,
    DB_NAME(Database_id) Database_Name ,command,sql_handle
    FROM sys.dm_exec_requests WHERE session_id=54
    session_id percent_complete Estimated_finish_time Total_Elapsed_Time_MINS Database_Name command sql_handle
    54 0 NA 39 AFTOOLS SELECT 0x020000006088211F8613526B75F454C7B037FDF904DAB452

    You would need to be a sysadmin on the remote server to see what is going on.
    From your previous message, this will never work.  This will always be slow, you will never be happy using linked server to query this server.  You would be better off creating either transactional replication or some other method of getting that
    table local.

  • An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted).. Query execution failed for data set

    Hi All,
    I'm facing a strange problem..
    I've developed few reports. they are working fine in develop environment. after successfull testing they were published on web.
    in web version, all reports are executing for first time.. if I change any of parameters values or without chaning also..
    if I press "View Report"  following error occurs..
    An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
    Query execution failed for data set 'dsMLGDB2Odbc'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand)
    For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors
    please suggest any alternative ways to overcome this issue
    thanks in adv.

    in my case the problem is
    one virtual machine is for developers
    other for testers
    in developers i created a report, then save like *.rdl and copy to testers machine, does not work there
    the error what testers get is
    Error during the local report processing.
    Could not find a web-based application at http://developersMachine/AnalyticsReports/DataBaseConnector.rsds
    and the solution is to use alternative url or in some cases http://localhost/

  • 30EA4 Problem using MySql: "Query execution was interrupted"

    Any query executes the first time but a second execution always causes the error "Query execution was interrupted"
    (Update: I just installed the prodcution release of sql delveloper and have the same issue)
    I am using MySql driver 5.1.15
    Others seem to have a similar issue and I tries the older JDBC drivers but the 5.0.4 cause the connection to hang and the 5.0.8 caused the same problem "Query execution was interrupted"
    Vendor Code 1317 Query execution was interrupted MySQL
    I am using Windows7 64 bit (sql developer and jdk are 32 bit), see below
    MySql version
    | Variable_name | Value |
    | innodb_version | 1.1.4 |
    | protocol_version | 10 |
    | slave_type_conversions | |
    | version | 5.5.8 |
    | version_comment | MySQL Community Server (GPL) |
    | version_compile_machine | x86 |
    | version_compile_os | Win64 |
    SQL Develper Info:
    Oracle SQL Developer 3.0.03
    Version 3.0.03
    Build MAIN-03.97
    Copyright © 2005, 2011 Oracle. All Rights Reserved.
    IDE Version:
    Product ID: oracle.sqldeveloper
    Product Version:
    Component     Version
    =========     =======
    Java(TM) Platform     1.6.0_24
    Oracle IDE
    Versioning Support
    Name     Value
    ====     =====
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    ide.main.class     oracle.ide.boot.IdeLauncher
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    java.home     C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_24\jre     C:\Users\mark\AppData\Local\Temp\
    java.library.path     C:\Program Files (x86)\sqldeveloper;.;C:\Windows\Sun\Java\bin;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\WIDCOMM\Bluetooth Software\;C:\Program Files\WIDCOMM\Bluetooth Software\syswow64;C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin;C:\Program Files\SlikSvn\bin\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_24\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenVPN\bin;C:\tools\apache-maven-3.0.2\bin;C:\tools\mysql-5.5.8-winx64\bin
    java.naming.factory.initial     oracle.javatools.jndi.LocalInitialContextFactory
    java.protocol.handler.pkgs     oracle.jdevimpl.handler     Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
    java.runtime.version     1.6.0_24-b07     Java Platform API Specification
    java.specification.vendor     Sun Microsystems Inc.
    java.specification.version     1.6
    java.util.logging.config.file     logging.conf
    java.vendor     Sun Microsystems Inc.
    java.version     1.6.0_24     mixed mode     Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM     Java Virtual Machine Specification
    java.vm.specification.vendor     Sun Microsystems Inc.
    java.vm.specification.version     1.0
    java.vm.vendor     Sun Microsystems Inc.
    java.vm.version     19.1-b02
    jdbc.library     /C:/Program Files (x86)/sqldeveloper/jdbc/lib/ojdbc6.jar
    line.separator     \r\n     ..//log/datamodeler.log
    oracle.home     C:\Program Files (x86)\sqldeveloper
    oracle.ide.util.AddinPolicyUtils.OVERRIDE_FLAG     true
    oracle.jdbc.mapDateToTimestamp     false
    oracle.translated.locales     de,es,fr,it,ja,ko,pt_BR,zh_CN,zh_TW
    oracle.xdkjava.compatibility.version     9.0.4
    orai18n.library     /C:/Program Files (x86)/sqldeveloper/jlib/orai18n.jar
    os.arch     x86     Windows 7
    os.version     6.1
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    reserved_filenames     con,aux,prn,lpt1,lpt2,lpt3,lpt4,lpt5,lpt6,lpt7,lpt8,lpt9,com1,com2,com3,com4,com5,com6,com7,com8,com9,conin$,conout,conout$
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    sun.boot.library.path     C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_24\jre\bin
    sun.cpu.endian     little
    sun.cpu.isalist     pentium_pro+mmx pentium_pro pentium+mmx pentium i486 i386 i86
    sun.desktop     windows     UnicodeLittle
    sun.java2d.ddoffscreen     false
    sun.jnu.encoding     Cp1252     HotSpot Client Compiler
    svnkit.sax.useDefault     true     IE
    user.dir     C:\Program Files (x86)\sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\bin
    user.home     C:\Users\mark
    user.language     en     mark
    user.timezone     Europe/Paris
    Name     Identifier     Version     Status
    ====     ==========     =======     ======
    Check For Updates     oracle.ide.webupdate     Loaded
    Code Editor     oracle.ide.ceditor     Loaded
    Component Palette     oracle.ide.palette1     Loaded
    Data Miner     oracle.dmt.dataminer     Loaded
    Database Connection Support     oracle.jdeveloper.db.connection     Loaded
    Database Object Explorers     oracle.ide.db.explorer     Loaded
    Database UI     oracle.ide.db     Loaded
    Diagram Framework     oracle.diagram     Loaded
    Diagram Javadoc Extension     oracle.diagram.javadoc     Loaded
    Diagram Thumbnail     oracle.diagram.thumbnail     Loaded
    Diff/Merge     oracle.ide.diffmerge     Loaded
    Extended IDE Platform     oracle.javacore     Loaded
    External Tools     oracle.ide.externaltools     Loaded
    File Support     oracle.ide.files     Loaded
    Help System     Loaded
    History Support     oracle.jdeveloper.history     Loaded
    Import/Export Support     oracle.ide.importexport     Loaded
    Index Migrator support     oracle.ideimpl.indexing-migrator     Loaded
    JDeveloper Runner     oracle.jdeveloper.runner     Loaded
    JViews Registration Addin     oracle.diagram.registration     Loaded
    Log Window     oracle.ide.log     Loaded
    Mac OS X Adapter     Loaded
    Navigator     oracle.ide.navigator     Loaded
    Object Gallery     Loaded
    Oracle IDE     oracle.ide     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer     oracle.sqldeveloper     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - 3rd Party Database Browsers     oracle.sqldeveloper.thirdparty.browsers     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - DBA Navigator     oracle.sqldeveloper.dbanavigator     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Extras     oracle.sqldeveloper.extras     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - File Navigator     oracle.sqldeveloper.filenavigator     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Migrations Antlr3 Translator     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.translation.core_antlr3     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Migrations Application Migration     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.application     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Migrations Core     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Migrations DB2     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.db2     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Migrations DB2 Translator     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.translation.db2     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Migrations Microsoft Access     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.msaccess     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Migrations Microsoft SQL Server     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.sqlserver     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Migrations MySQL     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.mysql     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Migrations Sybase Adaptive Server     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.sybase     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Migrations T-SQL Translator     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.translation.core     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Migrations Teradata     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.teradata     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Migrations Translation UI     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.translation.gui     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Object Viewer     oracle.sqldeveloper.oviewer     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Real Time SQL Monitoring     oracle.sqldeveloper.sqlmonitor     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Reports     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Scheduler     oracle.sqldeveloper.scheduler     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Schema Browser     oracle.sqldeveloper.schemabrowser     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - SearchBar     oracle.sqldeveloper.searchbar     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Snippet     oracle.sqldeveloper.snippet     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Spatial     oracle.sqldeveloper.spatial     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - TimesTen     oracle.sqldeveloper.timesten     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Tuning     oracle.sqldeveloper.tuning     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Unit Test     oracle.sqldeveloper.unit_test     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - User Extensions Support     oracle.sqldeveloper.userextensions     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - Worksheet v2     oracle.sqldeveloper.worksheet     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer - XML Schema     oracle.sqldeveloper.xmlschema     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler     oracle.datamodeler     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler - Reports     oracle.sqldeveloper.datamodeler_reports     Loaded
    PROBE Debugger     oracle.jdeveloper.db.debug.probe     Loaded
    Peek     oracle.ide.peek     Loaded
    Persistent Storage     oracle.ide.persistence     Loaded
    Property Inspector     oracle.ide.inspector     Loaded
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    Replace With     oracle.ide.replace     Loaded
    Runner     oracle.ide.runner     Loaded
    VHV     oracle.ide.vhv     Loaded
    Versioning Support     oracle.jdeveloper.vcs     Loaded
    Versioning Support for Subversion     oracle.jdeveloper.subversion     Loaded
    Virtual File System     oracle.ide.vfs     Loaded
    Web Browser and Proxy     oracle.ide.webbrowser     Loaded
    XML Editing Framework IDE Extension     oracle.ide.xmlef     Loaded
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    oracle.ide.dependency     oracle.ide.dependency     Loaded
    oracle.ide.indexing     oracle.ide.indexing     Loaded
    palette2     oracle.ide.palette2     Loaded
    status     oracle.ide.status     Loaded
    Edited by: user501466 on 19-Mar-2011 03:21

    Hi Dermot,
    Some clarification.
    I have tried these 3 drivers below with the following results:
    5.0.4 First Query succeeds, Second gives error "Unknown prepared statement handler (131072) given to mysqld_stmt_execute". At this point I can exit SQL Developer. If I run it a third time then the query does not complete and any attempt to exit SQL Developer results in "Connection is currently busy, try again?" and ultimately I have to kill it.
    5.0.8 First Query succeeds, Second Query fails with Query execution was interrupted. Subsequent queries give the same result.
    5.1.15 Same as 5.0.8
    I tried your suggestion, removed the driver, restarted, installed the 5.0.4 driver and restated and ran the test,
    (I added a drop table so I could run it repeatedly) and it works repeatedly if I choose "Run as script F5".
    DROP TABLE table1;
    CREATE TABLE table1(col1 int);
    INSERT INTO Table1 values(1);
    SELECT * FROM table1;
    SELECT * FROM table1;
    But If I execute the query "select * from table1" using "Run Statement Ctrl-Enter" twice then I get problem behaviour as described above.
    I looked in the logfile for SQLDeveloper but it was empty.
    I also tried creating a new database as root and connecting as root (same result)
    I also tried the NightlyBuild of 5.1 and 6.0 but gave the same result as 5.1.5.
    I have two other tools for accessing MySql: Toad and MySql workbench, both of which work but I've used SQL Developer with Oracle for some years and would like to keep using it.
    I just tried connecting to a remote MySQL database and that seems to work without problems.
    I'm thinking it may be related to some incompatibility between SQLDeveloper and the MySQL installed locally.
    I'll try another version....
    Ok I installed a 32 bit version of MySql 5.5.10. I thought things were working but now I still get the problem but it is much more intermittent.
    Now I can get it by modifying the query ie.
    select * from table1; (works repeatedly untill followed by a change to the query)
    select * from table1 order by col1; (fails)
    Another case
    select * from table1 order by col1; (works repeatedly)
    select * from table1 order by col1 asc; (fails first time)
    very weird...
    Edited by: user501466 on 26-Mar-2011 06:19

  • Order of Query Execution in Workbook

    I have a workbook with 3 queries.  I have some macro code that moves results around and does formatting.  The code is dependent on the order in which the queries are executed.  I had assumed that the queries are executed in the order they are listed as data providers.
    For most of my users, the workbook works fine.  But for some, the queries execute in a different order.  Is there some way to force the order of query execution?
    Dave Paz

    TopLink uses a deferred transaction model implemented through its UnitOfWork. This means all changes (creation, modify/ removal) are tracked and during the transaction commit phase we perform these operations ordered based on your referential integrity rules (FK constraints).
    If you are using TopLink Essentials (JPA) you have the option to issue flush on your entity-manager after the persist call to force the insert to occur prior to your next read.
    In Oracle TopLink the only way to do this is to use a DatabaseSession which offers additional calls controlling the transaction directly as well as support insert/update/remove operations without the UnitOfWork. This approach supports these additional calls because it uses a single connection and does not have a multi-client shared cache. This is much closer to a pure data access style versus the rich multi-client persistence infrastructure most commonly used.

  • Assure order of query execution in toplink

    can any one please suggest how to assure the order of query execution in toplink.
    at present what is happening is.
    suppose if i am having 5 queries, first one is Read and based on that out put of the read query, i need to create record in Database and read one more row from database again and save the record in the Database.
    1. Read From Database.
    2. Insert into Database.
    3.Read From Database.
    4.Insert into Database.
    order that i want is 1,2,3,4 but toplink excution order is 1,3 and 2,4. that means it is doing all reads first and insertions next.
    can any one please let me know, is there a way to set the order of the query execution.
    thanks in advance,
    Benarjee Gandhavalli.

    TopLink uses a deferred transaction model implemented through its UnitOfWork. This means all changes (creation, modify/ removal) are tracked and during the transaction commit phase we perform these operations ordered based on your referential integrity rules (FK constraints).
    If you are using TopLink Essentials (JPA) you have the option to issue flush on your entity-manager after the persist call to force the insert to occur prior to your next read.
    In Oracle TopLink the only way to do this is to use a DatabaseSession which offers additional calls controlling the transaction directly as well as support insert/update/remove operations without the UnitOfWork. This approach supports these additional calls because it uses a single connection and does not have a multi-client shared cache. This is much closer to a pure data access style versus the rich multi-client persistence infrastructure most commonly used.

  • Issue while query execution on web analyser.

    I am getting an error message while query execution on web ie Record set too large , data retrieval restricted by configuration .I am able to run the same query in bex analyser without any issue .Any idea what could be the reason and solution for this issue .

    Hi Neetika,
    The Query is exceeding the set limits,i suggest you to Reduce the time LIne for the Query, as it may be having more number of Cells in terms of Rows and Columns.
    Execute the Query for Less number of Days,if u r executing it for 1 Month then execute it for 10 Days.

  • SSRS Error : Query execution failed for dataset 'dataSet'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand) Semantic query execution failed. Invalid object name 'RPT.*********'. (rsSemanticQueryEngineError)

    I am new to SSRS and I am trying to migrate reports from 2008 to 2012. As I have so many reports to migrate, I simply got the back up of ReportServer,
    ReportServerTempDB, and Encryption Key and restored them to test environment. I made necessary configuration from RS configuration tool. I am able to see the reports now when I browse //hostname/reports. But when I open any particular report I am getting some
    · An error has occurred during report processing.
    Query execution       failed for dataset 'dataSet'.
    Semantic query        execution failed. Invalid object name
           'RPT. ******'. (rsSemanticQueryEngineError)
    ****** - I am assuming this is a custom data class.
    Does anyone have insight on this? or any better way that I can migrate the reports to new server with less efforts.
    I don’t have the reports solution file to deploy the reports, so I have followed backup and restore process.

    Hi Kishore237,
    According to your description, you migrated some reports from Reporting Services (SSRS) 2008 to 2012. Now you get error when accessing the reports on SSRS 2012. Right?
    In this scenario, did you modify the report data source in database after migration? You can try to open the report in Report Builder or Report designer and check the report dataset. If you can preview the report in Report builder or Report designer,
    please try to redeploy the report to Report Server. If it is still not working, please try to restore the database from backup. And for migrating reports, please follow the "Content-Only Migration" in the link below:
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best Regards,
    Simon Hou

  • Unable to select the filter value after query execution

    I am unable to drill down my keyfigures.
    1.i have a lC and GC values out of which GC is hidden so after the query execution i would like to filter my value between GC and LC but i do get only LC value in the filter and i do not get GC value to select .
    Could any one tell me how this can be done.this is very urgent.

    resolved on my own,so i am closing this.

  • Asset query execution performance after upgrade from 4.6C to ECC 6.0+EHP4

    I am encounted a weird problems about asset query execution performance after upgrade to ECC 6.0.
    Our client had migrated sap system from 4.6c to ECC 6.0. We test all transaction code and related stand report and query.
    Everything is working normally except this asset depreciation query report. It is created based on ANLP, ANLZ, ANLA, ANLB, ANLC table; there is also some ABAP code for additional field.
    This report execution costed about 6 minutes in 4.6C system; however it will take 25 minutes in ECC 6.0 with same selection parameter.
    At first, I am trying to find some difference in table index ,structure between 4.6c and ECC 6.0,but there is no difference about it.
    i am wondering why the other query reports is running normally but only this report running with too long time execution dump messages even though we do not make any changes for it.
    your reply is very appreciated

    Thanks for your replies.
    I check these notes, unfortunately it is different our situation.
    Our situation is all standard asset report and query (sq01) is running normally except this query report.
    I executed se30 for this query (SQ01) at both 4.6C and ECC 6.0.
    I find there is some difference in select sequence logic even though same query without any changes.
    I list there for your reference.
    Open Cursor ANLP                                    38,702  39,329,356  = 39,329,356      34.6     AQA0FI==========S2============   DB     Opens
    Fetch ANLP                                         292,177  30,378,351  = 30,378,351      26.7    26.7  AQA0FI==========S2============   DB     OpenS
    Select Single ANLC                                  15,012  19,965,172  = 19,965,172      17.5    17.5  AQA0FI==========S2============   DB     OpenS
    Select Single ANLA                                  13,721  11,754,305  = 11,754,305      10.3    10.3  AQA0FI==========S2============   DB     OpenS
    Select Single ANLZ                                   3,753   3,259,308  =  3,259,308       2.9     2.9  AQA0FI==========S2============   DB     OpenS
    Select Single ANLB                                   3,753   3,069,119  =  3,069,119       2.7     2.7  AQA0FI==========S2============   DB     OpenS
    ECC 6.0
    Perform FUNKTION_AUSFUEHREN     2     358,620,931          355
    Perform COMMAND_QSUB     1     358,620,062          68
    Call Func. RSAQ_SUBMIT_QUERY_REPORT     1     358,569,656          88
    Program AQIWFI==========S2============     2     358,558,488          1,350
    Select Single ANLA     160,306     75,576,052     =     75,576,052
    Open Cursor ANLP     71,136     42,096,314     =     42,096,314
    Select Single ANLC     71,134     38,799,393     =     38,799,393
    Select Single ANLB     61,888     26,007,721     =     26,007,721
    Select Single ANLZ     61,888     24,072,111     =     24,072,111
    Fetch ANLP     234,524     13,510,646     =     13,510,646
    Close Cursor ANLP     71,136     2,017,654     =     2,017,654
    We can see first open cursor ANLP ,fetch ANLP then select ANLC,ANLA,ANLZ,ANLB at 4.C.
    But it changed to first select ANLA,and open cursor ANLP,then select  ANLC,ANLB,ANLZ,at last fetch ANLP.
    Probably,it is the real reason why it is running long time in ECC 6.0.
    Is there any changes for query selcection logic(table join function) in ECC 6.0.

  • An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted). Query execution failed for dataset 'DimUserWorkCentre'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand). The Cube either does not exists or has not been processed

    I'm having issues with the report created using SSAS cube.
    An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
    Query execution failed for dataset 'DimUserWorkCentre'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand)
    The Operator_Performance cube either does not exist or has not been processed.
    I have searched through internet and tried all the solutions, but didn't worked for me.
    SSRS services running as NETEWORK SERVICE user.
    SSRS Execution running as a Different user, which is the login is used to logon ot that server. I have also verified this user has access to database. I'm using Shared DataSource(SSAS Source) for this report.
    Can any one please help me.
    Thank You,

    Have you tried it to execute on report manager , Is your data source properly configured in Report Manager  and your report is mapped with Datset correctly?
    Have you executed the Dataset query MDX editor  now?
    What is the volume of data you are fetching in the report. Try it to execute in other than IE , I don't know the exact reason but some of our report with large volume of data  are failing on IE , on the other hand these reports are running fine Google
    blog:My Blog/
    Hope this will help you !!!

  • Query execution time

    Dear SCN,
    I am new to BOBJ Environment. I have created a webi report on top of bex query by using BISC connection. Bex query is build for Vendor Ageing Analysis. My bex query will take very less time to execute the report (max 1 min). But in case of webi is takeing around 5 min when i click on refresh. I have not used any conditions,filters,restrictions are done at webi level all are done at bex level only.
    Please let me know techniques to optimize the query execution time in webi. Currently we are in BO 4.0.

    Hi Praveen
    Go through this document for performance optimization using BICS connection…

  • Steps involved in Query execution

    Can anyone please suggest the exact steps that take place in a query execution. I know on the broad level. But I want to know to basic level. For example we would like to know all the steps that an OLAP processor does to get the data, process it and then send it for display.
    Also, say the total time taken for the query execution is xx msec, we would like to know the complete break up of this time for all the activities that are completed from the time of query execution till the display of result.

    Hi Suchitra,
    Please go through these links:
    Assign points if helpful

  • An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) Query execution failed for dataset 'dsPriority'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand)

    click report error:
    log file:
    processing!ReportServer_0-2!104c!04/27/2015-19:15:21:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ProcessingAbortedException: An error has occurred during report processing., ;
     Info: Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ProcessingAbortedException: An error has occurred during report processing.
     ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: Query execution failed for dataset 'dsPriority'.
     ---> Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.AdomdErrorResponseException: Query (26, 25) The ALLMEMBERS function expects a hierarchy expression for the  argument. A member expression was used.
       at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.AdomdDataReader..ctor(XmlReader xmlReader, CommandBehavior commandBehavior, AdomdConnection connection)
       at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.AdomdCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
       at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.AdomdCommand.System.Data.IDbCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
       at Microsoft.ReportingServices.DataExtensions.AdoMdCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
       at Microsoft.ReportingServices.OnDemandProcessing.RuntimeDataSet.RunDataSetQuery()
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at Microsoft.ReportingServices.OnDemandProcessing.RuntimeDataSet.RunDataSetQuery()
       at Microsoft.ReportingServices.OnDemandProcessing.RuntimeDataSet.Process()
       at Microsoft.ReportingServices.OnDemandProcessing.RuntimeParameterDataSet.Process()
       at Microsoft.ReportingServices.OnDemandProcessing.RuntimeDataSet.ProcessConcurrent(Object threadSet)
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    open http://localhost:8080/tfs/TeamFoundation/Administration/v3.0/WarehouseControlService.asmx?op=ProcessWarehouse click Invoke:
    System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: TF221029: Reporting for Team Foundation Server does not have any warehouse jobs defined. Use the Team Foundation Administration Console to rebuild the reporting. : 2015-04-27T19:30:29:782 ---> System.InvalidOperationException:
    TF221029: Reporting for Team Foundation Server does not have any warehouse jobs defined. Use the Team Foundation Administration Console to rebuild the reporting. at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Warehouse.WarehouseAdmin.QueueJobs(String collectionName, String jobName)
    at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Warehouse.WarehouseControlWebService.ProcessWarehouse(String collectionName, String jobName) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Warehouse.WarehouseControlWebService.ProcessWarehouse(String collectionName,
    String jobName)

    Hi shelman,
    I'd like to know whether you configured TFS reporting service properly, and if you can get the report normally before. From the error message, you might has wrong data source or the parameters of the dataset 'dsPriority'. You can check whether the data source
    for your report is available, try to use windows authentication. Or check the parameters of dataset 'dsPriority' make sure the query works when you execute it manually.
    To process the TFS data warehouse and analysis services cube, I'd like to know which operation you selected before clicking Invoke button. Please follow the instructions on this
    page to process TFS data warehouse and analysis service cube manually. You can also refer the James's last reply in this
    thread or this
    blog to check if the solutions work for you.
    Another option is run TFS best practice analyzer to check if there any configure issues on your TFS server machine. And check event logs to see if there any useful information, elaborate more details about your scenario including reproduce steps if the problem
    Best regards,

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