Getting characters in a particular xml tag type during Sax parsing.

How do I get the text within a certain XML tag using the parser. I can use the parser which will get me all the text in all the tags, but how do I get the ones I need only.
For example:
<channel id="">
    <display-name lang="en">BBC1</display-name>
  <programme start="20040217233500" stop="20040218000500 +0000" channel="">
    <title lang="en">Film 2004 with Jonathan Ross</title>
  </programme>how do I get the text 'Film 2004 with Jonathan Ross' without getting the others?

Well, the SAX parser just gives you the start/end tag
information to a handler, right? So if you just use
the SAX parser to get one item, then you could do it
by running thru the entire XML file to get that item
then get another item. Clearly this isn't the best
way to do it.... The handler should put the data for
the whole document into some data structure, or use
DocumentBuilder to get a Document object. I see. Yes, that is not the way to use SAX. It's kind of an inside out way of doing things. If you using SAX you should know everything that you want before parsing and grab all of them in one fell swoop.
If you want to get an in memory representation, the JDOM package is a whole lot eaiser to use than DOM.

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    I have come across a very strange situation with my xslt mapping.
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    as follows
    I am not sure why I am getting these values in between the tags. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    Hi David,
    Here is the code fragment where these 2 tags are mapped, FYI, the source is an IDOC message. The unwanted "11" is coming After the <Tag></Tag> and <DataID></DataID>. FYI, Fof the element <Tag></Tag> its a default value. But for <DataID> </DataID>  I have the mapping logic.
                  <xsl:for-each select="E1EDKA1">
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                        <xsl:value-of select="'1'" />
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    But I would like to extract the values based on particular filter condition.
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    Filter condition
    the tag <STATE_ABBREVIATION> value shuold be 'CA' and the <CITY> tag value should be Palo_Alto then I will store the ZIPCODE
    ZIP_CODE_EXTN,STATE_ABBREVIATION tag values in the Oracle Relational table.
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    Kindly assist me what are the steps that I need to change in this program.?
    XML Program file content.
    PL/SQL Program for XML extract.
    charString varchar2(80);
    finalStr varchar2(4000) := null;
    rowsp number;
    insCtx DBMS_XMLStore.ctxType;
    ctx dbms_xmlgen.ctxHandle;
    v_FileHandle UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
    v_FileHandle := utl_file.fopen('XMLTEST','XML_NEW_CITIES.XML','r') ;
    utl_file.get_line(v_FileHandle, charString);
    when no_data_found then
    if finalStr is not null then
    finalStr := finalStr || charString;
    finalStr := charString;
    end if;
    end loop;
    insCtx := DBMS_XMLStore.newContext('SYS.ZIPCODES');
    DBMS_XMLStore.setUpdateColumn(insCtx,'ZIP_CODE_EXT N');
    DBMS_XMLStore.setUpdateColumn(insCtx,'STATE_ABBREV IATION');
    rowsp := dbms_xmlstore.insertXML(insCtx,finalstr);

    Thanks for your reply. :)
    Its working fine in the DBMS_XMLSTORE package. Here I have given the code
    ( "@ENO"   NUMBER,
      "@ENAME" VARCHAR2(100),
      eno      NUMBER,
      ename    VARCHAR2(100));
      empno    VARCHAR2(25),
      sal      NUMBER,
      hiredate DATE,
      typ      TYP_DUMMY
      insCtx DBMS_XMLStore.ctxType;
      rows NUMBER;
      xmldoc CLOB :=
           <ROW num="1">
               <TYP ENO="739" ENAME="Nazurullah">
               <ENO> 1 </ENO>
               <ENAME> ALDRIN </ENAME>
             <TYP ENO="7369" ENAME="PEPPIN" />
               <ENO> 20701 </ENO>
      insCtx := DBMS_XMLStore.newContext('emp'); -- get saved context
      -- Now insert the doc.
      -- This will only insert into EMPNO, SAL and HIREDATE columns
      rows := DBMS_XMLStore.insertXML(insCtx, xmlDoc);
      -- Close the context
    SELECT * FROM emp;
    739         1800 27-AUG-96     TYP_DUMMY(739, 'Nazurullah', 1, ' ALDRIN ')
    7369       18000 27-AUG-96     TYP_DUMMY(7369, 'PEPPIN', NULL, NULL)
    20701      37000 27-AUG-96     TYP_DUMMY(NULL, NULL, 20701, ' VENKATACHALAM ')

  • How to get the value in the XML tag?

    hi all,
    i am new to JAXP. i tried the sample program provided in the following link. it just counts the number of tags in the XML file. XML file name is given as command line argument.
    Now, if i want to display the value in the XML tag( say <NAME>xxx</NAME> in this tag i want to display the value 'xxx' ), what has to be done?
    how can i achieve this?
    please help...
    link of the sample program:
    thx in advance,

    implement this method the same way you have startElement...
    public void characters(char[] ch,
                           int start,
                           int length)
                    throws SAXException

  • How to get a text between two XML tags?

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <tangram_request service_id="3">
    <send keep_session="nada">
    <text>Teste ServerSocket!!!</text>
    Now, there's a fragment of my code, which gets some tags' attributes:
    DOMParser parser = new DOMParser();
    InputSource resp = new InputSource(new StringReader(XML));
    Document doc = parser.getDocument();
    Node node =(doc.getElementsByTagName "tangram_request")).item(0);
    if (node instanceof Element)
    Element el = (Element) node;
    service_id = el.getAttribute("service_id");
    node = (doc.getElementsByTagName("send")).item(0);
    if (node instanceof Element)
    Element el = (Element) node;
    keep_session = el.getAttribute("keep_session");
    Now, I want to get the texte between <destination> ... </destination>
    How could I do that?
    Thanks a lot

    Thanks... It worked fine!!!
    Now how can I get lots of <desctination>... I did something that haven't worked...
    node = (doc.getElementsByTagName("destination")).item(0);
    destination = node.removeChild(node.getFirstChild()).getNodeValue();
    And now, my XML is like:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <tangram_request service_id="3">
    <send keep_session="nada">
    <text>Teste ServerSocket!!!</text>
    Thanks so much!

  • Getting the 'name' of an XML tag

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    <param name="param_name">param_value</param>
    I can get the values 'param' and 'param_value' using the node.getNodeName() and the node.getNodeValue() methods.
    I need the value of "param_name" though because in the situation that I am in, this is how the node values are determined.
    Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!

    "name" is called an attribute of the "param" element. You could try to take a look at the getAttributes() function (node.getAttributes().item(0)).
    I hope it helps.

  • How to get a specific tag value from SAX parser

    I am using the SAX method to parse my xml file.
    My Question is how to get the returning characters parsed after calling?
    esp the value of <body> tag?
    Here is my xml file, and i want to get the parsed <body> value after call sax parser.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    Details of an article, and i want to get the article details

    here is the parser code I am using:
    import org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser;
    import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
    import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler;
    import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler;
    import org.xml.sax.Locator;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
    import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
    import org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderFactory;
    public class test2 {
         public String m_xmlDetail;
         public void readDetail(String url) {
              System.out.println("Parsing XML File: " + url + "\n\n");
              try {
                   XMLReader parser = new SAXParser();
                   ContentHandler contentHandler = new MyContentHandler();
              } //try ends here
              catch (IOException e) {
                   System.out.println("Error reading URI: " + e.getMessage());
              } //catch ends here
              catch (SAXException e) {
                   System.out.println("Error in parsing: " + e.getMessage());
              } //catch ends here
         } //function
    }//close class
    public class MyContentHandler implements ContentHandler {
         private Locator locator;
         //public String m_bodyDetail=new String();
         public void setDocumentLocator(Locator locator) {
              System.out.println(" * setDocumentLocator() called");
              this.locator = locator;
         public void startDocument() throws SAXException {
              System.out.println("Parsing begins...");
         public void endDocument() throws SAXException {
              System.out.println("...Parsing ends.");
         public void processingInstruction(String target, String data)throws SAXException {
              System.out.println("PI: Target:" + target + " and Data:" + data);
         public void startPrefixMapping(String prefix, String uri) {
              System.out.println("Mapping starts for prefix " + prefix + " mapped to URI " + uri);
         public void endPrefixMapping(String prefix) {
              System.out.println("Mapping ends for prefix " + prefix);
         public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName,String rawName, Attributes atts)throws SAXException {
              System.out.print("startElement: " + localName);
              if (!namespaceURI.equals("")) {
                   System.out.println(" in namespace " + namespaceURI + " (" + rawName + ")");
              else {
                   System.out.println(" has no associated namespace");
              for (int i=0; i<atts.getLength(); i++)
                   System.out.println(" Attribute: " + atts.getLocalName(i) +"=" + atts.getValue(i));
         public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String rawName) throws SAXException {
              System.out.println("endElement: " + localName + "\n");
         public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int end) throws SAXException {
              String s = new String(ch, start, end);
              System.out.println("characters: " + s);
         public void ignorableWhitespace(char[] ch, int start, int end)throws SAXException {
              String s = new String(ch, start, end);
              System.out.println("ignorableWhitespace: [" + s + "]");
         public void skippedEntity(String name) throws SAXException {
              System.out.println("Skipping entity " + name);
    } //close class

  • How to deal with empty tags in a SAX Parser

    I hope someone can help me with the problem I am having!
    Basically, I have written an xml-editor application. When an XML file is selected, I parse the file with a SAX parser and save the start and end locations of all the tags and character data. This enables me to display the xml file with the tags all nicely formatted with pretty colours. Truly it is a Joy To Behold. However, I have a problem with tags in this form:
    <package name="boo"/>
    because the SAX parser treats them like this:
    <package name = boo>
    for various complex reasons the latter is unaccetable so my question is: Is there some fiendishly clever method to detect tags of this type as they occur, so that I can treat them accordingly?

    I have spent some time on googling for code doing this, but found nothing better, than I had to write in by myself.
    So, it would be something like this. Enjoy :)
    package comd;
    import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
    import java.util.Stack;
    import java.util.Enumeration;
    public class EmptyTagsHandler extends DefaultHandler {
         private StringBuilder xmlBuilder;
         private Stack<XmlElement> elementStack;
         private String processedXml;
         private class XmlElement{
              private String name;
              private boolean isEmpty = true;
              public XmlElement(String name) {
          = name;
              public void setNotEmpty(){
                   isEmpty = false;
         public EmptyTagsHandler(){
              xmlBuilder = new StringBuilder();
              elementStack = new Stack();
         private String getElementXPath(){
              StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
              for (Enumeration en=elementStack.elements();en.hasMoreElements();){
              return builder.toString();
         public String getXml(){
              return processedXml;
         public void startDocument() throws SAXException {
              xmlBuilder = new StringBuilder();
              processedXml = null;
         public void endDocument() throws SAXException {
              processedXml = xmlBuilder.toString();
         public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException {
              if (!elementStack.empty()) {
                   XmlElement elem = elementStack.peek();
              for (int i=0; i<attributes.getLength();i++){
                   xmlBuilder.append(" ");
              elementStack.push(new XmlElement(qName));
         public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException {
              XmlElement elem = elementStack.peek();
              if (elem.isEmpty) {
                   xmlBuilder.insert(xmlBuilder.length()-1, "/");
              } else {
         public void characters(char ch[], int start, int length) throws SAXException {
              if (!elementStack.empty()) {
                   XmlElement elem = elementStack.peek();
              String str = new String(ch, start, length);
         public void ignorableWhitespace(char ch[], int start, int length) throws SAXException {
              String str = new String(ch, start, length);

  • XML to CSV using SAX Parser

    I need to convert xml files to csv format using SAX Parser. The following code & outputs are as below:
    XML file:
         <Title>Professional JINI</Title>
         <Publisher>Oreilly Publications</Publisher>
         <Title>XML Programming</Title>
         <Publisher>Mann Publications</Publisher>
    public class BooksLibrary extends DefaultHandler
    protected static final String XML_FILE_NAME = "C:\\library1.xml";
         public static void main (String argv [])
              // Use the default (non-validating) parser
              SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
              try {
                   FileOutputStream fos=new FileOutputStream("C:/test.txt");
                   // Set up output stream
                   out = new OutputStreamWriter (fos, "UTF8");
                   // Parse the input
                   SAXParser saxParser = factory.newSAXParser();
                   saxParser.parse( new File(XML_FILE_NAME), new BooksLibrary() );
              } catch (Throwable t) {
                   t.printStackTrace ();
              System.exit (0);
         static private Writer out;
         // Methods in SAX DocumentHandler
         public void startDocument ()
         throws SAXException
              showData ("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>");
         public void endDocument ()
         throws SAXException
              try {
                   out.flush ();
              } catch (IOException e) {
                   throw new SAXException ("I/O error", e);
         public void startElement (String name, Attributes attrs)
         throws SAXException
              showData ("<"+name);
              if (attrs != null) {
                   for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength (); i++) {
                        showData (" ");
                        showData (attrs.getLocalName(i)+"=\""+attrs.getValue (i)+"\"");
              showData (">");
         public void endElement (String name)
         throws SAXException
              showData ("</"+name+">");
         public void characters (char buf [], int offset, int len)
         throws SAXException
              String s = new String(buf, offset, len);
              showData (s);
         // Helpers Methods
         // Wrap I/O exceptions in SAX exceptions, to
         // suit handler signature requirements
         private void showData (String s)
         throws SAXException
              try {
                   out.write (s);
                   out.flush ();
              } catch (IOException e) {
                   throw new SAXException ("I/O error", e);
         // Start a new line
         private void newLine ()
         throws SAXException
              //String lineEnd = System.getProperty("line.separator");
              try {
                   out.write (", ");
              } catch (IOException e) {
                   throw new SAXException ("I/O error", e);
    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------output is as follows:
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>,
         Professional JINI
         Oreilly Publications
         XML Programming
         Mann Publications
    Can anyone please tell me how to remove that indentation space & get the output as :
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>, Professional JINI, bs, Oreilly Publications, XML Programming, java, Mann Publications

    By the way, there is a new feature in Java 5.0 (Tiger) called "Annotations."
    Since your code extneds DefaultHandler, you could specify a line with
    before the definition of each of your methods. If you had used these, the compiler would have given an error since your methods did not override the methods of DefaultHandler.
    (If your code implemented ContentHandler, by contrast, using @Override is invalid because you need to implement all of the methods defined in the interface definition.)
    The other comment is that the safest way to handle characters() data is to use a StringBuilder/Buffer (StringBuilder is only valid in 5.0, StringBuffer has been around since Release 1.0) that you define in the startElement method. Use the append method to gather data presented to you in the characters() method and use toString() to harvest the data in the endElement method.
    Dave Patterson

  • How to get the attribute of the xml tag

    I have the following xml file
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
    <html><set label="09/07/29" value="1241.90"/>
    Can any one help me in parsing this xml file
    I want to retrive the attribute values of the tag set
    Example I want to store 09/07/29 to variable1 and 1241.90 to variable2 in order to insert this data into a database table.
    Appreciate if any one can help me..very urgent

    Dup post.
    Answers provided at {message:id=3658564} and {message:id=3658522}

  • Rename particular XML Tag

    Hi Indesign Experts,
              I'm confused a lot in the below issue. I'm have a indesign document. In the xml structure, If i select a element, and trying to rename the selected item's, it's changing all the elements with the selected elements name....
    I use the below code to run after selecting an xml Element.
    But the output look like the below.
    But I want onlu to rename the selected xmlelement.
    Any idea to perform this?
    Thanks and Regards,

           Thanks a lot Jeff...
            I'm doing a huge program with lot of tasks. While doing that,my mind didn't strike to check if the tag is not already exist, then only to create new tag...  Thanks for all of the indesigner experts for their replies...
    I used the following codes with ur idea.
                        var renamewith = textbox1.text;
                               var testTag = app.activeDocument.xmlTags.item(renamewith);
                            var testTag = app.activeDocument.xmlTags.add({name: renamewith});
    With Regards,

  • Read any XML File Elements using SAX Parser in J2se

    Hi All
    I can able to parsed one structured XML file using SAX
    Sample code :
    // ===========================================================
         // SAX DocumentHandler methods
         // ===========================================================
         public void startDocument() throws SAXException {
    "Start of document");
         public void endDocument() throws SAXException {
    "End of document");
         public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, // local
                   // name
                   String qualName, // qualified name
                   Attributes attrs) throws SAXException {
              elemName = new String(localName); // element name
              if (elemName.equals(""))
                   elemName = new String(qualName); // namespaceAware = false
              tagPosition = TAG_START;
              // Set the string for accumulating the text in a tag to empty
              elemChars = "";
              // If the element name is "row", create a new row instance
              // If the element is "indexxid", "ModelPrice", or "ModelSpread",
              // the value will be read in the method "characters" and stored.
              if (elemName.equals("row")) {
                   row = new IndexRow();
              //"Number of numRow:"+numRows);
         } // end method startElement
         public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String simpleName, // simple
                   // name
                   String qualName // qualified name
         ) throws SAXException {
              elemName = new String(simpleName);
              if (elemName.equals(""))
                   elemName = new String(qualName); // namespaceAware = false
              tagPosition = TAG_END;
              String indexId = new String();
              Double dblVal = new Double(0);
              // If element name is "row", put the current row in the map for row
              // instances
              if (elemName.equals("row")) {
                   if (numRows <= 5) {"Row is: " + row.toString()); }
                   //indexRows.put(row.getIndexxId(), row);
                   if (family.equals("ABX.HE")){
                   indexRows.put(row.getIndexREDId(), row);
                   else {
                        //CDX ITRXX
                             indexRows.put(row.getIndexxId(), row);
              } else if (elemName.equals("IndexID")) {
                   // Leave double value at default of zero if there are no chars
                   if (elemChars.trim().length() != 0) {
                        dblVal = new Double(elemChars);
                        indexId = row.getIndexxId();
              } else if (elemName.equals("REDCode")) {
              else if (elemName.equals("Name")) {
              } else if (elemName.equals("Series")) {
              } else if (elemName.equals("Version")) {
              } else if (elemName.equals("Term")) {
              } else if (elemName.equals("Maturity")) {
              } else if (elemName.equals("OnTheRun")) {
              } else if (elemName.equals("Date")) {
              } else if (elemName.equals("Depth")) {
              else if (elemName.equals("Heat")) {
                   //"Chars for element " + elemName + " are '" +
                   // elemChars + "'");
                   // Leave double value at default of zero if there are no chars
                   if (elemChars.trim().length() != 0) {
                        dblVal = new Double(elemChars);
                        indexId = row.getIndexxId();
    //          ABX.HE
              else if (elemName.equals("IndexREDId")){
              else if (elemName.equals("Coupon")){
              if (elemName.equals("Ontherun")) {
         } // end method endElement
         public void characters(char buf[], int offset, int len) throws SAXException {
              // If at end of element, there will be no characters
              if (tagPosition == TAG_END) {
              // The characteres method may be called more than once
              // for an element if the internal buffer fills up.
              // Append the characters until the end of the element.
              String strVal = new String(buf, offset, len);
              elemChars = elemChars + strVal;
         } // end method characters
    } // end class MarkItIndexLoader
    but the problem is i want to read (parse) any XML file means any Elemets would be change any time using SAX .In the above example
    else if (elemName.equals("Heat")) {
    else if (elemName.equals("IndexREDId")){
    } else if (elemName.equals("Maturity")) {
    like above I am doing hard code Elements names and reading the values so i don't want hard coding the elements names I want to read any element name and value dynamically.
    If i give any one below XML file i want to read the Elements and displaying to console without changing any code i want to read the XML document.
    Student.XML: <root>..</StName>..</StAge>...</root>
    Employee.XML: <root>..</EmpName>..</EmpAge>...</root>
    CdCatalog.XML: <root>..</Cdtitle>...</CdNumber>...</root>
    I need one java program can ready any type of XML file elements and send to the Database table.
    Please any one done like this task please suggest some reference links or books or sample snippet which can help me to develop program in my requirement.
    Thanks in advance

    You should ask in the Java forum.

  • Create custom XML tag, Flex 4.6

    hi all
    I have a question.
    I have the following tag:
    <tns:dynamic xmlns:tns="urn:sap-com:document:sap:soap:functions:mc-style">
    The dynamic part should be dynamic.
    I have tried the following code;
      <tns:{actionscript.variable} xmlns:tns="urn:sap-com:document:sap:soap:functions:mc-style">
                                            </tns:{actionscript.variable}>) ;
    But i get the 1110 error; Missing XML tag name. So i do something wrong.
    Does anybody know how to solve this?
    Kind regards,

    You're not adding your filefilter as an argument of browseForOpen.
    ie: browseForOpen("Apri", filterTesto);
    But it might not make any difference:
    And from the actionscript refence:
    "Note: On Android devices, the file dialog title cannot be set. The title parameter is ignored."

  • How to read value within XML Tag data using IO Stream in Java

    We have xml data into a Stream and we need to extract values again into a Stream from the particular XML tag <Data> inside the Stream. PFB the sample XML which will be contained inside the stream and can someone help us to hint the java code for this. We require it using the IO API only and we need to look <DATA> for the begining of the stream and </DATA> as the end of the stream.
    Please note that input is stream and output require also is a stream.
    <?xml version = "1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

    The example you've showed is valid and it is also text.
    Think seriously about this ... for example, do you have a rule that says </DATA> can't appear in the binary data?
    But in any case I can't see the problem. If you want to use IO classes directly, just read lines until you see <DATA>, then read data until it ends with </DATA>, and remove that.
    But I would certainly use SAX myself until proven otherwise that it won't work..

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    we are calling fnd_request.submit_request with 'XDOREPPB' and assigning a printer to it.
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    anyone has any idea what might be the reason.

    Got the solution. These tags are getting generated from standard report and we can use <columnname>[1], <columnname>[2]... etc if there are multiple tags with same tag names.

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