Ground Zero

I'm sure this has been asked before. I am new to programming and I'm starting with Java. Other than the tutorials on Sun's site does anyone have a suggestion for a book. Most of the books I find are more for learning Java rather than learning to program from nothing, using Java. Once I learn the basics I would like to focus on swing applications/GUI and software integration. Any input would be great.

Try "Professional Java User Interfaces" by Marinilli. It goes about explaining the design patterns and practices used to design and implement Java user interfaces.
First you'll need to learn the language itself otherwise most books on building software with Java assume that you're already familiar with it. They like to keep language practicality and software development materials like design patterns separate.

Similar Messages

  • Gtx860m 2gb serious Problem with gtaV fifa15 MGS ground zero

    Hi people,
    i have a serious problem with my vga (gtx86m)
    when i wanna play with gtav,fifa 15 or mgs ground zero and i start msi after burner i notice that my vga usage is 0%.why?
    i have the last nvidia drivers installed on my notebook(350.12)
    anyone have the same problem?
    do u have some solution?
    i have a msi ge60 apache pro
    gtx860m 2GB
    8gb ram
    ssd samsung 120GB
    thanks anyway

    Forum Rules: Don’t… - Bump posts. (Bumps will be deleted without further notice)
    There are many people having the same problem (according to the ROCKSTAR forum), so I think the problem is from the GTA V and the NV Graphics Driver.
    There are users sharing the temporary fix:
    Quote:"There is a temporary fix for the Nvidia cards where you disable the Nvidia cards in the device manager and reenable after launching game."
    Give it a try.
    I'm sure that the long term solution should be a game patch or the new NV driver. It's better that you report the issue to the ROCKSTAR GAMES.

  • ITunes upgrade failed on Vista  PC,  I now have no Itunes

    I had a working installation of Itunes and Quicktime on my Vista PC. The only problem was on each launch I was greeted with a message that a new version was available and presented with an option to upgrade. The upgrade always failed with a message that I should try the stand-alone installer. Also failed to upgrade. I uninstalled ITunes (from add/remove SW) hoping a new install would be the answer. Unistall worked fine. Itunes is gone.
    New install does not succeed. It ends on a message:
    “Error getting file security: C:\ProgramData\Apple\Computer\Installer Cache\Quicktime\ GetLastError:5”
    Followed by “Rolling Back Actions” and “The Installation of Quicktime did not complete successfully. iTunes requires QuickTime.”
    I have a working installation of QuickTime version 7.5.5. It opens without error from the default install location. However, attempts to ‘Update Existing Software’ fail with the same “Error getting file security…” message and “Rolling back…” message. Same response on attempting to uninstall QuickTime from Add/Remove Software.
    Where I previously had a working version of iTunes with only an annoying popup message, I now have no iTunes at all. I do have a working down rev QuickTime (that I cannot remove) but that is of no use to me without iTunes.
    I need help to remove QuickTime so I can proceed from ground zero. I assume this is likely a Windows registry issue. I am competent to maker registry edits but not by trial and error. I need more knowledgeable advice on how to proceed.

    Just a thought, but maybe consider returning the device.  Seems it might be a bit too complicated for you.

  • Win 8.1, iMac Retina 3TB Fusion, Yosemite, Boot Camp fail!

    I've got a new iMac Retina with the 3TB Fusion drive on which I wanted to install Win 8.1 using Boot Camp. I have VMWare Fusion installed and running, but figured Boot Camp might be better for my needs.
    I read the Boot Camp Assistant instructions and it looked like it would be pretty easy to install Win 8.1. WRONG!
    I hooked up a USB HD for the driver download, hooked up the USB Apple DVD drive with the Win 8.1 installer, and started up Boot Camp Assistant.
    Assistant downloaded the drivers, created the BOOTCAMP partition, then I got into the Win 8.1 installer. Reached a screeching halt when the installer got to the point of selecting where Win 8.1 would be installed. Got the error message about BOOTCAMP partition not being an NTFS drive.
    Only one button "Format" to click to make the format NTFS. Confirmed I wanted to format, saw a brief spinning wheel, then supposedly formatting was done. Now Drive 1 Partition 4 lost the "BOOTCAMP" name and displayed no name. The "Next" button wouldn't do anything. I was stuck!
    So no go on installing Win 8.1! Booting back into Yosemite and opening Disk Utility I see the Boot Camp partition, now named "untitled," identified as an NTSF volume!
    I see a number of posts here where by using Terminal it is possible to work around problems with Fusion drives and Boot Camp.
    My solution was to start Boot Camp Assistant and select the third option on the first screen to remove the Boot Camp partition. Well at least that worked!!! So I'm back to ground zero!
    For now I think I'll just surrender and wait for Apple to figure out how somebody, who doesn't want to dig deep into the bowels of Fusion drives via Terminal, can install Win 8.1 on a 3TB Fusion drive (or any Fusion Drive?).

    Thanks Loner T for your response. I don't have any third party NFTS software. At this point I don't think it is worth the effort to attempt to do anything complicated.
    I did take some screen grabs and photos as I went through the install for the fourth or fifth time.
    1) Disk Utility before start:
    2) Create the Windows partition:
    3) Initial Windows partitions:
    4) Windows message on why can't install
    5) Hit the "Format" button, and get this confirmation:
    6) Results in partition name getting wiped, and still no active "Next" button:
    7) Still can't install Windows, hit "Show Details" and get this error message.
    8) Another attempt to "Format" results in the same problem. Still can't install. Boot back into Yosemite. Here's what Disk Utility now shows -- an "untitled" NTFS volume:
    Here's the finder window showing the "untitled" volume:
    The NTFS partition is there, but the Win 8.1 installer can't use it. Yes, it makes no sense, but that's what is going on!
    Here's info from Terminal on CS I see used here if it helps any:
    iMac-Retina:~ victor$ diskutil list
       #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
       0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *121.3 GB   disk0
       1:                        EFI EFI                     209.7 MB   disk0s1
       2:          Apple_CoreStorage                         121.0 GB   disk0s2
       3:                 Apple_Boot Boot OS X               134.2 MB   disk0s3
       #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
       0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *3.0 TB     disk1
       1:                        EFI EFI                     209.7 MB   disk1s1
       2:          Apple_CoreStorage                         2.8 TB     disk1s2
       3:                 Apple_Boot Recovery HD             650.0 MB   disk1s3
       4:       Microsoft Basic Data                         198.9 GB   disk1s4
       #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
       0:                  Apple_HFS iMac Retina HD         *2.9 TB     disk2
                                     Logical Volume on disk0s2, disk1s2
                                     Unencrypted Fusion Drive
    iMac-Retina:~ victor$ diskutil cs list
    CoreStorage logical volume groups (1 found)
    +-- Logical Volume Group 26BFCEFD-67DB-4AAE-BA18-4CC5EC205697
        Name:         Macintosh HD
        Status:       Online
        Size:         2921855311872 B (2.9 TB)
        Free Space:   114688 B (114.7 KB)
        +-< Physical Volume 88BDD48F-B9A0-42F9-A05A-26B828B211C9
        |   ----------------------------------------------------
        |   Index:    0
        |   Disk:     disk0s2
        |   Status:   Online
        |   Size:     120988852224 B (121.0 GB)
        +-< Physical Volume BEDB41F3-F2BC-4F31-B08F-A4B3E476A153
        |   ----------------------------------------------------
        |   Index:    1
        |   Disk:     disk1s2
        |   Status:   Online
        |   Size:     2800866459648 B (2.8 TB)
        +-> Logical Volume Family 536F7EC4-2FC3-4878-989E-233DF25AE1E7
            Encryption Status:       Unlocked
            Encryption Type:         None
            Conversion Status:       NoConversion
            Conversion Direction:    -none-
            Has Encrypted Extents:   No
            Fully Secure:            No
            Passphrase Required:     No
            +-> Logical Volume 5A16E295-8476-4500-A588-7DE44FE207B4
                Disk:                  disk2
                Status:                Online
                Size (Total):          2915999940608 B (2.9 TB)
                Conversion Progress:   -none-
                Revertible:            No
                LV Name:               iMac Retina HD
                Volume Name:           iMac Retina HD
                Content Hint:          Apple_HFS
    iMac-Retina:~ victor$
    Unless you see a simple solution, it's not worth the hassle at this point for me.
    Thanks for your interest.

  • Best practice for migrating data tables- please comment.

    I have 5 new tables seeded with data that need to be promoted from a development to a production environment.
    Instead of the DBAs just using a tool to migrate the data they are insistent that I save and provide scripts for every single commit, in proper order, necessary to both build the table and insert the data from ground zero.
    I am very unaccustomed to this kind of environment and it seems much riskier for me to try and rebuild the objects from scratch when I already have a perfect, tested, ready model.
    They also require extensive documentation where every step is recorded in a document and use that for the deployment.
    I believe their rationale is they don't want to rely on backups but instead want to rely on a document that specifies each step to recreate.
    Please comment on your view of this practice. Thanks!

    Please comment on your view of this practice. Thanks!
    Sounds like the DBAs are using best practices to get the job done. Congratulations to them!
    I have 5 new tables seeded with data that need to be promoted from a development to a production environment.
    Instead of the DBAs just using a tool to migrate the data they are insistent that I save and provide scripts for every single commit, in proper order, necessary to both build the table and insert the data from ground zero.
    The process you describe is what I would expect, and require, in any well-run environment.
    I am very unaccustomed to this kind of environment and it seems much riskier for me to try and rebuild the objects from scratch when I already have a perfect, tested, ready model.
    Nobody cares if if is riskier for you. The production environment is sacred. Any and all risk to it must be reduced to a minimum at all cost. In my opinion a DBA should NEVER move ANYTHING from a development environment directly to a production environment. NEVER.
    Development environments are sandboxes. They are often not backed up. You or anyone else could easily modify tables or data with no controls in place. Anything done in a DEV environment is assumed to be incomplete, unsecure, disposable and unvetted.
    If you are doing development and don't have scripts to rebuild your objects from scratch then you are doing it wrong. You should ALWAYS have your own backup copies of DDL in case anything happens (and it does) to the development environment. By 'have your own' I mean there should be copies in a version control system or central repository where your teammates can get their hands on them if you are not available.
    As for data - I agree with what others have said. Further - ALL data in a dev environment is assumed to be dev data and not production data. In all environments I have worked in ALL production data must be validated and approved by the business. That means every piece of data in lookup tables, fact tables, dimension tables, etc. Only computed data, such as might be in a data warehouse system generated by an ETL process might be exempt; but the process that creates that data is not exempt - that process and ultimately the data - must be signed off on by the business.
    And the business generally has no access to, or control of, a development environment. That means using a TEST or QA environment for the business users to test and validate.
    They also require extensive documentation where every step is recorded in a document and use that for the deployment.
    I believe their rationale is they don't want to rely on backups but instead want to rely on a document that specifies each step to recreate.
    Absolutely! That's how professional deployments are performed. Deployment documents are prepared and submitted for sign off by each of the affected groups. Those groups can include security, dba, business user, IT and even legal. The deployment documents always include recovery steps so that is something goes wrong or the deployment can't procede there is a documented procedure of how to restore the system to a valid working state.
    The deployments themselves that I participate in have representatives from the each of those groups in the room or on a conference call as each step of the deployment is performed. Your 5 tables may be used by stored procedures, views or other code that has to be deployed as part of the same process. Each step of the deployment has to be performed in the correct order. If something goes wrong the responsible party is responsible for assisting in the retry or recovery of their component.
    It is absolutely vital to have a known, secure, repeatable process for deployments. There are no shortcuts. I agree, for a simple 5 new table and small amount of data scenario it may seem like overkill.
    But, despite what you say it simply cannot be that easy for one simple reason. Adding 5 tables with data to a production system has no business impact or utility at all unless there is some code, process or application somewhere that accesses those tables and data. Your post didn't mention the part about what changes are being made to actually USE what you are adding.

  • Scan To Network Folder Fails Post Install of Firmware Due To Password No Longer Being Passed

    The scan to network folder has been working for over a year on my OfficeJet Pro 8600 Plus to a file share in a QNAP NAS. HP CLP1CN1435AR firmware was applied to the printer in Dec 2014. Upon my first need to use the scan to network folder feature in 2015 I find that it no longer works. Attempts to validate the once working scan setup failed. Though a variety of tests I have determined that the password entered into the web server on the printer is NOT being passed as part of the logon credentials to the QNAP.
    I tested every possible combination going back to ground zero and starting fresh with multiple new user ids, passwords, network shares, 8 character user names, simple passwords, IP or hostnames in the network path, requiring SSL or not, etc. With each test, I validated that I could sign on directly to the NAS and that the user ID was authorized to change files in the network share. With each fail, I validated the logs in the router and in the NAS that traffic looked normal and it was the sign on credentials were the reason the NAS rejected the sign on. The only thing that worked was a guest ID from the NAS which does not HAVE a password. Any requirement for a password during the sign on to the NAS will not be honored or satisfied by the new firmware.
    This is an egregious error - something that should have never made it out of even the first level of testing within HP. I would love to inform HP about this discovery but alas, my printer is 2 DAYS out of warranty so the forum is well the only voice with HP that I have.
    Now I have to set up an unprotected area of my NAS by giving the gest account access which means that anyone who plugs a network cable behind my firewall gets to see the scanned information. Now I am very sorry I applied the firmware. Now I am getting to be sorry that I bought this and another HP printer despite being a customer for years.
    I would love some help from HP but not going to put out for an extended warranty or pay for phone support for something that I have easily and clearly tested to be a problem with the new firmware.
    If anyone has figured a way around this, please let me know. Hopefully it will help focus someone else who is experiencing the same problem. Network configurations can differ, ect but I am pretty sure the rash of posts in the last couple of months about the scan to network folder feature have the fail to pass the password error as the root cause.
    Unhappily & insecurely scanning to a very public folder share until then. Information that is vulnerable regardless of how brief of a moment until it is moved off the share is still vulnerable information. It’s not something I can live with for the long term.

    Hi @Road_Trip ,
    I have brought your issue to the attention of an appropriate team within HP. They will likely request information from you in order to look up your case details or product serial number. Please look for a private message from an identified HP contact. Additionally, keep in mind not to publically post ( serial numbers and case details).
    If you are unfamiliar with how the Forum's private message capability works, you can learn about that here.
    I work for HP

  • Itunes Library was erased from my computer -Ipod synced and HELP!

    Sorry - I am a brand newbie to iPod.
    I recently got my 'pod. I loaded it up with a zillion mp3 files, and more, including videos I coverted from my Dvds and some videos I bought through iTunes.
    All was well for weeks.
    THEN - my computer crashed, and my computer tanked, taking my itunes library with it. After getting the computer going again, I reinstalled itunes.
    I had the mp3s backed up (most of them anyway) on disks. I loaded some of them back into the library, and tried to sync. First thing - my ipod HAD been named "Kerin's ipo"
    Now it just showed as a drive letter "E". I loaded some files in the library, and synced. My ipod is set to manually update. I don't know how it happened, but it seems to have uploaded the new library control files or something?
    This is the thing - the ipod still shows pretty "full." I had 25 gigs of teh 30 gigs free. It still showed only 5 gigs free.
    When I show the "hidden" files, and look in the music directory, I see LOTS of files - but they all have funky names like XYZAV.mp3. When my mouse hovers over them, they show info that tells me the 'real' name of the file, such as "get info" might include. But the files are in no logical order. The videos are all mixed in and songs from one playlist or album are scattered over all the many folders.
    Further, the new files don't seem to be actually in there. I DID see all the new files in the music and song list - but they wouldn't play - when I went to song view and started to play, it just loaded all the song names one after the other, but never played a note.
    After erasing all the (i was afraid corrupt) music files and syncing again, the song folder is now empty again.
    However - as mentioned before, the properties in My Computer list the ipod as nearly full still.
    My questions:
    a) how do I rename my ipod (not even sure how i did it - had something to do with the first time I connected the ipod to itunes?). I don't want it named "E" I want Kerin's iPo back. When I connect it as a disk, btw, it is still named that. But in iTunes it just shows as "E".
    b) How do I get to view my old directory structure and songs again? they are obviously still there!
    c) I have software (I've tried two diiferent ones - which both seemed to work ok before all this happened - Share Pod and another) which would let me get my unprotected songs BACK off the ipod, if only I could see the old directory from my ipod! But right now, neither of the programs seem to see the files that are clearly there and playable in the hidden folders. How do I get these files visible to the sharepod software? I assume this means I need a directory file or something for them to work from?
    Can anyone help me sort this all out? I am not sure where to start, even for so simple a thing as making my ipod name show up again, and why won't it play the new files, let alone, why does it still show completely full?
    If it were empty, I guess I could start from scratch - but there are things not backed up anywhere else yet, that I'd REALLY like to have back before I try completely brainwashing the pod and starting from ground zero. Also, I spent a LOT of time loading 25 gigs of stuff on there - I'd rather not have to do that all again - if there is some way to recover what is on there already, I'd love that option.
    Please help!
    Thanks in advance to all the marvelous people who help each other here. I have been reading through these forums for hours and don't see answers to this situation - maybe it's so obvious, that's why no one has bothered - but I didn't see it in the online manuals, or here in the forums... maybe i'm searching in the wrong place? If someone can direct me to answers, I'll be MOST grateful!
    PS: I'm not computer illiterate - just ipod dumb! Just got this darn thingie!
    PC   Windows XP Pro   Vallejo, CA

    a) See: How to rename your iPod.
    b & c) If you can still the view hidden files, see this Music from iPod to computer.
    "I see LOTS of files - but they all have funky names like XYZAV.mp3"
    That's normal. When those files are back in iTunes they'll have the correct names.
    Once the files are back to your computer (and only then), you should restore your iPod. It would appear that the hard drive has become corrupt and unreadable.

  • Missing preferences, tool bars, menu items after receiving CS3 file while I have CS2

    I have Indesign CS2. I rec'd a CS3 file not knowing it was CS3. A message appeared as follows:
    Cannot Open. Please upgrade your plugins to the latest versions, or upgrade to the latest edition of Indesign.
    I went into HELP, Configure plugins. Chose "all" and "required" plugins. I then clicked ok and it said "All plugins available when you restart application" and it still wouldn't open. Then I was sent an exchange version of the same file and it still wouldn't open. I received this message:
    Cannot open. InDesign may not support the file format, a plug-in that supports the file format may be missing or the file may be open in another application.
    After this I wasn't able to get my CS2 screen back the way it was before. There's no introduction when I open the program, my tool bars aren't present, and the menu items aren't as extensive as they were before.
    It was then suggested I reinstall Cs2. I logged in under the administrator. CS2 was different than the way I had it before but the tool bars were present. I then logged in under my name and there are still problems;no tool bars, missing menu items, no intro, etc.
    I then tried rebuilding my preferences using these instructions;
    The fastest way to do this for InDesign CS2 (and any CS2 program) is to quit the program, then hold down Command-Option-Shift-Control immediately after starting it up again, and keep those keys held down. (On Windows, hold down Control-Alt-Shift.)
    If you mashed on those keys quickly enough, youll get an alert when the splash screen appears offering to Delete InDesign Preferences File?. Click Yes, but dont release the modifier keys while you do so, because youre going to get a second alert to which you should also click Yes.
    Now you can release the keys and InDesign will complete the boot-up process with fresh, clean Preferences.
    Nothing happened so my program is still missing preferences, menu items and toolbars. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Operating System Windows XP Professional
    Dell Precision 360

    First, you need to realize that resetting preferences will put them back to ground zero, not the way they were the last time you were happy.
    You can try the key combination again and see if you are any faster (we're talking near instantaneous) or you can open your user profile, show hidden files and folders and navigate to C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Adobe\InDesign\Version 4.0 and rename the two files InDesign Defaults and InDesign SavedData.
    In your case, a better first option, I think, would be to try System Restore which you'll find in System Tools under the Programs > Accessories heading on the start menu. Go back to the first restore point before you tried to open the file, if you can.
    In any case, for you to open a CS3 .inx file you will need to be fully patched the the last CS2 update, and you should expect to see some text reflow issues, as well as missing any CS3 features that the author used which aren't supported in CS2.

  • How can I change an already set up mac to a new admin account

    This is an upgrade Snow Leopard 10.6.8 from Tiger. I have always had the same logon which I thought gave me admin priviledges and I was trying to install Digital Performer 7.24 and I got a message that I did not have sufficient priviledges to install hard drive authorizations and I needed to sign in with an admin account which I thought I had presumeably done already. I had signed on the account that I had used from the time I had authorized tiger. Since it took consiiderable time and effort to install many Pro Audio music plugins I don't want to start again at ground zero. Help me if you can:)

    Disconnect all peripherals from your computer.
    Boot from your install disc & run Repair Disk from the utility menu. To use the Install Mac OS X disc, insert the disc, and restart your computer while holding down the C key as it starts up.
    Select your language.
    Once on the desktop, select Utility in the menu bar.
    Select Disk Utility.
    Select the disk or volume in the list of disks and volumes, and then click First Aid.
    Click Repair Disk.
    Restart your computer when done.
    Repair permissions after you reach the desktop- and restart your computer.  Reinstallng Digital Performer 7.24 should now work.  If not, you should contact its customer tech support department -
    Do you meet all of Digital Performer 7.24 system requirements?
    Version 7.24
    • Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) compatibility
    • Improvements and optimizations
    Minimum System Requirements
    Digital Performer 7.24 requires a computer with a 1 GHz G4 processor and 1 GB of RAM running Mac OS X v10.5.8 Leopard or later to install and run. A display resolution of 1024 x 768 is also required.
    System Recommendations
    The minimum recommended system for Digital Performer is a multi-core or multi-processor Power Mac G5 or Intel-based Mac with 2 GB of RAM or more. A display resolution of 1280 x 1024 is also recommended.
    Pro Tools|HD System Requirements
    Digital Performer supports DAE versions 8.0–8.0.3 with the following Digidesign Pro Tools systems:
    • Pro Tools|HD (1, 2 or 3)
    • Pro Tools|HD Accel
    Pro Tools version 8.0 cs3 or later is strongly recommended. Support for Pro Tools 8.0.3 requires that Pro Tools is installed before installing Digital Performer 7.1 or later. If Pro Tools 8.0.3 is installed after Digital Performer 7.1 or later, the Digital Performer installer must be run again for DAE to function properly.

  • Red Circle with Red Square back to haunt me.  Apple Techs where are you, why wasn't this addressed in iOS 7.04?

    Red Circle With Square - I had the red circle with square for two weeks. I did everything listed in every forum to still end up with a smart phone that couldn't play music(iPhone 4s).  After I finally reformatted my HDD and reinstalled a freshcopy of MAVERICKS from USB and wiped my phone it went away. 
    Then it came back.   A week after I finally resolved my problem, 3 days after 7.04 release, I loaded a store bought CD and BAM!!!, all 7288 songs on my iphone no longer played, now I am back to ground zero and getting somewhat fed up.  This is ridiculous.

    Red Circle With Square - I had the red circle with square for two weeks. I did everything listed in every forum to still end up with a smart phone that couldn't play music(iPhone 4s).  After I finally reformatted my HDD and reinstalled a freshcopy of MAVERICKS from USB and wiped my phone it went away. 
    Then it came back.   A week after I finally resolved my problem, 3 days after 7.04 release, I loaded a store bought CD and BAM!!!, all 7288 songs on my iphone no longer played, now I am back to ground zero and getting somewhat fed up.  This is ridiculous.

  • Looking for easy to follow guide for building a software updates process.

    I am hoping that I can get some general guidance here. I have responsibility for sccm 2012 in our environment. I also have to do exchange 2010, all Cisco networking and a few other large platforms. Needless to say it gets to difficult to get on a task and
    stay focused for long periods of time. I tend to just sort of keep things running and that's all I usually have time for. 
    We have sccm 2012 and it's mostly used for OSD right now. I have been tasked with developing and implementing a process for critical updates across the organization. We have one primary site and three secondaries with about 2500 machines. There is no history
    of doing updates here other than a previous person who used to do them via WSUS and GPO. But that has not happened for well over a year now.  My problem is that I have no familiarity with doing updates via WSUS or sccm. So it's all pretty new to me. I
    got Kent Agerlunds book and like his detailed approach and was hoping to just sort of adopt that process and tailor it to this environment. 
    I do have WSUS installed in our primary location and the SUP point on our primary and secondary servers. Things seem to be syncing fine. Now I need to try to put together a process that is easy to manage and works.   The biggest problem I find is that
    given I have primary ownership for a wide range of technologies in a company that is not a small mom and pop organization, it is difficult to sit down and get the necessary time to hammer this out. Everytime I sit down to work on this I feel I have to try
    to learn it all over again. For some reason, probably my lack of experience with even WSUS or patching in general, they way this is supposed to work is just not sinking in effectively. 
    Can someone recommend a decent guide that is easy to understand and easy to follow? I find so much material out there on this topic that it gets a bit overwhelming and I spend what time I do have available jumping from document to document and not really
    getting a decent foundation of how this is supposed to work. 
    Also, if anyone cares to chime in how they would maybe approach this task if assigned to them. Imagine and environment that has no software updates in place and basically never did. Machines are very, very outdated. I have disabled automatic updates via
    a GPO ( this was recommended in the Agerlund book). 
    Also, since this is basically a ground zero environment should I have two focuses? One, just getting everything up to date, and then a second process for keeping things up to date?
    I realize this is a really broad info dump that I'm asking for, but I find just googling and trying to figure this out ends up with a scattered bunch of links that I don't really feel help me just get started on the right track.

    You just need to deploy software updates to specific collections periodically, such as Automatic deployment rules, keep things up to date. Then monitor the status to make sure deployments are successful.
    The following KBs describe how to plan software updates.
    Best Regards,
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • My 3000H will no longer connect to the internet via my cable modem - help please.

    I have 3 computers and a media server on a Linksys router with a Comcast cable modem. Everything AOK. 3 weeks ago my Lenovo 3000H shut down and rebooted for no reason. Then I began getting popups while I was on the internet saying that I needed to click on a button to make a dial-up connection. I would hit X or Cancel to make it go away. It happend more frequently and other related popups started, but I could close them and continue normally. Last weekend It happened again but I lost my connection to the internet and it would not reconnect. Now I get a big error message "Connecting through Wan Miniport(PPPOE)... Error 815: The broadband netowrk connection could not be established on your computer because the remote server is not responding. This could be caused by and invalid value for the "Service Name" field for this connection. Please contact your ISP and inquire about the correct value for this field and update it in the Connection Properties..
    I called Comcast. They don't have a clue what Error 815 is. I have changed every cable, rebooted the modem, router and all computers countless times, and reset the modem per Comcast. I have taken the router out and connected directly into the Lenovo. I have gone through every screen related to broadband connection to no avail although, being a beginner, I see screens that I have no clue what they do.I have a couple of friends and a Comcast fellow who tried to walk me through the steps they thought would restore my connectio. No luck.
    Can anyone walk me through the necessary steps to get me back to ground zero and then through the steps to reestablish my broadband connection?
    Help Please?

    In Safari, press on the Bookmarks icon and select History.  Then press on Clear History at the top of that menu, and see it there is any improvement.
    If not, try unplugging your WiFi router for a few seconds.  Then reset the iPad's network.  Go to Settings-General-Reset-Reset Network Settings.  You will need to reconnect the iPad to WiFi.

  • Mail crashes, no longer opens -- your thoughts?

    After only a few days of use, my iPhone's Mail app refused to open. I tapped the Mail icon, and it would open for an instant (without displaying my Inbox's contents), and then disappear, leaving me back at the Home screen.
    I tried deactivating the one account I had set up (in Settings > Mail), and that fixed it. So, Mail would open, but of course, it just prompted me to configure an account, since I had deactivated the sole account (which was IMAP, BTW).
    I just did a full System Restore, and thankfully that fixed the issue, but at the expense of losing my custom settings and Maps bookmarks. (I didn't want to restore from the backup, because I thought the backup would have the same crashing issue.)
    Has anyone else experienced this issue? I couldn't find anything like it in the tech docs or on these forums. Just wanted to share my story in case it's useful to others.

    That sounds like some major corruption of the mail account files.
    You could have tried deleteting just the mail account, and recreating it to see if the problem was related to just the mail account files. Restoring is more of a "last" resort, which resets EVERYTHING to ground zero. Glad it works, though.

  • RE : Having troubles with a form

    Hi Guys,
    Its been a while since i posted here. The company I work for has a website designed by the former guy from marketing. So all upadtes and fix ups ar eup to me to fix. As I have said before, my skills in php/html/flash are a little above basic. I can understand coding and can work my way around a website.
    With that said, There is a form on the website to register as a VIP for our company. Now, It works fine, it sends to my email and all, so I assume the php code is ok. The problem is this, all the info that is typed in a input box shows up in the email, but all the info thats under a check box and radio button do not work. It shows up in the email as [object Object].
    Here is the email that sends out after clicking submit:
    Name: TEST21
    Telephone: 2890
    Email: [email protected]
    Address: 222
    Birthday (year month day): 1985 12 12
    Company: july 21 12 50pm
    Title: TEST
    No of kids: undefined
    Gender (True = Male): false
    Reward Selection: [object Object]
    Newsletter(True = yes): false
    Existing Cardholder: [object Object]
    Marital Status: [object Object]
    Age: [object Object]
    As you can see most of it sends through except for the radio buttons. I managed to fix (kind of) the GENDER and NEWSLETTER to send as true or false. But this won't do. I tried clicking both Male and Female for gender and it both shows up as false. I feel I'm so close to the answer, I managed to code something that the Gender sends as M or F. But I wasnt able to save the file. So I'm back to ground zero. Need help please.
    I can paste the code here from the submit button on the form and the PHP code for anyones reference. THANKS IN ADVANCE.
    //trace ("gender_male.value++++++++++" + gender_male.value);
    //trace ("gender_female.value++++++++++" + gender_female.value);
    if (gender_male.selected) {
    trace("gender is set to male");
      gender_male.value = "M";
    } else {
    trace("gender is set to female");
      gender_female.value = "F"; 
    if (reward_1.value==true)
    else if (reward_2.value==true)
    if (allownewsletter_yes.value==true)
    else if (allownewsletter_no.value==true)
    if (cardholder_yes.value==true)
    else if (cardholder_no.value==true)
    if ((marital_yes.value==false) and (marital_no.value==false))
    if (marital_yes.value==true)
    else if (marital_no.value==true)
    if (interest_1.value==true)
    if (interest_2.value==true)
    if (interest_3.value==true)
    if (interest_4.value==true)
    if (interest_5.value==true)
    if (interest_6.value==true)
      if (other_interest==undefined)
    //trace ("interest_1.value='''''''''''''''''''''''''''" +interest_1.value)
    if (age_1.value==true)
    else if (age_2.value==true)
    else if (age_3.value==true)
    else if (age_4.value==true)
        trace ("_root.firstname=" + firstname)
        trace ("_root.lastname=" + lastname)
        trace ("_root.gender12345=" + _root.gender)
        trace ("" + phone)
        trace ("_root.address=" + address)
        trace ("" + email)
        trace ("_root.db_year=" + db_year)
        trace ("_root.db_month=" + db_month)
        trace ("_root.db_day=" + db_day)
        trace ("" + companynames)
        trace ("_root.title=" + title)
        trace ("" + phone)
        trace ("_root.kid_no=" + kid_no)
        trace ("_root.allownewsleter=" + _root.allownewsleter)
        //trace ("allownewsletter_yes=" + allownewsletter_yes.value)
        trace ("gender=" + _root.gender    )
        trace ("db_year=" + db_year.value )
        trace ("CARDHOLDER=====" + _root.cardholder )
        trace ("marital=====" + _root.marital )
        trace ("_root.interest========" + _root.interest )
        trace ("_root.age========" + _root.age )
        trace ("_root.reward========" + _root.reward )
        trace ("_root.firstname=" + _root.firstname)
        trace ("_root.gender=" + _root.gender)
        trace ("" +
        trace ("_root.address=" + _root.address)
        trace ("" +
        trace ("_root.db_year=" + _root.db_year)
        trace ("_root.db_month=" + _root.db_month)
        trace ("_root.db_day=" + _root.db_day)
        trace (""
        if (_root.kid_no==undefined)
        if ((_root.firstname=="")  or (_root.gender=="") or ("")  or (_root.address=="")  or ("")  or (_root.db_month=="")  or (_root.db_day=="")   or (_root.age=="") )
         message_movie.messagevalue=    "Please fill in all mandatory fields!"
        URL = "email_vip.php?firstname=" + firstname + "&lastname=" + lastname + "&email=" + email + "&phone=" + phone   + "&area_id=" + area + "&address=" + address +
                "&db_year=" + db_year + "&db_month=" + db_month + "&db_day=" + db_day + "&companynames=" + companynames + "&titles=" + titles + "&kid_no=" + kid_no +
                "&gender=" + gender + "&reward=" + reward + "&allownewsleter=" + allownewsleter + "&cardholder=" + cardholder + "&marital=" + marital + "&interest" + interest +
                "&age=" + age ;
        loadVariablesNum(URL , 0, "GET");
            //getURL (URL);
    $area =array("","Hong Kong Island","Kowloon","New Territoris","Outlying Islands","Mainland China","Overseas");
    $gender =array("","Male","Female");
    //echo "firstname=$firstname";
        $smtp_server = "localhost";
        //$from        = "Igor's Group<[email protected]>";
        $from        = "Igor's Group<[email protected]>";
        $subject     = "Elite Card Registration";
        $to          = "[email protected]";
        //$to          = "[email protected]";
        $headers = "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\nFrom: $from\r\nReply-To: $from";
        $body= "Name: $firstname<br>";
        $body=$body . "Telephone: $phone<br>";
        $body=$body . "Email: $email<br>";
        $body=$body . "Address: $address<br>";
        $body=$body . "Birthday (year month day): $db_year $db_month $db_day<br>";
        $body=$body . "Company: $companynames<br>";
        $body=$body . "Title: $title<br>";
        $body=$body . "No of kids: $kid_no<br>";
        $body=$body . "Gender (True = Male): $gender<br>";
        $body=$body . "Reward Selection: $reward<br>";
        $body=$body . "Newsletter(True = yes): $allownewsleter<br>";
        $body=$body . "Existing Cardholder: $cardholder<br>";
        $body=$body . "Marital Status: $marital<br>";
        $body=$body . "Interest: $interest<br>";
        $body=$body . "Age: $age";
    Hope to hear from you guys.

    Your code is looking like AS2. Hence providing the AS2 code for your reference.
    First select your Male radio button, open component inspector and type "M" in the data field and press enter. Select your Female radio button, open component inspector and type "F" in the data field and press enter
    Just add the below code instead of your radio button code
    radio_button_listener = new Object(); = function (evt){
    _root.gender =
    radioGroup.addEventListener("click", radio_button_listener);
    The above code gives you "M" or "F" in your php output.

  • Battery power and redundant shutdown while syncing

    This is mostly a suggestion for the folks at apple, but it seems that you can't just E-mail them these days.
    When an iPod's battery is low and you plug it in to sync, often times it gets partially through the syncing process and then decides that it doesn't have any power to continue. So, it shuts itself down leaving you with an incomplete sync that restarts all over again when you plug the iPod in.
    This is ESPECIALLY problematic when you are the situation that I am in- the one that made me come here and learn how to use discussions -restoring your iPod. I was having a few little errors in the use of my iPod. Nothing serious, mostly just that the artwork was messed up (on the iPod, and not in iTunes). So I figured 'what the heck, restore it, can't do any harm'. I plug the iPod in, hit restore and PRESTO! Beep beep, beep beep, beep beep. The iPod redundantly shut itself down saying that it didn't have enough battery power, rendering all the files that HAD loaded, useless, because the next time you try to sync it starts over from ground zero.
    The iPod should be able to charge and sync at the same time. In the event that this is impossible, then the iPod should be able to say to itself "Bob, you're going to die if you keep syncing. Let's take a break and spend some time charging up the old battery." Rather than saying "Bob, you're going to die if you keep syncing. Why don't you just do that, waste the owner's time, and make the world one redundant iPod angrier."
    Does anyone else have this problem? Does anyone else agree? or am I just being stupid about the whole thing?

    you might try setting the processor performance to reduced
    might also try checking the Activity Monitor to see if there is a run away process.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Memory Error Code mem_/2/3

    G3 (slot loading) blueberry computer is freezing at startup. Just ran supplied cd "Apple Hardware Test" with a fail memory results - error code mem_/2/3 How do I fix this problem?

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    Configuration: =========== S.O.: Windows 98 SE RAM: 256 Procesador: AMD DURON 800 Printer jobs: 50 Error: ==== no free system resources Problem: ======= The following code run ok in jdk 1.3, and is not run correctly in jdk 1.4.2_04 import java.awt.*;

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    Hi all, Can anyone let me know the enhancement point in t-code MIRO before saving the document. Plz let me know if there is any enhancement spot.. plz help me out in this issue. Thanks in advance.