Future Dated Special Prices

I have created a Special Price that does not go into affect until a future date. When the item associated with this special price is entered in an order for the BP, no price comes up. It appears that the existence of the special price stops SAP from looking elsewhere yet because the special price is not in affect yet relative to the date entered, no price is retrieved. The BP has a Discount Group that supports a price for the Item and the BP has a default price list. One would expect that SAP would look for a Special Price for the date on the order, not find it because of the date set in the Special Price,  and then go look at Discount Group and find the price there. I wouldn't expect that I would have to enter a line in the Special price to support the BP until the future date is reached. Bug or poor functionality?

Hi Chris,
I'm not able to replicate that behaviour.  The system however doesn't operate quite as you expect, as special prices always override discount groups.  So when we set up a special price it has to have a price in the main special prices window as well as in the period discounts window.  then when you key an order, it will use the price from the special prices window over any discount group price until the period discount comes into effect.
Perhaps you have no price in the main special prices window?

Similar Messages

  • Change Log needed at price list and special prices

    Tracking changes made to the price list and special prices by BP is a valuable control function missing that needs to be included in future.

    I was told by my Implementation Partner that it is possible to import and update price list by using the Import function that is available in SBO.  To do this:
    1. From your sales quotation with the agreed prices - export to excel.
    2. Change the format to list: Product code, Price list to update, New price, Currency
    3. Save the file as tab delimited text
    4. Import into SBO using the Administration, Data Import/Export, Data Import, Import from Excel option.
    5. Choose Item type to import
    6. In the B line, choose Price List Code, the list updates to show only the fields relevant to price list updates
    7. Press OK and follow rest of instructions to complete the import.
    I found the above to be simple, repeatable and reliable enough to solve my initial question.

  • Report to show changes in special prices

    Hi All
    We are having a problem currently where some users change the prices in the system and since the special prices table or price table does not have a log it makes it difficult to check who changed the prices from what price to what price and when.
    So as a solution I am looking for a report or function that will alert me when there is any price change, or a log file that can log any price changes in the system.
    We are using SBO 8.81 A PL09

    You've posted your question in the System Administration forum which is for system installation and configuration topics. Your question would be better placed in the reporting forum:
    or in the general application forum:
    In answer to the question, I think you could probably create your own logging solution by creating a separate SQL table and using a script in the SBO_SP_TransactionNotification proc to insert a record in this table when a user updates a special price. The SBO client will pass the CardCode and ItemCode properties through in the proc. The object type is 7. The OSPP has a UserSign field but I'm not sure if that holds the UserID of the original user who created the special price or if its the user who last updated the record. You'd have to test that. Alternatively you could develop an add-on that runs in the GUI to track the user clicking on Add/Update in the special pricing screen and recording the details.
    Kind Regards,

  • DI API: 2005A PL: 08  Special Prices

    Hi everyone,
    I am using the DI-Object SpecialPrices for adding a special price in the Database. We use a German MSSQL Server 2000 and VB.Net (1.1)
    My Code:
    Public Sub PreislisteZwischenspeichernLöschenUndSetzen()
                'Dim oPreisliste As SAPbobsCOM.PriceLists
                Dim oSonderpreisliste As SAPbobsCOM.SpecialPrices
                Dim oSonderpreislisteDataArea As SAPbobsCOM.SpecialPricesDataAreas
                Dim oSonderpreislisteQuantityArea As SAPbobsCOM.SpecialPricesQuantityAreas
                Dim oSBOB As SAPbobsCOM.SBObob
                oSBOB = oCibAddOn.oCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.BoBridge)
                'oPreisliste = oCibAddOn.oCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.oPriceLists)
                oSonderpreisliste = oCibAddOn.oCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.oSpecialPrices)
                ' Staffelpreisliste neu eingeben
                ' Wichtig, Standardpreis muss in der Preisliste unter ITM1 eingegeben sein
                Dim oArtikelPreis As SAPbobsCOM.Items
                Dim oArtikelPreise As SAPbobsCOM.Items_Prices
                oArtikelPreis = oCibAddOn.oCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.oItems)
                Dim intIndex As Integer = 0
                Dim blExit As Boolean = False
                Do While blExit = False And intIndex < oArtikelPreis.PriceList.Count
                    If oArtikelPreis.PriceList.PriceList = 1 Then
                        oArtikelPreis.PriceList.Currency = "EUR"
                        oArtikelPreis.PriceList.Price = 12.5
                        If oArtikelPreis.Update() <> 0 Then
                        End If
                        blExit = True
                    End If
                    intIndex += 1
                oSonderpreisliste.CardCode = "70000"
                oSonderpreisliste.ItemCode = "9999"
                oSonderpreisliste.Currency = "EUR"
                oSonderpreisliste.Price = 12.5
                oSonderpreisliste.PriceListNum = 1
                oSonderpreisliste.SpecialPricesDataAreas.AutoUpdate = BoYesNoEnum.tYES
                oSonderpreisliste.SpecialPricesDataAreas.DateFrom = New System.DateTime(2006, 4, 26)
                oSonderpreisliste.SpecialPricesDataAreas.Dateto = New System.DateTime(2006, 4, 28)
                oSonderpreisliste.SpecialPricesDataAreas.PriceCurrency = "EUR"
                oSonderpreisliste.SpecialPricesDataAreas.PriceListNo = 1
                oSonderpreisliste.SpecialPricesDataAreas.SpecialPrice = 12.5
                oSonderpreisliste.SpecialPricesDataAreas.SpecialPricesQuantityAreas.PriceCurrency = "EUR"
                oSonderpreisliste.SpecialPricesDataAreas.SpecialPricesQuantityAreas.Quantity = 1
                oSonderpreisliste.SpecialPricesDataAreas.SpecialPricesQuantityAreas.SpecialPrice = 12.5
                oSonderpreisliste.SpecialPricesDataAreas.SpecialPricesQuantityAreas.PriceCurrency = "EUR"
                oSonderpreisliste.SpecialPricesDataAreas.SpecialPricesQuantityAreas.Quantity = 100
                oSonderpreisliste.SpecialPricesDataAreas.SpecialPricesQuantityAreas.SpecialPrice = 10
                oSonderpreisliste.SpecialPricesDataAreas.SpecialPricesQuantityAreas.PriceCurrency = "EUR"
                oSonderpreisliste.SpecialPricesDataAreas.SpecialPricesQuantityAreas.Quantity = 1000
                oSonderpreisliste.SpecialPricesDataAreas.SpecialPricesQuantityAreas.SpecialPrice = 7.5
                If oSonderpreisliste.Add <> 0 Then
                End If
            End Sub
    We get all the time the errormessage: Date is out of range.
    We also try to use the functions SaveAsXML and GetBusinessObjectFromXML, but then the same error comes.
    Trinidad wrote a lot of time that the error is solved in the Version 2005, but it isn`t so for us.
    Please help

    Sorry for the double post; I thought I would be better showing how my code goes.
    As with the original poster, I am using the DI-object Special Prices to insert new records. I am trying to create a Special Price that is BP-Item specific, using the default demo company (SBO Demo UK), valid date from 15 Jun to 20 Jun.
    Dim oSpecialPrices As SpecialPrices = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.oSpecialPrices)
    Dim oSpecialPricesDataAreas As SpecialPricesDataAreas = oSpecialPrices.SpecialPricesDataAreas
    ' SpecialPrices settings
    oSpecialPrices.ItemCode = "A1000"
    oSpecialPrices.CardCode = "C1000"
    oSpecialPrices.AutoUpdate = BoYesNoEnum.tYES
    oSpecialPrices.PriceListNum = 3
    oSpecialPrices.DiscountPercent = 50
    ' ------------------ START ------------------
    ' SpecialPricesDataAreas settings
    oSpecialPricesDataAreas.DateFrom = New DateTime(2006, 6, 15)
    oSpecialPricesDataAreas.Dateto = New DateTime(2006, 6, 20)
    oSpecialPricesDataAreas.AutoUpdate = BoYesNoEnum.tYES
    oSpecialPricesDataAreas.Discount = 15
    oSpecialPricesDataAreas.PriceListNo = oSpecialPrices.PriceListNum
    oSpecialPricesDataAreas.PriceCurrency = "GBP"
    ' ------------------- END -------------------
    ' Adding and checking for any errors
    oCompany.GetLastError(lErrCode, sErrMsg)
    If lErrCode <> 0 Then
        MsgBox(lErrCode & ": " & sErrMsg)
    End If
    If the portion of the code between START and END was commented out the insertion was successful. Else as it is, it will keep prompting Invalid Date Range (-10).
    Can anyone please shower some enlightenment?

  • Business Partner Special Price Import - DTW

    We have a number of special prices for Business Partners which we'd like to update. In some cases, we would like to remove the current special price and have the system pick up the unit price against an item within Item Master Data.
    When importing through DTW using the OSPP template, we have entered '0' as the price. This correctly imports in through DTW and removes the special price however, when we then raise a sales order for that item. The unit price is zero and it hasn't picked up the unit price against the item within item master data.
    Is this how it works or is there a setting we're perhaps missing? I have test this in the demo and it does pick up the unit price from item master. In our set of data, it does not.

    Hi Juan,
    You may check:
    Re: Price List table not updated
    Prices auto adjusted when setting up BP Special Prices

  • R11.0.3: An Invoice with future dated apyment data flow

    제품 : FIN_AP
    작성날짜 : 2003-11-18
    R11.0.3: An Invoice with future dated apyment data flow
    Future Dated Payment Term을 사용하는 Invoice의 Data Flow에 대해 살펴보도록 한다.
    accounting rule = accrual
    .allowed future dated payment
    1. Create a standard invoice (invoice amount: 2100, item amount: 2100, payment term : future dated payment)
    And transfer it to GL.
    * ap_invoice_distributions_all
    accounting_date = 2003-11-11
    accrual_posted_flag = Y
    posted_flag = Y
    * ap_trial_balance
    accounting_date = 2003-11-11
    distribution_amount = 2100
    * 해당 data gl_interface table로 넘어감.
    2. Posting these transferred journals in gl module
    * 해당 data가 gl_interface table에서 삭제 된 후
    * gl_je_lines
    accounted_dr = 2100 charge
    accounted_cr = 2100 liability
    3. Create a payment against this invoice with mature date = 12-nov-2003 and then transfer it to gl
    * ap_invoice_payments_all
    accounting_date = 2003-11-11
    accrual_posted_flag = 'N'
    posted_flag = 'N'
    future_pay_posted_flag = 'Y'
    * ap_payment_distributions_all
    line_type_lookup_code = 'CASH'
    * ap_trial_balance
    accounting_date = 2003-11-11
    payment_amount = 2100
    * ap_checks_all
    status_lookup_code = 'NEGOTIABLE'
    4. Posting these payment journals in gl module
    * 해당 data가 gl_interface table에서 삭제 된 후
    * gl_je_lines
    accounted__cr : 2100 future pay
    accounted_dr : 2100 liability
    5. Clear this payment and then transfer to gl
    Future dated payment 이고 Cash Management 를 사용하면 Cash Management 에서
    Bank Reconcilation을 해주시면 됩니다.
    Cash Management 를 사용하지 않으실 때는
    "automatic clearing for future dated payment" 를 수행하여서 clear 를 해주어야 합니다.
    이번 test case에서는 cash managemnt를 사용하지 않고 automatic clearing for
    future dated payment 를 수행하여 clear 해주었습니다.
    * ap_checks_all
    status_lookup_code = 'CLEARED BUT UNACCOUNTED'
    Cash Management를 사용하지 않기 때문에 status가 위와 같이 나타납니다.
    Cash Management를 사용하면 option에 따라 status가 cleared나 reconciled로 변경 됩니다.
    6. Transfer these cleared payment to gl and posting in gl
    * 이 때에는 ap_trial_balance table에는 아무런 영향도 주지 않습니다.
    * ap_invoice_payments_all
    accrual_posted_flag = 'Y'
    posted_flag = 'Y'
    * gl_je_lines
    accounted_dr= 2100 future pay
    accounted_cr = 2100 cash
    Reference Documents

      Thanks for your answer; I was out for few days and hence the delay.
      What I am looking for is the complete usage model of the following ODS.
    1> 0BBP_SC     we have figured it out
    2> 0BBP_SCA    we have figured it out
    3> 0BBP_DOC    we have figured it out
    4> 0bbp_inv    we need help
         Looks like this can be populated from R3 using the following
    Data Source    Info Source                    ODS Object
    2LIS_02_ITM    2LIS_02_ITM                 0BBP_INV
    2LIS_02_HDR    2LIS_02_HDR                0BBP_INV
    5> 0BBP_DS     we need help
    6> 0bbp_po     we need help
        The same combination is also used to populate the 0BBP_PO as well. We suspect that 0BBP_DS will then be populated from both 0BBP_INV and 0BBP_PO. At least that what we though after activating the BC and reading the sap help on BC for SRM.
      We are doing a proof of concept and want to know all the ODS with data. We want to build an end to end (Shopping cart, approval, Doc flow, PO data with value, Invoice data with Value) and struggling to understand the model surrounding this three ODS ( 0bbp_inv, 0bbp_ds, 0bbp_po). Any help in this area will be appreciated.

  • HR - Daily Snapshot Issues with Future Dated Changes

    The w_employee_daily_snp_f_1 table has timing issues. The effective end date on all per_all_assignments_f, per_all_people_f, etc always shows the time at midnight. For example: 08/14/2009 12:00:00 AM. When this person has a new assignment, for one day only, the extract does not pick up this person. See example below:
    Employee 123 has a supervisor change and the new supervisor is effective on 6/15/2009
    Emp Eff Start Date Eff End Date Supervisor
    123 01/01/2009 12:00:00 AM 06/14/2009 12:00:00 AM 888
    123 06/15/2009 12:00:00 AM 12/31/4712 12:00:00 AM 555
    When the ETL runs on the night of 6/14/09 at 7:35:42 PM, this record does not get picked up because according to the apps.per_all_assignments_f table on the day of 6/14/09 this person does not have an active assignment. There is one day when the person (according to the system) does not have a supervisor. The next night, on 6/15/09 10:34:18 PM the record reappears and does so every night until the assignment record is again end dated. This only occurs for future dated HR changes.
    This is a big problem because if the future dated change is for a supervisor, not only does the supervisor not appear in the daily snapshot, but either does any of his/her subordinates. Has anyone else run into this problem? How did you solve it? Did you customize all the HR mappings?

    Have posted an updated version of the MST to my webspace here:
    This new version fixes the following issues (changes to this version in bold):
    MsiInstaller repair & errors on first run as non-admin (removes 'AppData' directory entries)
    DCOM errors once Shockwave is installed (adds double quotes to the beginnning of LocalServer32 value)
    Incorrect TypeLib paths in the registry (fixed to use built-in [SystemFolder] property)
    Default CLSID description value missing (set to 'Shockwave ActiveX Control', as per the executable installer)
    Incorrect Shockwave 10 paths in the registry (fixed to use built-in [SystemFolder] property)
    Misspelt 'OptionalComponets' registry key (renamed to 'OptionalComponents')
    Missing .dcr, .dir, .dxr Content Type registry values (included in the executable installer)
    Fixed incorrect AppID registry key (set to use installer's [VERSION] variable)
    Removed 'Launch SWDNLD.exe' shortcut created in Programs subfolder (people don't want this - see here)
    I have tested this on my network and it all seems to work fine. Unfortunately my original plan to use the executable installer didn't work out as it does not include the Shockwave 10 compatibility components described here and here, so it looks like I'll have to keep this MST file up to date with the latest versions until Adobe fix the problems themselves...
    If you want to see the changes that I have made, load up Adobe's MSI file in Orca, then use Transform / Apply Transform to apply the MST, and look for the entries in green.
    Please post any feedback to this thread, and I will try to respond if I can help!
    Chris Hill

  • Absolute value discount in Special Prices

    I have a customer that has special prices with a value discount, not a percentage one.
    I thought about adding a UDF to the Special Prices table and do a formatted search against it, but later I found that I cannot add an UDF to the Special Prices table...
    All the discount functionality in SBO is percentage based...how should I implement an absolute value discount?
    Any ideas will be much appreciated...

    This is sample code in C++ to add UDF.
    _bstr_t TableName = L"TableUID";
    _bstr_t FieldName;
    HRESULT hr;
    SAPbobsCOM::IUserFieldsMDPtr m_pUserFieldsMD = m_Cmp->GetBusinessObject( SAPbobsCOM::oUserFields );
    FieldName = L"FieldUID";   'without U_'
    m_pUserFieldsMD->PutName( FieldName );
    m_pUserFieldsMD->PutDescription( L"desc");          
    if ( m_pUserFieldsMD == NULL )
    return -1;
    hr = m_pUserFieldsMD->Add();
    if (hr!=S_OK)
    if ( m_Cmp->InTransaction )
    m_Cmp->EndTransaction( SAPbobsCOM::wf_Commit );
    Hope it helps.
    Kamil Wydra

  • Changing colors in special prices BP

    Hi all,
    When hierarchies are available per article in the function Special prices per BP, all figures are automatically blue, when there are no hierarchies, all figures stays black.
    The difference between blue and black is hard to see for some people.
    The blue color is also visible in sales/purchase orders when hierarchies are available, but sometimes hard to see the difference.
    Can these colors be changed??
    Thanks in advance.
    Best regards,
    Carl Verhagen

    I am not sure if the colors can be changed.  I agree sometimes it could be hard to differentiate the colors.
    You might try posting the question to the SDK forum to get some insights on what options are available through SDK.
    Good luck

  • Future Dated Payments in Oracle Accounts Receivables

    Hi Experts,
    Please help me on how to handle the Future Dated Payments in AR, here our Customer gives Future dated checks and the same we have to record in AR.. I know the process of Recording Future Dated Payment (Bills Payable) in AP but not in AR.. Please help me on this.
    Thanks in advance..

    You can view this information in the Invoice Inquiry screen.
    The navigation for the same from any standard responsibility is Invoices>Inquiry>Invioces - This will open the Find Invoices window.
    For e.g. you want to find out which supplier have the Prepayments and Future Dated Payments available, than perform the following search:
    Enter the supplier name in the supplier name field and click on the TAB - Calculate Balance Owed, thereafter Calculate Balance Owed screen will appear and then click the Calculate Button which will display the following information:
    Invioce Count and Balance:
    Unpaid Amount:
    Future Dated Payments:
    Less Available Prepayments:
    Number of invoices:
    Number of Prepayments.
    Hope this helps.
    Manish Jain.

  • Query to see all BP's with a special price for an item

    Hi There,
    I'm currently still learning the product and have been tasked with finding this out, so please bear with me and let me know if there is further information that is required.
    I have a customer running SAP B1 2007 who wishes to produce a report detailing all of the BP's that have a special price for an item. 
    Therefore it would ideally show the item number, all BP's who have a special price and what that price is.
    Is there a standard report that can be run for this?  Or would a query have to be defined?
    Any help would be appreciated.

    AFAIK, no standard report for this. But need not to worry, you just need
    SELECT ItemCode,CardCode,Price FROM OSPP ORDER BY ItemCode,CardCode
    above simple query to cater your need.
    Best Regards,
    Hendry Wijaya

  • R12 - Payables - Prepayment & Future Dated Payments

    I'm looking (in R12 Payables) for
    1. Pre-payment invoices record which is not yet applied
    2. Future Dated records which are not yet matured
    Can you please help and suggest where I can get these details...table name or report or screen....
    Thanks in advance

    You can view this information in the Invoice Inquiry screen.
    The navigation for the same from any standard responsibility is Invoices>Inquiry>Invioces - This will open the Find Invoices window.
    For e.g. you want to find out which supplier have the Prepayments and Future Dated Payments available, than perform the following search:
    Enter the supplier name in the supplier name field and click on the TAB - Calculate Balance Owed, thereafter Calculate Balance Owed screen will appear and then click the Calculate Button which will display the following information:
    Invioce Count and Balance:
    Unpaid Amount:
    Future Dated Payments:
    Less Available Prepayments:
    Number of invoices:
    Number of Prepayments.
    Hope this helps.
    Manish Jain.

  • R12 Future Dated Payments

    Hi All,
    Kindly let me know if there is a solution for the below case.
    Ex- there is a future dated payment issued in oracle with maturity date as on 01 June 2011, now during the time of issuing the accounting would be Supplier Liability Dr to Future Dated Payment Cr.
    Now on the date of maturity (i.e 01 June 2011) the status of the bill would be negotiable (i.e when the program 'update future dated payments status' is run) and the accounting would get changed to Future Dated Payment Dr to Cash Clearing Cr.
    Now as per the business process Bank would be sending me a document, which would contain the details of the bills that have been submitted to the bank and only after that i have to change the status to negotiable and create the respective acconting.....for ex..in the above case, if the supplier submits the bill to the bank on 10 June 2011 instead of 01 June 2011, then the status neotiable and its accounting has to on 10th june only.
    Any pointers to the above issue would be of great help....

    You can view this information in the Invoice Inquiry screen.
    The navigation for the same from any standard responsibility is Invoices>Inquiry>Invioces - This will open the Find Invoices window.
    For e.g. you want to find out which supplier have the Prepayments and Future Dated Payments available, than perform the following search:
    Enter the supplier name in the supplier name field and click on the TAB - Calculate Balance Owed, thereafter Calculate Balance Owed screen will appear and then click the Calculate Button which will display the following information:
    Invioce Count and Balance:
    Unpaid Amount:
    Future Dated Payments:
    Less Available Prepayments:
    Number of invoices:
    Number of Prepayments.
    Hope this helps.
    Manish Jain.

  • Future Dated Invoices and Payments

    Can you give me some inputs about Future Dated Invoices and Payments..?
    What its importance?
    What would the effect on the AP Trial Balance and Account Analysis if I use it?

    Hi Grace
    Future dated payments are the post dated cheques (in layman's language). For example - When we take some office space on rent, we need to pay monthly rent for it. Generally, the owner of the office would like to have the cheques provided to him on the date of agreement dated for the respective month (as a matter of security). These cheques will bear the date for the respective months. Lets say you enter into an agreement on 01-May-2010 for one year, you will provide 12 checks dated 01-May-2010, 01-Jun-2010, 01-Jul-2010 etc. All these checks would be post dated payments.
    These payments do not reduce the cash/bank balances as on the date of issue. This happens on the date of maturity of payment (check date). These payments are entered into the oracle system by using the payment method "Bills Payable" or any similar payment methods.
    The accounting for these payments (at the time of recording the payment) - Supplier Liability Dr. and Future Dated Payment Liability credit. It will not have much impact on the trial balance except for the fact that the liability code combination would change -- from supplier liability to future dated liability. On the date of maturity, when you run the report to matrue the bills payable, the status of the payment changes to negotiable and then the accounting takes place - Future Dated liability dr... and cash/cash clearing credit.
    Hope this explains. Let me know if you have any further question or ned any further clarity
    Edited by: vinitp on Jun 22, 2010 8:47 PM

  • Price and special price

    My question is about special price and depending on the last price a discount applies
    Example discount 10%
    Customer A no special price for article B 100 so with discount it'll be 90
    Customer B special price for article B 70 so with discount it'll be 63

    You can use the Special Price for BP's

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