Quería saber si existe la posibilidad (o alguna función) que me permita transformar una gráfica [eje y = velocidad (mm/s); eje x = tiempo (s)], en otra gráfica que represente la amplitud en eje y, y la frecuencia (Hz) en eje x. Es decir, para resumir, quiero transformar una señal para representarla como amplitud frente a frecuencia.
Un saludo y gracias

Hola Aristoy, que es lo que
estas buscando hacer? en que consiste tu aplicación?. Una forma de pasar las
señales del Dominio del Tiempo al dominio de la frecuencia es utilizando la FFT
(Fast Fourier Transform). Esta te va a dar las amplitudes a distintas frecuencias.
Para utilizar esta en
LabVIEW puedes utilizar el VI Express de Spectral, se encuentra en la paleta de
Expres>> Signal Analisys.
Tambien puedes utilizar el
VI directo en la paleta de  Signal Precessing>> Waveform
Measurements >> FFT.
FFT and Signal Analysis Tutorial
Puedes encontrar varios
ejemplos en Help>>Find Examples
Benjamin C
Senior Systems Engineer // CLA // CLED // CTD

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    Hola Aitor,
    puedes encontrar ejemplos de generación analógica de bajo nivel en LabVIEW >> Help >> Find Examples... >> (Pestaña) Browse >> Directory Structure >> (Ventana central) DAQmx >> Analog Output. Un ejemplo muy completo es Voltage - Continuos
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    Lo que te pasa es que te el generador de funciones te saca cada iteracion del bucle while 100 puntos y te saca la media de eso, lo que tienes que hacer es ir guardando la señal completa, añadiendo cada iteración la nueva parte de datos a la anterior, te adjunto la solución en el siguiente vi,
    Jaime Cabrera
    NI Applications Engineering Spain
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    Aqui os dejo el subvi hasta la fecha
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    De nuevo necesito ayuda. Trabajo con Labview 8.6 y DIAdem 11 
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    Gracias dSierra,
    Precisamente es la función que estoy utilizando, tras mirar ejemplos y el foro ya conseguí lo que necesitaba (el espectro de amplitud)
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    y el resultado en Diadem es este:
    ¿alguien me puede ayudar?
    gracias a todos

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    Adjuntare mi VI para que me puedan entender mejor viendolo espero y me puedan ayudar y muchas gracias por los apoyos anteriores de todos
    en login seleccionen Adrian de luna para que asi puedan ver mi proyecto ejecutarse
    pass: 25663+ 
    version 2012
    Ir a solución.
    Adjuntos: ‏21 KB ‏241 KB

    Saludos Manuel tambien me la pase muy bien en estas fiestas gracias por preguntar
    Aqui te adjunto nuevamente mi VI aun no lo limpio porque quiero que todas las funciones queden antes de realizar la limpieza de programa.
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    muchisimas gracias por tu ayuda.
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    Saludos ANTUAN94,
    Gracias por utilizar los Foros de Discusión de National Instruments, revisando el manual del myDAQ, en la página 4 en la sección des especificaciones de Digital I/O, en la especificación de Update Mode se comenta que es temporizada por software.
    Por lo que es posible que la frecuencia de 30 Hz de tu aplicación esté limitada más bien por software. Me tomé la libertad de generarte y probar un pequeño VI que genera una señal cuadrada de 50 Hz por el Puerto 0, línea 0.
    Espero que esto te sea de ayuda, quedo al pendiente en caso de cualquier posible duda, saludos cordiales.
    David P.
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineer

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    Espero me puedan Ayudar.
    Consulta_SAP = new SqlDataAdapter ("SELECT Código como Código DESDE DONDE ITT1 Padre = '" + artículo + "'", DB_SAP);
                            Datos_SAP = new DataTable ();
                            Consulta_SAP.Fill (Datos_SAP);
                            cadena codigo_ = "";
                            codigo_ = Datos_SAP.Rows [0] [0] .ToString ();
                            for (int y = 0; y <Datos_SAP.Rows.Count; y ++)
                                dg_items.Rows.Add (Datos_SAP.Rows [y] [0] .ToString ());
                            for (int n = 0; n <dg_items.Rows.Count; n ++)
                                items_hjos = Convert.ToString (dg_items.Rows [n] .Cells [0] .Value.ToString ());
                                Facturas.Lines.SetCurrentLine (c);
                                Facturas.Lines.BatchNumbers.InternalSerialNumber = "67";
                                Facturas.Series = Convert.ToInt32 ("49");
                                Facturas.CardCode = CI;
                                Facturas.DocCurrency = "$";
                                Facturas.Lines.Address = direccion;
                                Facturas.UserFields.Fields.Item ("U_Orden") Valor = "Reto" + + reto ".";
                                Facturas.Lines.Quantity = 1;
                                Facturas.Lines.TaxCode = "IVAP16";
                                    Facturas.Lines.BatchNumbers.BatchNumber = "145134514000396";
                                    Facturas.Lines.BatchNumbers.Quantity = Convert.ToDouble ("1.0");
                                Facturas.Lines.BatchNumbers.SetCurrentLine (0);
                                Facturas.Lines.BatchNumbers.Add ();
                                Facturas.Lines.Add ();
                                c = c + 1;

    Nuevamente gracias por tu respuesta
    La nota que mencionas la he revisado junto con otras varias,  te cuento como me fue con estas
    El cambio de estatus solo esta habilitado para las facturas de deudores que no son de anticipo, esto lo que me permite es  hacer la nota de crédito de esa factura  y así cancelar el pago  recibido de la factura de Anticipo  y esto me libera  una parte del Anticipo,
    Ahora al tratar de hacer  la nota de crédito de la factura de Anticipo el sistema invierte los importes, donde el total aplicado de la factura  se convierte en el total pendiente  en la nota de crédito,
    Total Pendiente   970 (DEL PAGO CANCELADO)
    Total aplicado        30
    Total Pendiente   30
    Total aplicado        970 (DEL PAGO CANCELADO)
    Esto es lo que me  tiene detenida :s

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    But not the grafic scematic images.
    I am not aware if these are in svg or whatever.
    How can I get access to those grafics?
    Yes, I may open a page and copy a grafic,
    but I would like to get the original content.

    If you are opening a PDF in Photoshop and having a problem, then the Photoshop forum is the place to ask. This has noothing to do with Acrobat.

  • Where can I find the amplitude and phase frequency response when the AC coupling is set on the 4472

    My friends,
      I need to know the amplitude atenuation but most important, the phase distortion introduced on the low frequency components of the signals when the AC coupling is setted (i.e. when the high pass filter is connected) on the 4472 and 4472B DAQBoard.
      I can construct the amplitude frequency response by generating and aquiring a sine waveform of a knew amplitude. But I cannot construct the phase distortion introduced by the circuitry. 
      However, I assume that this crucial information should be available in the DAQ Manual or  in the website of NI, but untill now I haven´t found it.
    Thankning in advance,
    crimolvic from Chile

    Here are the Specifications and Datasheet for the 4472.  They indicate a phase non-linearity of less than 0.5 degrees across all frequencies.
    For information on how this varies with frequency, see the attached
    spreadsheet.  This response was the result of testing on a single
    4472.  Although this is classified as a "typical" response, it is
    not gauranteed.
    Have a great, day!
    4472 Phase Linearity.xls ‏21 KB

  • How to get the amplitude of a sound as a float number in Java

    Hi, I would like to create a program which plays an audio file(it may be a midi, probably) and it returns
    the amplitude of the sound in terms of float number.
    I mean, is it possible to obtain this number, since every sound file is actually a sequence of float number like
    110.010110101 etc.
    Can you help me with suggestions and details about the way to take.

    For sampled sound, the answer might be seen in [ this thread|]. For MIDI it is different in that you will only be able to get it as sampled sound once it has been synthesized, and as I recently found out, to get the audio coming through the regular sound lines will take nothing less than a physcical or software 'audio loopback' being installed, on most PCs.
    Of course, if it is MIDI, you might just cheat by calculating a 'volume' from the note velocities in the MIDI score.

  • How to read and save complex data (amplitude and phase) from pna E8361C

    Hi, all,
    I installed the PNA series driver to my PC. And I got wavefrom from the PNA but always the amplitude. How can I get also phase info from the PNA and save it to my text file?

    I did installed the driver for that PNA, I can select the format such as amplitude or phase, but I can only see one of them at one time.
    Could it be seen and save simultaneously?

  • Amplitude is not changing on the receiver side

    I am trying to transmit square wave using USRP 2920. If I change the amplitude of square wave in Tx file from 1 to lets say 100. The Tx waveform shows that it is changed but on the receiver side there is no change in the amplitude. Can any body look at my files and guide me why I am not able to see increase in amplitude on Rx file when I increase the amplitude of Square wave on Tx file
    Note: I am generating a randon number between 0 to 1. If random no. is greater than 0.5 then the amplitude is 1 or higher but if the random no. is less than 0.5 amplitude will be zero.
    Attachments: ‏23 KB ‏34 KB

    Your not going to get a clean squarewave back on the receive side. The USRP uses a local oscillator (LO) so anything it reads will be interpreted as sinusoidal in nature. This is evedent in the screen shots in the attached .zip folder. 
    To address your voltage question, assuming your antenna is terminated with a characteristic impedance of 50 Ohms (Zo) and the max power of 100 mW, Power = (approximately) Voltage^2 / Zo
    Therefore Voltage = ( Power * Zo ) ^ (1/2) = 2.2 Volts approximately. 
    What is your overall application? Why are you concerned about the voltage? What are you testing?
    Brad S.
    Application Engineering
    National Instruments
    Attachments: ‏216 KB

  • How-to set pre-specified time for amplitude measurement vi?

    In acquiring data at 100 Hz, I'm writing this to file while using the Amplitude & Level measurement VI to decide when the data has peaked. I've built arrays to accumulate the data but I don't see a simple timing scheme to continue this for one or five minutes.
    This is a GPIB instrument read over a GPIB-USB-B adapter in LV 7.0 running on Windows XP Pro. The computer is a Pentium 4, 2.4 GHz, with 512 MB RAM.
    Attachments: ‏329 KB

    So I do not have the Fluke or the driver to see how your code runs. From what LabVIEW tells me with the wire size, it looks like you are reading one point at a time from the instrument. You will need to address this so you can get useful data. It is not that reading one point at a time is bad--it just slow. Often it is more desirable to collect more than one point at a time to get a fixed dt between the points. I would focus on seeing the data in a graph first.
    Once you are able to get the data comming in a numeric array then you can focus on termiating the acquistion when a peak is found. There are several ways to define a peak. You can say it is a point that is larger than the surrounding points but this will only show a local maximum. Noise will often cause a peak to be undesirably found. Another method for peak detection takes in account hysterisis. This says that if a high value is n units higher than later points, it must have been a peak. Look for hysterisis on NI's site for a better description. Another method for peak detection says that any values above x is a peak. This is useful if you want to collect data that is rising until 6V. LabVIEW has some VIs for peak dection on arrays. I recommend playing with them but remember you will need to decide what works best in your application.
    Now that you have data in the form of an array and a way to analyze it, you are in business. Well almost. How much time can elapse between aquiring data and analyzing it. If it is not critical, you can aquire 1000 points, analyze it, determine if you need to aquire more (use a while loop) and iterate or not. If the timming is more critical then you can use a model for VIs where there are two while loops in parallel. In one loop, you can aquire data and feed it to a queue. This allows data to be transfered to the second loop that can dequeue the data and analyze it. When the analysis indicates the data acquision loop can be triggered to stop when it returns with data. This method allows for data to be streamed off the device as fast as possible and then later processed in another loop while the VI is waiting for more data. It is very slick and difficult to code. Look in the LabVIEW shipping examples for queue to see examples of queue use. This data processing loop can write to file as the data is avaliable (slow) or it can save the data and write to the file at one time once the peak has been detected (fast). You can even add logic to only write data up to the peak. (the ease of this depends on how to detect the peak).
    I do not know if I have helped or not. It is a lot of stuff to consider. I recommend looking for a simmilar example program. This can really jumpstart any project. Look in the shipping examples and use the advanced search page. I cannot say enough good things about how well that searches NI's site for example programs, knowledgebase articles, discussions, etc.

Maybe you are looking for