GR/IR monthly settlements, automatic assignments in Sales order & Co code

1) what are the transactions involved in the GR-IR month or period  end settlements?
2) If I select account assignment in line item in PO, the goods directly received by cost center, what will be the entry to be passed?
3)Goods receipt happend but no further transacion done means no receipt of IR as will issue to any where, in such case what will be the entry to be posted ot nullify the stock?
4) Where we assin the Profit center in sales ordet for automatic posting?
5) Where we assign the Business Area in company code for automatic posting?

Hi MR11, F.19
Odaiah Pelley

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  • Automatic creation of  settlement rule while creating sales order

    Hi Friends,
    Can any one help me how to create settlement rule automatically while creating sales order i.e saving sales order. Is there any function module or any badi which can be used.. please suggest.

    Here is the solution , First Create a sustitution by going into OPSN Transaction , only user exit say 'U902'
    and write the form routine in Program named 'ZRGGBS000'
    The code is below ,
    *&      Form  U902
       Automatic Generation of Settlement Rule For WBS and Company 4180
    FORM u902.
    Exit For Automatic Settlement Rule Creation for WBS Billing elements
      IF sy-tcode = 'CJ20N' or sy-tcode = 'CJ01' or sy-tcode = 'CJ02'.
        DATA   lv_proj TYPE ps_pspid.
        lv_proj = proj-pspid.
        EXPORT lv_proj TO MEMORY ID 'PSPID'.
    Calling YGPS_CJB1EXEC Program For Creating Settlement Rule
        SUBMIT ygps_cjb1exec AND RETURN.
    ENDFORM.                                                    "u902
    *& Program  YGPS_CJB1EXEC
    PROGRAM  ygps_cjb1exec.
       Automatic Generation of Settlement Rule For WBS and Company 4180
    Called From Exit For Automatic Settlement Rule Creation for WBS Billing elements
    DATA: bdcdata_wa  TYPE bdcdata,
          bdcdata_tab TYPE TABLE OF bdcdata,
          itab TYPE TABLE OF bdcmsgcoll.
    DATA :lv_currm LIKE bkpf-monat,
          lv_curry LIKE bkpf-gjahr,
          lv_prevm LIKE bkpf-monat,
          lv_prevy LIKE bkpf-gjahr,
          lv_proj TYPE ps_pspid,
          lv_mode TYPE c,
          lv_time TYPE sy-uzeit.
    DATA :g_datfm            LIKE usr01-datfm,
          g_dd(2)            TYPE c,                         " Day
          g_mm(2)            TYPE c,                         " Month
          g_yyyy(4)          TYPE c,                         " Year
          g_sydatum(10)      TYPE c.
    lv_mode = 'N'.
    CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
    bdcdata_wa-program  = 'SAPLKAZB'.
    bdcdata_wa-dynpro   = '1000'.
    bdcdata_wa-dynbegin = 'X'.
    APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
    CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
    bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'BDC_CURSOR'.
    bdcdata_wa-fval = 'PRZB-VARIANT'.
    APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
    CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
    bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'PRZB-VARIANT'.
    bdcdata_wa-fval = 'ZGPS0001'.
    APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
        bukrs = '4180'
        currm = lv_currm
        curry = lv_curry
        prevm = lv_prevm
        prevy = lv_prevy.
    CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
    bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'RKAUF-FROM'.
    bdcdata_wa-fval = lv_currm.
    APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
    CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
    bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'RKAUF-GJAHR'.
    bdcdata_wa-fval = lv_curry.
    APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
    CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
    bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'BDC_OKCODE'.
    bdcdata_wa-fval = '=VARC'.
    APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
    CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
    bdcdata_wa-program  = 'RKPSEL00'.
    bdcdata_wa-dynpro   = '1000'.
    bdcdata_wa-dynbegin = 'X'.
    APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
    CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
    bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'BDC_CURSOR'.
    bdcdata_wa-fval = 'CN_PROJN-LOW'.
    APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
    CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
    bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'CN_PROJN-LOW'.
    bdcdata_wa-fval = lv_proj.
    APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
    CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
    bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'CN_PSPNR-LOW'.
    bdcdata_wa-fval = space.
    APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
    CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
    bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'CN_NETNR-LOW'.
    bdcdata_wa-fval = space.
    APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
    CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
    bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'CN_ACTVT-LOW'.
    bdcdata_wa-fval = space.
    APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
    CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
    bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'CN_MATNR-LOW'.
    bdcdata_wa-fval = space.
    APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
    CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
    bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'BDC_OKCODE'.
    bdcdata_wa-fval = '/00'.
    APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
    CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
    bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'BDC_OKCODE'.
    bdcdata_wa-fval = '=SAVE'.
    APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
    CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
    bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'BDC_OKCODE'.
    bdcdata_wa-fval = '=VBAC'.
    APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
    CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
    bdcdata_wa-program  = 'SAPLSPO1'.
    bdcdata_wa-dynpro   = '0100'.
    bdcdata_wa-dynbegin = 'X'.
    APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
    CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
    bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'BDC_OKCODE'.
    bdcdata_wa-fval = '=YES'.
    APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
    CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
    bdcdata_wa-program  = 'SAPLKAZB'.
    bdcdata_wa-dynpro   = '1000'.
    bdcdata_wa-dynbegin = 'X'.
    APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
    CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
    bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'RKAUF-BATCH'.
    bdcdata_wa-fval = 'X'.
    APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
    CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
    bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'RKAUF-TEST'.
    bdcdata_wa-fval = space.
    APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
    CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
    bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'BDC_OKCODE'.
    bdcdata_wa-fval = '=RUN'.
    APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
    CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
    bdcdata_wa-program  = 'SAPLKABA'.
    bdcdata_wa-dynpro   = '0210'.
    bdcdata_wa-dynbegin = 'X'.
    APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
    CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
    bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'KABA01-JNAME'.
    bdcdata_wa-fval = 'CJB1_EXEC'.
    APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
    CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
    bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'BDC_SUBSCR'.
    bdcdata_wa-fval = 'SAPLKABA'.
    APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
    Extract the date format from the user settings
    PERFORM f_get_dateformat CHANGING g_datfm.
    Changing the current date format to User Profile Date Settings
    PERFORM f_format_date USING   g_datfm
                         CHANGING g_sydatum.
    CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
    bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'KABA01-STDAY'.
    bdcdata_wa-fval = g_sydatum.
    APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
    lv_time = sy-uzeit  + 30.
    CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
    bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'KABA01-STTME'.
    bdcdata_wa-fval = lv_time.
    APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
    CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
    bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'KABA01-PRIKZ'.
    bdcdata_wa-fval = space.
    APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
    CLEAR bdcdata_wa.
    bdcdata_wa-fnam = 'BDC_OKCODE'.
    bdcdata_wa-fval = '=TAKE'.
    APPEND bdcdata_wa TO bdcdata_tab.
    Calling Transaction 'CJB1' for creating settlement rule
    CALL TRANSACTION 'CJB1'  USING bdcdata_tab MODE lv_mode .
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
    *&      Form  F_GET_DATEFORMAT
          This subroutine returns the date format in the user setttigs
         <--P_G_DATFM  Date Format
    FORM f_get_dateformat CHANGING p_g_datfm.                   "#EC *
      SELECT SINGLE datfm FROM usr01 INTO p_g_datfm
      WHERE bname = sy-uname.
    ENDFORM.                    " F_GET_DATEFORMAT
    *&      Form  F_FORMAT_DATE
          This subroutine returns the date as per the user settings
         -->P_G_DATFM  Date Format
         -->P_G_MM  Month
         -->P_G_DD  Day
         -->P_G_YYYY  Year
         <--P_G_DATE  Date
    FORM f_format_date USING    p_g_datfm
                       CHANGING p_g_date.                       "#EC *
      CONSTANTS: c_dot VALUE '.',
                 c_slash VALUE '/',
                 c_dash VALUE '-',
                 c_1 VALUE '1',
                 c_2 VALUE '2',
                 c_3 VALUE '3',
                 c_4 VALUE '4',
                 c_5 VALUE '5',
                 c_6 VALUE '6'.
      DATA: l_day(2),
      l_day = p_g_dd.
      l_month = p_g_mm.
          input  = l_month
          output = l_month.
          input  = l_day
          output = l_day.
      CASE p_g_datfm.
        WHEN c_1.
          CONCATENATE l_day l_month p_g_yyyy INTO p_g_date
              SEPARATED BY c_dot.
        WHEN c_2.
          CONCATENATE l_month l_day p_g_yyyy INTO p_g_date
           SEPARATED BY c_slash.
        WHEN c_3.
          CONCATENATE l_month l_day p_g_yyyy INTO p_g_date
              SEPARATED BY c_dash.
        WHEN c_4.
          CONCATENATE p_g_yyyy l_month l_day INTO p_g_date
              SEPARATED BY c_dot.
        WHEN c_5.
          CONCATENATE p_g_yyyy l_month l_day INTO p_g_date
              SEPARATED BY c_slash.
        WHEN c_6.
          CONCATENATE p_g_yyyy l_month l_day INTO p_g_date
              SEPARATED BY c_dash.
    ENDFORM.                    " F_FORMAT_DATE

  • Exchange rate automatic update in Sale Order

    Dear All,
    This is regarding Exchange rate automatic update in Sale Order and requirement said below.
    User will created a Export Sale order in the month of November , that time Exchange rate is 50.00, this  will
    get updated in Sale order Header and Item level.
    But user will create billing in the month of December , at that time Exchange rate is 40.00. So in Billing
    document Header level exchange rate will be 40.00 (Current rate) and Item level exchange rate will be
    User requirement is like this the current exchange rate 40.00 to be updated in Sale Order Header and Item
    level automatically, because user using  Sale order Exchange rate  for Z-Report.
    As of now user manually updating Exchange rate in Sale Order.
    Let me know if there is any solution.
    S Kumar

    I dont think this is possible.  You should be aware any change in subsequent document would not have any impact in the preceding document which means, whatever exchange rate flowing in billing cannot be updated in sale order.  May you can update your zee table by considering the billing document exchange rate by way of exit.
    G. Lakshmipathi

  • Automatically cr. block Sales Order once they reach within the Cr. Horizon

    How to automatically credit block Sales order made outside the Cr. Horizon, once they reach into the Cr. horizon.
    I have tried testing the same through Program RVKRED08, but it works for some orders if the Cr. horizon is maintained for 60days.
    But does not block if the Cr. horizon is maintained for 30days.
    Thanks in Advance

    if you specify horizon date, the system consider al the values
    which falls under this date. the system will not take into account if the values fall after the horizon date.
    EX: if you specify horizon date 2 months. Then system consider the open values which falls with in two months. if
    the value fall after the two months, the system ill not take into account.
    If your horizion date is 30 days and shcedule line date is in 30 days, system will check credit managemnt and blocks or unblocks.

  • How to control automatic rescheduling of sales order?

    Hi all,
    Could u please help me out to configure  to control  automatic rescheduling of sales order...
    eg.  I created a order on 13th March  and the material was not available, then its was kept pending.  But when the stocks got added on 19th March,  the sales order got automatically rescheduled for 19th March.
    I wish to stop this.   Might have to do something  with setting planned indepentent requirements which seems updating  the order automatically.
    Can anyone urgently help me out to control this automatic rescheduling?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Ravey
    For your query , it is better not to change the Include sales requirements in OVZ9 as it will affect the entire sales order . But as per your ticket you have to customize in OVZ9 by not checking the Include sales requirements box only
    But instead of that it is advisable to run V_V2 and change the date manually

  • Automatic Quantity in Sales Order

    Hi Gurus,
    My client has requirement that qty in Sales Order should be copied automatically.
    My client receives the List with details of Volume (LxWxH) & Weight. We are developing the Z programme wherein the total Volume & weight will be calculated. Either Total Volume or Weight will be taken as quantity in Sales Order. This quantity should be automatically copied in Sales Order. This List will be attached to Sales Order in workflow.
    Is this  possible? Is there any user exits for copying the quantity
    Thanks in advance.

    As per my understanding, if the sales order is being created through EDI / IDOC, in that case all details will come & the quantity based on the development may be captured, by provding appropriate logic.
    But if sales order is being created manually, in that case quantity will be required to be maintained. If the development is possible to be captured at sales order level, in that case you may have to try.
    Rajesh Banka

  • How to automatically block a sales order once it is created?

      We have a requirement to automatically block any sales order that is created and start a workflow for approval process and only after the approval is completed does this block go away.
    We are planning to create the custom block for this. Also we have a product for the workflow process and approval.
    We are looking to see if there is any configuration that we can set to automatically block the sales order. At the end of the workflow we can release the block programatically.
    Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated.

    Hi Ravi,
    You can create a custom block and assign it to the sales order type using the transaction VOV8 (Maintain Sales Order Types) so that whenever the order is created a block will be assigned automatically. Please note that there are many documentations already available in this topic and so it should be quite easy for you to google the procedure.
    In case of any specific requirement or issue in the process please revert back.

  • Sales order tax code

    I am creating a sales order. Tax code is coming automatically in this sales order.
    Which is the configuration triggering the automatic tax code in sales order?
    please advise.

    if a particular condition type has been defind as
    Cond. class           D         
    Calculat.type         A
    Cond.category      D

  • How to make all fields mandatory in sales order T- code VA01 initial screen

    Dear all,
    how to make all fields mandatory in sales order T- code VA01 initial screen itself
    The fields are
    Sales Organization
    Distribution Channel
    Sales Office
    Sales Group
    Amar Reddy

    You can use Transaction Variant to achieve this functionality.Please go through the following link which helps you in creating the same.
    Phani Prasad

  • Automatic Creation of Sales Order at the Time of PGI

    Hi Experts,
    Is it possible to create automatic Sale Order at time of PGI "while creating Outbound deleivery w/o reference to Sale Order'?
    Like in MM there is feature (standard) that PO can be create through Inventory management also,
    at the time GR w/o PO system creates PO in background.
    Please help me out,

    Hi Srinath,
    Thankx for u'r immidiate reply,
    "This is my business requirement in implementation, i.e. customer directly purchase Organic Manure from plant stock and pay bill against the quanty purchased." although the reoprting purpose will be resolved by sale bill report."
    And as we know that Document (copy controls) flow from Inquiry>Contract>Order>Out bound deleivery>Billing. this is standard in the system.
    i.e. Copy Order to Order (VTAA)
    Order to delivery (VTLA)
    Order to Bill  (VTFA)
    Del to Bill (VTFL)
    This T-codes have assignments of source to copy in the target with routins (for the flow of data from field to field)
    I am trying to understand that flow of data to be copied in backward flow i.e. from PGI to order, and i am expecting that this can be done, but unable clarify my self that should it be done or not.

  • Rolling Month in Billing Plan in Sales Order

    I Require rolling month billing dates in Sales Orders . Kindly help on the same the followng format is required.
    Contract Start Date : 05.01.2010
    Contract End Date : 31.03.2010
    Settlement From   Settlement to    Billing Date
    05.01.2010            04.02.2010     04.02.2010
    05.02.2010            04.03.2010     04.03.2010
    05.03.2010            31.03.2010     31.03.2010.
    If there are any user exits where i can make these changes or if there are any configurations that i  can change then suggest.
    Thanx in Advance.

    You have to enable the PERIODIC BILLING as the billing plan for your case.
    You can refer to the OSS note 831158 which gives lot of other OSS notes for you to configure the scenario.

  • How to Make Settlement Rule Mandatory in Sales Order(In Acct Assigt Tab)

    Hi Gurus,
    I have a business requirement. For Free of charge 3rd party orders (yes they have FOC orders delivered by third party) the business wants to ensure that the Settlement rule should be mandatory. They enter cost center & receiver in the settlement rule.
    i.e the order should not save till Settlement rule is maintained in the line item in the Acct Assignment tab.
    Please let me know how this can be done.
    1: Applied my brains on incompletion procedure but does not seems like it can be done there.
    2: Is there something in CO where some setting can make it mandatory to enter settlement rule in Sales order?
    3: I s there any other way in user-exits or ABAP?
    4: Is there any setting in Item category(I could not locate any)?
    5: Can this be done via Requirement class.
    Please assist to resolve this one.

    It depends on settings in Requirement Class (OVZG) and Account Assignment Catg (AAC) in OME9
    If your AAC is E in Req Class, then your sales order is a CO object.
    Requirement Class in IMG can be checked - IMG > Controling > Prod Cost Planning > Cost Obj Controling > Prod Cost By Sales Order > Control of Requirement.
    Or any filed any you can Make mandatory through Transaction variant SHD0.

  • Creation of automatic PO from sales order in 3rd party scenario

    hi ,
    we know, as per standard SAP ,  creation of PR from Sales order happens when we save SO. how to create PO automatically from sales order? and where where to put document type for  that PO ? ( in schedule line category we can set document type for PR)

    In addition to what Kapil suggested,
    3 - The Outline Agreement or Purchasing Info Record shall be maintained which will allow the automatic copying of unit price and other conditions into PO and
    4 - The Source List shall be maintained for the nominated vendor which was shown in either the Outline Agreement or Purchasing Info Record.
    By activating those config you can automatic create PO from PR.
    For that use TCode ME59 to automatically convert the current PR into PO.
    But, you can not automatically generate PO from sales order similar to that of PR.
    Thanks & Regards

  • Automatic creation of Sales Order with reference to Purchase Order

    I want to create the sales order automatically when we are creating the purchase order.
    kindly guide me how to do it,

    U can create BDC for Tcode VA01 in T code SHDB with the validation and ask the ABAPer to create one Y/Z Tcode. Then you input the PO no in the Tcode to create the SO in background.
    Create BDC for PO AND SO and give logic and validation with input field and ask the ABAPer to crate one Y/Z Tcode to create PO and SO in single execute.

  • Automatic creation of Sales Order on Creation of Purchase Order

    We want to create a sales order automatically in SAP the moment a Purchase order is created in SAP. How do we go about doing this? Can this be achieved through EDI or ALE Idocs?
    Would greatly appreciate if you could give step by step instructions as I am new to this area.
    Thanks in advance.

    just check below link..

Maybe you are looking for