Global AWR on 10.2

Dear all,
I try to gather a global AWR on I copy the awrgrpt.sql,awrgrpti.sql,awrginp.sql to from 11.2.
When i exec awrgrpt.sql ,i get an error:
ERROR at line 15:
ORA-06550: line 15, column 11:
PLS-00201: identifier 'AWRRPT_INSTANCE_LIST_TYPE' must be declared
ORA-06550: line 15, column 11:
PL/SQL: Item ignored
ORA-06550: line 47, column 24:
PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is incomplete or
ORA-06550: line 48, column 4:
PL/SQL: ORA-00904: : invalid identifier
ORA-06550: line 46, column 4:
PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored

I try to gather a global AWR on I copy the awrgrpt.sql,awrgrpti.sql,awrginp.sql to from AWR by awrgrpt.sql is available from 11g.
in 10g you can generate instance specific awr by awrrpti.sql but not the global one.

Similar Messages

  • AWR Report - no data!!

    Oracle Version: 64x
    OS Version: Windows 2008 Server 64x
    Hi There,
    We're just trying to generate a awr report for one of our databases and the report is coming out with no data.
    statistics_level parameter is set to "TYPICAL"; any idea to what's going on please?
    SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/awrrpt.sql
    Current Instance
       DB Id    DB Name      Inst Num Instance
    1391811405 WEBTST              1 webtst
    Specify the Report Type
    Would you like an HTML report, or a plain text report?
    Enter 'html' for an HTML report, or 'text' for plain text
    Defaults to 'html'
    Enter value for report_type: text
    Type Specified:  text
    Instances in this Workload Repository schema
       DB Id     Inst Num DB Name      Instance     Host
    * 1391811405        1 WEBTST       webtst       WEBDBTST
    Using 1391811405 for database Id
    Using          1 for instance number
    Specify the number of days of snapshots to choose from
    Entering the number of days (n) will result in the most recent
    (n) days of snapshots being listed.  Pressing <return> without
    specifying a number lists all completed snapshots.
    Enter value for num_days: 1
    Listing the last day's Completed Snapshots
    Instance     DB Name        Snap Id    Snap Started    Level
    webtst       WEBTST           43973 12 May 2011 00:00      1
                                  43974 12 May 2011 01:00      1
                                  43975 12 May 2011 02:00      1
                                  43976 12 May 2011 03:00      1
                                  43977 12 May 2011 04:00      1
                                  43978 12 May 2011 05:00      1
                                  43979 12 May 2011 06:00      1
                                  43980 12 May 2011 07:00      1
                                  43981 12 May 2011 08:00      1
                                  43982 12 May 2011 09:00      1
                                  43983 12 May 2011 10:00      1
                                  43984 12 May 2011 11:00      1
                                  43985 12 May 2011 11:02      1
    Specify the Begin and End Snapshot Ids
    Enter value for begin_snap: 43984
    Begin Snapshot Id specified: 43984
    Enter value for end_snap: 43985
    End   Snapshot Id specified: 43985
    Specify the Report Name
    The default report file name is awrrpt_1_43984_43985.txt.  To use this name,
    press <return> to continue, otherwise enter an alternative.
    Enter value for report_name:
    Using the report name awrrpt_1_43984_43985.txt
    WARNING (-20023)
    ORA-20023: Missing start and end values for time model stat: parse time elapsed
    WARNING (-20023)
    ORA-20023: Missing start and end values for time model stat: DB CPU
    WARNING (-20016)
    ORA-20016: Missing value for SGASTAT: free memory
    WARNING (-20016)
    ORA-20016: Missing value for SGASTAT: free memory
    WARNING (-20009)
    ORA-20009: Missing System Statistic logons current
    WARNING (-20009)
    ORA-20009: Missing System Statistic logons current
    WARNING (-20009)
    ORA-20009: Missing System Statistic opened cursors current
    WARNING (-20009)
    ORA-20009: Missing System Statistic opened cursors current
    WARNING (-20023)
    ORA-20023: Missing start and end values for time model stat: sql execute elapsed
    WARNING (-20008)
    ORA-20008: Missing Init.ora parameter undo_management
    WARNING (-20008)
    ORA-20008: Missing Init.ora parameter db_block_size
    WARNING (-20016)
    ORA-20016: Missing value for SGASTAT: log_buffer
    WARNING (-20023)
    ORA-20023: Missing start and end values for time model stat: DB time
    WARNING (-20008)
    ORA-20008: Missing Init.ora parameter timed_statistics
    WARNING (-20008)
    ORA-20008: Missing Init.ora parameter timed_statistics
    WARNING (-20008)
    ORA-20008: Missing Init.ora parameter statistics_level
    WARNING (-20008)
    ORA-20008: Missing Init.ora parameter statistics_level
    WARNING (-20008)
    ORA-20008: Missing Init.ora parameter sga_target
    WARNING (-20008)
    ORA-20008: Missing Init.ora parameter pga_aggregate_target
    WARNING (-20023)
    ORA-20023: Missing start and end values for time model stat: background cpu time
    WARNING (-20023)
    ORA-20023: Missing start and end values for time model stat: background elapsed
    WARNING (-20023)
    ORA-20023: Missing start and end values for time model stat: connection manageme
    WARNING (-20016)
    ORA-20016: Missing value for SGASTAT: buffer_cache
    WARNING (-20016)
    ORA-20016: Missing value for SGASTAT: buffer_cache
    WARNING: Since the DB Time is less than one second, there was
             minimal foreground activity in the snapshot period.
             Some of the percentage values will be invalid.
    DB Name         DB Id    Instance     Inst Num Startup Time    Release     RAC
    WEBTST        1391811405 webtst              1 29-Apr-11 04:50  NO
    Host Name        Platform                         CPUs Cores Sockets Memory(GB)
    WEBDBTST         Microsoft Windows x86 64-bit                           .00
                  Snap Id      Snap Time      Sessions Curs/Sess
    Begin Snap:     43984 12-May-11 11:00:01
      End Snap:     43985 12-May-11 11:02:00
       Elapsed:                1.98 (mins)
       DB Time:                0.00 (mins)
    Cache Sizes                       Begin        End
    ~~~~~~~~~~~                  ---------- ----------
                   Buffer Cache:MM  Std Block Size:K
               Shared Pool Size:         0M         0M      Log Buffer:K
    ORA-01403: no data found
    Error encountered in Report Summary
    Continuing to Report Sections
    Time Model Statistics              DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Operating System Statistics         DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Operating System Statistics - DetailDB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Foreground Wait Class               DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
    -> s  - second, ms - millisecond -    1000th of a second
    -> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc
    -> %Timeouts: value of 0 indicates value was < .5%.  Value of null is truly 0
    -> Captured Time accounts for %  of Total DB time            .00 (s)
    -> Total FG Wait Time:    (s)  DB CPU time:            .00 (s)
                                          %Time       Total Wait     wait
    Wait Class                      Waits -outs         Time (s)     (ms)  %DB time
    DB CPU                                                     0              100.0
    Foreground Wait Events             DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Background Wait Events             DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Wait Event Histogram               DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Service Statistics                 DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Service Wait Class Stats            DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    SQL ordered by Elapsed Time        DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    SQL ordered by CPU Time            DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    SQL ordered by Gets                DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    SQL ordered by Reads               DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    SQL ordered by Executions          DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    SQL ordered by Parse Calls         DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    SQL ordered by Sharable Memory     DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    SQL ordered by Version Count       DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Instance Activity Stats            DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Instance Activity Stats - Absolute ValuesDB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Instance Activity Stats - Thread ActivityDB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Tablespace IO Stats                DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    File IO Stats                      DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Buffer Pool Statistics             DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Instance Recovery Stats             DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Buffer Pool Advisory                       DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snap: 43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    PGA Aggr Summary                   DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    PGA Aggr Target Stats               DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    PGA Aggr Target Histogram           DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    PGA Memory Advisory                        DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snap: 43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Shared Pool Advisory                      DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snap: 43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    SGA Target Advisory                        DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snap: 43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Streams Pool Advisory                      DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snap: 43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Java Pool Advisory                         DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snap: 43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Buffer Wait Statistics              DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Enqueue Activity                   DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Undo Segment Summary               DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Undo Segment Stats                  DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Latch Activity                     DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Latch Sleep Breakdown              DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Latch Miss Sources                 DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Mutex Sleep Summary                 DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Parent Latch Statistics            DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Child Latch Statistics              DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Segments by Row Lock Waits         DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Segments by ITL Waits               DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Segments by Buffer Busy Waits       DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Dictionary Cache Stats             DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Library Cache Activity              DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Memory Dynamic Components          DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Memory Resize Operations Summary    DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Memory Resize Ops                   DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Process Memory Summary             DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    SGA breakdown difference            DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Streams CPU/IO Usage               DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Streams Capture                     DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Streams Apply                       DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Buffered Queues                     DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Buffered Subscribers                DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Rule Set                            DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Persistent Queues                   DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Persistent Subscribers              DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    Resource Limit Stats                      DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snap: 43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    init.ora Parameters                DB/Inst: WEBTST/webtst  Snaps: 43984-43985
                      No data exists for this section of the report.
    End of Report

    SQL> show parameter statistics
    NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
    optimizer_use_pending_statistics     boolean     FALSE
    statistics_level                     string      TYPICAL
    timed_os_statistics                  integer     0
    timed_statistics                     boolean     TRUE
    SQL> SELECT statistics_name,
      2             session_status,
      3             system_status,
      4             activation_level,
      5             session_settable
      6      FROM   v$statistics_level
      7      ORDER BY statistics_name;
    STATISTICS_NAME                                                  SESSION_ SYSTEM_S ACTIVAT SES
    Active Session History                                           ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL NO
    Adaptive Thresholds Enabled                                      ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL NO
    Automated Maintenance Tasks                                      ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL NO
    Bind Data Capture                                                ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL NO
    Buffer Cache Advice                                              ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL NO
    Global Cache Statistics                                          ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL NO
    Longops Statistics                                               ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL NO
    MTTR Advice                                                      DISABLED DISABLED TYPICAL NO
    Modification Monitoring                                          ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL NO
    PGA Advice                                                       ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL NO
    Plan Execution Sampling                                          ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL YES
    Plan Execution Statistics                                        DISABLED DISABLED ALL     YES
    SQL Monitoring                                                   ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL YES
    Segment Level Statistics                                         ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL NO
    Shared Pool Advice                                               ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL NO
    Streams Pool Advice                                              ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL NO
    Threshold-based Alerts                                           ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL NO
    Time Model Events                                                ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL YES
    Timed OS Statistics                                              DISABLED DISABLED ALL     YES
    Timed Statistics                                                 ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL YES
    Ultrafast Latch Statistics                                       ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL NO
    Undo Advisor, Alerts and Fast Ramp up                            ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL NO
    V$IOSTAT_* statistics                                            ENABLED  ENABLED  TYPICAL NO
    23 rows selected.
    Edited by: rsar001 on May 12, 2011 11:33 AM

  • Understanding the AWR report

    Just to start off on the right path I would like you to know that I am a Java developer trying to understand the AWR report. To give a quick overview of my problem :
    I have built a load test framework using JMeter and trying to send SOAP requests to my weblogic server. Each of these requests are getting converted multiple Insert, Update and Merge statements and getting executed on the Oracle 10g productions grade DB server. When I run the AWR report, under the "SQL ordered by Executions (Global)" I see statements that have run for 2 billion times. The JDBC connection to the database is configured to have a maximum of 40 connections and I do not see all of them being used up. The issue now is I am NOT generating that kind of load yet. I am creating around 15000 SOAP requests in an hour and I am expecting around 1million records to hit the database. The test runs fine for a couple of hours and then the server starts failing because the database is not responding back properly. When I run the statistics query on tables "gv$session s, gv$sqlarea t, gv$process p" to get the pending sessions in the database I have seen anywhere between 30 - 62 pending sessions with a activity time of more than 300 minutes.
    I am sure I am not sending in 2 billion requests from the LoadTest env that I have developed but the AWR report says so. I want to know if there is a possible reason for this behavior. The stuck threads start occurring on the Weblogic server after 30 mins I start the test. Below is the exception I got on weblogic just in case it helps
    2014-10-06 19:26:04,960[[STUCK] ExecuteThread: '1' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)']ERROR DAOUtil -- DAOUtil@SQLException > weblogic.jdbc.extensions.ConnectionDeadSQLException: weblogic.common.resourcepool.ResourceDeadException: Could not create pool connection. The DBMS driver exception was: Closed Connection
        at weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCUtil.wrapAndThrowResourceException(
        at weblogic.jdbc.pool.Driver.connect(
        at weblogic.jdbc.jts.Driver.getNonTxConnection(
        at weblogic.jdbc.jts.Driver.connect(
        at weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.RmiDataSource.getConnection(
        at com.bci.rms.ea.common.eautil.dao.DAOUtil.getConnectionFromDataSource(
    Looking forward for reply/questions...
    Thanks in Advance,

    Just to start off on the right path I would like you to know that I am a Java developer trying to understand the AWR report. To give a quick overview of my problem :
    I have built a load test framework using JMeter and trying to send SOAP requests to my weblogic server. Each of these requests are getting converted multiple Insert, Update and Merge statements and getting executed on the Oracle 10g productions grade DB server. When I run the AWR report, under the "SQL ordered by Executions (Global)" I see statements that have run for 2 billion times. The JDBC connection to the database is configured to have a maximum of 40 connections and I do not see all of them being used up. The issue now is I am NOT generating that kind of load yet. I am creating around 15000 SOAP requests in an hour and I am expecting around 1million records to hit the database. The test runs fine for a couple of hours and then the server starts failing because the database is not responding back properly. When I run the statistics query on tables "gv$session s, gv$sqlarea t, gv$process p" to get the pending sessions in the database I have seen anywhere between 30 - 62 pending sessions with a activity time of more than 300 minutes.
    I am sure I am not sending in 2 billion requests from the LoadTest env that I have developed but the AWR report says so. I want to know if there is a possible reason for this behavior. The stuck threads start occurring on the Weblogic server after 30 mins I start the test. Below is the exception I got on weblogic just in case it helps
    2014-10-06 19:26:04,960[[STUCK] ExecuteThread: '1' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)']ERROR DAOUtil -- DAOUtil@SQLException > weblogic.jdbc.extensions.ConnectionDeadSQLException: weblogic.common.resourcepool.ResourceDeadException: Could not create pool connection. The DBMS driver exception was: Closed Connection
        at weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.JDBCUtil.wrapAndThrowResourceException(
        at weblogic.jdbc.pool.Driver.connect(
        at weblogic.jdbc.jts.Driver.getNonTxConnection(
        at weblogic.jdbc.jts.Driver.connect(
        at weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.RmiDataSource.getConnection(
        at com.bci.rms.ea.common.eautil.dao.DAOUtil.getConnectionFromDataSource(
    Looking forward for reply/questions...
    Thanks in Advance,

  • Top time events showing global cache  buffer busy waits

    can any one guide me to find the root cause for global cache buffer waits

    "Segments by Global Cache Buffer Busy" output from an AWR report.
    And let us know how many CPUs you have If you don't want to reveal the names of the objects, then change them (but do it in a way that means if two indexes are for the same table then it's visible). The distribution of waits is significant.
    How many of the indexes in the "segments" are based on an Oracle Sequence ? Check the values for the CACHE size of those sequences they probably ought to be at least 1,000.
    See note below about producing readable output.
    Jonathan Lewis
    To post code, statspack/AWR report, execution plans or trace files, start and end the section with the tag {noformat}{noformat} (lowercase, curly brackets, no spaces) so that the text appears in fixed format.
    There is a +"Preview"+ tab at the top of the text entry panel. Use this to check what your message will look like before you post the message. If it looks a complete mess you're unlikely to get a response. (Click on the +"Plain text"+ tab if you want to edit the text to tidy it up.)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

  • How to set the correct shared pool size and db_buffer_cache using awr

    Hi All,
    I want to how to set the correct size for shared_pool_size and db_cache_size using shared pool advisory and buffer pool advisory of awr report. I have paste the shared and buffer pool advisory of awr report.
    Shared Pool Advisory
    * SP: Shared Pool Est LC: Estimated Library Cache Factr: Factor
    * Note there is often a 1:Many correlation between a single logical object in the Library Cache, and the physical number of memory objects associated with it. Therefore comparing the number of Lib Cache objects (e.g. in v$librarycache), with the number of Lib Cache Memory Objects is invalid.
    Shared Pool Size(M)     SP Size Factr     Est LC Size (M)     Est LC Mem Obj     Est LC Time Saved (s)     Est LC Time Saved Factr     Est LC Load Time (s)     Est LC Load Time Factr     Est LC Mem Obj Hits (K)
    4,096     1.00     471     25,153     184,206     1.00     149     1.00     9,069
    4,736     1.16     511     27,328     184,206     1.00     149     1.00     9,766
    5,248     1.28     511     27,346     184,206     1.00     149     1.00     9,766
    5,760     1.41     511     27,346     184,206     1.00     149     1.00     9,766
    6,272     1.53     511     27,346     184,206     1.00     149     1.00     9,766
    6,784     1.66     511     27,346     184,206     1.00     149     1.00     9,766
    7,296     1.78     511     27,346     184,206     1.00     149     1.00     9,766
    7,808     1.91     511     27,346     184,206     1.00     149     1.00     9,766
    8,320     2.03     511     27,346     184,206     1.00     149     1.00     9,766
    Buffer Pool Advisory
    * Only rows with estimated physical reads >0 are displayed
    * ordered by Block Size, Buffers For Estimate
    P     Size for Est (M)     Size Factor     Buffers (thousands)     Est Phys Read Factor     Estimated Phys Reads (thousands)     Est Phys Read Time     Est %DBtime for Rds
    D     4,096     0.10     485     1.02     1,002     1     0.00
    D     8,192     0.20     970     1.00     987     1     0.00
    D     12,288     0.30     1,454     1.00     987     1     0.00
    D     16,384     0.40     1,939     1.00     987     1     0.00
    D     20,480     0.50     2,424     1.00     987     1     0.00
    D     24,576     0.60     2,909     1.00     987     1     0.00
    D     28,672     0.70     3,394     1.00     987     1     0.00
    D     32,768     0.80     3,878     1.00     987     1     0.00
    D     36,864     0.90     4,363     1.00     987     1     0.00
    D     40,960     1.00     4,848     1.00     987     1     0.00
    D     45,056     1.10     5,333     1.00     987     1     0.00
    D     49,152     1.20     5,818     1.00     987     1     0.00
    D     53,248     1.30     6,302     1.00     987     1     0.00
    D     57,344     1.40     6,787     1.00     987     1     0.00
    D     61,440     1.50     7,272     1.00     987     1     0.00
    D     65,536     1.60     7,757     1.00     987     1     0.00
    D     69,632     1.70     8,242     1.00     987     1     0.00
    D     73,728     1.80     8,726     1.00     987     1     0.00
    D     77,824     1.90     9,211     1.00     987     1     0.00
    D     81,920     2.00     9,696     1.00     987     1     0.00
    My shared pool size is 4gb and db_cache_size is 40Gb.
    Please help me in configuring the correct size for this.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi ,
    Actually batch load is taking too much time.
    Please find below the 1 hr awr report
         Snap Id     Snap Time     Sessions     Cursors/Session
    Begin Snap:     6557     27-Nov-11 16:00:06     126     1.3
    End Snap:     6558     27-Nov-11 17:00:17     130     1.6
    Elapsed:          60.17 (mins)          
    DB Time:          34.00 (mins)          
    Report Summary
    Cache Sizes
         Begin     End          
    Buffer Cache:     40,960M     40,960M     Std Block Size:     8K
    Shared Pool Size:     4,096M     4,096M     Log Buffer:     25,908K
    Load Profile
         Per Second     Per Transaction     Per Exec     Per Call
    DB Time(s):     0.6     1.4     0.00     0.07
    DB CPU(s):     0.5     1.2     0.00     0.06
    Redo size:     281,296.9     698,483.4          
    Logical reads:     20,545.6     51,016.4          
    Block changes:     1,879.5     4,667.0          
    Physical reads:     123.7     307.2          
    Physical writes:     66.4     164.8          
    User calls:     8.2     20.4          
    Parses:     309.4     768.4          
    Hard parses:     8.5     21.2          
    W/A MB processed:     1.7     4.3          
    Logons:     0.7     1.6          
    Executes:     1,235.9     3,068.7          
    Rollbacks:     0.0     0.0          
    Transactions:     0.4               
    Instance Efficiency Percentages (Target 100%)
    Buffer Nowait %:     100.00     Redo NoWait %:     100.00
    Buffer Hit %:     99.66     In-memory Sort %:     100.00
    Library Hit %:     99.19     Soft Parse %:     97.25
    Execute to Parse %:     74.96     Latch Hit %:     99.97
    Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %:     92.41     % Non-Parse CPU:     98.65
    Shared Pool Statistics
         Begin     End
    Memory Usage %:     80.33     82.01
    % SQL with executions>1:     90.90     86.48
    % Memory for SQL w/exec>1:     90.10     86.89
    Top 5 Timed Foreground Events
    Event     Waits     Time(s)     Avg wait (ms)     % DB time     Wait Class
    DB CPU          1,789          87.72     
    db file sequential read     27,531     50     2     2.45     User I/O
    db file scattered read     26,322     30     1     1.47     User I/O
    row cache lock     1,798     20     11     0.96     Concurrency
    OJVM: Generic     36     15     421     0.74     Other
    Host CPU (CPUs: 24 Cores: 12 Sockets: )
    Load Average Begin     Load Average End     %User     %System     %WIO     %Idle
    0.58     1.50     2.8     0.7     0.1     96.6
    Instance CPU
    %Total CPU     %Busy CPU     %DB time waiting for CPU (Resource Manager)
    2.2     63.6     0.0
    Memory Statistics
         Begin     End
    Host Mem (MB):     131,072.0     131,072.0
    SGA use (MB):     50,971.4     50,971.4
    PGA use (MB):     545.5     1,066.3
    % Host Mem used for SGA+PGA:     39.30     39.70
    RAC Statistics
         Begin     End
    Number of Instances:     2     2
    Global Cache Load Profile
         Per Second     Per Transaction
    Global Cache blocks received:     3.09     7.68
    Global Cache blocks served:     1.86     4.62
    GCS/GES messages received:     78.64     195.27
    GCS/GES messages sent:     53.82     133.65
    DBWR Fusion writes:     0.52     1.30
    Estd Interconnect traffic (KB)     65.50     
    Global Cache Efficiency Percentages (Target local+remote 100%)
    Buffer access - local cache %:     99.65
    Buffer access - remote cache %:     0.02
    Buffer access - disk %:     0.34
    Global Cache and Enqueue Services - Workload Characteristics
    Avg global enqueue get time (ms):     0.0
    Avg global cache cr block receive time (ms):     1.7
    Avg global cache current block receive time (ms):     1.0
    Avg global cache cr block build time (ms):     0.0
    Avg global cache cr block send time (ms):     0.0
    Global cache log flushes for cr blocks served %:     1.4
    Avg global cache cr block flush time (ms):     0.9
    Avg global cache current block pin time (ms):     0.0
    Avg global cache current block send time (ms):     0.0
    Global cache log flushes for current blocks served %:     0.1
    Avg global cache current block flush time (ms):     0.0
    Global Cache and Enqueue Services - Messaging Statistics
    Avg message sent queue time (ms):     0.0
    Avg message sent queue time on ksxp (ms):     0.4
    Avg message received queue time (ms):     0.5
    Avg GCS message process time (ms):     0.0
    Avg GES message process time (ms):     0.0
    % of direct sent messages:     79.13
    % of indirect sent messages:     17.10
    % of flow controlled messages:     3.77
    Cluster Interconnect
         Begin      End
    Interface     IP Address     Pub     Source     IP     Pub     Src
    en9     N     Oracle Cluster Repository               
    Main Report
    * Report Summary
    * Wait Events Statistics
    * SQL Statistics
    * Instance Activity Statistics
    * IO Stats
    * Buffer Pool Statistics
    * Advisory Statistics
    * Wait Statistics
    * Undo Statistics
    * Latch Statistics
    * Segment Statistics
    * Dictionary Cache Statistics
    * Library Cache Statistics
    * Memory Statistics
    * Streams Statistics
    * Resource Limit Statistics
    * Shared Server Statistics
    * init.ora Parameters
    More RAC Statistics
    * RAC Report Summary
    * Global Messaging Statistics
    * Global CR Served Stats
    * Global CURRENT Served Stats
    * Global Cache Transfer Stats
    * Interconnect Stats
    * Dynamic Remastering Statistics
    Back to Top
    Statistic Name     Time (s)     % of DB Time
    sql execute elapsed time     1,925.20     94.38
    DB CPU     1,789.38     87.72
    connection management call elapsed time     99.65     4.89
    PL/SQL execution elapsed time     89.81     4.40
    parse time elapsed     46.32     2.27
    hard parse elapsed time     25.01     1.23
    Java execution elapsed time     21.24     1.04
    PL/SQL compilation elapsed time     11.92     0.58
    failed parse elapsed time     9.37     0.46
    hard parse (sharing criteria) elapsed time     8.71     0.43
    sequence load elapsed time     0.06     0.00
    repeated bind elapsed time     0.02     0.00
    hard parse (bind mismatch) elapsed time     0.01     0.00
    DB time     2,039.77     
    background elapsed time     122.00     
    background cpu time     113.42     
    Statistic     Value     End Value
    NUM_LCPUS     0     
    NUM_VCPUS     0     
    AVG_BUSY_TIME     12,339     
    AVG_IDLE_TIME     348,838     
    AVG_IOWAIT_TIME     221     
    AVG_SYS_TIME     2,274     
    AVG_USER_TIME     9,944     
    BUSY_TIME     299,090     
    IDLE_TIME     8,375,051     
    IOWAIT_TIME     6,820     
    SYS_TIME     57,512     
    USER_TIME     241,578     
    LOAD     1     2
    OS_CPU_WAIT_TIME     312,200     
    PHYSICAL_MEMORY_BYTES     137,438,953,472     
    NUM_CPUS     24     
    NUM_CPU_CORES     12     
    GLOBAL_RECEIVE_SIZE_MAX     1,310,720     
    GLOBAL_SEND_SIZE_MAX     1,310,720     
    TCP_RECEIVE_SIZE_DEFAULT     16,384     
    TCP_RECEIVE_SIZE_MAX     9,223,372,036,854,775,807     
    TCP_RECEIVE_SIZE_MIN     4,096     
    TCP_SEND_SIZE_DEFAULT     16,384     
    TCP_SEND_SIZE_MAX     9,223,372,036,854,775,807     
    TCP_SEND_SIZE_MIN     4,096     
    Back to Wait Events Statistics
    Back to Top
    Operating System Statistics - Detail
    Snap Time     Load     %busy     %user     %sys     %idle     %iowait
    27-Nov 16:00:06     0.58                         
    27-Nov 17:00:17     1.50     3.45     2.79     0.66     96.55     0.08
    Back to Wait Events Statistics
    Back to Top
    Foreground Wait Class
    * s - second, ms - millisecond - 1000th of a second
    * ordered by wait time desc, waits desc
    * %Timeouts: value of 0 indicates value was < .5%. Value of null is truly 0
    * Captured Time accounts for 95.7% of Total DB time 2,039.77 (s)
    * Total FG Wait Time: 163.14 (s) DB CPU time: 1,789.38 (s)
    Wait Class     Waits     %Time -outs     Total Wait Time (s)     Avg wait (ms)     %DB time
    DB CPU               1,789          87.72
    User I/O     61,229     0     92     1     4.49
    Other     102,743     40     31     0     1.50
    Concurrency     3,169     10     24     7     1.16
    Cluster     58,920     0     11     0     0.52
    System I/O     45,407     0     6     0     0.29
    Configuration     107     7     1     5     0.03
    Commit     383     0     0     1     0.01
    Network     15,275     0     0     0     0.00
    Application     52     8     0     0     0.00
    Back to Wait Events Statistics
    Back to Top
    Foreground Wait Events
    * s - second, ms - millisecond - 1000th of a second
    * Only events with Total Wait Time (s) >= .001 are shown
    * ordered by wait time desc, waits desc (idle events last)
    * %Timeouts: value of 0 indicates value was < .5%. Value of null is truly 0
    Event     Waits     %Time -outs     Total Wait Time (s)     Avg wait (ms)     Waits /txn     % DB time
    db file sequential read     27,531     0     50     2     18.93     2.45
    db file scattered read     26,322     0     30     1     18.10     1.47
    row cache lock     1,798     0     20     11     1.24     0.96
    OJVM: Generic     36     42     15     421     0.02     0.74
    db file parallel read     394     0     7     19     0.27     0.36
    control file sequential read     22,248     0     6     0     15.30     0.28
    reliable message     4,439     0     4     1     3.05     0.18
    gc current grant busy     7,597     0     3     0     5.22     0.16
    PX Deq: Slave Session Stats     2,661     0     3     1     1.83     0.16
    DFS lock handle     3,208     0     3     1     2.21     0.16
    direct path write temp     4,842     0     3     1     3.33     0.15
    library cache load lock     39     0     3     72     0.03     0.14
    gc cr multi block request     37,008     0     3     0     25.45     0.14
    IPC send completion sync     5,451     0     2     0     3.75     0.10
    gc cr block 2-way     4,669     0     2     0     3.21     0.09
    enq: PS - contention     3,183     33     1     0     2.19     0.06
    gc cr grant 2-way     5,151     0     1     0     3.54     0.06
    direct path read temp     1,722     0     1     1     1.18     0.05
    gc current block 2-way     1,807     0     1     0     1.24     0.03
    os thread startup     6     0     1     108     0.00     0.03
    name-service call wait     12     0     1     47     0.01     0.03
    PX Deq: Signal ACK RSG     2,046     50     0     0     1.41     0.02
    log file switch completion     3     0     0     149     0.00     0.02
    rdbms ipc reply     3,610     0     0     0     2.48     0.02
    gc current grant 2-way     1,432     0     0     0     0.98     0.02
    library cache pin     903     32     0     0     0.62     0.02
    PX Deq: reap credit     35,815     100     0     0     24.63     0.01
    log file sync     383     0     0     1     0.26     0.01
    Disk file operations I/O     405     0     0     0     0.28     0.01
    library cache lock     418     3     0     0     0.29     0.01
    kfk: async disk IO     23,159     0     0     0     15.93     0.01
    gc current block busy     4     0     0     35     0.00     0.01
    gc current multi block request     1,206     0     0     0     0.83     0.01
    ges message buffer allocation     38,526     0     0     0     26.50     0.00
    enq: FB - contention     131     0     0     0     0.09     0.00
    undo segment extension     8     100     0     6     0.01     0.00
    CSS initialization     8     0     0     6     0.01     0.00
    SQL*Net message to client     14,600     0     0     0     10.04     0.00
    enq: HW - contention     96     0     0     0     0.07     0.00
    CSS operation: action     8     0     0     4     0.01     0.00
    gc cr block busy     33     0     0     1     0.02     0.00
    latch free     30     0     0     1     0.02     0.00
    enq: TM - contention     49     6     0     0     0.03     0.00
    enq: JQ - contention     19     100     0     1     0.01     0.00
    SQL*Net more data to client     666     0     0     0     0.46     0.00
    asynch descriptor resize     3,179     100     0     0     2.19     0.00
    latch: shared pool     3     0     0     3     0.00     0.00
    CSS operation: query     24     0     0     0     0.02     0.00
    PX Deq: Signal ACK EXT     72     0     0     0     0.05     0.00
    KJC: Wait for msg sends to complete     269     0     0     0     0.19     0.00
    latch: object queue header operation     4     0     0     1     0.00     0.00
    gc cr block congested     5     0     0     0     0.00     0.00
    utl_file I/O     11     0     0     0     0.01     0.00
    enq: TO - contention     3     33     0     0     0.00     0.00
    SQL*Net message from client     14,600     0     219,478     15033     10.04     
    jobq slave wait     7,726     100     3,856     499     5.31     
    PX Deq: Execution Msg     10,556     19     50     5     7.26     
    PX Deq: Execute Reply     2,946     31     27     9     2.03     
    PX Deq: Parse Reply     3,157     35     3     1     2.17     
    PX Deq: Join ACK     2,976     28     2     1     2.05     
    PX Deq Credit: send blkd     7     14     0     4     0.00     
    Back to Wait Events Statistics
    Back to Top
    Background Wait Events
    * ordered by wait time desc, waits desc (idle events last)
    * Only events with Total Wait Time (s) >= .001 are shown
    * %Timeouts: value of 0 indicates value was < .5%. Value of null is truly 0
    Event     Waits     %Time -outs     Total Wait Time (s)     Avg wait (ms)     Waits /txn     % bg time
    os thread startup     140     0     13     90     0.10     10.35
    db file parallel write     8,233     0     6     1     5.66     5.08
    log file parallel write     3,906     0     6     1     2.69     4.62
    log file sequential read     350     0     5     16     0.24     4.49
    control file sequential read     13,737     0     5     0     9.45     3.72
    DFS lock handle     2,990     27     2     1     2.06     1.43
    db file sequential read     921     0     2     2     0.63     1.39
    SQL*Net break/reset to client     18     0     1     81     0.01     1.19
    control file parallel write     2,455     0     1     1     1.69     1.12
    ges lms sync during dynamic remastering and reconfig     24     100     1     50     0.02     0.98
    library cache load lock     35     0     1     24     0.02     0.68
    ASM file metadata operation     3,483     0     1     0     2.40     0.65
    enq: CO - master slave det     1,203     100     1     0     0.83     0.46
    kjbdrmcvtq lmon drm quiesce: ping completion     9     0     1     62     0.01     0.46
    enq: WF - contention     11     0     0     35     0.01     0.31
    CGS wait for IPC msg     32,702     100     0     0     22.49     0.19
    gc object scan     28,788     100     0     0     19.80     0.15
    row cache lock     535     0     0     0     0.37     0.14
    library cache pin     370     55     0     0     0.25     0.12
    ksxr poll remote instances     19,119     100     0     0     13.15     0.11
    name-service call wait     6     0     0     19     0.00     0.10
    gc current block 2-way     304     0     0     0     0.21     0.09
    gc cr block 2-way     267     0     0     0     0.18     0.08
    gc cr grant 2-way     355     0     0     0     0.24     0.08
    ges LMON to get to FTDONE     3     100     0     24     0.00     0.06
    enq: CF - contention     145     76     0     0     0.10     0.05
    PX Deq: reap credit     8,842     100     0     0     6.08     0.05
    reliable message     126     0     0     0     0.09     0.05
    db file scattered read     19     0     0     3     0.01     0.05
    library cache lock     162     1     0     0     0.11     0.04
    latch: shared pool     2     0     0     27     0.00     0.04
    Disk file operations I/O     504     0     0     0     0.35     0.04
    gc current grant busy     148     0     0     0     0.10     0.04
    gcs log flush sync     84     0     0     1     0.06     0.04
    ges message buffer allocation     24,934     0     0     0     17.15     0.02
    enq: CR - block range reuse ckpt     83     0     0     0     0.06     0.02
    latch free     22     0     0     1     0.02     0.02
    CSS operation: action     13     0     0     2     0.01     0.02
    CSS initialization     4     0     0     6     0.00     0.02
    direct path read     1     0     0     21     0.00     0.02
    rdbms ipc reply     153     0     0     0     0.11     0.01
    db file parallel read     2     0     0     8     0.00     0.01
    direct path write     5     0     0     3     0.00     0.01
    gc current multi block request     49     0     0     0     0.03     0.01
    gc current block busy     5     0     0     2     0.00     0.01
    enq: PS - contention     24     50     0     0     0.02     0.01
    gc cr multi block request     54     0     0     0     0.04     0.01
    ges generic event     1     100     0     10     0.00     0.01
    gc current grant 2-way     35     0     0     0     0.02     0.01
    kfk: async disk IO     183     0     0     0     0.13     0.01
    Log archive I/O     3     0     0     2     0.00     0.01
    gc buffer busy acquire     2     0     0     3     0.00     0.00
    LGWR wait for redo copy     123     0     0     0     0.08     0.00
    IPC send completion sync     18     0     0     0     0.01     0.00
    enq: TA - contention     11     0     0     0     0.01     0.00
    read by other session     2     0     0     2     0.00     0.00
    enq: TM - contention     9     89     0     0     0.01     0.00
    latch: ges resource hash list     135     0     0     0     0.09     0.00
    PX Deq: Slave Session Stats     12     0     0     0     0.01     0.00
    KJC: Wait for msg sends to complete     89     0     0     0     0.06     0.00
    enq: TD - KTF dump entries     8     0     0     0     0.01     0.00
    enq: US - contention     7     0     0     0     0.00     0.00
    CSS operation: query     12     0     0     0     0.01     0.00
    enq: TK - Auto Task Serialization     6     100     0     0     0.00     0.00
    PX Deq: Signal ACK RSG     24     50     0     0     0.02     0.00
    log file single write     6     0     0     0     0.00     0.00
    enq: WL - contention     2     100     0     1     0.00     0.00
    ADR block file read     13     0     0     0     0.01     0.00
    ADR block file write     5     0     0     0     0.00     0.00
    latch: object queue header operation     1     0     0     1     0.00     0.00
    gc cr block busy     1     0     0     1     0.00     0.00
    rdbms ipc message     103,276     67     126,259     1223     71.03     
    PX Idle Wait     6,467     67     12,719     1967     4.45     
    wait for unread message on broadcast channel     7,240     100     7,221     997     4.98     
    gcs remote message     218,809     84     7,213     33     150.49     
    DIAG idle wait     203,228     95     7,185     35     139.77     
    shared server idle wait     121     100     3,630     30000     0.08     
    ASM background timer     3,343     0     3,611     1080     2.30     
    Space Manager: slave idle wait     723     100     3,610     4993     0.50     
    heartbeat monitor sleep     722     100     3,610     5000     0.50     
    ges remote message     73,089     52     3,609     49     50.27     
    dispatcher timer     66     88     3,608     54660     0.05     
    pmon timer     1,474     82     3,607     2447     1.01     
    PING     1,487     19     3,607     2426     1.02     
    Streams AQ: qmn slave idle wait     125     0     3,594     28754     0.09     
    Streams AQ: qmn coordinator idle wait     250     50     3,594     14377     0.17     
    smon timer     18     50     3,505     194740     0.01     
    JOX Jit Process Sleep     73     100     976     13370     0.05     
    class slave wait     56     0     605     10806     0.04     
    KSV master wait     2,215     98     1     0     1.52     
    SQL*Net message from client     109     0     0     2     0.07     
    PX Deq: Parse Reply     27     44     0     1     0.02     
    PX Deq: Join ACK     30     40     0     1     0.02     
    PX Deq: Execute Reply     20     30     0     0     0.01     
    Streams AQ: RAC qmn coordinator idle wait     259     100     0     0     0.18     
    Back to Wait Events Statistics
    Back to Top
    Wait Event Histogram
    * Units for Total Waits column: K is 1000, M is 1000000, G is 1000000000
    * % of Waits: value of .0 indicates value was <.05%; value of null is truly 0
    * % of Waits: column heading of <=1s is truly <1024ms, >1s is truly >=1024ms
    * Ordered by Event (idle events last)
              % of Waits
    Event     Total Waits     <1ms     <2ms     <4ms     <8ms     <16ms     <32ms     <=1s     >1s
    ADR block file read     13     100.0                                   
    ADR block file write     5     100.0                                   
    ADR file lock     6     100.0                                   
    ARCH wait for archivelog lock     3     100.0                                   
    ASM file metadata operation     3483     99.6     .1     .1                    .2     
    CGS wait for IPC msg     32.7K     100.0                                   
    CSS initialization     12     50.0                    50.0               
    CSS operation: action     21     28.6     9.5          61.9                    
    CSS operation: query     36     86.1     5.6     8.3                         
    DFS lock handle     6198     98.6     1.2     .1                    .1     
    Disk file operations I/O     909     95.7     3.6     .7                         
    IPC send completion sync     5469     99.9     .1     .0     .0                    
    KJC: Wait for msg sends to complete     313     100.0                                   
    LGWR wait for redo copy     122     100.0                                   
    Log archive I/O     3     66.7               33.3                    
    OJVM: Generic     36     55.6                              44.4     
    PX Deq: Signal ACK EXT     72     98.6     1.4                              
    PX Deq: Signal ACK RSG     2070     99.7               .0     .1     .0     .1     
    PX Deq: Slave Session Stats     2673     99.7     .2                         .1     .0
    PX Deq: reap credit     44.7K     100.0                                   
    SQL*Net break/reset to client     20     95.0                                   5.0
    SQL*Net message to client     14.7K     100.0                                   
    SQL*Net more data from client     32     100.0                                   
    SQL*Net more data to client     689     100.0                                   
    asynch descriptor resize     3387     100.0                                   
    buffer busy waits     2     100.0                                   
    control file parallel write     2455     96.6     2.2     .6     .6          .1          
    control file sequential read     36K     99.4     .3     .1     .1     .1     .1     .0     
    db file parallel read     397     8.8     .8     5.5     12.6     17.4     46.3     8.6     
    db file parallel write     8233     85.4     10.3     2.3     1.4     .4     .1          
    db file scattered read     26.3K     79.2     1.5     8.2     10.5     .6     .1     .0     
    db file sequential read     28.4K     60.2     3.3     18.0     18.1     .3     .1     .0     
    db file single write     2     100.0                                   
    direct path read     2     50.0                         50.0          
    direct path read temp     1722     95.8     2.8     .1     .5     .8     .1          
    direct path write     6     83.3                    16.7               
    direct path write temp     4842     96.3     2.7     .5     .2     .0     .0     .2     
    enq: AF - task serialization     1     100.0                                   
    enq: CF - contention     145     99.3     .7                              
    enq: CO - master slave det     1203     98.9     .8     .2                         
    enq: CR - block range reuse ckpt     83     100.0                                   
    enq: DR - contention     2     100.0                                   
    enq: FB - contention     131     100.0                                   
    enq: HW - contention     97     100.0                                   
    enq: JQ - contention     19     89.5     10.5                              
    enq: JS - job run lock - synchronize     3     100.0                                   
    enq: MD - contention     1     100.0                                   
    enq: MW - contention     2     100.0                                   
    enq: PS - contention     3207     99.5     .4     .1                         
    enq: TA - contention     11     100.0                                   
    enq: TD - KTF dump entries     8     100.0                                   
    enq: TK - Auto Task Serialization     6     100.0                                   
    enq: TM - contention     58     100.0                                   
    enq: TO - contention     3     100.0                                   
    enq: TQ - DDL contention     1     100.0                                   
    enq: TS - contention     1     100.0                                   
    enq: UL - contention     1     100.0                                   
    enq: US - contention     7     100.0                                   
    enq: WF - contention     11     81.8                              18.2     
    enq: WL - contention     2     50.0     50.0                              
    gc buffer busy acquire     2     50.0               50.0                    
    gc cr block 2-way     4934     99.9     .1                    .0     .0     
    gc cr block busy     35     68.6     31.4                              
    gc cr block congested     6     100.0                                   
    gc cr disk read     2     100.0                                   
    gc cr grant 2-way     4824     100.0     .0                              
    gc cr grant congested     2     100.0                                   
    gc cr multi block request     37.1K     99.8     .2     .0     .0     .0     .0     .0     
    gc current block 2-way     2134     99.9     .0                         .0     
    gc current block busy     7     14.3     14.3          14.3          28.6     28.6     
    gc current block congested     2     100.0                                   
    gc current grant 2-way     1337     99.9     .1                              
    gc current grant busy     7123     99.2     .2     .2     .0     .0     .3     .1     
    gc current grant congested     2     100.0                                   
    gc current multi block request     1260     99.8     .2                              
    gc object scan     28.8K     100.0                                   
    gcs log flush sync     65     95.4          3.1     1.5                    
    ges LMON to get to FTDONE     3                              100.0          
    ges generic event     1                         100.0               
    ges inquiry response     2     100.0                                   
    ges lms sync during dynamic remastering and reconfig     24                         16.7     29.2     54.2     
    ges message buffer allocation     63.1K     100.0                                   
    kfk: async disk IO     23.3K     100.0     .0     .0                         
    kjbdrmcvtq lmon drm quiesce: ping completion     9     11.1                              88.9     
    ksxr poll remote instances     19.1K     100.0                                   
    latch free     52     59.6     40.4                              
    latch: call allocation     2     100.0                                   
    latch: gc element     1     100.0                                   
    latch: gcs resource hash     1     100.0                                   
    latch: ges resource hash list     135     100.0                                   
    latch: object queue header operation     5     40.0     40.0     20.0                         
    latch: shared pool     5     40.0                    20.0     20.0     20.0     
    library cache load lock     74     9.5     5.4     8.1     17.6     10.8     13.5     35.1     
    library cache lock     493     99.2     .4     .4                         
    library cache pin     1186     98.4     .3     1.2     .1                    
    library cache: mutex X     6     100.0                                   
    log file parallel write     3897     72.9     1.5     17.1     7.5     .6     .3     .1     
    log file sequential read     350     4.6               3.1     59.4     30.0     2.9     
    log file single write     6     100.0                                   
    log file switch completion     3                         33.3          66.7     
    log file sync     385     90.4     3.6     4.7     .8     .5               
    name-service call wait     18          5.6     5.6     5.6     16.7     44.4     22.2     
    os thread startup     146                                   100.0     
    rdbms ipc reply     3763     99.7     .3                              
    read by other session     2     50.0          50.0                         
    reliable message     4565     99.7     .2     .0               .0     .1     
    row cache lock     2334     99.3     .2     .1                    .1     .3
    undo segment extension     8     50.0                    37.5     12.5          
    utl_file I/O     11     100.0                                   
    ASM background timer     3343     57.0     .3     .1     .1     .1          21.1     21.4
    DIAG idle wait     203.2K     3.4     .2     .4     18.0     41.4     14.8     21.8     
    JOX Jit Process Sleep     73                                   2.7     97.3
    KSV master wait     2213     99.4     .1     .2                    .3     
    PING     1487     81.0                                   19.0
    PX Deq Credit: send blkd     7     57.1          14.3     14.3          14.3          
    PX Deq: Execute Reply     2966     59.8     .8     9.5     5.6     10.2     2.6     11.4     
    PX Deq: Execution Msg     10.6K     72.4     12.1     2.6     2.5     .1     5.6     4.6     .0
    PX Deq: Join ACK     3006     77.9     22.1     .1                         
    PX Deq: Parse Reply     3184     67.1     31.1     1.6     .2                    
    PX Idle Wait     6466     .2     8.7     4.3     4.8     .3     .1     5.0     76.6
    SQL*Net message from client     14.7K     72.4     2.8     .8     .5     .9     .4     2.8     19.3
    Space Manager: slave idle wait     722                                        100.0
    Streams AQ: RAC qmn coordinator idle wait     259     100.0                                   
    Streams AQ: qmn coordinator idle wait     250     50.0                                   50.0
    Streams AQ: qmn slave idle wait     125                                        100.0
    class slave wait     55     67.3          7.3     1.8     5.5     1.8     7.3     9.1
    dispatcher timer     66     6.1                                   93.9
    gcs remote message     218.6K     7.7     1.8     1.2     1.6     1.7     15.7     70.3     
    ges remote message     72.9K     29.7     5.1     2.7     2.2     1.5     4.0     54.7     
    heartbeat monitor sleep     722                                        100.0
    jobq slave wait     7725                    .1          .0     99.9     
    pmon timer     1474     18.4                                   81.6
    rdbms ipc message     103.3K     20.7     2.7     1.5     1.3     .9     .7     40.7     31.6
    shared server idle wait     121                                        100.0
    smon timer     18                                        100.0
    wait for unread message on broadcast channel     7238                         .3          99.7     
    Back to Wait Events Statistics
    Back to Top
    Wait Event Histogram Detail (64 msec to 2 sec)
    * Units for Total Waits column: K is 1000, M is 1000000, G is 1000000000
    * Units for % of Total Waits: ms is milliseconds s is 1024 milliseconds (approximately 1 second)
    * % of Total Waits: total waits for all wait classes, including Idle
    * % of Total Waits: value of .0 indicates value was <.05%; value of null is truly 0
    * Ordered by Event (only non-idle events are displayed)
              % of Total Waits
    Event     Waits 64ms to 2s     <32ms     <64ms     <1/8s     <1/4s     <1/2s     <1s     <2s     >=2s
    ASM file metadata operation     6     99.8          .1     .1                    
    DFS lock handle     6     99.9               .1     .0               
    OJVM: Generic     16     55.6               2.8          41.7          
    PX Deq: Signal ACK RSG     3     99.9     .0     .1                         
    PX Deq: Slave Session Stats     3     99.9          .0               .0     .0     
    SQL*Net break/reset to client     1     95.0                              5.0     
    control file sequential read     1     100.0          .0                         
    db file parallel read     34     91.4     8.6                              
    db file scattered read     4     100.0     .0          .0                    
    db file sequential read     6     100.0     .0     .0     .0                    
    direct path write temp     11     99.8     .1     .1     .0                    
    enq: WF - contention     2     81.8               18.2                    
    gc cr block 2-way     1     100.0          .0                         
    gc cr multi block request     1     100.0          .0                         
    gc current block 2-way     1     100.0     .0                              
    gc current block busy     2     71.4     28.6                              
    gc current grant busy     8     99.9     .0     .1                         
    ges lms sync during dynamic remastering and reconfig     13     45.8     20.8     33.3                         
    kjbdrmcvtq lmon drm quiesce: ping completion     8     11.1     11.1     77.8                         
    latch: shared pool     1     80.0     20.0                              
    library cache load lock     26     64.9     14.9     12.2     4.1     4.1               
    log file parallel write     2     99.9     .0               .0               
    log file sequential read     10     97.1     2.0     .6     .3                    
    log file switch completion     2     33.3               66.7                    
    name-service call wait     4     77.8          22.2                         
    os thread startup     146               100.0                         
    reliable message     4     99.9          .0               .1          
    row cache lock     2     99.7                    .0     .0          .3
    Back to Wait Events Statistics
    Back to Top
    Wait Event Histogram Detail (4 sec to 2 min)
    * Units for Total Waits column: K is 1000, M is 1000000, G is 1000000000
    * Units for % of Total Waits: s is 1024 milliseconds (approximately 1 second) m is 64*1024 milliseconds (approximately 67 seconds or 1.1 minutes)
    * % of Total Waits: total waits for all wait classes, including Idle
    * % of Total Waits: value of .0 indicates value was <.05%; value of null is truly 0
    * Ordered by Event (only non-idle events are displayed)
              % of Total Waits
    Event     Waits 4s to 2m     <2s     <4s     <8s     <16s     <32s     < 1m     < 2m     >=2m
    row cache lock     6     99.7     .3                              
    Back to Wait Events Statistics
    Back to Top
    Wait Event Histogram Detail (4 min to 1 hr)
    No data exists for this section of the report.
    Back to Wait Events Statistics
    Back to Top
    Service Statistics
    * ordered by DB Time
    Service Name     DB Time (s)     DB CPU (s)     Physical Reads (K)     Logical Reads (K)
    ubshost     1,934     1,744     445     73,633
    SYS$USERS     105     45     1     404
    SYS$BACKGROUND     0     0     1     128
    ubshostXDB     0     0     0     0
    Back to Wait Events Statistics
    Back to Top
    Service Wait Class Stats
    * Wait Class info for services in the Service Statistics section.
    * Total Waits and Time Waited displayed for the following wait classes: User I/O, Concurrency, Administrative, Network
    * Time Waited (Wt Time) in seconds
    Service Name     User I/O Total Wts     User I/O Wt Time     Concurcy Total Wts     Concurcy Wt Time     Admin Total Wts     Admin Wt Time     Network Total Wts     Network Wt Time
    ubshost      60232     90     2644     4     0     0     13302     0
    SYS$USERS      997     2     525     19     0     0     1973     0
    SYS$BACKGROUND      1456     2     1258     14     0     0     0     0
    I am not able to paste the whole awr report. I have paste some of the sections of awr report.
    Please help.
    Thanks and Regards,

  • PGA advisory in AWR Report

    So, how should I increase it now? I couldn't follow.
    Could someone guide?
    Warning:  pga_aggregate_target was set too low for current workload, as this
              value was exceeded during this interval.  Use the PGA Advisory view
              to help identify a different value for pga_aggregate_target.
    PGA Aggr Target Stats                       DB/Inst: test/test  Snaps: 6220-6221
    -> B: Begin snap   E: End snap (rows dentified with B or E contain data
       which is absolute i.e. not diffed over the interval)
    -> Auto PGA Target - actual workarea memory target
    -> W/A PGA Used    - amount of memory used for all Workareas (manual + auto)
    -> %PGA W/A Mem    - percentage of PGA memory allocated to workareas
    -> %Auto W/A Mem   - percentage of workarea memory controlled by Auto Mem Mgmt
    -> %Man W/A Mem    - percentage of workarea memory under manual control
                                                    %PGA  %Auto   %Man
        PGA Aggr   Auto PGA   PGA Mem    W/A PGA     W/A    W/A    W/A Global Mem
       Target(M)  Target(M)  Alloc(M)    Used(M)     Mem    Mem    Mem   Bound(K)
    B         54          4       80.3        0.0     .0     .0     .0      4,096
    E         54          4       80.5        0.3     .4  100.0     .0      2,113
              -------------------------------------------------------------Thanks a ton in advance.

    I did that but still no improvement in the performance
    I noticed this on the screen after running the awr report
    SGA breakdown difference                    DB/Inst: Test/test  Snaps: 6221-6222
    -> ordered by Pool, Name
    -> N/A value for Begin MB or End MB indicates the size of that Pool/Name was
       insignificant, or zero in that snapshot
    Pool   Name                                 Begin MB         End MB  % Diff
    java   free memory                              24.0           24.0    0.00
    shared ASH buffers                               8.0            8.0    0.00
    shared CCursor                                  14.7           14.0   -5.18
    shared Heap0: KGL                                4.2            3.6  -12.21
    shared KCB Table Scan Buffer                     3.8            3.8    0.00
    shared KGLS heap                                 9.8            7.4  -24.41
    shared KQR M PO                                  2.9            2.2  -25.67
    shared KSFD SGA I/O b                            3.8            3.8    0.00
    shared PCursor                                   5.5            5.1   -7.07
    shared PL/SQL MPCODE                             4.2            4.9   16.34
    shared free memory                              16.8           21.5   27.41
    shared library cache                             8.5            8.4   -0.65
    shared row cache                                 3.6            3.6    0.00
    shared sql area                                 75.0           75.9    1.17
    shared sql area:PLSQL                            2.9            2.9   -0.67
           buffer_cache                             48.0           48.0    0.00
           fixed_sga                                 1.2            1.2    0.00
           log_buffer                                2.8            2.8    0.00Does the negative values show something which is not right?
    Please advice

  • AWR-Avg wait(ms) and the right storage platfom

    I have just one question to clear relatively to a conclusion I can make or not when reading AWR. Let's take the following Top 5 Timed Events
    Top 5 Timed Events                                         Avg %Total
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                        wait   Call
    Event                                 Waits    Time (s)   (ms)   Time Wait Class
    CPU time                                            356          94.5
    CSS initialization                        8          13   1647    3.5      Other
    db file sequential READ               2,428           3      1    0.8   User I/O
    control file sequential READ          4,547           3      1    0.7 System I/O
    log file parallel WRITE                 333           2      6    0.5 System I/O
    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------When looking to the 1 ms of Avg wait to read a single leaf block (from disk when not in cache), can I conclude that the machine has a very acceptable storage service that services a physical I/O very quickly?
    And when looking to the following second example (where I have deliberately exagerated the Avg Wait(ms) times)
    Top 5 Timed Foreground Events
                                                                wait         % DB
    Event                                 Waits     Time(s)   (ms)   time Wait Class
    db file sequential read             465,020       3,969    29  47.4 User I/O
    DB CPU                                              995         11.9
    db file parallel read                 2,251         322    143  3.8 User I/O
    db file scattered read               15,268         153     30  1.8 User I/O
    gc current block 2-way              108,739         116      1  Could I also "jump" to a conclusion that those average wait time for single I/O(29 ms) or multi block reads(30 ms) are serviced by a slow storage service?
    Thanks for your help
    Mohamed Houri

    Hi Randolf,
    I agree that if an AWR looks like this, it doesn't necessarily mean that the database doesn't have any performance problems. Yes, there can still be inefficient plans. But those inefficient plans in this case aren't a global problem. I.e. if the system still has free CPUs available, then tuning them won't have a global effect. Imagine that you have a database with CPU time responsible for 95% of DB time, but only 10% of the host CPU. Imagine that you find a SQL statement that is responsible for a large portion of the CPU usage within the database. There is a good chance that this statement has an inefficient plan which can be improved by tuning -- but in this case it would only make sense if that statement is important on its own. If that is not the case (e.g. the statement is a part of a batch job and no one care whether it completes within 5 minutes or 10 hours) then tuning it would be essentially a waste of time -- in the very best case you would reduce DB CPU usage from 10% to 5% or 1%, which no one will ever notice.
    This is very different from cases when DB time is dominated by I/O- or concurrency-related waits (when top-down approach works fine).
    So that's one of the reasons that I'm saying that high CPU time is not a problem. Another reason is that people often tend to perceive high CPU time % in the AWR report as an indication that the system is running out of CPU, which is generally wrong.
    Best regards,

  • Global data getting reset when running under IIS?

    We have a scenario using IIS with an ASP.NET web service written in VB.NET. When a call to the web service is made, the web service calls a native dll (written in C, compiled using VS2010) using platform invoke, which in turn calls into our product API:
    VB.NET web service -> native library (p/invoke) -> native API ....
    Web service requests are successfully completed and the system runs without problem for hours. A trace of the native API shows it is being called by multiple processes and multiple threads within those processes.
    The main native API dll contains a static global variable used to detect whether it is the first time it has been called and run initialization logic if it is. This dll is itself linked to a second dll that contains a global variable used to detect if it is
    the first time it has been called.
    After some hours the trace shows that the native API is invoked by an existing process but that the initialization logic is being exercised again, even though the global variable was set to indicate not first time and is never reset.  One theory was that
    the first process has ended and a new process has started almost instantaneously using the same process ID. However this is not the case as existing thread IDs from the same process are seen to write to the trace again after the first time logic has executed
    for the second time, indicating the process has not restarted. The problem occurs regularly.
    It is as though the process's global data has been initialized again and malloc'ed memory freed while the processing is still running. Is there any way this is possible when running under IIS?
    There is an internal thread which waits on a blocking read of a named pipe (via ReadFile), and when the problem occurs, the ReadFile call ends with ERROR_NO_ACCESS, which appears to indicate the malloc'ed buffer is no longer valid, again implying something
    has happened to the memory allocated to the process.

    Suggestting you asking it on:

  • Multiple users accessing the same data in a global temp table

    I have a global temp table (GTT) defined with 'on commit preserve rows'. This table is accessed via a web page using ASP.NET. The application was designed so that every one that accessed the web page could only see their data in the GTT.
    We have just realized that the GTT doesn't appear to be empty as new web users use the application. I believe it has something to do with how ASP is connecting to the database. I only see one entry in the V$SESSION view even when multiple users are using the web page. I believe this single V$SESSION entry is causing only one GTT to be available at a time. Each user is inserting into / selecting out of the same GTT and their results are wrong.
    I'm the back end Oracle developer at this place and I'm having difficulty translating this issue to the front end ASP team. When this web page is accessed, I need it to start a new session, not reuse an existing session. I want to keep the same connection, but just start a new session... Now I'm losing it.. Like I said, I'm the back end guy and all this web/connection/pooling front end stuff is magic to me.
    The GTT isn't going to work unless we get new sessions. How do we do this?

    DGS wrote:
    I have a global temp table (GTT) defined with 'on commit preserve rows'. This table is accessed via a web page using ASP.NET. The application was designed so that every one that accessed the web page could only see their data in the GTT.
    We have just realized that the GTT doesn't appear to be empty as new web users use the application. I believe it has something to do with how ASP is connecting to the database. I only see one entry in the V$SESSION view even when multiple users are using the web page. I believe this single V$SESSION entry is causing only one GTT to be available at a time. Each user is inserting into / selecting out of the same GTT and their results are wrong.
    I'm the back end Oracle developer at this place and I'm having difficulty translating this issue to the front end ASP team. When this web page is accessed, I need it to start a new session, not reuse an existing session. I want to keep the same connection, but just start a new session... Now I'm losing it.. Like I said, I'm the back end guy and all this web/connection/pooling front end stuff is magic to me.
    The GTT isn't going to work unless we get new sessions. How do we do this?
    Thanks!You may want to try changing your GTT to 'ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS' and have the .Net app use a transaction object.
    We had a similar problem and I found help in the following thread:
    Re: Global temp table problem w/ODP?
    All the best.

  • Local attributes - global attributes tradeoff

    Hi, MDM experts.
    Can you, please, share your experience on business partners repository modeling.
    I build custom business partners repository. While creating it I came to a question - whether local system attributes of business partner should be modelled in that repository?
    Intrinsic attributes like Full Name, State Identity Number and so on should be definitely modeled. Attributes specific to our organization but those that span many of our systems should also be modeled I think.
    But what's about some specific attributes that are relevant only for one of the systems being integrated? To be concrete, imagine we have SAP ERP system as one of the systems in landscape and such attribute of our business partner as 'Purchasing organization'. In our case this table is SAP ERP specific and none of our other systems have such entity in their data model.
    <b>The question is - is it reasonable to have local system attributes and lookup tables implemented in central MDM repository?</b>
    If yes then isn't our repository going to be overloaded with all that local attributes and lookup tables of every client system?
    If no, then how should process of central creation of business partner look like? The problem is in this case Creator won't be be able to assign all attributes he would like to and he will have to login to each of local system and assign these values after central creation. Moreover, client systems can refuse to create new record automatically in case some of attributes are missing. For example such situation is typical for Idoc inbound processing .
    Have you any suggestions on streamlining the data model and BP central creation process ?
    Vadim Kalabin

    Hi vadim,
    These are my thoughts on your issue.
    I feel both the attributes should find place in the same repository.
    This is not going to overload the system. In some typical MDM Implementation the volume of Main table records will very huge and the Local and global attributes will only occupy a less share only on the total records.
    Also the practice is that MDM DB Server and the core server runs separately.
    Pl find if this Article is use for you.
    <a href="">MDM Data modelling do's and dont's</a>

  • Problem in Creation of Oracle Session in Global.asa

    Dear all,
    I tried to run an ASP example on OO4O and created the following global.asa.
    <OBJECT RUNAT=Server SCOPE=Application ID=OraSession
    Sub Application_OnStart
    'Get an instance of the Connection Pooling object and create a pool
    of OraDatabase
    OraSession.CreateDatabasePool 20,40,200,"XXX", "xxx/xxx", 0
    End Sub
    Sub Application_OnEnd
    End Sub
    However, the IIS reported the following error when running.
    "An error occurred while creating object 'OraSession'".
    I have used the same connection string on a VB project. The connection works perfectly. Could anyone know why the connection cannot setup on ASP?
    Thank you very much

    I am getting the same problem. If you have found any solution, please let me know.

  • How do I install a language XPI globally and make it the default language?

    I am using Firefox on unices and various Linux distributions (the less common ones). Installing Firefox is easy, but it is always in English. I get most of my interfaces (gnome, libreoffice, gimp, etc) in my preferred translation simply by setting the proper locale (export LANG=xy_XY.UTF-8) before starting Xorg. I found and downloaded my preferred language pack for firefox, which comes in an XPI archive. Opening that XPI file in Firefox (via an URL of file:///path/to/file/langpack.xpi) works smoothly, the translation gets installed under the user's own profile and it shows up in the add-ons (under the new category: Languages). Unfortunately, I still see no way in Firefox preferences to set this added translation as the default. Firefox still starts with the English interface. On SeaMonkey, there is a combobox on the Appearance panel that allows me to select the language of the interface from the list of installed/available languages. I cannot find such option on the panels of Firefox. So far, I had to install a language-changer add-on to be able to set the interface to my native locale. Even though my users never need to switch to any other locales.
    Q1., Once a language xpi is installed, how do I set the interface to use that language?
    Q2., How do I install the language xpi and make it the system-wide default, so that all my users see Firefox starting with the native (non-English) interface?
    I found a handful of description for Q2, but they appear to be outdated and do not work. These include the -install-global-extension argument to Firefox, placing the xpi file as it was downloaded into the "extensions" folder, placing the xpi file renamed to the extension ID into the "extensions" folder, unzipping the contents of the xpi into a subfolder of the "extensions" folder named as the extension ID. Please note, these attempts might have failed because I placed the extension NOT where it was supposed to go. The instructions refer to the global extension folder as <installation folder>/extensions, but on my system no such folder exists. Firefox seems to get installed into /usr/local/lib/firefox and there is no "extensions" subfolder there in. However, there is a "browser/extensions" subfolder, but placing my XPI there did not trigger any effect. Also, I manually created the "extensions" subfolder in /usr/local/lib/firefox and moved the xpi there (on various names, unzipped and in a whole) without the expected result.
    Any suggestion is very much appreciated!
    My goal is to install the firefox package, then run something from the command line resulting the non-English translation in the downloaded XPI becoming the system-wide default for all users. A step forward would be to know for certain where that "extensions" folder must be on my specific OS. How do I query that?

    Excellent. These guides got me as far as installing my preferred language pack, which gets added to the add-ons automatically (assuming the user says yes to the appearing question when Firefox is started).
    However, the GUI does not change unless the user enters "about:config" and changes the locale.
    Is there a way to do this from the command line? I mean, changing the locale settings.
    And preferrably for all users. So even when new users get added and they start Firefox the first time, they see it appearing with the preferred locale and not in English.

  • SPED PIS/COFINS - Plano de contas Global e Local.

    Olá Pessoal,
    Após aplicar todas as notas referentes ao SPED PIS/COFINS começei rodas os arquivos e validá-los, porém uma das primeiras coisas que encontrei foi aqui estamos utilizando o plano de contas Brasil(ACBR) e temos o plano de contas global(PCOA), pela legislação brasileira para o envio do arquivo pelo menos para o SPED ECD tivemos que mandar as contas do plano de conta local(ACBR) com as contas alternativas, ou seja, apenas contas sem letras. Porém hoje quando rodo o SPED PIS/COFINS hoje nos registros 0500 e F100 as contas que estão sendo carregadas são as contas do plano de contas global e não as contas alternativas.
    No SPED ECD existe um flag que podemos usar para as contas alternativas, nesse SPED PIS/COFINS não deveriamos ter também ???
    Michael Peretto

    Bom dia Vini,
    Não está  usando o report standard, está?
    O módulo de formatação no standard cuida disso independente do usuário:
          WHEN 'P'.
    * --- Change decimal separator and delete spaces
            REPLACE '.' WITH ',' INTO lv_field.
            CONDENSE lv_field NO-GAPS.
    Atenciosamente, Fernando Da Ró

  • Class 6 SD card causes problems / lock ups in Droid 2 Global

    My Droid 2 Global phone came with an 8GB SD card and I want to increase it to a 16GB card.  I purchased an adata 16GB Class 6 micro SD card.
    I copied all my data from my 8GB card to my laptop.  I then copied the data from the laptop to the 16GB card.  Put it in the phone and started the phone. 
    The phone had difficulty seeing the SD card and locked up.  Removed battery, reinstalled, restarted.  Similar problem.  Tried various apps and calls - worked (poorly) on some tasks, and locked up on others.
    Formatted the card in the camera and then used the USB cable to move data from the laptop - similar symptoms.
    Formatted the card in the laptop, placed the card in the phone, and used the USB to copy data to the card - same problems.
    Stepped up the process by performing a hard reset on the phone, formatting the SD card, reinstalled apps and tested before adding personal data - still locks up.
    I reset the phone again and put my original 8GB card in - once apps were reinstalled and data was pulled onto the card and everything works normally.
    I really want to use the larger SD card, but I haven't been able to get it functioning..
    I even saw a message somewhere that stated the Droid 2 has problems with Class 6 cards but have found nothing supporting that concept.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks, Grandpa777

    When I replaced the SD in my D2G card with a 16GB one, I researched several cards and class ratings.  Two things seemed to crop up over and over.  Class ratings as an indication of maximum speed are not the same across manufacturers.  Some Class 2 were faster than Class 4 and class 4 faster than Class 6, etc.  Not all, but it was a crap shoot.  Second, Class 10 cards did not work well in all Droids, nor did some Class 6. So I bought the following: 
    SanDisk 16 GB microSDHC Flash Memory Card SDSDQ-016G Class 2.
    It has worked flawlessly for 8 months.  And seems fast enough for my needs.
    My recommendation, for what it's worth: Buy a 16GB SanDisk SD card no higher than Class 4.

  • How to log strings stored in Station Globals and/or PreUUT values?

    Hi all,
    I have a Station Global that is persistent across all UUTs in a particular PC. I have also created a custom PreUUT dialog to obtain user input that applies to the upcoming UUT (I pass this user input to the UUT by storing it in a File Global). Both the Station Global and the File Global store a string.
    What is a good way to log these strings into the ATML report and SQL database?
    Currently, the best solution I can think of is:
    Create a LabVIEW VI that takes a string input and passes it straight through to the output
    Pass the Station Global (or the File Global) into the VI input
    Assign the VI output to Step.Result.ReportText
    This seems rather cumbersome though. Is there a simpler way to achieve this? (i.e. is there a built-in TestStand action that logs a variable directly into the report?)
    In case it's important, I'm using TestStand 2013 SP1 and I'm using the default report templates: tr5_horizontal.xsl for ATML, and C:\Program Files\National Instruments\TestStand 2013\Components\Models\TestStandModels\Database\SQL Server Create Generic Recordset Result Tables.sql for SQL.
    Go to Solution.

    You can handle this with the Additional Results functionality in TestStand, which can be configured in the settings for an existing step, or as a standalone step type. We have an example of this in the TestStand Fundamental Example series here:   (Look for section 3, "Adding Custom Data to a Report"
    I hope it helps, and let us know if we can do anything else to help!
    Daniel E.
    TestStand Product Support Engineer
    National Instruments

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