Get full document path

I'm looking for sample code/information on how to to 'programatically' work out the full path of a document in the Portal content area. ie. /docs/FOLDER/CONTENT/FOLDER1/FOLDER2/FILENAME.HTML etc.
THanks in advance.
Luke Duc Lam

I wrot this function for geting the path between "/docs/FOLDER/CONTENT" and "FILENAME.HTML" if you have the content area_id you can select the name from wiew 'wwsbr_all_content_areas', but I'm not sure which column I had to select for the document name. I started with item master id and had problems to find my document after moving it between folders. May be you have an answer for this question.
-- recursiv function, that creates a folderpath between content area folder
-- and the folder passed through p_folder_id with the language
function create_folderpath(
p_ca_id in number
,p_folder_id in number
,p_language in wwv_things.language%type
) return varchar2
v_folder_name varchar2(4000);
if p_folder_id = 1 then
return '';
select folder.parent_id,
into v_parentfolder_id, v_folder_name
from wwsbr_all_folders folder
where = p_folder_id
and folder.language = p_language;
return create_folderpath(p_ca_id, v_parentfolder_id, p_language)||'/'||v_folder_name;
end if;
end create_folderpath;
Regards Theresia
P.S. bevor compiling the code, look at the || signs, may be you get spaces between by copying code.

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    == always ==
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    import oracle.ifs.beans.DocumentDefinition;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.LibraryObjectDefinition;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.LibrarySession;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.PublicObject;
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    public S_TieDocument(S_LibrarySession session, java.lang.Long classID)
    throws IfsException
    super(session, classID);
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    throws IfsException
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    super.extendedPreInsert(opState, def);
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    In the new version of Numbers this option is not available.  You will have to type the file name into the header yourself.  You can post feedback to Apple using the menu item "Numbers > Provide Numbers Feedback"
    or use Numbers2.3 which should be in the folder "/Applications/iWork '09" if you previously had it installed

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    //to get full path of document, works for both mac and pc
    IDocument *document = Utils<ILayoutUIUtils>()->GetFrontDocument();
    IDataBase* theDb = ::GetDataBase(document);
    const IDFile* sysFile = theDb->GetSysFile();
    InterfacePtr<ICoreFilename> cfn((ICoreFilename*)::CreateObject(kCoreFilenameBoss, IID_ICOREFILENAME));
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    == 0){
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    Hope this helps,
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    Best Regards

    Actually, that is strange and scarry. With 20% of the browser market share they decide to behave like Microsoft did in the past - they want to decide what users need and what they do not need. With 3.0 I have a real problem with some of my applications. They are all tested in IE6, IE7, FF2.0 and they all work the same way (they even work with Opera and Safari). Now, I will for sure not go there and make it work for 3.0, just because 2 out of 200 users use FF3.0. Up to now I have always recomended FF as the best browser. 3.0 causes my opinion to change completely. Competition is always good but it is a question if it is good if we have 20 different browsers out there with equal market shares.
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    "MyPC  Documents"
    users see
    Folder redirection is supposed to be transparent to the user. Virtually all our other applications, including Office 2003, respect this convention and continue to show "Documents". As you can see, Word even exposes a hidden share.
    Even if we go to File / Options / Save and browse to the local Documents folder as the place Word should open and save files from, Word immediately removes the path you have browsed to, and replaces it with the UNC path.
    Is there a way to suppress this behavior? Thanx!

    Based on my understanding, you only want others to see some part of path name, rather than full UNC path name. It is right?
    It seems that we can’t implement your requirement. When we open a file from “My Pictures”, it shows “My picture” instead of showing the full path “C:\Users\User\Pictures”. “My Picture” is set as a library in Windows, so it hides
    full path by design. We can't set \\sever1\redirect$\username\documents as a library.
    As a workaround, you can upload these files to OneDrive and share link to others.
    If I have anything misunderstood, don't hesitate to tell me.
    Greta Ge
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

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    Thank you so much

    Hi Frank,
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    Sample Code:
    Protected Sub RetrieveDocumentDetails(ByVal intFolderID As Integer)
    Dim customDataSet As New DataSet Dim newTable As New DataTable("TestTable") Dim newRow As DataRow
    'Initialize Custom DataSet newTable.Columns.Add("CardName", GetType(String)) newTable.Columns.Add("DateCreated", GetType(String)) newTable.Columns.Add("DateModified", GetType(String)) newTable.Columns.Add("DocOwner", GetType(String)) newTable.Columns.Add("DocumentUrl", GetType(String)) 'newTable.Columns.Add("DocDescription", GetType(String))
    'Instantiate Plumtree Remote Session Dim IPTRemoteSession As IRemoteSession IPTRemoteSession = RemoteSessionFactory.GetExplicitLoginContext(New System.Uri(""), "Administrator", "")
    'Query the Plumtree Document Manager passing in the Folder ID Dim PTDocumentManager As IDocumentManager = IPTRemoteSession.GetDocumentManager() Dim PTDocumentQuery As IDocumentQuery = PTDocumentManager.CreateQuery(intFolderID) Dim PTQueryResults As IObjectQuery = PTDocumentQuery.Execute() Dim i As Integer
    'Loop throught the Document Query Results and load into the Custom Dataset For i = 0 To PTQueryResults.GetRowCount - 1 Dim PTDocument As IObjectQueryRow = PTQueryResults.GetRow(i)
    newRow = newTable.NewRow() newRow("CardName") = PTDocument.GetName() newRow("DateCreated") = PTDocument.GetCreated() newRow("DateModified") = PTDocument.GetLastModified() newRow("DocOwner") = PTDocument.GetOwner() newRow("DocumentUrl") = PTDocument.GetStringValue(DocumentProperty.URL) '(I NEED THE FULL URL HERE) 'newRow("DocDescription") = PTDocument.GetDescription()
    newTable.Rows.Add(newRow) Next customDataSet.Tables.Add(newTable) customDataSet.AcceptChanges()
    'Bind Custom Dataset to Datagrid DataGrid1.DataSource = customDataSet DataGrid1.DataBind()
    End Sub

    You can insert layout breaks to change the number of columns throughout your document. This screenshot is from a newsletter I did in Pages 1/iWork '05, but this function is unchanged.
    You should change your profile information that appears at the bottom of your posts. Mac OS 9 hasn't been a current OS for over 10 years & there is no way to run Pages on it. If you're not sure what version of Mac OS you're using, click the  in the upper left of your menu bar & choose About This Mac.

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