Gmail smtp no sending email

i can receive email but not send anything
ive redone the account and updated mail but still no luck
ive changed my gmail pass and name still nothing and i need my mail to work for work
im at whits end and out of ideas

Have you tried using your ISP's SMTP server? A lot of providers block access to other SMTP servers.
*Additional Information*
2. Your ISP may have a policy of blocking an "off ISP network" SMTP server.
Example: You can receive email from MobileMe but you cannot send via MobileMe's SMTP server.
Solution: Contact your ISP and see if they can allow you to make an SMTP connection to an "off >ISP network" email provider such as MobileMe.

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    ie Description, server name TLS Certificate.

    Does this mail ID supports either POP or IMAP protcol? Report this issue to your carrier they will raise a ticket to RIM for resolving the issue.
    If your query is resolved then please click on “Accept as Solution”
    Click on the LIKE on the bottom right if the post deserves credit

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    Some ISPs will only allow a device to send emails from their server when its connecting to the Internet over their network.
    If the iPod touch is connecting to the Internet over the cellular network, you will most likely have to enable an alternate outgoing mail server(one that can only send over the cellular network). This article: provides more details about enabling alternate SMTP servers.
    You can avoid ISP related send mail issues by switching to another email provider, like MobileMe, Yahoo!, or Gmail.

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    Need some help here. My gmail has not been able to send emails although still able to receive. Sometimes a message saying something regarding appears. It sounds like i have to go to the setting but i have no clue what i am supposed to do.
    I am not using a gmail app. Just the envelope symbol on the bottom of the Ipad 3 main screen.
    i appreciate all your input!

    Try this. You may have to enter your username and password in the outgoing mail server setting. Enter the information even if it says that it is optional.
    Go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars , tap on the account on the right-hand side, go into Account, then SMTP (under Outgoing Mail Server) and try filling in your email account name and password.

  • Gmail won't send emails

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    Pre acts as though it is sending the email.  All looks as it should.
    I get an error saying that it was unable to send the email
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    I have to go into the Outbox and delete the email to get the error to stop coming.  At this point I may have sent a copy out or I may have sent 5 copies out.  I have played with the account settings based upon what I have seen recommended to others having similar issues to no avail.  Here are my account settings:, Authentication on, username with and without has been tried, password has been entered multiple times to make sure it is there correctly, SSL, and Port 465.  Please help!
    Post relates to: Pre p100eww (Sprint)

    I am having the exact same issue. I am unfortunately not sure when it began.
    Icthusman1, have you installed any patches? I suspect it may be an issue caused by one.
    EDIT: After a little more research, I found a solution that worked for me. Check out this thread:
    Message Edited by dguitaramann on 11-29-2009 01:11 PM

  • Messaging Server cannot send email to gmail but can send email to yahoo

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    But when I try to send an email address to an email address from {color:#ff0000}**{color} such as {color:#ff0000}*****{color}, the email succesfully sent without no error notified, however the {color:#ff0000}*****{color} account cannot receives this email although I waited for serveral days.
    If anyone know the solution to fix this problem, please help me, thanks all of you very much.
    Edited by: chuotbeo on Feb 15, 2009 7:26 PM

    Hi Shane.
    I'm so sorry, the administrator in my company didn't provide enough information for me.
    Actually, when I sent email to ***, there was a notification sent to me by the system. The error notification is :
    "*{color:#ff0000}Subject: Delivery Notification: Delivery has been delayed Return-path: <[email protected]> {color}*
    Received: from by
    (Sun Java(tm) System Messaging Server 7.0-0.04 64bit (built Jun 20 2008))
    id <[email protected]>;
    Sat, 14 Feb 2009 00:30:02 +0700 (ICT)
    Received: from Mali ([]) by
    (Sun Java(tm) System Messaging Server 7.0-0.04 64bit (built Jun 20 2008)) with ESMTPA
    id <[email protected]> for [email protected]; Wed, 11 Feb 2009 14:21:39 +0700 (ICT) "
    Have you ever seen this error notification, please help me. Thank you anyway :)
    Best regards,

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    i read that yahoo requires authentication.

    Your are in the wrong forum. This forum goes on the mail server of Sun. Do not be mislead by the term Java in the name.
    Cheers, Ben

  • How do I configure smtp to send email

    Just bought mt iPad and trying to set up my mailbox.
    Sending emails is all good.
    But I am struggling to set up my outgoing mail.
    My smtp server is
    My user name is [email protected]
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    When but the iPad tries to authenticate with a user name of [email protected]
    When I set the domain as and my user name as Ian.wermerling then it can not authenticate because I believe it is not authenticating against the actual smtp server.
    Any suggestions?

    Has anyone any ideas?

  • OS X Server 10.5.8 - SMTP not sending emails

    Clean install 10.5.8 Server. DNS and receiving emails works fine, but when i try sending emails with webmail or any mail client it doesn't work.
    smtp log :
    "Serveur postfix/postfix-script[14806]: fatal: the Postfix mail system is not running"
    With Postconf -n
    command_directory = /usr/sbin
    config_directory = /etc/postfix
    content_filter = smtp-amavis:[]:10024
    daemon_directory = /usr/libexec/postfix
    debugpeerlevel = 2
    enableserveroptions = yes
    html_directory = no
    inet_interfaces = all
    localrecipientmaps =
    luser_relay = admin
    mail_owner = _postfix
    mailboxsizelimit = 0
    mailbox_transport = cyrus
    mailq_path = /usr/bin/mailq
    manpage_directory = /usr/share/man
    messagesizelimit = 20971520
    mydestination = $myhostname,localhost.$mydomain,localhost,Serveur.local,
    mydomain =
    mydomain_fallback = localhost
    myhostname =
    mynetworks =,
    newaliases_path = /usr/bin/newaliases
    queue_directory = /private/var/spool/postfix
    readme_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix
    relayhost =
    sample_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix/examples
    sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail
    setgid_group = _postdrop
    smtpdenforcetls = no
    smtpdpw_server_securityoptions = plain,login,cram-md5
    smtpdrecipientrestrictions = permitsasl_authenticated,permit_mynetworks,reject_unauthdestination,permit
    smtpdsasl_authenable = yes
    smtpdtls_certfile = /etc/certificates/Default.crt
    smtpdtls_keyfile = /etc/certificates/Default.key
    smtpdtlsloglevel = 0
    smtpduse_pwserver = yes
    smtpdusetls = no
    unknownlocal_recipient_rejectcode = 550
    Any help plz ?

    Please increase logging level for SMTP to "Information". Next try to send mail and post the relevant log entries.

  • I have set up email accounts on  iPad but it still uses my gmail account to send emails

    I have set up a couple of new email address on the iPad.everytime I send an email out it uses my gmail I'd as the sender

    Under the mails settings, the gmail account is the default account. You can change that. If you go into another mailbox, say yahoo. It will use your yahoo account to reply or send. You have to be in that specified email box. As far as clicking a an email off a site or emailing when your not in a specific email box, it will use the default email. You can either change the default in settings or click your email address in the email and change to the one you'd like.

  • Choosing the smtp to send email

    I have two accounts. A and B account.
    The standard account is A.
    When I am reading the email from account B and I need to answer it, I would like send this email from account B.
    But the iPhone insist to send my email by account A (standard).
    The question is: How can I change the account at the moment when I am writing the email? It is possible?

    As long as both accounts are set up on the iPhone, yes. In the reply email, tap the From/Cc field, then tap the From field, and select the other email account from the list.

  • Gmail authentication required. Won't send emails on Mac

    Gmail suddenly stopped sending emails from my mac mini. Authentication required pops up. Did an apple update fairly recently. I have checked the outgoing server and it is was set to gmail offline, however no other choices were given. I have tried everything. I am receiving emails without issue. Please help!

    Is it POP or IMAP?
    The Password/Authentication rejection can confuse people since it's a catch all meaning...
    This Password, Username, Authentication method... is not recognized on this Port to this Server.
    If WebMail works in a browser, it's not Name or Password, but one of the other ones.
    Or Keychain has more than 2 entries for that account one incoming, one outgoing.
    The receiving email ports are:
    IMAP is port 143
    IMAP-SSL is port 993
    POP is port 110
    POP-SSL is port 995
    Outgoing ports are...
    SMTP and SMTP-SSL is on ports 25, 587 and 465. Port 587 has to be SSL, and port 465 is enforced TLS-wrapped and is generally used by Outlook users.

  • I have 2 email accounts but gmail will only send through the bt account and i need it to send through gmail? help!

    My gmail account only sends emails through bt account and dont want it to ? help

    You may have to use a second web browser & login
    instead of mail client software, for the gmail account.
    Check Google mail support for ways to set up POP
    or other Mail settings that may work with your ISP.
    {re: British Telecom ?}
    Good luck & happy computing!

  • Outlook 365 - Gmail SMTP

    Good evening everyone.
    Here's my problem: my university provides us with a personal email address that can be accessed through Outlook 365 Webmail. I would like to configure my own Gmail address to send emails through my university account, through SMTP. I followed the instructions,
    started the Gmail wizard, correctly filled the blank spaces (address, username, password, smtp server and port -
    / 587 TLS)  but when Gmail tries to send a confirmation email, I get an error : "Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently: Technical
    details of permanent failure: DNS Error: Address resolution.
    failed: DNS server returned answer with no data".
    Anyone knows if there's any solution?

    Based on the description, you are configuring the Gmail account to send emails via the Office 365 account, it's basically not an Office client issue, to get the specific support on the problem, better to post the question in Office 365 Community forum:
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

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