Glossy vs. Matte Debate

Having upgraded to MBP C2D with matte screen from MacBook Glossy screen I have a few observations. First, the matte screen is not as bright, but it does offer a better view from all angels, and for sure it does not get as dirty - it has been 4 days and the screen looks new. One my old Glossy MB the screen showed every smudge, dust speck, and had poor side viewing, plus you had to tilt screen to get best view. I love glossy, but wow matte ain't bad.

That is what I want to know before I buy: Which
screen is technically/operatively superior in it's
color display. My "preference" is for the superior
quality, not the perceived quality.
Can anyone provide that baseline information?
I feel the same way you do in regards to the subjective posts about the difference in displays. I work in post production and see alot of monitors and footage. I now have a Glossy MBP C2D and I have access to a Matte MBP CD. I've done a side by side comparison of these two very good screens.
On the same calibration setting (color LCD standard) Glossy has a higher kelvin temperature giving it a cleaner white look slightly bluish if you view them side by side. Glossy also has a slightly darker black. Because of the way Matte scatters ambient light it gives off a slight bit more color saturation on some content. Glossy does perform brighter than the matte display. Viewing angles are identical on both.
If you use specs, not opinion in your decision.
1. Glossy has higher contrast (regarded by many as the most important picture element)
2. Glossy has the brighter display.
3. Glossy has slightly better color saturation.
All top features of the best picture/image. As far as concerns regarding color accuracy. I haven't put any bars or graphs up to them this is just what I see right away. Both can be calibrated/adjusted. But the viewing angles in laptop panels makes this a mute point. Both are of no use in a professional environment doing color correction. I wouldn't dare do CC on a laptop monitor and I have not met any Graphic Artists who don't have desktops to work on.
Now that being said, Glossy does give glare if bright light sources are behind you. In that regard matte wins. But people have been looking at glossy CRT TV's and computer displays for over 50 years. Now glare becomes and issue?
I don't work on rooftops or sport stadiums so glare was not a big issue for me.
"If gloss is better, why isn't there a gloss Cinema Display? Isn't this the top of the line TFT display? Isn't it considered the BEST flat screen for graphics use? That's what I've always heard."
There are true professional grade LCD monitors with a Gloss finish, for video Panasonic makes some very good one's as well as marshall. I can't remember if I've seen any sony's. Almost all Ultra High end monitors I've seen have been glossy.
To my knowledge Apple does not make LCD panels, nor do most computer makers. They buy them from samsung or toshiba like most of the industry then put their touch on it. Apple buys what it feels is best for it's customer base. I went to a large trade show and one of the manufacturers was showing their product (HD footage) on Apple Cinema Displays. Clearly it was not the best choice, as other manufacturers showcased their footage on high end (Glossy) monitors that looked stunning. Graphics may be different, when I work with graphic artist they use color profiles to make sure the printers print what they are looking at.
Hopes this helps.

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    No, Apple won't do it, but third party companies will, likely will void your warranty.
    However you can go the route of expensive stick on aftermarket anti-glare films, get a few and keep them in a good spot, your'll be replacing them as they dry out, peal and bubble.
    Google search for your model and anti-glare films. trys-out-of-touch/
    You might also want to register your complaint here
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    Sorry I couldn't reach you sooner, I advise everyone to get a anti-glare laptop.

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    I was in the same situation as you about one week ago
    And although I won't be touching photoshop because I'm an audio guy, I found the glossy display to be much better +for me+
    I went to my local Apple store and sat two MBP's side by side, one glossy and one matte.
    Both of the laptops were on and I scrolled around a bit on both and within 15 seconds I knew I wanted the glossy display. All text was much clearer and smooth looking than the matte imo.
    I asked a genuis and he said that he owned a glossy MBP and it is easily cleanable. (he told me he usespledge wipes on it, not a bad idea.)
    It was definetely right there where I was 100% sure what I wanted, went home and ordered it. (Not to mention we'll be having the same system specs.
    ...Needless to say, nice choice of configuration
    Bottom line, I'd go to an apple store if one is close and do what I did, look at a few pictures online or something of the sort and see for yourself.
    Good luck.
    Message was edited by: Lezdyueit

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    Welcome to Lenovo Community Forums!
    Lenovo ThinkPad S540 comes with a matte (anti-glare) screen. Anti-glare screens use various techniques to scatter reflected light, and the result is a matte appearance.
    It has a 10 point touch screen as well.
    Below image details the specifications of 20B3001VIX model.
    Spoiler (Highlight to read)
    In addition, refer the personal specifications reference of S540 to further understand the specifications of the model.
    Hope this helps!
    Best regards,
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    Matte. It is a matter of opinion of course, but I really dislike the glossy screen. I come from the PC world and tried a number of them in various lighting situations at home and at work and found the reflections and glare to be very distracting and straining on the eyes. The matte screen was a major concideration in my decision to make the move to a Mac. I have spent a fair bit of time with the Mac glossy screens in the store (though I did not take one of these home) and I don't feel that Apple did anything vastly different with theirs.
    As a photographer I would disagree that they are better for displaying photographs or anything else. It is a constant battle with glare, reflection and incremental color shifts when the screen is viewed slightly off center. Again it is a matter of personal preference and opinion. My opinion is I will never have one until they have vastly improved or the choice of matte is no longer an option. You may find you like them though. I can't speak for anyone but myself.

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    The best advice :
    Go to an apple store and compare both screen (open aperture on both MBP).
    I did this and I chose the matte screen because of the reflexion, the calibration issue (lots of threats on the net about calibration on matte Vs glossy).
    With Glossy you really have to be in front on the screen because the colors are changing a lot if you moving your head.
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  • Glossy or Matte Screen

    What is the difference between Glossy and Matte screens?

    The difference is that the new glossy screens have richer color than ever before; the problem is that you may never enjoy all that fancy new bright color. The glossy screen, in addition to enhancing the screen's vividness, also increses reflectivity. If you sit under or near a flourescent light, say in an office or classroom, the screen will show you a reflected image of that very flourescent light, which competes with the projected on-screen image.
    To offset this problem, I recommend one of three things:
    (1) turn off the lights, if you can
    (2) spend an extra $700 on the Macbook Pro, and exercize your option to purchase a matte screen
    (3) buy the now obsolete iBook
    I also recommend being vocal about your screen preferences. Perhaps the open minded folks at Apple will realize the folly of their ways. Its uncharacteristic of them to abandon one of the characteristics that distinguish Macs from PC's to the user's benefit. Shouldn't there at least be an option?

  • Help!! glossy or matte?

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    i looked closely to see if the pixels were a bit blurred on the glossy or anything, and i can honestly say the only difference i could notice, even close up was that the matte looked so washed out in comparison.
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    thanks a lot guys

    The glossy display is coated in such a way that colours look brighter and more saturated. This is great for looking a photos and video. However, due to this colour skew colour representation is nowhere near as accurate as it is with a matte display.
    Next to each other the matte display does look flatter. Just be aware that much of this can be negated by the way your set up your colour calibratrion. But again, doing this reduces your ability to colour match.
    One thing that one needs to be careful with the glossy display is the lighting conditions. In situation where you have a high number of spot lighting or hardsh, point lighting then the glossy displays behave poorly due to their high reflectiveness. They work best in diffuse lighting with bright spots away from the rear and sides.
    As for durability, I've not noticed that my glossy display scratches any easier than a matte display. While you may see an equivalent scratch more, the ease with which it gets this scratch is no worse.
    if you are a grahpic designer and wants colour accuracy and consistency go for a matte display.

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    Do you think it is possible to buy a matte "glass".
    Unfortunately I bought this mac one month ago and I cannot have it changed by warranty. I simply did not know there where two versions of the same display, and they didn't tell me...
    many thanks for your help
    Message was edited by: Marcello Dolcini

    theincubus wrote:
    I've been debating having my glass bead blasted to a satin
    finish to most closely resemble that of previous iMacs.
    I'd suggest trying that out with a pane of lightly frosted glass
    before modifying the iMac cover glass. I suspect there's a BIG
    difference between images originating from a matte panel versus
    images passing through frosted glass in front of the LCD panel.
    ...good luck,

  • Glossy and Matte Displays Interchangeable?

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    Ask the folks at

  • Is my display glossy or matte?

    My 17 PB just arrived. I ordered a glossy screen, but think it's matte. I don't want to load software or do anything until I figure this out.
    The model number on the box is:
    MBPRO 17/2. 16/1X1G/100/SD-DL/AP/BP
    Does SD stand for standard display? The screen sure doesn't look glossy.

    Is it Shiny? Or is it like every other computer monitor you've ever seen?
    If you touch it with your finger, does it leave a fingerprint?
    I mean no disrespect, but do you really need to ask others about this? Other people that can't see your computer?
    So a Glossy display would give an appearance of a "glass like" screen... you can see light reflected within it. The matte screen is just that... a little bit dulled - not able to see light reflections behind you with the display black.
    I can understand your confusion though with ordering. Also keep in mind some people have ordered "matte" machines, received "matte" machines, but the serial number comes up "glossy" - so apple may have had some confusion of their own.
    Bottom line, if you're not satisfied, send it back.

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    I am hesitating between a black MB with a 13" glossy screen and a more expensive MBP with a 15" matte display. I will use it mainly for seeing movies (DVD/AVI files), for navigating in the www and for receiving/writing emails.
    What is the best display choice for this usage ?
    Thank you.
    Joao Antunes

    I have a matte screen, and I love it.
    What the guys at the Apple Store told me was:
    Matte Screen
    - not as crisp as glossy screen
    - doesn't pick up background light
    Glossy screen
    - clearer screen, more detail
    - picks up background light (not fun to use outside)
    If you're going to watch movies on it, and you're not in a totally dark room, your glossy screen may reflect the background light, depending on how light it is. Personally, I can't stand screens that have glare, so I went with the matte screen. It's to bad that you can't have a MacBook with a matte display.
    Hope this helps!

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    I've never seen a MBP matte that is LED backlite. How does that compare to the white iMac screen?

    I will mainly use the MBP for stuff like web surfing, email, photo editing, ect. Nothing high end.
    Indoors or outdoors? Reflections can be tolerated indoors. Outdoors, they will overwhelm the screen and tire your eyes. The glossy screen has a lot brighter colors, which can throw off your color perception, so many people dislike the glossies. However, Steve Jobs seems to think they're the wave of the future; let's wait till he's older and with failing eyesight and ask him then...
    I've never seen a MBP matte that is LED backlite. How does that compare to the white iMac screen?
    Brighter + instant illumination, no warmup period.

  • Just got my powerbook - is it glossy or matte?

    My 17 PB just arrived. I ordered a glossy screen, but think it's matte. I don't want to load software or do anything until I figure this out.
    The model number on the box is:
    MBPRO 17/2. 16/1X1G/100/SD-DL/AP/BP
    Does SD stand for standard display? The screen sure doesn't look glossy.

    You might want to post this in the MacBook Pro discussion area at
    SD-DL should be the dual layer SuperDrive.

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