Green / purple blocks appearing on output in Final Cut/Motion

I'm experiencing distorted images / breakup of both my timeline monitor, (in software) and video monitor (via Blackmagic card). The distortion takes the form of large, random groups of green and purple pixels, or large solid horizontal bars. The problem is at it's worst when applying filters such as 'dazzle', 'light rays' and 'outerglow', and occurrs both in Final Cut 6.0.1 and Motion 3.0.1.
I have read similar posts, and the most likely culprit seems to be the ATI GFX card I have installed. Can anyone else confirm this, or has anyone experienced a similar problem?
Message was edited by: Mutleyvideot

A friend of mine has a similar problem once in the summer when his appartment was very hot. We figured that the heat was just too much and so we replaced the standard cooler of the ATI X1900 card with another one. Since then the problem never occured again.
Filters like 'dazzle', 'light rays' and 'outerglow' are quite demanding effects on the graphics card. When you use these plugins, the graphics card really heats up.
On a PC such problems are quite common, but on a Mac you don't see that a lot.
You problem might be gone with another cooler, but I can't promised that.
You can try if you graphics card overheats, when you open the side on your Mac Pro and put a (big) fan right there to give the whole system a cool down. Then run Motion and look if the problems still occurs. If so: Get an better cooler for your X1900. If not: You might also have a hardware problem.
Christoph Vonrhein

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    Reconnect the offline media and life should be good.
    Still, the best solution is for everyone involved with the project to be using the same version of FCP/Color.

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    You cannot use the Canopus ADV-110 to view output from FCP x.  AJA, Black Magic and Matrox are as far as I know, the only manufacturers of suitable output hardware.  Of these the BM Intensity Pto is probably the least expensive.  However, note that all drivers, Apple and third party, are presently Beta software and therefore not entirely bomb proof.  I have used both the Matrox MX02 Mini and Black Magic Intensity Pro with moderate success, but both can exhibit play back jerkiness and the occassional hang up.  Usually, the jerkiness can be overcome by stopping playback then either forward or reverse frame by frame  using the forward or reverse keyboard arrows until the video monitor catches up, then go into play.
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    Message was edited by: FredGarvin
    Message was edited by: FredGarvin

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    Jin Li
    May this year, be the year of 'DO'!
    I am a volunteer, and not a paid staff of Lenovo or Microsoft

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    Edit starts on first frame:
    Edit starts on second frame:
    Edit starts on third frame:
    Edit starts on fourth frame:
    Edit starts on fifth frame:
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    I downloaded and installed the Nattress Standards Conversion filters and have experimented with them but have not been successful at eradicating this problem entirely. It seems its conversion from 60p to 24p assumes 60 unique frames, not a 3:2 pulldown clip. This coupled with the fact that Final Cut has some flakiness with its handling of the pulldown in general leaves me seeking the best strategy for handling this from wise council, which I would absolutely this forum to be.
    Thanks for any help in advance!

    Alex, thanks for your help. I didn't notice one of the FCP settings for my camera had been changed. Funny how working at 2:45 a.m. can sneak up on your brain.
    Thanks again & take care!

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    Which application could help me creating a letter box stype with black bands on top and bottom of the IPad screen so that I can have my 16 x 9 dimension of the picture kept correctly?

    Whatever your output from Final Cut, if you open in Quicktime and export or share and select Apple TV (iPad), your video shouldl be exported in a format playable on iPad.

Maybe you are looking for

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