Gps does not make a fix

Hy, I have a problem with getting a GPS fix. I have as far as I can see all the settings OK. In AGPS I do get a position on the map but not an GPS fix. Also I do see that the phone is looking for the satellites but it does not calculate a coordinate. Any Ideas how to fix this?

Unfortunately there is no fix for that. One must be patient with the GPS app running, it comes eventually.
However, I have noticed that some apps find a fix more quickly that others. For example, Google Maps and Garmin XT can find a fix more quickly that Ovi Maps.
One other thing, the first fix is the longest. As you use these applications, the fix seems to happen earlier.

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  • The GPS sendor does not get a fix.

    I have tested the GPS sensor from time to time.
    It does not get a fix, and flashing once a second.
    I made it to face to open sky, so I do not think it did not find satellites.
    So I get the following log, when I run the demo program.
    AdaFruit GPS Sensor: position data = 075847.799,,,,,0,0,,,M,,M,,*46
    AdaFruit GPS Sensor: Badly formatted latitude number
    Does anyone have an idea to fix it?

    Hi -
    The sensor does take awhile to locate the satellites, even it is is facing the open sky - sometimes as long as 15 minutes. However, in a dense urban setting, even then it has a hard time getting the signal with the built in passive antenna.
    I recommend considering purchasing an active antenna, like this one.  Be sure to also purchase the adapter cable that Adafruit recommends.  Using this antenna, I was able to get a signal inside of building in downtown San Francisco.

  • GPS does not appear to work with data-roaming off and no wi-fi network

    I have been using an application called imarkmyspot to produce way-points for synchronising with my camera. When I am in my home country this works fine and a GPS location is found quickly.
    I've recently been abroad and had data-roaming turned off to avoid high expense. The point is that in this situation the GPS does not work (with imarkmyspot or Goggle Maps) unless I can access an open wi-fi network.
    So my question is, is this correct? Does GPS only work with either data access on or when within range of an open wi-fi network.
    If this is feature (bug) of the iPhone then this makes applications such as imarkmyspot rather useless when travelling. Alternatively it could be imarkmyspot that has this problem of course. But I'm quite sure Google Maps did not work either in this situation either.

    The iPhone's GPS does work without a data connection.
    Two weeks ago on a work-related trip I knew I'd be traveling a rural highway that would leave me without data/voice from any source for at least 45 minutes (no GSM service). Before leaving a city with data, I zoomed out using Google Maps far enough to show most of my route, then "nudged" the map so the application wouldn't try to get a data update for the map. I simply used the top power button to turn on and off the screen. The iPhone and GMaps tracked me through for the entire blacked-out section of my trip - I made sure the device had a decent view of the sky and it got a fix and nailed the location within a few seconds.
    Ironically, I'm returning that device in the next few hours for an exchange. The GPS hardware, it seems, has failed about a week ago - the device gets A-GPS fixes now (it shows the nearby 3G and EDGE towers), but won't lock in for more than a second or two. My iPhone's GPS worked, and now it doesn't - AppleCare told me my GPS hardware has failed - and you're may be exhibiting the same failure.
    Some A-GPS devices use their sources to get close by - like my TomTom GO and the ephemeris files it grabs from their servers to get updates on where satellite locations are - and then use the on-board chip to nail the device's position. From what I understand of the iPhone's assistance mechanism, the data tower's and Wi-Fi physical location needs to be correct and available in an accessible database somewhere - my iPhone was showing me near Houston TX (2200 mi/3500 km distant from my actual location) when using 3G data until the data source was updated.

  • IPhone 4 does not make or receive calls/text at a location it used to.HELP!

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    I ended up taking my phone in to the Genius Bar, but we were unable to diagnose the problem. The genius said she had never seen anything like this before. We tried everything to figure out if it was hardware or software related, but never concluded anything. Instead of paying >$150 to fix/replace, I bought the iPhone5. iPhone5 is amazing. Maybe it was fate.

  • Code does not make any effect:need help

    hello friends,
    now i am going to describe the problem i am phasing
    actually i have embedded japplets in a jsp page(appletjsp) and want to communicate japplets indeed jsp to a servlet in the diffrent derectory but in same context root.
    moreover, i have written code at applet and servlet side both. actually there is a next button in one of japplets(embedded in appletjsp) and i have written the code(for servlet communication) inside button's mouse clicked event. and at servlet side, as usual i have got an inputstream from request and want to forward this request(after getting request dispatcher) to another jsp page(proposing to display this jsp page after clicking next button inside appletjsp ).
    now the problem that made me a bit confused is that when i click next button after running jsp page(containing japplets) then neither there is any error/exception at server/IE's sun java console nor any effect of code at servlet side.
    actually i am not sure that the servlet side code does not make any effect rather it is ony my assumption.
    although i am very new in java and as what i know, to send back response to client side, servlet class needs to be run at server side and probabbly for that there must be a sepreat request from client's applet to server(please dont flame me if i am wrong).
    so please tell  me how can i get running another jsp page running(to which i trying to get request dispatcher inside servlet) after clicking next button?
    applet code
            String[] data    ={"santosh","kumar","tripathi"};        
            String strwp ="/UASProject/RegistrationData";              
            URL jspURL = new URL(getCodeBase(),strwp);             
            URLConnection jspCon = jspURL.openConnection();               
            jspCon.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-java-serialized-object");      
           BufferedOutputStream bos=new BufferedOutputStream( jspCon.getOutputStream());
            ObjectOutputStream oboutStream = new ObjectOutputStream(bos);             
         //  getAppletContext().showDocument(new URL(getCodeBase().getProtocol(),getCodeBase().getHost(),getCodeBase().getPort(),"/UASProject/faces/Editpage.jsp"),"_self");        
         }catch(Exception e) 
           {System.out.println(e);}servlet code
             try { 
                    //    response.setContentType("application/x-java-serialized-object");
                         BufferedInputStream bis=new BufferedInputStream( request.getInputStream());
                        ObjectInputStream inputFromjsp = new ObjectInputStream(bis);                                      
                        reg_data = (String[])inputFromjsp.readObject();                             
                       HttpSession session =request.getSession(true);
                   } catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}    although this topic has been made too long, even then please fix my problem.

    When you formatted the system you erased everything on the harddrive, obviously, and so its just a matter of putting back the Apps and data that you want from your Backup that you made, BEFORE reformatting the harddrive.  You did make a backup, didn't you??   Your Time machine or other external harddrive backup can be used with Migration Assistant to return the iLife Apps to the iMac.  If he indeed purchased the iLife Apps from the App Store, then you would need to use His Apple ID account to redownload them; not yours.
    Oh, and to answer your other question, no, iLife is not a part of any version of OSX itself.
    Hope this helps
    Message was edited by: Radiation Mac

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    double check your do not disturb settings (see if there is a moon icon displayed beside your battery icon) if so, go to settings>Do not disturb and turn it off.
    That is only setting where you can make the phone not to ring when it is locked,
    it's under Settings>Do Not Disturb>"Silence"
    "Only While iphone is locked"

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    Did you try browsing your backups in the Finder ?  That is, do not go and "Enter Time Machine".  Instead, navigate to your Time Machine backup via Finder and then manually go to the time period (by folder name) you are looking for ... when you find your Aperture library you can then "Show Package Contents" and find the Master you are looking for.

  • Sorry does not make up for this purchase!

    Since corporate wouldn't give me an email to send this to, I'm posting this here.  
    Original-Recipient:{removed per forum guidelines}
    Final-Recipient: {removed per forum guidelines}
    Action: delayed
    Status: 4.4.7
    Will-Retry-Until: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 21:20:31 -0600
    X-Display-Name: .info
    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    To: <[email protected]>
    Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2015 22:20:28 -0500
    Subject: Fwd: Elite and Irate Customer
    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    Date: Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 2:02 PM
    Subject: Elite and Irate Customer
    To: [email protected]
    I'm a customer that wanted to bring to your attention the lack of customer service I've received from the Best Buy store at your Tri-County location, here in Ohio.  On the 14th of November, I walked in the store to buy an open box electric stove that was advertised on your website.  Your website clearly stated that one was in stock at the Tri-County location.  I called the store and spoke to a representative prior to my arrival at the store to confirm that this information was accurate and the rep simply told me yes it was, if it says it one the website then to go off of that.  
    So I went to the store to purchase the stove and was unable to find it.  I had several associates help me look for it and nobody could find it and the managers determined that it wasn't in stock.  Since it was a Best Buy mistake, the manager offered to give me the new version of the stove for the same price, which saved me a little money.  As I'm patiently waiting for the final word from one of the managers, I start looking around for other things I may possibly want to buy and I come across an open box french door refrigerator, so I decide to purchase that as well.  Nothing was wrong with it, except for a couple scratches.   Keep in mind that this is nearly a couple weeks before thanksgiving, where I had nearly 30 attendants.  I just bought a dishwasher and microwave from lowes and wanted to have my complete appliance set on display just in time for Thanksgiving.
    When the items arrived at my home, a couple days before Thanksgiving, I was relieved that I received them on time.  For the most part, the delivery crew was acceptable, except for the fact that they broke a light switch on the wall as they were trying to move the refrigerator in it's place.  They told me about it and I told them that that was okay and that I was just happy that I received my appliances.  As anyone else would do, I waited for the fridge to get cold before I put the food back in and when it came time to do so, I noticed that the middle flap between both french doors was broke.  It's a bit deceiving because if you just look at it you can't really tell, but after opening and closing it a couple times, you could easily tell that it was broken.  So I called Best Buy that same day and told them of the problem.  I asked them if they had that part at the store, so I could just come in and get the replacement.  Note, that on the appliance defect report this was not listed, so I'm assuming it was damaged during delivery or was overlooked.  I mentioned this to the manager.  He said, that the item had to be special ordered, so as disappointed as I was that my fridge would not be fully operational for thanksgiving, I said it was okay and he told me that he would call me once it came in.  To give you a better idea of what my family is experiencing, we don't use the left door on the fridge.  
    2 weeks go by and I still haven't received a call, so I decide to call and check in for an update.  An associate tells me that the item just came in yesterday and that he would call me back in a few minutes to schedule a repair.  I don't receive a call that day, so I call best buy back a few days later.  Again, I speak to the same associate and he tells me that the item never came in and that the manager was just going to give me a new fridge instead. So I call your corporate office and speak with an associate and he says that he will get to the bottom of it and help me set up the delivery.  
    Well on the day of the delivery, which was a Saturday, I was told that it would be dropped off sometime between 3 and 5 in the evening, or something in that timeframe.  What do I do?  I empty out my fridge and clear a path for the delivery personnel.  It being a Saturday, I had plans and I haven't received a call from anybody.  So around half past 5, I start putting the items back in the fridge, as well as move the furniture back in place.  Keep in mind, this is no easy task.  I have a 4 bedroom home and a family of 5, so yes, I have a lot of furniture and a fully stocked fridge.  This probably took at least 2 hours to get everything cleared and to put it back in place when I found out they were not showing up.  
    I then get a call at 15 till 6 from the delivery crew telling me that they were on there way. Surprised and irate that they are now calling me, I have to refuse the delivery because we we didn't have time to wait around since we already had plans for the night.  I get another call from a Best Buy associate trying to reschedule and I told them that I've had enough of their dealings and that I would let corporate handle it and through corporate I would see that a proper delivery would then be scheduled.
    Well this morning I saw on my phone that I have several missed calls, as early as 6 in the morning from Best Buy delivery stating that I am suppose to recieve my fridge in the morning and I was there 2nd stop.  I call the guy and tell him that I was unaware of the delivery and that I would give you guys a call today to schedule the appointment.  I intend to call you after I send this email regarding that.  
    So in all, I've probably been on the phone with Best Buy personnel at least 10 times and several hours.  I spoke to several associates, including 3 different managers, 3 different delivery crews, and a rep from your corporate office once.  I think it's safe to say that this has been a total nightmare and saving a couple hundred dollars does not make up for it.  I wanted to reach out to you because as an educated consumer, who also happens to be an elite Best Buy member, I can firmly say that because of this "Nightmare" I will not be buying any more appliances from your store and you would be lucky if I bought anything else from the store.  You do have some pretty good deals on games and movies though, so I may continue to do that.  
    Please take this information and utilize it accordingly, obviously, this is not how business should be ran and I know this isn't the first time something like this has happened.  The exact same thing happend to my friend a few years back from a different store.  
    Member ID: {removed per forum guidelines}

    Hello penningtonj, 
    While it's great to hear that you seem to have received new inbox units at open box prices due to your experiences, it certainly sounds like the delivery portion of the experience could have been vastly better for you. 
    I'm glad to hear that the oven is working well for you, and I'm truly sorry to hear of the difficulties you've experienced with the open box refrigerator. Our open box items should be thoroughly inspected and marked accordingly for its condition or any missing parts or accessories. It is disheartening to hear that a damaged part may have gone unnoticed. With that said, it's awesome that the store has offered to replace it. 
    We strive to ensure our deliveries are seamless and hassle-free. Given you have a sizable family, I know emptying a refrigerator is no easy task, as I grew up in family of a similar size, and should the refrigerator have to be emptied for any reason, it was a bit chaotic! It is regrettable to hear that the delivery team was late, and that they failed to contact you sooner to let you know of their delay. Furthermore, it is strange that you may not have been aware of (and thus completely unprepared for) the rescheduled delivery. I can understand how this would be concerning, and further aggravating.
    I sincerely apologize for the continued hassle you've experienced with purchasing these appliances. With that said, it appears that you are currently scheduled for delivery on 1/28/15. You should receive a phone call the night before to provide you with a time frame of when to expect them. If you should have any questions or concerns, please feel welcome to reach out to me! 
    Tasha|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • Lightroom does NOT make use of new/fast hardwares!

    For those who are considering a new computer here's my experience....
    Lightroom 4 does NOT make full use of new/fast CPUs / SSDs!
    I’ve been frustrated with Lightroom speed since launch and held on to my “old” Xeon work station for two years…. I recently invested in the latest Intel CPU and IO technology and I'm very disappointed how Lightroom 4 does not make use of it. It's most noticeably sluggish from one photo to the next during editing. This may seem small but when I edits hundreds of images everyday it really slow me down.
    See my system specs at very bottom of this post. I don't think there's a bottle neck in performance! I love my new setup and it's a pleasure to use the OS. BUT I'm so disapointed everytime I load up Lightroom. (My typical Lightroom edits are 600-900 sRAW images - I edit down my photos in Photo Mechanic 5! It's just too slow in Lightroom)
    Lightroom still take time to load each image when advance from one image to the next (During editing). Isn’t smart enough to cache 100 images in advance let say. (1:1 previews as been created!)
    Won’t make use of more than 8GB ram. No matter how big the RAW working set is.
    Very slow switching from one working module to another
    Lightroom Jpeg export won’t make use of more than 25% of new Intel Xeon E5 series dual processors processing power 12 cores. 6-9 cores are literally taking a nap during export!
    I’ve tried everything found in Adobe suggestion link below:
    * I definately tried 1:1 render preview and all of the other jazz found in link directly above!
    * Running all latest firmwares and updates
    I hope the next version of Lightroom will actually make use of good hardware instead of adding on more features. We desperately need a snappy/responsive Lightroom for sake of productivity! I'm not here to put down Adobe. I'm a big fan of Adobe and Intel and have been using them for 15 years.
    My Setup:
    Dell Workstation T7600
    Dual Xeon E5-2630 2.5GHz (12 Cores Total)
    64GB 1600Mhz RAM
    OCZ RevoDrive 3X2 - 1500MB/s (Boot / Camera Raw Cache)
    4 Intel 520 Series SSD in RAID0 with dedicated 1GB Cache SAS/SATA PCIe 3.0 controller (Working RAW files)
    Nvidia GTX680 - 4GB VRAM (I know this made for 3D but it has PCIe 3.0 connectivity - Quadro 4000 PCIe 2.0 wasn't any better)
    Drobo-S 2GBx5 (Strictly Storage)
    Windows 7 Ultimate (Bare minimum! Just Adobe CS6 suite and Microsoft Office 2010)

    Can you copy this to the Feature Request forum so we can vote on it please?  And then post the link here so we can find it.  It'll get my vote.
    There are a couple of others you might like to vote on too, such as using the embedded preview for editing down. dded_preview
    In terms of workarounds for now, if you haven't tried the 4.2RC yet, you might find the module switching a bit faster.  And for better use of your exports processing power, try splitting your export into 3 or 4 and running them concurrently (i.e. set the first going, and immediately set the second going, etc.) as that'll make better use of the extra cores if your hard drives are able to keep up with them.

  • My ipod 5 wont connect to wifi, all the other devices in the house will does not make sense

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    Does the iPod connect to other networks?
    Does the iPod see the network?
    Any error messages?
    Do other devices now connect?
    Did the iPod connect before?
    Try the following to rule out a software problem:                 
    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Power off and then back on the router
    - Reset network settings: Settings>General>Reset>Reset Network Settings
    - iOS: Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
    - iOS: Recommended settings for Wi-Fi routers and access points
    - Restore from backup. See:
    iOS: How to back up
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.
    If still problem make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store since it appears you have a hardware problem.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

  • By default in BPC values are sum in node level, It does not make sense to sum averages on parent nodes.

    HI Guys
    we have an business requirement to store data in average figures ,
    The values  are entered on the base member level but in reports we need to show average values  on the parents level instead of sum
    ( by default in BPC values are sum in node level),it does not make sense to sum averages on parent nodes.
    we managed it with excel formulas ,but we r facing the problem with dimensions which are in context.
    (i tried using dim memeber formulas but AVG key word is not accepting the system in member formulas)
    at last by using formula we managed the report but im worried abt that if there is no formulas ,how we will manage
    pls suggest any solution to show average values on the node level in specific reports

    Hi Krao,
    Please define what do you mean by average - arithmetic average or weighted average (has more business sense to my mind).
    Also, please provide some samples, explaining dimensions used in average calculation.
    In our case we use dimension member formulas to show average prices, discounts etc. in the reports.
    B.R. Vadim

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    When opening a filn in illusrtator CC I have memory plroble,.  Opening the same file in CS5 does not make problems.
    How can I get in contact with an adobe employee, where I can finally solve my problem with CC (with whom I can send email back and forth or who calls me)... On my PC CC does not work well... I often need to use my old CS5 version.

    You have not provided any proper system info, so nobody can even guess.

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    Anyone else seeing this?

    But do you have the same problem as I, i.e. that tabs cannot be opened at all without launching Top Sites when using Saft?
    This problem is much more serious than the non-focus problem. Here's another report of the same issue:

  • Help: Just finished shooting a wedding and Aperture crashes constantly during editing. All pic's in RAW and even after making sure I have the latest Aperture update, I have had to rebuild my library twice and "repair" does not seem to fix the issue. Help?

    Help: Just finished shooting a wedding and Aperture crashes constantly during editing. All pic's in RAW and even after making sure I have the latest Aperture update, I have had to rebuild my library twice and "repair" does not seem to fix the issue. Help?

    If you have ThunderBolt, I would go with such for an External Working Drive, spinning platter or SSD depending on your budget
    This does not have to be huge just big enough to house your most current Jobs
    Once the Current Job is put to rest I would move it to a larger multi bay hard drive unit, USB or FireWire nothing fancy, no RAID, set up as one single Disk
    This would only be accessed when something is needed from a past Job so the connection does not have to be speedy
    The Drobo would be relegated to Vaults and backups
    You can set up a Vault on the Drobo to back up the External Working Library and then Reconnect it when you have moved the Library over to the other Enclosure
    This has worked for me pretty smoothly for a long while, but I have found over the years that one can not assume all people work in the same manner! :-)

Maybe you are looking for

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  • Duplicate post deleted by Moderator.
