Grouping movies/TV Shows

I've noticed on my Touch that when I have three or more episodes of a TV Show they are sub grouped (like in their own folder) and not listed individually like one or two are. Is this possible with movies also? I have a dozen old cartoons that I gave all the same artist name but they are still listed individually, so this may only be a function of TV Shows. I suppose I could just make a playlist but I like to keep my lists neat.

Try right clicking the selected episodes, all at once, and clicking "Get Info"> "Options" (tab) > Media Kind > TV Show.
That should do the trick.

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    The playlists would be in the movie section, not in music.
    Check you have video playlists enabled in settings.
    Yes I'm disappointed there is no grouping of movies, with my home movies I have over a thousand movies and the list is too long without grouping, I'm also disappointed that TV shows are listed in groups of series instead of shows as was the case on the Apple TV 1, I have 19 series of one show and the list of TV shows is as awkward as movies.

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    Let's try the following user tip with that one:
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    1. iTunes won't offer cloud downloads for songs that it "thinks" are in your library, even if it "knows" the files are missing. If you've exhaustively searched for the missing files and there is no prospect of repair by restoring to them to their original locations, or connecting to new ones, then delete that tracks that display both the missing exclamation mark and are of media kind Purchased/Protected AAC audio file. Don't hide from iTunes in the cloud when asked, close iTunes, then reopen. You can download from the cloud links or iTunes Store > Quicklinks > Purchased > Music > Not on this computer > All songs > Download all.
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    AAC, Stereo (L R), 48.00 kHz
    Movie FPS: 23.98
    Playing FPS: 23.98
    Data Size: 1.24 GB
    Data Rate: 938.58 kbits/sec
    Normal Size: 720 x 304 pixels
    Current Size: 720 x 304 pixles

    RogerOut makes some good points and this feels to me like a ham fisted attempt by Apple to take control of my media in a way that I don't want.  The stuff it is choosing to call "home movie" is 100% legit movies, but not ones I bought through the itunes store.  So I load a movie and then it mysteriously does not show up in my Apple TV because it has defaulted to "home movie".
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    This was driving me nuts, but I figured it out. Here's how to fix:
    1) Create (or find) a thumbnail image that represents the series to you (I put text over a screenshot) in Photoshop or whatever you like to use, and put it on the clipboard
    2) In iTunes, select all the episodes from your series in the TV Shows view, right click, and select "Get Info"
    3) On the first tab ("Info") click in the artwork field, then paste in the thumbnail
    4) THIS IS THE KEY STEP - With your iPad plugged into your Mac, go to the TV shows tab and uncheck "Sync TV Shows" and then apply the new settings, and say okay when it tells you all your TV shows will be removed from your iPad
    5) After the sync is complete, check to make sure all your TV shows are gone (in the video app, there shouldn't even be a tab for TV Shows)
    6) In iTunes, check Sync TV Shows again, then apply
    Once the sync is complete, your TV Shows will hopefully show up with good thumbnails.
    The issue seems to be that once a file has been copied over, updating the thumbnail image in iTunes will NOT force an update on the iPad, and in the TV Shows view there are no captions on the main screen. You have to delete all the files to wipe the DB on the iPad.

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    Hopefully, someone here has experienced this. Cause this is driving me crazy.

    Siberia0858 wrote:
    Thanks!! I'll have to try can call them back.  It makes no sense how it can be there one day and gone the next. I even tried to reset the factory settings on my Apple TV and that didn't work. Do they usually give you an answer if your warranty has expired? They mention something about paying for them to "fix" it.
    I have resisted really tackling the issue of the missing stuff, simply because you stated that you were actually 'talking' with Apple ( " I called Apple" ) - so at present, let's stick with the Apple <> You correspondence...
    Warranty info should be at their fingertips for the asking.
    If out of warranty, repairs cost $ and some problems deemed caused by the User MIGHT. If all this happened after "I woke up today and poof!" (i.e., you did nothing at all) - it must be related to some update you had allowed or sought out - that seems to be an Apple responsibility. I have never been charged (or heard of someone being charged) because of anomalies caused by an update - they may not be able to fix 'em without a fix in an version update though.
    Tell us the Story  of your Apple correspondence:
    What # did you call? And where did you find it? and How? *
    list all communications
    approx Date/Time
    who you spoke with (N***y = Nancy, what 'Level' - i.e., 1st person, 2nd via transfer, etc
    what Action Apple took - or promised to take?
    you get the idea...
    * if you did NOT find that # to call at the Apple Site somewhere ( Google/Bing/Yahoo Search), you have possibly NOT been talking with Apple.

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    Jorge Costa wrote:
    I would like to move my huge iTunes library music from external HD 1 to a bigger external HD 2. I would like to make HD 2 as my only reference and after delete any iTunes files on the HD 1. Already chosen the new media location and checked "keep media folder organized". 
    Then should I Consolidate files or Reorganize under Organize library?
    Should I use export library?
    Can you please give a clue what steps should I take?
    These are questions you should ask before you do anything.
    Follow Niel's instructions.

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    My husband and I are currently both running iPhones (4 for him, 4S for me) and two brand new iPads.  We have separate iCloud accounts and apple IDs because we both had older iPhones before we met.
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    Sub question- is there a way to combine ALL previous purchases (music, apps, movies, tv) on our shared desktop and then select manually what syncs to each device?
    This whole not being able to sync more than one Apple ID to a device for 90 days is really killing me.  That does apply to apps as well, right?

    That actually has very little to do with my original question.
    For anyone with the same problem I had, I did eventually make the leap and it turned out to be an easy solution for us.  Since I had never bought any movies and rarely buy music (which is oodles more transferrable than movies and tv anyhow) I just started using my husband's account for everything.  The issue I was worried I would have- not being able to update apps and such- turned out to be moot, since the updater just prompts me for the password to whichever account the app was originally downloaded under.  So never fear, if you decide to use one out of two accounts you will still be able to update apps and not worry about that 90-day switch.
    This will become an issue someday when we upgrade our stuff, but at that point I'll probably just bite the bullet and re-purchase any apps I hadn't bought under his ID.

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    While you can do that, it is not a feature of iTunes.  Put your movies on the external drive, then add them to iTunes by dragging the files to iTunes while holding the option (alt) key down so it leaves the files where they are located.  There are other ways to move them if they are already added but they can be more involved and tricky.  If it's just one or two try:

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    Play the movie in iTunes to stream it.
    Click the cloud icon to download it.

  • I have previously viewed movies and TV Shows on my IPHONE that I want to delete and free up space so that I can buy new movies/TV show to watch.  How do I get them off my IPHONE and my ITUNES account?

    I have previously viewed movies and TV Shows on my IPHONE that I want to delete and free up space so that I can buy new movies/TV show to watch.  How do I get them off my IPHONE and my ITUNES account?

    Hey RR6705,
    If you would like to delete previously purchased content off of your iPhone, you may find the steps outlined in the following article helpful:
    How to delete content you've downloaded from the iTunes Store, App Store, iBooks Store, or Mac App Store - Apple Support
    - Brenden

  • Newly addes movies/tv shows into iTunes don't appear on Apple TV

    I don't know whether I am the only one seeing this problem...
    I have been converting my DVDs to H.264 format using Handbrake/DVDFab and then I add them to iTunes library. My iTunes is setup for Custom Sync with syncing enabled ONLY for the Music. This means my movies/TV Shows/Podcasts are all setup for "Streaming". However, when I access "My Movies" or "My TV Shows", I still see the old list (none of the newly added titles are shown).
    I have to shutdown iTunes and relaunch for the list to get refreshed in ATV.
    Do you observe this as well?
    I continue to be plagued with the disappearing ATV under iTunes.

    You appear to have two separate issues here, the first, the one with your firewall is causing most of the issues and error messages you see. Have you checked your firewall settings to see if they are as they should be.
    The other issue of new content not being updated is a minor but annoying issue compared with the first. I can't say whether or not it will eventually update content if you simply leave it alone. My wife and kids are not that patient and have me hit sync within a few minutes of new content being added.

  • How to store movies & TV shows in a different location

    Hi there!
    I've seen many of you asking (unfortunatelly with no clear answer) how to store movies & TV shows into another location away from the iTunes Music folder. This idea is to store videos on an AirDisk drive and keep music on the MacBook for example!
    I've been trying to do so in the past few days but some pb have occured...
    - it is possible to replace the Movies folder by an alias pointing to a Movies folder in the AirDisk drive: existing movies will be playable in iTunes.... the problem is that when I try to add new movies iTunes do not store them into the Movies folder on the AirDisk but in the local music folder (very strange as it is a video file!).
    Has anyone succeeded in using such mechanisms?!
    Many thanks for your answers!

    kazbe81 wrote:
    I've got a couple of movies and tv shows that I've deleted from my purchase list on itunes as well as my download file on my computer but they are still on my itunes in the cloud does anyone know how I can delete these?
    You cannot delete them from iCloud.
    They are purchased and will always be available in iTunes in iCloud for you to download again if you wish.

  • HT204053 My husband and I are divorcing and we have used his apple ID for our 2 apple tv's.  He changed his password and now I no longer have access to the 300 or more movies, tv shows and music.   He keeps saying that there is no way for us both to have

    My husband and I are divorcing and we have used his apple ID for our 2 apple tv's.  He changed his password and now I no longer have access to the 300 or more movies, tv shows and music.   He keeps telling me that , there is no way for us both to have it. So, since his Apple ID was the one programmed into our Apple TV's he has custody to everything.  I know there has to be a solution for this, because I can't be the be the only person this has ever happened too!

    Unfortunately the situation is thus...
    Anything Downloaded with a Particular Apple ID is tied to that Apple ID and Cannot be Merged or Transferred to a Different Apple ID.
    Apple ID FAQs
    I know it doesn't help you in your current situation... but you can leave Feedback for Apple here...

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