GATP after partial confirmations it leaves the full quantity for backorder

We are using GATP to confirm the sales orders and to process the backorder. But, when a partial confirmation is done (for example: I order 10 PC of A and GATP confirms 4 PC of, it is not leaving 6 PC for the Backorder instead it leaves the 10 PC of A for the Backorder. So overconfirmation is done when the backorder confirms the 10 PC).
Where should I check?
Thanks a lot.

Please set Avail. Check "E"  in transaction OVZJ. See note 33084.

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    Thanks in advance,

    Thank you very much for your answer.
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    REL Released
    MSPT Material Shortage ( I should be able to do GR despite this fact)
    PCNF Partially confirmed
    PRC Pre-costed
    SETC Settlement rule created
    Operations are also released and partially confirmed.
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    1. Roles: Active Directory, DNS, IIS
    2. Software: Exchange 2007
    New Server:
    Windows 2012 R2 Server
    1. Roles: ???
    1. Software to install: Exchange 2013
    Thank you for any help you can provide!

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    .\setup /PrepareAD /OrganizationName: orgname /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms
    on the new exchange server, as a prerequisite and it doesnt recognize the command - even after following the steps before. Is this because the new server is not a domain controller? does it have to be? What are the best practices for setting up a server(s)
    with exchange + domain controller?
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    - Josh
    <Email Edited By Host>

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    I am also partial sighted and i use a MacBook Pro 15".
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    This is your default Res (1344 x 840)
    The Screenshot Above is res (1152 x 720)
    As you can see the screen is inlarged and thiis res is what i use.
    You can use (1024 x 640)
    This is for people with really bad vision it dose relly depend on your eyesight and how bad it is.
    Jsut so you know there is also zoom and aswell as voicweover that you can use
    you can change the dock aswell.
    if you do to apple logo in the menu bar you find dock in the list hover over and another list will pop up got to dock prefrences and you will find plenty of options to sute your needs.
    sorry its so long
    Hope this helps though

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