Gnome Shutdown

In Gnome by default there are 2 icons, one to logout and the other to shutdown. In Ubuntu and Fedora they have both of these merged into 1. This one icon pops up a dialog box with: shutdown, reboot, switch user, logout, etc. How do I enable this in Arch?

pelle.k wrote:
It actually adds lots to the desktop. It makes it easier.
That's open for debate. However, it was wrong of me to say it adds _nothing_ to the desktop...
I'm afraid the simplest solution is to tell her to hit button nr 2, instead of the usual one. That can't be too much to ask of her, right?
I'll do that. I was only hoping that there was some easy switch somewhere in the config that would enable the other view. Well, at least I tried.

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    Hey guess what everyone!
    I am now using GDM again but my shutdown icon is still greyed-out and unusable.
    Case in point:
    gnome-power-manager is running also.
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    Are you using gdm at all?
    On my laptop, when I decided to do away with gdm, I also started to have problems with shutdown menu. Back to gdm, and shutdown is working again!

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    Thank you.
    Last edited by mos98 (2010-03-19 12:40:49)

    Hey guess what everyone!
    I am now using GDM again but my shutdown icon is still greyed-out and unusable.
    Case in point:
    gnome-power-manager is running also.
    Last edited by Oblong_Cheese (2008-02-24 23:17:45)

  • Gnome, shutdown and logout problem

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    r2 wrote:I have that problem too...
    i found the solution lately, i think it is cause by the esd deamon, try not to start the deamon, and dun enable esd in the system-sound there, then the problem gone.

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    Last edited by afu (2009-07-26 21:08:02)

    Hmmm...   Not sure what happened but it works now.

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    EDIT: So it does countdown, just in increments of 10 seconds. I'm not going mad.
    Last edited by jonnybarnes (2014-07-18 16:27:50)

    Yes, it counts down in 10s intervals up untill the last 10s, so it's: 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 9, 8, 7, ... 1 --- BOOM
    I would not know if you're going mad or not, but the countdown is the same here, so you at least don't have to worry about this

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    Thanks for filling me in. This is great news.
    You arch developers are doing great work with arch linux.
    As for my second question, is there a file where you can add modules to be unloaded/reloaded during suspend (maybe this is a powersave feature, and as such you are working on it?)

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    I'm having the same issue and still looking for a solution as it's a bit annoying for me. I've found a couple of threads about similiar problems on this forum (as well as on forums for other distros), but couldn't find a workaround. I've changed PolicyKit settings to allow anyone or just specific user to shutdown the system, but it didn't help. I've also tried to strace gnome-session and gdm, but couldn't find any clues.
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    Last edited by stolowski (2009-10-03 12:29:58)

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    However, as soon as I reboot resuming fails again the way I described above.
    Anyone have a clue what's going on?
    I get no error messages and I've tried all sorts of boot entries.
    Last edited by mehldutt (2007-12-26 19:42:31)

    After some try and error my guess is that "HAL" is responsible for this problem:
    I deinstalled ACPID and 'pm-utils' and switched to 'uswsusp'.
    I made the appropriate changes to the appropriate hal-scrips
    /sbin/s2ram --force
    After these changes I still have the same problem:  immidiatly after resuming form suspend (via power-button) my laptop hibernates (s2disk).
    However, if I delete all entries in "usr/lib/hal/scripts/hal-system-power-hibernate" resuming from suspend works fine again, but hibernate doesn't of course.  So, some script must be calling "usr/lib/hal/scripts/hal-system-power-hibernate" emmediatly after resuming from suspend.
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  • [oblogout] theme-icon builder script

    hi to everybody,
    today i share with the community my script
    very very basic script which it does only one thing: save time when adapt oblogout icon to system icon (in my case gnome-colors, but it should work with some trick for every icon theme)
    # requirement: librsvg, geany, gnome-colors-icon-theme
    # created by mattia.b89 <mattia DOT b89 AT gmail DOT com>
    # based on "forger" command <>
    mkdir $TEMP_DIR
    cd /usr/share/icons/gnome-colors-common/scalable/actions
    cp system-lock-screen.svg $TEMP_DIR/
    cp application-exit.svg $TEMP_DIR/
    cp view-refresh.svg $TEMP_DIR/
    cp process-stop.svg $TEMP_DIR/
    cd /usr/share/icons/gnome-colors-common/scalable/apps
    cp gnome-session-suspend.svg $TEMP_DIR/
    cp gnome-session-hibernate.svg $TEMP_DIR/
    cp gnome-shutdown.svg $TEMP_DIR/
    cp gnome-session-switch.svg $TEMP_DIR/
    cd $TEMP_DIR
    for i in *; do $CONVERTER $i -w $WIDTH -h $HEIGHT -o `echo $i | sed -e 's/svg$/png/'`; done
    mv system-lock-screen.png lock.png
    mv application-exit.png logout.png
    mv view-refresh.png restart.png
    mv process-stop.png cancel.png
    mv gnome-session-suspend.png suspend.png
    mv gnome-session-hibernate.png hibernate.png
    mv gnome-shutdown.png shutdown.png
    mv gnome-session-switch.png switch.png
    sudo mkdir -pv /usr/share/themes/gnome-colors/oblogout
    sudo cp -v *.png /usr/share/themes/gnome-colors/oblogout/
    rm -rf $TEMP_DIR
    sudo $EDITOR /etc/oblogout.conf

    Downside of that approach might be also on 11g that apxldimg script backup whole old image folder.
    So after doing that few times you have quite lot of backups there consuming space.
    Also, if you like have some custom folders, those are not transferred by script as I understand.
    This is what I have find out on XE.
    Do not know if 11g is different and have not check content of apxldimg,
    does it do something special if database edition is XE.
    Edited by: jarola on Jan 19, 2011 4:27 PM
    You might like check this post to replace just single file
    Re: Replace 10g XE License agreement page
    Do not know does it work on 11g

  • Why do I need consolekit or dbus?

    I currently run DWM as my window manager, and the last line of my .xinitrc is:
    exec ~/scripts/startdwm
    I see a lot of others have something to the effect of:
    exec ck-launch-session dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session ~/.bin/startdwm
    What is the purpose of this?  What am I missing out on by not starting with consolekit or dbus?  What is the best practice?

    jasonwryan wrote:There are wiki pages on both of these: please research topics before asking questions here:
    I did some research before coming here. My initial post was not very descriptive, and for that I apologize.  Let me try to explain myself better.
    In the quest to learn more about the dark corners of my Arch Linux machine, I'm picking out components and learning more about them. Currently in the hot-seat are dbus & consolekit.  I'll break down my experience so far with each of them separately, [hopefully] for the benefit of clarity.
    As do most archers, I started out with the Beginner's guide. Here is what it says about dbus:
    Arch Wiki wrote:Note: dbus is likely required for many of your applications to work properly, if you know you do not need it, skip this section
    In other words, "just install dbus 'cause you probably need it".  I had no idea whether or not I needed it, so I just installed it, as was recommended. However, I'd like to note that this seems to deviate with The Arch Way. The arch way stresses simplicity and code correctness over convenience, so to ask the user to install something without explaining why seems out of place. The more typical approach throughout the wiki is to explain why, like "install mesa for 3D support" or "install alsa-mixer to control sound".
    Next, looking at the dbus Arch Wiki entry, it's clear that dbus is a system for easy inter-process communication, but I still have no idea why almost everyone needs to install it.  Won't apps requiring dbus for IPC have dependencies on dbus, and then install and use dbus like any other dependency? If not, don't I need to know what common applications use dbus, as well as how and why they do so?  This is where my confusion lies. 
    The Arch Wiki ConsoleKit entry explains:
    Arch Wiki wrote:ConsoleKit is a framework for managing user sessions, and permissions.
    What is not done already that ConsoleKit solves with its session management?  What does ConsoleKit do with permissions that isn't handled by either the Linux kernel or sudo/su/chmod/etc...?
    The ConsoleKit Official documentation comically avoids answering this:
    ConsoleKit Documentation wrote:
    Defining the Problem
    To be written.
    The Arch Wiki ConsoleKit entry further explains:
    Arch Wiki wrote:Some of the most common usages of ConsoleKit is allowing non-root users to mount removable media, and suspending/shutting down the computer through common desktop applications (ie: thunar, nautilus, the gnome shutdown menu, etc).
    Why is this better than just using sudo for mounting media and shutting down / restarting?  If I can do some cool stuff with ConsoleKit managing my X sessions, sign me up, but tell me what I can do & where to start. 
    If there is nothing new that ConsoleKit does, and some apps just arbitrarily decided to use it as opposed to more common components for certain functionality, then how do I know that before using those apps? If it's just guess and check that's fine, but I feel like I'm missing something here.
    Also, is there a best-practice way to launch several apps under consoleKit, as opposed to this "dirty workaround":
    Arch Wiki wrote:A dirty workaround is to have the entire session started by a second script (don't forget dbus-launch, it's likely you need it too).
    And again with the "you probably need dbus" without explaining why. 
    My poorly-thought out original post begged to be dismissed with a "google it". Hopefully I have better explained myself, and someone can point me in the right direction.  If I've just stupidly missed something basic (most likely the case, I'm somewhat new to all of this), have mercy on me and kindly point me in the right direction.

  • [Solved] Gnome 3.8 - doesn't show end session dialog shutdown.

    Hi, After my last update, when i try to shutdown by gnome menu, the 'end session dialog' display doesn't shows, and gnome-shell restarts. The same with command 'gnome-session-quit --power-off'. If i try the second time, gnome crash and all extensions are disabled. After that, if i try another time, the system go in shutdown without show me end session dialog.
    The packages upgraded are:
    I tried to reinstall gnome and gnome-extra but the issue remain.
    thanks in advance!
    Last edited by Angelsoul (2013-09-03 16:14:01)

    Other informations: (journalctl)
    set 03 16:24:07 dellst gnome-session[661]: (gnome-shell:737): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: g_task_return_error: assertion `error != NULL' failed
    set 03 16:24:07 dellst gnome-session[661]: (gnome-shell:737): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: g_task_propagate_pointer: assertion `task->result_set == TRUE' failed
    set 03 16:24:07 dellst gnome-session[661]: **
    set 03 16:24:07 dellst gnome-session[661]: Gtk:ERROR:gtkicontheme.c:4302:gtk_icon_info_load_symbolic_finish: assertion failed: (pixbuf != NULL)
    set 03 16:24:07 dellst gnome-session[661]: gnome-session[661]: WARNING: Unable to open shell end session dialog
    set 03 16:24:07 dellst gnome-session[661]: WARNING: Unable to open shell end session dialog
    set 03 16:24:07 dellst gnome-session[661]: Entering running state
    set 03 16:24:07 dellst gnome-session[661]: gnome-session[661]: WARNING: Application 'gnome-shell.desktop' killed by signal 6
    set 03 16:24:07 dellst gnome-session[661]: WARNING: Application 'gnome-shell.desktop' killed by signal 6
    set 03 16:24:07 dellst gnome-session[661]: ** Message: applet now removed from the notification area
    set 03 16:24:09 dellst gnome-session[661]: JS LOG: GNOME Shell started at Tue Sep 03 2013 16:24:09 GMT+0200 (CEST)

  • [SOLVED] Gnome 3.2 shutdown/restart button as menu options

    hi there.
    i have recently add gnome as gui and i have difficulty finding how to add the buttons shutdown/restart at the top right position where logout is right now.
    for the moment to shutdown or restart i have to either logout and do it from there (if it doesn't freeze, sometimes does that) or open console and shutdown or reboot from there.
    can anyone help with this matter?
    thank you in advanced.
    Last edited by ironwiller (2011-11-09 21:26:43)

    lmao....come on...where in the heck is that written on???
    thanks....a lot ....
    PS: is there any guide with shortcuts for gnome? sorry for asking that question but trully i come from kde and i want to break out

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