Fraction Problem in Freehand

When making a fraction in FreeHand MX, using Futura
Condensed, I get a font substitution to Symbol for the virgule.
This does not happen in Illustrator and QuarkXPress. Converting to
paths solves the problem, but is not practical. Anyone else getting
this problem? Anyone have a workaround?

Yes, i know if we put the images in the same folder or i we
embedded de images in the document the problem doesn't ocurre, but
we used to work with the same image in lots of documents, like ads,
catalogues, flyers,... and we can't put each image in each folder
the disk quote will increase a lot. Moreover if we embedded the
images the document file will be higger and it's not good to send
it .

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    HI, I'm new in this forum and newbie in Freehand
    I'm trying to make a eps file with Freehand. This eps is for faxcover, I make it and works fine, but the problem is when I want to use a special charcater, non englis, for example Ñ.
    Somebody knows how can I do to when I make the eps in Freehand permit special characters?
    Any idea?

    Special characters can't be done as FreeHand doesn't support unicode (extended letters with accents, etc)
    This may help:

  • Problem opening freehand files stored in linux server

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    The problem is that when i saved a freehand file, after cloosing
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    Anyone knows what can i do?

    Yes, i know if we put the images in the same folder or i we
    embedded de images in the document the problem doesn't ocurre, but
    we used to work with the same image in lots of documents, like ads,
    catalogues, flyers,... and we can't put each image in each folder
    the disk quote will increase a lot. Moreover if we embedded the
    images the document file will be higger and it's not good to send
    it .

  • Problems with Freehand Illustrator CS4 script for Macs

    A couple of us just downloaded the new Freehand to Illustrator CS4 script for Macs that was released on 5/17/10. Sometimes it works okay, but more often than not we get errors like 'ERROR: 1, Access is denied'. If we instead just open the Freehand file, the file comes in fine. What have been other people's experiences using this new script?
    Mac OS X 10.5.5

    Is the problem there only at the time of conversion or even the FH files are not opening after running the script
    Here is what I have done and may be you can follow the exact steps :
    1) Create a folder FH on Desktop and paste only the FH files in the folder( My folder does not contain any other file apart from FH files)
    2) Create a Folder AI  on Desktop and keep it empty
    3) File-> Scripts-> FreehandToAI
    4) Select the source folder( FH)
    5) Now select the destination folder(AI)
    It gives the message after conversion "N freehand files are converted to AI".

  • R.I.P. FreeHand

    The depth of my hatred for Adobe tonight is nearly boundless.
    Like most longtime FreeHand users, I greeted Adobe's purchase of
    FreeHand with a sense of foreboding and dismay. I hoped that Adobe
    would continue to support and develop this extraordinary drawing
    tool. Stupid me. FreeHand ran circles around that lumpy piece of
    junk called Illustrator. Always did, always will. Macromedia knew
    this when they bought FreeHand from Aldus (Remember them? Aldus
    pretty much invented desktop publishing), eons ago, way back in the
    1990s. And then Adobe got so big and powerful that the FTC allowed
    Adobe to buy FreeHand and gut Macromedia's dead carcass. Corporate
    feeding frenzies rule our nasty, modern world.
    FreeHand MX 11.0.x was working well up to or around Mac OSX
    10.2.x. I recently bit the bullet and "upgraded" to OSX 10.4.x (aka
    "Tiger" -- argh, Apple, ditch the cat names, OK? Since most of
    those big cats are on the brink of extinction, naming your flagship
    OS after an endangered species is a weird, ironic marketing
    All hell has broken loose since I "upgraded." Simply turning
    on FreeHand's "snap to grid" and turning it off again is now
    impossible. Adobe offers a lame "TechNotes" workaround that doesn't
    truly work.
    Adobe doesn't care. And why should it? Adobe only wants us
    all to buy their version of some fabulous next new thing -- like
    "CS" (aka "Creative Suite" -- an Orwellian doublethink marketing
    campaign if ever there was one). Adobe is nothing more than another
    money-grubbing corporate nightmare. Customer loyalty and
    trustworthy products don't figure in Adobe's bottom line... let
    alone respect or commitment to the venerable art of graphic design.
    I used to love getting up in the morning. I used to love
    turning on my Mac and making art. I thought I was the luckiest man
    in the world! I could make art and design and pay my bills! Stupid
    naive me.
    Hours of my life melted away forever this afternoon. I'll
    never get them back. I was just trying to make some graphic design
    for a paying client. For every five minutes I spend on an idea
    these days, I spend an hour or so trying to make software express
    it. The ratio of art to product is crazy... especially considering
    the stupid amount of money Adobe charges for products that never do
    what Adobe says they'll do. It's all snake oil and trickery.
    I wish I could go back to FreeHand 3.1. It was a brilliant
    piece of software. R.I.P. FreeHand. Rest in peace. Shame on Adobe.
    Shame. I'm tired and sad tonight, and my deadline is shot to hell.
    I used to make digital art, but now I'm just another digital ditch
    digger. Just another consumer, hooked on this never-ending heroin
    spiral of "upgrade" after never-ending "upgrade."
    I looked at the very first serious drawing I ever made with a
    vector drawing program (FreeHand 2.0) tonight. You can see it
    here. From a
    purely technical point of view, it's not a bad drawing... and the
    technology that made it possible is gone forever. Bought and sold
    by the jerks who own the code.
    OK. I'm done with this rant. Thanks for reading it. I guess
    I'll go check my email now... an inbox full of more image-based
    spam peddling pump 'n dump stock market scams. I used to love the
    'net, almost as much as I used to love drawing with FreeHand.

    Greetings and thanks to everyone who's posted to this thread.
    Interesting insights and opinions here. Special thanks to those of
    you who sent private messages of condolence and support via my
    site. I took a few days off and I'm feeling a little better.
    I stopped in here off and on and decided to wade in again
    with what will probably be another longwinded epic-style post. I
    tend toward verbosity, especially with a subject like this. In
    addition to raising my blood pressure a notch or two, the subject
    of FreeHand's demise sparks some passion in me. This will be a long
    post because I want to attempt clarity. Clarity sometimes takes
    Navale's post regarding the fact that Adobe charges full
    price for a broken FreeHand is spot on, as is darrel's car
    metaphor. If GM sold a car, and the engine exploded when a buyer
    first turned the key, well, that would be the lead story on the
    evening news. Congress would launch an investigation. I think
    there's a federal law somewhere that requires carmakers to make
    parts available for 10 years after a car is released to the public.
    I could be wrong, but I think that's true. Anyway, there's no
    parallel in the software world... no protection for consumers. It's
    buyer beware and blame the consumer if things don't work as
    advertised. While the speed of software development makes a ten
    year 'parts' guarantee impractical, I don't think some sort of
    mandated guarantee of maybe 3 years is unreasonable.
    I appreciate Judy Arndt's post. "Keep in mind that if Adobe
    is going to put it's logo on a FreeHand box, the product is going
    to have to live up to Adobe standards." Well said, Judy. As for the
    EPS, PDF, OpenType, and "old code" issues, well, I could discuss
    that at greater length later. The short version is that there are
    workarounds which worked prior to Mac OSX 10.4. Adobe's FreeHand
    product page states that FreeHand is compatible with Mac OSX 10.4.
    I took that statement to be true, without following the "emerging
    issues" link. Stupid me. I took Adobe at it's word without reading
    the fine money grubbing print.
    Adobe has a major PR problem with FreeHand and chooses to
    blow it off. Frankly, this astonishes me. Maybe Adobe thinks we'll
    just fade away. Maybe Adobe is correct in that assumption. For
    better or worse, Adobe now owns FreeHand. FreeHand is a spectacular
    vector drawing tool (and I still contend that it runs circles
    around Illustrator -- old code and all -- don't even get me started
    about Illustrator's lumpy old legacy code). There's a market for
    FreeHand and no more competition (thank you FTC; nice to know
    you're watching out for consumers -- not).
    I know no figures on the number of people who use (and maybe
    even love) FreeHand, but I suspect it's easily in the hundreds of
    thousands... maybe even millions. Why would Adobe abandon a product
    it now owns and shun a substantial market? Maybe it's just
    corporate spite? The trouble is, we just don't know. Adobe is
    silent. There's a major communication break between Adobe and
    FreeHand users. I want somebody at Adobe to tell us the truth...
    either Adobe will support and develop FreeHand or ignore and
    therefore kill it. I want to read a letter on Adobe's FreeHand web
    page from somebody in a position to tell me what the hell is going
    on with a product in which I've invested thousands of dollars and
    thousands of files... a product I still want to buy.
    Quick note to doentz here: Yeah, I loved Fontographer too.
    Call me paranoid if you like, but I sometimes think Fontographer
    was way too brilliant to be allowed to exist in a market-driven
    world where Adobe owns just about every font and there's no room
    for people to freely make and distribute their own creations. From
    Adobe's point of view, such freedom is way too dangerous.
    Capitalism run amok.
    Curtcarto's post was interesting. Yes, software development
    always takes time. I know this; I've seen it first hand... and
    maybe that's what's going on with Adobe FreeHand. The point is, we
    don't know! All indications from Adobe don't look good. Adobe is
    silent. Adobe still charges full price for a broken FreeHand, but
    doesn't list it in its main Products page (you have to dig to the
    "view all products" link). If an updated version of FreeHand will
    indeed join Adobe's product line - with full support and commitment
    - you'd never know it by cruising through Adobe's corporate site.
    R.I.P. FreeHand.
    Argh. I'm gonna stop typing pretty soon. I'm tired and sad.
    Before I go, I want to post a little more background about my life
    with FreeHand. Maybe this will help readers understand why I'm so
    passionate about FreeHand.
    I became aware of FreeHand way back around 1986 - shortly
    after Aldus PageMaker launched a revolutionary concept called
    "desktop publishing." Prior to that, I made art the old fashioned
    way... you know, I threw paint at a canvas or scribbled stuff on
    real live paper with pen and ink and oil pastels. I beta-tested
    FHv.7 for some of the guys who wrote the original FreeHand code. I
    bought FreeHand v1.0 and later used v2.0 at a design firm that
    employed me to make illustrations for their clients.
    With FreeHand v3.1, Aldus nailed the interface and features.
    It was a stunning and elegant piece of work. It made Illustrator
    look like the junky copycat it is to this very day. If Adobe
    offered a Mac OSX compatible version of FreeHand 3.1, I'd buy it in
    two seconds flat. Adobe could market it as "FreeHand Lite" - heh.
    And then things started getting ugly and convoluted.
    Illustrator was emerging as a serious competitor in the vector art
    world, while Aldus was loosing track of everything that made it
    great. Too many cooks in the kitchen... it happens all the time.
    The dot com bubble started to pop and nobody gave a flying fart
    about art and vision or related nonsense. It was all about money.
    I beta-tested FreeHand 4.0 (which was code named "Roadrunner"
    at the time). It was a wreck... a screaming, flaming car crash. It
    pulled the rug out from under every user who had invested time and
    money and trust in FreeHand. I told the development team that if it
    was released as written, loyal customers would scream bloody
    murder, jump ship and buy Illustrator. I said, "If your intention
    is to kill FreeHand, release this version immediately."
    By this time, Aldus was dead. Macromedia owned Freehand and
    released it as FreeHand 5.0. Loyal FreeHand customers screamed
    bloody murder, jumped ship and bought Illustrator. FreeHand's
    market share (not to mention its art and vision) was a sad memory.
    Macromedia dorked around with FreeHand for a decade or so.
    Version 5 was pretty dismal, but almost useable. By version 7, it
    was almost OK. By versions 9 and 10, it was almost interesting.
    Through all these versions, Macromedia didn't fix the stuff that
    didn't work in previous versions... they just tacked on new
    "features" nobody wanted and nobody used. Illustrator followed the
    same development path, but by this time it was too late for
    FreeHand. Illustrator ruled.
    A buddy of mine just sent me an email. His message punched
    through... one of two legitimate emails and 56 spams. He said:
    "Maybe its time to start associating Adobe with Microsoft in
    software's "Evil Overlord" category."
    Argh. Welcome to the future. Adobe launches a new marketing
    tool called "Adobe Youth Voices" on its home page. Socially
    conscious work that can only be expressed by kids who buy Adobe
    products. It's all so sick.

  • Freehand crashes when printing

    I am running a site liscence of Freehand 10 on a variety of
    Macs from iBookG4's to Mac Minis, all running OS 10.4. On some
    computers I experience a problem printing Freehand documents. All
    coomputers are loaded with the same copy of Macromedia Suite and
    all are printing to the same HP color inkjet. The problem occurs
    when you try to adjust the document size to letter in the page
    setup window in Freehand. This causes a Freehand crash on some of
    the computers. Relaunching and restarting does not solve the
    problem. Has anyone encountered this oddity? Is there a fix?

    Have you tried making a pdf from the Freehand file and see if
    that prints?

  • CS4 using Save for Web & Devices Problem

    I choose Save for Web & Devices. Select .jpg as file type but on bottom left under preview it says GIF. And I cannot reduce the resolution quality using the slide bar. It always says GIF and file size stays the same.   Can anyone tell me how to fix this?  It's only been happening the last few days. Worked fine before.  Oh and the file I am trying to save is 72dpi RGB less than 200px x 200px.  So don't think it's a file settings issue.

    Thanks for the response.
    The background is transparent and will end up on a white background eventually.
    I tried to make it clear in Dreamweaver by scaling it and it did seem to improve it somewhat. But it still doesn't look like the clear copy in Illustrator that I started with...
    I also need to be able to embed this in a Word document to print for a hardcopy manual.
    I had this same problem with Freehand a few years ago.

  • Freehand crashes in Snow Leopard when opening files

    If you have the problem of Freehand MX etc crashing when opening files in Snow Leopard then this is for you.
    In the Freehand application folder is a application callled (Freehand Clip Art Viewer) open this and use it to navigate to you file location, have Freehand open. Then just double click on the thumbnail of your file and it will open without any crash report.
    Would pay to add this to the dock beside the Freehand Icon.
    After an hour on the phone help desk advised me that freehand has been upgraded to Illustrator... Some people dont want this and i hope its helps a few hardcore Freehand nutters :-)

    Thanks for the tip. I'll add another.
    I've come across a few old-version FH files with missing fonts that would crash FH.
    I use FontAgent Pro, with auto-activation turned on, as my font manager. Usually there's no problem. FAP activates unactivated fonts and the file opens properly.
    However, I think that Snow Leopard sometimes incorrectly deals with font info in old FH files, and this can lead to a crash. 
    I find that if I open the FontAgent Pro application window first, and then open the problem file in FH, there's no crash. I get Freehand's 'missing font' dialog and am able to select an alternate font.

  • Freehand-EPS: Bounding Box wird von Distiller ignoriert

    * Mit Freehand MX erstelle ich ein einfaches EPS.
    * Dieses soll mit Acrobat Distiller in ein PDF gewandelt werden.
    * Obwohl in den verwendeten Joboptions 'Für EPS-Dateien Seitengröße ändern und Grafiken zentrieren' aktiv ist, hat das PDF immer die Größe des in den Joboptions eingetragenen Standardpapierformats.
    * Es scheint so, als ob der Distiller die DSC-Kommentare des Freehand-EPSes einfach ignoriert.
    * Wer kann beurteilen, ob die DSC-Kommentare im EPS tatsächlich 'matschig' sind?

    Interessant ist auch noch Folgendes: Wenn im EPS keine Fonts kodiert sind (ich also in Freehand alle Schriftzeichen in Pfade gewandelt habe), wird die Bounding Box von Distiller korrekt ausgelesen.
    Beispiel anbei.

  • Freehand and Vista

    Is anyone running Freehand on Vista? If so are there any
    problems? I used Flash as a vector graphics program for years, and
    was extremely happy with the ease of use. (I mostly import jpeg
    files into Final Cut Pro). I am thinking of changing over from
    Flash to Freehand.

    No problems with Freehand and Vista.

  • Exporting from Freehand

    I work at a printing company, and we're constantly having problems getting Freehand files to rip properly. I've been able to get around this problem by exporting the Freehand files to Illustrator format, but this always causes problems with Freehand created gradients or effects (gradients become stepped out and need to be recreated most of the time).
    Does anyone know of a better way to get around this issue?

    Heh. I predicted that if I gave FreeHand advice on the Illustrator forum, then a certain forum habitué would get himself all in a lather. :)
    The number of steps in a gradient is controlled by FreeHand's 'Printer Resolution' set in the Document panel.
    FreeHand's RGB Raster Effects are designed for web images but not for press output. They do not always convert to CMYK as expected. If you must use them, then make sure File>Document Settings> Raster Effects Settings are high enough for print output, and the CMYK checkbox is checked. (Default setting is 72 ppi, suitable for web images, but not print.)
    In FreeHand MX under Mac OX 10.5, there are some known issues when sending Postscript fonts to Postscript printers. One workaround is to print to a Postscript file formatted for the printer, and then drop that file into the print queue window. Alternately, you could duplicate the file, convert text to outlines, and then print.
    If you require Separations Preview, print from FreeHand to a Postscript file. Then use Acrobat Pro/Distiller with 'Press Quality' settings to create a PDF. Print from Acrobat Pro.

  • "Check spelling" problems

    When I do a "check spelling" using CS4 it tells me that there should be a capitalized letter on the beginning of each line of text.
    The text is set flush left.
    Is there anyway to smarten up the check spelling function?
    When I do a "check spelling" using CS4 it tells
    me that there should be a capitalized letter on
    the beginning of each line of text. The text is set
    flush left. Is there anyway to smarten up the check spelling function?
    It tells me that that there should be a cap for the m on "me", a cap on the t in "the", a cap for the f in "flush."
    If it matters, I'm using a Mac Pro, OS 10.6.4. Illustrator CS4.

    Thanks Monika
    I tried your suggestion. Held down shift and hit return. Didn't work.
    I'm not too sure what you mean by "And use Return to go to the next paragraph of your poem(?)."
    But thanks for the poem bit.
    I do know about the suggestion from OldBob1957.
    I used to use Freehand (the good old days). Don't recall having this sort of problem. Freehand also let you just spell check
    what ever text you highlighted, not all the text on the page.
    Guess I'll have to fire up an old Mac and see if I'm right about Freehand.

  • Using "Save for Web & Devices" for a Organization Chart with Text

    I created a document in CS3 Illustrator that is an Organization Chart. It contains rectangles, lines, and text. It looks great in Illustrator.
    I have tried to save it using "Save for Web & Devices" to create a JPEG and a GIF so that I can pop it into a Dreamweaver document as an image and it keeps coming out blurry.
    I have tried changing its size and resolution. I have tried opening and exporting it into Photoshop to try to "clean" it up. Nothing seems to be working.
    I'm obviously unlettered in this modus operandi!

    Thanks for the response.
    The background is transparent and will end up on a white background eventually.
    I tried to make it clear in Dreamweaver by scaling it and it did seem to improve it somewhat. But it still doesn't look like the clear copy in Illustrator that I started with...
    I also need to be able to embed this in a Word document to print for a hardcopy manual.
    I had this same problem with Freehand a few years ago.

  • Bouncing icon in dock?

    Anyone else had problems opening FreeHand MX? Just started
    this morning (happily, the day AFTER I met the big

    Are you on a Mac or PC?
    If on a Mac, first use Disk Utility to repair disk
    permissions. If that
    doesn't help, try the HotFix, available here:
    Judy Arndt

  • Saving File Names

    I'm using FHMX on Mac OS10. At times when saving an existing
    file without changing the file name, the file will automatically
    change to another name (seems like a "default" saving file name is
    preset). So everytime after I save an existing file, a new file
    name will appear and i'll have to change back the file name to the
    one i've previously named it. Is this possible or is it because the
    program is corrupted?? Can anyone advice? Tks!

    james07 wrote:
    > Hey thanks for the reply, really appreciate your help.
    > This is one of the following senario.....
    > was working with FH8 in one workstation. Saved file name
    (eg. project.fh8).
    > Linked my station to an external harddisk mounted on
    another (2nd) station.
    > From the 2nd station, open the project.fh8 file with MX.
    After I try to upgrade
    > and overwrite the same file with MX, it appears that the
    file name has changed.
    > I dun remember the default file name for it but i
    suspect it's the name of an
    > existing file that was saved within the 2nd workstation.
    And this happen a few
    > times when i transfer different files to that station.
    It always save to that
    > particular filename!!
    When Freehand MX opens an old Freehand file, as Judy wrote,
    it condenses
    the name and adds "(Converted)" to the end of it. So if you
    just save
    the file without fixing the file name it will save it as a
    new file. To
    overwrite the old file you'll have to make sure it saves as
    the same
    name as the old file. I don't know if it will cause problems
    Freehand if you save an MX file with a ".fh8" extension
    (haven't tried
    that myself.) Though you could export it back out as a
    Freehand 8 file.

Maybe you are looking for

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