Full GC again...

I can not figure out what makes VM to run Full GC from time to time like in the listing below...
Any ideas ?
JRE 1.5.0_06, Linux 2.6.9
java -Xms300M -Xmx300M -XX:ThreadStackSize=100 -Xss100K -server -XX:NewSize=80M -XX:MaxNewSize=80M -XX:SurvivorRatio=2 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=80 -XX:PermSize=8M -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000 -verbose:gc -Xloggc:gc.log -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC
2069.493: [Full GC {Heap before gc invocations=79:
def new generation   total 61440K, used 59230K [0x9be40000, 0xa0e40000, 0xa0e40000)
  eden space 40960K,  99% used [0x9be40000, 0x9e637258, 0x9e640000)
  from space 20480K,  89% used [0x9fa40000, 0xa0c20618, 0xa0e40000)
  to   space 20480K,   0% used [0x9e640000, 0x9e640000, 0x9fa40000)
tenured generation   total 225280K, used 26314K [0xa0e40000, 0xaea40000, 0xaea40000)
   the space 225280K,  11% used [0xa0e40000, 0xa27f2a10, 0xa27f2c00, 0xaea40000)
compacting perm gen  total 8192K, used 5258K [0xaea40000, 0xaf240000, 0xb2a40000)
   the space 8192K,  64% used [0xaea40000, 0xaef62bb0, 0xaef62c00, 0xaf240000)
No shared spaces configured.
2069.493: [DefNew: 59230K->13381K(61440K), 0.0525370 secs] 85544K->44677K(286720K)Heap after gc invocations=80:
def new generation total 61440K, used 13381K [0x9be40000, 0xa0e40000, 0xa0e40000)
eden space 40960K, 0% used [0x9be40000, 0x9be40000, 0x9e640000)
from space 20480K, 65% used [0x9e640000, 0x9f351700, 0x9fa40000)
to space 20480K, 0% used [0x9fa40000, 0x9fa40000, 0xa0e40000)
tenured generation total 225280K, used 31295K [0xa0e40000, 0xaea40000, 0xaea40000)
the space 225280K, 13% used [0xa0e40000, 0xa2ccfe90, 0xa2cd0000, 0xaea40000)
compacting perm gen total 8192K, used 5258K [0xaea40000, 0xaf240000, 0xb2a40000)
the space 8192K, 64% used [0xaea40000, 0xaef62bb0, 0xaef62c00, 0xaf240000)
No shared spaces configured.
, 0.0530170 secs]
2469.687: [Full GC {Heap before gc invocations=106:
def new generation   total 61440K, used 55607K [0x9be40000, 0xa0e40000, 0xa0e40000)
  eden space 40960K,  99% used [0x9be40000, 0x9e63d9c8, 0x9e640000)
  from space 20480K,  71% used [0x9e640000, 0x9f4903f0, 0x9fa40000)
  to   space 20480K,   0% used [0x9fa40000, 0x9fa40000, 0xa0e40000)
tenured generation   total 225280K, used 37794K [0xa0e40000, 0xaea40000, 0xaea40000)
   the space 225280K,  16% used [0xa0e40000, 0xa3328868, 0xa3328a00, 0xaea40000)
compacting perm gen  total 8192K, used 5269K [0xaea40000, 0xaf240000, 0xb2a40000)
   the space 8192K,  64% used [0xaea40000, 0xaef657c0, 0xaef65800, 0xaf240000)
No shared spaces configured.
2469.687: [DefNew: 55607K->17641K(61440K), 0.0471880 secs] 93401K->55435K(286720K)Heap after gc invocations=107:
def new generation total 61440K, used 17641K [0x9be40000, 0xa0e40000, 0xa0e40000)
eden space 40960K, 0% used [0x9be40000, 0x9be40000, 0x9e640000)
from space 20480K, 86% used [0x9fa40000, 0xa0b7a748, 0xa0e40000)
to space 20480K, 0% used [0x9e640000, 0x9e640000, 0x9fa40000)
tenured generation total 225280K, used 37794K [0xa0e40000, 0xaea40000, 0xaea40000)
the space 225280K, 16% used [0xa0e40000, 0xa3328868, 0xa3328a00, 0xaea40000)
compacting perm gen total 8192K, used 5269K [0xaea40000, 0xaf240000, 0xb2a40000)
the space 8192K, 64% used [0xaea40000, 0xaef657c0, 0xaef65800, 0xaf240000)
No shared spaces configured.
, 0.0476750 secs]

... I was wondering where the bug was - in printing wrong string "Full GC" or reporting wrong time taken (too small) ..
The former: the time reported is correct; the labelling incorrect.
just in case, here is the log (I have decreased NewGen to 64M, this is not relevant):
2396.504: [GC 2396.504: [DefNew: 47224K->9605K(49152K), 0.0400940 secs] 112418K->78033K(290816K), 0.0404530 secs]
2402.309: [GC 2402.309: [DefNew: 41801K->13500K(49152K), 0.0457490 secs] 110229K->81928K(290816K), 0.0461060 secs]
2406.942: [GC 2406.942: [DefNew: 45077K->9378K(49152K), 0.0394620 secs] 113505K->80513K(290816K), 0.0398060 secs]
2411.607: [Full GC 2411.607: [DefNew: 42146K->11418K(49152K), 0.0349480 secs] 113344K->82616K(290816K), 0.0352890 secs]
2416.128: [GC 2416.128: [DefNew: 44158K->9744K(49152K), 0.0317540 secs] 115356K->80942K(290816K), 0.0321090 secs]
2431.779: [GC 2431.779: [DefNew: 42468K->9302K(49152K), 0.0271300 secs] 113666K->80501K(290816K), 0.0274990 secs]
2460.115: [GC 2460.115: [DefNew: 42032K->11956K(49152K), 0.0336600 secs] 113230K->83154K(290816K), 0.0340210 secs]
3092.676: [GC 3092.676: [DefNew: 39567K->8249K(49152K), 0.0244080 secs] 120895K->89577K(290816K), 0.0248020 secs]
3124.416: [GC 3124.416: [DefNew: 41017K->5334K(49152K), 0.0171250 secs] 122345K->86662K(290816K), 0.0174840 secs]
3142.484: [GC 3142.484: [DefNew: 38076K->5809K(49152K), 0.0190090 secs] 119404K->87137K(290816K), 0.0193580 secs]
3180.263: [Full GC 3180.263: [DefNew: 37247K->11496K(49152K), 0.0325830 secs] 120244K->94493K(290816K), 0.0329220 secs]
3195.934: [GC 3195.935: [DefNew: 44261K->8529K(49152K), 0.0259260 secs] 127258K->91525K(290816K), 0.0262790 secs]
3215.063: [GC 3215.063: [DefNew: 41285K->9952K(49152K), 0.0305630 secs] 124282K->92949K(290816K), 0.0309070 secs]
3240.325: [GC 3240.325: [DefNew: 42681K->10632K(49152K), 0.0302890 secs] 125678K->93629K(290816K), 0.0306430 secs]
5162.202: [GC 5162.202: [DefNew: 40081K->10374K(49152K), 0.0303690 secs] 142830K->113123K(290816K), 0.0307280 secs]
5204.101: [GC 5204.101: [DefNew: 43142K->8355K(49152K), 0.0247200 secs] 145891K->111104K(290816K), 0.0251820 secs]
5249.579: [GC 5249.580: [DefNew: 41070K->10846K(49152K), 0.0303930 secs] 143820K->113596K(290816K), 0.0307730 secs]
5297.293: [Full GC 5297.293: [DefNew: 43613K->9367K(49152K), 0.0268350 secs] 146506K->112260K(290816K), 0.0272170 secs]
5339.380: [GC 5339.381: [DefNew: 42126K->9040K(49152K), 0.0257950 secs] 145019K->111934K(290816K), 0.0262130 secs]
6547.097: [GC 6547.097: [DefNew: 41793K->12224K(49152K), 0.0351110 secs] 160746K->131177K(290816K), 0.0354630 secs]
6565.279: [GC 6565.279: [DefNew: 44990K->13642K(49152K), 0.0392770 secs] 163943K->132595K(290816K), 0.0396340 secs]
6592.978: [GC 6592.978: [DefNew: 46399K->9603K(49152K), 0.0341560 secs] 165352K->130663K(290816K), 0.0345430 secs]
6604.130: [GC 6604.130: [DefNew: 42357K->11840K(49152K), 0.0339120 secs] 163417K->132900K(290816K), 0.0342860 secs]
6614.478: [Full GC 6614.478: [DefNew: 44559K->11806K(49152K), 0.0341900 secs] 165938K->133185K(290816K), 0.0345730 secs]
6632.990: [GC 6632.990: [DefNew: 44553K->10977K(49152K), 0.0304230 secs] 165932K->132356K(290816K), 0.0308000 secs]
6672.913: [GC 6672.913: [DefNew: 43745K->11242K(49152K), 0.0333820 secs] 165124K->133029K(290816K), 0.0337680 secs]
10494.398: [GC 10494.398: [DefNew: 42791K->16384K(49152K), 0.0704750 secs] 238852K->214976K(290816K), 0.0710270 secs]
10500.641: [GC 10500.641: [DefNew: 49132K->49132K(49152K), 0.0000380 secs]10500.641: [Tenured: 198592K->67274K(241664K), 0.2976110 secs] 247724K->67274K(290816K), 0.2982150 secs]
10520.521: [GC 10520.522: [DefNew: 32265K->5236K(49152K), 0.0251580 secs] 99539K->72511K(290816K), 0.0256880 secs]
10537.788: [GC 10537.788: [DefNew: 37999K->8494K(49152K), 0.0326010 secs] 105273K->75768K(290816K), 0.0331660 secs]
11226.210: [GC 11226.211: [DefNew: 44215K->12969K(49152K), 0.0404320 secs] 140029K->108783K(290816K), 0.0409650 secs]
11247.099: [GC 11247.100: [DefNew: 45685K->12518K(49152K), 0.0393710 secs] 141499K->108332K(290816K), 0.0398880 secs]
11276.615: [Full GC 11276.616: [DefNew: 45286K->12032K(49152K), 0.0401870 secs] 141190K->107936K(290816K), 0.0406980 secs]
11294.301: [GC 11294.302: [DefNew: 44798K->11197K(49152K), 0.0378100 secs] 140702K->107102K(290816K), 0.0383170 secs]
11307.024: [GC 11307.024: [DefNew: 43926K->9435K(49152K), 0.0340290 secs] 139830K->106229K(290816K), 0.0345590 secs]

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    Below is the session log file.Could you please check and let me know.
    Edited by: vijayobi on Jul 22, 2011 4:26 AM

    Hi Friends,
    We executed a Full-Load again on Saturday i.e 23rd July 2011.This time we allowed the task 'Load into Activity Fact_CUSTOM' to execute without stopping it manully like we did in the previous data load.It got executed for 3 hours and 45 minutes and then 'Failed' giving the following error ORA-01652(unable to extend temp segment by string in tablespace string).This task got executed successfully in our dev environment.Below is what we found in the sessio .log file and help us resolve this issue.Please revert back as soon as possible as we have this issue in our prod environment.
    2011-07-23 14:56:07 : ERROR : (8128 | LKPDP_25:READER_1_1) : (IS | Oracle_BI_DW_Base_Integration_Service) : node01_MACAW : RR_4035 : SQL Error [
    ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace TEMP
    Database driver error...
    Function Name : Execute
    Oracle Fatal Error
    Database driver error...
    Function Name : Execute
    Oracle Fatal Error].
    2011-07-23 14:56:07 : ERROR : (8128 | LKPDP_25:READER_1_1) : (IS | Oracle_BI_DW_Base_Integration_Service) : node01_MACAW : BLKR_16004 : ERROR: Prepare failed.
    2011-07-23 14:56:07 : INFO : (8128 | WRITER_1_*_1) : (IS | Oracle_BI_DW_Base_Integration_Service) : node01_MACAW : WRT_8333 : Rolling back all the targets due to fatal session error.
    2011-07-23 14:56:07 : ERROR : (8128 | TRANSF_1_1_1) : (IS | Oracle_BI_DW_Base_Integration_Service) : node01_MACAW : TM_6085 : A fatal error occurred at transformation [mplt_SIL_ActivityFact.LKP_W_PARTY_D_With_Geo_Wid], and the session is terminating.
    2011-07-23 14:56:07 : ERROR : (8128 | TRANSF_1_1_1) : (IS | Oracle_BI_DW_Base_Integration_Service) : node01_MACAW : TM_6085 : A fatal error occurred at transformation [mplt_SIL_ActivityFact.EXP_Decode_CustomerId], and the session is terminating.
    2011-07-23 14:56:07 : ERROR : (8128 | TRANSF_1_1_1) : (IS | Oracle_BI_DW_Base_Integration_Service) : node01_MACAW : TM_6085 : A fatal error occurred at transformation [mplt_SIL_ActivityFact.EXP_Decode_CustomerId], and the session is terminating.
    2011-07-23 14:56:07 : ERROR : (8128 | TRANSF_1_1_1) : (IS | Oracle_BI_DW_Base_Integration_Service) : node01_MACAW : TM_6085 : A fatal error occurred at transformation [mplt_SIL_ActivityFact.LKP_W_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_D_With_Party_ID], and the session is terminating.
    2011-07-23 14:56:07 : ERROR : (8128 | TRANSF_1_1_1) : (IS | Oracle_BI_DW_Base_Integration_Service) : node01_MACAW : TM_6085 : A fatal error occurred at transformation [mplt_SIL_ActivityFact.LKP_W_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_D_With_Party_ID], and the session is terminating.
    2011-07-23 14:56:07 : ERROR : (8128 | TRANSF_1_1_1) : (IS | Oracle_BI_DW_Base_Integration_Service) : node01_MACAW : TM_6085 : A fatal error occurred at transformation [mplt_SIL_ActivityFact.EXPTRANS], and the session is terminating.
    2011-07-23 14:56:07 : ERROR : (8128 | TRANSF_1_1_1) : (IS | Oracle_BI_DW_Base_Integration_Service) : node01_MACAW : TM_6085 : A fatal error occurred at transformation [mplt_SIL_ActivityFact.EXPTRANS], and the session is terminating.
    2011-07-23 14:56:07 : ERROR : (8128 | TRANSF_1_1_1) : (IS | Oracle_BI_DW_Base_Integration_Service) : node01_MACAW : TM_6085 : A fatal error occurred at transformation [FIL_ETL_PROC_WID], and the session is terminating.
    2011-07-23 14:56:07 : ERROR : (8128 | TRANSF_1_1_1) : (IS | Oracle_BI_DW_Base_Integration_Service) : node01_MACAW : TM_6085 : A fatal error occurred at transformation [FIL_ETL_PROC_WID], and the session is terminating.
    2011-07-23 14:56:07 : ERROR : (8128 | TRANSF_1_1_1) : (IS | Oracle_BI_DW_Base_Integration_Service) : node01_MACAW : TM_6085 : A fatal error occurred at transformation [MPLT_Get_ETL_Proc_WID.Exp_Decide_Etl_Proc_Wid], and the session is terminating.
    2011-07-23 14:56:07 : INFO : (8128 | WRITER_1_*_1) : (IS | Oracle_BI_DW_Base_Integration_Service) : node01_MACAW : WRT_8325 : Final rollback executed for the target [W_ACTIVITY_F] at end of load
    2011-07-23 14:56:07 : ERROR : (8128 | TRANSF_1_1_1) : (IS | Oracle_BI_DW_Base_Integration_Service) : node01_MACAW : TM_6085 : A fatal error occurred at transformation [MPLT_Get_ETL_Proc_WID.Exp_Decide_Etl_Proc_Wid], and the session is terminating.
    2011-07-23 14:56:07 : INFO : (8128 | MANAGER) : (IS | Oracle_BI_DW_Base_Integration_Service) : node01_MACAW : PETL_24007 : Received request to stop session run. Attempting to stop worker threads.
    2011-07-23 14:56:07 : INFO : (8128 | WRITER_1_*_1) : (IS | Oracle_BI_DW_Base_Integration_Service) : node01_MACAW : WRT_8035 : Load complete time: Sat Jul 23 14:56:07 2011
    Thanks in advance.

  • IPhoto:  I clicked Enter Full Screen by mistake, now I can't get out of it. The button in View to exit full screen does not work.  I cannot see any other way to exit full screen.  In full screen, I cannot see my events, nor can I do any quick fixes.

    I accidentally got into Full Screen mode in iPhoto, and can't figure out how to get out of it.  The last item in View is unresponsive (Exit full Screen).  I've looked online but can't find any way to get out of iPhoto full screen--no arrows show on top right or bottom right.  I cannot find 'events' or crop photos, the only option I have is to scroll through a certain number of photos that I don't want to see.  Please, I just want to get out of Full screen mode.  Please help.  Thanks.

    Give this a try:
    1 - delete the iPhoto preference file, com.apple.iPhoto.plist, that resides in your
         User/Home/Library/ Preferences folder.
    2 - delete the contents the following folder: User/Library/Containers/com.apple.iPhoto
    3 - reboot, launch iPhoto and try full screen again.
    NOTE: For Mavericks and Yosemite,  go to your Home folder and use the View ➙ Show View Options menu to bring the this window:
    where you can check the Show Library Folder checkbox.

  • Calendar - Week view now only 5 days - how can you see a 7 day view again?

    I like using the Week view in the Calendar, since upgrading to the latest OS a few days ago I can now only see 5 days in the Week view rather than the full 7 days I previously had.  Can I change the settings so I can see the full week again?
    Thank you
    Go to Solution.

    In the Calendar app swipe from the top, choose Settings > General > and set Week View to full week. That should bring back the two missing days.

  • Errors: ORA-00054 & ORA-01452 while running DAC Full Load

    Hi Friends,
    Previously, I ran full load...it went well. And, I did some sample reports also in BI APPS
    Now, I modified few parameters as per the Business and I try to run Full Load again...But I struck with few similar errors. I cleared couple of DB Errors.
    Please, help me out to solve the below errors.
    MESSAGE:::com.siebel.etl.database.IllegalSQLQueryException: DataWarehouse:TRUNCATE TABLE W_SALES_BOOKING_LINE_F
    ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout expired
    --I checked W_SALES_BOOKING_LINE_F, it contain s data.
    2. ANOMALY INFO::: Error while executing : CREATE INDEX:W_GL_REVN_F:W_GL_REVN_F_U1
    MESSAGE:::java.lang.Exception: Error while execution : CREATE UNIQUE INDEX
    with error DataWarehouse:CREATE UNIQUE INDEX
    ORA-01452: cannot CREATE UNIQUE INDEX; duplicate keys found
    -- Yes, I found duplicate values in this table W_GL_REVN_F. But, how can I rectify it. I did some engineering, but failed.
    please tell me the steps to acheive....
    Thanks in advance..

    Hi, Please see the answers (in bold) below.
    MESSAGE:::com.siebel.etl.database.IllegalSQLQueryException: DataWarehouse:TRUNCATE TABLE W_SALES_BOOKING_LINE_F
    ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout expired
    --I checked W_SALES_BOOKING_LINE_F, it contain s data.
    Just restart the load, It seems like your DB processes are busy and the table still has a  lock on it which means something is not yet Commited/Rolled Back.
    If this issue repeats you can mail your DBA and ask him to look in to the issue
    2. ANOMALY INFO::: Error while executing : CREATE INDEX:W_GL_REVN_F:W_GL_REVN_F_U1
    MESSAGE:::java.lang.Exception: Error while execution : CREATE UNIQUE INDEX
         with error DataWarehouse:CREATE UNIQUE INDEX
         ORA-01452: cannot CREATE UNIQUE INDEX; duplicate keys found
         -- Yes, I found duplicate values in this table W_GL_REVN_F. But, how can I rectify it. I did some engineering, but failed.
         please tell me the steps to achieve....
    please execute this sql and get the duplicate values. If the count is less you can delete the records based on ROW_WID
    How  many duplicates do you have in total?
    WHERE INTEGRATION_ID= (from 1st query)
    *3. DELETE from W_GL_REVN_F where ROW_WID=( from 2nd query)*
    Hope this helps !!

  • Mobile-accounts FULL PATH badboy

    Our goal is to get Mobile Accounts with Portable Home Directories working. The home folders are stored on an external hard drive on Mac OS X Server 10.6.3. It's more or less working... but not quite ARGHH! HELP!!
    The short question is: What value do I use for the 'full path'
    The obvious answer, causes problems.
    THE GORY DETAILS (+aka. 'argh!!'+):
    Since all the files for user1 are stored on macsrv1 in /Volumes/team1/users/user1 I believe that in WGM I should have:
    Share Point URL: afp://macsrv1.disney.ch/users
    path to home: user1
    full path: /Volumes/team1/users/user1
    but when I try to log onto user1 on mac1, for the first time, it fails.
    In /var/log/secure.log I read +"user1 not known"+.
    And +"Could not get the user record for 'user1' from Directory Services"+
    (see *error1 at the bottom of this msg)
    IF I CHANGE the full path to:
    full path: /Network/Servers/macsrv1.disney.ch/users/user1
    THE LOGIN WORKS (I'm asked if I want to create a mobile account and when I say yes, a local folder is created on mac1, and any syncing does indeed cause files to appear on macsrv1 in /Volumes/team1/users/user1
    HOWEVER (+aka. Oh no!+):
    When the user does an ssh into macsrv1, his home directory (cd ~ or echo $HOME) is /Network/servers/macsrv1.disney.ch/users/user1 which is really just /users/users1 which is a virgin/template-like folder.. certainy not /Volumes/team1/users/user1
    BUT (goodnews here)
    If I now set the full path back...
    full path: /Volumes/team1/users/user1
    Everything works. Loggging into mac1 ok. SSHing into macsrv1 ok.
    But logging into mac2 fails (until I switch out the full path again)
    b. If it should be /Volumes/team1/users/user1 then how can I convince the client macs to create the mobile account?
    2. I have a 2nd question concerning the automount re-mounting the drive... causing a double mount! I've described the problem here: http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=2461695&stqc=true
    I've hunted through the forums, where appartently the answer lies, without success. Please help!
    Helpers get free beer if they come to Switzerland.
    p.s. I might add that the afp Share point on macsrv1 for /Volumes/team1/users is called 'users' (configured via WGM). Does that help? Maybe there is some weird conflict between there existing a /Users in root, and there being a mount called 'users'?
    After the login window, the user is informed that "Zou are unable to log into the user account. An error has occurred". In system.log on mac1 I read +"edu.mit.Kerberos.CCacheServer[927]: launchctl start error: No such process"+
    +edu.mit.Kerberos.CCacheServer[927]: launchctl start error: No such process+
    Message was edited by: DrKdev

    Other observations:
    *1. from /Library/Logs/DirectoryService/DirectoryService.error.log*
    2010-06-18 14:04:11 CEST - T[0xB0185000] - Misconfiguration detected in hash 'Global UID':
    2010-06-18 14:04:11 CEST - T[0xB0185000] - User 'user1' (/LDAPv3/macsrv1.disney.ch) - ID 1035 - UUID 80699B6C-A90E-4D2F-9B07-FB78F72E9709 - SID S-1-5-21-4063190502-2217233148-2094676766-3070
    *2. user IS showing up in the login window.*
    If I configure the login window to show all users (including network users), then user1 does indeed show up.
    *3. Logging into user1 via ssh works.*
    *4. dscl on macsrv1*
    dscl /LDAPv3/ -list /Users
    does indeed show user1 (and any other user I create)
    So why can't I login/create user1 on the client mac without toggling the FULL PATH to /Network/Servers/macsrv1.disney.ch/users/user1 first? arghh!

  • Understanding Windows Small Business Server 2008 Backup - Full and Incremental with 2 Backup Destinations

    I am re-posting a question from the following page here as I have the same problem now and I can't seem to find the answer even though the question has been marked as solved: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en/windowsbackup/thread/daff108b-effa-4dad-807a-d604345975dd
    Below is a copy of the question:
    I have 2 backup drives, (Backup Drive 1 and Backup Drive 2)
    Lets assume I have never performed a backup, so Day 1 is the first backup of the server.
    Backup Drive 1 connected on Day 1 it performs a FULL Backup - this is expected.
    Backup Drive 1 connected on Day 2 it performs an INCREMENTAL Backup - this is expected.
    Backup Drive 2 connected on Day 3 it performs a FULL Backup - this is expected.
    Backup Drive 1 connected on Day 4 it performs a FULL Backup - WHY? my understanding is that is should perform an Incremental Backup from Day 2
    Backup Drive 2 connected on Day 5 it performs a FULL Backup - again why is it not performing an Incremental Backup from Day 3?
    This means that in normal operation (Backup Drives alternate every day) We are performing FULL Backups everyday. In a few months this wont be an acceptable backup strategy; it will take too long.
    I've used 'Configure Performance Settings' in the Windows Server Backup mmc to specify 'Always perform incremental backup' - it makes no difference.
    If I look at the Backup Drive Disk Usage details it confuses me even more. It may be performing Full Backups everyday but it's definitely not storing Full Backup copies on the Backup Drives.
    It seems to be that even when a Full Backup is performed, only the deltas are written to the Backup Drive so even though it takes longer it has the same effect as an incremental  (so why doesn't it just perform an incremental?)
    I don't understand Microsoft's use of Full and Incremental, it seems obtuse to provide a choice that appears to have no effect on the actual data written to the Backup Drive.
    My real-world experience is at odds with that statements made in
    The Official SBS Blog  it states "every backup is incremental from a storage point of view" as well as "Because the wizard schedules differential-based backups' (nowhere in the Backup mmc have I seen any reference or options for differential),
    "Backup runs quickly" and "...works the same for multiple disk rotation." (This is simply not the case with a 2-disk rotation. It runs a lengthy FULL Backup every time.)
    The backup has been configured using SBS Console, runs once a day at 16:00. 2 Backup Drives, alternating daily.
    Can anyone clarify Windows Backup operation for me?
    I'd appreciate any feedback at all, thanks.

    Optimizing Backup and Server Performance
    (Windows Server 2008 R2)
    Even if you choose the option to create incremental backups, Windows Server Backup will create a full backup once every 14 days, or after 14 incremental backup operations, to reduce the risk from disk corruptions.
    Of course, this is for R2.
    Merv  Porter   [SBS-MVP]
    "Merv Porter [SBS-MVP]" wrote in message
    Interesting post...
    WBAdmin to remote backup server
    In Windows Server 2008, there are several reasons which may cause the backup to be full instead of incremental
    1. Backup on the target is deleted/not present.
    2. Source volume snapshot is deleted, from which the last backup was taken.
    3. 7 days have passed or 6 incremental backups have happened since the last full backup.
    4. Churn on the backup source is high (more than 50%)
    Abhinav Mathur[MSFT] Microsoft
    Merv  Porter   [SBS-MVP]
    "Les Connor [SBS-MVP]" wrote in message
    I believe it's how backup is designed, as I see the same thing. Why it works
    the way it does is another story though, I don't know the answer to that.
    Les Connor [SBS MVP]
    "Kurni" wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hi Les,
    > Thank you for your reply.
    > Are you saying that that's how the backup is designed? What I (and the
    > original poster of the question) have in mind is actually different (each
    > disk should have their own base backup).
    > Quoting from the original question:
    > Backup Drive 1 connected on Day 1 it performs a FULL Backup - this is
    > expected.
    > Backup Drive 1 connected on Day 2 it performs an INCREMENTAL Backup - this
    > is expected.
    > Backup Drive 2 connected on Day 3 it performs a FULL Backup - this is
    > expected.
    > Backup Drive 1 connected on Day 4 it performs a FULL Backup - WHY? my
    > understanding is that is should perform an Incremental Backup from Day 2
    > Backup Drive 2 connected on Day 5 it performs a FULL Backup - again why is
    > it not performing an Incremental Backup from Day 3 ?
    > Please let me know if I actually misunderstand how windows server backup
    > work.
    MVP - SBS

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