messages from msexchenage does not fully download. in preview pane part of the message appears but in the body of the email on the right hand side there is nothing??? please help.

Try a Reset [Hold the Home and Sleep/Wake buttons down together for 10 seconds or so (until the Apple logo appears) and then release. When the screen goes blank then power ON again in the normal way.] It is absolutely safe.

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    Windows 7, Thunderbird 24.4.0
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    You not using add block are you? as it disabled the status bar.
    Your Norton Product has a very long history of blocking software updates with it's firewall component. Any setting other than full access will see mail not delivered. Auto the default will see mail stop after every update, regular as clockwork. That is why installing an old and less secure version works.
    My personal opinion is the Nortons is the root cause of more strife than it fixes.
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    This is the ipod touch forum

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    It's difficult to do more than guess when you don't say what version of OS X or Pages you're running, but if you're on the latest, have you tried the Share menu -> Send via Mail command?
    If that doesn't help, you may have better luck if you ask in the Pages forum:
    When you repost, be sure to include full details about your versions so that people know what it is you're working with.

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    Angela Richens wrote:
    It is all attachments not just pdfs.
    Then most likely it is not caused by Adobe Reader.
    Anyway, perhaps someone has some idea, if you give us some details: operating system, browser, email client, ...

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    I'm a librarian....this is what we got to help people. I haven't tried it yet myself.
    Dear Library Partner,
    Apple released iOS 7 yesterday and many of your Apple users may have upgraded their device(s) or will be upgrading in the near future.
    When an existing OverDrive Media Console (OMC) user upgrades to iOS 7, the app will fail when trying to open a DRM-protected eBook. New or first time users of OMC are unaffected by this issue.
    We are resolving the issue but in the meantime, here are immediate remedies for users:
    1) Re-authenticate the app with their existing or a new Adobe ID. Refer to the iOS section of this Help articlefor assistance. (Recommended)
    2) Uninstall and re-install OMC which will also require the user to re-authorize with Adobe. IMPORTANT NOTE: A re-install will clear a user's bookshelf, history, and app settings.
    Audiobook users won't notice that anything is different unless they attempt to download parts of audiobooks they already downloaded to OMC before upgrading to iOS 7. A user will receive an error message informing them to download the title again.
    We encourage you to share this information with your users via email, Facebook or Twitter.
    We apologize for the inconvenience.
    OverDrive's Partner Services"

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    - Sign completely out of iCloud and sign in again, then reconfigure all iCloud services including mail
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    - Are my suspicions true? Does iOS actually store a cached copy of iCloud mail on the device when the service is disabled and just "redisplays" it when re-enabled?

    I had the same problem. My iCloud it's a mess since the iOS 8.1 update.
    Probably your iCloud isn't working too.

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    iCloud email addresses (@mac.com, @me.com and @icloud.com) require SSL. Is your address an iCloud address or someone else?

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    Then call AppleCare and talk to someone in account security.

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    When you set up your ipad did you or your husband also set up a rescue e-mail address for you? If so, that would be why he received the instructions. Or do you sync your ipad with his computer?
    Actually in terms of it being a problem, it actually makes it easier for you to answer your security questions and follow the instuctions to get back on your ipad. Otherwise, you'll have to call Apple Support.
    To delete the rescue e-mail account pleases read this thread. (Poster's photos did not come through with the instructions.)

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    Try logging out of the CC Application and restarting your computer. Also, try running the CC app as an administrator.

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    I'm using Firefox 30.0 and Windows 7 (64 bit).

    Hi moose53,
    Just tested it with a Logitech keyboard and you are right, what you are describing is not expected behavior. I see you do not have any add ons, however does this also reproduce in Safe Mode? [[Troubleshoot Firefox issues using Safe Mode]]
    If yes, try a new profile [[Use the Profile Manager to create and remove Firefox profiles]]

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    On Yosemite, Pages '09 v4.3 no longer recognizes the Share > Send Via Email categories. You will have to export and manually drag/drop/attach documents to Mail. There is no fix.

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