Getting rid of a restrictions passcode I never set in the first place

Like many others, I was made aware today of a restrictions passcode that magically appeared on my iPad. Like others, I expect to be told that they don't magically make themselves up but yes, this one did. I've used the same four digits for all four-digit codes, PINs and the like all my life since my first bicycle chain. If there are four numbers, those are the same four I use. They're what I have for my regular passcode... So when I try to use them to no avail when trying to gain access to Restrictions, I know something is up and too many users are complaining about this magical passcode for it to be in our minds.
I've tried erasing and restoring the iPad, which SHOULD NOT be the only option in first place but I guess my last backup came after the appearance of this passcode, because it's back!
Of course, I could just ignore it and move along with my life except that I work with my iPad and certain e-mails with attachments are showing as empty. My iPhone, which, incidentally is also plagued by a phantom passcode, can open them just fine. I'm told this can be easily resolved by changing a setting in Restrictions. Fantastic.
Short of completely erasing my iPad and starting anew (UH, NO), there has got to be something I can do because this is completely unacceptable and ridiculous.

The only option is to wipe the device clean and restore it to factory settings.  Hope you have a backup.
Follow the instructions in  iOS: How to back up your data and set up your device as a new device to restore the device to factory settings.
Once you have setup the device as a new one, you can then sync it back with your iTunes account and all your music, apps, contacts and any other content sync'ed with iTunes will be loaded on the device. Any content that is stored only on the device and not sync'ed with iTunes, like app logins or data, will be lost during this process. Be forewarned that this is a long process and can take a couple of hours or more to complete. This can be painful, but it is necessarily so to prevent users from working around the security settings. After the restore is complete, you can setup a new Restrictions passcode. Make a note of the passcode to avoid this situation in future.
 Cheers, Tom

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    It's a computer.  Computers are not perfect, and never will be.  Neither are the humans who built and designed them.
    If you backed up the device before this started, the backup may not have the restrictions.  Therefore, you can restore the device and install this backup.

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    It doesn't want your Apple ID password. It wants your computer's admin account password that you use to log into the computer.
    Tutorial: Resolving Keychain Issues
    If you can't access your keychain, or forget your password If you can't get into your keychain file because you've forgotten your password or the keychain file appears to be corrupt, there are a couple of options.
    First, if you've forgotten your password, you can use the "Keychain First Aid" utility to make the keychain password the same as the login password. This can be accomplished via the following process:
      1. Open Keychain Access (located in Applications/Utilities)
      2. Go to the "Keychain Access" menu and select "Preferences"
      3. Click the "First Aid" tab
      4. Make sure the "Synchronize login keychain password" box is checked
      5. Close the Preferences window
      6. Go to the "Keychain Access" menu and select "Keychain First Aid"
      7. Enter your username and password
      8. Click the "Repair" button
    The second option is to completely delete your keychain then recreate it. This routine is useful if your keychain appears to be corrupt or otherwise inaccessible. This can be accomplished as follows:
      1. Launch Keychain Access (located in Applications/Utilities)
      2. Click "Show Keychains" in the lower-left corner of the window.
      3. Select the problematic keychain from the left-hand pane.
      4. Navigate to the "File" menu and select "Delete Keychain '(name of keychain)'"
      5. Check all options for deletion and press "OK"
      6. Create a new keychain by going to the "File" menu, then "New" and selecting
          "New Keychain"
      7. You can now make this keychain your default if you desire by selecting it, then
          going to the "File" menu and selecting "Make '(name of keychain)' Default"
    Login as root and perform repair In some cases, problems with keychains can only be resolved when logged in as the root user.
    First, you want to enable the root user:
      1. OS X Mountain Lion: Enable and disable the root user
      2. OS X Lion: Enable and disable the root user
      3. Mac OS X 10.6: Enabling the root user
      4. Enabling and using the "root" user in Mac OS X
    After enabling the root user, and logging in under this account, again open Keychain Access. First attempt repairs using Keychain First Aid, and failing that, delete then recreate the keychain as described above while logged in as root.
    Persistently asked for stored passwords If you are persistently asked for passwords in various applications that you have specified should be remembered in a keychain, your "login" keychain may not be active for one reason or another.
    Navigate to ~/Library/Keychains/ (this is the Library folder inside your user's home folder). Find the file named "login.keychain" and double-click it.
    Failing that, select the "login" keychain within the Keychain Access application and make sure it is the default keychain by going to the "File" menu and selecting "Make 'Login' Default"
    Turn off Keychain synchronization in applications having problems If specific applications are experiencing issues when accessing password-protected material, the Keychain may be to blame.
    The above comes from an article published on

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    sailsalot wrote:
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    Tiff Mom of 3 wrote:
    ... somehow the restrictions have been turned on and I didn't do it nor did she.
    Somebody did... as a Restrictions Passcode does not set itself.
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    Restore the Device as New...
    from a Backup created Before the Restrictions Code was set....
    Restore from Backup

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    1st of all we ordered it for the 1st of Oct. not for 9th of Sept.
    Secondly we were told to be sure and activate it within 14 days or we would lose the line, never any mention of a refund time limit. (Who buys stuff anticipating an immediate refund?)
    Now Verizon is asking for $343.34 in fee's for something that never worked in the 1st place!! This is ridiculous and those fee's are defiantly under dispute! The way I see it trying to hold me to a contract that Verizon breached by sending out faulty equipment is just wrong! 

    Your issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent. Please go to your profile page for the forum, and look in the middle, right at the top where you will find an area titled "My Support Cases".  You can reach your profile page by clicking on your name beside your post, or at the top left of this page underneath the title of the board.
    Under “My Support Cases” you will find a link to the private board where you and the agent may exchange information.  This should be checked on a frequent basis  as the agent may be waiting for information from you before they can proceed with any actions. Please keep all correspondence regarding your issue in the private support portal.
    If a forum member gives an answer you like, give them the Kudos they deserve. If a member gives you the answer to your question, mark the answer that solved your issue as the accepted solution.

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    For example, the TEST servlet under OC4J would be passed through OHS using:
    whereas in the standlone OC4J version, this URL works:
    How to get rid of /j2ee prefix from URL when I use the OC4J via Oracle HTTP Server?

    It is getting the url prefix from mod_oc4j.conf
    under /ora9ias/Apache/Apache/conf
    You can read more on this at

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