Garageband 2 - Pismo Laptop

I recently purchased an iMac G5 which came loaded with OS10.4.0 including all of the iLife software that has now been upgraded to an OS10.4.3 via the Apple download system/site. I also still own 2 G3 Pismo-Bronze Powerbooks with Firewire/cd-firewire onto which I recently/ successfully installed a store bought OS10.4.3 Tiger packaged as M9639Z/A. Come to find that this OS10.4.3 Tiger does not include any of the iLife software.....I have copied the iLife software off the iMac, but find that the Pismo's will not accept either the original OS10.4.0 dvds with iLife that came with the iMac or the CD iLife programs copied from the iMac. Any help will be appreciated on this issue. Thanks. Bob S
Powerbook - Pismo 500mhz-firewire   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  
iMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.1)  
iMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.1)  
Pismo Powerbook   Mac OS X (10.4.1)  

Thanks Wheat Williams. Obviously I can utilize GarageBand on my G5 iMac so all is not lost, but how about iPhoto on the Pismo. It too was not included in the OS10.4 and appears not to be available except within iLife which can be purchased easily but can just iPhoto be installed on the Pismo? Appreciate your response again. Thanks. Bob S
Pismo Powerbook g3   Mac OS X (10.4.1)  
iMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.1)  

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    The terms of use for the Apple applications restrict them for use on only one computer at a time. Here's an excerpt from the agreement.
    2. Permitted License Uses and Restrictions. This License allows you to install and use one copy of the Apple Software on a single computer at a time. This License does not allow the Apple Software to exist on more than one computer at a time, and you may not make the Apple Software available over a network where it could be used by multiple computers at the same time. You may make one copy of the Apple Software in machine-readable form for backup purposes only; provided that the backup copy must include all copyright or other proprietary notices contained on the original. Except as and only to the extent expressly permitted in this License or by applicable law, you may not copy, decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, modify, or create derivative works of the Apple Software or any part thereof.
    So you need a new licensed copy of iPhoto 6 for your laptop. As far as preserving your metadata, Tutorial #1 describes how you can write the keywords and comments back to the original files so that other applications that can read that data will be able to view it.
    If you had iPhoto 6 on both machines you could use iPhoto Library Manager to copy the rolls from one library to another and preserve the keywords and comments like this. But both libraries need to be at the save version.
    Do you Twango?
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
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    Cheers, Tom

    Here is one less that $110 on eBay.
    Good luck.
    Message (HTML Tag) was edited by: cornelius

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    I would think you can. I have a G3 400MHz Pismo laptop running Tiger.
    Look at these links.
    OS 10. 4 Tiger requirements
    Mac OS X v10.4 Tiger Installing Software Support Page
    10.4 Tiger Upgrade: Decision tree+Checklist
    The specks say you need a min of 256MB RAM, but you should have at least 512MB.
     Cheers, Tom

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    Cheers, Tom

    Here is what I foundMac OS X Remove Localized Files: Mac OS X and many Mac OS X applications include files that allow them to be used by people who speak different languages. Even if you choose not to install "extra" languages, your Mac usually has several alternate languages available. And every time you install or update an application, you get more of them. For example, the iTunes 4.0 installer includes Chinese (both Taiwan and mainland), Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Korean, Japanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish versions.
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    My Powerbook Firewire seemed to be dead after I checked into whether there was any RAM in the lower slot (there was) and had put everything back together. My problem, the reason my computer wouldn't start up after I put thing back together was that I hadn't seated the processor module! Your instructions to "don't be shy" made all the difference. I pushed down on the processor and heard a snap. Voila, the processor had seated itself, something it hadn't done before. I didn't know how hard it needed to be pushed.
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    THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SUGGESTING THAT THAT MODULE NEEDED TO BE SEATED FIRMLY! The Mac "expert" I paid to look at it didn't know how hard it had to be seated. (I can also cancel the next appointment with someone else who was going to try again and look into getting an external drive, if it could be salvaged, which it can!!!)
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    Radio Mode selected: 80211n (80211b/g compatible).
    APBS version current: 7.4.2
    G3 sees my network as expected.
    The APEBS hasn't changed (except for the recent update).
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    If you just bought it I would recommend calling Apple, they can help you set it up.
    Also you should consider getting a high speed Internet connection. They are very inexpensive these days and would make your Internet experience much more enjoyable. Where you live I would think you have a choice of DSL (available from most telephone companies) or Cable, which would be the quickest but also more money too.

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    hold down P and PWR and waited for 2 beeps
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    Hi - I'd guess that the adapter you bought is the problem you have another to try? Also, having a guitar cable plugged into an 1/8in. adapter into your Macbook isn't the greatest situation as it really doesn't take a lot of cable movement for there to be a LOT of pressure on that small jack - which could easily screw up the insides. If you do try another adapter I'd suggest one with a longish/small cable attached so that you can plug your guitar in and not have any force on the jack at all.
    I too can get a signal this way (I have active pickups), and when I switch to the Macbook's speakers as the output the signal is delayed quite a bit. I use (and really recommend) the Griffin iMic for any real work with Garageband or the laptop in general - the USB signal is better, the cable doesn't pose a problem (as mentioned above) and if you're looking to record other sounds it can handle both line and mic levels ...and of course the price is great. The next real step up from this is a firewire interface of some type.
    Blackbook C2D   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   120Gig, 1Gig, Superdrive.

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    Mini & Pismo Laptop   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    Sorry I can't help you with your particular question, but I am considering purchasing a Xerox Phaser 6120. Are you generally satisfied and does it work with/support Rendezvous? Thanks very much.

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    Here's how I resurrected my "dead" laptop DVD-ROM Drive
    Recently I placed a CD in the DVD-ROM (Model M7931, Apple P/N 661-2244) drive on my G3 Pismo laptop to install some software. I heard some slow and fast spin sounds, but the CD icon did not appear on the Desktop. I removed the CD and inserted a DVD, but got the same results. The drive's lens was clean and the drive appeared in the System Profiler. When I replaced the DVD-ROM drive with a CD-ROM drive (M73888), the CD drive read a CD, so apparently the electronics within the G3 were OK.
    I did some Google searching for possible solutions. I read in several forums that these DVD drives have been problematic, primarily with a failed motor. Looking on eBay and some Mac hardware sites revealed that used ones appear to cost $50+ and new ones about $100+. The Service Manual troubleshooting doesn't suggest much, except replace. I thought there might be an alternate (cheaper $) PC drive that could be used. I found this site Replacing or Upgrading the Optical Drive in Your PowerBook G3 or 1400 that suggested replacing the Apple drive with a PC drive.
    I decided that since I had a CD-ROM drive, I probably would not spend $ for an Apple drive at this time, but I might look for a PC drive.
    In the meantime, I thought that since the drive was inop and possibly need to be trashed, I was not adverse to trying to disassemble and attempt a repair.
    There are 3 things in the arsenal of most guys (and many gals) to fix problems - use WD-40 lubricant, use duct tape and/or use bailing wire. It seemed that the tape and wire were not viable solutions for this problem.
    I opened the drive tray from it's enclosure. Using a #0 jeweler's Phillips screwdriver, I removed the metal cover plate screws (5). Then removed the screws (3) holding the motor/plate assembly. I carefully lifted the motor assembly upward at about a 45 degree angle (flex cables were attached). Looking at the side, there was about a 1mm gap between the motor & the plate. Using the plastic nozzle on a can of WD-40, I sprayed a small amount of lubricant. Let it sit for a few minutes and rotated the spindle. Reassembled everything.
    I inserted a CD, didn't hear any spinning noise and the CD icon appeared on the screen. Repeated with a DVD. Both were being read. Yea!!!!!!!!!!!! It's fixed. WD-40, the miracle solution. How long it will last? I don't know, but for now it's working.
     Cheers, Tom

  • Imac G3 won't install Os or boot from cd/dvd

    I have an imac G3 450 with DVD-rom currently running OS X 10.3.9
    It has 576 megs of ram and a 20gig hard drive.
    I want to install Tiger but when the computer restarts it spits the disc out I have also tried to boot 10.3 from the CD and it does the same. It only spits discs out on restart! I checked and repaired the hard drive permissions but it did not solve the problem!
    Has anybody ever encounter such a situation?
    What can I do?
    Thanks for any advice

    Same thing happened to me. I did a work-around by attaching my iMac G3 700to my G3 Pismo laptop with a firewire cord and starting the iMac up in Target Disk Mode (restart iMac and hold down the "T" key).
    I was then able to restart my laptop with the install disk and select the iMac for the Tiger installation.

  • Old Computer - New iPod Touch

    I'm considering the purchase of a new iPod Touch. The Apple Store website says I need a Mac with a USB 2 port. Does this have to be a factory installed port? Specifically can I connect the iPod Touch to either of these:
    1. G4 DP 800 QuickSilver Mac with USB 2.0 PCI card installed running OS X 10.4.11.
    2. G3 Pismo Laptop (Firewire ports) with PC USB 2.0 card in the slot. The Pismo is running OS X 10.4.11.
    Thanks for your help.

    I have connected a number of ipods to a 733 Mhz Quicksilver G4 Tower with an aftermarket USB2 PCI card - no problems. The last time I tried it also worked on the native USB 1 ports as well, just very slow when syncing large amounts of data.

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    1. This applies to new computers. The previous owner of an used one may have deleted it.
    2. If it originally shipped with Mac OS X 10.6.8 or earlier, install it from the computer's original disks, or if desired, erase the drive and install a new OS. If it shipped with Mac OS X 10.7 or newer, open the Mac App Store, sign in, and click on the Purchases tab; if you aren't given the option to accept it, contact Apple.

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    Here's how I revived the disc drive on my G3 Pismo laptop. e.html
     Cheers, Tom

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