Generating Data Object Classes

Is JDeveloper able to generate object classes from a database table? Example I have a table called car that has color and brand for columns. Can JDeveloper generate the class called CarDO that has the getters and setters for the table called car? If so please help I have several large tables to convert to objects.

I recommend you take a look at the JOB extension:

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    Dear all,
    While generating SAP BASIS Components getting error
    After installations of SAP Netweaver Mobile 7.1 SP11 and all the Notes applied for SP11 i have done the Generation for all the SAP BASIS Data Objects
    All the Data objects are generated except AGENT_CONFIG, ARCHIVE
    When i check the same in smq2 it shows the error in Function module SDOE_GENERATE_MBO for the user FUNC001,in status text it shows "connection closed (no data)"
    kindly help on this issue.

    well, I guess if you mean you did reset the queue - you deleted all emtries with error. Try to avoid this in the future - you will get unwanted side effects by that. There are only a few errors that make this behaviour necessary.
    Usually you should select the entry on the first screen - so you see the status of the queue on the second one. On there you can select the queue and while pressing the green tick, you can restart it. If it is a timeout - this restart usually helps.
    Wondering why you have an issue with basis objects - did you run through the complete setup guide up to this point?

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            public var firstName:String;
            public var lastName:String;
            public var ssn:String;
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    Set up a seperate Class:
        public class Person
            public var firstName:String;
            public var lastName:String;
            public var phone:String;
    and do this in the Manager:
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         var person = new Person();
         person.firstName = "Steve";
         person.lastName = "Smith"; = "555.555.1212";
    OR just have this declaired in the Manager as
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         person = new ObjectProxy();
         person.firstName = "Steve";
         person.lastName = "Smith"; = "555.555.1212";
    Thanks to anyone who wants to help me become a better developer!

    ObjectProxy access is significantly slower that data class access.  ObjectProxy will not tell you if you mistype the name of a property and you can spend hours trying to find some place were you typed ssm insead of ssn.

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  • The creation of device local data objects - Unable to find generated object

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    I get an error when I try to generate an ESDMA containing a "Device Local" data object.
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    I hope you have some ideas of what the issue might be.
    Best regards,

    Hi Siva
    Actually i am working on this problem together with Nima and the problem is not related to SAP Basis objects.
    The problem is in SDOE_WB, with the SWCV. Creating a Data object of type LOCAL DEVICE and a NODE. If you add a field/s and then activate, and look in Generated objects The Table object is not generated (only the structure and the table type).  At this point there are no syntax/error messages.
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    Please guide to resolve the issue.
    Thank you.

    Hi ,
    You can comment this access and debug the code to see whether
    WA_CT_REPORT' has any component named zz_changeanalyst
    Uma Dave

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    Thank you.

    No answer.

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    My Junit failed even though the values for expected and actual look same
    CreditCard@1394894[creditCardTypeCode=A,creditCardNumber=1234567891234567,creditCardExpDate=Sat Feb 28 00:00:00 EST 2009]
    CreditCard@1b8f864[creditCardTypeCode=A,creditCardNumber=1234567891234567,creditCardExpDate=Sat Feb 28 00:00:00 EST 2009]
    Any help is appreciated.

    EqualsBuilder from commons-lang? Wow that method is special.
    It's just impl equals yourself.

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    But it is dimmed. Is there any precondition to achieve before this option become possible.
    Thanks in advance .

    The link you mentioned has the Prerequisites,
    Do include all the jar in you path.
    It will resolve all your issues.

  • Difference b/w DATA TYPE and DATA OBJECT & differences b/w TYPE and LIKE

    can any one say the differences between Data type and Data Object.
    And also differences between TYPE and LIKE

    _Data Types and Data Objects_
          Programs work with local program data – that is, with byte sequences in the working memory. Byte sequences that belong together are called fields and are characterized by a length, an identity (name), and – as a further attribute – by a data type. All programming languages have a concept that describes how the contents of a field are interpreted according to the data type.
          In the ABAP type concept, fields are called data objects. Each data object is thus an instance of an abstract data type. There are separate name spaces for data objects and data types. This means that a name can be the name of a data object as well as the name of a data type simultaneously.
    Data Types
       As well as occurring as attributes of a data object, data types can also be defined independently. You can then use them later on in conjunction with a data object. The definition of a user-defined data type is based on a set of predefined elementary data types. You can define data types either locally in the declaration part of a program using the TYPESstatement) or globally in the ABAP Dictionary. You can use your own data types to declare data objects or to check the types of parameters in generic operations.
         All programming languages distinguish between various types of data with various uses, such as ….. type data for storing or displaying values and numerical data for calculations. The attributes in question are described using data types. You can define, for example, how data is stored in the repository, and how the ABAP statements work with the data.
    Data types can be divided into elementary, reference, and complex types.
    a. Elementary Types
    These are data types of fixed or variable length that are not made up of other types.
    The difference between variable length data types and fixed length data types is that the length and the memory space required by data objects of variable length data types can change dynamically during runtime, and that these data types cannot be defined irreversibly while the data object is being declared.
    Predefined and User-Defined Elementary Data Types
    You can also define your own elementary data types in ABAP using the TYPES statement. You base these on the predefined data types. This determines all of the technical attributes of the new data type. For example, you could define a data type P_2 with two decimal places, based on the predefined data type P. You could then use this new type in your data declarations.
    b.  Reference Types
    Reference types are deep data types that describe reference variables, that is, data objects that contain references. A reference variable can be defined as a component of a complex data object such as a structure or internal table as well as a single field.
    c. Complex Data Types
    Complex data types are made up of other data types. A distinction is made here between structured types and table types.
    Data Objects
          Data objects are the physical units with which ABAP statements work at runtime. The contents of a data object occupy memory space in the program. ABAP statements access these contents by addressing the name of the data object and interpret them according to the data type.. For example, statements can write the contents of data objects in lists or in the database, they can pass them to and receive them from routines, they can change them by assigning new values, and they can compare them in logical expressions.
           Each ABAP data object has a set of technical attributes, which are fully defined at all times when an ABAP program is running (field length, number of decimal places, and data type). You declare data objects either statically in the declaration part of an ABAP program (the most important statement for this is DATA), or dynamically at runtime (for example, when you call procedures). As well as fields in the memory area of the program, the program also treats literals like data objects.
            A data object is a part of the repository whose content can be addressed and interpreted by the program. All data objects must be declared in the ABAP program and are not persistent, meaning that they only exist while the program is being executed. Before you can process persistent data (such as data from a database table or from a sequential file), you must read it into data objects first. Conversely, if you want to retain the contents of a data object beyond the end of the program, you must save it in a persistent form.
    Declaring Data Objects
          Apart from the interface parameters of procedures, you declare all of the data objects in an ABAP program or procedure in its declaration part. These declarative statements establish the data type of the object, along with any missing technical attributes. This takes place before the program is actually executed. The technical attributes can then be queried while the program is running.
         The interface parameters of procedures are generated as local data objects, but only when the procedure is actually called. You can define the technical attributes of the interface parameters in the procedure itself. If you do not, they adopt the attributes of the parameters from which they receive their values.
    ABAP contains the following kinds of data objects:
    a.  Literals
    Literals are not created by declarative statements. Instead, they exist in the program source code. Like all data objects, they have fixed technical attributes (field length, number of decimal places, data type), but no name. They are therefore referred to as unnamed data objects.
    b.  Named Data Objects
    Data objects that have a name that you can use to address the ABAP program are known as named objects. These can be objects of various types, including text symbols, variables and constants.
    Text symbols are pointers to texts in the text pool of the ABAP program. When the program starts, the corresponding data objects are generated from the texts stored in the text pool. They can be addressed using the name of the text symbol.
    Variables are data objects whose contents can be changed using ABAP statements. You declare variables using the DATA, CLASS-DATA, STATICS, PARAMETERS, SELECT-OPTIONS, and RANGESstatements.
    Constants are data objects whose contents cannot be changed. You declare constants using the CONSTANTSstatement.
    c.  Anonymous Data  Objects
    Data objects that cannot be addressed using a name are known as anonymous data objects. They are created using the CREATE DATAstatement and can be addressed using reference variables.
    d.  System-Defined Data Objects
    System-defined data objects do not have to be declared explicitly - they are always available at runtime.
    e.  Interface Work Areas
    Interface work areas are special variables that serve as interfaces between programs, screens, and logical databases. You declare interface work areas using the TABLES and NODESstatements.
    What is the difference between Type and Like?
    TYPE, you assign datatype directly to the data object while declaring.
    LIKE,you assign the datatype of another object to the declaring data object. The datatype is referenced indirectly.
    Type is a keyword used to refer to a data type whereas Like is a keyword used to copy the existing properties of already existing data object.
    type refers the existing data type
    like refers the existing data object
    reward if useful
    thanks and regards
    suma sailaja pvn

  • Object Class Invalid when downloading the pricing procedure from ECC to CRM

    I want to download the pricing procedure for that I have created the ZDNL_CUST_CND which contains only the following tablesT683, T683S, T683T and T683U.
    When I check in R3AM1 status is Red.
    The following Error have been found in SLG1
    •     Object class invalid
    •     Error in inbound data check
    Message no. CND_MAP120
    During the receiving inspection, serious errors were found in the consistency of the exchange object.
    System Response
    Data exchange is terminated
    •     Data exchange terminated     
    Message no. CND_MAP122
    Data exchange has been terminated due to serious errors. No exchanged data has been posted in the system.
    The following Error has been found in SMQ1
    •     R3AD_CONDITIONS     STOP
    Details of STOP
    Set by Host name: litldq; Transaction: ; Report: SAPMSSY1
    I have checked the connection, everything is perfect.
    What may be the problem?

      Please try to re-generate the adapter object (ZDNL_CUST_CND) services using trx.
    . After this, try re-running the load.
    I assume that your CRM inbound mapping module are correctly coded. If the problem persists, try de-registering the R3AD_CONDITIONS inbound queue using trx.
    and then debugging the inbound queue from the same trx. after re-starting the load.
    Reward if this helps!

  • Data types and data objects

    diff b/w data types and data objects

    hi prasanth,
    Data Types and Data Objects
    Programs work with local program data – that is, with byte sequences in the working memory. Byte sequences that belong together are called fields and are characterized by a length, an identity (name), and – as a further attribute – by a data type. All programming languages have a concept that describes how the contents of a field are interpreted according to the data type.
    In the ABAP type concept, fields are called data objects. Each data object is thus an instance of an abstract data type. There are separate name spaces for data objects and data types. This means that a name can be the name of a data object as well as the name of a data type simultaneously.
    Data Types
    Data types are templates for creating data objects. Data types can be defined independently in the ABAP program or in the ABAP Dictionary. As attributes of a data object, data types can also exist in a non-independent state. Data types do not use any memory space for work data, but may require memory for administration information.
    As well as occurring as attributes of a data object, data types can also be defined independently. You can then use them later on in conjunction with a data object. The definition of a user-defined data type is based on a set of predefined elementary data types. You can define data types either locally in the declaration part of a program using the TYPESstatement) or globally in the ABAP Dictionary. You can use your own data types to declare data objects or to check the types of parameters in generic operations.
    All programming languages distinguish between various types of data with various uses, such as ….. type data for storing or displaying values and numerical data for calculations. The attributes in question are described using data types. You can define, for example, how data is stored in the repository, and how the ABAP statements work with the data.
    Data types can be divided into elementary, reference, and complex types.
    a. Elementary Types
    These are data types of fixed or variable length that are not made up of other types.
    The difference between variable length data types and fixed length data types is that the length and the memory space required by data objects of variable length data types can change dynamically during runtime, and that these data types cannot be defined irreversibly while the data object is being declared.
    Predefined and User-Defined Elementary Data Types
    You can also define your own elementary data types in ABAP using the TYPES statement. You base these on the predefined data types. This determines all of the technical attributes of the new data type. For example, you could define a data type P_2 with two decimal places, based on the predefined data type P. You could then use this new type in your data declarations.
    b. Reference Types
    Reference types are deep data types that describe reference variables, that is, data objects that contain references. A reference variable can be defined as a component of a complex data object such as a structure or internal table as well as a single field.
    c. Complex Data Types
    Complex data types are made up of other data types. A distinction is made here between structured types and table types.
    Data Objects
    A data object is an instance of a data type and occupies as much memory space as its type specifies. An ABAP program only works with data that is available as content of data objects. Data objects are either created implicitly as named data objects, or exanonymous data objects using CREATEDATA.
    Data objects are the physical units with which ABAP statements work at runtime. The contents of a data object occupy memory space in the program. ABAP statements access these contents by addressing the name of the data object and interpret them according to the data type.. For example, statements can write the contents of data objects in lists or in the database, they can pass them to and receive them from routines, they can change them by assigning new values, and they can compare them in logical expressions.
    Each ABAP data object has a set of technical attributes, which are fully defined at all times when an ABAP program is running (field length, number of decimal places, and data type). You declare data objects either statically in the declaration part of an ABAP program (the most important statement for this is DATA), or dynamically at runtime (for example, when you call procedures). As well as fields in the memory area of the program, the program also treats literals like data objects.
    A data object is a part of the repository whose content can be addressed and interpreted by the program. All data objects must be declared in the ABAP program and are not persistent, meaning that they only exist while the program is being executed. Before you can process persistent data (such as data from a database table or from a sequential file), you must read it into data objects first. Conversely, if you want to retain the contents of a data object beyond the end of the program, you must save it in a persistent form.
    Declaring Data Objects
    Apart from the interface parameters of procedures, you declare all of the data objects in an ABAP program or procedure in its declaration part. These declarative statements establish the data type of the object, along with any missing technical attributes. This takes place before the program is actually executed. The technical attributes can then be queried while the program is running.
    The interface parameters of procedures are generated as local data objects, but only when the procedure is actually called. You can define the technical attributes of the interface parameters in the procedure itself. If you do not, they adopt the attributes of the parameters from which they receive their values.
    ABAP contains the following kinds of data objects:
    a. Literals
    Literals are not created by declarative statements. Instead, they exist in the program source code. Like all data objects, they have fixed technical attributes (field length, number of decimal places, data type), but no name. They are therefore referred to as unnamed data objects.
    b. Named Data Objects
    Data objects that have a name that you can use to address the ABAP program are known as named objects. These can be objects of various types, including text symbols, variables and constants.
    Text symbols are pointers to texts in the text pool of the ABAP program. When the program starts, the corresponding data objects are generated from the texts stored in the text pool. They can be addressed using the name of the text symbol.
    Variables are data objects whose contents can be changed using ABAP statements. You declare variables using the DATA, CLASS-DATA, STATICS, PARAMETERS, SELECT-OPTIONS, and RANGESstatements.
    Constants are data objects whose contents cannot be changed. You declare constants using the CONSTANTSstatement.
    c. Anonymous Data Objects
    Data objects that cannot be addressed using a name are known as anonymous data objects. They are created using the CREATE DATAstatement and can be addressed using reference variables.
    d. System-Defined Data Objects
    System-defined data objects do not have to be declared explicitly - they are always available at runtime.
    e. Interface Work Areas
    Interface work areas are special variables that serve as interfaces between programs, screens, and logical databases. You declare interface work areas using the TABLES and NODESstatements.

  • EventListener function specific to generated display object container

    This has to be simple, if only I knew how. I'm an AS3 newbie,
    and am having difficulty setting up multiple specific
    EventListeners within a code generated display object container.
    I am generating a 'page' (Sprite) with a heap of 'cards'
    (Sprites) on it. Each of those cards, in turn, contains a selection
    of text boxes and other objects generated from database output
    using a 'for' loop.
    My hope is to attach an EventListener to each 'card' so that
    a MouseEvent will let me manipulate the data that lead to the
    content of that actual card (the i-th iteration of my for loop).
    I've been playing with everything I can think of (limited
    repertoire of thoughts though) and the best I've managed is for my
    EventListener to access the final set of data, whichever 'card' I
    click on.
    I've summarised and attached my code for the function, and
    would appreciate any advice (however basic) on how to get back to
    the i-set of data from the EventListener attached to the i-th card.
    I can handle the PHP and MySQL side of things but am fumbling my
    way into the OOP of AS3.

    Another way would be to extend Sprite and add an id value.
    Something like:
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    public class MySprite extends Sprite {
    private var _id:int;
    public function MySprite(id:int){ _id = id; }
    public function get id():int { return _id; }
    And then in your code you'd just make instance of MySprite,
    passing it i:
    // build the cards and text boxes and add them to the
    for (var i:int = 1; i < (cardsRequired+1); i++) {
    // setup the locations for all the objects
    var displayCard:Sprite = new MySprite(i);
    You can then get i in the event listener function by using
    the id getter:
    function accessThisData(e:MouseEvent):void{
    Dave -
    Head Developer
    Adobe Community Expert

  • Are there any shortcuts for creating Value Object Classes?

    I'm using a Remote Object to connect to my server
    (pyAMF/Django). I'm getting stuck with the creation of Value Object
    Classes. It doesn't seem very DRY to have a class on my server
    representing the data model and then have to recreate that class
    and all its properties in my Flex app.
    Are there any shortcuts for creating client side VOs from
    server side data?
    I was thinking about declaring an empty VO class in Flex, and
    then dynamically assigning/casting my Proxy object to that class.
    It seems like that approach may cause problems for the Flex
    compiler though.
    Any hints?

    Originally posted by:
    Oh man, do I feel your pain. I'm not sure what middle-tier
    technology you're using, but I'm using Java (w/Spring) and I
    absolutely hate having to create and maintain two sets of VO (aka
    data transfer - DTO) object for Java and Flex.
    One thing that has helped me in that area is a free tool from
    Farata Systems called
    DTO2Fx. If you're using Java and Eclipse, it's a great time saver.
    You simply install a (very lightweight) Eclipse plugin, add a
    single annotation to your Java VO classes, and it automatically
    generates your Flex VOs. It even creates a base and extended
    version of each VO on the AS3 side so you can add code to the
    extended VO without fear of having your changes overwritten when it
    regenerates your Flex VOs.
    Here's a like to thier
    PDF that
    gives instructions and a download link. I had it up and running in
    my application in less than 30 minutes!
    I'm using Python/Django serverside (PYAMF is my AMF

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