FRM 30454

i am migrating from forms 6i to oracle10g....
while compiling one form having OCX control i am geeting following error
FRM 30454 :Unsupported item type....
...using this control i am opening cryatal reports...
any solution to this..

Similar Messages

  • FRM-30454: Unsupported item type.

    I am upgrading forms 6i to 11g.
    I got an error FRM-30454.Unsupported item type.
    item: Browser
    FRM-30085:unable to adjust form for output.
    this is the code throwing error.
    Data Blocks -> trigger ->when new block instance ->
         WebPage OLEOBJ;
         WebBrowser.Navigate(WebPage, :PARAMETER.URL_LOCATION);
    WebBrowser.Navigate(WebPage, :PARAMETER.URL_LOCATION || :PARAMETER.URL_PARAMS);     
    END IF;
    the line WebPage := :ITEM('IMAGE_VIEWER.BROWSER').INTERFACE; is causing the problem because ".BROWSER" is not supported.
    I did search on FRM-30454 but none worked on my case.

    You should use WebUtil for this functionality. Following are the steps to configure WebUtil:
    1- Attach the Webutil library with your form available at \forms directory
    2- Subclass your form from the WebUtil sub-group. ( open the Webutil.olb from the forms directory and drag webutil object to your form)
    3- Download jacob.jar from the following location:
    4- Extract the zip file
    5- Copy the jacob.dll to the \forms\webutil directory
    6- Copy the jacob.jar to the \forms\java directory
    7- Sign the jar file using sign_webutil.bat in forms\webutil directory
    8- Add following configuration in formsweb.cfg file:
    lookAndFeel=oracle9- use following code to browse dirctories:
    PROCEDURE get_client_filename IS
         l_filename varchar2(200);
         l_filename := client_get_file_name(directory_name => :global.user_home
                                        ,file_name      => null
                                        ,file_filter    => 'GIF Files (*.gif)|*.gif|'
                                        ,message        => null
                                        ,dialog_type    => null
                                        ,select_file    => null
      :builtins.file_name := l_filename;
    END;Please see following link for details:

  • I receive an error FRM-30454.

    I have a column in a database table of type LONG RAW . This column was represented as an OLE Container - which in 10g is obsolete - in a form (Forms 6i). Trying to compile this form to Forms10g , I receive an error FRM-30454.

    OLE is obsoleted in 10g. So, you may want to remove the OLE item and use the OLE2 package to invoke the related application programatically.
    You may also want to use a PJC to do the same (Search this forum with PJC and you would get plenty of examples). Also, check out webutil, for client side OLE functionality.

  • Forms 6i to oracle10g (frm 30454)

    I am moving from forms 6i to 10g...
    i am using following coding to open crystal report 9 in forms6i
    AppID := DDE.App_Begin('C:\Program Files\Crystal Decisions\Crystal Reports 9\crw32.exe Reportname.rpt', DDE.APP_MODE_MINIMIZED);
    this code is not working under forms 10 g... so what other thing i can use to open crystal report 9... form this i have used activex control on form and in its 'OLE class' property value is Crystal.CrystalReport.
    while compiling form i am getting folowing error
    FRM-30454: Unsupported item type.
    Item: CR1
    Block: CONTROL
    Form: PRINT
    FRM-30085: Unable to adjust form for output.

    duplicate Re: FRM 30454
    Please do not start a new thread for the same problem. As was stated in the previous thread, you cannot have an item type that is Active X. ActiveX is no longer supported in 10g.

  • Making use of 'obsolete' OLE container in Forms10g

    I have a column in a database table of type LONG RAW . This column was represented as an OLE Container - which in 10g is obsolete - in a form (Forms 6i). Trying to compile this form to Forms10g , I receive an error FRM-30454.
    Is it possible to retain the form as it is , by simply change a property , ....
    Anyway , What are the possible solutions for this kind of problem?
    Thanks , Simon

    What is the role of 'Importing OLE Library Interfaces' which is a menu selection found on Forms Builder menu->Program->Import OLE Library Interfaces?
    How is there the capability to import for example 'Word.Document' OLE classes as OLE containers are obsolete?
    Is there an example on how to use them...?
    I didn't find anything -only directions on how to import- in the on-line help of Forms 10g!!!
    Thanks ,

  • Error while debuging form

    Dear All,
    I tried to debug some forms 10g that has been created in 6i,but i got the following error message while debuging...
    FRM-30454: Unsupported item type.
    Item: OLE_CONTROL51
    Block: B2
    Form: STRMAIN
    FRM-30085: Unable to adjust form for output.
    Please provide me with some solution...
    Thanks and regards

    apparently u r using but this item type is considered is considered obsolete item no longer supported in forms 10.
    You would need to use CLIENT_OLE in the webutil package to launch e.g. Word and etc.
    It is documented in oracle regarding Migrating Client-Server Applications to the Web
    Instead, use JavaBeans to duplicate functionality in the user interface. Any other Microsoft Windows user interface dependencies should also be replaced with JavaBeans. You can also use WebUtil to restore some of these functions.
    Hope this helps...
    Amatu Allah

  • What are the possible solutions..?

    I have a column in a database table of type LONG RAW . This column was represented as an OLE Container - which in 10g is obsolete - in a form (Forms 6i). Trying to compile this form to Forms10g , I receive an error FRM-30454.
    Is it possible to retain the form as it is , by simply change a property , ....
    Anyway , What are the possible solutions for this kind of problem?
    Thanks , Simon

    Nice subject title. It is as good as "Urgent. Please help". Why don't you go back and edit your message and change the subject to something like:
    Long Raw / OLE: 6i to 10g

  • Getting error message FRM-40700:No such trigger: SPECIAL20

    We have designed a custom report (Quote) and would like to use Special Menu's(Reports Menu) to open this custom Report. When I try to open this Report using
    REPORTS->Quote, The Report is opening seccuessfully but i am getting following error message at the bottom of screen bar.How can I clear this message ?
    FRM-40700:No such trigger: SPECIAL20
    The code which I wrote in the custom.pll is
    IF (form_name = 'OEXOEORD') THEN
    -- Enable View Order Report -- V1.4 --
    if (event_name = 'WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE') then
    app_special.instantiate('SPECIAL20', 'View Order Report');
    if (event_name='WHEN-NEW-BLOCK-INSTANCE') THEN
    if block_name='ORDER' then
    end if;
    end if;
    end if;
    if (event_name='SPECIAL20' and block_name='ORDER') then
    param_to_pass1 := name_in('ORDER.HEADER_ID');
    select order_number into param_to_pass2 from oe_order_headers_all where header_id=param_to_pass1;, 'Y');
    end if;
    end if;
    Please give me valuable inputs on this issue.

    your package " app_special" does a call to "execute_trigger('SPECIAL20');" ,
    but there is no trigger with this name in your form. ( perhaps an Menu-item exists with this name.)
    Lock for "execute_trigger" in:
    app_special.instantiate('SPECIAL20', 'View Order Report');

  • FRM-92010 Error while saving a form in HRMS

    I created a new 12.1.1 instance and impletented HRMS as per doc id#145837.1.
    Applied patch 8934107, Ran DataInstall and hrglobal.drv.
    Now while saving the forms we are getting the following error: (in application.log)
    10/05/13 18:12:03.269 formsweb: Forms session <1> aborted: unable to communicate with runtime process.
    10/05/13 18:12:03.270 formsweb: Forms session <1> exception stack trace: FRM-93000: Unexpected internal error.
    Details : No HTTP headers received from runform
    at oracle.forms.servlet.ListenerServlet.forwardResponseFromRunform(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.forms.servlet.ListenerServlet.doPost(Unknown Source)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
    at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ].server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
    at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ].server.http.HttpRequestHandler.doProcessRequest(
    at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ].server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
    at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ]
    at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ]
    at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ].util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
    I have also applied patch 8682249 as per doc 867501.1 (since error was the same) but still no luck.
    Please help.
    Edited by: user556153 on May 13, 2010 6:19 AM

    Did you checked
    Queries Error With FRM-92101 In Many NLS Forms [ID 443922.1] << seems similar error like yours
    Forms FRM-92050, FRM-92100, FRM-92101, FRM-92102 Reference Guide [ID 444690.1]
    If its not help please enable trace
    How To Perform System Tracing For All Forms Runtime Processes? [ID 400144.1]

  • FRM-41211 Integration Error SSL - OracleAS 10g

    I have error Frm-41211 Integration Error SSL Failure Running Another Product error while calling a report from web form in oracleAS 10g.
    I have problem with RUN_REPORT_OBJECT in web forms.
    I have error: FRM-41211 SSL integration error .....
    OracleAS server began on Windoes XP SP2.
    Do you help me ?

    I remember having seen this issue in teh apst. My best recommendation is to work with customer support (

  • FRM-41211 Integration Error SSL - Oracle Forms 10g

    Hi all.
    I have FRM-41211 Integration Error SSL Failure Running Another Product error while calling a report from web form in oracleAS 10g.
    I have problem with RUN_REPORT_OBJECT in web forms in this code:
    repid := find_report_object('MODULE21');
    v_rep := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT(repid);
    -- jobid := substr(v_rep, length('rep60_WS70004')+2, length(v_rep));
    -- web.show_document('/reports/rwservlet/getjobid'||jobid||'?server=rep3945','_blank');
    I have error: FRM-41211 SSL integration error .....
    OracleAS 10g server began on Windows XP SP2.
    Do you help me ?
    Very thanks !!

    Do you help me ?

  • FRM-92101 error while running report from a button or menu

    Hi All,
    I am getting the error FRM-92101 while running report without parameter from a button or menu. I am using Developer Suit 10g. I get the error as it shows there has some configuration problem in my form. Will you please help me anyone how can i solve the problem. My previous forms running very well both with parameter and without parameter.

    Hello Sir,
    Thanks for your cooperation. I have solved my problem by myself. The fact was that, when i tried with the following code which made my report---
    SELECT, br.bname, br.branchtxnstatus, dif.difference
    FROM branch br,
    (SELECT gladbrid branchid,
    WHEN ga.gl_acc_categry IN ('L', 'I')
    THEN gd.gladbalance
    ELSE -1 * gd.gladbalance
    ) AS difference
    FROM glaccount ga, glaccountdetail gd
    WHERE ga.glid = gd.gladglid
    GROUP BY gladbrid) dif
    WHERE dif.branchid = AND br.branchtxnstatus = :Br_Status
    and dif.difference!=0
    and the code against the button or menu item is---
    repid REPORT_OBJECT;
    v_rep VARCHAR2(100);
    rep_status VARCHAR2(20);
    v_rep := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT(repid);
    rep_status := REPORT_OBJECT_STATUS(v_rep);
    rep_status := report_object_status(v_rep);
    IF rep_status = 'FINISHED' THEN
    /*Display report in the browser*/
    message('Error when running report');
    END IF;
    which has shown the error FRM-92101 and didn't run the report.
    In that case I have changed the query to run the report. first of all i create a view following the query and build the report using a simple select query. that's etc. my report running fine now.
    It is mentioned that there had no error on my codes.

  • Can not delete record from the master block ,frm-40202 field must be entere

    hi ,
    i have built a form which contain master and details blocks
    the problem is
    when i try to delete a record from the master block it gives me new serial for the transaction and when i try to save it, it says
    >frm-40202 field must be entered
    where this field is required and i cant save it
    although in another form when i delete from the master it gives me the previous record and it works properly
    if any one has any ideas pls help me
    thank u
    ------- the master block has a trigger when-create-recoder
    Declare>v_dummy number;
    Select nvl(max(ERNT_NO),0) + 1 >Into v_dummy
    From LM_RENT_EXPNMST >Where cmp_no = :LM_RENT_EXPNMST.cmp_no
    And brn_no = :LM_RENT_EXPNMST.brn_no>and fiscal_yr = :LM_RENT_EXPNMST.fiscal_yr;
    >:LM_RENT_EXPNMST.ERNT_NO := v_dummy;
    END IF;Edited by: ayadsufyan on May 8, 2013 2:03 PM

    If this is a FORMS question you should mark this one ANSWERED and repost your question in the FORMS forum

  • Can not delete the  last record ,  frm-40202 field must be entered

    hi ,
    i have built a form which contain master and details blocks
    the problem is
    when i look for a record by executing query on on transaction serial and try to delete this record from the master block it gives me new serial for the transaction and when i try to save it, it says
    >frm-40202 field must be entered
    where this field is required and i cant save it
    although in another form when i delete from the master it gives me the previous record and it works properly
    the question is :
    why it gives a new serial when i delete the record ??if any one has any ideas pls help me
    thank u
    ------- the master block has a trigger when-create-record
    Declare>v_dummy number;
    Select nvl(max(ERNT_NO),0) + 1 >Into v_dummy
    From LM_RENT_EXPNMST >Where cmp_no = :LM_RENT_EXPNMST.cmp_no
    And brn_no = :LM_RENT_EXPNMST.brn_no>and fiscal_yr = :LM_RENT_EXPNMST.fiscal_yr;
    >:LM_RENT_EXPNMST.ERNT_NO := v_dummy;
    END IF;

    Hi ayadsufyan,
    As it looks Andreas assumption of internal status change was correct. So taking into account this fact I would assume you are doing some data manipulation on the row you are unable to delete.
    What I would suggest to do is to put the following code in your KEY-DELREC trigger :
    message(:system.record_status);pause;Now when you delete the record you should get the INSERT status of the record. If so it definitely means you are doing some manipulation on the record you are trying to delete. From this point on you will have to pinpoint the offending code.
    Best regards.
    Edited by: GregorM on May 11, 2013 10:41 AM

  • Frm-40508

    Oracle Forms6i
    Hai All
    I have an error while iam inserting data into a table through my forms.
    I have two blocks in my form namely Leader, Member
    This is my statement in my save button
    If :Global.Mode = 'QUERY' then
    update hierarchy_tree set unitid = :unit_id,empl_leader= :empl_code,empl_member=:emplcode,
    fromdt=:from_date,todt =:to_Date;
    elsif :Global.Mode = 'ADD' then
         insert into hierarchy_tree (unitid,empl_leader,empl_member,fromdt,todt) values
    end if;
    I have taken data from two blocks.
    When i press the save button
    I have an error
    Frm-40508 oracle err unable to insert record.
    Thanks In Advance
    Edited by: Srikkanth.M on May 10, 2010 12:37 PM

    Instead of
    insert into H_Table (unitid,empl_leader,empl_member,fromdt,todt) values (:unit_id,:empl_code,:emplcode,:from_date,:to_date);use
    FORMS_DDL('INSERT INTO H_TABLE(UNITID, EMPL_LEADER, EMPL_MEMBER, FROMDT, TODT) VALUES(''' || :UNIT_ID || ''', ''' || :EMPL_CODE || ''', ''' || :EMPLCODE || ''', TO_DATE(''' || TO_CHAR(:FROM_DATE, 'DD-MON-YYYY') || '''), TO_DATE(''' || TO_CHAR(:TO_DATE, 'DD-MON-YYYY') || '''))');So that we can change the insert / update statements as per our need. That means assign the insert statement in to a variable, and then run that insert statement using FORMS_DDL built-in.
    Hope you understand.

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