Fork(2) failed; no more free slot in kernel's process-table

is there a kernel parameter to fix this?
It happens all the time.
fork(2) failed; no more free slot in kernel's process-table Resource temporarily unavailable

Try start you program uder truss. For example:
*truss -fae  -o /tmp/LOG <YOUR_Program>
Check /tmp/LOG.
Possible your program generate new process in loop.

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    ERROR,18 Jun 2010 10:15:58,715,[XELLERATE.JMS],The Reconciliation Event with key -1 does not exist
    ERROR,18 Jun 2010 10:15:58,716,[XELLERATE.JMS],Processing Reconciliation Message with ID -1 failed.
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    I'm currently experiencing a memory leak in our production environment. I will fill out the details shortly.
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    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        System.ServiceModel
    Date:          4/20/2014 11:39:14 PM
    Event ID:      3
    Task Category: WebHost
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          NETWORK SERVICE
    WebHost failed to process a request.
    Sender Information: System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostingEnvironment+HostingManager/58366981
    Exception: System.ServiceModel.ServiceActivationException: The service '/VisualWorkplace/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc' cannot be activated due to an exception during compilation. 
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    element.. ---> System.InsufficientMemoryException: Memory gates checking failed because the free memory (1240145920 bytes) is less than 5% of total memory.  As a result, the service will not be available for incoming requests.  To resolve
    this, either reduce the load on the machine or adjust the value of minFreeMemoryPercentageToActivateService on the serviceHostingEnvironment config element.
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    We just recently increased the available memory from 8GB to 24GB to help ensure that there is enough memory. This error never happened on CRM v4. According to the resource monitor, SQL is only reserving 20.7GB of RAM and there is 694MB of RAM in Standby.
    The main Async service is using 660MB and the maintenance Async service is using 265MB.
    To resolve the issue temporarily, I restarted both Async services this morning. Shortly after everything came back, they were holding fairly steady around 350MB and 200MB. It's been six hours since then.
    The last time I spoke with Microsoft about a similar problem, they suggested increasing the amount of RAM.

    It became more and more of a problem. It was impacting the users in a more subtle way at first. You couldn't configure the CRM for Outlook client. After a while, they couldn't use CRM in Outlook at all and users reporting not being able to complete phone
    call activities. I opened a ticket with MS and they suggested the same as Wilson Lou did. The organization error had nothing to do with the creep on the async services usage of RAM. It was indeed caused by SQL stealing all of the memory. Limiting the max usage
    to 24GB RAM has resolved that error. 
    My Async processes are still using a LOT of RAM, but now that I have more than enough RAM, it doesn't seem to be a problem anymore. They are currently using about 700MB RAM each.
    Also, I have upgraded to SP1, UR2.
    Eric Hula - CRM Administrator

  • Crystal Report failed because a free license could not be obtained

    My question is about Crystal Report Standard (v. 10) and Crystal Report Professional (v.10)
    Trying to print labels on from my application using Crystal Report Standard Edition (v. 10) and I am getting the follow error.  And it doesnu2019t print any more.
    "Crystal Reports job fauile because a free license coukd not be obtained in the time allocated.  More licenses can be purchased direct from Crystal Decissions or thorough the Crystal Decisions Online Store"
    If a run the same application on another server using Crystal Report Professional Edition (v. 10) and get this error, but the print after few seconds.
    "A Crystal Reports job was delayed 2 seconds waiting for a free RDC runtime concurrente license to become available.  More licencses can be purchased direct from Crystal Decisions or through the Crystal Decisions Online Store"
    Is this happening because Standard / Professional differences?.  It is any way to workaround on the standard edition and made print again with out reboot server.  How many users can print at the same time?
    Thanks for your help.

    Hello Monica,
    In your earlier posts you said the RDC was referenced in one of the licensing warning messages.  The licensing warnings you've listed here would normally be seen in a Crystal Reports .NET application, not an RDC application.  I don't see any details about your application though.  More details about the actual application would be helpful.  What type of application is it? Which Crystal component are you using?  Which IDE did you use to create your application?  How did you deploy the application?  What type of keycode did you use to deploy?   Is a full version of Crystal Reports also installed along with the runtime application?  Also, please confirm whether or not this is a web or windows application.
    Since these are CR.NET licensing warnings I'll address the errors and warnings related to the CR.NET object model.
    Crystal Reports 10 Standard edition and Professional edition are not a development level products.  These types of keycodes would not normally allow a runtime application to operate.  You'd normally see the warning messages if you were using either a CR10 Developer, or CR10 Advanced Developer keycode when deploying a CR.NET application.
    The CR.NET runtime licensing model has 3 Concurrent Processing Licenses (CPLs).  This number can not be changed.  CR10 Developer edition does not include queuing in it's licensing model, so when the 4th request comes in if the 3 CPLs are in use then the 4th request will fail with the "free license could not be obtained" error message.
    CR10 Advanced Developer edition includes queuing in it's licensing model, so when the 4th request comes in if the 3 CPLs are in use then the 4th request will queue and test to find a free license every 2 seconds for approximately 2 minutes.  In this case you'll see warning messages in the event viewer.
    The 3 CPLs can not be increased - they're a fixed limit based on the number of CPUs on a particular web server.  If you use a web garden or web farm and use load balancing then the number of CPLs increases as the number of CPUs increases.  It's 3 CPLs per CPU.
    There is no way to force the licenses to be freed up.  This is handled by the CR.NET report engine.  When the engine is finished using the license it is freed up automatically.
    The Report Designer Component (RDC) does have a 5 seat model in CR10, but it does not follow the same queuing model seen with the CR.NET component.
    Once you post more information about your application, and the Crystal Reports runtime component you're really using we can see if the above information applies or not.
    Dan Kelleher

  • Temporary error "A Crystal Reports job failed because a free license ..."

    Hi all,
    We coded with VS 2003 a .NET 1.1 application which using the Crystal Report 9 Redistribution package .NET ready to display reports from measured data from our device. The data is stored in a SQL Server 2000 MSDE. Crystal Report has his own DB connection to the SQL server to read the data to display the report.
    Our application runs well on approx. 100 distributed installations. But on six customers installation we get this error. Actual on two customers PCs using the same DB we get the error "A Crystal Reports job failed because a free license could not be obtained in the time allocated.". This error pop up every time, when the report is shown. Although the report get shown completely.
    I observed in the 'Windows Event Viewer => "System" log after the above-mentioned error following entry "Crystal Report job was delayed 2 (sec)." once for every time when the user requested a report.
    I restored an empty DB on customers PC and the error don't pop up anymore.
    All CR .NET assemblies have the version 9.2.3300.0. I tested also the "", but it doesn't help. I had checked for hours all the issues about this error message on the internet. I tested the most fitting solutions, but not one fix the problem.
    I tested customers full DB on my Virtual Machine with same installation, but I don't get the error.

    Hi Ludek<br>
    Thanks for your answer. I checked all the things you asked me to do on both system.<br>
    Here are the results from my investigations:<br>
    <b>1) The keycode.dll was not on the not working PC.</b><br>
    I copied it to the root of C: as on the working PC. I registered it with regsvr32.exe and tested the issue.<br>
    => The problem still exist.<br>
    <b>2) I compared the keycode on both system:</b><br>
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Crystal Decisions\9.0\Crystal Reports\Keycodes\CR Ent<br>
    non working PC:<br>
    1 AAP50-GS00000-U7000RN 131203342 3979604006<br>
    The code is different in comparison to the working PC, because I carried out the ''. Before this I made an export of the above registry key. Afterwards I wasn't able to merge this export (backup) again with the registry. I assume due to the included carriage returns in the keycode.<br>
    working PC<br>
    1 XXXXX <br>
    <b>3) I used the Process Monitor and got following error during the error sequence:</b><br>
    I list only some key entries from the hundreds of error entries. Please inform me, how I can provide you the full logger files.<br>
    non working PC:<br>
    WriteFile         C:\...\Administrator.QCNIR002\Local Settings\temp\~cpe{AD83....}    Fast IO Disallowed<br>
    RegEnumKey HKCR\Drive\shellex\FolderExtensions                                                 NO MORE ENTRIES<br>
    RegOpenKey HKLM\Software\Crystal Decisions\9.0\Crystal Reports\Database      NAME NOT FOUND<br>
    RegOpenKey HKCU\Software\Crystal Decisions\9.0\Crystal Reports\Database      NAME NOT FOUND<br>
    RegOpenKey HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\DnsClient                 NAME NOT FOUND<br>
    But I observed beside the results: No more entries, Name not found, Fast IO Disallowed, Buffer overflow (RegQueryKey) and Range not locked (UnlockFileSingle of printer driver) no other errors.<br>
    working PC<br>
    Operation:      Path:                                                                                Result:<br>
    WriteFile         C:\...\Administrator\Local Settings\temp\~cpe{AD83....}                 Fast IO Disallowed<br>
    RegEnumKey HKCR\Drive\shellex\FolderExtensions                                            NO MORE ENTRIES<br>
    RegOpenKey HKLM\Software\Crystal Decisions\9.0\Crystal Reports\Database NAME NOT FOUND<br>
    RegOpenKey HKCU\Software\Crystal Decisions\9.0\Crystal Reports\Database NAME NOT FOUND<br>
    <b>4) Service Packs</b><br>
    We could only compare the file size of the Merge Module we used with the one you provided me in the above link.<br>
    <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
    <td>file name</td>
    <td>file size of used Merge Module</td>
    <td>file size of SP1 Merge Module</td>
    <td width=150>crnetruntime.msm</td>
    <td width=100>4'764'672 Byte</td>
    <td width=100>4'770'304 Byte</td>
    <td>578'048 Byte</td>
    <td>578'048 Byte</td>
    <td>10'701'824 Byte</td>
    <td>10'905'088 Byte</td>
    But I tried to install SP7 on my PC and on customers PC, but I got following error after I accepted the license agreement in the setup.exe: titlebar of window 'Information', Msg: 'Failed to create Backup folder -110' and just a button 'OK'. I got into an infinit loop and I could only end the process: 'IKernel.exe'.<br>
    Remark: I get the same error with SP5 and SP6.<br>
    <b>5) Modules - comparison of DLL's</b><br>
    I cross checked all the DLL in Modules, which begin with CR and some other, because there were over 100 DLL's.<br>
    <table x:str border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=834 style='border-collapse:
    <col width=385 style='mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:14080;width:289pt'>
    <col width=179 style='mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:6546;width:134pt'>
    <col width=110 style='mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:4022;width:83pt'>
    <col width=80 span=2 style='width:60pt'>
    <tr height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>
      <td height=17 width=385 style='height:12.75pt;width:289pt'>CRHEAPALLOC.DLL</td>
      <td width=179 style='width:134pt'></td>
      <td width=110 style='width:83pt'></td>
      <td width=80 style='width:60pt'></td>
      <td width=80 style='width:60pt'></td>
    <tr height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>
      <td height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>CRPE32.DLL</td>
      <td colspan=2 style='mso-ignore:colspan'></td>
    <tr height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>
      <td height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>CRQE.DLL</td>
      <td colspan=2 style='mso-ignore:colspan'></td>
    <tr height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>
      <td height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>CRTOWORDS_EN.DLL</td>
      <td colspan=2 style='mso-ignore:colspan'></td>
    <tr height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>
      <td height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>CRYSTALDECISIONS.CRYSTALREPORTS.ENGINE.DLL</td>
      <td colspan=2 style='mso-ignore:colspan'></td>
    <tr height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>
      <td height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>CRYSTALDECISIONS.REPORTAPPSERVER.CLIENTDOC.DLL</td>
      <td colspan=2 style='mso-ignore:colspan'></td>
    <tr height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>
      <td height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>CRYSTALDECISIONS.REPORTSOURCE.DLL</td>
      <td colspan=2 style='mso-ignore:colspan'></td>
    <tr height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>
      <td height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>CRYSTALDECISIONS.SHARED.DLL</td>
      <td colspan=2 style='mso-ignore:colspan'></td>
    <tr height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>
      <td height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>CRYSTALDECISIONS.WINDOWS.FORMS.DLL</td>
      <td colspan=2 style='mso-ignore:colspan'></td>
    <tr height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>
      <td height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>CRYSTALKEYCODELIB.DLL</td>
      <td colspan=2 style='mso-ignore:colspan'></td>
    <tr height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>
      <td height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>keycode.dll</td>
      <td colspan=2 style='mso-ignore:colspan'></td>
    <tr height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>
      <td height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>MSADCE.DLL</td>
      <td colspan=2 style='mso-ignore:colspan'></td>
    <tr height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>
      <td height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>MSADCER.DLL</td>
      <td colspan=2 style='mso-ignore:colspan'></td>
    <tr height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>
      <td height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>MSADO15.DLL</td>
      <td colspan=2 style='mso-ignore:colspan'></td>
    <tr height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>
      <td height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>MSADRH15.DLL</td>
      <td colspan=2 style='mso-ignore:colspan'></td>
    <tr height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>
      <td height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>MSCORLIB.DLL</td>
      <td class=xl26>01/15/09 22:31:34</td>
      <td class=xl26>7/7/08 13:39</td>
      <td class=xl24></td>
      <td class=xl25></td>
    <tr height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>
      <td height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>sqlresld.dll</td>
      <td colspan=2 style='mso-ignore:colspan'></td>
    <tr height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>
      <td height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>crdb_ado.dll</td>
      <td colspan=2 style='mso-ignore:colspan'></td>
    Please specify the more detailed, if you mean the Crystal framework files or the .NET files. Could you give me please the location of the framework dlls and database client dlls like a folder name, so that I can check also all of them.<br>
    I can provide you also the Module logger files, if you require them.<br>
    I would appreciate your further help very much.<br>
    Edited by: Ronny S. on Jul 6, 2009 4:57 PM
    Edited by: Ronny S. on Jul 6, 2009 5:02 PM
    Edited by: Ronny S. on Jul 6, 2009 5:17 PM
    Edited by: Ronny S. on Jul 8, 2009 11:44 AM
    Edited by: David Hilton on Jul 15, 2009 11:04 AM
    Removed private keycode.

  • No more free apple id could be used on this iPhone device then what should I do to sign in with my new Id?

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    Any one Mac or iOS device can create only three iCloud accounts: this is tied to the serial number, not the user account. If you have already created three then all you can do is to use another Mac or iOS device to create a new iCloud account - once done you can sign into it on the device in question.

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    Steps to recreated this issue
    1. Create an order with any product - quantity is rounded to next possible value.
    2. Order created, close the order.
    3. Trying to create new order. (Product field is not a text box anymore)
    4. Try to transfer product from catalog by hitting shopping basket icon.
    5. Error message -> "No more free items available, please create new one".

    We are running a SAP ERP Ecommerce, we get a strange alert box message "no more free items available, please create a new one". This alert window pops up only when you have created one order in a session and you are trying to create another order. Has anyone come across this issue?
    Steps to recreated this issue
    1. Create an order with any product - quantity is rounded to next possible value.
    2. Order created, close the order.
    3. Trying to create new order. (Product field is not a text box anymore)
    4. Try to transfer product from catalog by hitting shopping basket icon.
    5. Error message -> "No more free items available, please create new one".

  • Wcf Data Service fails when more than 8properties  in the 'select=' portion

    I am using WCF Data Service and Oracle
    EF Provider is ODAC11.2 Release 4
    Wcf Data Service fails when more than 8 properties are specified in the 'select=' portion of the URI
    here is my code
    var q = from c in this.ctx.SALESORDER_ITEM
    select new
    InvalidOperationException: An error occurred for this query during batch execution. See the inner exception for details
    The inner exception is null, but the DataServiceClientException states: Value cannot be null Parameter name: value
    the exception is thrown in base.OnStartProcessingRequest(args) method (overridden).
    Here is the call stack as well:
    at System.Data.Services.WebUtil.CheckArgumentNull[T](T value, String parameterName)
    at System.Data.Services.Internal.ProjectedWrapper.set_PropertyNameList(String value)
    at lambda_method(Closure , Shaper )
    at System.Data.Common.Internal.Materialization.Coordinator`1.ReadNextElement(Shaper shaper)
    at System.Data.Common.Internal.Materialization.Shaper`1.SimpleEnumerator.MoveNext()
    at System.Data.Services.Internal.ProjectedWrapper.EnumeratorWrapper.MoveNext()
    at System.Data.Services.DataService`1.SerializeResponseBody(RequestDescription description, IDataService dataService)
    at System.Data.Services.DataService`1.HandleNonBatchRequest(RequestDescription description)
    at System.Data.Services.DataService`1.HandleRequest()
    Is there a max number of properties in $select statement
    I think may be it is oracle provider's problem ,but i don't konw how to debug it Can anyone help me
    Any help is greatly appreciated

    I believe the null/empty string issue is unrelated to the 8 column issue, at least for ODP.NET. For example, let's take the original query in the OBE:
    Let's make all the columns selected not nullable. You can do this with the Oracle Dev Tools. Specifically, PHONE_NUMBER and FIRST_NAME are the only nullable fields. I make them non-nullable and re-run the query and the same error occurs. Thus, these values should never be made null. Moreover, in all 107 rows, none of these row values consist of empty strings anyway.
    Looking into the problem further, WCF DS is calling methods in the System.Data.Services.Internal namespace.
    Specifically, we see your issue when the ProjectedWrapperMany method is called. You will notice that there is ProjectedWrapper0, ProjectedWrapper1...ProjectedWrapper8 methods also present in the same namespace. As soon as the number of columns exceeds 8, ProjectedWrapperMany is called and we see the error. We're going to ask MS to help analyze the issue since this is an .NET-internal method being called.

  • Need more free space

    My kids are playing Sims 2 and occasionally the game will not load because the Imac says that we need more available free space. Does anyone know how to remedy this?
    Also, would increasing the amount of Virtual Memory resolve this? If so, how do I do that?

    The reference is to disk space not memory. Apparently your hard drive is too full. You either need to delete some data to make more free space or put in a larger hard drive or get an external drive and move some files from the internal drive to the external drive to free up space.
    Virtual memory is under the control of the OS and expands or contracts as needed. There's no need for the user to modify the amount of VM.

  • No more free item numbers (Please check)

    Dear Experts ,
    We are in a process of upgradation and during Unit testing I am facing a issue for which i require your suggestions.
    While Converting the Planned order to prod Ord in CO40 every thing is ok except when i check in component overview i get a msg "No more free item numbers (Please check)" and the BOM item numbers are visible as 9999 where as it should be 0010 & 0020 .May i know why is it so and how can i rectify it .

    I suggest you to do the conversion for a single planned order in TCode : CO41 or from MD04(screen itself by double clicking) and check the production order in Tcode ; CO02 / CO03.
    radhak mk

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    My installation of Lightroom 5 on Windows 7 Desktop gives me an "Installation Failed - Learn More" after trying to install it on the apps page... how do I fix it so I can install Lightroom?

    Link for Download & Install & Setup & Activation problems may help
    -Online Chat

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    Can I purchase more "free space" due to the following message that comes up on my iMac Pro when attempting to sync with my iPad: The iPad cannot be synced because there is not enough free space to hold all of the items in the iTunes library (additional 11.03 GB required). Or is the only solution to not allow certain things to be synced?

    Try wireless flash drive:

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    please help me if anyone knew the solution,

  • Fork Function Failed.  There is not enough memory available.

    Hello I have gotten the following error with my Application 10g AS server:
    Fork Function Failed. There is not enough memory available.
    I have set the ulimit to unlimited for all categories for the Oracle User. I have set the number of processes per user to 2048 processes. I have 4GB of RAM and 6GB of paging space.
    I have also noticed that once I open the opmn services, even if no one is executing any commands, the Oracle User's processes are growing. I ran the following command to determine it: ps -ef | grep oracle user | wc -l. I also monitored some of the processes for sometime and they are not terminating in order to release the physical memory or the paging space.
    Can you please assist me with this problem?

    You will probably want to file a TAR and work through this with Oracle Support.

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