Generate and Print address proofs through ESS

Gud morning,
There is a requirement to provide employees the access to print proofs for address, employment certificate etc via ESS. Is there any standard service available for Letters for any country version, please let me know.

ESS Services are country specific and you have to go through the Business Package [Documentation|] and find out what services are available. For example, the US version has [EVL.|] .

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    Nice! - Me too, I want to programme a lot of things.;-)
    Do you want us to write this application, or do you have a specific question?

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    report z_test_upload .
    data: begin of itab occurs 0,
             rec type string,
          end of itab.
    data: options like itcpo.
    data: filename type string,
          count type i.
    data: filetype(10) type c value 'ASC'.
    DATA:   string_len TYPE i,
            n1 TYPE i.
    selection-screen begin of block b1.
      parameter: p_file1(128) default 'C:\test_itf.rtf'.
    selection-screen end of block b1.
                file_name = p_file1.
    move p_file1 to filename.
    call function 'GUI_UPLOAD'
              filename                = filename
              filetype                = filetype
              data_tab                = itab
              file_open_error         = 1
              file_read_error         = 2
              no_batch                = 3
              gui_refuse_filetransfer = 4
              invalid_type            = 5
              no_authority            = 6
              unknown_error           = 7
              bad_data_format         = 8
              header_not_allowed      = 9
              separator_not_allowed   = 10
              header_too_long         = 11
              unknown_dp_error        = 12
              access_denied           = 13
              dp_out_of_memory        = 14
              disk_full               = 15
              dp_timeout              = 16
              others                  = 17.
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
      message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno
                with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    loop at itab.
      string_len = strlen( itab-rec ).
      n1 = string_len DIV 134.
      ADD 1 TO n1.
      DO n1 TIMES.
        rtfline-line = itab-rec.
        APPEND rtfline.
        SHIFT itab-rec BY 134 PLACES.
    header-tdspras = 'E'.
      CODEPAGE               = '0000'
        DIRECTION              = 'IMPORT'
        FORMAT_TYPE            = 'RTF'
       FORMATWIDTH            = 72
        HEADER                 = header
        SSHEET                 = 'WINHELP.DOT'
        WITH_TAB               = 'X'
        WORD_LANGU             = SY-LANGU
        TABLETYPE              = 'ASC'
      TAB_SUBSTITUTE         = 'X09  '
      LF_SUBSTITUTE          = ' '
      REPLACE_SYMBOLS        = 'X'
      REPLACE_SAPCHARS       = 'X'
      MASK_BRACKETS          = 'X'
        NEWHEADER              = NEWHEADER
      WITH_TAB_E             =
      FORMATWIDTH_E          =
        FOREIGN                = RTFLINE
        ITF_LINES              = ITFLINE.
      LINKS_TO_CONVERT       =
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
         HEADER        = newheader
         OPTIONS       = options
      RESULT        =
        LINES         = itfline.
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
    Any hints or suggestions to solve this problem will be highly appreciated.

    Hi Vishwas,
    Check out the thread [Efficient way of saving documents uploaded|Re: Efficient way of saving documents uploaded by users; and check the blog by Raja Thangamani.
    Also check the thread [Export Images through Function Modules   |Export Images through Function Modules;.
    Hope it helps you.

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    Since you started a duplicate thread - I'm going to continue in here.
    We have given you a number of different options to generate/print a barcode using LabVIEW.
    Do you have the Bartender software installed with the Automation (ActiveX) option? Can you print a label from within the Bartender Software? Do you know how to call ActiveX functions in LabVIEW? For the latter, if you Google 'calling ActiveX LabVIEW' you will get a lot of results. Once you know how to do that, you just need to know which Bartender ActiveX functions to call.
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    Certified LabVIEW Architect, Certified TestStand Developer
    NI Days (and A&DF): 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014
    NI Week: 2012, 2014
    Knowledgeable in all things Giant Tetris and WebSockets

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    This is how you can print Firefox history (on MacOS but should work on other platforms)
    1) Download and install SQLite Manager FF plugin
    2) Open SQLite Manager from the tools menu
    3) Open places.sqlite from your-home/Library/Application Support/Firefox/profiles/your.profile/
    4) Hit the Execute SQL tab
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    <pre><nowiki>SELECT datetime(moz_historyvisits.visit_date/1000000,'unixepoch'), moz_places.url, moz_places.title
    FROM moz_places, moz_historyvisits
    WHERE = moz_historyvisits.place_id AND url LIKE '%youtube%'</nowiki></pre>
    6) Click the actions dropdown to export to CSV
    Hope this helps

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    I can describe it one more time, I think:))
    You have multiple options, but only one "reasonable" within SAP.
    You can call an external application (through command line etc.) to concatenate forms for you.
    You can use iText as mentioned in the thread, and write yourself a "tool" which will concatenate the forms for you.
    Both these "options" would not be acceptable for my clients, I name them to help you get the whole picture.
    Then there is the third option: use a form for a single instance (template/ form A) and create a new form (form B), where you will use the A template:
    - you need to: create a new interface where everything from the old interface is a row of the table (example: you have a form to print out the personal card of the employee, so in a new form you will need to use a table, where a row is an employee)
    - you need to create a new form layout based on the new interface:
    in this new layout you will paste the whole layout of the old form (A/ single instance) and wrap it into a subform. The added subform will work as a table (you will bind that to the table from interface) and everything from the old template within this new subform will work as a "row" (something what you can repeat for each data item).
    Does that sound reasonable?
    Cheers Otto

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    Thanks for any hint,

    I think the Dymo Labelwriter is a general purpose printer. So you may send data as you do to any printer. Her is a link to free barcode kit for labview
    Besides which, my opinion is that Express VIs Carthage must be destroyed deleted
    (Sorry no Labview "brag list" so far)

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    As long as your contacts are in reasonable order and represent the people to be shown on mailing labels, I think you will find Contacts a much easier way to handle this. Starting with Office 2010 for Windows and probably carrying on to Office 2011:Mac, MS changed Mail Merge somehow and I now find it much less intuitive to use and you will have your futility exercised!
    I maintain the computers for a small museum where I volunteer and used to do all the mailing label in Office 2007:Win. Then someone decided to upgrade the computers to Office 2010:Win and it now takes me three times as much time and three times the amount of ruined label pages to get what I can do at home on Office 2008:Mac in a few minutes.
    If your list need a lot of editing--especially mailing format changes--you may be better off with the spreadsheet.

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    I am developing a reporting tool in core java and JFC. I am not using any EJB or servlet. I have a few questions:
    1. Which IDE (freely downloadable) helps to develop java application quickly without much learning curve.
    2. Since I have to generate and print reports, I will require to give print from my application. I want that the printable interface in java should open the OS specific print dialog and then cordinate with it. I also want preview thing and setting the paper format (lanscape ..). How simple/difficult it is to use java for it???
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    1) IDE - to download.
    2) Printing not hard to do ... once you have gone thru the pain of learning the print API. Print preview you would have to implement yourself...there is no such thing in the API (as of 1.3...1.4 who knows?)

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