Release in gnome-system-monitor is "n/a"

Hello, I tried much but still don't know how does gnome-system-monitor read the "release" info.
May anyone help me? Thanks!

you need to install lsb-release, and adjust whatever you want in /etc/lsb-release … =&limit=50

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  • [Gnome3] Is gnome-system-monitor supposed to work?

    Upgraded to Gnome 3.0.
    When I start gnome-system-monitor I get:
    gnome-system-monitor: /usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found (required by gnome-system-monitor)
    gnome-system-monitor: /usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found (required by /usr/lib/
    gnome-system-monitor: /usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found (required by /usr/lib/
    Is this normal? Am I missing a library?
    I have the following lib installed:
    - testing/gtkmm 2.24.0-1
    - testing/gtkmm3 3.0.0-1
    Last edited by alphazo (2011-04-08 13:33:48)

    Thank you!
    FWIW, multilib-testing was not listed in my /etc/pacman.conf.pacnew file (just upgraded today).

  • Gnome-system-monitor mislabels root partition

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    Last edited by cb474 (2010-06-24 05:09:31)

    gnome-system-monitor uses libgnomesu for this. It's a library that does the same things as sudo does.

  • GNOME System Monitor

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    You might have better luck posting your question on the Linux forum.
    Generic Linux

  • Gnome-system-monitor not getting decorated properly (openbox)

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    This is the terminal output:
    (gnome-system-monitor:3789): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme directory scalable/places/22 of theme black-white_2-Neon has no size field
    (gnome-system-monitor:3789): Wnck-WARNING **: Unhandled action type _OB_WM_ACTION_UNDECORATE
    (gnome-system-monitor:3789): Wnck-WARNING **: Unhandled action type _OB_WM_ACTION_UNDECORATE
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    And here is a screenshot:
    It just draws the titlebar as omni-transparent, takes whatever is beneath it at the moment it spawns and just gets garbled as soon as I move it.

    gnome-system-monitor uses libgnomesu for this. It's a library that does the same things as sudo does.

  • Gnome-system-monitor (dark remix) 4 those using dark themes

    hey fellow archers,
    I'm a guy who digs dark themes, i am also someone who uses Gnome. Something that has irritated me for years is gnome-system-monitor ~ specifically, when using a dark theme. those white graphs (CPU graph), are just brutal. At work, i use CentOS on a couple of machines, while i don't use gnome with a server ( i have usedf CentOS with gnome before and had made note of the fact that it had a dark graph, and no ugly highlight bar in the 'system' tab, which was a little bit nicer on the eyes.
    well, today i decided to fix the default colors for that graph, and i also decided to remove the stupid cairo-gradient that greets you in the 'system' tab. i did this because i prefer a nice graphic, over having a plain gnome logo, and a tacky gradient, it just doesn't need to be there.
    here is what it looks like;
    here is my gitorious branch where the sources are available;
    git clone git://
    you all use archlinux, so i need not explain how to compile it and this is gnome-system-monitor 3.1.4 (development) but i have not noticed any bugs whatsoever.
    I am thinking of making a pkgbuild for AUR, that would pull from Gnome's git repo, and then apply a patch. Currently i have 2 roughed out patches (that work), but i have no experience writing patches, or even making pkgbuilds. if you are interested here is what i have got;
    1. black-graph.patch
    --- /home/ninez/Desktop/gnome-system-monitor/src/load-graph.cpp 2011-08-18 19:58:21.443838034 -0400
    +++ /home/ninez/Desktop/gnome-system-monitor-3.1.4-NINEZ/src/load-graph.cpp 2011-08-18 19:50:24.000000000 -0400
    @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
    cairo_text_extents_t extents;
    num_bars = graph->num_bars();
    - graph->graph_dely = (graph->draw_height - 15) / num_bars; /* round to int to avoid AA blur */
    + graph->graph_dely = (graph->draw_height - 8) / num_bars; /* round to int to avoid AA blur */
    graph->real_draw_height = graph->graph_dely * num_bars;
    graph->graph_delx = (graph->draw_width - 2.0 - graph->rmargin - graph->indent) / (LoadGraph::NUM_POINTS - 3);
    graph->graph_buffer_offset = (int) (1.5 * graph->graph_delx) + FRAME_WIDTH ;
    @@ -88,66 +88,67 @@
    cr = cairo_create (graph->background);
    - // set the background colour
    + // set the background colour - cairo_set_source_rgb = outside of graph
    GtkStyle *style = gtk_widget_get_style (ProcData::get_instance()->notebook);
    - gdk_cairo_set_source_color (cr, &style->bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL]);
    + gdk_cairo_set_source_color (cr, &style->bg[0, 0, 1, 1]);
    + cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10);
    cairo_paint (cr);
    /* draw frame */
    cairo_translate (cr, FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME_WIDTH);
    - /* Draw background rectangle */
    - cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
    - cairo_rectangle (cr, graph->rmargin + graph->indent, 0,
    + /* Draw background rectangle - inside graph */
    + cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10);
    + cairo_rectangle (cr, graph->rmargin + graph->indent, 1,
    graph->draw_width - graph->rmargin - graph->indent, graph->real_draw_height);
    - cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1.0);
    - cairo_set_dash (cr, dash, 2, 0);
    + cairo_set_line_width (cr, 2.0);
    + cairo_set_dash (cr, dash, 2, 1);
    cairo_set_font_size (cr, graph->fontsize);
    for (i = 0; i <= num_bars; ++i) {
    double y;
    if (i == 0)
    - y = 0.5 + graph->fontsize / 2.0;
    + y = 0.5 + graph->fontsize / 3.0;
    else if (i == num_bars)
    y = i * graph->graph_dely + 0.5;
    - y = i * graph->graph_dely + graph->fontsize / 2.0;
    + y = i * graph->graph_dely + graph->fontsize / 4.0;
    - gdk_cairo_set_source_color (cr, &style->fg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL]);
    + gdk_cairo_set_source_color (cr, &style->fg[1]);
    if (graph->type == LOAD_GRAPH_NET) {
    // operation orders matters so it's 0 if i == num_bars
    unsigned rate = graph->net.max - (i * graph->net.max / num_bars);
    const std::string caption(procman::format_network_rate(rate, graph->net.max));
    cairo_text_extents (cr, caption.c_str(), &extents);
    - cairo_move_to (cr, graph->indent - extents.width + 20, y);
    + cairo_move_to (cr, graph->indent - extents.width + 40, y);
    cairo_show_text (cr, caption.c_str());
    } else {
    // operation orders matters so it's 0 if i == num_bars
    caption = g_strdup_printf("%d %%", 100 - i * (100 / num_bars));
    cairo_text_extents (cr, caption, &extents);
    - cairo_move_to (cr, graph->indent - extents.width + 20, y);
    + cairo_move_to (cr, graph->indent - extents.width + 40, y);
    cairo_show_text (cr, caption);
    g_free (caption);
    - cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0, 0, 0, 0.75);
    + cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.70);
    cairo_move_to (cr, graph->rmargin + graph->indent - 3, i * graph->graph_dely + 0.5);
    cairo_line_to (cr, graph->draw_width - 0.5, i * graph->graph_dely + 0.5);
    cairo_stroke (cr);
    - cairo_set_dash (cr, dash, 2, 1.5);
    + cairo_set_dash (cr, dash, 2, 0.20);
    const unsigned total_seconds = graph->speed * (LoadGraph::NUM_POINTS - 2) / 1000;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
    double x = (i) * (graph->draw_width - graph->rmargin - graph->indent) / 6;
    - cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0, 0, 0, 0.75);
    - cairo_move_to (cr, (ceil(x) + 0.5) + graph->rmargin + graph->indent, 0.5);
    - cairo_line_to (cr, (ceil(x) + 0.5) + graph->rmargin + graph->indent, graph->real_draw_height + 4.5);
    + cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.75);
    + cairo_move_to (cr, (ceil(x) + 0.3) + graph->rmargin + graph->indent, 0.3);
    + cairo_line_to (cr, (ceil(x) + 0.3) + graph->rmargin + graph->indent, graph->real_draw_height + 4.5);
    unsigned seconds = total_seconds - i * total_seconds / 6;
    const char* format;
    @@ -158,7 +159,7 @@
    caption = g_strdup_printf(format, seconds);
    cairo_text_extents (cr, caption, &extents);
    cairo_move_to (cr, ((ceil(x) + 0.5) + graph->rmargin + graph->indent) - (extents.width/2), graph->draw_height);
    - gdk_cairo_set_source_color (cr, &style->fg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL]);
    + gdk_cairo_set_source_color (cr, &style->fg[1]);
    cairo_show_text (cr, caption);
    g_free (caption);
    @@ -226,20 +227,20 @@
    /* Subframe offset */
    x_offset += graph->rmargin - ((sample_width / graph->frames_per_unit) * graph->render_counter);
    - /* draw the graph */
    + /* draw the graph - LINE WIDTH 3 */
    cairo_t* cr;
    cr = gdk_cairo_create (window);
    - cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1);
    + cairo_set_line_width (cr, 2);
    cairo_set_line_cap (cr, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_ROUND);
    cairo_set_line_join (cr, CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_ROUND);
    - cairo_rectangle (cr, graph->rmargin + graph->indent + FRAME_WIDTH + 1, FRAME_WIDTH - 1,
    + cairo_rectangle (cr, graph->rmargin + graph->indent + FRAME_WIDTH + 2, FRAME_WIDTH - 2,
    graph->draw_width - graph->rmargin - graph->indent - 1, graph->real_draw_height + FRAME_WIDTH - 1);
    for (j = 0; j < graph->n; ++j) {
    - cairo_move_to (cr, x_offset, (1.0f - graph->data[0][j]) * graph->real_draw_height);
    + cairo_move_to (cr, x_offset, (1.0f - graph->data[1][j]) * graph->real_draw_height);
    gdk_cairo_set_source_color (cr, &(graph->colors [j]));
    for (i = 1; i < LoadGraph::NUM_POINTS; ++i) {
    2. no-highlight.patch
    --- /home/ninez/Desktop/gnome-system-monitor/src/sysinfo.cpp 2011-08-18 19:58:21.443838034 -0400
    +++ /home/ninez/Desktop/gnome-system-monitor-3.1.4-NINEZ/src/sysinfo.cpp 2011-08-18 16:03:52.000000000 -0400
    @@ -477,7 +477,7 @@
    style->base[GTK_STATE_SELECTED].green / 65535.0,
    style->base[GTK_STATE_SELECTED].blue / 65535.0,
    - cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba(cp, 1.0,
    + cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba(cp, 0.0,
    style->base[GTK_STATE_SELECTED].red / 65535.0,
    style->base[GTK_STATE_SELECTED].green / 65535.0,
    style->base[GTK_STATE_SELECTED].blue / 65535.0,
    EDIT: if you noticed the RGBA transparency where the icons are, that isn't a bug or something being misdrawn. My gtk3 theme is partially RGBA (in compiz only, not gnome-shell/mutter). the theme is 'Marples-black' found here;
    last note: My branch is only for the short term, until i get things sorted out. i also wanted to make the sources available to anyone, on any distro. so , it was easist to just quickly setup a branch, that anyone can pull from.
    Last edited by triplesquarednine (2011-08-19 03:58:42)

    triplesquarednine wrote:
    dodo3773 wrote:Yeah, if it wasn't for dark themes / stylish I would probably be blind by now ha ha ha. Have you though about putting it in the aur? Maybe calling it gnome-system-monitor-dark or something?
    I spend way too much time both at work/home in front of a computer. dark is the way to go. so much more relaxed on the eyes.
    Yes, i have (thought about putting it into AUR).  in the short term it was just quicker to throw it up on my gitorious though. As i said above, i haven't really made too many patches, and i currently only maintain one package in AUR, so i have a little reading to do, first. that's also why i posted my patches. in case someone has something to point out, aside from the obvious thing - which is that i need to modify the first part of the patch, as i can ditch a 1st couple directories ...
    Ideally, it will end up in AUR...  But, i will probably also have my gitorious branch sync'd to gnome's branch, and i will create a patch using GIT to maintain my branch ~ so that people outside the Arch community, can have easy access too. plus, who knows, i may change around some other things as well. in the 3-4 hours i have been using this 'mod', i am way happier than with the upstream version.
    Right on. Looking forward to further development. I will stay posted  (subscribed to thread).

  • System MOnitor Like gnome system monitor but not gnome?

    Is there one?
    Not kdes version either, trying to keep a system Gnome or KDE free if i can.

    smakked wrote:Yeah conky is ok if you want to see it all teh time, it can get messy if you have alot of info going on.
    It doesn't have to be placed on the desktop. I'm actually currently working on getting a config that is more in line with gnome's monitor than with most conky configs (though of course I'm limited because I can't have tabs). I'll post it here when I finish it, and maybe update this post if I remember to.

  • System monitor for awesome

    Im currently using awesome, its great except for one thing, there is no system monitor, like gnome-system-monitor for example. though I want something that dosent depend on gnome and displays remainning laptop battery time, aswell as mounted file systems, ram/cpu/network usage and a list of prosesses.

    Here's what I'm using with dwm - probably good for dzen as well:
    # vim:ft=zsh ts=4
    # (c) 2007 by Robert Manea
    # Date format as recognized by standard system 'date'
    SDATE_FORMAT='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'
    sdate() {
    date +${SDATE_FORMAT}
    sdfree() {
    print -n `df -h / /home` | awk '{verf1=$11; part1=$13; verf2=$17; part2=$19}; END {print "["part1"] -"verf1" [~] -"verf2}'
    smemused() {
    awk '/MemTotal/ {t=$2}; /MemFree/ {f=$2}; END {print t-f " " t}' /proc/meminfo | dbar -w 6 -s '='
    swapused() {
    awk '/SwapTotal/ {t=$2}; /SwapFree/ {f=$2}; END {print t-f " " t}' /proc/meminfo | dbar -w 6 -s '='
    sload() {
    print -n ${(@)$(</proc/loadavg)[1,3]}
    scpu() {
    vmstat | awk '/0/ {print 100-$15}' | dbar -w 6 -s '='
    snetabs() {
    local iface
    iface=`ifconfig | grep "Ethernet" | awk '{print $1}'`
    if [ $iface != "" ] ; then
    print -n "$iface: `mesure -l -i $iface -avK -c 2`||"
    snetbar() {
    mesure -aK -c 2 -l -i `ifconfig | grep "Ethernet" | awk '{print $1}'` | dbar -nonl -w 6 -s '=' -min 0 -max 270
    sac() {
    case `awk '{print $2}' /proc/acpi/ac_adapter/AC/state` in
    print -n "yep"
    print -n "no"
    sbatt() {
    local STATE
    STATE=`cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info`
    case `echo $STATE | awk '/present:/{print $2}' - | tail -n 1` in
    print -n "no"
    echo $STATE | awk '/design capacity:/ {f=$3}; /remaining capacity:/ {r=$3}; END {print 100*r/f"%"}' -
    sgov() {
    < /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
    sfreq() {
    awk '{print $1/1000}' /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq
    stemp() {
    awk '{print $2}' /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRC/temperature
    supdates() {
    grep pkg.tar.gz /var/log/updates.log | wc -l
    # Main
    while true; do
    if [ $upd = 0 ] ; then
    print " AC: $(sac) | Batt: $(sbatt) || $(sdfree) || CPU:$(scpu) ($(sload)) | $(sgov) / $(sfreq) MHz -> $(stemp)° || $(sdate)"
    print " AC: $(sac) | Batt: $(sbatt) || $(sdfree) || CPU:$(scpu) ($(sload)) | $(sgov) / $(sfreq) MHz -> $(stemp)° || $upd UPD. || $(sdate)"
    # change polling frequency in AC/BATT mode
    case $(sac) in
    sleep 8
    sleep 1m
    You can play around a bit with the functions that get called/displayed in the main loop. It depends on zsh and makes use of this cronjob (in /etc/cron.hourly/pacsync):
    pacman -Syup --noprogressbar > /var/log/updates.log

  • GNOME System Monitory says no mem consumed by ZFS??

    Hi, I'm guessing there is probably a simple answer to this but Google and I haven't found it.
    With OpenSolaris svn_111b, the GNOME System Monitor would show almost all memory consumed. (By ZFS cache...a good thing.)
    With Solaris Express svn_151a, System Monitor shows <1gb (out of 16gb) consumed.
    Would I be correct in assuming that ZFS cache is no longer counted in the System Monitor, but ZFS is still using almost all available memory (hopefully)?
    The reason for concern is that with svn_111b, I was getting a reliable 90 MB/s transfer over SMB (with Solaris as Samba server), without even jumbo frames. But now, on the same server and network config but with a clean install of svn_151a and minimal tweaking, I'm getting terrible performance at about 3 to 10 MB/s.
    (I've posted the performance problem specifically as a separate post, so as not to double-post I don't want to dwell on that here - this is just about the System Monitor / ZFS cache question.)
    Specs, if it matters for this question:
    - 2*4-core Xeons
    - 16gb ECC RAM
    - Onboard e1000g NIC
    - 20 hot-swap bays
    - cooling out the wazoo
    - mirrored 30gb SSDs
    Pool "zp3" config:
    - LSI SAS1068E-R c9 HBAs
    - 6 * 3-way mirrors, 1tb, 7200 RPM enterprise-class SATA
    - 2 hot spares
    - 2 * 30gb SSD for L2ARC
    Pool "zp3" settings:
    zp3 version 5 -
    zp3 sync disabled local
    zp3 com.sun:auto-snapshot true local
    zp3 recordsize 128K default
    zp3 utf8only on -
    zp3 normalization formD -
    zp3 casesensitivity insensitive -
    zp3 encryption off -
    zp3 compression on local
    zp3 compressratio 1.07x -
    zp3 dedup off local
    zp3 logbias throughput local
    zp3 used 4.21T -
    zp3 usedbysnapshots 311G -
    zp3 usedbydataset 3.90T -
    zp3 usedbychildren 8.78G -
    zp3 usedbyrefreservation 0 -
    zp3 available 1.04T -
    Type of data and access:
    - Mostly large media files (DNG photos, large photoshop project files, high bitrate 1080p video, 32-bit/96khz audio, etc.)
    - Plenty of small "office" data files too, but of secondary importance.
    - Low usage. Typically accessed by one CIFS/SMB client - and one application - at a time. Needs throughput, not IOPS.
    Edited by: user13689618 on Feb 8, 2011 12:48 PM (Oops, used ">" as list bullets.)

    Hi, I'm guessing there is probably a simple answer to this but Google and I haven't found it.
    With OpenSolaris svn_111b, the GNOME System Monitor would show almost all memory consumed. (By ZFS cache...a good thing.)
    With Solaris Express svn_151a, System Monitor shows <1gb (out of 16gb) consumed.
    Would I be correct in assuming that ZFS cache is no longer counted in the System Monitor, but ZFS is still using almost all available memory (hopefully)?
    The reason for concern is that with svn_111b, I was getting a reliable 90 MB/s transfer over SMB (with Solaris as Samba server), without even jumbo frames. But now, on the same server and network config but with a clean install of svn_151a and minimal tweaking, I'm getting terrible performance at about 3 to 10 MB/s.
    (I've posted the performance problem specifically as a separate post, so as not to double-post I don't want to dwell on that here - this is just about the System Monitor / ZFS cache question.)
    Specs, if it matters for this question:
    - 2*4-core Xeons
    - 16gb ECC RAM
    - Onboard e1000g NIC
    - 20 hot-swap bays
    - cooling out the wazoo
    - mirrored 30gb SSDs
    Pool "zp3" config:
    - LSI SAS1068E-R c9 HBAs
    - 6 * 3-way mirrors, 1tb, 7200 RPM enterprise-class SATA
    - 2 hot spares
    - 2 * 30gb SSD for L2ARC
    Pool "zp3" settings:
    zp3 version 5 -
    zp3 sync disabled local
    zp3 com.sun:auto-snapshot true local
    zp3 recordsize 128K default
    zp3 utf8only on -
    zp3 normalization formD -
    zp3 casesensitivity insensitive -
    zp3 encryption off -
    zp3 compression on local
    zp3 compressratio 1.07x -
    zp3 dedup off local
    zp3 logbias throughput local
    zp3 used 4.21T -
    zp3 usedbysnapshots 311G -
    zp3 usedbydataset 3.90T -
    zp3 usedbychildren 8.78G -
    zp3 usedbyrefreservation 0 -
    zp3 available 1.04T -
    Type of data and access:
    - Mostly large media files (DNG photos, large photoshop project files, high bitrate 1080p video, 32-bit/96khz audio, etc.)
    - Plenty of small "office" data files too, but of secondary importance.
    - Low usage. Typically accessed by one CIFS/SMB client - and one application - at a time. Needs throughput, not IOPS.
    Edited by: user13689618 on Feb 8, 2011 12:48 PM (Oops, used ">" as list bullets.)

  • System monitor won't start.

    I am having a problem and I am not sure how I caused it or how I can fix it.
    when I try to start system monitor I get this following error.
    [jacko@kermit ~]$ gnome-system-monitor
    gnome-system-monitor: error while loading shared libraries: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
    [jacko@kermit ~]$
    what should I do to fix this problem? I am using arch 64, the only things I have installed that are 32 bit is skype and flash I believe.
    I don't wanna break my other programs to get system monitor working either...
    Last edited by jacko (2007-11-24 22:05:44)

    jacko wrote:How does one check the pacman logs?
    [dante4d ~]$ tail /var/log/pacman.log
    [2007-11-24 05:00] installed spcaview (1.1.7-1)
    [2007-11-24 05:00] installed motion (3.2.8-1)
    [2007-11-24 05:01] synchronizing package lists
    [2007-11-24 05:02] synchronizing package lists
    [2007-11-24 05:08] upgraded stk11xx (1.1.0-1 -> 1.1.0-1)
    [2007-11-24 06:26] The jdk package is licensed software.
    [2007-11-24 06:26] You MUST read and agree to the license stored in
    [2007-11-24 06:26] /opt/java/LICENSE before using it.
    [2007-11-24 06:26] installed jdk (6u3-1)
    [2007-11-24 06:39] installed eclipse-sdk (

  • System Monitoring - add SAP PI 711 system

    I'm facing problems when I want to add the ABAP stack of my SAP PI 7.11 system...
    I use Monitoring Setup Guide (CEN SAP NetWeaver 7.0 EhP 1, SPS 08) to do my setup --> Entering Monitored ABAP Systems with Release SAP NetWeaver 7.1 in ST03G.
    Using transaction RZ21--> technical infrastructure --> Configure central system --> create remote monitoring entry.
    Next, I choose for DualStack for the component type to be monitored. I fill in all the necessary data and save the entry.
    Nothing happens and I do not see the system appearing in the system overiew list.
    For single-stack ABAP systems, no problems appear and I can add them.
    Please advice.

    Dear Dimitri,
    The problem is that these products
    01200314690800000134 -- 9 -- I -- C
    01200314690800000134 -- 34 -- I -- C
    These products will need to be reverted to S ( SAP BASIS) from C (NON_SAP BASIS)
    Since these are primary keys, you will need to copy and change the + existing record, and then delete the old one.
    Once this is done, you will have to perform the following:
    Call transaction SMSY. Chose System Groups and Logical Components.
    Expand 'Logical Components' - 'SAP NETWEAVER'. Expand the product
    instances 'Mobile Infrastructure' and 'Process Integration'. For all
    logical components that have systems repeat the following procedure.
    1.  Check if the logical component is used in solutions using the where
        used button. If no, you can continue with the next one.
    2.  If yes, note which systems are assigned to which role.
    3.  Go to change mode and remove the systems from the logical component
         by selecting system SPACE with the value help.
    4.  Save. Check if a warning says that System monitoring is active.
    5.  Add the same systems again.
    6.  Save.
    7.  If system monitoring was active in a solution the customer should
        run the system monitoring setup for the solution again.
    If you are not comfortable making these changes, you can raise a message with SAP.
    However once this is done, then the SIDs will be offered and selectable.

  • System Monitoring - Solman 7 EHP1

    Solution Manager 7.0 EHP1 / Windows 2008 / Oracle
    Satellite System R/3 Enterprise extn set 110 / Solaris on Sparc / Oracle
    I am having trouble configuring System monitoring on solution Manager. Here is what I have done
    Added the satellite system to SLD, Configured data collector (RZ70) in the satellite system, Pushed data from SLD to SMSYS (automatic transfer).
    Installed CCMS agent + CCMSPING agent in satellite system. Checked connectivity in solman with RZ21. Connectivity is fine.
    Created Monitor sets and monitors in CCMS for monitoring satellite system. Client data is visible in CCMS.
    Created a solution in DSWP. Created logical component in SMSY. Assigned the logical component to the solution. Now I can see the data in DSWP.
    Here are my questions
    1. In DSWP, everytime I have to view data, I have to click on "Setup System Monitoring" to view the alerts in the satellite system
    I see a red alert reading for instance availability. Similarly,
    In the system monitoring workcenter, I see the status of both the solution manager and the satellite system greyed out with a cross. When I move my mouse over it, it reads, no CCMSPING data available.
    Any idea as to why this happens?
    2. For what I see after I click on "Setup System Monitoring" I have parameters which I can configure. I see default values for these parameters. Is there like a recommendation or a template which can be used to setup these monitoring parameter values?
    3. I have configured the ccmsping in the solution manager (for the solution manager) however the ccmsping service refuses to run. It throws a error reading "The system could not find the file specified". The ccmsping exe file is present in the location stated. Are there other files that this is looking for?
    4.  While registering the agent in the satellite system, I first registered with the CSMREG id. It failed with the message,
    INFO: [SMG:040:CSMREG] connected to SMG, host sapsm.NA.XXX.NET, System Nr. 00, traceflag [ ]
    INFO: SMG release is 701 , (kernel release 701 )
            RFC Error Info:
          Go Ahead anyway?  n/[y] :
    INFO: handling destination SAPCCM4X.SAPR3PR1.00
    ERROR: can't register at SMG. RfcRc = 2, AUTHORITY_NOT_AVAILABLE
    I then did this with a dialog user. That worked. Agent was registered in solution manager. Any idea on why this error would show up with the CSMREG? I am concerned about issues which can come up when the password for the dialog user changes.
    I am not sure how to upload screenshots of what i see, probably if i do that, it will be easy to relate to the issue which I am mentioning here. Is there a way I can do that?
    Let me know if you need any more information from my side to understand this.
    Ideas will be appreciated.

    Hello Ravi,
    Additionally you will want to look at SAP Note 1175058 - Problems with CCMSPING in SAP Solution Manager, especially
    c) Ensure that the message server host name in the monitoring options of CCMSPING and the message server of the corresponding main instance of the relevant system is the same in the SAP Solution Manager landscape
    (SMSY). Important: The monitoring options of CCMSPING must not be configured using an IP address.

  • Setup Central System Administratin and Setup System Monitoring grayed out

    When trying to setup Central Sytem Administration and System Monitoring via SOLUTION_MANAGER.>Operations Setup->Solution Monitoring->Setup Central System Administration (or Setup System Monitoring).  The link does not work.  However, Setup Earlywatch Alert link works (in Operations Setup->Solution Monitoring->Setup Earlywatch Alert).
    We have just brought SolMan 4.0 up to SolMan 7.0 (applied support packs up to 16).  I am not sure if I am missing a step to activate this functionality; or if perhaps I have an authorization issue.  I have been through the Security Guid for SAP Solution Manager 7.0 as of SP16, and have reviewed note 834534 and been assigned authorizations accordingly....with one exception:  In note 834534, page 4, it states that the configuration user should have SAP_ALL.  However, I am getting push-back from IT Governance and my request for SAP_ALL is being rejected. 
    We have installed software components, in particular ST (Release 400, level 17); ST-SER (700_2008_1, Level 004; and ST-PI (2005_1_700 Level 18); of which I believe ST-SER is key.
    Has anyone encountered this issue?

    Yes, This could be an authorization issue.
    You are able to Setup Early Watch Alert because you may have the role
    SAP_SETUP_DSWP_EWA (full authorization for EarlyWatch Alert setup).
    Assign these roles, you wil be able to setup System Monitoring and Administration.
    1. SAP_SV_SOLUTION_MANAGER (full authorization for all sessions)
    2. SAP_SETUP_DSWP (full authorization for all setup sessions)
    3. SAP_SETUP_DSWP_SM (full authorization for System Monitoring setup)
    4. SAP_SETUP_DSWP_CSA (full authorization for Central System Administration setup)
    5. SAP_SETUP_DSWP_SLR (full authorization for Service Level Report setup)
    Also check these roles:
    SAP_OP_DSWP (full authorization for all Operations sessions)
    SAP_OP_DSWP_EWA (full authorization for EarlyWatch Alert operations)
    SAP_OP_DSWP_SM (full authorization for System Monitoring Operations)
    SAP_OP_DSWP_CSA (full authorization for Central System Administration operations)
    SAP_OP_DSWP_SLR (full authorization for Service Level Report Operations)
    This is the authorization object D_SOL_VIEW  used in these roles.

  • [Solved] System Monitoring for SSH

    Hi all,
    Am on the lookout for a system monitoring tool that doesn't require X/KDE/GNOME etc. - ideally something like htop but with the functionality of something like conky ie. can also show temperatures (from lm-sensors etc.) etc.
    I'm running a basic no-frills Storage box that hosts subsonic and via SSH I would like to have a tool i can quickly call upon and give me live feedback on my CPU usage etc. as well as temps. - A colourful interface would be nice too
    Any recommendations?
    Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by killercow (2011-07-29 18:25:53)

    Thanks for your recommendations:
    graysky: wanted to avoid running a webserver so gave monitorix a miss - though looks like a brilliant monitoring tool.
    ChoK - thanks for putting me back on this path. I had an initial look and kind of gave up on conky being able to do this (especially since it explicitly advertises itself as a program that requires X) - however!!...
    Found these options for conky.conf:
        Print text to stdout.
        Print text in the console, but use ncurses so that conky can print the text of a new update over the old text. (In the future this will provide more useful things)
        Print text to stderr.
        When set to no, there will be no output in X (useful when you also use things like out_to_console). If you set it to no, make sure that it's placed before all other X-related setting (take the first line of your configfile to be sure). Default value is yes
    out_to_ncurses yes
    out_to_x no
    Commented out (to get rid of little warning message that appears otherwise):
    #out_to_console no
    ..and voila! Conky a la console! Thanks a million! Time to play with my conky.conf file further

  • Memory Usage:  Heap space vs System Monitor

    Hi guys
    I'm trying to wrap my head around something which seems pretty complicated. We have an enterprise app making use of Jasper Reports. When a report is generated, the app's memory usage in the Linux (Ubuntu 8.10) System Monitor shoots up by around 20MB (the more data on the report, the higher that number). After the report is closed, memory usage doesn't decrease. This is resulting in performance issues, and memory usage given by the System Monitor doesn't match up with the results given by the NetBeans profiler. There is a huge difference between the values indicated by the System Monitor, and the heap space given by the profiler. I've done some fairly detailed checking using the profiler, and according to that, there are 0 instances of our report generating classes in memory after closing a generated report. I've read a bunch of articles on the net, but I'm still stumped. My best guess is that something weird is happening somewhere in the Jasper code, but I can't really think of a way to confirm that. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this and how to prevent it? Any help will be much appreciated; thanks.
    P.S. I've posted on the Jasper forums are well, but to no avail. []
    Edit: We're using Java 6 (we've recreated the issue on a few release of Java 6), and Jasper Reports 3.0.1. (Just in case that is important)

    One thing about your test is that using Xms110m will cause the JVM to NEVER give back any memory, because it won't ever go below 110M. I altered your test a bit:
    import java.util.LinkedList;
    public class MemTest {
       private static LinkedList<byte[]> mem = new LinkedList<byte[]>();
       public static void main(String[] args) {
            try {
                for (;;) {
                   System.out.println("After 10 seconds: ");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
       private static void useMem() {
          for (;;) {
             try {
                mem.add(new byte[1024*1024]);
             } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
                //free up a few MB to make sure we don't get an OOME while trying to print, etc
       private static void clearMem() {
          mem = null;
       private static void print() {
          long free = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
          long total = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory();
          double freeFraction = (((double)free) / (total)) * 100;
          System.out.printf("\tAvailable: %d\tTotal: %d\tFree: %4.2f%%%n", free, total,
    }When I ran it with
    -Xms16m -Xmx1024m -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=20 -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=30I got these results:
         Available: 16518016     Total: 16711680     Free: 98.84%
         Available: 2070952     Total: 1065484288     Free: 0.19%
         Available: 582957376     Total: 583073792     Free: 99.98%
    After 10 seconds:
         Available: 582953224     Total: 583073792     Free: 99.98%As you can see, the JVM did return about half of the memory back. ProcExp shows ~592MB used, and peaked ~1000MB. But right now it's still running, and still holding at 583MB.
    I've read bug reports like this, but honestly have no idea what the people at Sun are talking about. I don't see the footprint being reduced. I don't know, maybe if I wait a couple of days...

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