Gnome 2.6.1 released?

Judging by activity on, gnome 2.6.1 was released . Haven't seen any official announcements yet thought. Check out the package releases on

No worries. The guys that maintain these packages do a WONDERFUL job of getting them out as fast as the can. Lately with the problems the community has experienced with the 2.6 upgrade, they may be a little slower in coming, but I'm sure they'll do it as best as they can.

Similar Messages

  • Gnome 2.2 next release

    well apeiro asked me yesterday if i would like to become maintainer of gnome.
    so i started too look into a troubles there are with the latest gnome release for arch linux.
    must be done :
    - new packages for pango and gtk2
    - add extra font packages
    - fix the depencies for gnome-themes and nautilus
    - build a script so a full desktop is install by pacman -S gnome
    - fix control-center to work with gnome-themes.
    - fix gdm depencies (thx arielext)
    idea's too improve gnome release
    - add more gtk2 ported apps ( suggested by users)
    - add gnome development releases too unstable
    - build a script for all fifth toe release's
    - build a script that will make menu items for gnome 2.2 ( add mozilla and other apps)
    must be done are the things i will start fixing first, then i will start working on improvement on the gnome desktop.
    Please post your troubles here so i can fix them, off-course you may add idea's to this list.

    - new packages for pango and gtk2
    - fix the depencies for gnome-themes and nautilus
    - fix control-center to work with gnome-themes.
    well these are done i guess

  • Gnome 2.18.1 released on 11th April!

    Not even mentioned on the Gnome website, but on the Foresight website (and the Foresight announcement on Looks like the Foresight guys are always first nowadays, seems it may be worth a look at the Conary package management system, which must have some advantages...

    I have foresight installed on it's own partition and boot into every once in a while to play around with. My experience with canary is that it crashes a lot. When I fist installed it and did the first update all or whatever the command is (can't remember right now) conary crashed probably around 5 times before I got the update process finished. Conary also is very verbose, I mean redundantly verbose, at least I thought so. Also troves and groups seem to me to be redundant, which is partly way conary has redundant verbosity. Anyway, the small amount of time I've spent with foresight has lead me to believe is not ready yet. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone except people who don't mind helping development by submitting bug reports all day, at least on the package manager which is the responsibility of rpath not foresight by the way. Just my thoughts.

  • Mounting Hard Drives In Gnome

    Hi All
    I'm currently setting up a 64bit Arch Linux box for a friend of mine. He was using Ubuntu, but was not happy in them not updating Gnome when the point releases come out, so I talked him in to Arch Linux.
    Anyway, I have set up Arch and Gnome and now I am faced with an issue I don't know how to resolve. He uses 2 SATA HDD's. SATA1 houses Arch (/boot, /, swap & /home), SATA 2 houses quite a few partitions. I have mounted both his music and photo's at startup with fstab, but the issue I am facing is that his other partitions I can't mount on the fly in Gnome.
    For example, under Places > Removable Media are all the partitions on his SATA2 drive. I double click on the drive called Kansas (because its big ) and it asks me for my password to mount, but does nothing. Every time I select a drive after that to mount, nothing happens. I thought it was FAM, but I can plug in USB thumb drives and they mount and also it mounts DVD's & CD's.
    Edit: - I can manually mount them to /media/device_name but this is not an ideal workaround
    Now, I have asked if he want's them mounted all the time (by putting them in fstab) but he prefers to mount and unmount on the fly.
    Any ideas?
    Last edited by EmyrB (2009-08-02 12:24:05)
    The wiki normally has everything you'd need.

  • Your opinions on Gnome 2.16

    I would like to know your opinions on Gnome 2.16 ; I have been using 2.14 for a whole year and I was wondering if upgrading to 2.16 will worth it , what are the main differences between these versions, aside from many bugfixes?

    Well, that depends. Gnome 2.16 has improved a lot of things, take look here:
    Gnome 2.15.99 Release Notes
    If there is nothing among the improvements i'd want, i wouldn't update.

  • Gnome 2.26 Discussion

    This is not another thread asking when Gnome 2.26 will be released (though I am curious and looking forward to it). This is a thread trying to figure out why even asking about it results in short replies and closed topics. We know that releasing an upgrade to Gnome is a big job. We know it will be ready when it is ready. I think we are just hoping for a possible status update. Or some idea of how we can help make it ready.
    I understand that everyone working on Arch is doing it in their free time and I appreciate that. Possibly to help stop people from asking about when it is coming, you can make a page/sticky/something with just brief status updates to let us know that work is progressing.

    JGC wrote:
    alex_anthony wrote:
    I had a thought about this.
    A group of users could start writing PKGBUILDs for the next version of GNOME earlier in the cycle. A lot of the time there won't be huge changes, and they particularly don't change much from beta to final release. We can submit them to AUR as *-devel. Then when it comes around for a dev to package them, he can see changes in dependencies etc and can check package quality (malicious commands etc), instead of having to find out why each package isn't building. Just taking a bit of the work off the devs
    We could then try to get GNOME pkgs up on release day like KDE!
    just a thought
    Good idea. We used to have that when I wasn't a developer: it was me who made those packages.
    Now I'm a dev and maintain mozilla-*, xorg and GNOME. We already have xorg-server 1.6 sitting in testing, which had more priority than getting gnome 2.25.90 in the repositories.
    Sometimes I have to make choices. Getting a GNOME beta release packaged was not high priority, users can wait for a week or two.
    As for pulseaudio: I won't implement it. Adding pulseaudio to gnome-applets and gnome-settings-daemon means that pulseaudio is a forced dependency. If pulse isn't running, you won't have sound or volume control. I compiled gnome-applets with the gstreamer mixer and patched gnome-settings-daemon to use gstreamer instead of pulse for volume control using multimedia keys.
    gnome-applets and gnome-settings-daemon are the only two packages concerining the pulse-audio question?
    I'd like to know because surely I'll de-patch them myself, as I'm using Pulseaudio for a while and I'm happy with it.
    Btw I agree for this decision, in fact many people don't use already PA or they have some (big) problems with it.

  • Gnome 2.7 repository

    Gnome 2.7 will be the playground for new things for the next Gnome 2.8 stable release. As with every big new release of a package, new bugs are introduced. Some are packaging bugs, some are upstream bugs.
    To make the upgrade from 2.6 to 2.8 as comfortable as possible, we can get rid of these bugs by testing: packaging bugs while installing applications, upstream bugs while using them.
    I'm providing Gnome 2.7 alpha/beta/rc builds during the Gnome 2.7/2.8 cycle, just as I did with Gnome 2.5/2.6.
    Currently, Gnome 2.7 is built with these repositories in pacman.conf:
    #Gnome 2.7 builds
    Server =
    #Gnome related packages that didn't make 2.6
    Server =
    #Up2date stable gnome related archlinux packages
    Server =
    These repositories are placed on top of the other ones in pacman.conf. The Gnome 2.5 repository is optional, since it contains development builds of Abiword, Gnumeric and Evolution, but I'm almost sure gnome-panel will require evolution-data-server in the next 2.7 release in my builds (evolution 2.0 should be released somewhere in July, the gnome desktop will integrate with the data stored inside evolution).
    Currently the builds are very usable, since most of the code is a fork from 2.6, which is a stable base. I expect the packages to become more unstable when we advance a few version numbers, but when coming closer to a release, it will become stable again.
    With the gnome 2.5/2.6 builds, most people were having problems with version numbers after 2.6 got merged into arch officially. People were using a mixed version of my repository and the official archlinux repository. This time, I will stick to versions like gnome-themes-2.8-1j1, so when that package is officially released, it will be upgraded by 2.8-1.

    Did some upgrades, gnome 2.7.4 came with a shiny new MIME system.
    This MIME system has some problems with file associations, I'm still working on it.
    Installing desktop-file-utils and running:
    update-desktop-database /opt/gnome/share/applications
    update-desktop-database /usr/share/applications
    would solve this problem. At least nautilus opens textfiles with gedit now
    Not all packages are updated for the new mime system yet. Newer versions will include updated .desktop files for this. I think KDE will also follow these standards.
    Things to do: every package that registers mimetypes in .desktop files has to run update-desktop-database $prefix/share/applications in post_install, post_upgrade and post_remove.

  • Arch Packages for Gnome 2.16 (was gnome 2.16 soon out!)

    Gnome 2.16 is released 6 september! when does it come to arch? cant wait to be able to use gnome-power-manager..  used it before but now only old pkgbuilds exists.. tried to install newer version but failed...
    btw i noticed something strange, I got 2800 in glxgears with XGL but with normal xorg i get 2200..
    On my nvidia quadro nvs110m vga-card.

    JGC wrote:
    hussam wrote:Maybe one of the other Archlinux developers can update it?
    In any case, all gnome 2.16 modules should be out by this Wednesday.
    The point is that a whole dbus migration to 0.9x/1.0 needs to be done, the current version of dbus has too many issues to get gnome working correctly (a simple pacman -S kde-common crashes all running dbus session bus daemons, which means your gnome-settings-daemon and all applets on your panel will crash with it, no way to start it again until you logout and login again, waiting for the next dbus config change...)
    Dbus 0.9x/1.0 is way too tricky to just update. They split up the bindings and removed support for QT, so we have to patch up kdebase with patches from fedora and for the rest we have to track the big bunch of hidden packages that have dependencies on dbus.
    thanks for clearing this up! i wondered why installing gnome-common always killed my running dbus related programs which was a little annoying when installing stuff that needs gnome in terminal since that one was quit during the install process too

  • The not so distance future of computing.

    These are just some things in  the future I feel like writing about for whatever reason.   Some is stuff that will happen others are just my hopes.
    What do you look forward to in the future?
    Also let me know if some of my points are completely off.
    Possessor- Cpus are continually changing.  Smaller processor architectures are always cool.  32 nm and 22nm.  One thing i find interesting coming up is having the cpu and gpu on the same die.
    Motherboard- pretty much eliminating the front side bus is kinda cool. 
    sata- sata 3 is coming out but it wont be useful for a while.
    usb 3.0- Not a big deal just kinda cool
    bluetooth 3 and wireless usb3:  Same thing not a big deal to me but kinda cool
    ssds- continually getting cheaper and better which is awesome.
    ram and harddrives-  Not really sure but not much seems to change.  If I understand correctly ram is already as fast as it is usable and hard drives just get bigger.
    mini-itx- I think it's cool that this form factor is getting more popular.  I just like the size.
    gpus- Intel has their gpgpu coming out but I'm not sure how good that will be.  other than that I don't know much other than gpus will begin supporting directx 11.
    Screens-led/oled technology seems to be advancing but im not sure what this means.  Less energy usage?  Or do they actually provide better graphics?
    graphics in general- I'm not really sure.  I know we can make screens larger but can we actually improve over 1080p in terms of clarity and what not?
    netbooks- They will get faster with new atom processors and will get better at playing hd video like some already have.
    arm-perhaps more arm netbooks
    digital movie cameras- will continue to get better but still not as good as film
    display port- I feel like this has no chance but hopefully it will catch on.
    wii-wii hd maybe in 2011
    enlightenment- according to their roadmap a final release would be ready by christmas.
    kde- I don't use it but I really like kde.   I think it has to do with how all their projects seem to be progressing nicely.  I feel like the project is just handled well and the individual applications are turning out really nice. 
    gnome-gnome 3 will be released and i'm not sure what that entails.  Different look and feel?
    kernel-will continue as always.  I'm not sure about anything special happening. 
    lxde- i believe lubuntu is in the works
    windows7-i have no idea what this will change if much at all.
    id tech 4- hopefully will be released as opensource soon.  I have no idea when.
    android/maemo- It would be cool to see these on more and more phones as we currently are.
    netop os's- we've seen a few. Moblin will begin shipping on some dells and we will see how well it succeeds. 
    blender- blender 2.5 will come out which is a major release with many changes. Blenders third open movie will come out.
    urban terror-i don't play really but urban terror 4.2 will hopefully be released soon.
    python- Google's unladen swallow project will hopefully meet their goal and speed up python by 5 times its current speed.  I hope for more projects to move to python 3. pyside will end up better than pyqt.
    perl6-will never be released
    chakra-Will reach a 1.0 release and be awesome. 
    healthcare- Some type of awesome opensource electronic healthcare softwae is implemented. 
    Google- Googleos will come out
    steam-hopefully a Linux version will be released.
    Theora/Thusnelda- Hopefully this format will become popular with hd video
    html5 video tag- This will be used much more hopefully with theora.
    ps3-will support 3d but only with new tvs.  also will introduce new motion controller
    xbox-project natal. Not sure about this yet. 
    cloud- I don't think much will change too soon.
    opengl- Hopefully will make serious improvements and quick development.
    othersoftware- Theres a lot of software that I hope continues to progress nicely and won't die like many other projects. 
    dyne:bolic- will make another release.
    net neutrality-hopefully the fcc will pass some sort of regulation that will somehow get ignored.
    wifi- I would just like to hope more cities implement city wide wifi 
    oracle- they will get EU approval and make sun software available for Linux to use. 
    sco- hopefully one day they will finally quit.
    Headfirst programming- This book will come out and be awesome
    Last edited by jumico (2009-09-28 08:05:44)

    Runiq wrote:
    Army wrote:Until quantum computing doesn't work, Moore's law can't continue go be realistic
    Lookie here.
    Edit: Moore's Law can't continue much further even with quantum computing.
    Moore's Law relies on regular paradigm breaks that transcend the limitations of hardware. That's why we went from mechanical computers to vacuum tubes to integrated circuits (yes, I know that's a gross oversimplification, but can't be bothered writing a novel on the subject in a forum post). The technological progress follows an exponential trend since man first invented fire, and it's not going to stop because we hit the theoretical limit of the processing power of integrated circuits.
    Last edited by ZankerH (2009-09-28 12:31:56)

  • Playing movie dvd issue [solved]

    I cannot get a movie dvd to play with mplayer.
    libdvdread libdvdcss libdvdnav are installed.
    I tried the following things which all fail.
    [/home/robert]$ gnome-mplayer dvd://1
    Segmentation fault
    [/home/robert]$ gnome-mplayer /dev/dvd
    in media state change with state = 0
    Failed to open /dev/dvd.
    [/home/robert]$ gnome-mplayer /dev/sr0
    proc is at /proc
    sys is at /sys
    udev is at /dev
    run is at /run
    /dev/disk/by-uuid/e3e392d3-a369-4635-bf63-6cf4114100f3 is at /
    devpts is at /dev/pts
    shm is at /dev/shm
    tmpfs is at /tmp
    /dev/sda1 is at /media/personal
    fusectl is at /sys/fs/fuse/connections
    gvfs-fuse-daemon is at /home/robert/.gvfs
    /dev/sr0 is at /media/MONEY_AS_DEBT___REVISED_EDITIO
    /dev/sr0 is mounted on /media/MONEY_AS_DEBT___REVISED_EDITIO
    Segmentation fault
    [/home/robert]$ gnome-mplayer /media/MONEY_AS_DEBT___REVISED_EDITIO^_/
    Segmentation fault
    Any advice?
    Last edited by orschiro (2011-10-20 23:12:10)

    I figured out that you can set the default drive in the settings of gnome-mplayer which is necessary since there is no longer a symlink of /dev/dvd to /dev/sr0.
    Also there will be a -dvd-device command for gnome-mplayer in future releases.
    See: … ail?id=569

  • Gnome3 rescheduled

    I've read the news today and found this: … duled.html
    April 1, 2011 — BANGALORE, India — The GNOME Release Team met in India this week to discuss the state of GNOME 3. The Release Team came to a consensus opinion that one more cycle will be required before GNOME 3.0 is ready to be released. The decision was communicated to and approved by the GNOME Foundation Board on a conference call.
    The delay of the release comes for a number of reasons. The primary indicator of the unreadiness of the release is the massive number of exceptions that have been requested and granted during the hard code freeze period. There have been several last-minute API changes that have the potential to harm the stability of the release.
    The recent announcement that the Mozilla project would discontinue support for embedding has cast doubts on the technical underpinnings of the new GNOME shell. There are also concerns about the frequently shifting visual design and questions about its performance and portability. The release team is also concerned about the possible near-future release of GTK4 and what that means for GNOME as a development platform.
    Foremost, the GNOME project is committed to only releasing the highest quality software. Dozens of release-critical blocker bugs remain open with little chance of being fixed by the time of the release.
    At this time, there will be no new release in the 2.x series and all developer effort will focus on improvements to GNOME 3.0. The release is being delayed for a full 6 months to avoid scheduling problems for our downstream distributors. During this 6 month period, we will reopen module proposals in the usual way. We are particularly encouraging module proposals from alternate desktop shells, which will be given careful consideration.
    The Release Team would like to thank the developers who continue to put tremendous amounts of work into the GNOME project. The level of the quality of the code is at the highest that it has ever been and there is no doubt that we will easily have the best desktop on the planet by September 2011.
    Well, at least they will work harder, maybe they will fix some of things that the community hated.
    What do you think?
    Last edited by AurosGamma (2011-04-01 19:30:52)

    superchango wrote:
    April 1 in most countries is the April Fools' Day, like the "Día de los Santos Inocentes" (28 Dec) in Ibero America, a day of jokes. Today many news are just joke news.
    This could be a joke or not, wait until tomorrow.
    Wow i didn't know that (Im fool !), let's wait until tomorrow and see what's happening
    Thanks for your answers

  • [Nautilus] Useless alert message ?

    I'm using flawlessly ArchLinux since 2 weeks. So I had no need to post there - but I post on my own country forum site -
    Well, I just want to ask if you can confirm a strange bug I'm seeing today.
    After upgrading my arch this morning, I cannot compress a directory using right click option "create an archive" without getting a false alert dialog box, saying me that an error happened while adding file to the archive.
    Of course, I can decompress flawlessly the faulty archive.
    Could it be related to new version of libarchive ?
    pacman -Si libarchive
    Dépôt : core
    Nom : libarchive
    Version : 2.4.11-1
    Groupes : base
    Fournit : --
    Dépend de : zlib bzip2 acl
    Supprime : --
    Incompatible avec : --
    Remplace : --
    A télécharger : 328,23 K
    Taille (installé) : 0,00 K
    Description : library that can create and read several streaming
    archive formats
    somme MD5 : c9cc989580ca20f8fce9919764a870f9
    Thanks a lot for this wonderful distribution and for your help

    It doesn't work on current version in repository.
    Hunk #1 FAILED at line 231.
    1 out of 1 hunk failed -- saving rejects to file-roller-2.20.1/src/fr-command-tar.c.rej
    I had to replace all 2.20.2 references in patch file by 2.20.1.
    I will try to see if file-roller 2.20.2 could be built and installed flawlessly.
    if so, I will open a bug to see it added to next release, maybe for gnome 2.20.3 release ?!

  • Release in gnome-system-monitor is "n/a"

    Hello, I tried much but still don't know how does gnome-system-monitor read the "release" info.
    May anyone help me? Thanks!

    you need to install lsb-release, and adjust whatever you want in /etc/lsb-release … =&limit=50

  • [NEW RELEASE] Arista - Easy to use transcoder for the GNOME Desktop

    I have created packages (regular and nightly releases) in the AUR for a new program called Arista.
    An easy to use multimedia transcoder for the GNOME Desktop. Arista focuses on being easy to use by making the complex task of encoding for various devices simple. Pick your input, pick your target device, choose a file to save to and go.
    Arista has been in development since early 2008 as a side project and was just recently polished to make it release-worthy. The 0.8 release is the first public release and includes a to-do of items that will be completed for the 1.0 final release.
        * Presets for iPod, computer, DVD player, PSP, and more
        * Live preview to see encoded quality
        * Automatically discover available DVD drives and media
        * Rip straight from DVD media easily (requires libdvdcss)
        * Simple terminal client for scripting
    Arista is written in Python and requires the bindings for GTK+ 2.16 or newer, GStreamer, GConf, GObject, Cairo, and DBus. If you are an Ubuntu user this means you need to be using at least Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty). The GStreamer plugins required depend on the presets available, but at this time you should have gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-bad, gst-plugins-ugly, and gst-ffmpeg. If you are on Ubuntu don't forget to install the multiverse packages.
    All development will happen on Launchpad, which provides bug tracking, distributed version control, milestone / roadmap planning and tracking, a forum and translation utilities.
    EDIT: I guess I should add AUR links =-)
    Regular release:
    Bazaar (nightly) release:
    Last edited by mrbug (2009-04-23 09:20:19)

    fukawi2 wrote:
    mrbug wrote:Is libdvdcss a required or optional dependency?
    I'd say yes, since it is optional (only if you want to transcode from DVD)
    "Yes" is a strange answer to an "Or" question

  • Will gnome-shell be in repos for this GNOME release?

    There should be a preview release of it, according to GNOME 2.32 release announcement.
    Are there any plans to include it to [extra] now?

    you or me read the wrong release announcement.
    there is no gnome-shell released along with 2.32 and even they wanted to do that, they can't
    gnome-shell requires exclusively gtk3 which is not released.
    there is no plan to include in extra or even in gnome-unstable.
    Last edited by wonder (2010-10-01 20:44:25)

Maybe you are looking for