Garbage Mattes not letting me move points

I am trying to use a Garbage Matte at several points in a video, which worked fine the other day; I was able to add a garbage matte around a person using a 50-point matte plugin, which was nice and smooth. Trying to add another similar effect, it no longer works; the red + appears when I click the + in the filter menu, and I can move the red + around, but it does nothing. I can set all of the points but the effect is not applied and nothing is cut out.
This is not something to do with the external plugin; I have tried this with the built-in 8-point and 4-point Garbage mattes, but they have done the same thing. Why is the effect not working? What can I do to apply/activate the effect?
I am using FCE 4.

It appears that all of my video filters are not functioning properly. I added the "Basic 3D" effect to a clip the other day, and now when I tried to modify the clip, the entire filter stopped functioning. The same happens to the 50-point matte I set up the other day. When I change them at all, they stop working!
My video filters in general seem to not work! Help!!!

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    Hi Elaine
    Here si what I do:
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    What version of the software are you using? You should be able to go into the keyframe graph in the viewer. There are diamond keyframe buttons for each of the points.

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    >i just tried your suggestion of applying the matte to a duplicate layer
    Not what I tried to explain.
    New example:
    Video layer 3: Copy of the clip (or background), NO garbage matte applied here.
    Video layer 2: The clip with the garbage matte applied
    Video layer 1: Background
    Click on clip in Video layer 2, and then click on the garbage matte effect in "Video Effects".
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    This (the above) works quite fine for me.
    Your other problem I have never seen, but you should see if you somehow have managed to get keyframes when you have moved the still around when placing it to where you wanted it.
    Some people have said that the garbage matte bug has been fixed in CS4.

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    Type: Photoshop
    File Size: 4.0 MB
    Image Size: 720 x 480
    Pixel Depth: 32
    Pixel Aspect Ratio: 1.0 (1.2121)
    Sequence 01
    720 x 480
    00;00;24;21, 29.97 fps
    48000 Hz - Stereo
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    Mac Pro running OSX 10.5.7
    2 x Dual Core 2.66 GHz
    13GB RAM
    Radeon X1900 512MB VRAM
    Glad to know it is working fine on others machines. Here is a screen shot. The greyish clip in the background is Video 1. The brownish clip, Video 2, which I scaled down so you can see it on top of Video 1 is visible in its entirety, The bright area of the marqee  is surrounded by the 4-point matte.
    Thanks for the help.

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    Welcome to the Apple Community Dongchun.
    If your problem persists get yourself a micro USB cable (sold separately), you can restore your Apple TV from iTunes:
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    Connect the micro USB cable to the Apple TV and to your computer.
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    Moved to Photoshop Elements Forum
    Select a topic, then click I STILL NEED HELP to activate Photoshop Elements Online chat
    - or premiere.html

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    I have found that the visualization of the garbage matte bounding box points is not version specific.
    The matter goes to having your Timeline video selected and the Garbage Matte Panel selected in Properties Panel (in your case)....however, the following is an example from Premiere Elements 9.0/9.0.1 on Windows 7 64 bit
    Timeline Video Selected, but 16-Point Garbage Matte in Properties Palatte not...; consequently, no points seen to adjust.
    Timeline Video Selected and 16-Point Garbage Matte Panel selected/highlighted in Properties Palette
    Happens to me all the time, no matter what version. So, it has made a lasting impression.

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    ps I am very new to Premiere Pro.
    Help is very much appreciated. Thank you.

    I have been putting a feature request for that for many cycles now.
    But our prayers have been answered.
    In CC next: masking and tracking for all effect incl feathering.
    Check out first feature.

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