Form copy problem!!

Hi,when I copy form from 806 to 100, it appears the error message:Form Z_FORM language * is not available in client 806.

Hi Michael,
Could You let Us know ...
In which client you have Z_FORM and wht is T-code you are using to copy...
Are you copying a Standard Form,
And Y are trying to Copy ??
Once these are cleared I can give a Solution.
Suneel G

Similar Messages

  • Form copy problem!! Language * is not avaliable!

    Hi, everyone
       when I copy a form from PRD client806 to DEV client100, it appears the error massage which is ZFORM language  *  is not avalivable in client806,how to solve it ?
    Edited by: Michael Hong on Aug 5, 2008 4:52 AM

    Do a File --> Info on the apps, then disable all alternate languages on the info panel to enforce using a specific one. This should work, if you are on OSX 10.6.5 or below or something liek that. Later versions require to edit the package contents and remove the alternate languages completely. I'm sure a web search will turn up some helpful instructions rather than my mumbling on my fading Mac memories...

  • 'copy' problem ade 4

    'copy' problem with ade 4
    copy with edit [copy function greyed out] or manual [ctrl+c - even in right sequence] not working on ade publication 'Nuwe Testament en Psalms
    ’n Direkte Vertaling'
    the copy function does work on 'Getting Started With ADOBE DIGITAL EDITIONS 4.0', a book which is part of the program
    pc specs are more than adequate
    urgent help needed here
    thank you!
    in Christ

    hi dominic
    yes, i can do that with this document to
       1. with the copy function from the file tab
       2. by selecting text and right click
       3. manually with ctrl+c
    my problem is with the other publication, 'Nuwe Testament en Psalms'n
    Direkte Vertaling', there the copy option in the file tab is greyed out and
    manually it does nothing - none of the three copy methods work.
    pse see attached jpg
    from gabriël smita child of the Living God through Christ Jesus[?]
    South Africa
    *0823260759"So faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ."
    <>Rom 10:17*
    * <>bugged by
    cockroaches? <>bugged by ants?
    <> *

  • Multi Block Form Navigation Problem

    i have got a multi block form the problem that am facing now is that when running the FORM and when am over one of the my canvases then if i tried to press any of :
    (Tab button,Down arrow ) the canvas changes to ANOTHER Datablock ...
    i dont know what is the problem ....

    Make the datablock you want to show on top as the first block in the object navigator.

  • Using a MAC to fill out PC Created PDF forms creating problems

    We have created a number of forms using LiveCycle to be filled out by clients.  They include submit buttons that send the form back as a PDF (rather than a data file).  The forms were then opened in  Acrobat 8 Professional and usage rights enabled to allow the clients to save a copy of the completed form.
    They work great...unless the client is using a MAC.  We have encountered the following problems with MAC filled forms:
    1) client entered data is present but only visible when the field is clicked on
    2) the Print and Submit by E-mail buttons do not work for MAC users
    3) the tabbing order is inconsistent
    Any ideas of ways we can make our forms more compatible for MAC users??
    Many Thanks!

    Hi Rod,
    Sorry I replied a few days ago, but for some reason it didn't seem to get added to the thread.  So, here we go again ...
    The "fix field" script worked great for me.  So, we have been using that solution when needed.  Unfortunately, I am not enough of an expert on these things to provide an intelligent answer as to why it may not be working for you.
    But, it also became evident from dialogue and testing that the issue only occurs when recipients use MAC Preview to complete the forms.  So, on some forms I have just added a note saying - MAC Users: Please complete the form using Adobe Reader.  As this is, of course, free software, which most people already have installed on their computer, this seems to prevent the problem from occurring as well.
    Hope that is at least a little bit helpful.

  • Adobe Form Formatting Problem

    Hi ,
    I am printing a Custom Adobe Form(ZPTRV_EXPENSE_FORM), which is a copy of standard form(PTRV_EXPENSE_FORM), through PR05. The problem here is in the subform for additional trip information, where the comments entered by the user are getting displayed, is not getting frmatted properly.
    for example.
    2.Had a joint meeting with Mr.ABC, Mr.PQR, Mr.XYZ.
    is getting displayed as
    2.Had a joint meeting with Mr.ABC, Mr.PQR, M       r.XYZ.
    I have not changed any property of the said text area.
    I found a SDN post which says it has been done in the interface. In this case, I am using a standard interface which does not
    have any code in code initialization or Form routine.
    Could you please guide me through.

    Hi Otto,
    First of all thanx for your prompt and kind reply. As I said the text hs been copied from MS Word. There are two boxes in the
    text, wierd characters as you pointed out. But there is a part of text which does not hav those characters, yet there is a space
    infact multiple spaces that appear in the preview.
    I tried typing the part of the text manually in the comments box without the spaces. Then too, some of my words are split into
    two or two words put togather.
    I have also checked changing the font, but that didnt help. And the binding of the text field is set to 'EDITOR'. But if you check
    the context, there is no element called 'EDITOR' not does the form interface have a parameter which passes the long text meant
    for comments . That was the reason I was asking, what are the possible ways we can populate data in a form.

  • System form resizing problem

    I expanded the width of the Sales Quotation system form and move fields to the right to allow space for new fields in the centre.
    I used the oForm.Width to adjust this.
    If I load the form, expand to full screen, everyhting is in the right place and looks good. However, if i adjust the form dimensions slightly and then expand to full screen the form items, system and user defined, overlap or get lost under the central tab area etc etc. To recover I have to resize the form so both X and Y scroll bars appear, close the form, and then load the form so that it appears with its system minimum dimensions.
    Has anyone else experienced this? I also notice that another parameter for forms is oForm.Clientwidth, what is the difference as I can't make this work either???
    I can release my addon if someone wishes to try this and see what I am experiencing or I can upload photos.
    I think it just that the addon need to take care of dynamic form sizing - cater for resizing events?
    Any Ideas???

    Right, Iam in the middle of my new version but this is the snippet of code that causes the problem, if not clear from this then I'll email code out later.
    Private Sub oApp_ItemEvent(ByVal FormUID As String, ByRef pVal As SAPbouiCOM.ItemEvent, ByRef BubbleEvent As Boolean) Handles oApp.ItemEvent
            If pVal.EventType = SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_FORM_LOAD And pVal.FormType = 149 And pVal.Before_Action = True Then
                    Dim oItem As SAPbouiCOM.Item
                    Dim oForm As SAPbouiCOM.Form
                    Dim oCombo As SAPbouiCOM.ComboBox
                    Dim oEdit As SAPbouiCOM.EditText
                    Dim oLabel As SAPbouiCOM.StaticText
                    Dim oXplaneItem As SAPbouiCOM.Item
                    Dim oYplaneItem As SAPbouiCOM.Item
                    Dim iUnitMove As Integer
                    Dim iCentralLocation As Integer
                    Dim iBottomCentralLoc As Integer
                    oForm = oApp.Forms.Item(FormUID)
                    iCentralLocation = 75
                    iBottomCentralLoc = 40
                    iUnitMove = 350
                    'Add fields to Table for new Editbox fields
                    'Rename "Owner" static text to "FSE"
                    oItem = oForm.Items.Item("230")
                    oLabel = oItem.Specific
                    oLabel.Caption = "FSE"
                    'Move Top RIght Fields to create space in middle for new date fields
                    oForm.Width = oForm.Width + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("9").Left = oForm.Items.Item("9").Left + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("88").Left = oForm.Items.Item("88").Left + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("8").Left = oForm.Items.Item("8").Left + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("60").Left = oForm.Items.Item("60").Left + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("81").Left = oForm.Items.Item("81").Left + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("11").Left = oForm.Items.Item("11").Left + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("10").Left = oForm.Items.Item("10").Left + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("86").Left = oForm.Items.Item("86").Left + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("46").Left = oForm.Items.Item("46").Left + iUnitMove
                    'Move bottom right fields to create space in middle for new fields
                    oForm.Items.Item("23").Left = oForm.Items.Item("23").Left + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("22").Left = oForm.Items.Item("22").Left + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("25").Left = oForm.Items.Item("25").Left + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("24").Left = oForm.Items.Item("24").Left + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("283").Left = oForm.Items.Item("283").Left + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("42").Left = oForm.Items.Item("42").Left + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("90").Left = oForm.Items.Item("90").Left + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("91").Left = oForm.Items.Item("91").Left + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("89").Left = oForm.Items.Item("89").Left + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("99").Left = oForm.Items.Item("99").Left + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("27").Left = oForm.Items.Item("27").Left + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("30").Left = oForm.Items.Item("30").Left + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("29").Left = oForm.Items.Item("29").Left + iUnitMove
                    'Move "Copy From" & "Copy To" buttons
                    oForm.Items.Item("10000330").Left = oForm.Items.Item("10000330").Left + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("10000329").Left = oForm.Items.Item("10000329").Left + iUnitMove
                    'Expand Grid in Contents Tab to fit form again
                    oForm.Items.Item("115").Width = oForm.Items.Item("115").Width + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("116").Width = oForm.Items.Item("116").Width + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("38").Width = oForm.Items.Item("38").Width + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("118").Left = oForm.Items.Item("118").Left + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("65").Left = oForm.Items.Item("65").Left + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("75").Left = oForm.Items.Item("75").Left + iUnitMove
                    'Move Items in Logisitcs Tab
                    oForm.Items.Item("233").Left = oForm.Items.Item("233").Left + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("223").Left = oForm.Items.Item("223").Left + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("238").Left = oForm.Items.Item("238").Left + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("224").Left = oForm.Items.Item("224").Left + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("234").Left = oForm.Items.Item("234").Left + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("234").LinkTo = "224"
                    'Move Items in accounting tab
                    oForm.Items.Item("156").Left = oForm.Items.Item("156").Left + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("157").Left = oForm.Items.Item("157").Left + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("119").Left = oForm.Items.Item("119").Left + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("120").Left = oForm.Items.Item("120").Left + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("124").Left = oForm.Items.Item("124").Left + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("123").Left = oForm.Items.Item("123").Left + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("135").Left = oForm.Items.Item("135").Left + iUnitMove
                    oForm.Items.Item("134").Left = oForm.Items.Item("134").Left + iUnitMove
                    'Hide system predicted closing date as picks 1 month later if not completed
                    oForm.Items.Item("12").Visible = False
                    oForm.Items.Item("13").Visible = False
               Catch ex As Exception
                End Try
            End If
        End Sub
    If you try this in debug mode, you will still see the system forms items affected in the way I have described.
    Edited by: David Alexander on Oct 14, 2008 1:32 PM

  • Creating forms having problem with speed

    OK maybe this jsut isn't possible.
    In am creating a form from a .doc file It is a physicians patient management form. First, this thing isn't small. it's 22 pages and ubelievably large amounts of entry fields.
    I had to do a bunhc, but one data set bothered me so i left it for last.... now.. yuck.
    This is simply a table. on the left is a column for dates. ech row is a new date. each column is a different item. In the boxes there is a plus or minus sign on the doc. So i figured the best replacement would be a radio group. 2 each for each entry.
    Here's the problem. That's 14 columns and 20 rows. ech column has two radio buttons. so we're talking 560 buttons. I'm not even half way through and it's slowing down so bad I am constantly crashing and can't manage this. I have in the neighborhood of 250. now, the only logical way i could figure to do this quickly was to make a set. I can't use a default size because the form is oddly built. i have to use very smal radio buttons. Instead of plus minus I'm coloring them red/green. I created two buttons, so one group. but i can't figure out how to duplicate and increment that set. i tried holding the control button when copying then hitting the '+' key but it did not increment. it left two new radio buttons in the same group. couldn't figure out wht to do so i just built it all off that one set of buttons, and am trying to go back in and rename each set to make them unique. but it is SO slow and unmangeable I can't get through it. not even half way and it take around 45 seconds to 1 minute to complete the copying, another 30 to 45 seconds to bring up the property box (PER BUTTON) and then another 20 seconds to finish when i manually increment the groups.
    there has to be a better way than this. can anyone give me a recommendation? i'm attaching a pic of some of the fields so you can see what i was trying to do but this just isn't going to work. i even extracted just this page from the worksheet, and it doesn't make a diff. there are so many buttons it's killing it. But this can;'t be that unusual, i could do this in 10 minutes in html. there has to be a good way to do it with a pdf?
    any help is greatly appreciated

    You should post your question on the Adobe Acrobat Forms forum:

  • DVD digital file copy problems

    First question- When downloading a DVD "digital file" through Itunes, is the movie actually downloaded from the disc in the drive, or from the Itunes libray?
    Second question- How long should it take to download?
    Third question- Where the heck is my movie?
    Fourth question- How can I contact Itunes directly?
    Here is the rundown:
    I signed uo for Itunes today to upload my "Disney file" digital copy to my mp3 player. Well, that has created some problems. All was going smoothly, or so I thought. Itunes took the activation code (as a form of payment basically) and I got confirmation that the movie was being downloaded to my Itunes account. It was taking a long, long time to download and I was not sure if the movie was being downloaded from the disc that Disney provided, or if it was being downloaded from the Itunes libray, so I ended up taking the disc out of the drive to see what would happen. (I hope I didn't mess things up for myself!)
    I waited a bit longer and reinserted the disc and tried the activation code again, and as I suspected the code was denied, so it wouldn't attempt to download again.
    It has been a few hours and my movie is nowhere to be found on my Itunes account. Being new to the whole Itunes thing I wonder if I did something wrong, or if I am not looking in the right place.
    I really hope I didn't make a big mistake!!

    I did this with the Family Guy "Blue Harvest" digital copy, and it (entering the code and 'purchasing') only authorizes playback of the content from the disc in the drive. Other than cookies, there is no download from the iTunes store. The software treats the copying from the disc as a download though, and it shows copy progress as download progress. That threw me off the first time I did it.

  • Pro forma invoice problems if billing plan is used

    Hello experts,
    i have a problem again with the billing plan.
    To problem now is the pro- forma for following case:
    A billing plan is used for the items in the sales order. only at the end when the delivery gets prepared at the end, the pro forma invoice will be created.
    The billing relevance for the item category is 'I' - with the billing plan type (a partial billing with % used).
    For the proforma the entire value should appear on the Pro forma finally when the manufactured modul passes the customs.
    I am struggling with the correct copy control settings.
    The already billed values do not appear on the PRO Forma - for the 'real bills' it is ok.While creating the pro forma the related message appears in the log.
    Which settings in copy control for the copy control (sales order --> billing type (pro forma) do I need to use if I need to have the entire sales order item value on the pro forma bill.
    all helpfull answers are highly appreciated.
    Thanks a lot in advance

    Hi Kurt,
    If you are using a billing plan say periodic billing plan; then i dont think you will have a delivery created against it. From the order / contract; it would be a billing document.
    If you are planning to use any of the billing plans; then invoices are bound to split based on invoicing dates and the settings of billing plan.
    If you are planning to pull all the parts for the purpose of customs then probably you can plant to develop a new output type that would print the details from the billing document (instead of Proforma from delivery). This new output type will be used for "N" number of billing documents against a sales order / contract in order to capture all the part numbers in it.  So if you have 3 parts in the order and 6 invoices, then the new output would get triggered 6 times and you will end up with 6 prints.
    Making changes to incorpoate billing plan related copy control settings would turn your development / configuration more complex.
    I hope i understood your question correctly.
    Hope this helps;
    Syed Nasir

  • IDEAs Required......Forms Installation Problem

    I recently installed Oracle 8.1.6..(exists in c:\Oracle 81 directory).when I tried to install Forms6i it installed a copy of SQL+ (Why???)in c:\orant and installed forms in c:\orant\forms_home.
    **Previously I was able to connect to Oracle and work with SQL+ but now neither can I work on SQL+(gives an error <lang>.MSB file not found) nor am I able to connect thru Forms (gives TNS adapter error).....Neither FOrms nor SQL+ are working now.
    ** I am unable to start the LISTENER
    ** I am unable to run NET 8 Config
    ** How do i go about solving all of the ablove problems? (connect to DB and get everything working??)
    **If I un-install FOrms6i and re-install will it help?
    Ideas and Help required.
    Appreciate any help!

    The TNSNAMEs file looks like this.... =
    (ADDRESS =
    (PROGRAM = oracle73)
    (ARGV0 = oracle73ORCL)

  • Form printing problem

    I have used InDesign CS6 to create a user-fillable form and brought into Acrobat X Pro to implement field tab orders, etc.
    It's a basic form with a couple of radio button options, a pulldown menu, editable text fields and a Print button.
    Everything exports correctly from IDCS6, opens and operates as it should in Acrobat but when I distribute the form the user can not input into the fields nor can they print.
    I've actually tested on a separate computer and when I click the print button all that outputs is a blank page (no information).
    I am using Mac 10.7.4.
    Thanks for any information!

    I also faced the same problem.
    Problem which I have faced mentioning below
    The gross amount is not appearing for output type ZH00 for Language French and German for a particular printer WPL4 where as it is appearing for other printers (e.g: W1D6)
    Previously the code is like this so it was not printed.
    ,,,,<B>  Total gross amount                     &KOMK-FKWRT&</> ,,<B>
    I have removed the space after Total gross amount and kept ,,,, in the place of space.
    ,,<B>  Total gross amount,,,,&KOMK-FKWRT&</>
    Follow the same procedure it will solve your problem.
    Reward points if useful.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Vasudeva Rao.

  • XML Forms Builder - problem with checkbox

    I have created many checkboxes in XML Forms Builder and if I want to create a new document based on this "Form" I have still checked one of checkboxes. I would like to have all empty  checkboxes becasue user should check the appropriate checkboxes.
    Do you know how to resolve this problem?
    Thaks for help!
    Andrzej Tabara

    is it always the same checkbox that is already filled in? Is this ckeckbox based on a metadata-definition?
    If yes: You could maybe have a look at the metadata-definition. Is there maybe a default-value defined?
    Kind reagrds

  • File data copying problem

    Im trying to copy the contents fron one file(say abc.txt) to another file(say def.txt)....Whats wrong in the below code...
    package com.home.practise.streams;
    public class CopyOneFileToAnotherFile {
         CopyOneFileToAnotherFile() throws IOException {
              File file = new File("C:\\Documents and Settings\\Harishwar\\Desktop\\abc.txt");
              try {
                   BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
                   FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(new File("C:\\Documents and Settings\\Harishwar\\Desktop\\def.txt"));
                   BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw);
                   int ch;
                   while((ch = != -1){
              } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                   // TODO Auto-generated catch block
         public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
              new CopyOneFileToAnotherFile();
    }Im not getting the output inside the file "def.txt"...why so?? what might be the problem in the above code??

    Thanks for your reply, dudes...Now I got the output..But i had one small doubt..Why these java soft people didnt write flush() method in predefined streams or readers or writers( say BufferedWriter or some other output stream).Because they're buffered. If they were auto-flushed they wouldn't be buffered.
    Why they gave us a choice to write this flush() expilictly....?So that you can control when the buffer is flushed. For performance and transactional reasons.
    Why wouldn't they have written in these predefined classes(say BufferedWriter) itself?? Because then they wouldn't be buffered. So there wouldn't be any point in them existing, or at least in having those names.
    And another small doubt, when we write explicitly bw.close(), does this mean we are saying GC to collect this variable?No, it means flush and close the stream and release the associated file handle.
    Can't GC collect this variable after complete execution of this program?Of course, but it's a file writer with a local buffer, so you should close it yourself, explicitly, when you have finished writing to it, so that you know that you've flushed and closed it, so that your application doesn't proceed on a false assumption, for example so you don't print any misleading messages saying that you've written all the data when you haven't.
    If you don't want local buffering, don't use it. But then your tactic of reading and writing one character at a time is suddenly going to run several orders of magnitude more slowly. And it's still correct discipline to dispose of external resources immediately you've finished with them.

  • Forms installation problem - how do I create a new default Oracle home?

    I am new to Oracle so please forgive my utter ignorance. My impression of Oracle because of how an installation
    has to be done is taking a nosedive. I thought Microsoft was bad with all the re-booting but the explanation that I
    read in Anubhav Seth's post about installing Dev 6i before 8i and the suggestion (not a requirement) to format the
    harddisk and reinstall Windows just leaves me with my jaw hanging open. I'm having a little trouble swallowing that
    Here's my situation... I'm running 8i at home and I am using it for the Oracle courses that I am taking at a local
    university. So 8i with its SQL*Plus has been all I have needed to date. Now we have a project to do that involves forms.
    So I go to the OTN page for downloads and downloaded file 6irel2nt.exe which is 264 MB in size. This file, I assume,
    has forms in it -- what else I don't know because things are not explained all that well on the web site or I don't know
    where to look (which implies poor organization of the web pages).
    I run the 6irel2nt.exe file and end up with 11,128 new files on my computer. That's nice. I run the setup file and a step or
    two into it it complains that my 'Ora81' home is already being used and that I need to install it into another Oracle Home.
    Now I'm trying to find out how I create another Oracle Home. I perform a search in GOOGLE on "creat default Oracle
    home" and basically get nowhere. My $50+ "Oracle 8i A Beginner's Guide" from Oracle Press mentions Oracle Home
    on one page (pg. 170) but is completely useless in this case. My $184 worth of Oracle University manuals (which
    are really PowerPoint slides) is useless too. My next step will be to comb through the FAQs. All this because I cannot
    believe that I have to totally uninstall one product to get another to install and then reinstall the first one. That is INSANE!
    If I have gone way off track please feel free to blast me but if this is true then all I can say is that the folks at Oracle need
    a lesson in KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid)! Computers and computer software are supposed to make our lives simpler
    not complicate the holy hell out of them. I'll get off my soapbox now. Sorry about the whining.

    I ended up uninstalling 8i and then I installed Dev 6i (Forms) and then I reinstalled 8i. I had some problems
    installing Dev 6i because of this error "path.vrf(86): Unbound variable 'path_too_long_prompt'". Right after this error
    appears I get a dialog that states, "The Oracle Installer cannot update the system path variable to %new_path%
    because it is too long. Please restrict your system path to 127 characters and make sure D:\Oracle\OraWin95\bin
    is included in your path."
    The path D:\Oracle\OraWin95 was what I set up for this installation.
    What I did to work around this problem was this...
    (1) Go to Start - Accessories - System Tools - System Information.
    (2) Click on the Tools menu
    (3) Select System Configuration Utility
    (4) Select the Autoexec.bat tab
    (5) I added D:\Oracle\OraWin95\bin to my PATH variable and unchecked the checkbox next to one of the several
    lines that I have that build my PATH variable. (I have several PATH lines that simply add a path to the system
    variable %path%). After the installation is complete you can go back and turn back on the paths that you had disabled.
    After installing 8i I did have a problem connecting to the database. I got this error:
    Error: ORA-01034 Oracle not available
    I believe this happened because I had forgotten to turn back on some of my PATH information that I mentioned
    earlier. After checking one of my PATH variables and rebooting, this problem disappeared.
    When reinstalling 8i and when the installation asks for an SID and you enter the SID you had used in the original
    installation you may get a notice that says the SID already exists. I think this happens because the uninstall does not
    clean up the registry totally, so I entered a different one. Later on, after the installation has been completed and you
    are connecting to your database, you will be prompted to select an SID -- just make sure that you select the SID from
    the latest installation.
    I should've mentioned first that in preparing for this whole ridiculous exercise I created a directory under my Oracle
    directory that I was going to use as the new 'Oracle home.' So I guess that's all one has to do to create a new Oracle
    home -- just have another directory ready to install 'stuff' into.
    All in all, this a pretty asinine exercise. Oracle really needs to fix this mess. I honestly thought Microsoft was bad but
    this takes the cake. I wonder if SQL Server is this screwed up.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Inspire 7900, want to only connect up 5.1 speakers

    I got the 7900 7.1 system with my PC, but dont really have the room for all of the speakers. Is there anyway to only connnect up front and rear and centre, and not have anysound missed out?

  • Master-detail editing or inserting

    Hi, I'm very sorry because I don't write English well... I'm studying ADF and I want to know master-detail editing(inserting) method using ADF. I know master-detail view and deleting. I need one master row editing(inserting) and multi detail row edit

  • Printing Issues in Oracle

    Hi, We have custom PDF reports, where when we print it in Oracle the columns to the right getting chopped off, when I try to print the same copy to regular printer all the columns are getting printed on the same page. When I print the report to a reg

  • Export FCP project and linked media assets

    Sorry everyone, I know this is an easy question but I have searched for the answer and am still very confused.  I want to save my FCP project and just the appropriate used media assets in one place so I can send a condensed version of my entire proje

  • Email newsletter? format help...

    hey there, i'm trying to send an html document via email to a client, but when i run my tests to my own email (aol account) it always adds it as a 'side' attachment giving you options to 'view', 'download', or 'save to desktop'. What i want is the ht