Getting file name from a file path

I have got a String called filePath and it holds: "C:\Documents and Settings\paul\MyDocuments\nihtd.txt".
What I want do is to have another String variable called fileName that will use the 'filePath' variable to return the name on the file (that been "nihtd.txt" for the example given) but it must work with any file path for any file type.
Can anyone help? I have tried various ways but with no success.
Many thanks

Hmm, I just ran across another distinction between doing this by creating a File object as opposed to doing this by analysing the String: performance.
I always thought that creation of file objects is relatively cheap, since the Filesystem is not actually accessed when you create a new File instance. Apparently that is not true, at least not if you are on Windows and the file is on another server. Something like new File(\\server\share\file.txt) will create network traffic on Windows. So if you only meant to use the File class for parsing text, you might want to think again.
I would be interested to know how the FileSystem class is implemented on different platforms. Do you know where I can read up on that?
Cheers, HJK

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    \[removed by moderator\]
    Thanks and Regards
    Edited by: Jan Stallkamp on Jul 30, 2008 4:26 PM

    Here is the code u required...
    data:r_code type sy-subrc.
    data:mnames type standard table of T247 with header line.
       LANGUAGE                    = SY-LANGU
         RETURN_CODE                 = r_code
        month_names                 = mnames.
      MONTH_NAMES_NOT_FOUND       = 1
      OTHERS                      = 2
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    write:/ mnames.
    Thanks & Regards
    Ashu Singh

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    Tom W.
      Other OS  

    Finally found a Windows fix for getting iTunes to get
    track names from GraceNote (see below). It works!!!
    Fixing iTunes CDDB lookup - more details
    Since Apple’s forums don’t seem to support
    permalinks, the hint I previously posted about fixing
    iTunes for Windows’ connection to CDDB isn’t
    complete. Here’s how to reestablish connection to
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    click on the Connections tab, and click on the LAN
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    about using a proxy. Hit OK, then OK again.
    Open RegEdit and look for the following key:
    HKEYLOCALUSER\Software\CDDB\Control\2.0. Delete
    this key.
    Open iTunes and insert the CD. iTunes should now be
    able to connect to CDDB again—at least, until it
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    If necessary, reenable your proxy settings.
    Microsoft —Tim Jarrett @ 2/12/04; 8:59:45 AM Discuss
    Comment (0) Cosmos [#]
    Tom W.
      Other OS  
    I followed this exactly and it didn't work!
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  • Getting column names from cursor

    Hi all
    I have procedure which produces list of applied for jobs web page(using htp. package)
    I got result in cursor, but have to provide dinamic sort, based on colimn pressed
    procedure my_application_list
    (pi_resume_num     in varchar2 default null
    ,pi_sort_col     in varchar2 default null
    ,pi_page_no     in varchar2 default null
    ,pi_action     in varchar2 default null
    ,pi_msg          in varchar2 default null
    CURSOR cur_job IS
         SELECT      jtl.JOB_TITLE
         FROM job_tl jtl, applied_for_job a, gateway gt
         WHERE a.job_seeker_id=app.job_Seeker
         AND a.job_id=jtl.job_id
         AND a.lang=jtl.lang
         AND a.gateway=gt.gateway
         AND jtl.lang=(SELECT substr(MIN(lt.order_list||jtl0.lang),2) lang
                   FROM      job_tl jtl0
                        ,language_tl lt
                   WHERE jtl0.job_id = a.job_id
                   AND jtl0.lang=lt.lang
                   AND lt.gui_lang=app.language)
         ORDER BY pi_sort_col
    rest of code
    The columns displayed in web page are Job_title, Company_name and Applied_date
    This page is displyed well, bu without column nmes at the top. I am trying to get column names from cursor in order to have ORDER BY <pi_sort_col>
    can someone help how i can get those column names:Job_title, Company_name and Applied_date
    User will be able to click on column and sort
    Thank in advance .I appreciate any help

    Hi Francisco
    Here is my code
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY cc_web_application_list
    col_name_t col_name_list;
    col_order_t col_order_list;
    procedure my_application_list
         (pi_resume_num     in varchar2 default null
         ,pi_sort_col     in varchar2 default null
         ,pi_page_no     in varchar2 default null
         ,pi_action     in varchar2 default null
         ,pi_msg          in varchar2 default null
    l_my_page_no      PLS_INTEGER :=     TO_NUMBER(nvl(pi_page_no,1));
    l_js_name          gam_user.username%TYPE;
    l_js_first_name          gam_user.first_name%TYPE;
    l_cnt                PLS_INTEGER := 0;
    l_scr_lines      PLS_INTEGER := 0;
    l_curline           PLS_INTEGER;
    l_jobs_applied           PLS_INTEGER;
    l_total_rec      PLS_INTEGER;
    l_total_pages      PLS_INTEGER;
    l_pos               PLS_INTEGER;
    l_first               PLS_INTEGER :=0;
    last                PLS_INTEGER :=0;
    l_lines           PLS_INTEGER := 10;
    col_name      VARCHAR2(100) := col_name_t(3) ;
    col_order           VARCHAR2(30) := 'DESC';
    str                VARCHAR2(2000);
    display           display_rec;
    page_number          page_table_type;
    CURSOR cur_job IS
         SELECT      jtl.JOB_TITLE job_title
              ,jtl.COMPANY_NAME company_name
              ,a.APPLY_DATE apply_date
         FROM job_tl jtl, applied_for_job a, gateway gt
         WHERE a.job_seeker_id=app.job_Seeker
         AND a.job_id=jtl.job_id
         AND a.lang=jtl.lang
         AND a.gateway=gt.gateway
         ORDER BY a.apply_date;
    This decode is a problem
                   ,col_name_t(1), jtl.job_title
                   ,col_name_t(2), jtl.company_name
                   ,col_name_t(3), TO_CHAR(a.apply_date, 'YYYYMMDDhh24miss')
                   ) ASC
                   ,col_name_t(1), jtl.job_title
                   ,col_name_t(2), jtl.company_name
                   ,col_name_t(3), TO_CHAR(a.apply_date, 'YYYYMMDDhh24miss')
                   ) DESC
    r               rec_one;
    SELECT username,first_name
    INTO l_js_name,l_js_first_name
    FROM gam_user
    WHERE user_id = App.job_seeker;
    'Personal Job List'
         ,'##first_name##',l_js_first_name),'N' ,TRUE ,'Pxx');
    ----- get numer of records returned by query
    INTO l_total_rec
    FROM     job_tl jtl,applied_for_job a
         ,gateway gt
    WHERE a.job_id = jtl.job_id
    AND     a.job_seeker_id     = App.job_seeker
    AND     a.gateway     = gt.gateway ;
    ------get number of pages
    l_total_pages:=CEIL (l_total_rec/l_lines);
    l_jobs_applied := 0;
    col_name := pi_sort_col;
    col_order := pi_sort_col;
    --get first positions
    l_first := (nvl(l_my_page_no,1) - 1) * l_lines + 1;
    FOR rec IN cur_job LOOP
         l_cnt := l_cnt + 1;
         EXIT WHEN l_cnt > l_first + l_lines - 1;
         IF l_cnt >= l_first THEN
              l_scr_lines := l_scr_lines + 1;      
              r(l_scr_lines) := rec;          --assign counter from loop to r index
              IF rec.apply_date IS NOT NULL THEN
              l_jobs_applied := l_jobs_applied + 1;
              END IF;
         END IF;
    htp.p('<FORM ACTION="'||App.gateway||'8.my_application_list" METHOD="post">');
    htp.p('<table align="center">');
    IF r.COUNT = 0 THEN
    END IF;
    --table_heading(col_name ,col_order );
    htp.p('<table align=center>');
    htp.p('<tr align="center"><td>');
    FOR i IN 1..l_total_pages LOOP
         page_number(i) := i;
         IF page_number(i) = l_total_pages THEN
         Web_Pkg_Elements.doc_val_small(page_number(i)||' |'||'</A>');     
         END IF;
    htp.p('<table align=center>');
    FOR l_curline IN 1..l_scr_lines LOOP
         display(1) := NVL(r(l_curline).job_title, '<br>');
         display(2) := NVL(r(l_curline).company_name, '<br>');
         display(3) := NVL(Cc_Pkg_Nls.date2char(r(l_curline).apply_date, App.date_format), '<br>');
         IF MOD(l_curline, 2) = 0 THEN     
         END IF;
         htp.p('     <td>');
         htp.p('     </td>');
    htp.p('<TABLE width="88%" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"
    htp.p('<tr valign=bottom>');
    htp.p('<TD colspan=2 align=right>');
    IF l_my_page_no > 1 THEN
         htp.p('<P>'||'<IMG SRC="'||App.image||'prev.gif" ALT="'
         ||'"'     ||' HEIGHT=20 BORDER=0 ALIGN=bottom '
    END IF;
    IF l_my_page_no < CEIL (l_total_rec/l_lines) THEN
         htp.p(' <a href="'||$$(App.gateway||'8.my_application_list?'
         ||'&pi_msg=&pi_page_no='||TO_CHAR(l_my_page_no + 1)
         ||">'||'<IMG SRC="'||App.image||'next.gif" ALT="'
         ||'"' ||' HEIGHT=20 BORDER=0 ALIGN=bottom '
    END IF;
    htp.p('     </TABLE>');
    htp.formHidden('pi_sort_col', pi_sort_col);
    htp.formHidden('pi_page_no', pi_page_no);
    END my_application_list;
    END ; --cc_pkg_application_list

  • Getting Package Name From Class File Without Parsing File

    I am writing an application where I need to get the package name from a class file without parsing the class file itself.
    Basically, what happens is the user chooses a class file from anywhere in the file system. I then want to use reflection to get information about that class. To do that I need the fully qualified class name. I know that the package name is part or all of the path name but I don't know for sure which part it is. I don't want to parse the class file directly for the package name in case the class file spec is changed (that way I won't have to rewrite any code).
    Does Java have any way of getting this information without doing something stupid like gradually stripping off part of the pathname and trying it?

    The ClassLoader way seems to work fine, copy a class file to "A.class" and run this:import*;
    class ClassLoaderExample {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
            class MyClassLoader extends ClassLoader {
                public Class load() throws IOException {
                    File f = new File("A.class");
                    byte[] classData = new byte[(int) f.length()];
                    new RandomAccessFile(f, "r").readFully(classData);
                    Class loaded = defineClass(null, classData, 0, classData.length);
                    return loaded;
            Class c = new MyClassLoader().load();

  • How to fetch the Date column(or Month column) from the file name from the specified path in ODI 11g

    Hi ALL,
    Can any one help us regarding How to fecth the Date column(or month column) from the file name specified in the path in a generalized way .
    For example :
    file name is :subscribers (Cost) Sep13.csv is specified in the below path
      E:\Accounting\documents\subscribers (Cost) Sep13.csv
    here I need to fetch the "Sep13" as a Date column in the ODI 11g in the generalized way.
    Can any one help us in this case as early as possible.

    I would suggest using a piece of Jython code for this.  Something like this...
    import os
    import os.path
    filelist  = os.listdir(E:\Accounting\documents\)
    for file in filelist:
    datestr = file[19:-4]
    You'd need to work out what to do with datestr next...  perhaps write it to a table or update an ODI variable with it.
    Hope this is of some help.

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    In Snow Leopard I used to be able to hover over any file name and immediately get a file path in a small yellow window. What has happened to this feature in Mountain Lion?

    arthur, thanks for the path bar tip. That is what I needed. Solved the problem.
    I don't know what has happened to the yellow window that would appear if you hovered over any file showing the path of the file. It was simple to see the path with this window that appeared and disappeared if you moved the cursor.

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    second option is that getting names from database.
    I want to know both the things
    Can anybody help me in getting those names in both the ways. If anyone has sample code it will be really helpfull to me. :)

    FileInputStream fin=null;
    Properties property=new Properties();
          fin=new FileInputStream("myfile.dat");
    }catch(Exception e){}Infact this is the simpliest way to load property from file. You should check if File exists or readable with catch block. I used Exception but you dont. If you are using an Applet it will be a little different.

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    On my system, the logical device name H:\ is mapped to a directory on a file server "filer01".
    Is there any possibility to do this conversion?
    Thanks in advance.

    i dont think java has a way of figuring out the actual mappings for a drive, you can retrive all drives that are present using the following code
    File [] roots = File.listRoots();
    then you could just iterate through the roots some of which may be mapped (but you cant figure out which is mapped and which is not).
    So i guess the best way to do it is to have a Properties file with key,value mappings. for eg
    h:\\, \\file01\dir\..
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    hope this helpz

  • CS2/CS3/CS4: Cannot get file path in Unicode of the current document on Windows

    Hi All,
    In my automation plugin I need to have full absolute path of the opened document with any possible non-English letters. Using SDK examples Listener and Getter that come with Photoshop SDK the full absolute path which I obtain is in the default ANSI code page (CP_ACP) and I can convert it to Unicode using MultiByteToWideChar() API. However this works well when I have corresponding to document name language set in the "Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options -> Advanced -> Select a language to match the language version of the non-Unicode programs you want to use." For example if name of the document has Russian letters and chosen language in "Regional and Language Options" is also Russian the described conversion works well. If I change "Regional and Language Options" to English for example, full path returned by Photoshop SDK API (AliasToFullPath in PIUFile.cpp) for the document with Russian letters will contain "????????.psd" symbols.
    So I need to have an ability to get absolute file path in Unicode. Is it possible in Photoshop CS2/CS3/CS4 for Windows? I have searched forum and SDK but could not find info on it.
    Is it possible to have native HANDLE of the opened file to get file info using Windows API?
    Please advice.
    Below given slightly modified code from Photoshop CS3 which I use to get absolute file pat of the opened document.
    Thanks and regards,
    std::string outFilePath;
    int32 theID = 0;
    SPErr error = kSPNoError;
    error = PIUGetInfo(classDocument, keyDocumentID, &theID, NULL);
    if (error == kSPNoError)
    Handle theFileHandle = NULL;
    error = PIUGetInfoByID(theID, classDocument, keyFileReference, &theFileHandle, NULL);
    if (error == kSPNoError)
    int32 length = sPSHandle->GetSize(theFileHandle);
    Boolean oldLock = FALSE;
    Ptr pointer = NULL;
    sPSHandle->SetLock(theFileHandle, true, &pointer, &oldLock);
    if (pointer != NULL)
    outFilePath = (char*)pointer;
    sPSHandle->SetLock(theFileHandle, oldLock, &pointer, &oldLock);

    Hi All,
    Does anybody know, whether it is possible to get Unicode file path of the current document in Photoshop via Photoshop SDK API or without them?

  • How to get file path?

    Hi all,
    I have a tcode ysd_gr. When I execute it, it has one select option & I entered the values as *.csv. It gave 6 csv files(only file names) & I want to retreive data from one file.
    So I need to find the file path. The functional consultants told that the files are in Application server (there are more than 5 application servers are used here).
    So I need to know how to find the file path  and in which application server the file is placed.
    Thanks in advance,

    Go to t-code AL11 and give the path name excluding the file name:
    I mean for example the name is as below:
    here test.csv is the file name.
    So go to AL11 and give upto D:\usr\sap\IDS\DVEBMGS00\data and dauble click on it and search for the file name.
    Hope this will solve your problem.
    Reward if helpful.
    Thank you.

  • Bug when getting file path in non-english Windows Vista

    I'm getting an error when trying to get the file path of a video in a non-english Windows Vista... The code is:
    var file = "video.flv"
    var filePath = air.File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath(file);
    filePath = filePath.nativePath;
    The filePath variable is used later by a flash video player to load the video file..
    In the brazilian Windows Vista the path of the StorageDirectory would be something like "C:\Usuários\(user name)\..." but if I run this script it returns "C:\Users\(user name)\..." as the native path.
    The problem seems to be in the "nativePath" function, cause I'm able to copy files to the app-storage folder using the "air.File.appicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath()" method without any problems.
    I could insert a small code which substitutes "Users" with "Usuários" but then it wouldn't work on an english Vista...
    Any ideas on this? Is there a way to check the language of the operating system in Air so to act accordingly?
    Thanks for any help!

    has anybody found a solution?
    Testcase: SQL Developer 3.1 on a German XP with default NLS Settings
           "NUM" NUMBER
          ,"VCH"  VARCHAR2(10 BYTE)
        ) ;Test file test_insert.dsv
    12345,45;ooImporting using the wizard inserts the first row correctly, for the others I get
    --Einfügen für Zeilen  1  bis  3  nicht erfolgreich
    --ORA-01722: invalid number
    --Zeile 2
    --Zeile 3
    INSERT INTO TEST_TABLE (NUM, VCH) VALUES (12345.45,'oo');Beside the wrong umlaut in the message the insert statement itself is correct, because you cannot use the german decimal separator "," in the script. The bug is, that it should use the same NLS settings for generating and running the script.

  • Getting File Path to Open

    Is there a way to copy a full file path from a cell in Microsoft Excel to the clipboard and have Finder open it using another program?
    the Microsoft Excel cell looks like this...
    Primary Hard Drive:Microstock 2.0:Automation Processes:Automating Folder System:Bright:Bright Series Choices Circles.jpg
    the script I have looks like this but won't work...
    tell application "Microsoft Excel" to copy range (cell "B1" of worksheet "Keywording 2.0" of workbook "Metadata")
    set thefile to (the clipboard)
    tell application "Finder" to open thefile using "Primary Hard Drive:Applications:Adobe Bridge CS4:Adobe Bridge CS4"
    tell application "Adobe Bridge CS4" to activate
    I get an error "Can't make "Description" into type item.

    There are several flaws with your script, which are compounding your problem.
    First off, you're using copy range within Excel, which isn't what you want - that's intended to copy a range of cells within a worksheet to another worksheet.
    Secondly, even if that did work, you really don't want to use the clipboard for this. There's no need, for a start, and it disrupts whatever else the user may have had on the clipboard. Just think of AppleScript variables as being an infinite number of named clipboards and you can see that you could easily use an AppleScript variable to pass the data between Excel and the Finder.
    So, first off, getting the data out of Excel, you want to get the value of the cell and put it in an AppleScript variable:
    tell application "Microsoft Excel" to set myFilePath to value of (cell "B1" of worksheet "Keywording 2.0" of workbook "Metadata")
    Now myFilePath has the path data, which you can pass to the Finder:
    tell application "Finder" to open file myFilePath
    (although there may be no need to use the Finder at all for this - you can open the file directly, or tell Adobe Bridge to open the file, but the point of using AppleScript variables still stands)

  • Using AppleScript/Automator to get file path and create AFP hyperlink

    Hi All,
    A colleague has asked for a service (contextual menu item in Finder) to get a selected item's remote (afp://) file path and copy it to the clipboard...  Pretty sure I've got that part down. 
    What I need advice on is how to make the resulting pasted file path into a serviceable hyperlink.  AFP keeps telling me there was an error connection to the server....  Does the copied path have to include mounting commands and user credentials for this to work??

    Hi Richard - here's the script:
    tell application "Finder"
              set sel to the selection as text
              set TempTID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
              set AppleScript's text item delimiters to space
              set sel to text items of sel
              set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "%20"
              set sel to sel as string
              set AppleScript's text item delimiters to TempTID
    set the clipboard to "file://" & POSIX path of sel
    end tell

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