Further investigations

Further investigations lead me to another bad conclusion: a bad memory management for ms-8606 drivers (tv@nywhere master).
After installing ctfmon (multilanguage in winxp, in fact just a second language after english), I wasn't able to scan tvstations anymore in media center (system freezes).
So, I've made extensive memory tests,and installed a lot of memory hungry applications. Everything was ok, except tvtuner and related applications. Only with almost everything disabled in startup, scanning tvstations works  X(
I still have no answer from MSI, and it's a MSI emblema system ! If they ignore us, their clients, I'm considering for a way to a wide bad advertising   (at least other people will be warned not to buy !!!!)

Hi Adrian,
You could have a look to SAP UX Explorer
There you can search for Visual Composer and could find information.

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    Hi All,
       We Have implemented AD RMS in our organisation recently.But the Problem we are facing here many users those are Ms office 2013 we will get the error"The Data Received from the server running AD RMS didn't match the expected format.contact
    your system administrator for further investigation." and those who are in Ms office 2010 Professional it says  
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      Below are the workaround did,
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    5. Applied the Hotfixes:MicrosoftFixit50903,KB2627273.
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    Thanks and reqard,
    Mohammed Siddiq.

    Hi Mohammed,
    Were you able to fix the issue with CRL disablement?
    Did my post help you or make you laugh? Don't forget to click the Helpful vote :) If I answered your question please mark my post as an Answer.

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    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-03-14 13:51:51 -0700 (Fri, 14 Mar 2008)
    Log Message:
    Can't figure out why this broke the build, but reverting it for further investigation
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    Revision: 819
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-03-14 13:51:51 -0700 (Fri, 14 Mar 2008)
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    Can't figure out why this broke the build, but reverting it for further investigation
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    // Create CGI URL.
    String strFile = m_strDataURL + objectID;
    URL urlCodeBase = applet.getCodeBase();
    URL urlWriteCgi = new URL( urlCodeBase.getProtocol(),
    urlCodeBase.getHost(), strFile);
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    In 1.3.1 and previous releases the HTTP protocol handler through a FNF exception for HTTP errors that it didn't handle. 1.4 has lots of fixes and improvements and also handles more HTTP errors automatically. If you really need to find out what 1.3.1 is doing then get a network trace and post the HTTP response from the server here.

  • Vendor info change (XK02/MK02) investigation

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    Thank You,

    Copy the user to a test user (in QAS) and display a G/L document in FB03 where the posting key entry is for a vendor account.
    Double-click the vendor account....
    Same goes for a whole range of other transactions.
    > The user-ids used to change the info don't have access to MK02/XK02 at S_TCODE level but looks like they have access to rest of the authorizations with activity 02.
    That is what you gave them. That is what you get.
    S_TCODE is only a very general "start" level authority to functionality. It does not necessarily prevent the user from using it.
    Most likely the error is in your role design...

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    Well, certainly we need more info to fix the problem! couple of "system states" on both the machines when the job is hanging would help. couple of "stack trace" of the shadow process will also help. please call local oracle support with the system state and stack trace.
    Sounds like the job is hanging on some resource (lock,enque,latch,io...). oracle doesn't give up for few resources, like waiting on ST,latch, io etc. we have to kill the offending process if we want!!
    just my 2 cents :)

  • SAP ECC6 memory and paging issues

    Dear Experts
    I have recently upgraded my 4.6C systems to an ECC 6 system (DB2 LUW 9.5 on AIX 5.3 TL9 64 Bit OS)
    I have been running the LPAR with 14 GB of memory and we are around 100-200+ users using the system, I was monitoring using nmon and found that Physical Memory was around 99.8% Used   (14311.8MB and 22.6MB was free) also the paging space was around 37.2% in result causing the system at times to run slow which can have a very negative effect on the users.
    After further investigation I found that after a system restart the Physical Memory would start around 50.9% and increased at a steady pace until it reached 99.8% that is when the system would start using the paging space which would steadily increase, I found that the only solution was a system restart at least once a week to reduce the memory consumption.
    At first glance it looked like a database manger memory leak with the process db2sysc, so I searched the net with the search words u201Cdb2 memory leaku201D and found the following APARs and notes.
    APAR JR30285 - Pervasive memory leak when compiling SQL statements that use SQL/XML functions
    APAR IZ35230 - There is a pervasive unix-specific private memory leak in the security component
    Note 1288341 - Memory leak in APPLHEAPSZ -> SQL0954C 
    Note 1352361 - Memory leak in shared memory area abrfci
    Note 1147821 - DB6: Known Errors and available Fixes in DB2 9.5 LUW
    After reading the notes and APARs I decided to updated DB2 to the latest fix pack (5SAP), but after the fix pack was implemented it did not solve the memory problem
    I started look at different problems with SAP ECC6, db2 and AIX with paging/memory problems and I found the following notes to do with AIX memory and paging but none of them helped as all parameters and settings were set accordingly  
    789477 - Large extended memory on AIX (64-bit) as of Kernel 6.20
    191801 - AIX 64-bit with very large amount of Extended Memory
    973227 - AIX Virtual Memory Management: Tuning Recommendations
    884393 - AIX saposcol consumes large amount of memory.
    856848 u2013 AIX Extended Memory Disclaiming 
    1048686 u2013 Recommended AIX settings for SAP
    1121904 u2013 SAP on AIX: Recommendations for Paging
    1086130 u2013 DB6: DB2 Standard Parameter Settings
    After even more investigation I found the following evidence suggesting AIX Virtual Memory Manager might have a problem

    Shared memories inside of pool 40
    Key:       42  Size:    17792992 (  17.0 MB) DB TTAB buffer              
    Key:       43  Size:    53606392 (  51.1 MB) DB FTAB buffer              
    Key:       44  Size:     8550392 (   8.2 MB) DB IREC buffer              
    Key:       45  Size:     7014392 (   6.7 MB) DB short nametab buffer     
    Key:       46  Size:       20480 (   0.0 MB) DB sync table               
    Key:       47  Size:    10241024 (   9.8 MB) DB CUA buffer               
    Key:       48  Size:      300000 (   0.3 MB) Number range buffer         
    Key:       49  Size:     2769392 (   2.6 MB) Spool admin (SpoolWP+DiaWP) 
    Shared memories outside of pools
    Key:        3  Size:   114048000 ( 108.8 MB) Disp. communication areas   
    Key:        4  Size:      523048 (   0.5 MB) statistic area              
    Key:        6  Size:   692224000 ( 660.2 MB) ABAP program buffer         
    Key:        7  Size:       14838 (   0.0 MB) Update task administration  
    Key:        8  Size:   134217828 ( 128.0 MB) Paging buffer               
    Key:        9  Size:   134217828 ( 128.0 MB) Roll buffer                 
    Key:       18  Size:     1835108 (   1.7 MB) Paging adminitration        
    Key:       19  Size:   119850000 ( 114.3 MB) Table-buffer                
    Key:       41  Size:    25010000 (  23.9 MB) DB statistics buffer        
    Key:       63  Size:      409600 (   0.4 MB) ICMAN shared memory         
    Key:       64  Size:     4202496 (   4.0 MB) Online Text Repository Buf. 
    Key:       65  Size:     4202496 (   4.0 MB) Export/Import Shared Memory 
    Key:     1002  Size:      400000 (   0.4 MB) Performance monitoring V01.0
    Key: 58900114  Size:        4096 (   0.0 MB) SCSA area                   
    Nr of operating system shared memory segments: 16
    Shared memory resource requirements estimated
    Total Nr of shared segments required.....:         16
    System-imposed number of shared memories.:       1000
    Shared memory segment size required min..:  692224000 ( 660.2 MB)
    System-imposed maximum segment size......: 35184372088832 (33554432.0 MB)
    Swap space requirements estimated
    Shared memory....................: 1654.8 MB
    ..in pool 10  328.6 MB,   58% used
    ..in pool 40  143.3 MB,   30% used
    ..not in pool: 1174.1 MB
    Processes........................:  413.4 MB
    Extended Memory .................: 6144.0 MB
    Total, minimum requirement.......: 8212.2 MB
    Process local heaps, worst case..: 3814.7 MB
    Total, worst case requirement....: 21882.9 MB
    Errors detected..................:    0
    Warnings detected................:    3

  • SSRS how to get for number of months

    Hi All;
    below is my SSRS expression 
    =Cdate(Format(Cdate(Mid(Fields!createdon.Value,4,2) & "/" & Mid(Fields!createdon.Value,1,2) & "/" & Mid(Fields!createdon.Value,7,4)),"MMMM yyyy"))
    which gives me the month in MMMM yyyy format in Jan 2014, Feb 2014, Mar 2014... so on
    i need to remove a average of a month 
    i.e Months value/No of months
    I do i get number of months dynamically in SSRS
    Any help much appreciated

    Hi Pradnya07,
    In your scenario, it seems that the createdon is a string data type field with this format: 15/09/2014.
    If we want to get the number of the month in the createdon field, we can directly use the expression below:
    If you also need to get the average data for a month like ‘Months value/No of months’, please refer to the following expression:
    = Fields!Amount.Value /cint(Mid(Fields!createdon.Value,4,2))
    If there are any misunderstanding, please elaborate the issue for further investigation.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Pass function name as parameter in SSRS expression

    I have a function (GetColumnFieldName) which returns string datatype
    Now I want to use this function in below SSRS expression
    At the above expression I want to replace "FirstName" with  function GetColumnFieldName which returns the same "FirstName".
    Please suggest.

    Hi Jajatibabu,
    If I understand correctly, you want to use GetColumnFieldName function which returns a field name to replace the “FirstName” in the expression you post.
    If in this scenario, we can directly use Code.GetColumnFieldName(parameters) to replace the “FirstName” like below:
    Note that we should type the correct parameters in the GetColumnFieldName function.
    If there are any misunderstanding, please elaborate the issue for further investigation.
    Katherine Xiong
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • SSRS Variance expression problem. Create a Variance expression. Compare current month with same month from previous year.

    I am using VS2010 shell.  I have a matrix report where I have a row group by Year.  Then I have a column group by Month. 
    When I run the report, I get 2013 data on top of 2014 data.  Now I need to create a variance by year for each month.
    So in the example below, I need to create an expression that will pull the variance for Oct 01... subtracting 2013 from 2014 for the months.  So I need to Subtract 8,222 - 4290.  I have no clue.
    Here is what my rdl looks like.
    Thank you for your help. 

    Hi Adrian,
    If I understand correctly, you want to calculate the difference order between 2013 and 2014 for every month. And there are only two years in the FISCAL_YEAR field.
    If in this scenario, we can simply use the following expression to achieve your requirement:
    The following screenshot is for your reference:
    If there are any misunderstanding, please elaborate the issue for further investigation.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Authorization error while attaching document in ME22N

    Scenario 1: I attach a document in ME22N and then save it. Result: I get an authorization error.
    Error is: "You have no authorization for extensions (activity03)"
    Scenario 2: I just make a change (say in price) without attaching any document and then when i try to save it. Result: There is no authorization error.
    Message (output) type in both the cases is EDI.
    On further investigation, we found the authority-check abap statement which is responsible for throwing the error.
    authority-check           object authority_obj_edi_deftool
                id 'EDI_TCD'  field  authority_tcode_edi_deftool
                id 'ACTVT'    field  pi_activity
                id 'EDI_DOC'  DUMMY
                id 'EDI_CIM'  field  pi_cimtyp.
    This statement gets executed for both the scenarios and with the SAME variables but it throws error in case of scenario 1 only.
    Following are the values of the variables in BOTH cases:
    authority_obj_edi_deftool = S_IDOCEFT
    authority_tcode_edi_deftool = WE30
    pi_activity = 03
    pi_cimtyp = Z2ORDERS02
    Any help is appreciated.

      Kindly contact your basis team. it will help you.
      Please give him SU53 screen short for his reference.

  • HP LaserJet P2015 Tray 1 paper feed

    My HP LaserJet P2015dn printer has been my workhorse printer since new, especially for printing checks, envelopes, forms from paper Tray 1. I always print using the Auto Select for paper feed, so that if there are checks/envelopes in Tray 1, they will be selected. For the past 6 weeks or so, the printer will not feed from Tray 1 on demand, that is will not pick paper from Tray 1 if Auto Select is enabled as I have used it in the past.
    Printer will pick from Tray 1 IF Tray 1 is specifically selected OR Tray 2 has no paper or is removed. I doubt I can retrain myself to do either of these things as work arounds.
    Stupidly, I paid a $50 bench fee for a technician to tell me the printer is mechanically working as it should. On further investigation, I have determined that the HP print drivers is use seem to have been installed on July 10, 2008 (about the time this issue started AFAIK) from a combined installer HPLaserJetP2015andColorLaserJet2605_2700.dmg which I installed for my Color LaserJet 2605dn printer.
    I still have the prior LJP2015OSXfullsol.dmg on my hard disk, but reinstalling same does not seem to replace the new driver with the old.
    So, is there any way to get rid of the the newer print software OR overlay the older on the newer? Other suggestions?

    So, I cranked up my old PowerBook G4 (OS 10.4.11) which has the older driver for the P2015dn and the problem remains.
    I have made some progress: If I want to print with paper feed from Tray 1, I pull Tray 2 out a few inches, load the paper in Tray 1, start the print job, and the yellow Attention LED flashes indicating an error. Note that the Paper Out light does NOT come on. So I press the Go button, the Attention LED goes out, and the print job completes using the forms in Tray 1 as desired.
    So I'm thinking now, What Error condition? and why does clearing it make it print?
    Certainly seems like a hardware problem to me as this is NOT the way the printer is supposed to work as documenetd in the User Guide.

  • Unable to install HP Laserjet P1005 on a Windows 7 64-bit OS system

    I have attempted to install both the full package and just the driver for an HP Laserjet P1005 local printer to my personal PC which I updated the OS to MS WIndows 7, 64-bit version numerous times and I have been unsuccessful each time. On each attempt to run the installer, whether it be the full version or just the driver, and you come to the point in the installation process where you are to plug in your local printer's USB cable to your PC I keep encountering an error message indicating that the USB device is not recognized. A further investigation reveals that there is in fact an unknown device. I click on this and I encounter a Microsoft generated message which indicates the following information - Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems. (Code 43)
    The following Microsoft web site - http://support.microsoft.com/kb/310123 
    has the following Recommended resolution
    One of the drivers controlling the device notified the operating system that the device failed in some manner.
    If you have already run the Troubleshooting Wizard, you might want to check the hardware documentation for more information about diagnosing the problem.
    Well, I went through all of the above recommended actions and I got nowhere. I went back on the web and did some further research. This time I found the following information at the following HP web page -http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/softwareDownloadIndex?softwareitem=bi-59850-1&lc=en&dlc=en&cc=us&lang=en&os=1060&product=3435668
    This was a link to an HP web page which pertained to a so-called repair utility software that was for an HP Laserjet P1000 and P1500 Series Plug and Play Recovery Utility.I tried this but it has not rectified my problem installing the driver for my local printer.If you have the magical solution to this problem I would appreciate it if you could provide it to me. Thank you.
    <text removed for privacy>
    Message Edited by WendyM on 11-29-2009 08:25 PM

    WendyM: I seem to have EXACTLY the same problem...
    - New Sony Vaio with Windows 7 Home Basic 64bit factory installed
    - HP LaserJet P1005 as a local printer
    - P1005 was first installed on the Vaio using the original install CD and sort of worked
    - worked OK for the installing user but only intermittently for the other user
    - both users had problems with the printer queue locking up in various situations (only solution was to reboot)
    - decide to try and update the installation of the printer
    - downloaded both the driver files you speak of from HP
    - small Plug and Play file (c4Mb) got into endless loop when trying to pre-install drivers and had to be killed
    - large full installation file (c167Mb) also failed to install properly
    - tried uninstalling and rebooting various times after various failed attempts to get this full package to work.
    - situation now is that the P1005 is simply uninstallable on the Vaio but continues to work fine on two XP machines (see below)
    - a detail: when the P1005 is plugged into any machine (Vaio or XPs) USB reports that it could run faster if it was on a USB 2.0 port
    - this seems to be a strange message on a 2010 Sony Vaio which obviously has USB 2.0 ports
    - stranger yet, the XPs are completely unaffected by this message, and print to the P1005 normally, as they always have
    The XP machines:
    - One XP machine is an old 2006 HP Pavilion
    - The other XP machine is a 2009 Acer netbook
    - both machines with their original factory installed XPs, and both regularly updated
    - the P1005 is a local printer on all machines
    - each machine is plugged into it when printing is needed and the 2 XP machines always connect and print, regardless of the USB speed message
    - the P1005 even works from the XPs via an unpowered USB physical hub with a USB mouse connected as well
    HP really seem to have gotten themselves into a rather shameful mess over their printer drivers. In the year 2010 it seems insane that plugging a printer into a computer is so stunningly complex.
    Indeed HP seems to be going rapidly backwards. The Vaio was bought to replace the old 2006 Pavilion (an excellent machine which has never put a foot wrong despite the most intensive use, and which continues to work fine if a little slowly in comparrison to the newer machines) because when we saw the HP replacement we were so repelled by its awful ergonomics, physical appearance, and ragged construction (raw metal edges round the front corners!) in comparisson to the Pavilion that we didn't need any convincing to buy the wonderfully constructed Vaio. Now we discover that a printer that works fine on XPs is unusable on Windows 7. A strange form of progress indeed.
    For many years I revered the quality of HP products. No longer I'm afraid. The Pavilion became a Vaio. I wonder what will take the place of the P1005 (I am actually being extremely restrained about the P1005 because it compares miserably with its sturdy predecessor: our sadly missed HP LaserJet 1010),

  • ConsoleOne and Windows 7

    With the rapid oncoming inevitability of Windows 7 and having completely skipped Vista as a viable Enterprise OS I've been doing a bit of testing.
    I have had Windows 7 x64 Build 7232 running as my primary OS for a bit over a week now and I have to say that it's quite an accomplished presentation. Using the Novell Client 2 for Windows Vista/2008 I have managed to set up my desktop in a thoroughly usable manner with a fully working GroupWise 8 client, properly mapping drives (after an initial odd process of having to re-enter my Tree and Context a couple of times it now goes in an maps all drives seamlessly), and up until yesterday when I allowed my machine to sleep overnight a fully working ConsoleOne.
    It appears that the Novell Client, Groupwise and especially ConsoleOne do not like being recovered out of Sleep as all the network connections are dropped and do not recover gracefully. Groupwise and the drive mappings were not an issue as rebooting and logging in again resolved that issue without much fuss. ConsoleOne on the other hand has not recovered gracefully at all. Now when attempting to make a change to a user I get communication errors and when trying to change a users password I get the following error:
    (Error 0x8801) A request was attempted with and invalid or nonattached connection handle.
    Further investigation (i.e. clicking on Details :) ) produces this:
    0x8801 CONN INVALID
    Client Services
    An attempt by an application to request a connection failed. If a connection is closed, it becomes invalid.
    Possible Cause
    The connection handle that is being used by the requesting application no longer refers to a given connection slot in the requester's connection table. In this case, the application, such as an executable file or driver, might be out of date.
    Possible Cause
    An application might request that a connection be closed without any regard to other applications that point to the open connection.
    Try the task again. If the error persists, contact the developer of the application for the latest version of the application.
    Possible Cause
    The server ran out of connections.
    To free a connection, have a user who is connected to the server log out. Or, to increase the number of connections allowed for that server, go to a workstation where a user is connected to the server and has Supervisor rights, and increase the number of connections allowed.
    Possible Cause
    The software might not allow more connections for the client. For example, in some of the NetWare 3.12 utilities, like MAP and CAPTURE, this error will be returned if the workstation is attached to 9 or more servers. In NetWare 3.12, these utilities were designed to provide functionality for only 8 servers.
    If you desire to increase the number of connections that a workstation can have, use a version of the software that will allow more connections. The utilities in NetWare 4 and later versions allow this number of connections.
    Possible Cause
    The connection might have been closed at the server, such as by an administrator clearing a connection using MONITOR.
    If desired, have the user log in again to the network.
    A trademark symbol (,TM, etc.) denotes a Novell trademark. An asterisk (*) denotes a third-party trademark. For information on trademarks, see Legal Notices.
    Error Codes Contents
    So - a little ambiguous in the Possible Cause/Action scenarios. I did try uninstalling my Novell Client and re-installing without NMAS as this has been known to cause issues.
    The other thing I would've liked to have tried was re-installing ConsoleOne - but there is the small issue of C1 checking for an up to date version of the Novell Client being present and as was entirely expected C1 doesn't recognise the Beta Novell Client 2 for Windows Vista/2008 as being a viable up to date Windows client and promptly boots you out of the install siting that version 4.91 is a much more up to date client and that I should install that instead before trying to update C1... Nice...
    You might ask how I got C1 working on Windows 7 in the first place - well it was fairly straight forward - I copied the installation off the network rather than trying to do a local install as I have seen many instances of people having to do registry hacks to get it installing - this doesn't make much sense to me as the reality is that the majority of enterprise environments use Windows and within the next 6-12 months Windows 7 is going to start having a level of penetration making our having to administer to it inevitable.
    Not being able to administer to your environment because the tools don't work is not really acceptable. Granted W7 is in RC1 at the moment and as such is not strictly a released OS and as such isn't 'supported' surely it's better to start looking into this stuff sooner rather than later. I'd use iManager but it is an utterly painful and woefully non-intuitive tool when compared to C1. There is a HUGE amount of work left to go toward making that one a viable admin tool.
    So rant over - my questions:
    1. Is ConsoleOne a dead admin tool and is it something that we as network administrators should be fogetting in favor of iMangler?
    2. Does anyone have a more definitive idea what might be causeing the 0x8801 CONN INVALID error and what might be a way of fixing it as for now ConsoleOne is a significantly better admin tool for us.
    3. Are the any plans for Windows 7 support and when is Novell going to start making this support available to the end users?
    4. As far as Novell admin tools go - am I missing something? Is there a super intuitive clever admin tool out there that nicely centralises our workload?
    Many thanks!

    Originally Posted by Marcel_Cox
    Well, Novell doesn't support running ConsoleOne on anything beyond Windows
    XP. About the time NetWare 6.0 was relased more than half a dozen years
    ago, Novell decided that the future direction was iManager and that all
    new poroducts should be managed through iMAnager. Alas, as so often,
    Novell doesn't have the power to impose its own decisions to its own
    product teams and so some teams continued to use ConsoleOne as their main
    management tool, even though the death of ConsoleOne was clearly and
    loudly announced in advance. This now leaves the customers in the bad
    situation that a recently shipped product like Groupwise 8 uses a dead an
    unsupported Management tool ConsoleOne.
    Bad is one way to put it, extremely amateurish is another. How can a company as large and established as Novell after six years still get this realtively basic thing so wrong? Don't get me wrong, I've been a Novell fan for years but, there is something terribly wrong with the development process if upper management can't control their own dev teams!
    So not only are we as customers faced with a piecemeal approach to our admin processes but we're also going to have to face having to administer with externally unsupported tools whilst the dev teams still insist on plugging away with them. Personally I'd start putting my time an effort back into getting ConsoleOne into a usable state as it is far superior (I can't believe I'm saying this about Conslow 1 ;) ) admin tool compared to the entirely unintuitive iManager. Either that or employ some accessability specialists to work on iManager because in it's current state it is not a particularily friendly structure to work through.
    Originally Posted by Marcel_Cox
    Now the fact that you first got ConsoleOne to work is because you have
    been using an older version of ConsoleOne which didn't check for the
    client version yet. That last version of consoleOne does in fact include a
    client version check and refuses to run on a client with a version number
    less than 4.91 (assuming of course the v4.91 client for Windows XP). Now
    the newer clients for Vista and beyond have version numbers 1 and 2 which
    are of course lower than 4.91 and therefore ConsoleOne refuses to run. You
    can however cheat and make ConsoleOne think you have a newer client
    version. This is described here:
    Installing and Running ConsoleOne on Windows Vista
    Cheers for the reply Marcel, I do appreciate it despite my gripes about the situation. I used the registry hack and it did allow me to install 1.3.6h successfully - after renaming the old install directory of course. Unfortunately I still have the same issue as before. I also tried installing 1.3.6h over the top of the old install as well so that it carried across all my snapins with the same unsuccessful result.
    Currently any user password resets are being done via iManager, which by the way I still have to figure out how to assign roles etc to myself, using an admin user account which is not overly desireable. Any major changes are still being done through ConsoleOne with my dual booted XP install which seems perfectly happy.
    Being completely aware of how annoying it is to hear someone b*tch and moan about and issue and not offer any solutions I would offer my services/suggestions as a long time admin for a potential remodeling of iManager to a much more usable and admin friendly interface however I have no idea either who to talk to or whether they would listen.
    Anyway - again I appreciate your response and if anything else comes to mind please let me know!

  • Adobe Bridge CS 5 and Photoshop Elements 8 compatibility?

    I have Photoshop Elements 8 installed with Camera Raw 5.5 on a Windows 7 platform.  I recently purchased Photoshop CS 5 which came with Camera Raw 6.2.  Both products work well independently.  Where I'm encountering an issue is when I use Adobe Bridge to access an image file for processing in Camera Raw 6.2, the changes made to the file show up in Adobe Bridge, but are not observable in the Photoshop Elements Organizer.  When I look at the file properties I can see that Camera Raw 6.2 updated the file and the updated date does appear in the PS Elements Organizer.  Also the items listed in the Camera Raw metadata are different in the two products (PS vs PSE).  I'm wondering if Camera Raw 6.2 is writing data in a structure that is not supported by Camera Raw 5.5?  Will updating PSE to the Camera Raw 6.2 version solve this mystery or is likely to introduce a more serious problem?
    I happen to like some of the features of the PSE Organizer that are not available in Adobe Bridge so I'd like to have them work well together.

    Here's some additional information obtained after further investigation.
    I edited a .NEF file from Adobe Bridge using Camera Raw 6.2, then saved the file.  I checked with Windows Explorer to see that the file modification date and time reflected the current time -- they did.  Then I viewed the file in PSE 8 Organizer.  The file did not reflect the changes so I updated the thumbnail.  That made it clear that changes had been made, however, but there was a noticable difference between the renderings of the image in the two applications.  Colors appeared more saturated in the PSE displayed version.
    I've also tried to update the PSE 8 Camera Raw plug-in from the distributed version 5.5 to the current version 6.2 but was not successful.  The online instructions don't seem to address all the fine points of making that work on a Windows 7 64-bit system.
    Another less serious issue is that tags and captions don't seem to be totally mobile between the two applications.

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