Gift certificate for Canadian friend

I bought an itunes gift certificate for my friend in Canada and she can't use it. Turns out it's only valid for U.S. citizens. When I log on to itunes Canada and try to buy a gift cert there, it takes me to my U.S. account music store so I'm in the same boat.
Does anyone have any suggestions?

ANything bought with US money on the store can only be used in US store you may want to check this link out and email apple about this to see if you can get your money back and see how to send a gift to your canadian friend

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    Buy one directly from an Apple Retailer or Reseller Store;
    The card needs to be purchased in the country it is for. Can't purchase a gift card from Apple in the US and use it in a different country's store.
    Same as eBay (which I wouldn't recommend). The card needs to be originally from teh country it is to be used in.

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    First, is she logged into the account through which she redeemed the certificate and ordered the album? If so, first have her check to make sure it's not still sitting in the Shopping Cart and not actually purchased. If not, have her try the "check for purchases" command under the Advanced menu; the album may be sitting there waiting to be downloaded.
    Hope this helps.

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    Very little im afraid, the gift cards are country specific so unless you have a canadian account (which by the sounds of it, you don't) theres not much you can do.
    Since you do have a canadian address though, you may be able to create a Canadain account through gift card redemption, but Im not sure of the exact process to do that.

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    Matt got the certificate. Thanks for a great community. Tom
    Tom Lohre artist/scientist
    Has a operating painting robot using RoboLab/RCX
    Developing a LabView/ NXT robot that analyzes an image for aesthetic quality.

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    "You can use your Back to School Gift Card to download apps, music, books, and more from the Mac App Store, the iTunes Store, the iBookstore, and the App Store."
    From here >
    Not the Apple online store for products such as an Apple TV.

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    I offer a $25 gift certificate for the first answer.

    The note in question reads :
    When the Oracle Database Server service fails or fails to start with a pre-
    determined error code it calls the ReportEvent function to write an entry to
    the event log, Windows NT then passes the parameters to the event-logging
    service. This in turn then uses the information to write an EVENTLOGRECORD
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    related trace files.
    When the Windows NT event viewer application starts it uses the OpenEventLog
    function to open the event log for an event source. The event viewer can then
    use the ReadEventLog function to read event records from the log. ReadEventLog
    returns a buffer containing an EVENTLOGRECORD structure and additional
    information that describes a logged event.
    Oracle Database Server Event Log Messages
    The following list defines the events that Oracle may put into the NT Event
    viewer :
    MessageId Severity Description
    ========= ============= ==================================================
    1 Informational This is a test event.
    2 Warning Not used: Allocating SGA.
    3 Informational Not used: Allocation PGA
    4 Informational Initializing SGA for instance %1.
    5 Informational Initializing PGA for process %1 in instance %2.
    6 Informational Not used:
    7 Informational Not used: Initializing Fixed Part
    8 Informational Shutdown normal performed on instance %1.
    9 Informational Mount shared performed on instance %1.
    10 Informational Shared Dismount performed on instance %1.
    11 Informational Not used: Process Enable
    12 Warning All process in instance %1 stopped
    13 Informational Mount exclusive performed on instance %1.
    14 Informational Kernel memory being freed for instance %1.
    15 Informational Not Used: Oracle process created in instance %1.
    16 Warning Instance %1 has been terminated.
    17 Informational Not used: Prepare for Mount Shared
    18 Informational Not used: Shared Initialized
    19 Informational Not used: Shared Check
    20 Error Archive process error: %1.
    21 Error Could not read file header.
    22 Error Invalid file header.
    23 Error ReadFile() failure.
    24 Error Truncated read.
    25 Error WriteFile() failure.
    26 Error Truncated write.
    27 Error Unable to close file.
    28 Error Disk full.
    29 Error Unable to allocate memory: malloc().
    30 Error Unable to allocate memory: VirtualAlloc().
    31 Error Unable to begin another thread.
    32 Error Maximum number of ORACLE threads reached.
    33 Error Unable to acquire internal semaphore.
    34 Informational Audit trail: %1.
    The above list is correct up to and including release 8.1.6
    (no payment required!)

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    MaxRahder wrote:
    ... and the first page of the gift process does say "This gift will be redeemable only in the US store."
    i was afraid of that
    *From the itunes store terms of service*:
    +to purchase from an iTunes Store in a particular country, you must have both a residential address and a billing address in that particular country. Items on any particular country's iTunes Store are available only for distribution to customers who use a credit card, debit card, iTunes Gift Certificate, or iTunes Gift Card issued in and for that country.+
    ... or perhaps she can simply change stores by clicking the flag icon at the bottom of the iTunes store...?
    no, that won't work either. see above.
    redeem it yourself or contact _*iTunes Store Customer Service*_ for a refund.

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    I bought an iTunes email GC for a friend of mine in Canada, and she is unable to redeem it. How can I make this work for her? I am quite frustrated. I bought it with my US account. If she is unable to redeem it, how do I get my money back?

    Sorry but no and no. Gift certificates cannot be used other than in the country of purchase, and someone from outside that country cannot create an account in an iTunes Store other than in their own country. So there's no way your friend can use that gift certificate.These restrictions are required by the content owners who do not allow cross-border sales (and are stated pretty clearly when you purchase the gift).
    I do not believe that you will be able to get a refund, so I'd suggest just resending the gift certificate either to a friend in the US or to yourself so you can use the credit for your own purchases. Here are the steps to resend a gift certificate...
    1. Launch iTunes.
    2. Click on the Store icon in the Source pane to go to the iTunes Store.
    3. Click on your account name to sign in to the iTunes Store.
    4. Enter your password.
    5. Click Purchase History.
    6. Click the small grey arrow next to the Gift Certificate you'd like to resend.
    7. Scroll to the bottom of the detail screen for the Gift Certificate and re-enter the new recipient's email address.

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    OK, I see what point you were trying to make previously. You are talking about the misspelling of the name. That was SO not clear in your post. As you can tell, both roamminggnome and I missed your intent.
    If you want to educate people on the common misspelling of the country Colombia, then state your case clearly. You will get a lot further that way. Being condescending about the mistake is not productive, and you won't achieve your goal that way.
    That having been said, it seems a bit pointless to bring up a two year old post that has a spelling error in it and then post to it only to call out that error.
    This is not an English course - it is a technical user to user forum. We have to put up with egregious spelling errors daily on this site. It is not the place to start a campaign on the proper spelling of the country Colombia. You might want to try to direct that considerable indignation somewhere where it will actually make a difference.
    Sorry for the misspelling in my post of the country. I can promise you, I won't make that mistake again.

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