Gnome-system-monitor not getting decorated properly (openbox)

If I run gnome-system-monitor it doesn't get decorated properly.
This is the terminal output:
(gnome-system-monitor:3789): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme directory scalable/places/22 of theme black-white_2-Neon has no size field
(gnome-system-monitor:3789): Wnck-WARNING **: Unhandled action type _OB_WM_ACTION_UNDECORATE
(gnome-system-monitor:3789): Wnck-WARNING **: Unhandled action type _OB_WM_ACTION_UNDECORATE
(gnome-system-monitor:3789): Wnck-WARNING **: Unhandled action type _OB_WM_ACTION_UNDECORATE
(gnome-system-monitor:3789): Wnck-WARNING **: Unhandled action type _OB_WM_ACTION_UNDECORATE
(gnome-system-monitor:3789): Wnck-WARNING **: Unhandled action type _OB_WM_ACTION_UNDECORATE
(gnome-system-monitor:3789): Wnck-WARNING **: Unhandled action type _OB_WM_ACTION_UNDECORATE
And here is a screenshot:
It just draws the titlebar as omni-transparent, takes whatever is beneath it at the moment it spawns and just gets garbled as soon as I move it.

gnome-system-monitor uses libgnomesu for this. It's a library that does the same things as sudo does.

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    Upgraded to Gnome 3.0.
    When I start gnome-system-monitor I get:
    gnome-system-monitor: /usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found (required by gnome-system-monitor)
    gnome-system-monitor: /usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found (required by /usr/lib/
    gnome-system-monitor: /usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found (required by /usr/lib/
    Is this normal? Am I missing a library?
    I have the following lib installed:
    - testing/gtkmm 2.24.0-1
    - testing/gtkmm3 3.0.0-1
    Last edited by alphazo (2011-04-08 13:33:48)

    Thank you!
    FWIW, multilib-testing was not listed in my /etc/pacman.conf.pacnew file (just upgraded today).

  • Gnome-system-monitor (dark remix) 4 those using dark themes

    hey fellow archers,
    I'm a guy who digs dark themes, i am also someone who uses Gnome. Something that has irritated me for years is gnome-system-monitor ~ specifically, when using a dark theme. those white graphs (CPU graph), are just brutal. At work, i use CentOS on a couple of machines, while i don't use gnome with a server ( i have usedf CentOS with gnome before and had made note of the fact that it had a dark graph, and no ugly highlight bar in the 'system' tab, which was a little bit nicer on the eyes.
    well, today i decided to fix the default colors for that graph, and i also decided to remove the stupid cairo-gradient that greets you in the 'system' tab. i did this because i prefer a nice graphic, over having a plain gnome logo, and a tacky gradient, it just doesn't need to be there.
    here is what it looks like;
    here is my gitorious branch where the sources are available;
    git clone git://
    you all use archlinux, so i need not explain how to compile it and this is gnome-system-monitor 3.1.4 (development) but i have not noticed any bugs whatsoever.
    I am thinking of making a pkgbuild for AUR, that would pull from Gnome's git repo, and then apply a patch. Currently i have 2 roughed out patches (that work), but i have no experience writing patches, or even making pkgbuilds. if you are interested here is what i have got;
    1. black-graph.patch
    --- /home/ninez/Desktop/gnome-system-monitor/src/load-graph.cpp 2011-08-18 19:58:21.443838034 -0400
    +++ /home/ninez/Desktop/gnome-system-monitor-3.1.4-NINEZ/src/load-graph.cpp 2011-08-18 19:50:24.000000000 -0400
    @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
    cairo_text_extents_t extents;
    num_bars = graph->num_bars();
    - graph->graph_dely = (graph->draw_height - 15) / num_bars; /* round to int to avoid AA blur */
    + graph->graph_dely = (graph->draw_height - 8) / num_bars; /* round to int to avoid AA blur */
    graph->real_draw_height = graph->graph_dely * num_bars;
    graph->graph_delx = (graph->draw_width - 2.0 - graph->rmargin - graph->indent) / (LoadGraph::NUM_POINTS - 3);
    graph->graph_buffer_offset = (int) (1.5 * graph->graph_delx) + FRAME_WIDTH ;
    @@ -88,66 +88,67 @@
    cr = cairo_create (graph->background);
    - // set the background colour
    + // set the background colour - cairo_set_source_rgb = outside of graph
    GtkStyle *style = gtk_widget_get_style (ProcData::get_instance()->notebook);
    - gdk_cairo_set_source_color (cr, &style->bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL]);
    + gdk_cairo_set_source_color (cr, &style->bg[0, 0, 1, 1]);
    + cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10);
    cairo_paint (cr);
    /* draw frame */
    cairo_translate (cr, FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME_WIDTH);
    - /* Draw background rectangle */
    - cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
    - cairo_rectangle (cr, graph->rmargin + graph->indent, 0,
    + /* Draw background rectangle - inside graph */
    + cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10);
    + cairo_rectangle (cr, graph->rmargin + graph->indent, 1,
    graph->draw_width - graph->rmargin - graph->indent, graph->real_draw_height);
    - cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1.0);
    - cairo_set_dash (cr, dash, 2, 0);
    + cairo_set_line_width (cr, 2.0);
    + cairo_set_dash (cr, dash, 2, 1);
    cairo_set_font_size (cr, graph->fontsize);
    for (i = 0; i <= num_bars; ++i) {
    double y;
    if (i == 0)
    - y = 0.5 + graph->fontsize / 2.0;
    + y = 0.5 + graph->fontsize / 3.0;
    else if (i == num_bars)
    y = i * graph->graph_dely + 0.5;
    - y = i * graph->graph_dely + graph->fontsize / 2.0;
    + y = i * graph->graph_dely + graph->fontsize / 4.0;
    - gdk_cairo_set_source_color (cr, &style->fg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL]);
    + gdk_cairo_set_source_color (cr, &style->fg[1]);
    if (graph->type == LOAD_GRAPH_NET) {
    // operation orders matters so it's 0 if i == num_bars
    unsigned rate = graph->net.max - (i * graph->net.max / num_bars);
    const std::string caption(procman::format_network_rate(rate, graph->net.max));
    cairo_text_extents (cr, caption.c_str(), &extents);
    - cairo_move_to (cr, graph->indent - extents.width + 20, y);
    + cairo_move_to (cr, graph->indent - extents.width + 40, y);
    cairo_show_text (cr, caption.c_str());
    } else {
    // operation orders matters so it's 0 if i == num_bars
    caption = g_strdup_printf("%d %%", 100 - i * (100 / num_bars));
    cairo_text_extents (cr, caption, &extents);
    - cairo_move_to (cr, graph->indent - extents.width + 20, y);
    + cairo_move_to (cr, graph->indent - extents.width + 40, y);
    cairo_show_text (cr, caption);
    g_free (caption);
    - cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0, 0, 0, 0.75);
    + cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.70);
    cairo_move_to (cr, graph->rmargin + graph->indent - 3, i * graph->graph_dely + 0.5);
    cairo_line_to (cr, graph->draw_width - 0.5, i * graph->graph_dely + 0.5);
    cairo_stroke (cr);
    - cairo_set_dash (cr, dash, 2, 1.5);
    + cairo_set_dash (cr, dash, 2, 0.20);
    const unsigned total_seconds = graph->speed * (LoadGraph::NUM_POINTS - 2) / 1000;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
    double x = (i) * (graph->draw_width - graph->rmargin - graph->indent) / 6;
    - cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0, 0, 0, 0.75);
    - cairo_move_to (cr, (ceil(x) + 0.5) + graph->rmargin + graph->indent, 0.5);
    - cairo_line_to (cr, (ceil(x) + 0.5) + graph->rmargin + graph->indent, graph->real_draw_height + 4.5);
    + cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.75);
    + cairo_move_to (cr, (ceil(x) + 0.3) + graph->rmargin + graph->indent, 0.3);
    + cairo_line_to (cr, (ceil(x) + 0.3) + graph->rmargin + graph->indent, graph->real_draw_height + 4.5);
    unsigned seconds = total_seconds - i * total_seconds / 6;
    const char* format;
    @@ -158,7 +159,7 @@
    caption = g_strdup_printf(format, seconds);
    cairo_text_extents (cr, caption, &extents);
    cairo_move_to (cr, ((ceil(x) + 0.5) + graph->rmargin + graph->indent) - (extents.width/2), graph->draw_height);
    - gdk_cairo_set_source_color (cr, &style->fg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL]);
    + gdk_cairo_set_source_color (cr, &style->fg[1]);
    cairo_show_text (cr, caption);
    g_free (caption);
    @@ -226,20 +227,20 @@
    /* Subframe offset */
    x_offset += graph->rmargin - ((sample_width / graph->frames_per_unit) * graph->render_counter);
    - /* draw the graph */
    + /* draw the graph - LINE WIDTH 3 */
    cairo_t* cr;
    cr = gdk_cairo_create (window);
    - cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1);
    + cairo_set_line_width (cr, 2);
    cairo_set_line_cap (cr, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_ROUND);
    cairo_set_line_join (cr, CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_ROUND);
    - cairo_rectangle (cr, graph->rmargin + graph->indent + FRAME_WIDTH + 1, FRAME_WIDTH - 1,
    + cairo_rectangle (cr, graph->rmargin + graph->indent + FRAME_WIDTH + 2, FRAME_WIDTH - 2,
    graph->draw_width - graph->rmargin - graph->indent - 1, graph->real_draw_height + FRAME_WIDTH - 1);
    for (j = 0; j < graph->n; ++j) {
    - cairo_move_to (cr, x_offset, (1.0f - graph->data[0][j]) * graph->real_draw_height);
    + cairo_move_to (cr, x_offset, (1.0f - graph->data[1][j]) * graph->real_draw_height);
    gdk_cairo_set_source_color (cr, &(graph->colors [j]));
    for (i = 1; i < LoadGraph::NUM_POINTS; ++i) {
    2. no-highlight.patch
    --- /home/ninez/Desktop/gnome-system-monitor/src/sysinfo.cpp 2011-08-18 19:58:21.443838034 -0400
    +++ /home/ninez/Desktop/gnome-system-monitor-3.1.4-NINEZ/src/sysinfo.cpp 2011-08-18 16:03:52.000000000 -0400
    @@ -477,7 +477,7 @@
    style->base[GTK_STATE_SELECTED].green / 65535.0,
    style->base[GTK_STATE_SELECTED].blue / 65535.0,
    - cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba(cp, 1.0,
    + cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba(cp, 0.0,
    style->base[GTK_STATE_SELECTED].red / 65535.0,
    style->base[GTK_STATE_SELECTED].green / 65535.0,
    style->base[GTK_STATE_SELECTED].blue / 65535.0,
    EDIT: if you noticed the RGBA transparency where the icons are, that isn't a bug or something being misdrawn. My gtk3 theme is partially RGBA (in compiz only, not gnome-shell/mutter). the theme is 'Marples-black' found here;
    last note: My branch is only for the short term, until i get things sorted out. i also wanted to make the sources available to anyone, on any distro. so , it was easist to just quickly setup a branch, that anyone can pull from.
    Last edited by triplesquarednine (2011-08-19 03:58:42)

    triplesquarednine wrote:
    dodo3773 wrote:Yeah, if it wasn't for dark themes / stylish I would probably be blind by now ha ha ha. Have you though about putting it in the aur? Maybe calling it gnome-system-monitor-dark or something?
    I spend way too much time both at work/home in front of a computer. dark is the way to go. so much more relaxed on the eyes.
    Yes, i have (thought about putting it into AUR).  in the short term it was just quicker to throw it up on my gitorious though. As i said above, i haven't really made too many patches, and i currently only maintain one package in AUR, so i have a little reading to do, first. that's also why i posted my patches. in case someone has something to point out, aside from the obvious thing - which is that i need to modify the first part of the patch, as i can ditch a 1st couple directories ...
    Ideally, it will end up in AUR...  But, i will probably also have my gitorious branch sync'd to gnome's branch, and i will create a patch using GIT to maintain my branch ~ so that people outside the Arch community, can have easy access too. plus, who knows, i may change around some other things as well. in the 3-4 hours i have been using this 'mod', i am way happier than with the upstream version.
    Right on. Looking forward to further development. I will stay posted  (subscribed to thread).

  • Gnome-system-monitor mislabels root partition

    Since the recent Gnome 2.30.2 upgrades the other day, Gnome System Monitor has oddly started mislabeling my root partition in the "file systems" tab. Every other partition is labeled as "/dev/sda2," "/dev/sda5," etc. But my root partition is labeled "/dev/disk/by-uuid/42d32269-85ca-4567-a3ha-71hj8e0f7838." So the mode of labeling is not consistent, using one type of label for every partition and another type just for my root partition.
    The problem with this is that the columns are automatically resized to fit the entire length of the uuid label, pushing information I want to see off screen and forcing me to scroll over to see it or resize the window or or resize the column every time, etc..
    I see that the gnome-system-monitor package is still at 2.28.1, so it wasn't upgraded. What could cause this? It's an annoying bug and was not a problem before I did the 2.30.2 upgrades yesterday. I also notice that the Gnome Disk Utility and Gparted do not do this; they label my root partition /dev/sda1.
    Last edited by cb474 (2010-06-24 05:09:31)

    gnome-system-monitor uses libgnomesu for this. It's a library that does the same things as sudo does.

  • The html select box option is not getting displayed properly in IE11

    The html select box option is not getting displayed properly in IE11
    I have developed a website that has a select box drop down. The select box drop down is getting displayed properly in IE9. But in IE11, if I am selecting any option apart from the first one, the whole select box option is getting moved up in the page.
    In IE11, if option 2 is selected, then the select options is getting moved up. But in IE9, if option 2 is selected, then the select options is getting displayed properly.
    Please let me know the fix so that the select options are displayed in the same manner as in IE9.
    Sorry but I am unable to upload images as this site is throwing some error

    Hi Kevin Shen,
    Thanks for post.
    I tried above code in ie 11(version 11.0.9600.17633).
    But it is not working. If you select option 2, and open select box then it open on the select box.
    It should open below the select box.
    Code for above:-
    Sorry I could not attach screen shot. We have normal select box with three options. If we select option 2, it is showing option list on the select box. It is coming below the select box in ie 10 and other browse like chrome. 
    So what we should do, so that all options will come below the select box?
    Yogesh Toke

  • Catalog id is not getting displayed properly in Foreign Language (French)

    Hi All,
    I have created a web service id for the external catalog and I have assigned the same to one of the user. The name of the web service id is getting displayed properly in the shopping cart creation screen when the language is English. But when we are changing the user language to Foreign language (French), the name is not getting displayed properly.
    Could you please advise me if there any settings needs to be done in the parameters of the specific web service id. Thanks in advance for your help.

    Go to External Web Services and the select the web service ID. Then click on GOTO >Translation and select the language and enter the description of the web service as to be disaplyed while users log in French against the language.

  • Task activities not getting generated properly in BPEL

    I am using the Jdev 11g TP3 (from OTN). Installation went through fine. However I observed a interesting issue with HumanTask/BPEL and I was wondering if someone faced similar such problems before, if so, how to rectify the issue. Here is the description of the issue:
    1. Created a Empty SOA composite project
    2. Dragged and dropped BPEL Process in the component palette. Designed a Asynchronous process.
    3. Dragged and dropped a HumanTask. Did not expose as an composite. Designed a single approver workflow. In the project schema, choose the schema from BPEL input.
    4. Wired BPEL to HumanTAsk
    5. In the BPEL flow, I dragged the HumanTask to the flow. Everything appears to be correct. I clicked on "Ok" after associating with BPEL variable.
    Now when I examine the BPEL flow, a scope before the BPEL switch is empty. There are no BPEL activities generated. This is a very simple case of BPEL and HumanTask and I am not sure as to why the tasks not getting generated properly in BPEL flow.
    Has anyone experienced this issue or any ideas as to why this could happen?

    After going through the exercise several times, I finally found out the reason as to why the BPEL activities are not getting generated. In the Human task form for the title, since it is a fixed string in my case I put something like the one given below:
    Title : "APPROVE ORDER"
    When you have fixed string within double quotes it does not generate BPEL activities correctly. You can try and u will see the problem.
    My real question is should not throw proper error message when you try to drag and drop the HumanTask to BPEL flow.

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    Normally the audio behind the strechted selection should move backwards, but often the strechted portion just sort of overlaps it and it doesn't move. When I zoom out and then back in, it seems to be ok.
    I also have had very weird behavior when trying to remove clicks, with the view also getting pretty messed up.
    Does anyone have similar problems with the view not getting updated properly?
    I am running german windows xp, audition is installed in english. I first thought that installing it in english instead of german solves the problems, but unfortunately it didn't.

    Hello again
    I made a movie of this behavior:
    It shouldn't look like that, right?

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    Kindly suggest.

    Kindly suggest a solution

  • Release in gnome-system-monitor is "n/a"

    Hello, I tried much but still don't know how does gnome-system-monitor read the "release" info.
    May anyone help me? Thanks!

    you need to install lsb-release, and adjust whatever you want in /etc/lsb-release … =&limit=50

  • GNOME System Monitor

    Is there any way i can setup GNOME System Monitor on linex boxes which i am accessing remotely?

    You might have better luck posting your question on the Linux forum.
    Generic Linux

  • System MOnitor Like gnome system monitor but not gnome?

    Is there one?
    Not kdes version either, trying to keep a system Gnome or KDE free if i can.

    smakked wrote:Yeah conky is ok if you want to see it all teh time, it can get messy if you have alot of info going on.
    It doesn't have to be placed on the desktop. I'm actually currently working on getting a config that is more in line with gnome's monitor than with most conky configs (though of course I'm limited because I can't have tabs). I'll post it here when I finish it, and maybe update this post if I remember to.

  • System status not get updated.

    hai any one can help me in this pls
    my client created sevice orders in crm system and in these some details are reflected in to mobile client.There is integration between in CRM & Mobile clients.
    present requirement is system status is not get updated.
    user status is released.but in system status showing like 1) open  2) contains error. This is occure for some sevice orders  which are created in perticular transaction type  for suppose if my client created 1000 service orders in that 200 or 250 orders status not get updated.
    Because of  this the followup document is not created.
    For temparary pupose to overcome this issue we are doing like this. There are two mandatory fields are there in that any one delete and reenter the same value then automatically the system status get updated in to release status.
    where the problem whether  is in configuration or it is in system
    or it is some technical. Before its worked properly recently they got this issue. How can i overcome this issue permanently.

    The status of a sales transaction, saved in CRM Enterprise must be without errors so that it can be transferred to the mobile client
    Sales transactions with errors can be transferred from the mobile client to CRM Enterprise.
    Check the table CDBD_STATUS
    Reward with points if helpful

  • Sequence is not getting created properly while importing

    I have problem with sequence
    1 ) I Did an export and it was successful without any errors.
    2) I created a blank database with the necessary tables spaces
    3) I did the import, there was no major errors.
    After importing I noticed my sequence numbers are not in order.
    For an example in purchase_order sequence the next value is 3655, where as in the purchase order table the last purchase order number is 3690. So when I try to insert any new purchase order I get the error object already exist.
    I droped all the sequence, did a import with the following command.
    imp system/pwd file=imp.dmp log=seq.log fromuser=application touser=application rows=n grants=n indexes=n constraints=n
    Still I don’t get the proper sequence, How can i make sure my sequnce get recreated properly.
    How can I resolve this. I am running on oracle
    Thank you

    evidently you didn't read my link above... and your suggestion might be very dangerous...
    With the scenario posted by OP, data are inconsistent, and there could be other (and worse) problems if importing in that way.
    The only way to avoid inconsistencies while exporting is using CONSISTENT=Y option, unless you are absolutely sure that nobody is using your DB in the meanwhile.

  • The system does not get Storage Location of the material from the Contract

    Hi to all,
    We are encountering a problem now regarding the PR to PO conversion.  Our ABAPer has made a background job for the User to convert a PR to PO using ME59N. 
    Background Job : ZPTI_MM_PR_PO_CON
    Program : RM06BB30
    Tcode: ME59N
    Variant : SAMPLE2_ME59N ( Plant, Vendor, POrg, Pgrp.)
    Rule : When the PO is converted the STORAGE LOCATION of the material should be gotten from a CONTRACT/AGREEMENT instead of the SLoc defaulted in PR.
    Problem:  When the backround job is finished, the PO is converted but the STORAGE LOCATION did not get from the CONTRACT.
    Steps done :
    1. Create a Contract (ME31K)
        1.1 Specify the SLOC of the material
    2. Create PR (ME51N) and enter the Contract Number inside the PR
        note : In the PR the material has a Storage Location which defaults from the Material Master.
    3. Run SM36 and enter the job ZPTI_MM_PR_PO_CON
    4.  Set the job to "Immediately"
    5. Click Steps icon and enter the program RM06BB30 and variant SAMPLE2_ME59N
    6. Save
    7. Go to SM37 and check the job if finished.
    8. When the job is finished, check the PR if it has a PO.
    9. Display the PO.
    10. Check if the storage location in PO has gotten from the Contract
         The problem now appeared.
    We have tried to use ME59N alone and not using the background job. The system has gotten the correct Storage Location, thus it got from the Contract.
    Please help what should be checked on our side.  Our ABaper is also currently debugging the program but we
    are seeking help to fasten the solution.
    Best Regards,

    Hi Elynne,
    Definitively, it is a problem with ME59N background process.
    It is better if you can create a message to SAP asking for the solution.
    I only found the next SAP note:
    Note 1287723 - ME59N in backgound does not populate PR details in PO.
    But, I do not know if it will help to resolve your issue.
    I hope this little information can help you in anyway.
    Kind regards,

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