FWSM Primary delay returning to active

We have several FWSM in 2 6500 chassis and a few days ago the primary FWSM rebooted itself for unknown reasons and the secondary FWSM took over as planned.
But the primary FWSM has, after several days, switched back over to active automatically.
Question is, does anyone know why there would be such a long delay for the primary to request active mode?

Thanks for your reply. This is the log output when the primary decided to take over as active:-
May 27 14:22:41 %FWSM-1-104002: (Secondary) Switching to STNDBY - Other unit want me Standby
May 27 14:22:41 %FWSM-1-104001: (Primary) Switching to ACTIVE - Set by the CI config cmd
Here is the failover history from the standby unit. It did not reboot like the primary did a few days ago.
Not Detected Negotiation No Error
Negotiation Cold Standby Detected an Active mate
Cold Standby Sync Config Detected an Active mate
Sync Config Sync File System Detected an Active mate
Sync File System Bulk Sync Detected an Active mate
Bulk Sync Standby Ready Detected an Active mate
Standby Ready Just Active Other unit want me Active
Just Active Active Drain Other unit want me Active
Active Drain Active Applying Config Other unit want me Active
Active Applying Config Active Config Applied Other unit want me Active
Active Config Applied Active Other unit want me Active
Active Standby Ready Set by the CI config cmd
Standby Ready Just Active HELLO not heard from mate
Just Active Active Drain HELLO not heard from mate
Active Drain Active Applying Config HELLO not heard from mate
Active Applying Config Active Config Applied HELLO not heard from mate
Active Config Applied Active HELLO not heard from mate
Active Standby Ready Other unit want me Standby
- Trevor

Similar Messages

  • BACKUP LOG suddenly failed with Msg 35250, Level 16, State 11 The connection to the primary replica is not active. The command cannot be processed.

    I have AlwaysOn SQL 2012 Enterprise set-up using Windows Failover Clustering Services (not FCI), and have 1 Primary node (P), 1 Synchronous Commit Auto Failover (SC), and 1 Asynchronous Commit Manual Failover (AC) node.  It is set up to prefer secondary,
    with the highest priority given to AC node.
    I am using Ola Hollengren's scripts for Database Maintenance jobs, including a native BACKUP LOG job for the transaction logs of all user databases on a 1 minute schedule.  His scripts already consider AlwaysOn, and although the job is set-up on all
    3 nodes, only ever runs on AC node.
    The job has been running successfully since initial set-up almost 1 year ago, but suddenly yesterday morning started to fail with the following error, only on 1 of the 13 databases in my availability group:
    Date and time: 2014-06-08 09:36:11
    Command: BACKUP LOG [my_db] TO DISK = N'E:\MSSQL\\Transaction Dumps\my_db\MySQLCL$MySQLAG_my_db_20140608_093610_U_LOG.trn' WITH CHECKSUM, COMPRESSION
    Msg 35250, Level 16, State 11, Server AC, Line 1
    The connection to the primary replica is not active.  The command cannot be processed.
    Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Server AC, Line 1
    BACKUP LOG is terminating abnormally.
    Outcome: Failed
    Duration: 00:01:00
    The other 12 databases continued to backup successfully.
    Checking the Availability Group dashboard, windows event logs, and SQL Server error logs, including Failover Cluster events showed no issues.
    However, monitoring software (Idera SQLdm) showed blocked sessions on P node.  When I ran sp_who2, it showed that a background process was being blocked by another background process with an HADR BACKUP LOCK.
    Since both processes were background processes, I was unable to kill either process.  I temporarily disabled the transaction log backup job, but the blocked process was still active.
    I ran DBCC CHECKDB (my_db) WITH all_errormsgs, no_infomsgs, data_purity on both P and AC nodes, with no errors.  However, on AC node, it also showed 1 transaction rolled forward and 0 transactions rolled back.  This also had the effect of releasing
    the blocked background process, but another background process was now blocking with the same HADR BACKUP LOCK.
    I tried to restart SQL Server Agent on AC node, which did not immediately seem to work.  However, after a few minutes, I noticed that the block had disappeared.  I re-enabled the transaction log backup job on AC and it started working normally
    again.  The error has not occurred again, but I am at a loss as to what happened, and how to prevent it from happening again.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    And here is part 2 of the stored procedure:
    --// Execute backup commands //--
    WHILE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM @tmpDatabases WHERE Selected = 1 AND Completed = 0)
    SELECT TOP 1 @CurrentDBID = ID,
    @CurrentDatabaseName = DatabaseName,
    @CurrentDatabaseNameFS = DatabaseNameFS,
    @CurrentDatabaseType = DatabaseType
    FROM @tmpDatabases
    WHERE Selected = 1
    AND Completed = 0
    SET @CurrentDatabaseID = DB_ID(@CurrentDatabaseName)
    IF DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@CurrentDatabaseName,'Status') = 'ONLINE'
    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.database_recovery_status WHERE database_id = @CurrentDatabaseID AND database_guid IS NOT NULL)
    SET @CurrentIsDatabaseAccessible = 1
    SET @CurrentIsDatabaseAccessible = 0
    SET @CurrentIsDatabaseAccessible = 0
    SELECT @CurrentDifferentialBaseLSN = differential_base_lsn
    FROM sys.master_files
    WHERE database_id = @CurrentDatabaseID
    AND [type] = 0
    AND [file_id] = 1
    -- Workaround for a bug in SQL Server 2005
    IF @Version >= 9 AND @Version < 10
    AND EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.master_files WHERE database_id = @CurrentDatabaseID AND [type] = 0 AND [file_id] = 1 AND differential_base_lsn IS NOT NULL AND differential_base_guid IS NOT NULL AND differential_base_time IS NULL)
    SET @CurrentDifferentialBaseLSN = NULL
    SELECT @CurrentDifferentialBaseIsSnapshot = is_snapshot
    FROM msdb.dbo.backupset
    WHERE database_name = @CurrentDatabaseName
    AND [type] = 'D'
    AND checkpoint_lsn = @CurrentDifferentialBaseLSN
    IF DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@CurrentDatabaseName,'Status') = 'ONLINE'
    SELECT @CurrentLogLSN = last_log_backup_lsn
    FROM sys.database_recovery_status
    WHERE database_id = @CurrentDatabaseID
    SET @CurrentBackupType = @BackupType
    IF @ChangeBackupType = 'Y'
    IF @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' AND DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@CurrentDatabaseName,'Recovery') <> 'SIMPLE' AND @CurrentLogLSN IS NULL AND @CurrentDatabaseName <> 'master'
    SET @CurrentBackupType = 'DIFF'
    IF @CurrentBackupType = 'DIFF' AND @CurrentDifferentialBaseLSN IS NULL AND @CurrentDatabaseName <> 'master'
    SET @CurrentBackupType = 'FULL'
    IF @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG'
    SELECT @CurrentLatestBackup = MAX(backup_finish_date)
    FROM msdb.dbo.backupset
    WHERE [type] IN('D','I')
    AND is_damaged = 0
    AND database_name = @CurrentDatabaseName
    IF @Version >= 11 AND @Cluster IS NOT NULL
    SELECT @CurrentAvailabilityGroup = availability_groups.name,
    @CurrentAvailabilityGroupRole = dm_hadr_availability_replica_states.role_desc
    FROM sys.databases databases
    INNER JOIN sys.availability_databases_cluster availability_databases_cluster ON databases.group_database_id = availability_databases_cluster.group_database_id
    INNER JOIN sys.availability_groups availability_groups ON availability_databases_cluster.group_id = availability_groups.group_id
    INNER JOIN sys.dm_hadr_availability_replica_states dm_hadr_availability_replica_states ON availability_groups.group_id = dm_hadr_availability_replica_states.group_id AND databases.replica_id = dm_hadr_availability_replica_states.replica_id
    WHERE databases.name = @CurrentDatabaseName
    IF @Version >= 11 AND @Cluster IS NOT NULL AND @CurrentAvailabilityGroup IS NOT NULL
    SELECT @CurrentIsPreferredBackupReplica = sys.fn_hadr_backup_is_preferred_replica(@CurrentDatabaseName)
    SELECT @CurrentDatabaseMirroringRole = UPPER(mirroring_role_desc)
    FROM sys.database_mirroring
    WHERE database_id = @CurrentDatabaseID
    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.log_shipping_primary_databases WHERE primary_database = @CurrentDatabaseName)
    SET @CurrentLogShippingRole = 'PRIMARY'
    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.log_shipping_secondary_databases WHERE secondary_database = @CurrentDatabaseName)
    SET @CurrentLogShippingRole = 'SECONDARY'
    -- Set database message
    SET @DatabaseMessage = 'Date and time: ' + CONVERT(nvarchar,GETDATE(),120) + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    SET @DatabaseMessage = @DatabaseMessage + 'Database: ' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentDatabaseName) + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    SET @DatabaseMessage = @DatabaseMessage + 'Status: ' + CAST(DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@CurrentDatabaseName,'Status') AS nvarchar) + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    SET @DatabaseMessage = @DatabaseMessage + 'Standby: ' + CASE WHEN DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@CurrentDatabaseName,'IsInStandBy') = 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    SET @DatabaseMessage = @DatabaseMessage + 'Updateability: ' + CAST(DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@CurrentDatabaseName,'Updateability') AS nvarchar) + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    SET @DatabaseMessage = @DatabaseMessage + 'User access: ' + CAST(DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@CurrentDatabaseName,'UserAccess') AS nvarchar) + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    SET @DatabaseMessage = @DatabaseMessage + 'Is accessible: ' + CASE WHEN @CurrentIsDatabaseAccessible = 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    SET @DatabaseMessage = @DatabaseMessage + 'Recovery model: ' + CAST(DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@CurrentDatabaseName,'Recovery') AS nvarchar) + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    IF @CurrentAvailabilityGroup IS NOT NULL SET @DatabaseMessage = @DatabaseMessage + 'Availability group: ' + @CurrentAvailabilityGroup + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    IF @CurrentAvailabilityGroup IS NOT NULL SET @DatabaseMessage = @DatabaseMessage + 'Availability group role: ' + @CurrentAvailabilityGroupRole + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    IF @CurrentAvailabilityGroup IS NOT NULL SET @DatabaseMessage = @DatabaseMessage + 'Is preferred backup replica: ' + CASE WHEN @CurrentIsPreferredBackupReplica = 1 THEN 'Yes' WHEN @CurrentIsPreferredBackupReplica = 0 THEN 'No' ELSE 'N/A' END + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    IF @CurrentDatabaseMirroringRole IS NOT NULL SET @DatabaseMessage = @DatabaseMessage + 'Database mirroring role: ' + @CurrentDatabaseMirroringRole + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    IF @CurrentLogShippingRole IS NOT NULL SET @DatabaseMessage = @DatabaseMessage + 'Log shipping role: ' + @CurrentLogShippingRole + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    SET @DatabaseMessage = @DatabaseMessage + 'Differential base LSN: ' + ISNULL(CAST(@CurrentDifferentialBaseLSN AS nvarchar),'N/A') + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    SET @DatabaseMessage = @DatabaseMessage + 'Differential base is snapshot: ' + CASE WHEN @CurrentDifferentialBaseIsSnapshot = 1 THEN 'Yes' WHEN @CurrentDifferentialBaseIsSnapshot = 0 THEN 'No' ELSE 'N/A' END + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    SET @DatabaseMessage = @DatabaseMessage + 'Last log backup LSN: ' + ISNULL(CAST(@CurrentLogLSN AS nvarchar),'N/A') + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    SET @DatabaseMessage = REPLACE(@DatabaseMessage,'%','%%') + ' '
    RAISERROR(@DatabaseMessage,10,1) WITH NOWAIT
    IF DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@CurrentDatabaseName,'Status') = 'ONLINE'
    AND NOT (DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@CurrentDatabaseName,'UserAccess') = 'SINGLE_USER' AND @CurrentIsDatabaseAccessible = 0)
    AND DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@CurrentDatabaseName,'IsInStandBy') = 0
    AND NOT (@CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' AND (DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@CurrentDatabaseName,'Recovery') = 'SIMPLE' OR @CurrentLogLSN IS NULL))
    AND NOT (@CurrentBackupType = 'DIFF' AND @CurrentDifferentialBaseLSN IS NULL)
    AND NOT (@CurrentBackupType IN('DIFF','LOG') AND @CurrentDatabaseName = 'master')
    AND NOT (@CurrentAvailabilityGroup IS NOT NULL AND @CurrentBackupType = 'FULL' AND @CopyOnly = 'N' AND (@CurrentAvailabilityGroupRole <> 'PRIMARY' OR @CurrentAvailabilityGroupRole IS NULL))
    AND NOT (@CurrentAvailabilityGroup IS NOT NULL AND @CurrentBackupType = 'FULL' AND @CopyOnly = 'Y' AND (@CurrentIsPreferredBackupReplica <> 1 OR @CurrentIsPreferredBackupReplica IS NULL))
    AND NOT (@CurrentAvailabilityGroup IS NOT NULL AND @CurrentBackupType = 'DIFF' AND (@CurrentAvailabilityGroupRole <> 'PRIMARY' OR @CurrentAvailabilityGroupRole IS NULL))
    AND NOT (@CurrentAvailabilityGroup IS NOT NULL AND @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' AND @CopyOnly = 'N' AND (@CurrentIsPreferredBackupReplica <> 1 OR @CurrentIsPreferredBackupReplica IS NULL))
    AND NOT (@CurrentAvailabilityGroup IS NOT NULL AND @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' AND @CopyOnly = 'Y' AND (@CurrentAvailabilityGroupRole <> 'PRIMARY' OR @CurrentAvailabilityGroupRole IS NULL))
    AND NOT ((@CurrentLogShippingRole = 'PRIMARY' AND @CurrentLogShippingRole IS NOT NULL) AND @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG')
    -- Set variables
    SET @CurrentDate = GETDATE()
    IF @CleanupTime IS NULL OR (@CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' AND @CurrentLatestBackup IS NULL) OR @CurrentBackupType <> @BackupType
    SET @CurrentCleanupDate = NULL
    IF @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG'
    SET @CurrentCleanupDate = (SELECT MIN([Date]) FROM(SELECT DATEADD(hh,-(@CleanupTime),@CurrentDate) AS [Date] UNION SELECT @CurrentLatestBackup AS [Date]) Dates)
    SET @CurrentCleanupDate = DATEADD(hh,-(@CleanupTime),@CurrentDate)
    SELECT @CurrentFileExtension = CASE
    WHEN @BackupSoftware IS NULL AND @CurrentBackupType = 'FULL' THEN 'bak'
    WHEN @BackupSoftware IS NULL AND @CurrentBackupType = 'DIFF' THEN 'bak'
    WHEN @BackupSoftware IS NULL AND @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' THEN 'trn'
    WHEN @BackupSoftware = 'LITESPEED' AND @CurrentBackupType = 'FULL' THEN 'bak'
    WHEN @BackupSoftware = 'LITESPEED' AND @CurrentBackupType = 'DIFF' THEN 'bak'
    WHEN @BackupSoftware = 'LITESPEED' AND @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' THEN 'trn'
    WHEN @BackupSoftware = 'SQLBACKUP' AND @CurrentBackupType = 'FULL' THEN 'sqb'
    WHEN @BackupSoftware = 'SQLBACKUP' AND @CurrentBackupType = 'DIFF' THEN 'sqb'
    WHEN @BackupSoftware = 'SQLBACKUP' AND @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' THEN 'sqb'
    WHEN @BackupSoftware = 'HYPERBAC' AND @CurrentBackupType = 'FULL' AND @Encrypt = 'N' THEN 'hbc'
    WHEN @BackupSoftware = 'HYPERBAC' AND @CurrentBackupType = 'DIFF' AND @Encrypt = 'N' THEN 'hbc'
    WHEN @BackupSoftware = 'HYPERBAC' AND @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' AND @Encrypt = 'N' THEN 'hbc'
    WHEN @BackupSoftware = 'HYPERBAC' AND @CurrentBackupType = 'FULL' AND @Encrypt = 'Y' THEN 'hbe'
    WHEN @BackupSoftware = 'HYPERBAC' AND @CurrentBackupType = 'DIFF' AND @Encrypt = 'Y' THEN 'hbe'
    WHEN @BackupSoftware = 'HYPERBAC' AND @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' AND @Encrypt = 'Y' THEN 'hbe'
    WHEN @BackupSoftware = 'SQLSAFE' AND @CurrentBackupType = 'FULL' THEN 'safe'
    WHEN @BackupSoftware = 'SQLSAFE' AND @CurrentBackupType = 'DIFF' THEN 'safe'
    WHEN @BackupSoftware = 'SQLSAFE' AND @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' THEN 'safe'
    INSERT INTO @CurrentDirectories (ID, DirectoryPath, CreateCompleted, CleanupCompleted)
    SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ID), DirectoryPath + CASE WHEN RIGHT(DirectoryPath,1) = '\' THEN '' ELSE '\' END + CASE WHEN @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' THEN '\Transaction Dumps\' + @CurrentDatabaseNameFS ELSE '' END, 0, 0
    FROM @Directories
    SET @CurrentFileNumber = 0
    SET @CurrentMirrorFilePath = NULL
    WHILE @CurrentFileNumber < @NumberOfFiles
    SET @CurrentFileNumber = @CurrentFileNumber + 1
    SELECT @CurrentDirectoryPath = DirectoryPath
    FROM @CurrentDirectories
    WHERE @CurrentFileNumber >= (ID - 1) * (SELECT @NumberOfFiles / COUNT(*) FROM @CurrentDirectories) + 1
    AND @CurrentFileNumber <= ID * (SELECT @NumberOfFiles / COUNT(*) FROM @CurrentDirectories)
    SET @CurrentFilePath = @CurrentDirectoryPath + '\' + CASE WHEN @CurrentAvailabilityGroup IS NOT NULL THEN @Cluster + '$' + @CurrentAvailabilityGroup ELSE REPLACE(CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('servername') AS nvarchar),'\','$') END + '_' + @CurrentDatabaseNameFS + '_' + REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE((CONVERT(nvarchar,@CurrentDate,120)),'-',''),' ','_'),':','') + CASE WHEN @NumberOfFiles > 1 AND @NumberOfFiles <= 9 THEN '_' + CAST(@CurrentFileNumber AS nvarchar) WHEN @NumberOfFiles >= 10 THEN '_' + RIGHT('0' + CAST(@CurrentFileNumber AS nvarchar),2) ELSE '' END + '_' + @CurrentDatabaseType + '_' + UPPER(@CurrentBackupType) + CASE WHEN @ReadWriteFileGroups = 'Y' THEN '_PARTIAL' ELSE '' END + CASE WHEN @CopyOnly = 'Y' THEN '_COPY_ONLY' ELSE '' END + '.' + @CurrentFileExtension
    IF LEN(@CurrentFilePath) > 257
    SET @CurrentFilePath = @CurrentDirectoryPath + '\' + CASE WHEN @CurrentAvailabilityGroup IS NOT NULL THEN @Cluster + '$' + @CurrentAvailabilityGroup ELSE REPLACE(CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('servername') AS nvarchar),'\','$') END + '_' + LEFT(@CurrentDatabaseNameFS,CASE WHEN (LEN(@CurrentDatabaseNameFS) + 257 - LEN(@CurrentFilePath) - 3) < 20 THEN 20 ELSE (LEN(@CurrentDatabaseNameFS) + 257 - LEN(@CurrentFilePath) - 3) END) + '...' + '_' + REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE((CONVERT(nvarchar,@CurrentDate,120)),'-',''),' ','_'),':','') + CASE WHEN @NumberOfFiles > 1 AND @NumberOfFiles <= 9 THEN '_' + CAST(@CurrentFileNumber AS nvarchar) WHEN @NumberOfFiles >= 10 THEN '_' + RIGHT('0' + CAST(@CurrentFileNumber AS nvarchar),2) ELSE '' END + '_' + @CurrentDatabaseType + '_' + UPPER(@CurrentBackupType) + CASE WHEN @ReadWriteFileGroups = 'Y' THEN '_PARTIAL' ELSE '' END + CASE WHEN @CopyOnly = 'Y' THEN '_COPY_ONLY' ELSE '' END + '.' + @CurrentFileExtension
    IF @CurrentFileNumber = 1 AND LEN(@MirrorDirectory) > 0
    SET @CurrentMirrorFilePath = @MirrorDirectory + CASE WHEN RIGHT(@MirrorDirectory,1) = '\' THEN '' ELSE '\' END + CASE WHEN @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' THEN '\Transaction Dumps\' + @CurrentDatabaseNameFS ELSE '' END + '\' + CASE WHEN @CurrentAvailabilityGroup IS NOT NULL THEN @Cluster + '$' + @CurrentAvailabilityGroup ELSE REPLACE(CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('servername') AS nvarchar),'\','$') END + '_' + @CurrentDatabaseNameFS + '_' + REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE((CONVERT(nvarchar,@CurrentDate,120)),'-',''),' ','_'),':','') + CASE WHEN @NumberOfFiles > 1 AND @NumberOfFiles <= 9 THEN '_' + CAST(@CurrentFileNumber AS nvarchar) WHEN @NumberOfFiles >= 10 THEN '_' + RIGHT('0' + CAST(@CurrentFileNumber AS nvarchar),2) ELSE '' END + '_' + @CurrentDatabaseType + '_' + UPPER(@CurrentBackupType) + CASE WHEN @ReadWriteFileGroups = 'Y' THEN '_PARTIAL' ELSE '' END + CASE WHEN @CopyOnly = 'Y' THEN '_COPY_ONLY' ELSE '' END + '.' + @CurrentFileExtension
    IF LEN(@CurrentFilePath) > 257
    SET @CurrentMirrorFilePath = @MirrorDirectory + CASE WHEN RIGHT(@MirrorDirectory,1) = '\' THEN '' ELSE '\' END + CASE WHEN @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' THEN '\Transaction Dumps\' + @CurrentDatabaseNameFS ELSE '' END + '\' + CASE WHEN @CurrentAvailabilityGroup IS NOT NULL THEN @Cluster + '$' + @CurrentAvailabilityGroup ELSE REPLACE(CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('servername') AS nvarchar),'\','$') END + '_' + LEFT(@CurrentDatabaseNameFS,CASE WHEN (LEN(@CurrentDatabaseNameFS) + 257 - LEN(@CurrentFilePath) - 3) < 20 THEN 20 ELSE (LEN(@CurrentDatabaseNameFS) + 257 - LEN(@CurrentFilePath) - 3) END) + '...' + '_' + REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE((CONVERT(nvarchar,@CurrentDate,120)),'-',''),' ','_'),':','') + CASE WHEN @NumberOfFiles > 1 AND @NumberOfFiles <= 9 THEN '_' + CAST(@CurrentFileNumber AS nvarchar) WHEN @NumberOfFiles >= 10 THEN '_' + RIGHT('0' + CAST(@CurrentFileNumber AS nvarchar),2) ELSE '' END + '_' + @CurrentDatabaseType + '_' + UPPER(@CurrentBackupType) + CASE WHEN @ReadWriteFileGroups = 'Y' THEN '_PARTIAL' ELSE '' END + CASE WHEN @CopyOnly = 'Y' THEN '_COPY_ONLY' ELSE '' END + '.' + @CurrentFileExtension
    INSERT INTO @CurrentFiles (CurrentFilePath)
    SELECT @CurrentFilePath
    SET @CurrentDirectoryPath = NULL
    SET @CurrentFilePath = NULL
    -- Create directory
    WHILE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM @CurrentDirectories WHERE CreateCompleted = 0)
    SELECT TOP 1 @CurrentDirectoryID = ID,
    @CurrentDirectoryPath = DirectoryPath
    FROM @CurrentDirectories
    WHERE CreateCompleted = 0
    SET @CurrentCommandType01 = 'xp_create_subdir'
    SET @CurrentCommand01 = 'DECLARE @ReturnCode int EXECUTE @ReturnCode = [master].dbo.xp_create_subdir N''' + REPLACE(@CurrentDirectoryPath,'''','''''') + ''' IF @ReturnCode <> 0 RAISERROR(''Error creating directory.'', 16, 1)'
    EXECUTE @CurrentCommandOutput01 = [dbo].[CommandExecute] @Command = @CurrentCommand01, @CommandType = @CurrentCommandType01, @Mode = 1, @DatabaseName = @CurrentDatabaseName, @LogToTable = @LogToTable, @Execute = @Execute
    SET @Error = @@ERROR
    IF @Error <> 0 SET @CurrentCommandOutput01 = @Error
    IF @CurrentCommandOutput01 <> 0 SET @ReturnCode = @CurrentCommandOutput01
    UPDATE @CurrentDirectories
    SET CreateCompleted = 1,
    CreateOutput = @CurrentCommandOutput01
    WHERE ID = @CurrentDirectoryID
    SET @CurrentDirectoryID = NULL
    SET @CurrentDirectoryPath = NULL
    SET @CurrentCommand01 = NULL
    SET @CurrentCommandOutput01 = NULL
    SET @CurrentCommandType01 = NULL
    -- Perform a backup
    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM @CurrentDirectories WHERE CreateOutput <> 0 OR CreateOutput IS NULL)
    IF @BackupSoftware IS NULL
    SELECT @CurrentCommandType02 = CASE
    WHEN @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' THEN 'BACKUP_LOG'
    SELECT @CurrentCommand02 = CASE
    WHEN @CurrentBackupType IN('DIFF','FULL') THEN 'BACKUP DATABASE ' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentDatabaseName)
    WHEN @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' THEN 'BACKUP LOG ' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentDatabaseName)
    IF @ReadWriteFileGroups = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ' READ_WRITE_FILEGROUPS'
    SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ' TO'
    SELECT @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ' DISK = N''' + REPLACE(CurrentFilePath,'''','''''') + '''' + CASE WHEN ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC) <> @NumberOfFiles THEN ',' ELSE '' END
    FROM @CurrentFiles
    ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC
    SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ' WITH '
    IF @CheckSum = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + 'CHECKSUM'
    IF @CheckSum = 'N' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + 'NO_CHECKSUM'
    IF @Compress = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', COMPRESSION'
    IF @Compress = 'N' AND @Version >= 10 SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', NO_COMPRESSION'
    IF @CurrentBackupType = 'DIFF' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', DIFFERENTIAL'
    IF @CopyOnly = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', COPY_ONLY'
    IF @BlockSize IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', BLOCKSIZE = ' + CAST(@BlockSize AS nvarchar)
    IF @BufferCount IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', BUFFERCOUNT = ' + CAST(@BufferCount AS nvarchar)
    IF @MaxTransferSize IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', MAXTRANSFERSIZE = ' + CAST(@MaxTransferSize AS nvarchar)
    IF @Description IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', DESCRIPTION = N''' + REPLACE(@Description,'''','''''') + ''''
    IF @BackupSoftware = 'LITESPEED'
    SELECT @CurrentCommandType02 = CASE
    WHEN @CurrentBackupType IN('DIFF','FULL') THEN 'xp_backup_database'
    WHEN @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' THEN 'xp_backup_log'
    SELECT @CurrentCommand02 = CASE
    WHEN @CurrentBackupType IN('DIFF','FULL') THEN 'DECLARE @ReturnCode int EXECUTE @ReturnCode = [master].dbo.xp_backup_database @database = N''' + REPLACE(@CurrentDatabaseName,'''','''''') + ''''
    WHEN @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' THEN 'DECLARE @ReturnCode int EXECUTE @ReturnCode = [master].dbo.xp_backup_log @database = N''' + REPLACE(@CurrentDatabaseName,'''','''''') + ''''
    SELECT @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @filename = N''' + REPLACE(CurrentFilePath,'''','''''') + ''''
    FROM @CurrentFiles
    ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC
    SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @with = '''
    IF @CheckSum = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + 'CHECKSUM'
    IF @CheckSum = 'N' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + 'NO_CHECKSUM'
    IF @CurrentBackupType = 'DIFF' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', DIFFERENTIAL'
    IF @CopyOnly = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', COPY_ONLY'
    IF @BlockSize IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', BLOCKSIZE = ' + CAST(@BlockSize AS nvarchar)
    SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ''''
    IF @ReadWriteFileGroups = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @read_write_filegroups = 1'
    IF @CompressionLevel IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @compressionlevel = ' + CAST(@CompressionLevel AS nvarchar)
    IF @BufferCount IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @buffercount = ' + CAST(@BufferCount AS nvarchar)
    IF @MaxTransferSize IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @maxtransfersize = ' + CAST(@MaxTransferSize AS nvarchar)
    IF @Threads IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @threads = ' + CAST(@Threads AS nvarchar)
    IF @Throttle IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @throttle = ' + CAST(@Throttle AS nvarchar)
    IF @Description IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @desc = N''' + REPLACE(@Description,'''','''''') + ''''
    IF @EncryptionType IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @cryptlevel = ' + CASE
    WHEN @EncryptionType = 'RC2-40' THEN '0'
    WHEN @EncryptionType = 'RC2-56' THEN '1'
    WHEN @EncryptionType = 'RC2-112' THEN '2'
    WHEN @EncryptionType = 'RC2-128' THEN '3'
    WHEN @EncryptionType = '3DES-168' THEN '4'
    WHEN @EncryptionType = 'RC4-128' THEN '5'
    WHEN @EncryptionType = 'AES-128' THEN '6'
    WHEN @EncryptionType = 'AES-192' THEN '7'
    WHEN @EncryptionType = 'AES-256' THEN '8'
    IF @EncryptionKey IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @encryptionkey = N''' + REPLACE(@EncryptionKey,'''','''''') + ''''
    SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ' IF @ReturnCode <> 0 RAISERROR(''Error performing LiteSpeed backup.'', 16, 1)'
    IF @BackupSoftware = 'SQLBACKUP'
    SET @CurrentCommandType02 = 'sqlbackup'
    SELECT @CurrentCommand02 = CASE
    WHEN @CurrentBackupType IN('DIFF','FULL') THEN 'BACKUP DATABASE ' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentDatabaseName)
    WHEN @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' THEN 'BACKUP LOG ' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentDatabaseName)
    IF @ReadWriteFileGroups = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ' READ_WRITE_FILEGROUPS'
    SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ' TO'
    SELECT @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ' DISK = N''' + REPLACE(CurrentFilePath,'''','''''') + '''' + CASE WHEN ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC) <> @NumberOfFiles THEN ',' ELSE '' END
    FROM @CurrentFiles
    ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC
    SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ' WITH '
    IF @CheckSum = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + 'CHECKSUM'
    IF @CheckSum = 'N' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + 'NO_CHECKSUM'
    IF @CurrentBackupType = 'DIFF' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', DIFFERENTIAL'
    IF @CopyOnly = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', COPY_ONLY'
    IF @CompressionLevel IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', COMPRESSION = ' + CAST(@CompressionLevel AS nvarchar)
    IF @Threads IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', THREADCOUNT = ' + CAST(@Threads AS nvarchar)
    IF @MaxTransferSize IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', MAXTRANSFERSIZE = ' + CAST(@MaxTransferSize AS nvarchar)
    IF @Description IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', DESCRIPTION = N''' + REPLACE(@Description,'''','''''') + ''''
    IF @EncryptionType IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', KEYSIZE = ' + CASE
    WHEN @EncryptionType = 'AES-128' THEN '128'
    WHEN @EncryptionType = 'AES-256' THEN '256'
    IF @EncryptionKey IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', PASSWORD = N''' + REPLACE(@EncryptionKey,'''','''''') + ''''
    SET @CurrentCommand02 = 'DECLARE @ReturnCode int EXECUTE @ReturnCode = [master].dbo.sqlbackup N''-SQL "' + REPLACE(@CurrentCommand02,'''','''''') + '"''' + ' IF @ReturnCode <> 0 RAISERROR(''Error performing SQLBackup backup.'', 16, 1)'
    IF @BackupSoftware = 'HYPERBAC'
    SET @CurrentCommandType02 = 'BACKUP_DATABASE'
    SELECT @CurrentCommand02 = CASE
    WHEN @CurrentBackupType IN('DIFF','FULL') THEN 'BACKUP DATABASE ' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentDatabaseName)
    WHEN @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' THEN 'BACKUP LOG ' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentDatabaseName)
    IF @ReadWriteFileGroups = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ' READ_WRITE_FILEGROUPS'
    SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ' TO'
    SELECT @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ' DISK = N''' + REPLACE(CurrentFilePath,'''','''''') + '''' + CASE WHEN ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC) <> @NumberOfFiles THEN ',' ELSE '' END
    FROM @CurrentFiles
    ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC
    SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ' WITH '
    IF @CheckSum = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + 'CHECKSUM'
    IF @CheckSum = 'N' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + 'NO_CHECKSUM'
    IF @CurrentBackupType = 'DIFF' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', DIFFERENTIAL'
    IF @CopyOnly = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', COPY_ONLY'
    IF @BlockSize IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', BLOCKSIZE = ' + CAST(@BlockSize AS nvarchar)
    IF @BufferCount IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', BUFFERCOUNT = ' + CAST(@BufferCount AS nvarchar)
    IF @MaxTransferSize IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', MAXTRANSFERSIZE = ' + CAST(@MaxTransferSize AS nvarchar)
    IF @Description IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', DESCRIPTION = N''' + REPLACE(@Description,'''','''''') + ''''
    IF @BackupSoftware = 'SQLSAFE'
    SET @CurrentCommandType02 = 'xp_ss_backup'
    SET @CurrentCommand02 = 'DECLARE @ReturnCode int EXECUTE @ReturnCode = [master].dbo.xp_ss_backup @database = N''' + REPLACE(@CurrentDatabaseName,'''','''''') + ''''
    SELECT @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', ' + CASE WHEN ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC) = 1 THEN '@filename' ELSE '@backupfile' END + ' = N''' + REPLACE(CurrentFilePath,'''','''''') + ''''
    FROM @CurrentFiles
    ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC
    IF @CurrentMirrorFilePath IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @mirrorfile = N''' + @CurrentMirrorFilePath + ''''
    SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @backuptype = ' + CASE WHEN @CurrentBackupType = 'FULL' THEN '''Full''' WHEN @CurrentBackupType = 'DIFF' THEN '''Differential''' WHEN @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' THEN '''Log''' END
    IF @ReadWriteFileGroups = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @readwritefilegroups = 1'
    SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @checksum = ' + CASE WHEN @CheckSum = 'Y' THEN '1' WHEN @CheckSum = 'N' THEN '0' END
    SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @copyonly = ' + CASE WHEN @CopyOnly = 'Y' THEN '1' WHEN @CopyOnly = 'N' THEN '0' END
    IF @CompressionLevel IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @compressionlevel = ' + CASE WHEN @CompressionLevel = 5 THEN N'ispeed' WHEN @CompressionLevel = 6 THEN N'isize' ELSE CAST(@CompressionLevel AS nvarchar) END
    IF @RetryWrites IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @retrywrites = N''' + @RetryWrites + ''''
    IF @Threads IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @threads = ' + CAST(@Threads AS nvarchar)
    IF @Description IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @desc = N''' + REPLACE(@Description,'''','''''') + ''''
    IF @EncryptionType IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @encryptiontype = N''' + CASE
    WHEN @EncryptionType = 'AES-128' THEN 'AES128'
    WHEN @EncryptionType = 'AES-256' THEN 'AES256'
    END + ''''
    IF @EncryptionKey IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @encryptedbackuppassword = N''' + REPLACE(@EncryptionKey,'''','''''') + ''''
    SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ' IF @ReturnCode <> 0 RAISERROR(''Error performing SQLsafe backup.'', 16, 1)'
    EXECUTE @CurrentCommandOutput02 = [dbo].[CommandExecute] @Command = @CurrentCommand02, @CommandType = @CurrentCommandType02, @Mode = 1, @DatabaseName = @CurrentDatabaseName, @LogToTable = @LogToTable, @Execute = @Execute
    SET @Error = @@ERROR
    IF @Error <> 0 SET @CurrentCommandOutput02 = @Error
    IF @CurrentCommandOutput02 <> 0 SET @ReturnCode = @CurrentCommandOutput02
    -- Verify the backup
    IF @CurrentCommandOutput02 = 0 AND @Verify = 'Y'
    IF @BackupSoftware IS NULL
    SET @CurrentCommandType03 = 'RESTORE_VERIFYONLY'
    SET @CurrentCommand03 = 'RESTORE VERIFYONLY FROM'
    SELECT @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + ' DISK = N''' + REPLACE(CurrentFilePath,'''','''''') + '''' + CASE WHEN ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC) <> @NumberOfFiles THEN ',' ELSE '' END
    FROM @CurrentFiles
    ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC
    SET @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + ' WITH '
    IF @CheckSum = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + 'CHECKSUM'
    IF @CheckSum = 'N' SET @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + 'NO_CHECKSUM'
    IF @BackupSoftware = 'LITESPEED'
    SET @CurrentCommandType03 = 'xp_restore_verifyonly'
    SET @CurrentCommand03 = 'DECLARE @ReturnCode int EXECUTE @ReturnCode = [master].dbo.xp_restore_verifyonly'
    SELECT @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + ' @filename = N''' + REPLACE(CurrentFilePath,'''','''''') + '''' + CASE WHEN ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC) <> @NumberOfFiles THEN ',' ELSE '' END
    FROM @CurrentFiles
    ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC
    SET @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + ', @with = '''
    IF @CheckSum = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + 'CHECKSUM'
    IF @CheckSum = 'N' SET @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + 'NO_CHECKSUM'
    SET @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + ''''
    IF @EncryptionKey IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + ', @encryptionkey = N''' + REPLACE(@EncryptionKey,'''','''''') + ''''
    SET @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + ' IF @ReturnCode <> 0 RAISERROR(''Error verifying LiteSpeed backup.'', 16, 1)'
    IF @BackupSoftware = 'SQLBACKUP'
    SET @CurrentCommandType03 = 'sqlbackup'
    SET @CurrentCommand03 = 'RESTORE VERIFYONLY FROM'
    SELECT @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + ' DISK = N''' + REPLACE(CurrentFilePath,'''','''''') + '''' + CASE WHEN ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC) <> @NumberOfFiles THEN ',' ELSE '' END
    FROM @CurrentFiles
    ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC
    SET @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + ' WITH '
    IF @CheckSum = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + 'CHECKSUM'
    IF @CheckSum = 'N' SET @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + 'NO_CHECKSUM'
    IF @EncryptionKey IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + ', PASSWORD = N''' + REPLACE(@EncryptionKey,'''','''''') + ''''
    SET @CurrentCommand03 = 'DECLARE @ReturnCode int EXECUTE @ReturnCode = [master].dbo.sqlbackup N''-SQL "' + REPLACE(@CurrentCommand03,'''','''''') + '"''' + ' IF @ReturnCode <> 0 RAISERROR(''Error verifying SQLBackup backup.'', 16, 1)'
    IF @BackupSoftware = 'HYPERBAC'
    SET @CurrentCommandType03 = 'RESTORE_VERIFYONLY'
    SET @CurrentCommand03 = 'RESTORE VERIFYONLY FROM'
    SELECT @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + ' DISK = N''' + REPLACE(CurrentFilePath,'''','''''') + '''' + CASE WHEN ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC) <> @NumberOfFiles THEN ',' ELSE '' END
    FROM @CurrentFiles
    ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC
    SET @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + ' WITH '
    IF @CheckSum = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + 'CHECKSUM'
    IF @CheckSum = 'N' SET @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + 'NO_CHECKSUM'
    IF @BackupSoftware = 'SQLSAFE'
    SET @CurrentCommandType03 = 'xp_ss_verify'
    SET @CurrentCommand03 = 'DECLARE @ReturnCode int EXECUTE @ReturnCode = [master].dbo.xp_ss_verify @database = N''' + REPLACE(@CurrentDatabaseName,'''','''''') + ''''
    SELECT @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + ', ' + CASE WHEN ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC) = 1 THEN '@filename' ELSE '@backupfile' END + ' = N''' + REPLACE(CurrentFilePath,'''','''''') + ''''
    FROM @CurrentFiles
    ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC
    SET @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + ' IF @ReturnCode <> 0 RAISERROR(''Error verifying SQLsafe backup.'', 16, 1)'
    EXECUTE @CurrentCommandOutput03 = [dbo].[CommandExecute] @Command = @CurrentCommand03, @CommandType = @CurrentCommandType03, @Mode = 1, @DatabaseName = @CurrentDatabaseName, @LogToTable = @LogToTable, @Execute = @Execute
    SET @Error = @@ERROR
    IF @Error <> 0 SET @CurrentCommandOutput03 = @Error
    IF @CurrentCommandOutput03 <> 0 SET @ReturnCode = @CurrentCommandOutput03
    -- Delete old backup files
    IF (@CurrentCommandOutput02 = 0 AND @Verify = 'N' AND @CurrentCleanupDate IS NOT NULL)
    OR (@CurrentCommandOutput02 = 0 AND @Verify = 'Y' AND @CurrentCommandOutput03 = 0 AND @CurrentCleanupDate IS NOT NULL)
    WHILE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM @CurrentDirectories WHERE CleanupCompleted = 0)
    SELECT TOP 1 @CurrentDirectoryID = ID,
    @CurrentDirectoryPath = DirectoryPath
    FROM @CurrentDirectories
    WHERE CleanupCompleted = 0
    IF @BackupSoftware IS NULL
    SET @CurrentCommandType04 = 'xp_delete_file'
    SET @CurrentCommand04 = 'DECLARE @ReturnCode int EXECUTE @ReturnCode = [master].dbo.xp_delete_file 0, N''' + REPLACE(@CurrentDirectoryPath,'''','''''') + ''', ''' + @CurrentFileExtension + ''', ''' + CONVERT(nvarchar(19),@CurrentCleanupDate,126) + ''' IF @ReturnCode <> 0 RAISERROR(''Error deleting files.'', 16, 1)'
    IF @BackupSoftware = 'LITESPEED'
    SET @CurrentCommandType04 = 'xp_slssqlmaint'
    SET @CurrentCommand04 = 'DECLARE @ReturnCode int EXECUTE @ReturnCode = [master].dbo.xp_slssqlmaint N''-MAINTDEL -DELFOLDER "' + REPLACE(@CurrentDirectoryPath,'''','''''') + '" -DELEXTENSION "' + @CurrentFileExtension + '" -DELUNIT "' + CAST(DATEDIFF(mi,@CurrentCleanupDate,GETDATE()) + 1 AS nvarchar) + '" -DELUNITTYPE "minutes" -DELUSEAGE'' IF @ReturnCode <> 0 RAISERROR(''Error deleting LiteSpeed backup files.'', 16, 1)'
    IF @BackupSoftware = 'SQLBACKUP'
    SET @CurrentCommandType04 = 'sqbutility'
    SET @CurrentCommand04 = 'DECLARE @ReturnCode int EXECUTE @ReturnCode = [master].dbo.sqbutility 1032, N''' + REPLACE(@CurrentDatabaseName,'''','''''') + ''', N''' + REPLACE(@CurrentDirectoryPath,'''','''''') + ''', ''' + CASE WHEN @CurrentBackupType = 'FULL' THEN 'D' WHEN @CurrentBackupType = 'DIFF' THEN 'I' WHEN @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' THEN 'L' END + ''', ''' + CAST(DATEDIFF(hh,@CurrentCleanupDate,GETDATE()) + 1 AS nvarchar) + 'h'', ' + ISNULL('''' + REPLACE(@EncryptionKey,'''','''''') + '''','NULL') + ' IF @ReturnCode <> 0 RAISERROR(''Error deleting SQLBackup backup files.'', 16, 1)'
    IF @BackupSoftware = 'HYPERBAC'
    SET @CurrentCommandType04 = 'xp_delete_file'
    SET @CurrentCommand04 = 'DECLARE @ReturnCode int EXECUTE @ReturnCode = [master].dbo.xp_delete_file 0, N''' + REPLACE(@CurrentDirectoryPath,'''','''''') + ''', ''' + @CurrentFileExtension + ''', ''' + CONVERT(nvarchar(19),@CurrentCleanupDate,126) + ''' IF @ReturnCode <> 0 RAISERROR(''Error deleting files.'', 16, 1)'
    IF @BackupSoftware = 'SQLSAFE'
    SET @CurrentCommandType04 = 'xp_ss_delete'
    SET @CurrentCommand04 = 'DECLARE @ReturnCode int EXECUTE @ReturnCode = [master].dbo.xp_ss_delete @filename = N''' + REPLACE(@CurrentDirectoryPath,'''','''''') + '\*.' + @CurrentFileExtension + ''', @age = ''' + CAST(DATEDIFF(mi,@CurrentCleanupDate,GETDATE()) + 1 AS nvarchar) + 'Minutes'' IF @ReturnCode <> 0 RAISERROR(''Error deleting SQLsafe backup files.'', 16, 1)'
    EXECUTE @CurrentCommandOutput04 = [dbo].[CommandExecute] @Command = @CurrentCommand04, @CommandType = @CurrentCommandType04, @Mode = 1, @DatabaseName = @CurrentDatabaseName, @LogToTable = @LogToTable, @Execute = @Execute
    SET @Error = @@ERROR
    IF @Error <> 0 SET @CurrentCommandOutput04 = @Error
    IF @CurrentCommandOutput04 <> 0 SET @ReturnCode = @CurrentCommandOutput04
    UPDATE @CurrentDirectories
    SET CleanupCompleted = 1,
    CleanupOutput = @CurrentCommandOutput04
    WHERE ID = @CurrentDirectoryID
    SET @CurrentDirectoryID = NULL
    SET @CurrentDirectoryPath = NULL
    SET @CurrentCommand04 = NULL
    SET @CurrentCommandOutput04 = NULL
    SET @CurrentCommandType04 = NULL
    -- Update that the database is completed
    UPDATE @tmpDatabases
    SET Completed = 1
    WHERE Selected = 1
    AND Completed = 0
    AND ID = @CurrentDBID
    -- Clear variables
    SET @CurrentDBID = NULL
    SET @CurrentDatabaseID = NULL
    SET @CurrentDatabaseName = NULL
    SET @CurrentBackupType = NULL
    SET @CurrentFileExtension = NULL
    SET @CurrentFileNumber = NULL
    SET @CurrentDifferentialBaseLSN = NULL
    SET @CurrentDifferentialBaseIsSnapshot = NULL
    SET @CurrentLogLSN = NULL
    SET @CurrentLatestBackup = NULL
    SET @CurrentDatabaseNameFS = NULL
    SET @CurrentDatabaseType = NULL
    SET @CurrentDate = NULL
    SET @CurrentCleanupDate = NULL
    SET @CurrentIsDatabaseAccessible = NULL
    SET @CurrentAvailabilityGroup = NULL
    SET @CurrentAvailabilityGroupRole = NULL
    SET @CurrentIsPreferredBackupReplica = NULL
    SET @CurrentDatabaseMirroringRole = NULL
    SET @CurrentLogShippingRole = NULL
    SET @CurrentCommand02 = NULL
    SET @CurrentCommand03 = NULL
    SET @CurrentCommandOutput02 = NULL
    SET @CurrentCommandOutput03 = NULL
    SET @CurrentCommandType02 = NULL
    SET @CurrentCommandType03 = NULL
    DELETE FROM @CurrentDirectories
    DELETE FROM @CurrentFiles
    --// Log completing information //--
    SET @EndMessage = 'Date and time: ' + CONVERT(nvarchar,GETDATE(),120)
    SET @EndMessage = REPLACE(@EndMessage,'%','%%')
    RAISERROR(@EndMessage,10,1) WITH NOWAIT
    IF @ReturnCode <> 0
    RETURN @ReturnCode

  • Javax.ejb.EJBException: Null primary key returned by ejbCreate method

    Hi all,
    I'm using SunOne 7.1 and I got this error when I call the create on the CMP bean.
    javax.ejb.TransactionRolledbackLocalException: Exception thrown from bean; nested exception is: javax.ejb.EJBException: Null primary key returned by ejbCreate method
    [14/Aug/2004:01:15:34] WARNING ( 4044): CORE3283: stderr: javax.ejb.EJBException: Null primary key returned by ejbCreate method
    [14/Aug/2004:01:15:34] WARNING ( 4044): CORE3283: stderr: at com.sun.ejb.containers.EntityContainer.postCreate(EntityContainer.java:801)
    [14/Aug/2004:01:15:34] WARNING ( 4044): CORE3283: stderr: at uk.co.upco.workflow.applicationAdmin.ejb.ApplicationAdminBean_854379388_ConcreteImpl_LocalHomeImpl.createNewApplication(ApplicationAdminBean_854379388_ConcreteImpl_LocalHomeImpl.java:64)
    [14/Aug/2004:01:15:34] WARNING ( 4044): CORE3283: stderr: at uk.co.upco.workflow.sessionFacedeApplicationAdmin.SFApplicationAdminBean.insertNewApplicationName(SFApplicationAdminBean.java:64)
    [14/Aug/2004:01:15:34] WARNING ( 4044): CORE3283: stderr: at uk.co.upco.workflow.sessionFacedeApplicationAdmin.SFApplicationAdminBean_EJBObjectImpl.insertNewApplicationName(SFApplicationAdminBean_EJBObjectImpl.java:31)
    [14/Aug/2004:01:15:34] WARNING ( 4044): CORE3283: stderr: at uk.co.upco.workflow.sessionFacedeApplicationAdmin._SFApplicationAdminBean_EJBObjectImpl_Tie._invoke(Unknown Source)
    [14/Aug/2004:01:15:34] WARNING ( 4044): CORE3283: stderr: at com.sun.corba.ee.internal.POA.GenericPOAServerSC.dispatchToServant(GenericPOAServerSC.java:569)
    [14/Aug/2004:01:15:34] WARNING ( 4044): CORE3283: stderr: at com.sun.corba.ee.internal.POA.GenericPOAServerSC.internalDispatch(GenericPOAServerSC.java:211)
    [14/Aug/2004:01:15:34] WARNING ( 4044): CORE3283: stderr: at com.sun.corba.ee.internal.POA.GenericPOAServerSC.dispatch(GenericPOAServerSC.java:113)
    [14/Aug/2004:01:15:34] WARNING ( 4044): CORE3283: stderr: at com.sun.corba.ee.internal.iiop.ORB.process(ORB.java:275)
    [14/Aug/2004:01:15:34] WARNING ( 4044): CORE3283: stderr: at com.sun.corba.ee.internal.iiop.RequestProcessor.process(RequestProcessor.java:83)
    [14/Aug/2004:01:15:34] WARNING ( 4044): CORE3283: stderr: at com.iplanet.ias.corba.ee.internal.iiop.ServicableWrapper.service(ServicableWrapper.java:25)
    [14/Aug/2004:01:15:34] WARNING ( 4044): CORE3283: stderr: at com.iplanet.ias.util.threadpool.FastThreadPool$ThreadPoolThread.run(FastThreadPool.java:283)
    [14/Aug/2004:01:15:34] WARNING ( 4044): CORE3283: stderr: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:534)
    public java.lang.Integer ejbCreateNewApplication(java.lang.String application) throws javax.ejb.CreateException {
    return null;
    The key is auto_increment and is an integer.
    I'm usin MySQL and it is already set up as ANSI. (running as mysqld --ansi)
    Any Idea?
    Thanks in advance

    What happend when two concourrent user try to get the same key on the table? If for example I have 30 users at same time do I have lock table?
    Any way here the finest log using sunone 8. The error is the same, so I think I missing something:
    [#|2004-08-14T12:11:19.296+0100|FINE|sun-appserver-pe8.0|javax.enterprise.system.util|_ThreadID=11;|IM: preInvokeorg.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet@1acecf3|#]
    [#|2004-08-14T12:11:19.296+0100|FINE|sun-appserver-pe8.0|javax.enterprise.system.util|_ThreadID=11;|IM: postInvokeorg.apache.catalina.servlets.DefaultServlet@1acecf3|#]
    [#|2004-08-14T12:11:26.166+0100|FINE|sun-appserver-pe8.0|javax.enterprise.system.core.security|_ThreadID=22;|JACC: returning cached ProtectionDomain - CodeSource: ((file:/Test <no certificates>)) PrincipalSet: null|#]
    [#|2004-08-14T12:11:26.166+0100|FINE|sun-appserver-pe8.0|javax.enterprise.system.core.security|_ThreadID=22;|JACC: Changing Policy Context ID: oldV = null newV = Test|#]
    [#|2004-08-14T12:11:26.166+0100|FINE|sun-appserver-pe8.0|javax.enterprise.system.core.security|_ThreadID=22;|JACC: Access Control Decision Result: true EJBMethodPermission (Name) = SFApplicationAdmin (Action) = create,Home, (Codesource) = (file:/Test <no certificates>)|#]
    [#|2004-08-14T12:11:26.186+0100|FINE|sun-appserver-pe8.0|javax.enterprise.system.core.security|_ThreadID=22;|JACC: returning cached ProtectionDomain - CodeSource: ((file:/Test <no certificates>)) PrincipalSet: null|#]
    [#|2004-08-14T12:11:26.186+0100|FINE|sun-appserver-pe8.0|javax.enterprise.system.core.security|_ThreadID=22;|JACC: Access Control Decision Result: true EJBMethodPermission (Name) = SFApplicationAdmin (Action) = insertNewApplicationName,Remote,java.util.Hashtable (Codesource) = (file:/Test <no certificates>)|#]
    [#|2004-08-14T12:11:26.186+0100|FINE|sun-appserver-pe8.0|javax.enterprise.system.util|_ThreadID=22;|IM: preInvokeuk.co.myDomain.workflow.sessionFacedeApplicationAdmin.SFApplicationAdminBean@1fa487f|#]
    [#|2004-08-14T12:11:26.186+0100|FINE|sun-appserver-pe8.0|javax.enterprise.system.core.security|_ThreadID=22;|JACC: doAsPrivileged contextId(Test)|#]
    mgmt: com.sun.enterprise.naming.TransientContext:com.sun.enterprise.naming.TransientContext@ad00b2|#]
    SFApplicationAdmin: javax.naming.Reference:Reference Class Name: reference
    Type: url
    Content: ejb/SFApplicationAdmin
    [#|2004-08-14T12:11:26.186+0100|FINE|sun-appserver-pe8.0|javax.enterprise.system.core.security|_ThreadID=22;|JACC: returning cached ProtectionDomain - CodeSource: ((file:/Test <no certificates>)) PrincipalSet: null|#]
    [#|2004-08-14T12:11:26.186+0100|FINE|sun-appserver-pe8.0|javax.enterprise.system.core.security|_ThreadID=22;|JACC: Access Control Decision Result: true EJBMethodPermission (Name) = ApplicationAdmin (Action) = createNewApplication,LocalHome,java.lang.String (Codesource) = (file:/Test <no certificates>)|#]
    [#|2004-08-14T12:11:26.196+0100|FINE|sun-appserver-pe8.0|javax.enterprise.system.container.ejb|_ThreadID=22;|[Pool-ApplicationAdmin]: Added PoolResizeTimerTask...|#]
    [#|2004-08-14T12:11:26.196+0100|FINE|sun-appserver-pe8.0|javax.enterprise.system.util|_ThreadID=22;|IM: preInvokeuk.co.myDomain.workflow.applicationAdmin.ejb.ApplicationAdminBean_1421299025_ConcreteImpl@7ae165|#]
    [#|2004-08-14T12:11:26.196+0100|FINEST|sun-appserver-pe8.0|javax.enterprise.resource.jdo.persistencemanager|_ThreadID=22;|:Thread[Worker: 16,5,org.apache.commons.launcher.ChildMain] -->SQLPersistenceManagerFactory.getPersistenceManager().|#]
    [#|2004-08-14T12:11:26.196+0100|FINEST|sun-appserver-pe8.0|javax.enterprise.resource.jdo.persistencemanager|_ThreadID=22;|Thread[Worker: 16,5,org.apache.commons.launcher.ChildMain] <->SQLPersistenceManagerFactory.getPersistenceManager() FOUND javax.transaction.Transaction: com.sun.ejb.containers.PMTransactionImpl@5.|#]
    [#|2004-08-14T12:11:26.196+0100|FINEST|sun-appserver-pe8.0|javax.enterprise.resource.jdo.persistencemanager|_ThreadID=22;|PersistenceManagerImpl cache properties: _txCacheInitialCapacity=20, _flushedCacheInitialCapacity=20, _flushedCacheLoadFactor=0.75, _weakCacheInitialCapacity=20, _weakCacheLoadFactor=0.75.|#]
    [#|2004-08-14T12:11:26.196+0100|FINEST|sun-appserver-pe8.0|javax.enterprise.resource.jdo.utility|_ThreadID=22;|NullSemaphore constructor() for PersistenceManagerImpl.cacheLock.|#]
    [#|2004-08-14T12:11:26.196+0100|FINEST|sun-appserver-pe8.0|javax.enterprise.resource.jdo.utility|_ThreadID=22;|NullSemaphore constructor() for PersistenceManagerImpl.fieldUpdateLock.|#]
    [#|2004-08-14T12:11:26.196+0100|FINEST|sun-appserver-pe8.0|javax.enterprise.resource.jdo.persistencemanager|_ThreadID=22;|<--SQLPersistenceManagerFactory.getFromPool() PM: com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.support.sqlstore.impl.PersistenceManagerImpl@8d18c for JTA com.sun.ejb.containers.PMTransactionImpl@5.|#]
    [#|2004-08-14T12:11:26.196+0100|FINEST|sun-appserver-pe8.0|javax.enterprise.resource.jdo.persistencemanager|_ThreadID=22;|<->SQLPersistenceManagerFactory.getPersistenceManager() JDO Transaction:   Transaction:
    Transaction Object = Transaction@16077795
    threads = 0
    [#|2004-08-14T12:11:26.196+0100|FINEST|sun-appserver-pe8.0|javax.enterprise.resource.jdo.transaction|_ThreadID=22;|Thread[Worker: 16,5,org.apache.commons.launcher.ChildMain] Tran[   Transaction:
    Transaction Object = Transaction@16077795
    threads = 0
    ].begin:status = STATUS_NO_TRANSACTION ,txType: UNKNOWN for com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.support.sqlstore.impl.PersistenceManagerImpl@8d18c.|#]
    [#|2004-08-14T12:11:26.196+0100|FINEST|sun-appserver-pe8.0|javax.enterprise.resource.jdo.transaction|_ThreadID=22;|Thread[Worker: 16,5,org.apache.commons.launcher.ChildMain] Tran[   Transaction:
    Transaction Object = Transaction@16077795
    threads = 0
    ].setStatus: STATUS_NO_TRANSACTION => STATUS_ACTIVE for com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.support.sqlstore.impl.PersistenceManagerImpl@8d18c.|#]
    [#|2004-08-14T12:11:26.196+0100|FINEST|sun-appserver-pe8.0|javax.enterprise.resource.jdo.persistencemanager|_ThreadID=22;|Thread[Worker: 16,5,org.apache.commons.launcher.ChildMain] <->SQLPersistenceManagerFactory.getPersistenceManager() : com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.support.sqlstore.impl.PersistenceManagerImpl@8d18c for JTA: com.sun.ejb.containers.PMTransactionImpl@5.|#]
    [#|2004-08-14T12:11:26.196+0100|FINEST|sun-appserver-pe8.0|javax.enterprise.resource.jdo.persistencemanager|_ThreadID=22;|---PersistenceManagerImpl.getCurrentWrapper() > current: null.|#]
    [#|2004-08-14T12:11:26.196+0100|FINEST|sun-appserver-pe8.0|javax.enterprise.resource.jdo.persistencemanager|_ThreadID=22;|---PersistenceManagerImpl.pushCurrentWrapper() > current: null  new: com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.support.sqlstore.impl.PersistenceManagerWrapper@567117.|#]
    [#|2004-08-14T12:11:26.196+0100|FINEST|sun-appserver-pe8.0|javax.enterprise.resource.jdo.persistencemanager|_ThreadID=22;|---PersistenceManagerImpl.popCurrentWrapper() > current: com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.support.sqlstore.impl.PersistenceManagerWrapper@567117  prev: null.|#]
    [#|2004-08-14T12:11:26.196+0100|FINE|sun-appserver-pe8.0|javax.enterprise.system.util|_ThreadID=22;|IM: postInvokeuk.co.myDomain.workflow.applicationAdmin.ejb.ApplicationAdminBean_1421299025_ConcreteImpl@7ae165|#]
    [#|2004-08-14T12:11:26.196+0100|FINE|sun-appserver-pe8.0|javax.enterprise.system.container.ejb|_ThreadID=22;|Exception in forceDestroyBean()
    java.lang.IllegalStateException: Primary key not available
         at com.sun.ejb.containers.EntityContextImpl.getPrimaryKey(EntityContextImpl.java:114)
         at com.sun.ejb.containers.EntityContainer.forceDestroyBean(EntityContainer.java:1232)
         at com.sun.ejb.containers.BaseContainer.checkExceptionClientTx(BaseContainer.java:2559)
         at com.sun.ejb.containers.BaseContainer.postInvokeTx(BaseContainer.java:2416)
         at com.sun.ejb.containers.BaseContainer.postInvoke(BaseContainer.java:763)
         at com.sun.ejb.containers.EJBLocalHomeInvocationHandler.invoke(EJBLocalHomeInvocationHandler.java:197)
         at $Proxy10.createNewApplication(Unknown Source)
         at uk.co.myDomain.workflow.sessionFacedeApplicationAdmin.SFApplicationAdminBean.insertNewApplicationName(SFApplicationAdminBean.java:64)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
         at com.sun.enterprise.security.SecurityUtil$2.run(SecurityUtil.java:146)
         at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
         at com.sun.enterprise.security.application.EJBSecurityManager.doAsPrivileged(EJBSecurityManager.java:930)
         at com.sun.enterprise.security.SecurityUtil.invoke(SecurityUtil.java:151)
         at com.sun.ejb.containers.EJBObjectInvocationHandler.invoke(EJBObjectInvocationHandler.java:128)
         at $Proxy7.insertNewApplicationName(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.presentation.rmi.ReflectiveTie._invoke(ReflectiveTie.java:117)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaServerRequestDispatcherImpl.dispatchToServant(CorbaServerRequestDispatcherImpl.java:651)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaServerRequestDispatcherImpl.dispatch(CorbaServerRequestDispatcherImpl.java:190)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.handleRequestRequest(CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.java:1653)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.handleRequest(CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.java:1513)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.handleInput(CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.java:895)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.giopmsgheaders.RequestMessage_1_2.callback(RequestMessage_1_2.java:172)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.handleRequest(CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.java:668)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.transport.SocketOrChannelConnectionImpl.dispatch(SocketOrChannelConnectionImpl.java:375)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.transport.SocketOrChannelConnectionImpl.read(SocketOrChannelConnectionImpl.java:284)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.transport.ReaderThreadImpl.doWork(ReaderThreadImpl.java:73)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.orbutil.threadpool.ThreadPoolImpl$WorkerThread.run(ThreadPoolImpl.java:382)
    [#|2004-08-14T12:11:26.196+0100|INFO|sun-appserver-pe8.0|javax.enterprise.system.container.ejb|_ThreadID=22;|EJB5018: An exception was thrown during an ejb invocation on [ApplicationAdmin]|#]
    javax.ejb.TransactionRolledbackLocalException: Exception thrown from bean; nested exception is: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: JDO73013: Primary Key field applicationId for bean 'ApplicationAdmin' cannot be null.
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: JDO73013: Primary Key field applicationId for bean 'ApplicationAdmin' cannot be null.
         at com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.support.ejb.cmp.JDOEJB11HelperImpl.assertPrimaryKeyFieldNotNull(JDOEJB11HelperImpl.java:446)
         at uk.co.myDomain.workflow.applicationAdmin.ejb.ApplicationAdminBean_1421299025_ConcreteImpl.setApplicationId(ApplicationAdminBean_1421299025_ConcreteImpl.java:102)
         at uk.co.myDomain.workflow.applicationAdmin.ejb.ApplicationAdminBean.ejbCreateNewApplication(ApplicationAdminBean.java:93)
         at uk.co.myDomain.workflow.applicationAdmin.ejb.ApplicationAdminBean_1421299025_ConcreteImpl.ejbCreateNewApplication(ApplicationAdminBean_1421299025_ConcreteImpl.java:334)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
         at com.sun.enterprise.security.SecurityUtil.invoke(SecurityUtil.java:140)
         at com.sun.ejb.containers.EJBLocalHomeInvocationHandler.invoke(EJBLocalHomeInvocationHandler.java:168)
         at $Proxy10.createNewApplication(Unknown Source)
         at uk.co.myDomain.workflow.sessionFacedeApplicationAdmin.SFApplicationAdminBean.insertNewApplicationName(SFApplicationAdminBean.java:64)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
         at com.sun.enterprise.security.SecurityUtil$2.run(SecurityUtil.java:146)
         at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
         at com.sun.enterprise.security.application.EJBSecurityManager.doAsPrivileged(EJBSecurityManager.java:930)
         at com.sun.enterprise.security.SecurityUtil.invoke(SecurityUtil.java:151)
         at com.sun.ejb.containers.EJBObjectInvocationHandler.invoke(EJBObjectInvocationHandler.java:128)
         at $Proxy7.insertNewApplicationName(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.presentation.rmi.ReflectiveTie._invoke(ReflectiveTie.java:117)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaServerRequestDispatcherImpl.dispatchToServant(CorbaServerRequestDispatcherImpl.java:651)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaServerRequestDispatcherImpl.dispatch(CorbaServerRequestDispatcherImpl.java:190)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.handleRequestRequest(CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.java:1653)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.handleRequest(CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.java:1513)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.handleInput(CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.java:895)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.giopmsgheaders.RequestMessage_1_2.callback(RequestMessage_1_2.java:172)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.handleRequest(CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.java:668)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.transport.SocketOrChannelConnectionImpl.dispatch(SocketOrChannelConnectionImpl.java:375)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.transport.SocketOrChannelConnectionImpl.read(SocketOrChannelConnectionImpl.java:284)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.transport.ReaderThreadImpl.doWork(ReaderThreadImpl.java:73)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.orbutil.threadpool.ThreadPoolImpl$WorkerThread.run(ThreadPoolImpl.java:382)
    javax.ejb.TransactionRolledbackLocalException: Exception thrown from bean; nested exception is: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: JDO73013: Primary Key field applicationId for bean 'ApplicationAdmin' cannot be null.
         at com.sun.ejb.containers.BaseContainer.checkExceptionClientTx(BaseContainer.java:2564)
         at com.sun.ejb.containers.BaseContainer.postInvokeTx(BaseContainer.java:2416)
         at com.sun.ejb.containers.BaseContainer.postInvoke(BaseContainer.java:763)
         at com.sun.ejb.containers.EJBLocalHomeInvocationHandler.invoke(EJBLocalHomeInvocationHandler.java:197)
         at $Proxy10.createNewApplication(Unknown Source)
         at uk.co.myDomain.workflow.sessionFacedeApplicationAdmin.SFApplicationAdminBean.insertNewApplicationName(SFApplicationAdminBean.java:64)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
         at com.sun.enterprise.security.SecurityUtil$2.run(SecurityUtil.java:146)
         at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
         at com.sun.enterprise.security.application.EJBSecurityManager.doAsPrivileged(EJBSecurityManager.java:930)
         at com.sun.enterprise.security.SecurityUtil.invoke(SecurityUtil.java:151)
         at com.sun.ejb.containers.EJBObjectInvocationHandler.invoke(EJBObjectInvocationHandler.java:128)
         at $Proxy7.insertNewApplicationName(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.presentation.rmi.ReflectiveTie._invoke(ReflectiveTie.java:117)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaServerRequestDispatcherImpl.dispatchToServant(CorbaServerRequestDispatcherImpl.java:651)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaServerRequestDispatcherImpl.dispatch(CorbaServerRequestDispatcherImpl.java:190)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.handleRequestRequest(CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.java:1653)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.handleRequest(CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.java:1513)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.handleInput(CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.java:895)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.giopmsgheaders.RequestMessage_1_2.callback(RequestMessage_1_2.java:172)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.protocol.CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.handleRequest(CorbaMessageMediatorImpl.java:668)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.transport.SocketOrChannelConnectionImpl.dispatch(SocketOrChannelConnectionImpl.java:375)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.transport.SocketOrChannelConnectionImpl.read(SocketOrChannelConnectionImpl.java:284)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.transport.ReaderThreadImpl.doWork(ReaderThreadImpl.java:73)
         at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.orbutil.threadpool.ThreadPoolImpl$WorkerThread.run(ThreadPoolImpl.java:382)
    Any Idea?
    Thanks in advance for any help

  • FWSM 4.0: switch from active/standby to active/active failover mode

    I have a pair of FWSM's running version 4.0 currently in active/standby failover mode, and I'd like to switch them to be active/active.  Is there a documented procedure for doing this?  What are the implications for any contexts switched to be primary on the FWSM that is currently acting as a standby (i.e., what kind of outage time can we expect)?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Bro
    Thanks for the update, but still you'll need to create 2 contexts, each context will be ACTIVE on different Cisco ASA FW units. Hence, there will be some cut, copy and paste effort, not forgetting recabling, if that's needed. Here's a Cisco document to configure ACTIVE/ACTIVE for those who can't seem to find this document http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps6120/products_configuration_example09186a0080834058.shtml#req
    Conclusion: There will be some network downtime. I'm guessing 15min, if it was me :-)
    P/S: If you think this comment is helpful, please do rate it nicely :-)

  • IIS7 + CF8: 5+ second delays returning content to browser

    Howdy --
    I've got a mystery.  I've been putting together this production server for a while and once I started moving sites over to it, I found that some sites were experiencing unacceptably long delays when rendering pages.  Some sites were not.  Here are the interesting bits:
    Whenever a site experiences delays, normally all pages are affected.  HTML pages are not affected.
    Whenever a page is affected, the delay is normally 5 seconds, but sometimes is a MULTIPLE of 5 (I've seen 10, 15, and 20s delays), but never anywhere in the middle.  A page's delay may normally be 5s, but if you reload it there's a chance it'll hit 10s for no reason at all.
    I recently put together a page on a site which was experiencing delays, but the page itself was fine UNTIL I moved a <cfparam> tag to the top of the page.  At that point, the page was delayed 5 seconds.  When I moved it down farther in the page to where it would still execute but not be the first thing executed, the delay disappeared once again.
    If I'm debugging a page and there's a compiler error, there is no delay before the server returns the compiler error.
    The delay seems to be related to the amount of information returned from queries to a database.
    My latest test has been to figure out how much data I can return from a database query without it causing a delay.  At one point the query that returned 105 characters of information over two fields did NOT cause a delay, and if I returned 106 characters, it induced a 5 second delay.  This was repeatable for about 20 minutes, until I went to make dinner.  When I came back, it changed and the delay was always present.  I reduced the number of characters returned further, to 54 over the same two fields, and the delay disappeared.  I then tried querying on a single field, and was able to return up to 110 characters (sometimes only 109) without the 5s delay, but 111 characters would cause the delay.  This particular field is in a SQL Server 2005 database defined as nvarchar(1500).  My current test code contains just 5 lines, and I've been modifying the 2nd parameter of left():
    <cfquery datasource="#dsn#" name="q">
    select left(eventdescription, 109) from events where eventid = 2
    <cfdump var="#q#">
    Also: the cfdump shows the EXECUTIONTIME value.  When there is no delay, this value is 0.  When there is a delay, it runs between 5100 and 5300ms.  At the same time as I'm doing this testing, I'm running a trace on my SQL Server, and each and every query shows a duration of 0, regardless of whether or not a delay is expressed by CF (or IIS, or whatever's causing it).
    I'm running CF Standard Edition with Cumulative Hot Fix 4 and hotfix hf801-71557, Java version 1.6.0_04 on Windows Server 2008 SP2 Standard x86.  I've also tried looking at the IIS Failed Request Tracing -- I can set a rule that says for it to trigger an event if a page runs longer than 4s, and it does trigger, but it only records events at the beginning of the request; nothing at the end of the request accounts for the delay.  For example, if I start a request at 9:00:00, it will record events at 9:00:00.xxx, but not at 9:00:05.xxx when it says the event stopped.  This makes me think that whatever it is happens after IIS hands off the request to CF.  I've also tried packet inspection between the web server and the database server, and see no dropped packets or delays in that communication.
    What can I do here to figure out where this delay is coming from?  Thank you so much for your thoughts on this matter.

    Very quick thought after a quick skim-read between coffees - have you turned on all the CF debugging options? The Request Debugger often gives you more info than the query executiontimes.

  • Primary Index is not Active in Database

    Dear Experts,
       I have created a ztable and transported it to production server. But in Production server the primary index is missing. When i checked in it in development and quality server it exist there but not in production. I have tried to activate through SE14 but it is not activating . Can you please suggest a procedure to activate it. Waiting for your suggestion.

    posted in abap dictionary

  • Configuration Manager 2012 SP1 Prerequisite Checker returns "Migration active source hierarchy" error

    I am getting "Migration active source hierarchy" error in the SCCM 2012 SP1 prerequisite checker on the CM 2012 primary site. The error says "There is an active hierarchy configuration for the migration. Please stop data gathering for each
    source site in the source hierarchy." However, actually there is no migration source hierarchy configured and there are no migration jobs displayed in CM 2012 console. We used to configure this feature to migrate CM 2007 to current CM 2012 without service
    pack two years ago and we have deleted these configurations. 
    In migmctrl.log, the following record is being generated every 60 minutes. 
    Connection string = Data Source=xxxxx;Initial Catalog=xxxxx;Integrated Security=True;Persist Security Info=False;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Application Name="Migration Manager".~~  $$<SMS_MIGRATION_MANAGER><04-07-2014
    01:01:53.710+300><thread=6992 (0x1B50)>
    Created new sqlConnection to xxxxx~~  $$<SMS_MIGRATION_MANAGER><04-07-2014 01:01:53.741+300><thread=6992 (0x1B50)>
                                                                    [Worker]: Start two step scheduling
    for MIG_Job~~  $$<SMS_MIGRATION_MANAGER><04-07-2014 01:01:53.741+300><thread=6992 (0x1B50)>
    Step 1. Query the schedule items that was running or requested to start immediately ...~~  $$<SMS_MIGRATION_MANAGER><04-07-2014 01:01:53.741+300><thread=6992 (0x1B50)>
    Step 2. Query the first item in order of DateNextRun ...~~  $$<SMS_MIGRATION_MANAGER><04-07-2014 01:01:53.819+300><thread=6992 (0x1B50)>
            No item found. Sleep until the next event.~~  $$<SMS_MIGRATION_MANAGER><04-07-2014 01:01:53.882+300><thread=6992 (0x1B50)>
                                                                    [Worker]: End two step scheduling
    for MIG_Job~~  $$<SMS_MIGRATION_MANAGER><04-07-2014 01:01:53.882+300><thread=6992 (0x1B50)>
    [MigMCtrl]: the workitem queue is full!~  $$<SMS_MIGRATION_MANAGER><04-07-2014 01:01:53.882+300><thread=6992 (0x1B50)>
    [MigMCtrl]: WAIT 3 event(s) for 60 minute(s) and 0 second(s).~  $$<SMS_MIGRATION_MANAGER><04-07-2014 01:01:53.882+300><thread=6992 (0x1B50)>
    I am not really sure where to look into in this case. I would appreciate any advice. 

    Could you please upload the full migmctrl.log?
    How about specifying a source hierarchy with the same name and password of the hierarchy before in the console, then click Clean Up Migration Data?
    Best Regards,
    Joyce Li
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Use of custom primary key using OSM Activation Tasks

    We are using OSM Activations Task to interact with ASAP. By default it uses OSM_ORDER_ID.HIST_ID as the corelation key and same as primary key while sending the request to ASAP. Is there a way we can customize this logic so as to send a custom value as the primary key to ASAP.

    A dropdown list can have only one value, so this is not possible. As a (dirty) work around you could introduce a transient attribute that concatenates the two PK values with for example a dash separating the two values, and base your drop down list on this transient attribute. In the setter method of this attribute you can then extract the two values and call the setters of the two PK attrs.
    Steven Davelaar,
    JHeadstart Team.

  • Delay in broadband activation

    I ordered BT broadband on the 24th November I was given the activation date of the 15th December, originally I was supposed to have an engineer out on the 15th however the day enforce this I checked the online status of my order and it said the engineer no longer needed to come out, which didn't surprise me as there is already a BT line in the property I have moved into. I received a text message on the 15th saying there was a delay and they would contact me on the 16th, I then received another text on the 16th saying they would give me an update on the 18th. Heard nothing on the 18th but had a voicemail and a text message on the 19th as I was in work so couldn't answer the phone. In the voicemail and text I was told that there was still a delay and I would e contacted for an update on the 2nd January!! I haven't been informed of what the problem is and in struggling to understand why there is such a problem when there is a by line already in my house. And it seems I'm just being given dates where I will be informed of progress so still no activation date! I understand it's close to Christmas but it's becoming an absolute nuisance as I'm a student needing to revise and still having no internet. Is there anyone who can help to advise what the issue is??

    I have asked a moderator to provide assistance, they will post an invite on this thread.
    They are the only BT employees on this forum, and are a UK based team of people, who take personal ownership of your problem.
    Once you get a reply, make sure that you are logged into the forum, then click on their name, you will see a screen like this. Click on the link as shown below.
    Please do not send them a personal message, as they may not be on duty for a long time, and your message will not be tracked properly.
    For your own security, do not post any personal details, on this forum. That includes any tracking number you are give.
    They will respond either by phone or e-mail within 5-6 working days.
    Please use the tracked e-mail, to reply, not via the forum. Thanks
    This is the form you should see when you click on the link. If you do not see this form, then you have selected the wrong link.
    When you submit the form, you will receive an enquiry number, so please keep a note of it
    There are some useful help pages here, for BT Broadband customers only, on my personal website.
    BT Broadband customers - help with broadband, WiFi, networking, e-mail and phones.

  • Suspicious delay of HDD activity after commit

    I know that after commit Oracle LGWR process writes the data
    changies into the redo-log. And Oracle must return "Commited"
    only after above is done. But when I do Commit, I don't see the
    HDD LED blink. Only after 1-2 sec HDD LED blinks. Is it normal?
    What people have?

    To answer the question of caching and syncing:
    Linux nearly caches all and does it on a high "level", means it
    is one of the reason for the good I/O-performance of linux.
    In order to make sure that data is directly written to the disks
    you can mount your disks with the option sync.
    An example: mount -o sync /dev/sdc1 /data_1
    Note, that the performance will decrease. The other possibility
    is a little tool called syncer, which is a daemon that causes
    linux to clear its cache every xy seconds (any value you like). I
    think (because I never used) it causes some overhead but is a
    good compromise to the sync-option.
    Deactivating caching in the kernel... I think this is not the
    best solution if you are not familiar with kernel programming.
    Also think of swapping and reads on the system-disk and so on.
    p.s: I can't remember where I've found it, so I send it to your
    personal account, because I can't add any files here
    StE (guest) wrote:
    : Mark Malakanov (guest) wrote:
    : : I know that after commit Oracle LGWR process writes the data
    : : changies into the redo-log. And Oracle must return "Commited"
    : : only after above is done.
    : Not quite true. Information is constantly flushed from the
    : in-memory redo log buffer to disc while changes are taking
    : to the database. When a transaction is committed the
    : current contents of the redo-log buffer are flushed to disc,
    : followed by a marker saying "SCN was committed" is written to
    : disc - the changes themselves have already been written out.
    : : But when I do Commit, I don't see the
    : : HDD LED blink. Only after 1-2 sec HDD LED blinks.
    : : Is it normal? What people have?
    : That's probably normal, but that doesn't make it a good thing.
    : The Linux buffer-cache does write-behind caching, so that dirty
    : buffers arn't written out to disc immediately. If there were a
    : failure the write of the commit or some of the preceeding redo
    : log blocks might not make it to disc.
    : I think you can tune the frequency with which bdflush wakes up
    : and writes to disc. Setting it to a low value if you're worried
    : about consistency over performance would be a good idea.
    : I don't know whether there's an open() flag to perform writes
    : a file synchronously or not under Linux. It's possible to
    : an open filehandle, I think, so perhaps Oracle does a sync on
    : the active redo log when it writes out the commit.
    : Anyone know anything less vague and hand-waving?
    : -michael

  • BI Content is not return in "Active Version"

    hello...i am trying to install an infoobject from business content, when i click the install in production box, it said that "no changes for user SAP* allowed". So what can i do to install this? Thanks!

    I think the object is already installed. Check the object in Production, is it in Active or not.
    Try to install it again.
    Let us know the status.

  • Delaying Voicemail from activating

    Is it possible to delay my iphone(4) from diverting to voicemail so that it rings for longer?

    Controlled by your carrier, so contact them about increasing the time before Voicemail kicks in. For most, the maximum is ~ 30 seconds.

  • Pre populate the Primary contact field on Activity when created from an opp

    Is there a way to auto populate the Primary contact field when a task is created from an opportunity with a primary contact? Can it be done thru a custom weblink? I think Bob B. may have had some weblink documentation?

    There are a couple of options to solve this issue. One option would be to use a post-default to set the value. This option would allow you the ability to use logic to determine whether it is populated or not. The other option would be to use a custom weblink that populates the value, but I don't know that you would be able to use logic in the weblink option. I have docs on these options, so you can contact me via email and I send you what I have.
    Good luck,

  • Return to Active version - Multiprovider

    Hi all,
    See if you can help me with this.
    I have a Multiprovider that has been screwed after a transport from another system. This is in a development system, so it is open for changes. I can see the A version is ok and I like to keep it, so I was wondering if there's any way of deleting the M version or just reactivating the A version.
    SAP BW 3.1 Stack 22
    Thanks a lot.

    Yeah, that's right.
    First of all, thanks for the welcome!
    When I select the active version all the icons grey out.
    I think I remember that I have done this with an update rule, I just switched to the A version on the selection box and then activate again. But on the Multiprovider and Cube maintenance screen seems not to let you do this!
    Thanks again.

  • Compensation of delay caused by activity

    Hi Experts
    During the execution phase, it is observed certain activities have taken more duration than the planned.
    At this juncture, to cover up the deviation, is there any facility to understand where this lagging can be compensated.
    Or, can i use the reduction functionality, to compensate the delay caused by the already executed activities?
    warm regards

    the quesion is, do you want to compensate the time technically or for your real business case.
    Technically you can simply shorten the duration or maintain the remaining duration or forecast fnishdate to compensate the delay. Surely you can using reduction functionality.
    In the real life, either the you need more capacity (e.g. instead a person using multipe persons) or the person has to to the night shift.
    Kind regards,

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