How to set the correct shared pool size and db_buffer_cache using awr

Hi All,
I want to how to set the correct size for shared_pool_size and db_cache_size using shared pool advisory and buffer pool advisory of awr report. I have paste the shared and buffer pool advisory of awr report.
Shared Pool Advisory
* SP: Shared Pool Est LC: Estimated Library Cache Factr: Factor
* Note there is often a 1:Many correlation between a single logical object in the Library Cache, and the physical number of memory objects associated with it. Therefore comparing the number of Lib Cache objects (e.g. in v$librarycache), with the number of Lib Cache Memory Objects is invalid.
Shared Pool Size(M)     SP Size Factr     Est LC Size (M)     Est LC Mem Obj     Est LC Time Saved (s)     Est LC Time Saved Factr     Est LC Load Time (s)     Est LC Load Time Factr     Est LC Mem Obj Hits (K)
4,096     1.00     471     25,153     184,206     1.00     149     1.00     9,069
4,736     1.16     511     27,328     184,206     1.00     149     1.00     9,766
5,248     1.28     511     27,346     184,206     1.00     149     1.00     9,766
5,760     1.41     511     27,346     184,206     1.00     149     1.00     9,766
6,272     1.53     511     27,346     184,206     1.00     149     1.00     9,766
6,784     1.66     511     27,346     184,206     1.00     149     1.00     9,766
7,296     1.78     511     27,346     184,206     1.00     149     1.00     9,766
7,808     1.91     511     27,346     184,206     1.00     149     1.00     9,766
8,320     2.03     511     27,346     184,206     1.00     149     1.00     9,766
Buffer Pool Advisory
* Only rows with estimated physical reads >0 are displayed
* ordered by Block Size, Buffers For Estimate
P     Size for Est (M)     Size Factor     Buffers (thousands)     Est Phys Read Factor     Estimated Phys Reads (thousands)     Est Phys Read Time     Est %DBtime for Rds
D     4,096     0.10     485     1.02     1,002     1     0.00
D     8,192     0.20     970     1.00     987     1     0.00
D     12,288     0.30     1,454     1.00     987     1     0.00
D     16,384     0.40     1,939     1.00     987     1     0.00
D     20,480     0.50     2,424     1.00     987     1     0.00
D     24,576     0.60     2,909     1.00     987     1     0.00
D     28,672     0.70     3,394     1.00     987     1     0.00
D     32,768     0.80     3,878     1.00     987     1     0.00
D     36,864     0.90     4,363     1.00     987     1     0.00
D     40,960     1.00     4,848     1.00     987     1     0.00
D     45,056     1.10     5,333     1.00     987     1     0.00
D     49,152     1.20     5,818     1.00     987     1     0.00
D     53,248     1.30     6,302     1.00     987     1     0.00
D     57,344     1.40     6,787     1.00     987     1     0.00
D     61,440     1.50     7,272     1.00     987     1     0.00
D     65,536     1.60     7,757     1.00     987     1     0.00
D     69,632     1.70     8,242     1.00     987     1     0.00
D     73,728     1.80     8,726     1.00     987     1     0.00
D     77,824     1.90     9,211     1.00     987     1     0.00
D     81,920     2.00     9,696     1.00     987     1     0.00
My shared pool size is 4gb and db_cache_size is 40Gb.
Please help me in configuring the correct size for this.
Thanks and Regards,

Hi ,
Actually batch load is taking too much time.
Please find below the 1 hr awr report
     Snap Id     Snap Time     Sessions     Cursors/Session
Begin Snap:     6557     27-Nov-11 16:00:06     126     1.3
End Snap:     6558     27-Nov-11 17:00:17     130     1.6
Elapsed:          60.17 (mins)          
DB Time:          34.00 (mins)          
Report Summary
Cache Sizes
     Begin     End          
Buffer Cache:     40,960M     40,960M     Std Block Size:     8K
Shared Pool Size:     4,096M     4,096M     Log Buffer:     25,908K
Load Profile
     Per Second     Per Transaction     Per Exec     Per Call
DB Time(s):     0.6     1.4     0.00     0.07
DB CPU(s):     0.5     1.2     0.00     0.06
Redo size:     281,296.9     698,483.4          
Logical reads:     20,545.6     51,016.4          
Block changes:     1,879.5     4,667.0          
Physical reads:     123.7     307.2          
Physical writes:     66.4     164.8          
User calls:     8.2     20.4          
Parses:     309.4     768.4          
Hard parses:     8.5     21.2          
W/A MB processed:     1.7     4.3          
Logons:     0.7     1.6          
Executes:     1,235.9     3,068.7          
Rollbacks:     0.0     0.0          
Transactions:     0.4               
Instance Efficiency Percentages (Target 100%)
Buffer Nowait %:     100.00     Redo NoWait %:     100.00
Buffer Hit %:     99.66     In-memory Sort %:     100.00
Library Hit %:     99.19     Soft Parse %:     97.25
Execute to Parse %:     74.96     Latch Hit %:     99.97
Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %:     92.41     % Non-Parse CPU:     98.65
Shared Pool Statistics
     Begin     End
Memory Usage %:     80.33     82.01
% SQL with executions>1:     90.90     86.48
% Memory for SQL w/exec>1:     90.10     86.89
Top 5 Timed Foreground Events
Event     Waits     Time(s)     Avg wait (ms)     % DB time     Wait Class
DB CPU          1,789          87.72     
db file sequential read     27,531     50     2     2.45     User I/O
db file scattered read     26,322     30     1     1.47     User I/O
row cache lock     1,798     20     11     0.96     Concurrency
OJVM: Generic     36     15     421     0.74     Other
Host CPU (CPUs: 24 Cores: 12 Sockets: )
Load Average Begin     Load Average End     %User     %System     %WIO     %Idle
0.58     1.50     2.8     0.7     0.1     96.6
Instance CPU
%Total CPU     %Busy CPU     %DB time waiting for CPU (Resource Manager)
2.2     63.6     0.0
Memory Statistics
     Begin     End
Host Mem (MB):     131,072.0     131,072.0
SGA use (MB):     50,971.4     50,971.4
PGA use (MB):     545.5     1,066.3
% Host Mem used for SGA+PGA:     39.30     39.70
RAC Statistics
     Begin     End
Number of Instances:     2     2
Global Cache Load Profile
     Per Second     Per Transaction
Global Cache blocks received:     3.09     7.68
Global Cache blocks served:     1.86     4.62
GCS/GES messages received:     78.64     195.27
GCS/GES messages sent:     53.82     133.65
DBWR Fusion writes:     0.52     1.30
Estd Interconnect traffic (KB)     65.50     
Global Cache Efficiency Percentages (Target local+remote 100%)
Buffer access - local cache %:     99.65
Buffer access - remote cache %:     0.02
Buffer access - disk %:     0.34
Global Cache and Enqueue Services - Workload Characteristics
Avg global enqueue get time (ms):     0.0
Avg global cache cr block receive time (ms):     1.7
Avg global cache current block receive time (ms):     1.0
Avg global cache cr block build time (ms):     0.0
Avg global cache cr block send time (ms):     0.0
Global cache log flushes for cr blocks served %:     1.4
Avg global cache cr block flush time (ms):     0.9
Avg global cache current block pin time (ms):     0.0
Avg global cache current block send time (ms):     0.0
Global cache log flushes for current blocks served %:     0.1
Avg global cache current block flush time (ms):     0.0
Global Cache and Enqueue Services - Messaging Statistics
Avg message sent queue time (ms):     0.0
Avg message sent queue time on ksxp (ms):     0.4
Avg message received queue time (ms):     0.5
Avg GCS message process time (ms):     0.0
Avg GES message process time (ms):     0.0
% of direct sent messages:     79.13
% of indirect sent messages:     17.10
% of flow controlled messages:     3.77
Cluster Interconnect
     Begin      End
Interface     IP Address     Pub     Source     IP     Pub     Src
en9     N     Oracle Cluster Repository               
Main Report
* Report Summary
* Wait Events Statistics
* SQL Statistics
* Instance Activity Statistics
* IO Stats
* Buffer Pool Statistics
* Advisory Statistics
* Wait Statistics
* Undo Statistics
* Latch Statistics
* Segment Statistics
* Dictionary Cache Statistics
* Library Cache Statistics
* Memory Statistics
* Streams Statistics
* Resource Limit Statistics
* Shared Server Statistics
* init.ora Parameters
More RAC Statistics
* RAC Report Summary
* Global Messaging Statistics
* Global CR Served Stats
* Global CURRENT Served Stats
* Global Cache Transfer Stats
* Interconnect Stats
* Dynamic Remastering Statistics
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Statistic Name     Time (s)     % of DB Time
sql execute elapsed time     1,925.20     94.38
DB CPU     1,789.38     87.72
connection management call elapsed time     99.65     4.89
PL/SQL execution elapsed time     89.81     4.40
parse time elapsed     46.32     2.27
hard parse elapsed time     25.01     1.23
Java execution elapsed time     21.24     1.04
PL/SQL compilation elapsed time     11.92     0.58
failed parse elapsed time     9.37     0.46
hard parse (sharing criteria) elapsed time     8.71     0.43
sequence load elapsed time     0.06     0.00
repeated bind elapsed time     0.02     0.00
hard parse (bind mismatch) elapsed time     0.01     0.00
DB time     2,039.77     
background elapsed time     122.00     
background cpu time     113.42     
Statistic     Value     End Value
NUM_LCPUS     0     
NUM_VCPUS     0     
AVG_BUSY_TIME     12,339     
AVG_IDLE_TIME     348,838     
AVG_IOWAIT_TIME     221     
AVG_SYS_TIME     2,274     
AVG_USER_TIME     9,944     
BUSY_TIME     299,090     
IDLE_TIME     8,375,051     
IOWAIT_TIME     6,820     
SYS_TIME     57,512     
USER_TIME     241,578     
LOAD     1     2
OS_CPU_WAIT_TIME     312,200     
PHYSICAL_MEMORY_BYTES     137,438,953,472     
NUM_CPUS     24     
NUM_CPU_CORES     12     
GLOBAL_RECEIVE_SIZE_MAX     1,310,720     
GLOBAL_SEND_SIZE_MAX     1,310,720     
TCP_RECEIVE_SIZE_MAX     9,223,372,036,854,775,807     
TCP_RECEIVE_SIZE_MIN     4,096     
TCP_SEND_SIZE_DEFAULT     16,384     
TCP_SEND_SIZE_MAX     9,223,372,036,854,775,807     
TCP_SEND_SIZE_MIN     4,096     
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Operating System Statistics - Detail
Snap Time     Load     %busy     %user     %sys     %idle     %iowait
27-Nov 16:00:06     0.58                         
27-Nov 17:00:17     1.50     3.45     2.79     0.66     96.55     0.08
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Foreground Wait Class
* s - second, ms - millisecond - 1000th of a second
* ordered by wait time desc, waits desc
* %Timeouts: value of 0 indicates value was < .5%. Value of null is truly 0
* Captured Time accounts for 95.7% of Total DB time 2,039.77 (s)
* Total FG Wait Time: 163.14 (s) DB CPU time: 1,789.38 (s)
Wait Class     Waits     %Time -outs     Total Wait Time (s)     Avg wait (ms)     %DB time
DB CPU               1,789          87.72
User I/O     61,229     0     92     1     4.49
Other     102,743     40     31     0     1.50
Concurrency     3,169     10     24     7     1.16
Cluster     58,920     0     11     0     0.52
System I/O     45,407     0     6     0     0.29
Configuration     107     7     1     5     0.03
Commit     383     0     0     1     0.01
Network     15,275     0     0     0     0.00
Application     52     8     0     0     0.00
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Foreground Wait Events
* s - second, ms - millisecond - 1000th of a second
* Only events with Total Wait Time (s) >= .001 are shown
* ordered by wait time desc, waits desc (idle events last)
* %Timeouts: value of 0 indicates value was < .5%. Value of null is truly 0
Event     Waits     %Time -outs     Total Wait Time (s)     Avg wait (ms)     Waits /txn     % DB time
db file sequential read     27,531     0     50     2     18.93     2.45
db file scattered read     26,322     0     30     1     18.10     1.47
row cache lock     1,798     0     20     11     1.24     0.96
OJVM: Generic     36     42     15     421     0.02     0.74
db file parallel read     394     0     7     19     0.27     0.36
control file sequential read     22,248     0     6     0     15.30     0.28
reliable message     4,439     0     4     1     3.05     0.18
gc current grant busy     7,597     0     3     0     5.22     0.16
PX Deq: Slave Session Stats     2,661     0     3     1     1.83     0.16
DFS lock handle     3,208     0     3     1     2.21     0.16
direct path write temp     4,842     0     3     1     3.33     0.15
library cache load lock     39     0     3     72     0.03     0.14
gc cr multi block request     37,008     0     3     0     25.45     0.14
IPC send completion sync     5,451     0     2     0     3.75     0.10
gc cr block 2-way     4,669     0     2     0     3.21     0.09
enq: PS - contention     3,183     33     1     0     2.19     0.06
gc cr grant 2-way     5,151     0     1     0     3.54     0.06
direct path read temp     1,722     0     1     1     1.18     0.05
gc current block 2-way     1,807     0     1     0     1.24     0.03
os thread startup     6     0     1     108     0.00     0.03
name-service call wait     12     0     1     47     0.01     0.03
PX Deq: Signal ACK RSG     2,046     50     0     0     1.41     0.02
log file switch completion     3     0     0     149     0.00     0.02
rdbms ipc reply     3,610     0     0     0     2.48     0.02
gc current grant 2-way     1,432     0     0     0     0.98     0.02
library cache pin     903     32     0     0     0.62     0.02
PX Deq: reap credit     35,815     100     0     0     24.63     0.01
log file sync     383     0     0     1     0.26     0.01
Disk file operations I/O     405     0     0     0     0.28     0.01
library cache lock     418     3     0     0     0.29     0.01
kfk: async disk IO     23,159     0     0     0     15.93     0.01
gc current block busy     4     0     0     35     0.00     0.01
gc current multi block request     1,206     0     0     0     0.83     0.01
ges message buffer allocation     38,526     0     0     0     26.50     0.00
enq: FB - contention     131     0     0     0     0.09     0.00
undo segment extension     8     100     0     6     0.01     0.00
CSS initialization     8     0     0     6     0.01     0.00
SQL*Net message to client     14,600     0     0     0     10.04     0.00
enq: HW - contention     96     0     0     0     0.07     0.00
CSS operation: action     8     0     0     4     0.01     0.00
gc cr block busy     33     0     0     1     0.02     0.00
latch free     30     0     0     1     0.02     0.00
enq: TM - contention     49     6     0     0     0.03     0.00
enq: JQ - contention     19     100     0     1     0.01     0.00
SQL*Net more data to client     666     0     0     0     0.46     0.00
asynch descriptor resize     3,179     100     0     0     2.19     0.00
latch: shared pool     3     0     0     3     0.00     0.00
CSS operation: query     24     0     0     0     0.02     0.00
PX Deq: Signal ACK EXT     72     0     0     0     0.05     0.00
KJC: Wait for msg sends to complete     269     0     0     0     0.19     0.00
latch: object queue header operation     4     0     0     1     0.00     0.00
gc cr block congested     5     0     0     0     0.00     0.00
utl_file I/O     11     0     0     0     0.01     0.00
enq: TO - contention     3     33     0     0     0.00     0.00
SQL*Net message from client     14,600     0     219,478     15033     10.04     
jobq slave wait     7,726     100     3,856     499     5.31     
PX Deq: Execution Msg     10,556     19     50     5     7.26     
PX Deq: Execute Reply     2,946     31     27     9     2.03     
PX Deq: Parse Reply     3,157     35     3     1     2.17     
PX Deq: Join ACK     2,976     28     2     1     2.05     
PX Deq Credit: send blkd     7     14     0     4     0.00     
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Background Wait Events
* ordered by wait time desc, waits desc (idle events last)
* Only events with Total Wait Time (s) >= .001 are shown
* %Timeouts: value of 0 indicates value was < .5%. Value of null is truly 0
Event     Waits     %Time -outs     Total Wait Time (s)     Avg wait (ms)     Waits /txn     % bg time
os thread startup     140     0     13     90     0.10     10.35
db file parallel write     8,233     0     6     1     5.66     5.08
log file parallel write     3,906     0     6     1     2.69     4.62
log file sequential read     350     0     5     16     0.24     4.49
control file sequential read     13,737     0     5     0     9.45     3.72
DFS lock handle     2,990     27     2     1     2.06     1.43
db file sequential read     921     0     2     2     0.63     1.39
SQL*Net break/reset to client     18     0     1     81     0.01     1.19
control file parallel write     2,455     0     1     1     1.69     1.12
ges lms sync during dynamic remastering and reconfig     24     100     1     50     0.02     0.98
library cache load lock     35     0     1     24     0.02     0.68
ASM file metadata operation     3,483     0     1     0     2.40     0.65
enq: CO - master slave det     1,203     100     1     0     0.83     0.46
kjbdrmcvtq lmon drm quiesce: ping completion     9     0     1     62     0.01     0.46
enq: WF - contention     11     0     0     35     0.01     0.31
CGS wait for IPC msg     32,702     100     0     0     22.49     0.19
gc object scan     28,788     100     0     0     19.80     0.15
row cache lock     535     0     0     0     0.37     0.14
library cache pin     370     55     0     0     0.25     0.12
ksxr poll remote instances     19,119     100     0     0     13.15     0.11
name-service call wait     6     0     0     19     0.00     0.10
gc current block 2-way     304     0     0     0     0.21     0.09
gc cr block 2-way     267     0     0     0     0.18     0.08
gc cr grant 2-way     355     0     0     0     0.24     0.08
ges LMON to get to FTDONE     3     100     0     24     0.00     0.06
enq: CF - contention     145     76     0     0     0.10     0.05
PX Deq: reap credit     8,842     100     0     0     6.08     0.05
reliable message     126     0     0     0     0.09     0.05
db file scattered read     19     0     0     3     0.01     0.05
library cache lock     162     1     0     0     0.11     0.04
latch: shared pool     2     0     0     27     0.00     0.04
Disk file operations I/O     504     0     0     0     0.35     0.04
gc current grant busy     148     0     0     0     0.10     0.04
gcs log flush sync     84     0     0     1     0.06     0.04
ges message buffer allocation     24,934     0     0     0     17.15     0.02
enq: CR - block range reuse ckpt     83     0     0     0     0.06     0.02
latch free     22     0     0     1     0.02     0.02
CSS operation: action     13     0     0     2     0.01     0.02
CSS initialization     4     0     0     6     0.00     0.02
direct path read     1     0     0     21     0.00     0.02
rdbms ipc reply     153     0     0     0     0.11     0.01
db file parallel read     2     0     0     8     0.00     0.01
direct path write     5     0     0     3     0.00     0.01
gc current multi block request     49     0     0     0     0.03     0.01
gc current block busy     5     0     0     2     0.00     0.01
enq: PS - contention     24     50     0     0     0.02     0.01
gc cr multi block request     54     0     0     0     0.04     0.01
ges generic event     1     100     0     10     0.00     0.01
gc current grant 2-way     35     0     0     0     0.02     0.01
kfk: async disk IO     183     0     0     0     0.13     0.01
Log archive I/O     3     0     0     2     0.00     0.01
gc buffer busy acquire     2     0     0     3     0.00     0.00
LGWR wait for redo copy     123     0     0     0     0.08     0.00
IPC send completion sync     18     0     0     0     0.01     0.00
enq: TA - contention     11     0     0     0     0.01     0.00
read by other session     2     0     0     2     0.00     0.00
enq: TM - contention     9     89     0     0     0.01     0.00
latch: ges resource hash list     135     0     0     0     0.09     0.00
PX Deq: Slave Session Stats     12     0     0     0     0.01     0.00
KJC: Wait for msg sends to complete     89     0     0     0     0.06     0.00
enq: TD - KTF dump entries     8     0     0     0     0.01     0.00
enq: US - contention     7     0     0     0     0.00     0.00
CSS operation: query     12     0     0     0     0.01     0.00
enq: TK - Auto Task Serialization     6     100     0     0     0.00     0.00
PX Deq: Signal ACK RSG     24     50     0     0     0.02     0.00
log file single write     6     0     0     0     0.00     0.00
enq: WL - contention     2     100     0     1     0.00     0.00
ADR block file read     13     0     0     0     0.01     0.00
ADR block file write     5     0     0     0     0.00     0.00
latch: object queue header operation     1     0     0     1     0.00     0.00
gc cr block busy     1     0     0     1     0.00     0.00
rdbms ipc message     103,276     67     126,259     1223     71.03     
PX Idle Wait     6,467     67     12,719     1967     4.45     
wait for unread message on broadcast channel     7,240     100     7,221     997     4.98     
gcs remote message     218,809     84     7,213     33     150.49     
DIAG idle wait     203,228     95     7,185     35     139.77     
shared server idle wait     121     100     3,630     30000     0.08     
ASM background timer     3,343     0     3,611     1080     2.30     
Space Manager: slave idle wait     723     100     3,610     4993     0.50     
heartbeat monitor sleep     722     100     3,610     5000     0.50     
ges remote message     73,089     52     3,609     49     50.27     
dispatcher timer     66     88     3,608     54660     0.05     
pmon timer     1,474     82     3,607     2447     1.01     
PING     1,487     19     3,607     2426     1.02     
Streams AQ: qmn slave idle wait     125     0     3,594     28754     0.09     
Streams AQ: qmn coordinator idle wait     250     50     3,594     14377     0.17     
smon timer     18     50     3,505     194740     0.01     
JOX Jit Process Sleep     73     100     976     13370     0.05     
class slave wait     56     0     605     10806     0.04     
KSV master wait     2,215     98     1     0     1.52     
SQL*Net message from client     109     0     0     2     0.07     
PX Deq: Parse Reply     27     44     0     1     0.02     
PX Deq: Join ACK     30     40     0     1     0.02     
PX Deq: Execute Reply     20     30     0     0     0.01     
Streams AQ: RAC qmn coordinator idle wait     259     100     0     0     0.18     
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Wait Event Histogram
* Units for Total Waits column: K is 1000, M is 1000000, G is 1000000000
* % of Waits: value of .0 indicates value was <.05%; value of null is truly 0
* % of Waits: column heading of <=1s is truly <1024ms, >1s is truly >=1024ms
* Ordered by Event (idle events last)
          % of Waits
Event     Total Waits     <1ms     <2ms     <4ms     <8ms     <16ms     <32ms     <=1s     >1s
ADR block file read     13     100.0                                   
ADR block file write     5     100.0                                   
ADR file lock     6     100.0                                   
ARCH wait for archivelog lock     3     100.0                                   
ASM file metadata operation     3483     99.6     .1     .1                    .2     
CGS wait for IPC msg     32.7K     100.0                                   
CSS initialization     12     50.0                    50.0               
CSS operation: action     21     28.6     9.5          61.9                    
CSS operation: query     36     86.1     5.6     8.3                         
DFS lock handle     6198     98.6     1.2     .1                    .1     
Disk file operations I/O     909     95.7     3.6     .7                         
IPC send completion sync     5469     99.9     .1     .0     .0                    
KJC: Wait for msg sends to complete     313     100.0                                   
LGWR wait for redo copy     122     100.0                                   
Log archive I/O     3     66.7               33.3                    
OJVM: Generic     36     55.6                              44.4     
PX Deq: Signal ACK EXT     72     98.6     1.4                              
PX Deq: Signal ACK RSG     2070     99.7               .0     .1     .0     .1     
PX Deq: Slave Session Stats     2673     99.7     .2                         .1     .0
PX Deq: reap credit     44.7K     100.0                                   
SQL*Net break/reset to client     20     95.0                                   5.0
SQL*Net message to client     14.7K     100.0                                   
SQL*Net more data from client     32     100.0                                   
SQL*Net more data to client     689     100.0                                   
asynch descriptor resize     3387     100.0                                   
buffer busy waits     2     100.0                                   
control file parallel write     2455     96.6     2.2     .6     .6          .1          
control file sequential read     36K     99.4     .3     .1     .1     .1     .1     .0     
db file parallel read     397     8.8     .8     5.5     12.6     17.4     46.3     8.6     
db file parallel write     8233     85.4     10.3     2.3     1.4     .4     .1          
db file scattered read     26.3K     79.2     1.5     8.2     10.5     .6     .1     .0     
db file sequential read     28.4K     60.2     3.3     18.0     18.1     .3     .1     .0     
db file single write     2     100.0                                   
direct path read     2     50.0                         50.0          
direct path read temp     1722     95.8     2.8     .1     .5     .8     .1          
direct path write     6     83.3                    16.7               
direct path write temp     4842     96.3     2.7     .5     .2     .0     .0     .2     
enq: AF - task serialization     1     100.0                                   
enq: CF - contention     145     99.3     .7                              
enq: CO - master slave det     1203     98.9     .8     .2                         
enq: CR - block range reuse ckpt     83     100.0                                   
enq: DR - contention     2     100.0                                   
enq: FB - contention     131     100.0                                   
enq: HW - contention     97     100.0                                   
enq: JQ - contention     19     89.5     10.5                              
enq: JS - job run lock - synchronize     3     100.0                                   
enq: MD - contention     1     100.0                                   
enq: MW - contention     2     100.0                                   
enq: PS - contention     3207     99.5     .4     .1                         
enq: TA - contention     11     100.0                                   
enq: TD - KTF dump entries     8     100.0                                   
enq: TK - Auto Task Serialization     6     100.0                                   
enq: TM - contention     58     100.0                                   
enq: TO - contention     3     100.0                                   
enq: TQ - DDL contention     1     100.0                                   
enq: TS - contention     1     100.0                                   
enq: UL - contention     1     100.0                                   
enq: US - contention     7     100.0                                   
enq: WF - contention     11     81.8                              18.2     
enq: WL - contention     2     50.0     50.0                              
gc buffer busy acquire     2     50.0               50.0                    
gc cr block 2-way     4934     99.9     .1                    .0     .0     
gc cr block busy     35     68.6     31.4                              
gc cr block congested     6     100.0                                   
gc cr disk read     2     100.0                                   
gc cr grant 2-way     4824     100.0     .0                              
gc cr grant congested     2     100.0                                   
gc cr multi block request     37.1K     99.8     .2     .0     .0     .0     .0     .0     
gc current block 2-way     2134     99.9     .0                         .0     
gc current block busy     7     14.3     14.3          14.3          28.6     28.6     
gc current block congested     2     100.0                                   
gc current grant 2-way     1337     99.9     .1                              
gc current grant busy     7123     99.2     .2     .2     .0     .0     .3     .1     
gc current grant congested     2     100.0                                   
gc current multi block request     1260     99.8     .2                              
gc object scan     28.8K     100.0                                   
gcs log flush sync     65     95.4          3.1     1.5                    
ges LMON to get to FTDONE     3                              100.0          
ges generic event     1                         100.0               
ges inquiry response     2     100.0                                   
ges lms sync during dynamic remastering and reconfig     24                         16.7     29.2     54.2     
ges message buffer allocation     63.1K     100.0                                   
kfk: async disk IO     23.3K     100.0     .0     .0                         
kjbdrmcvtq lmon drm quiesce: ping completion     9     11.1                              88.9     
ksxr poll remote instances     19.1K     100.0                                   
latch free     52     59.6     40.4                              
latch: call allocation     2     100.0                                   
latch: gc element     1     100.0                                   
latch: gcs resource hash     1     100.0                                   
latch: ges resource hash list     135     100.0                                   
latch: object queue header operation     5     40.0     40.0     20.0                         
latch: shared pool     5     40.0                    20.0     20.0     20.0     
library cache load lock     74     9.5     5.4     8.1     17.6     10.8     13.5     35.1     
library cache lock     493     99.2     .4     .4                         
library cache pin     1186     98.4     .3     1.2     .1                    
library cache: mutex X     6     100.0                                   
log file parallel write     3897     72.9     1.5     17.1     7.5     .6     .3     .1     
log file sequential read     350     4.6               3.1     59.4     30.0     2.9     
log file single write     6     100.0                                   
log file switch completion     3                         33.3          66.7     
log file sync     385     90.4     3.6     4.7     .8     .5               
name-service call wait     18          5.6     5.6     5.6     16.7     44.4     22.2     
os thread startup     146                                   100.0     
rdbms ipc reply     3763     99.7     .3                              
read by other session     2     50.0          50.0                         
reliable message     4565     99.7     .2     .0               .0     .1     
row cache lock     2334     99.3     .2     .1                    .1     .3
undo segment extension     8     50.0                    37.5     12.5          
utl_file I/O     11     100.0                                   
ASM background timer     3343     57.0     .3     .1     .1     .1          21.1     21.4
DIAG idle wait     203.2K     3.4     .2     .4     18.0     41.4     14.8     21.8     
JOX Jit Process Sleep     73                                   2.7     97.3
KSV master wait     2213     99.4     .1     .2                    .3     
PING     1487     81.0                                   19.0
PX Deq Credit: send blkd     7     57.1          14.3     14.3          14.3          
PX Deq: Execute Reply     2966     59.8     .8     9.5     5.6     10.2     2.6     11.4     
PX Deq: Execution Msg     10.6K     72.4     12.1     2.6     2.5     .1     5.6     4.6     .0
PX Deq: Join ACK     3006     77.9     22.1     .1                         
PX Deq: Parse Reply     3184     67.1     31.1     1.6     .2                    
PX Idle Wait     6466     .2     8.7     4.3     4.8     .3     .1     5.0     76.6
SQL*Net message from client     14.7K     72.4     2.8     .8     .5     .9     .4     2.8     19.3
Space Manager: slave idle wait     722                                        100.0
Streams AQ: RAC qmn coordinator idle wait     259     100.0                                   
Streams AQ: qmn coordinator idle wait     250     50.0                                   50.0
Streams AQ: qmn slave idle wait     125                                        100.0
class slave wait     55     67.3          7.3     1.8     5.5     1.8     7.3     9.1
dispatcher timer     66     6.1                                   93.9
gcs remote message     218.6K     7.7     1.8     1.2     1.6     1.7     15.7     70.3     
ges remote message     72.9K     29.7     5.1     2.7     2.2     1.5     4.0     54.7     
heartbeat monitor sleep     722                                        100.0
jobq slave wait     7725                    .1          .0     99.9     
pmon timer     1474     18.4                                   81.6
rdbms ipc message     103.3K     20.7     2.7     1.5     1.3     .9     .7     40.7     31.6
shared server idle wait     121                                        100.0
smon timer     18                                        100.0
wait for unread message on broadcast channel     7238                         .3          99.7     
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Wait Event Histogram Detail (64 msec to 2 sec)
* Units for Total Waits column: K is 1000, M is 1000000, G is 1000000000
* Units for % of Total Waits: ms is milliseconds s is 1024 milliseconds (approximately 1 second)
* % of Total Waits: total waits for all wait classes, including Idle
* % of Total Waits: value of .0 indicates value was <.05%; value of null is truly 0
* Ordered by Event (only non-idle events are displayed)
          % of Total Waits
Event     Waits 64ms to 2s     <32ms     <64ms     <1/8s     <1/4s     <1/2s     <1s     <2s     >=2s
ASM file metadata operation     6     99.8          .1     .1                    
DFS lock handle     6     99.9               .1     .0               
OJVM: Generic     16     55.6               2.8          41.7          
PX Deq: Signal ACK RSG     3     99.9     .0     .1                         
PX Deq: Slave Session Stats     3     99.9          .0               .0     .0     
SQL*Net break/reset to client     1     95.0                              5.0     
control file sequential read     1     100.0          .0                         
db file parallel read     34     91.4     8.6                              
db file scattered read     4     100.0     .0          .0                    
db file sequential read     6     100.0     .0     .0     .0                    
direct path write temp     11     99.8     .1     .1     .0                    
enq: WF - contention     2     81.8               18.2                    
gc cr block 2-way     1     100.0          .0                         
gc cr multi block request     1     100.0          .0                         
gc current block 2-way     1     100.0     .0                              
gc current block busy     2     71.4     28.6                              
gc current grant busy     8     99.9     .0     .1                         
ges lms sync during dynamic remastering and reconfig     13     45.8     20.8     33.3                         
kjbdrmcvtq lmon drm quiesce: ping completion     8     11.1     11.1     77.8                         
latch: shared pool     1     80.0     20.0                              
library cache load lock     26     64.9     14.9     12.2     4.1     4.1               
log file parallel write     2     99.9     .0               .0               
log file sequential read     10     97.1     2.0     .6     .3                    
log file switch completion     2     33.3               66.7                    
name-service call wait     4     77.8          22.2                         
os thread startup     146               100.0                         
reliable message     4     99.9          .0               .1          
row cache lock     2     99.7                    .0     .0          .3
Back to Wait Events Statistics
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Wait Event Histogram Detail (4 sec to 2 min)
* Units for Total Waits column: K is 1000, M is 1000000, G is 1000000000
* Units for % of Total Waits: s is 1024 milliseconds (approximately 1 second) m is 64*1024 milliseconds (approximately 67 seconds or 1.1 minutes)
* % of Total Waits: total waits for all wait classes, including Idle
* % of Total Waits: value of .0 indicates value was <.05%; value of null is truly 0
* Ordered by Event (only non-idle events are displayed)
          % of Total Waits
Event     Waits 4s to 2m     <2s     <4s     <8s     <16s     <32s     < 1m     < 2m     >=2m
row cache lock     6     99.7     .3                              
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Wait Event Histogram Detail (4 min to 1 hr)
No data exists for this section of the report.
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Service Statistics
* ordered by DB Time
Service Name     DB Time (s)     DB CPU (s)     Physical Reads (K)     Logical Reads (K)
ubshost     1,934     1,744     445     73,633
SYS$USERS     105     45     1     404
SYS$BACKGROUND     0     0     1     128
ubshostXDB     0     0     0     0
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Service Wait Class Stats
* Wait Class info for services in the Service Statistics section.
* Total Waits and Time Waited displayed for the following wait classes: User I/O, Concurrency, Administrative, Network
* Time Waited (Wt Time) in seconds
Service Name     User I/O Total Wts     User I/O Wt Time     Concurcy Total Wts     Concurcy Wt Time     Admin Total Wts     Admin Wt Time     Network Total Wts     Network Wt Time
ubshost      60232     90     2644     4     0     0     13302     0
SYS$USERS      997     2     525     19     0     0     1973     0
SYS$BACKGROUND      1456     2     1258     14     0     0     0     0
I am not able to paste the whole awr report. I have paste some of the sections of awr report.
Please help.
Thanks and Regards,

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    But im clueless how to set the Javascript FilePath using IDFile.Can any one help me how to do this?Any Code Snippets Please?
    Waiting for reply.

    Hi,  Andreas<br /><br />  Can you explain this in detail? I found it in your post before.<br /><br />  The content of elements are returned through the Characters callback function:<br /><br />From ISaxContentHandler.h:<br /><br />/**<br />        Receives character data<br /><br />The parser will call this method to report each chunk of<br />        character data. SAX parsers may return all contiguous<br />        character data in a single chunk, or they may split it into<br />        several chunks. But all characters in any single<br />        event must come from the same external entity so the<br />        Locator provides useful information.<br /><br />Note some parsers will report whitespace using the<br />        IgnorableWhitespace() method rather than this one (validating<br />        parsers must do so).<br /><br />@param Chars The characters from the XML document.<br />        */<br />virtual void Characters(const PMString& chars) = 0; <br /><br />  What i have done is implement my own SAXContentHandlerServiceBoss, and in my file XXXSAXContentHandler.cpp, I override the fonctions StartElement, EndElement, and Characters() like below: I add the PMString xmlData to collect the file content:<br /><br />class XXXSAXContentHandler : public CSAXContentHandler<br />{<br />void XXXSAXContentHandler::Characters(const WideString& chars)<br />{<br />xmlData.Append(chars);<br />}<br /><br />void XXXSAXContentHandler::StartElement(const WideString& uri, const WideString& localname, const WideString& qname, ISAXAttributes* attrs)<br />{<br />xmlData.Append("<"); xmlData.Append(localname); xmlData.Append(">");<br />}<br />void XXXSAXContentHandler::EndElement(const WideString& uri, const WideString& localname, const WideString& qname)<br />{<br />xmlData.Append("</"); xmlData.Append(localname); xmlData.Append(">");<br />}<br /><br />}<br /><br />and in my program, I use the code below to call the fonction I overrided, but I dont know how I can get the String xmlData I defined in the XXXSAXContentHandler.cpp<br /><br />InterfacePtr<IK2ServiceRegistry> serviceRegistry(gSession, UseDefaultIID());<br /><br />InterfacePtr<IK2ServiceProvider> xmlProvider(serviceRegistry->QueryServiceProviderByClassID(kXMLParserService, kXMLParserServiceBoss));<br /><br />InterfacePtr<ISAXServices> saxServices(xmlProvider, UseDefaultIID());<br />InterfacePtr<ISAXContentHandler> saxHandler(::CreateObject2<ISAXContentHandler>(kXXXSAXContentHandlerServiceBoss));<br />saxHandler->Register(saxServices);<br />bool16 parseFailed = saxServices->ParseStream(readStream, saxHandler);<br /><br />Can you give me any help?<br /><br />Thanks and regards!

  • How to set the correct time scale of VI ?

    I created a VI to display waveforms on the waveform graph. The problem is the time scale of the VI is always the year 1904.I tried to select absolute time in Property options of the waveform, but it remained the same. Can anybody help me with this? Thanks.

    > The x-scale is always 01/01/1904 even after I selected the 'absolute
    > time' option from waveform chart properties. If I add 2004 as offset
    > of x-scale as suggested by the previous post, the waveform of the
    > signal cannot be displayed, the system think it is still running in
    > 1904.Could you give me some further help?
    Your description doesn't give enough information to pinpoint the
    problem, so I'll list off a few things that could be going on.
    The graphs and charts accept many datatypes. If you are using the
    waveform, display it on a regular waveform indicator and see what the
    timestamp and deltaT are. If these are correct, then the graph should
    be able to display things with no further changes except that you may
    need to turn on X Scale Autoscaling so that it will zoom and shift to
    show the plotted data. Charts will shift, but by default will not zoom
    in, and it might make sense there sometimes too depending on the delta T
    and amount of data plotted.
    If the timestamp on the waveform is incorrect, then it is much easier to
    construct the properly marked waveform than make the graph add to it to
    label the waveform's time differently.
    If you are not using the waveform, then you may be using a cluster of
    X0, dX, and Y array wired to the graph. This is very similar to the
    waveform, and again, it is better to add offsets to get the X0 to
    display correctly on a numeric. You can extract this number or display
    the cluster in an indicator, then format the numeric to display absolute
    If you are simply wiring the Y array, then LV will construct the X
    values based upon the number of points beginning at 0 and incrementing
    by one by default. When displayed as absolute time, this will default
    to midnight Jan 1 2004 plus an offset based upon your timezone. In this
    case, since there is no X information being piped into the graph, it is
    better corrected by going to the graph properties for the X Scale and
    setting the X Offset to the seconds between now and 1904. This is a
    constant you can compute when your program starts up or you can use a
    calculator, whichever is easier. You will also likely want to set the X
    Multiplier to the deltaT between successive points. 0.001 for 1KHz, 1
    for 1Hz, etc.
    Finally, if these suggestions don't make sense or don't help, you might
    want to explain more about what doesn't work.
    Greg McKaskle

  • How to set the orientation in Adobe X and does this affect whether PDF prints in landscape/portrait

    How do I set the orientation for a PDF document in Adobe X?  Also if I set the orientation in Adobe X then does that mean the printer will automatically print it in either portrait or landscape or would that have to be configured on the printer?

    Under Document (or TOOLS in AAX) you use Rotate Pages. When saved, the document should retain the rotation. As for the print, I think it will still print OK, but am not sure. Bottom line, just try it (that is exactly what I would do) on a page or two.

  • How to set the active Step in a process Train using JSF

    I have a process train that I am pointing to a list of steps, I want to be able to set the current step, but cannot find the property to set.
    Does anyone know how to accomplish this? This process train is for readonly purposes only, no navigation needed.

    Right, I think I've been able to do what you're trying to do.
    I've defined a subclass of ProcessMenuModel, which simply has a currentViewId property and a constructor with an extra argument for it:
    public class SettableProcessMenuModel
      extends ProcessMenuModel
      private String _currentViewId = null;
      public SettableProcessMenuModel(Object instance, String viewIdProperty, Object maxPathKey, String currentViewId) throws IntrospectionException
        super(instance, viewIdProperty, maxPathKey);
        _currentViewId = currentViewId;
      public void setCurrentViewId(String currentViewId)
        this._currentViewId = currentViewId;
      public String getCurrentViewId()
        return _currentViewId;
    }Then in the model adapter I use this class instead of MenuModel, plus a currentViewId property:
    public class TrainModelAdapter implements Serializable {
        private String _propertyName = null;
        private Object _instance = null;
        protected transient MenuModel _model = null;
        private Object _maxPathKey = null;
        private String _currentViewId = null;
        public MenuModel getModel() throws IntrospectionException {
            if (_model == null)
              _model = new SettableProcessMenuModel(getInstance(),  // SettableProcessMenuModel instead of ProcessMenuModel
                                            getCurrentViewId()); // Extra argument
            return _model;
        public void setCurrentViewId(String currentViewId)
            _currentViewId = currentViewId;
            _model = null;
        public String getCurrentViewId()
          return _currentViewId;
    ...Then when you want to set the current step, you set the currentViewId on the TrainModelAdapter to the viewId you need.
    This basically makes the value you pass in override the currentViewId value in the menu model.
    I hope you are able to use this in your implementation.

  • How to set the timescape module back on home screen using ADWlauncher

    I'm using the ADW launcher replacement and with the new update there is no way to place the working widget with tiles on the homescreen again.
    There isn't a widget available either in the widget listing.
    How can I solve this so I have this common widget back on my homescreen?
    Many thanks,

    Indeed it only works with Sony's launcher
    Don't forget to mark the Correct Answers & Helpful Answers
    "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." Kurt Cobain (1967-1994)

  • How to set the display ratio of master and detail view

    Currently, I use SplitApp that contain the master and detail view. And I would like to show the master view on the left half and detail view on the right half. Is there any proper way to adjust this?
    Thank you in advance.

    You can set the width ratio by adding css. Check this,

  • Q: How to setting the Sun ONE Studio JDK and Class(and file) Path.

    1.I'll use two JDK version.
    2.I'll add the Oracle JDBC driver.
    3.In my city, I'm didn't find the Sun ONE Studio book.(Forte for Java 4).
    need help.
    Thank you.

    Dear javaunter20000,
    I'm used the Windows XP Professional(SP1),
    I'm use the
    String url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@";
    String user="***"; String password="***";
    Connection conn= DriverManager.getConnection(url,user,password);
    connect Orcale, compiler return:
    ***[34:1] unreported exception java.lang.ClassNotFoundException; must be caught or declared to be thrown
    ***[34:1] unreported exception java.lang.InstantiationException; must be caught or declared to be thrown

  • How to see the Currently loged on user and Locks using Enterpirse manager

    Hello Everybody,
    I want to see using enterpirse manager
    *1.* the currently connected users
    *2.* The locks held by users.
    How to do this in Enterprise manager?

    Hello Asif,
    Your and Deepak suggessions do no t show the connected users. Instead If we use the following query,it will give us the names of all users that are currently connected.
    SELECT SUBSTR(s.username,1,15) USERNAME,
    SUBSTR(s.status,1,8) STATUS,
    SUBSTR(s.server,1,10) SERVER,
    SUBSTR(s.type,1,10) TYPE,
    SUBSTR(s.event,1,20) "WAIT EVENT",
    1,'Create Table',
    9,'Create Index',
    10,'Drop Index',
    12,'Drop Table',
    26,'Lock Table',
    42,'Alter Session',
    43,'Alter User',
    s.command) COMMAND
    FROM v_$session s, v_$session_wait w
    WHERE (s.sid = w.sid)
    AND s.username != 'SYS'
    ORDER BY s.username;
    Best Regards

  • How to delivery the output to both filesystem and printer using BurstingEng

    I am using BurstingEngine to delivery the pdf output to filesystem.
    I am able to delivery the output to either filesystem or printer, but we need to delivery the ouptut to both filesystem and printer.
    the control file i am using is:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <xapi:requestset xmlns:xapi="">
    <xapi:request select="/TMP001/LIST_G_ORDER_BY/G_ORDER_BY/LIST_G_INVOICE">
    <xapi:filesystem output="/tmp/${TRX_NUMBER}"></xapi:filesystem>
    <xapi:print id="xerox6350-2ne" printer="ipp://localhost:631/printers/xerox6350-2ne" copies="1"/>
    <xapi:document output-type="pdf" delivery="xerox6350-2ne">
    <xapi:template type="rtf" location="/u04/app/oracle/product/fdev/fdevcomn/java/oracle/apps/fnd/cp/nsfcus/INVOICE.rtf" />
    it is giving the following error.
    [102506_094844261][oracle.apps.xdo.batch.DeliveryHelper][EXCEPTION] File does not exist : /tmp/102506_094840769/3.pdf
    [102506_094844263][oracle.apps.xdo.batch.DeliveryHelper][EXCEPTION] /tmp/102506_094840769/3.pdf (No such file or directory)
    Thanks in Advance,
    Message was edited by:

    This is a bug in 5.6.2. We fixed it in the next release.
    If this is a critical issue for you, please log a TAR and escalate the issue so that we can review it and backport the fix if necessary.

  • How to set the correct configuration for K7N2G (MS-6570)

    Hello all  
    I have one of two problems
    1. I have a problem whereby I have recently purchased a K7N2G (MS-6570) with Athlon XP 2800 256kb cache 333mhz cpu.
    I have fitted it inside the motherboard and when I start the computer it says that I have a Athlon XP 1350? -Please, what settings would I need to change so that the motherboard identifys my CPU properly?
    2. I moved my old hard drive to my new computer and when I leave the computer to carryon booting through to the operating system it displays an error message  that the EMM 386 manager wasnt installed? and I have to intervene so it can continue. Is it because I am using DDR memory 256 or that the settings on the motherboard havent been set yet properly?
    Please aid me,
     many thanks.

    Thanks it worked but i have one more problem
    it says
    EMM386 not installed - unable to set page frame base address
    ? what does this mean and how can i fix it?
    I am using win98 operating system

  • How to set the computer to a workgroup and attach to a domain

    I have been a Windows user for quite some time. I have just acquired an eMac installed with version 10.2. I have looked up the Network applet but couldn't work out where to set up the work group or attach it to a domain. Can somebody help me please? Thank you!
    eMac   Mac OS X (10.2.x)  

    For a list of all the properties that can be changed using the UIManager, see:

  • How to create the instance of a class and to use this object remotely

    I have to change a standalone program to do it working on a local net.
    the program is prepared for this adjustment, because the only problem for this change came from the use of the database; and, in the application, all the accesses to the database come from only a class that supplies a connection to the database.
    In this way I think that I could have (in a local net) a "server application" that has the database embedded inside it.
    Furthermore, some client applications (running in different computers of the net) could get access to the database through the connection that comes from an instance of the class that, in the "server application", is made to provide the connection to the database.
    I think this could be a good idea...
    But I don't have practice with distributed applications and I would ask some suggestion about the way to realize my modification.
    (in particular how to get and use, in the "client applications", the instance of the class that give the connection to the database from the "server application").
    I would have some help..
    thank in advance

    tonyMrsangelo wrote:
    I have to change a standalone program to do it working on a local net.
    the program is prepared for this adjustment, because the only problem for this change came from the use of the database; and, in the application, all the accesses to the database come from only a class that supplies a connection to the database.
    In this way I think that I could have (in a local net) a "server application" that has the database embedded inside it.
    Furthermore, some client applications (running in different computers of the net) could get access to the database through the connection that comes from an instance of the class that, in the "server application", is made to provide the connection to the database.
    I think this could be a good idea... Which is why JEE and implementations of that exist.
    But I don't have practice with distributed applications and I would ask some suggestion about the way to realize my modification.
    (in particular how to get and use, in the "client applications", the instance of the class that give the connection to the database from the "server application").
    You can't pass a connection from a server to a client. Nothing will do that.
    As suggested you can create a simple RMI server/client set up. Or use a more feature rich (and much more complex) JEE container.
    RMI is simple enough for its own tutorial
    JEE (previously called J2EE) is much more complex and requires books. You can get a brief overlook from the following

Maybe you are looking for

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  • Access Control Exception

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    Hi! Im new to solaris, I installed it yesterday for first, and I need some little help: I want to use a keyboard with hungarian `HU` layout but I can`t set it. How could I... ?? I`m using a Solaris Express without Develeoper tools thanks

  • Downloading and Installing LR4 problems

    I had to upgrade my system software and no am unable to open the LR 4 folder to install.  Any recommendations? I tried to find my recent order in my profile and it doesn't show it exists...

  • How to stop a singleton class being clonable ?

    Do we have any way to stop clone method being invoked on a singleton class. One way I guess is to implement clone method and throw an exception inside the method.