Format changes

We recently transferred all of our files to a new hard drive
and after doing so, I am having issues with the format of my
Dreamweaver MX 2004 html files changing when emailing them through
Outlook. When I preview my file in the browser, it looks just like
the file I have created in Dreamweaver. However, when I email it,
the font is now smaller, column widths different, etc. I never had
this problem previously. What is going on?

are you talking about when the email pages are emailed and
displayed in the
email client?
you'll have to give a url address to an uploaded file.
As a guess, did the hard drive involve re-installing the
email client?
and maybe the preferences in the email client are set to a
smaller text

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    Given that the file is being exported to PDF and not going via a driver route, there really is no reason why changing the default printer should make a difference whatsoever in this particular case. Changing default drivers in Microsoft Office applications, yes, but for this situation, no. And since Acrobat doesn't change formatting, the issue sounds like some problem associated with InDesign. Please report this problem directly to Adobe Tech Support and be prepared to send them sample files. Thanks!
    - Dov

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    I second the idea that you should always use TO_DATE and TO_CHAR if you want to reliably convert between dates and strings.
    Without seeing your code, it is hard to say why your date format is changing, but the most likely reason is that you are changing users somewhere in the code. For example:
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    Session altered.
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    11-Jul-2003 10:15:12
    SQL> connect jtest/test
    SQL> SELECT sysdate FROM dual;

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    CA Forum: Charts and Graphs
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    Post Author: Ray Brack
    CA Forum: Charts and Graphs
    In case anyone else comes across this problem:
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    Follow this procedure to get your contacts back (I assume they are on your Mac/PC):
    1. Go to Settings, then Mail, Contacts, Calendars
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    Welcome to the forum.
    When I copy the folder containing the video clips (all in MPEG) on the desktop at home and then copy the folder to the desktop on the new laptop, the clips have changed from MPEG to MOD format
    This is a new one to me. I have never seen any version of Windows that would change the file extension of any file copied, regardless of whether it was over a network, or to a new drive/folder.
    Now, with the JVC cameras, their files are MOD and TOD (for HD material). Could you have copied the wrong folder? Otherwise, something really odd is going on. Could it be that you thought that you had copied a certain folder and actually got one with the same file names, but at the original level, when they were still .MOD?
    Good luck,

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    With value 0.346 is returned
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    Is the new format the right one?
    Many thanks.

    If you're working in CMYK, "softproof" your colors by choosing View->Overprint Preview. Note the keyboard shortcut
    If you're working in RGB, make sure the Creative Suite color management is synced. This is done through Bridge. May I suggest looking that up in Adobe Help.

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    Addressing your final remarks, I don’t see any problem. First: have your current Preset -> Image Export set to what you want in terms of JPEG or PSD etc. Second select the image(s) you want to Export. Select something like File -> Export -> Versions (or whatever you want). The Export panel defaults to the Desktop, and the images will be placed there - no folder is required.
    Maybe I’ve missed your point, but I don’t see any problem.

  • Date format changed (since SP8?)

    Applied SP8 lately on a server. I guess since then the date format changed.
    It is now April 18, 2011,
    and it should be 18 April, 2011.
    I am not sure if this is because applying SP8, but what is for sure that the date format is not what we used to.
    Checked time zone. Regarding to `set time zone` it is proper (CET-1CEST).
    Please advise.

    Hi Marcel,
    Thanks for the fast reply. I will give it a try probably.
    I am still wondering what could have changed the date format.
    Originally Posted by Marcel_Cox
    I^d be suprised if it is really SP8 that changed your date format on the server console.
    In any case, the date format on the server console is controlled by the file lconfig.sys copied to the server's c:\nwserver directory at installation time.
    The following TID tells you how you can replace this file.
    Note that the TID refers to changing the code page. In your case, it is not the code page you want to change, but the country code which corresponds to the date format you want to display
    10093487: Convert existing NetWare server to different Codepages.

  • Format Changes when Exporting to PDF

    I'm using Crystal 12.0 and have an issue very similar to these threads listed below. 
    While viewing a report on my development machine, all is fine.  I can export to PDF and the formatting is OK. 
    However, when the report is exported to PDF on the web server, the spacing between some of the text is off.  The spacing is used for a CrossTab cell in a "Display String" that I changed using "Format Field."   All that's supposed to happen here is several spaces are used to move the text under the proper column. 
    When exporting to PDF on the web, the text moves over to the left like it's missing some of the spaces.  I wondering if the below threads apply to Crystal 12.0. 
    Thread:1220516 and
    Format Changes when Exporting to PDF
    Thanks kindly for your assistance,

    I'm having a very similar problem using Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2008. Everything is perfect when running in VS 2008, it takes the report and exports it to PDF format via VB code. The PDF file is idenitcal to the report. However, when run on the server the one page report (when exported to PDF) gets chopped into ten 4x4 chunks. So the PDF file is 10 pages....its like puzzle pieces of the original.
    I've drawn a bunch of lines on the report to look like boxes - perhaps this is causing issues? The font on the report is Arial.
    The server has the 10_5 runtime installed and it is set to the same default printer as the development PC. I have been stuck on this for days and would really appreciate any advice you may have.
    Edited by: WanderingEye on Sep 18, 2009 4:54 PM

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