Freeze frame glitch- text tracking?

OK, I have made some custom title generators in Motion, but sometimes I need to extend them (without extending the animation speed on the front end) so I add a freeze frame.  After upgrading to 10.1.1, I've noticed that sometimes- not every time- the freeze frame renders the text with squished tracking.  The generator renders and displays fine, but once it hits the freeze frame, it's squished.
Any ideas/thoughts?

You are correct. You would turn OFF Roll, so that you have a still Title. Then in Effects Control Panel, you would Keyframe the fixed Effect>Motion>Position over time. Let's say that you wish the Title to "roll" from offscreen below. Set the initial Keyframe to that Position, and then decide when you want the Title to pause. Set another Keyframe to that that point on the mini-Timeline, and alter the Position to that desired. Decide how long you want it to "hold," and then set another Keyframe there, leaving the Position alone. Then, go to the end of the Title and set one last Keyframe on that last Frame. Alter the Position to be off-screen at the top. Done.
You can "smooth out" the motion, by adding Bezier controls to each Keyframe. Choices like Ease-Out, and Ease-In will probably work fine. Rt-click the first Keyframe and choose Ease-Out. Go to the next Keyframe (the initial part of the "hold") and Rt-click, choosing Ease-In. Go to the next Keyframe (the end of your "hold"), Rt-click and choose Ease-Out. You probably do not need the Ease-In for that last Keyframe, but if you find that that last "move" is not smooth enough for you, just Rt-click and choose Ease-In.
The little "arrows" in the Keyframe Header will allow you to easily step forward and backward, from Keyframe to Keyframe.
Good luck,
PS - before you do the Keyframes, set the Duration for the whole Title first, or you will probably need to move your Keyframes about.

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    Can anyone tell me why they sometimes freeze the empty black space that is not a layer into the frame. For example, sometimes I'll layer a few TEXT's to make something, then freeze frame it. Most of the time, I can then place that image over another video and all you see is the text. Other times, it does me the "courtesy" of freezing the black background (which is really an empty void) and when I overlay it of course there's the text and black. Any answers would be adored.

    freeze frame content is controlled by selection and/or autoselect. Autoselect the track with a single type object and you'll probably get a transparent freeze of just that object. Oddly enough, I can't seem now to get anything but a freeze of all the layers with transperency, but I do know that I have seen it refuse to freeze the full composite in the past.

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    You can do both of these things if you create your slideshow in iPhoto. You will be able to set the duration of each photo so that one can play as long as needed. Also, transitions, can be varied as well. In iPhoto, while working on the slideshow, click on "Adjust"; this will open a window in which you can individualize the duration and transition for each photo. When you have things the way you want, export the slideshow to iDVD for completion of the project.
    I hope this helps.

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    For an instructional DVD, I need to be able to freeze a frame in the middle of a clip, without the sound (as I'll put up some text messages).
    I've ended up making copies of the clip, and using the hold condition, and trying to line them all up by hand, but this doesn't seem like an ideal way to do this.
    Also, is there an easy way to turn off the sound for the 'hold' part of the end of a clip? Would be nice if there were a boolean I'd overlooked, but I guess I'll have to open my "Spencer's" Motion 4 book, and try to remember how audio keyframing works?

    As mentioned by others, it's best to perform this effect in FCP. Bring your Motion project back into FCP and place the playhead where you want to freeze the frame. Press shift/n to create a still image in the Viewer. Blade the clip at the playhead and perform an insert edit to add the freeze frame. Cutting out the audio in FCP is easy as well and there's several ways to go about it. I would simply blade the audio at the freezing point and drag the remainder of the audio to snap to the point where the motion starts up again, depending on the type of audio effect you are looking for.
    Although there aren't any behaviors in Motion that affect audio in that fashion (except for Audio fade in/out behavior) you can still edit the audio somewhat in Motion. Just go to the Audio Editor Tab and adjust the levels there or press ⌘6 to reveal the Audio Tab then right click the audio file to duplicate the audio file, set an out point for the first audio clip in the Audio Editor Tab where you want it to freeze, note the frame, and on the duplicated audio file set the in point at the same frame that was set for the first audio clips out point, then place the duplicated audio clip were you'd like the audio to resume.

  • Video changes after applying text track

    Has anyone here seen this problem.
    I work for education, so by federal law we must caption all video used by students. The problem I'm encountering is that when I apply a text track to a QT file, so that it is captioned, it changes the video track, so that the color doubles and the contrast of the image darkens.
    If I turn off the text track this problem persists. If I extract the video from this file, (using the extract track option) into a new movie, (no text track brought over from the old movie) the video is fine again, till I add a new text track, then the whole problem presents itself again.
    Has anyone seen this problem and if so, is there a soultion?
    This also happens, if you apply a chapter text track as well.

    Thanks for the resonse
    The files are generated from an uncompressed 10bit video file, (exported out of FCP) and encoded, using Cleaner 6.5.
    Chapter, (added in FCP) and captioning, (via Mac Caption Pro software) is added to the file, via text tracks, to the origianl video. These tracks are turned off prior to encoding the QT streaming files. But the data is transfered to the final QT streaming file during the creation of the steraming file.
    All settings are set at default, the videos transparency is set to "None (allow dithering)" Layer 0. I've never change any of the settings of the tracks from there default settings.
    To see this issue on your end, just extract the video from one of your current QT files, which will open it into a new window an compare the two videos at the same frame. More than likely, you will see what I'm seeing. Once a text track has been turned on, unchecking it will not return the video to normal, only extraction of the video to a new movie will reveal the original state of the the QT video.
    Let me know what you find, thanks!

  • Help Needed on Freeze Frame Pic

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                Thank you,
                            Marvin Engel
                       [email protected]

    What version of Premiere Elements and on what computer operating system is it running?
    Assuming Premiere Elements 13/13.1 for now
    Video on Video Track 1
    Fish Picture logo on Video Track 2 directly above Video on Video Track 1
    For JPEG
    Move Timeline Indicator to frame, then
    For Other...Tools Menu/Freeze Frame and .bmp
    Have you tried either yet?
    ATR Premiere Elements Troubleshooting: PE11: Freeze Frames, Single or More Than One at a Time
    Please review and consider. If you have questions or need clarification, please do not hesitate to ask.
    Thank you.

  • Movie Jitters on freeze frame

    Hi all,
    I have editited some home movie footage and put some freeze frames with caption (text) into my movie. When I play it on my mac it is fine. When I burn it to a DVD and play it on my DVD players, it has jitters (stutters) on two out of four freeze frames. What could be causing this? I am burning in DV-PAL format. I have exported it as a quicktime .mov file and watching it on my mac is fine it is only when I play the DVD on the DVD player. AAGGHHHH...someone help!!

    Thanks Piero!
    All fixed. I read up on the de-interlace. Learning something new every day!
    Applied it to the freeze frames and voila...PERFECT!
    Thanks again.

  • DVD Studio Pro skipping / freeze frame on chapter markers

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    I've been scouring the web for days now and am not finding a solution... I've tried with multiple tracks, single tracks, multiple asset files, single asset files.... all with the same result... same in simulation as on burned DVD...
    Help me Obi-Wan your'e my only hope....

    I suspect that what you are referring to is not actual chapter markers. Every DVD I have ever seen has seamless chapter markers, no transitions. In fact I've never seen a dvd that fades to black at the chapter marker. Are you really referring to menus or perhaps tracks?

  • Audio Artefacts / Freeze Frames post-Onlining?

    Hi all,
    Am experiencing some issues with my captured clips in FCP... might not be an FCP or hardware problem, but would like some advice.
    1) Recently, I've noticed that audio artefacts have been appearing in the audio of clips I've captured [DV footage from a DV camera, shot on new Sony MiniDV tapes, through a Firewire 400, sometimes using the same camera that shot the footage, through 'Offline Photo JPEG' and also 'DV25PAL']. There will be the occasional but noticeable 1 or 2 frames of audio distortion, whereas the rest of the audio is perfectly fine.
    Incidentally, I've just finished reading 'Optimizing Your Final Cut System' from the Apple Pro series of training books - really useful stuff - and their audio troubleshooting section doesn't help in my situation.
    It's not a settings problem - it was shot on 48kHz, 16 bit and captured as such. I've listened to the source tape - it's clean. The sequence is set for 48kHz and 16bit [plus, apart from the very random audio kink, the rest of the audio is fine].
    I've tried recapturing the offending clips but the audio distortion will just occur in another section instead. Hmmm...
    The only suspicion I have now is that the Firewire cable is wonky. Do you guys have any other suggestions? And if it's a Firewire issue [mine's a regular $10 cable bought from an electronics store] - any tips on picking a reliable Firewire cable?
    2) A little question on smooth onlining [Ken Stone's website has done a good job of providing the tips and tricks... but there's just one thing I'm still curious about...] I realized that if I online using the process detailed here: , I still face problems with freeze frames that I'd made - the corresponding footage that the freeze frame was taken from wasn't automatically selected and up-rezed by Media Manager.
    Apart from going back and capturing the freeze frame footage manually or bringing it out to Photoshop and then bringing it in again, is there anything else I can do when preparing my offline sequence for online?
    I'm currently editing with FCP 5.1.1 on a Powerbook G4.
    Powerbook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   Final Cut Pro 5.1.1

    ON the audio issue: are you finding the problem with a single track or do you have multiple audio tracks? I've seen some problems that were eliminated by "mixdown" of audio tracks in a project.
    If video is fine and audio is not, the cable is not a good suspect - general data corruption would be in both, I think. It's possibly an RT problem; maybe your system is too slow?
    Just some ideas.

  • Problems adding Text track to .mov file

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    I'm running QT 7.4.5 on a MacBook Pro with OS10.5.2. I have tried re-installing QT without success - this maybe because the Preferences seem to stick when upgrading/re-installing (?)
    Any thoughts, help or, better still, a definitive answer to my problem would be most welcome.

    Use the Movie Properties window to size your added text track to match the 720 width.
    For viewing a DVD on a TV size it even smaller (700) and set an offset value of 10 pixels so your text doesn't get cut off during playback.

  • Unwanted freeze frames at end of clips

    Hi! I use iMovie 08 v 7.1.1 (529). My project is in 16:9 format and the video I use is 1280x720px .avi files (mjpeg codec) taken with a Canon TX1 camera and imported into iPhoto's library.
    I have done about ten small projects in iMovie now, some are just clips strung together with cross disolve and/or ripple transitions between them. Other projects also have a background audio track extracted from long clips.
    Lately, for no apparent reason, the video in some clips in my projects freezes about 0.5 to one second before the end of the clip. The transition to the next clip goes ahead with the unwanted freeze frame, and the background audio keeps playing - thereby going out of sync. This problem is apparent both when previewing the project in iMovie before it is exported, and also in the exported videos. (I have exported using Quicktime and .mp4 format - both as .h264 and MPEG4 Improved.) The first time I noticed the problem was when I was exporting a project at 10000kbps video (which probably was a bit higher than needed). Now the problem happens all the time, regardless of bitrate.
    The strange thing is, these projects exported perfectly a few days ago. Then, trying to export them again now, the freeze-frame problems occurs.
    When control clicking clips in any of my projects and selecting "Reveal in event browser", I now get the message that "the event for this clip is no longer available". Asking iMovie to "Reveal in Finder" works like a charm though.
    Anyone got any ideas?
    Message was edited by: Marius1980

    The following information is extracted from the FCP User Manual, and gave me an explanation to such black extra frame at the end of my edits that I used to fund too. I hope it helps you.
    Learning About the Out Point Inclusive Rule
    Before you begin to set In and Out points, it’s important to understand the “Out point inclusive” rule that Final Cut Pro follows, so you can avoid an unexpected extra frame at your Out point.
    Out point inclusive means that when you set an Out point at the position of the playhead, the frame that the playhead is on is included in your edit. This rule means that whenever you set In and Out points, the minimum duration set is always one frame long. For example, if you place the playhead on a specific frame, and then set both an In point and an Out point, the In point is placed at the beginning of the frame and the Out point is placed at the end, resulting in a one-frame duration. If this rule did not exist, it would be
    possible to create edits with zero duration, which would be useless.

  • Stabilise, paint and precomp freeze frame..

    I have a close up tracking scene ( across three wine bottle labels)... that required  stabilising.
    It also required some paint on some 100+ frames to remove a small hair that had floated in.
    Easy stuff but...
    When it comes to retouching (paint clone) on the stabilised was not stabilised and the cloning was thrown by the "Analysis"!
    So I tried a precomp (New Comp) to paint on..  This also ignored the stabilise FX even though it was in the new comp. You dont find out until you finish painting!!!!
    I reverted to exporting a DI and painting on that. Worked as one would expect it to but it is a generation and extra effort.
    Anyone know why the precomp did not stabilise so I know for the future?
    I next wanted a freeze frame at the end of the DI track to hold it longer.
    Duplicated the layer and froze the frame.
    This created an issue with the paint on in both layers where I could see the paint and it was shifted off position!!!  weird!
    I reverted to exporting a Frame and using that instead.
    Any thoughts or known issues with stabilising /paint / clone that might cause that?

    When you precomped, did you move all attributes into the precomp?
    What (exact) version of AE are you using (down to the last decimal)?

  • How do I freeze frame my video?

    I have a video, but I want it to be freezed frame on the first frame for awhile while I put(build) some animation over it, then I want it to start playing. For some reason when it comes on screen it immediately starts playing. I've tried everything with the quicktime button in the inspector window but I can't get it to simply stay on the first frame for awhile while I build other stuff before I want it to play. How do I do it?

    I tested for OP and again just now and it works for me with automatic builds on both the text and the movie. No need for "On Click" that I can see.
    Poster Frame is a good tip but in this case OP asked for the first frame which is the default for QT movies poster image.

  • Freeze Frame Does Not Work Properly Please help

    I have a sequence that will be cut into a master sequence consisting of six video tracks. When I invoke the Freeze Frame command, the resulting freeze frame only has the video from the bottom track (V1). This happens no matter where the playhead is when I select Freeze Frame. Even after rendering the sequence a Freeze Frame will only contain the video from the bottom track. Why???
    FCP HD 4.5
    Mac OS 10.3.9
    QT 6.5.2
    G4-500DP   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    The Freeze Frame function targets the bottom most track with the AUTOSELECT button active. Autoselect is the gray box to the right of V1, V2, etc.
    Are all your video tracks composited so that they are all visible at once? Then try nesting them, THEN making the freeze frame.
    "There's no need to fear, UNDERDOG is here!"

  • Unable to change Still/Freeze Frame Duration in User Pref Edit tab

    Process-selected new project, change Still/Freeze Frame Duration in user preferences on the edit tab.
    Need to change to 10 minutes. Typed in the field 00:10:00:00. When I hit ok, I get a beep and it defaults back to what was in there, 01:00:00:00. So tried a larger number 02:00:00:00. Same result. A beep.
    So went ahead with project and opened a sequence and tried to change it from the viewer. Same issue.
    Trashed prefs and started from scratch. Same issue.

    Trashed prefs rebooted originally.
    Process as follows for trashing prefs. First time through I had opened a project. This time did not.
    Open Home Folder
    Open Library
    Open Preferences
    Open Final Cut Pro User Data
    Delete Final Cut Pro 5.0 Prefs
    Delete Final Cut Obj Cache
    Delete Final Cut Prof Cache
    Run disk utility to repair permissions.
    Did not open a project this time.
    Same issue but now I am able to put a slug in the time line and by selecting clip properties, can set the duration (was not able to do this before so some progress). Still can't set duration though as earlier described from edit tab on the user preferences page for still/freeze duration.

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