General question about tiger

i was wondering being a new mac user, how much disc space does Tiger and all its applications take?
i also have iLife '06 and iWork (not the newest one, one before it) and is there a way to "clean" the system?
thanks a lot to the responders...

If you don't use GarageBand you can toss it, plus all the space the files take up, in fact I wouldn't even install GarageBand with only a 40GB hard drive. If you do want to use it I would recommend getting a second drive. There is a way to install its files on another drive (I've done that before I bought a 250GB drive and just had two 60GB drives). If you aren't using it you can toss the GarageBand folder from /Library/Application Support and also the Apple Loops folder from /Library/Audio. On my system those two folders alone are nearly 10GBs. You may additional sound files in your home Library/Audio folder. In my case these don't amount to much, a "mere" 300MBs. If you want to play with music you need some pretty spacious drives!

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    Go to Solution.

    Hi and Welcome to the Forums!
    If the Exchange server has anything that faces the internet (OWA, POP, IMAP), then BIS can be used to handle email (only email...calendar and contacts require BES to sync OTA).
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    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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    I've never been afraid to ask a stupid question; see how brave I am. 

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    David B

    HunterBD wrote:
    I'm new to the Mac world - I posted my first question on the forums today!
    I have reviewed the discussions site - everything seems very specific to apple products. Where, if anywhere, could I post a general question - like this one:-
    Unfortunately, not in this forum. This forum is specifically about the discussion forum itself. It is kind of like a meta-forum. Hopefully, the moderators will just move your post somewhere more appropriate. (As indeed they just did!)
    I have a notion that when one connects to a server directly (Usenet newsgroups for example) one makes a deliberate 'hole' in one's firewall, be it software or simply because one is using a NAT router.
    Kind of and kind of not. Firewalls are greatly misunderstood. But essentially, yes, any internet connection you establish has some risk involved. However, the risk of making an outgoing connection is infinitesimally smaller than setting up a server to let hackers bang on 24x7.
    Sending messages to and receiving posts from Usenet is far quicker than using email, so I'm fairly confident that this is so.
    Really? I don't think so.
    I am well aware that any URL one visits can instantly determine much information about the connecting machine. (see as an example).
    Not really. It depends on what you are doing. You always give away your IP address, unless you are behind a proxy. In that case, you give away the proxy's IP address. But the proxy still knows who you really are.
    If the protocol in question supports such information, then it can be determined. A web browser does send some information about you, but you can easily change it and masquerade as some other browser. With other protocols, it isn't so easy to tell what kind of OS or software is being used.
    Anti-malware programs can only detect known viruses and spyware - I see no reason at all why, once one has granted a direct connection facility, between a group on a private server to
    one's own machine, malware could not relatively simply be injected onto one's computer.
    If the malware was currently unknown, how would one ever know?
    You wouldn't
    Don't grant anyone direct connection to your machine.

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    Thanks for your opinions in advance.

    Be cautious about listening too much to replies you're likely to get. These sort of questions in a place like this are like magnets to people who are having problems and want to complain about it. You're likely to hear some horror stories that don't represent the majority of cases.
    ML has been excellent so far for me, faster than Lion and no serious bugs I've discovered so far. But if you upgrade, be sure to do your homework: backup, check compatibility of all your software (including things like printer drivers) and repair the hard drive with Disk Utility before installing.

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    Any info is appreciated!

    Yes I know as the [ Questions] section is more for desktop Firefox support and the place I linked to is for "Firefox OS" support in English where some who are involved with it do post in it occasionally.
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    Hi Mark,
    Here are the specific sections of the manual that should give you the best explanation regarding the Check out/in workflow for FCP projects in Final Cut Server:
    Check out: =5
    Editing: =6
    Check in: =7

  • I have a handful of general questions about Firefox OS as a consumer..

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    I'm in the market for a tablet (high-end), and I'm holding off on getting an Android-powered one because of Firefox OS. However, I have some general questions and concerns regarding performance, software and hardware. Here they are.
    1. Is the Firefox OS interface as responsive as a native experience on say an iPad or an Android tablet? (Is there any lag on swipes between screens, button presses, etc?) If not, will it be in the future?
    2. Will I miss the Android marketplace or the Apple app store, being restricted to only HTML5 apps? Do you think this will become an irrelevant question as the HTML5 app ecosystem grows?
    3. Do you think the quality of HTML5 apps will be inferior to those from existing app stores because they are free?
    4. Will the Firefox browser be the only one available in Firefox OS? (i.e. will there be the option to use Chrome, Opera or any other browser if the user so wishes?)
    5. Will Firefox OS include useful utility apps, such as an alarm clock, a calendar, a weather app, etc?
    6. I read a lot, both on the web (news, video game reviews), as well as ebooks. Will Firefox OS on a tablet be a pleasant experience conducive to e-reading? (Will it include a good ebook reader app?)
    7. Will there be a high-end Firefox OS tablet that is comparable in specs to the Nexus 10? (i.e. impressive screen resolution, powerful CPU/GPU, lots of inputs/outputs like USB, HDMI, microSD, etc) When do you think such a device might become available?
    8. Would it be possible to flash Firefox OS onto say a Nexus 10 or other tablet or phone if one wanted to use it as their OS instead?

    1. Depends on the phone but a avererage power android phone would likely cost the same as a high end firefox os phone.
    2. HTML 5 is really the future of the web, I've heard that Firefox will let you package apps to be playable offline, but not sure if thats true.
    3. I '''think''' Firefox OS may have paid apps that will be restricted to users who buy them.
    4. I think Mozilla will be nice enough to let Google and Opera make browsers. Google let Mozilla do that with FF for android.
    5. See the simulator
    6. too early to say
    7. too early to say, but Foxconn (helps apple) makes some apple products, so yes in the future is see a high end Firefox OS tablet 2-3 years down the road.
    8. not sure
    NOTE: Please note that we are only contributors, we dont develop firefox os.
    You can ask more on the IRC channel as there are likely devs there.

  • General questions about using webservices and xml as opposed to an oracle driver

    Dear Experts; I have a general question which I have yet to test. Is it faster to use an ODBC driver to connect and retrieve data from an Oracle database than creating a .net webservices and using an XML to get the data for your web application. THank you

    At some point in the architecture stack some component will need to access the database in order to get the information from the database. That component will need to use an Oracle client driver.

  • General question about Mac hardware

    Hello. I have always used Windows. I am considering picking up a used Macbook. I have some questions about hardware. Chiefly, is there a specific reason that Apple is still dedicated to the Core2Duo processors, even in the highest-end Pros? With the advent of the Intel Core i3, i5 and i7 processors, many PC laptop manufacturers have embraced them, especially the better mainstream manufacturers, like Sony and Toshiba. I know a lot about Windows, but I don't know much about OSX.
    Is there something in the software that allows for a Core2Duo on OSX to run as efficiently or more so than an i3 or i5 on Windows 7? As it stands, comparing strict hardware profiles (processors in particular) between what appear to be equivalent current Macbooks and Windows 7 PCs, the Sonys and Toshibas seem to have a distinct advantage.
    Sorry if this is a tired question or whatever. Believe me, I'm not asking "WHAT'S BETTER? A MAC OR A PC?" Really.
    Many thanks to anyone who can point me to an answer.

    Well, as to if there is anything that makes OS X run better on the C2D rather than a i3 or i5. I have never use an i3 based computer, but the i5 mac I used was very fast (tried the i5 27" iMac). I don't know why they are currently still using the C2D over that. I can say that the i5 didn't feel any faster, even the quad core Mac pro didn't feel faster. The main advantage to more cores will be in doing more at once. This makes the biggest difference is seen when running things like video editors. There is also a lot more to making the computer fast than just the CPU, the chipset, system bus, video card, and hardware controllers all make a huge difference. Apple has always used very good quality hardware, there have even been times where MacBook Pros have been rated as the best laptops to run Windows. But OS X will run faster on the same hardware because it is a more streamlined OS that uses the hardware more efficiently. Apple works hard to make the OS work as well as it looks, and Snow Leopard runs very well on the current hardware. I have no doubt that Apple will in the near future come out with something newer and better, but my guess is as good as anyone's as to what chip they will use.

  • General questions about JClient

    1. We are having problems with a business application we have developed using BC4J and a JClient client. The performance is horrible. On one update form we have 7 comboboxes, two tabels, some labels and one textfield. It takes 12 - 15 seconds to load, first time, and 4 - 7 seconds second time. Isn't it possible to get better performance on complexe GUI's using JClient?
    2. We have found out that the navigation binding on the comboboxes are about 10 - 15 times as slow as a LOV binding, but we are having problems using the LOV binding. The comboboxes work in a master - detail relationship, and we have that working with a view link and navigation binding. But we would like to use the faster LOV binding. Is it possible to use a LOV binding in a master - detail relationship?
    3. Why are navigation bindings so slow compared to LOV bindings?
    4. What are you general plans with JClient?
    5. Could you possible refer to another project or currently running program that is build using JClient. We feel that we are a little alone on this issue. Is JClient only running on samples, or has it shown it's effeciency in real life.
    6. It is running whitout problems in the samples and when we use the wizards to generate simple forms. But when we construct a complex GUI-structure we quickly run into performance problems. But also unexpected problems that we have difficulty solving, due to lack of documentation and knowledge.
    We would really appreciate, if you would take the time to answer our questions.
    A frustated development team.

    1. We are having problems with a business application we have developed using BC4J and a JClient client. The performance is horrible. On one update form we have 7 comboboxes, two tabels, some labels and one textfield. It takes 12 - 15 seconds to load, first time, and 4 - 7 seconds second time. Isn't it possible to get better performance on complexe GUI's using JClient?Depends on how the application is setup. There are a number of options for deployment that affects how the client app will perform. Are you running JClient app in client-server mode?
    Also in JDev 903, JClient designtime and runtime has fixed a number of issues that led to poor performance by default on a JClient wizard generated app by generating code that performs lazy load of controls and lazy bind of controls. This definitely affects the startup time of forms with tab windows such that only the required controls/bindings on the display is created to begin with.
    Further more if you have a certain example situation that you want us to look at, we'd definitely give that a test to see where the performance bottle-necks are? From our work with other customers, we've seen examples where application assumptions have led to "performance degradation" and when you remove those assumptions, the performance improvements are "noticable" - like how many queries get executed when you startup? Are all those needed? Could the queries be optimized? How many controls come up? Are they all visible and bound? Could they be lazily rendered/bound? etc.
    Yes, we do not have a suggested document yet, as JClient is still pretty new and customers are working on real-life apps which we've studied over time and are gathering "inputs" for best - practices kind of an article/example.
    2. We have found out that the navigation binding on the comboboxes are about 10 - 15 times as slow as a LOV binding, but we are having problems using the LOV binding. The comboboxes work in a master - detail relationship, and we have that working with a view link and navigation binding. But we would like to use the faster LOV binding. Is it possible to use a LOV binding in a master - detail relationship? In JDev 902, LOV Binding was "fetching" all the data for LOV Bindings upfront, so if your data set is small it'd perform well, however in most realtime customer apps that we saw, we found this to be a problem as LOVs would take time to come up the first time. That's been fixed in 903. Now Lovs and Navigation bindings both respect the fetch sizes and other tuning parameters set on the Bc4J ViewObject. So you can tune the fetchsize/rangesize on the VO in the Bc4J object to control how much data is fetched upfront for a given binding. that will definitely affect performance and memory usage as based on a case by case basis, apps would determine what/how many rows should be fetched upfront vs. how many to fetch on scroll/navigation etc.
    3. Why are navigation bindings so slow compared to LOV bindings?see 2 above.
    4. What are you general plans with JClient?See the JClient docs on OTN (jdeveloper page) for general information.
    If you have specific needs/questions we could sure get you answers for those.
    5. Could you possible refer to another project or currently running program that is build using JClient. We feel that we are a little alone on this issue. Is JClient only running on samples, or has it shown it's effeciency in real life.Again JDeveloper home page has referenceslinks that indicate which customers have used what kind of applications. Note that JClient was released for the first time in JDev 9.0.2 so it's still going thru the first round of performance and usability improvements.
    6. It is running whitout problems in the samples and when we use the wizards to generate simple forms. But when we construct a complex GUI-structure we quickly run into performance problems. But also unexpected problems that we have difficulty solving, due to lack of documentation and knowledge.This forum on OTN has a great amount of discussion on JClient issues and how to resolve various performance and other bugs in Jdev 902.
    I agree on lack of complete documentation and examples and we're working towards that. Note that we did put up a Jclient Bindings demo which is a good example of how to "architect" a medium complexity application, how to layout controls, bind them, show/hide etc. An improved version of this example will be placed on OTN alongwith a version of JDev 903 when it is made available on OTN.
    We would really appreciate, if you would take the time to answer our questions.
    A frustated development team. And your critique/bugs/feature ideas are always welcome.

  • General Questions about the iPod Touch

    I'm considering buying a new iPod touch after the Keynote Yesterday. I have a few questions though that I'm on the fence about:
    1. Does the iPod Touch Mail Client Sync with the OSX Mail Client. Does it sync in Tiger? Does it sync in Leopard? Or does it only sync via .Mac
    2. Does the Calendar Program allow you to create new events on the calendar like an iPhone, or can you only view existing events like on the iPod. What about the Address Book?
    3. When the Wifi is not connected can you view your email messages?
    4. When the SDK kit is released in February, will I be able to purchase developer's apps for the iPod Touch, or will they be exclusive to the iPhone?
    Any help would be appreciated!

    1. The mail client works with POP or IMAP, it does not "sync" with the OSX Mail app that I am aware of however if you are using OSX Mail to access a POP or IMAP account they can be configured to work together.
    2. You can add events to the calendar as well as contacts to the address book directly
    3. You can view emails w/o WiFi if you have configured Mail to do so
    4. I don't have an official answer for this one, but I would assume the answer is yes.
    Hope that helps, all of this information is avaliable on the iPod Touch product pages.

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