Free Form Template and Combining Chart Values during Runtim

Hi Guys,
Need your expertise on this.  We received some unreasonable request for the following:
1. Free Form Template DURING Runtime
- moving charts from one place to another by dragging them from one place to another during runtime
2. Combining of Chart values during Runtime
-to be able to mash-up 2 different charts during runtime.  For example, dragging a chart to another chart
would result to a combined-value of chart.  For instance, you have a Sales Chart and a Production Chart,
if and when Sales Chart is dragged and placed on top of Production Chart then it would mash-up the values
and will produce only one chart.
Is this even possible?
Hope you guys can help.
Kind Regards and Many Thanks,

Hi Mark
1. Free form template is not possible with current version of Dashboard Designer.  You may use the option of Dynamic Visibility to simulate this.  But this might not serve your requirement 100 %.
2. Your requirement of mixing up chart just by dragging and droping on another is coming under Designing part.  For designing we need software, in my point of view.  Xcelsius is a Tool to generate required output in various formats.  Here we need to finalise the output such as chart type/ data to be displayed/ format to be displayed, etc and while viewing we may play with data but not with objects other than dynamic visibility.
Hope this clarifies.
With best wishes

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    There is no predefined chart to solve ur purpose. Try to sync both the charts and use Manul scaling.

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    Hello MissMacintosh,
    MissMacintosh wrote:
    Hey, it's me again!
    Always nice to hear from you.
    As you, I did an extensive search (3 months ago) on Google and Ask, only to find out that there is a poor choice of great / free templates for iWeb '08.
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    Kind regards,

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  • Need to apply dragging event on Columns and Rows on TableLayoutPanel during runtime in user defined IDE

    Environment: -
    OS: - Windows 7 32 bit
    IDE: - Visual Studio IDE 2008
    Language: - VB .Net
    Application Type: - Exe Application
    Application Name: - Designer.exe
    Requirement Type: -
    Product Description: - We have exe project, which creates
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    Requirement Description: -
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    Here is the example of how you can do this.  Try it in a new Form project first by following these steps.
     First create your Form project and on the VB menu click (Project) and select (Add Class).  Name the class (TableLayoutPanelEx.vb). Now copy the class code below and paste it into the new class you just added.
    Public Class TableLayoutPanelEx
    Inherits TableLayoutPanel
    Private Const WM_NCHITTEST As Integer = &H84
    Private Const WM_MOUSEMOVE As Integer = &H200
    Private Const WM_LBUTTONDOWN As Integer = &H201
    Private Const WM_LBUTTONUP As Integer = &H202
    Private Const MK_LBUTTON As Integer = &H1
    Private VBorders As New List(Of Integer)
    Private HBorders As New List(Of Integer)
    Private selColumn As Integer = -1
    Private selRow As Integer = -1
    Public Sub New()
    Me.DoubleBuffered = True
    Me.CellBorderStyle = TableLayoutPanelCellBorderStyle.Single
    End Sub
    Protected Overrides Sub OnHandleCreated(ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
    If Not Me.DesignMode Then ResetSizeAndSizeTypes()
    End Sub
    Public Shadows Property ColumnCount() As Integer
    Return MyBase.ColumnCount
    End Get
    Set(ByVal value As Integer)
    MyBase.ColumnCount = value
    If Me.Created And Not Me.DesignMode Then ResetSizeAndSizeTypes()
    End Set
    End Property
    Public Shadows Property RowCount() As Integer
    Return MyBase.RowCount
    End Get
    Set(ByVal value As Integer)
    MyBase.RowCount = value
    If Me.Created And Not Me.DesignMode Then ResetSizeAndSizeTypes()
    End Set
    End Property
    Public Sub ResetSizeAndSizeTypes()
    Dim cW As Single = CSng((Me.ClientSize.Width \ Me.GetColumnWidths.Length) - 1)
    For c As Integer = 0 To Me.GetColumnWidths.Length - 1
    Me.ColumnStyles(c).SizeType = SizeType.Absolute
    Me.ColumnStyles(c).Width = cW
    Dim cH As Single = CSng((Me.ClientSize.Height \ Me.GetRowHeights.Length) - 1)
    For r As Integer = 0 To Me.GetRowHeights.Length - 1
    Me.RowStyles(r).SizeType = SizeType.Absolute
    Me.RowStyles(r).Height = cH
    End Sub
    Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As System.Windows.Forms.Message)
    If Me.Created And Not Me.Disposing Then
    If m.Msg = WM_NCHITTEST Then
    Dim loc As Point = Me.PointToClient(MousePosition)
    If Me.ColumnCount > 1 Then
    For w As Integer = 0 To Me.GetColumnWidths.Length - 2
    If w = 0 Then
    VBorders.Add(VBorders(VBorders.Count - 1) + Me.GetColumnWidths(w))
    End If
    End If
    If Me.RowCount > 1 Then
    For h As Integer = 0 To Me.GetRowHeights.Length - 2
    If h = 0 Then
    HBorders.Add(HBorders(HBorders.Count - 1) + Me.GetRowHeights(h))
    End If
    End If
    Dim onV As Boolean = (VBorders.Contains(loc.X) Or VBorders.Contains(loc.X - 1) Or VBorders.Contains(loc.X + 1))
    Dim onH As Boolean = (HBorders.Contains(loc.Y) Or HBorders.Contains(loc.Y - 1) Or HBorders.Contains(loc.Y + 1))
    If onV And onH Then
    Me.Cursor = Cursors.SizeAll
    ElseIf onV Then
    Me.Cursor = Cursors.VSplit
    ElseIf onH Then
    Me.Cursor = Cursors.HSplit
    Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default
    End If
    ElseIf m.Msg = WM_LBUTTONDOWN And Me.Cursor <> Cursors.Default Then
    Dim loc As Point = Me.PointToClient(MousePosition)
    selColumn = -1
    selRow = -1
    For c As Integer = 0 To VBorders.Count - 1
    If VBorders(c) >= loc.X - 1 And VBorders(c) <= loc.X + 1 Then
    selColumn = c
    Exit For
    End If
    For r As Integer = 0 To HBorders.Count - 1
    If HBorders(r) >= loc.Y - 1 And HBorders(r) <= loc.Y + 1 Then
    selRow = r
    Exit For
    End If
    ElseIf m.Msg = WM_MOUSEMOVE And m.WParam.ToInt32 = MK_LBUTTON Then
    Dim loc As Point = Me.PointToClient(MousePosition)
    If Me.Cursor <> Cursors.Default Then
    If selRow > -1 And loc.Y >= 1 And loc.Y <= Me.ClientSize.Height - 2 Then
    Me.RowStyles(selRow).SizeType = SizeType.Absolute
    Dim ref As Single = loc.Y - Me.RowStyles(selRow).Height
    If selRow > 0 Then ref -= HBorders(selRow - 1)
    If Me.RowStyles(selRow).Height + ref > 0 Then
    If Me.RowCount > selRow + 1 Then
    If Me.RowStyles(selRow + 1).Height - ref < 1 Then Exit Sub
    Me.RowStyles(selRow + 1).Height -= ref
    End If
    Me.RowStyles(selRow).Height += ref
    End If
    End If
    If selColumn > -1 And loc.X >= 1 And loc.X <= Me.ClientSize.Width - 2 Then
    Me.ColumnStyles(selColumn).SizeType = SizeType.Absolute
    Dim ref As Single = loc.X - Me.ColumnStyles(selColumn).Width
    If selColumn > 0 Then ref -= VBorders(selColumn - 1)
    If Me.ColumnStyles(selColumn).Width + ref > 0 Then
    If Me.ColumnCount > selColumn + 1 Then
    If Me.ColumnStyles(selColumn + 1).Width - ref < 1 Then Exit Sub
    Me.ColumnStyles(selColumn + 1).Width -= ref
    End If
    Me.ColumnStyles(selColumn).Width += ref
    End If
    End If
    End If
    ElseIf m.Msg = WM_LBUTTONUP Then
    selColumn = -1
    selRow = -1
    End If
    End If
    End Sub
    End Class
     Now you need to build the project.  Go to the VB menu and click (Build) and then select (Build
    NameOfYourProject).   After it builds you can go to the Form`s [Design] tab and drag one from the top of the Toolbox onto your Form. 
    IMPORTANT - Then set the RowCount and
    ColumnCount to the maximum number of rows and columns you want to let the user add. 
    That has to be done at design time.
     Next you need to add 2 NumericUpDown controls to the Form and name them (NUD_Rows) and (NUD_Columns).  Then you can add the code below to the Form`s code.
    Public Class Form1
    Public Sub New()
    'Set the minimum of the 2 NumericUpDown controls for the rows and columns to 1
    'Set the maximum of the 2 NumericUpDown controls to the number of rows and columns you have set in the [Design] tab properties
    NUD_Rows.Minimum = 1
    NUD_Rows.Maximum = TableLayoutPanelEx1.RowCount
    NUD_Columns.Minimum = 1
    NUD_Columns.Maximum = TableLayoutPanelEx1.ColumnCount
    'Set to the rows and columns counts back to what you want for the default
    TableLayoutPanelEx1.ColumnCount = 4
    TableLayoutPanelEx1.RowCount = 4
    'Set the 2 NumericUpDown control values to the current count of rows and columns
    NUD_Rows.Value = TableLayoutPanelEx1.RowCount
    NUD_Columns.Value = TableLayoutPanelEx1.ColumnCount
    End Sub
    Private Sub NUD_Rows_ValueChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles NUD_Rows.ValueChanged
    If Me.Created Then TableLayoutPanelEx1.RowCount = CInt(NUD_Rows.Value)
    End Sub
    Private Sub NUD_Columns_ValueChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles NUD_Columns.ValueChanged
    If Me.Created Then TableLayoutPanelEx1.ColumnCount = CInt(NUD_Columns.Value)
    End Sub
    End Class
     You can now run the app and test it out.  You should be able to set the number of rows and columns with the 2 NumericUpDown controls and adjust the widths and heights of them with the mouse just like i did in the animated gif image i posted in
    my first post.
    If you say it can`t be done then i`ll try it

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    I tried to find the answer at old posting, but failed to find proper solution.
    So here I go again with the same old problems:
    1. Any method / trick to display total on top of each stacked column ?
        (Label is not an option, since it is static and will not move following the height of the stacked bar).
    2. Any method / trick to combine stacked column chart with line chart ?
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    NB: Are there any XCelcius add-on for those 2 functions ?

    Hi Yudie,
    Can you get compromised in the following way ?
    In the X Axis labels, you can get the values concatenated dynamically and displayed. Example given below:
    2008          2009          2010
    P180         P250         P280
    A172        A263         A265
    Whereas P denotes to Plan and A denodes Actuals.  Above to this labels stacked colum wil be there as usual.
    Consider and revert, in case you need any more clarification on this.
    Keep posting.
    With best wishes
    Edited by: Baskar Rajagopalan on Feb 23, 2011 3:36 PM

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    Use below code to fetch all the form elements value..
    DATA: i_formfields   TYPE TIHTTPNVP.
    * Determine HTTP request parameters
    CALL METHOD request->get_form_fields
              fields = i_formfields.
    <i>*Reward each useful answer</i>
    Raja T

  • In Workflow, How to get and set table values at runtime.

    Hi All,
    I m having a doubt,
    here in my workflow, i have used a  object where in i have made a 'Z' method which is suppose to populate a table container.
    Actually after using std SOFC-COMPOSE activity my table which has 4 user id's contains only 1 user id who has runt that activity.
    So in order to get all 4 user's back in the container i made a 'Z' method, which will populate the values back in tht user_id's table.
    But it is not doing so.
    Can you please help me as to how to do it?
    I m sending u the code that i hav written in the method.
    There are 2 codes i tried.
    data : User_Release type table of zfitlevel-zuid,
           wa_user_release type zfitlevel-zuid.
    data: User type table of zfitlevel-zuid.
    swc_get_table container 'User_Release'  User_Release.
    wa_user_release = 'USNOSIJOH'.
    append wa_user_release to User_Release.
    wa_user_release = 'USNOSOSAT'.
    append wa_user_release to User_Release.
    wa_user_release = 'USNOANMER'.
    append wa_user_release to User_Release.
    swc_set_table container 'User_Release'  User_Release.
    and second :  Suppose User is the tabel that has correct values at run-time.
    data : User_Release type table of zfitlevel-zuid,
           wa_user_release type zfitlevel-zuid.
    data: User type table of ZUSRID.
    swc_get_table container 'User'  User.
    swc_get_table container 'User_Release'  User_Release.
    User_Release[] = User[].
    swc_set_table container 'User_Release'  User_Release.
    Please let me know if anyone can solve my doubt asap.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Thanks for the reply.
    But here in my case, there is a problem.
    The table container in Workflow wil hav dynamic entries.
    It will hav to pick it from other dynamic container elements (all single line) and append them in this container table.
    For eg:
    at runtime:
    User1 = 'USABC'
    User_table = 'USABC'
    after one of these user execute a compose mail activity of SOFM-COMPOSE,
    the User_table is left with only one user id who has executed the activity compose.
    suppose USABC executes it so after that the conatiner values are:
    User1 = 'USABC'
    User_table = 'USABC'
    Now i want that this table container shud hav all 4 values even after that activity for other purpose.
    So how can i achieve that?
    Thanks & Regards,
    Edited by: siri on Jul 9, 2008 8:32 PM

  • Accessing values during runtime in value mapping

    Hi all,
    We have a specific requirement , where in we have a set of fields coming from the source system. All the fields have values expect few. The few which don't have values are reserved for future use, and for each source field there is a corresponding target value and we need map them.
    We have used value mapping here, but it doesn't work for fields which don't have values.
    We have thought of  accessing the fields which do not have values, dynamically or at runtime by connecting the database of the source system.
    Is it possible to do this, if yes, please provide with your inputs and alternatives.

    Go through this:
    <b>To implement Value Mapping, following activities have to be performed:</b>
    <b>1.</b> Register Java Proxies. This is one time activity for each installation. Following URL has to be called for registering asynchronous replication scenario:
    <b>2.</b> Application Programming: ABAP program has to be written to perform following tasks:
    <b>a.</b> Read Value Mapping data from table.
    <b>b.</b> Call Outbound Proxy to push the data into a message to Integration Server.
    <b>3.</b> Configuration of Replication scenario in Integration Directory.

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    Ok Here we go... Is it possible to replace the value of an attribute during query runtime??? 
    Here is what my user wants...They want the value of an attribute in a query (no the input selection) to change according to the current date for example:
    If today is monday then the value of 0VTYPE in a query is 10.
    If today is tuesday the same value of 0VTYPE in the same query would by 20.

    We need to use "Key Date" concept.
    Think you should get some idea by this link.

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    Hi everyone,
    In debugger for dynamically getting the screen field values we will be using  (SAPLMGMW)CALP-ENDPA this format to get the value of the field CALP-ENDPA.
    But this will give only for fields.My question is that how to get the screen field labels values in debugger.
    Take a look at following picture.

    Try putting a watch point on the screen field name and see where it is changing.
    If your need is before that it won't be possible to get it as it is a processed value.
    Also if it is updating on screen but still you are not getting that means the value is not transported from the Screen to the program in that case use the FM DYNP_VALUES_READ to get the values the documentation has the usage else there are lot of blogs just search it.

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    I have a requirement where in FB50 when I enter the GL Account , Tax Code, Tax Jurisdiction code and Assignment and press enter  I need to default some of the characteristics value (which comes in the popup when you click on the Profit. Sgment ).
    Please let me know if any enhance or exit is there to achieve this.
    FB50 screen.
    When I enter the GL account and click on Profit Segment button below popup will come . I want to default Rebate field with some value.

    Hi Gangadhar...
    Thanks for your reply. Actually our requirement is not with the fixed values .
    We need that , when we go to FB50 and then provide the GL account and there is one column called 'Assignment'. As soon as we fill the value in assignment column and then if I click on Profit. Segment button for that row the value from the 'Assignment' column should get populated in the Rebate characteristic value field.
    For eg.
    As I gave Assignment field value as 1234 and when I click on Profit. Segment button the Rebate characteristics value should get populated with 1234.
    Please suggest.

  • I want to view the results in the form template, rather than in rows and columns, I can print them as .pdf but want to view them online

    e.g   DOB:
    If this is the form and   100 people entered it I  would like to go to form template and click forward arrow to go thru all 100, so I can review all of the results
    Like you can in access

    You can download the PDF that you are wanting to look at. In safari if there is a link to a pdf you can usually Control Click or Right Click and select to save it to the desktop. From there, you can open the PDF with Acrobat.
    If i'm not mistaken, though, PDF's will default to Apple Preview, so if you want PDFs to open with Acrobat by default, you can set it that way by highlighting a PDF then hitting (Apple) I. In the Info pane, expand the "Open With" field, set the program to Acrobat, then tell it to Change All if you want all PDFs to default to Acrobat.
    Hopefully that will help!

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    Hi there,
    We've posted an update to Adobe Story that includes exciting features like AV Scripts, Free form documents, and Breakdown reports among other things.
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    This is a very very nice update, especially all the breakdown reports that I was missing badly.

Maybe you are looking for