GT640 wont boot after MSI logo unless F1 is pressed?

Hi guys,
I need your help and support been having some problems.
I have GT640 i know for a fact that when reboot or turn on my laptop the designated buttons for example
These are not fully functional.  Meaning if i want to go into the bios the Delete button does not respond but another "F" key does?
So i thought could be a corrupt bios causing problems to keyboard commands, had a look inside, couldnt identity the CMOS or battery to reset.  If i pressed a number of f keys i manage to somehow get in there.
I currently have to press F1 to initiate and get past this silly msi boot logo at the beginning.  Im running Windows 7 x64 tried updating bios through Windows that didnt work either would appreciate some guidance and help if you could help im stuck here.
How do i update to the latest bios.  If i have tried to reseat memory and hd and the sticker seal is broken is my warranty void?
Could this be just resolved in a bios update?

Have you tried switching to the other bios chip? Have you checked the RTS2011LC cooler for leaks? Is the pump working? Have you tried a boxed cooler or any other cooler?

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    It's your hardware. Your model must have been released with Snow Leopard 10.6.4 or later. You should have the needed version on the original discs that came with the computer. If no discs came with the computer then it came with Lion or Mountain Lion pre-installed. If this is the case then see the following:
    How To Run Snow Leopard On A New Mac
    This does not apply to new Mac Minis or MacBook Airs. When newer models are introduced that also require Lion for hardware support, the techniques described below will no longer work with the possible exception of using Parallels 7.
    What has to be done:
      1. Create a new partition on the hard drive.
      2. Get a clone of a 10.6.8 Snow Leopard system. Put the cloned Snow Leopard
            system onto the new partition.
    Step One: Create a new partition on the hard drive
    To resize the drive and create a new partition do the following:
      1. Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the
                   COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart
                   the  computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until
                   the boot  manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the
                   downward  pointing arrow button.
              After the main menu appears select Disk Utility and click on the Continue button. Select the hard drive's main entry then click on the Partition tab in the DU main window. 
    2. You should see the graphical sizing window showing the existing partitions. A portion may appear as a blue rectangle representing the used space on a partition.
    3.           In the lower right corner of the sizing rectangle for each partition is a resizing gadget. Select it with the mouse and move the bottom of the rectangle upwards until you have reduced the existing partition enough to create the desired new volume's size. The space below the resized partition will appear gray. Click on the Apply button and wait until the process has completed.  (Note: You can only make a partition smaller in order to create new free space.)
    4.           Click on the [+] button below the sizing window to add a new partition in the gray space you freed up. Give the new volume a name, if you wish, then click on the Apply button. Wait until the process has completed.
    You should now have a new volume on the drive.
    It would be wise to have a backup of your current system as resizing is not necessarily free of risk for data loss.  Your drive must have sufficient contiguous free space for this process to work.
    Step Two: Obtain a clone of a Snow Leopard system:
    You will need access to a Mac already running Snow Leopard. You will need a 16 GB USB flash drive or an external hard drive to which you can clone the Snow Leopard system from the Mac that has Snow Leopard installed. Alternatives are:
    Option One:
    Install a new Snow Leopard system onto a USB flash drive. Boot the Mac used for installing with the USB flash drive. Update the flash drive system to 10.6.8 using the Mac OS X 10.6.8 Update Combo v1.1 to update Snow Leopard. Verify that you can boot the Mac with the USB flash drive.
    Take the USB flash drive to your new Mac and try booting from it. If it works then clone the system from the flash drive to the newly made partition:
              Clone using Restore Option of Disk Utility
      1. Open Disk Utility from the Utilities folder.
      2. Select the destination volume from the left side list.
      3. Click on the Restore tab in the DU main window.
      4. Check the box labeled Erase destination.
      5. Select the destination volume from the left side list and drag it to the Destination
          entry field.
      6. Select the source volume from the left side list and drag it to the Source entry field.
      7. Double-check you got it right, then click on the Restore button.
    Destination means the new partition on the internal drive. Source means the USB
    flash drive.
    Option Two:
    If you have a large enough external drive you can erase and use, then it would be easier to just clone the entire Snow Leopard system from the source Mac computer to the external drive.
              Clone using Restore Option of Disk Utility
      1. Open Disk Utility from the Utilities folder.
      2. Select the destination volume from the left side list.
      3. Click on the Restore tab in the DU main window.
      4. Check the box labeled Erase destination.
      5. Select the destination volume from the left side list and drag it to the Destination
          entry field.
      6. Select the source volume from the left side list and drag it to the Source entry field.
      7. Double-check you got it right, then click on the Restore button.
    Destination means the external drive. Source means the Snow Leopard Mac's
    internal drive.
    After cloning verify that it will boot the source Mac. If so then take the external drive to your new Mac boot with it. If all is well then restore the clone to the new partition on your new Mac:
              Restore the clone using Disk Utility
      1. Open Disk Utility from the Utilities folder.
      2. Select the destination volume from the left side list.
      3. Click on the Restore tab in the DU main window.
      4. Check the box labeled Erase destination.
      5. Select the destination volume from the left side list and drag it to the Destination
          entry field.
      6. Select the source volume from the left side list and drag it to the Source entry field.
      7. Double-check you got it right, then click on the Restore button.
    Destination means the new partition on the internal drive. Source means the external drive.
    You will need a retail copy of Snow Leopard. If you need to purchase Snow Leopard contact Customer Service: Contacting Apple for support and service. The price is $29.00 plus tax. You will receive physical media - DVD - by mail.

  • Wont boot after windows update

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    Satellite A305-S6916
    tried .. every option on F8
    Try this. Download a repair disc from here.
       Windows Vista Recovery Environment ISO X64 version (64 bit)
    If you can reach the Recovery Environment by booting that, try the Startup Repair and let us know what happens. Sometimes you need to run it more than once.
       Startup Repair: frequently asked questions
    Also try a System Restore.
       What are the system recovery options in Windows Vista?

  • HELP! GE70 shows _ or - after MSI logo, cannot reboot or enter OS

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    I tried the following, none of them make a miracle.
    1. uninstalled and installed HD drive
    2. uninstalled and installed memory sticks
    3. reset EC
    I found a post describing the same symptom at , but I was not able to locate the battery for CMOS.
    Has anyone encountered the similar issue? I really want to fix it without sending the laptop to MSI, as it seems a long journey...

    Problem resolved
    The issue was caused by the boot SSD. According to the conversation with the support, the white dash may indicate a defective boot device.
    Today I plugged the SSD with an mSATA-SATA adapter, and connected it to another computer. The SSD was recognized as an unformatted disk in the Disk Management. I had to format it and placed it back in GE70. Then I restored Windows 8 to SSD with the Recovery Image created before. GE70 can restart as usual!
    However, I still don't have the access to BIOS. It keeps showing the little white dash after pressing F3.
    I searched the forum and found the following helpful posts. Since I am able to log into Windows 8, I simply executed FLASHWIN64.BAT in CMD.
    Now everything works again! I need to figure out why the SSD crashed and became unformatted, which triggered the nightmare.

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    Any suggestions on how to proceed much appreciated  - and yes, I already know, I've probably done something stupid

    Quote from: BOSSKILLER on 25-March-07, 19:22:15
    power down PC, remove power cord from the PSU, push several times power button to drain capacitors, then Clear CMOS and leave only one memory stick into DIMM slot close to CPU socket. pull back power cord and try to boot.
    in a future do not update the BIOS for no reason....(only becouse its new, only becouse new BIOS maybe got a new logo and e.g...)
    Looks like I'm back in business now.  I found similar instructions at this location and followed the First Procedure.
    Booted ok with one mem stick, in bios fail safe mode.  I counted 7 short beeps while booting then one long beep.  Not sure if this is ok.  Read about bios beeps here and the final long beep seems to indicate a pass???.  Anyway, Vista appeared to come up ok and I checked everything in the hardware device manager and all looked fine.
    Proceed to reboot with all mem sticks back in place, again same beeps but Vista coming up ok.
    Next I switched bios to optimized defaults, but now 6 short beeps - no long beep.  Windows looks ok.  6 beeps appear to indicate a keyboard problem, but kbd seems to work fine???
    System looks ok now, but not sure if i should look into those beeps a bit more?  BIOS now at 1.3, should I leave as is or revert to an earlier revision?
    One thing I know that I am going to do is to install the FD drive from my old PC 
    Thanks for all the help.
    BTW, the reason I did the BIOS flash was as a last resort to get my sound to work.  Tried the various creative driver as suggest elsewhere on this forum but without success (as of yet there is no official vista compatible audio driver for my mb from MSI).  The JAUD1 connector looks to be connected as specified in manual (but no audio from either the front nor real panel audio connectors).

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    Originally posted by Deathstalker
    In addition, making unsubstantiated statements as Deathstalker did that, quote "It has already been proven that 50% of all the problems relating to Vid Cards is Power Supply Related...." is not a valid argument either. If you're going to make those sort of claims, then you should back it up with firm data...
    The point is, someone in the forums already did. All the forum regulars should remember when it happened too. A guy chastized us because we ask about the specs on people's power supplies. He took every post in the VGA forum to date and catagorized the solutions and found that only 50% of the problems in the forums were Power Supply Related.  To me, if one out of every two problems in the VGA Forums is Power Supply Related, by asking the question, we can identify and solve 50% of the problems.
    But we are used to people like yourself coming along every few months.  Are you sure you did not used to log into these forums under the username of elzie?
    Is this one of your old Threads:
    A must read for everyone....
    Yes, he does sound a bit like me doesn't he? (or vice versa). But no, we are two different people which your moderators can prove by looking at the IP addresses of both myself and elzie.
    But I must admit he echo's my views. There is a definite danger that some posters who are here to help people will latch on to one supposed "solution" i.e. the PSU which is then tailored to fit all problems. Same goes for avoiding flashing the VGA BIOS especially over the Internet.
    But as I've said before, 98% of system problems are software related and hardware only plays a minor role. It's a bit like a car. Without gas, you're not going anywhere regardless of all the technology that's been pumped into it. But gas can get contaminated with grit and can clog up fuel lines. So what should we do then? Change the whole car maybe? Or just replace the carburetor? After all, we don't want to risk damaging the machine by cleaning it do we?
    There's just too much emphasis these days on blaming the product as the cause of the problem and replacing parts rather than taking the view that it's the user who has caused the problem himself by not following instructions when installing software. Statistics can be adapted to suit the issue too. But as I've already said, if the PSU was the main cause of failure of high end cards, the Internet would be literally littered with news about it. But there aren't any such articles, so how do you explain that?? And as Toms mentions here, the CPU and high end card can draw 160 watts. So it stands to reason that if you've got a 300W PSU, you've got more than enough over to run both doesn't it??
    It's all very convenient to say, "replace the PSU and your troubles will be over", but if the problem persists after doing that, it won't do MSI reputation any good and the only benefit will be that a PSU manufacturer will have made a little extra profit this year.

  • Macbook Pro Retina 13" wont boot after update. (28.01.2014)

    I got a notification that i have an update avalible, and i install it. It installs just fine and the Mac turns off.
    When I boot, the apple logo shows, and a progress bare appears, and seems to complete the update.
    But when the progressbar hits 100% it just turns of again. When i turn it on again, same thing happens.
    Its only 1 week old, and nothing else has been bad with it.

    You have 14 days from date of purchase to return the machine and exchange it for another. Unless you want to jump through some hoops to try to 'fix' what's wrong with your unit?
    Try booting into your Recovery partition (hold down the command and R keys whilst booting) and use Disk Utility to verify and, if needed, repair your hard drive. I don't know that this will help - you may be stuck in some sort of infinite loop - but it's worth a try.

  • Imac wont boot after this last update

    I downloaded an update (automatically through software update). After it installed it told me to wait for computer to restart and then hold power button until the long tone, then it should be done. I did that with no problem.
    Ever since then though it wont boot regularly. It wither sits at grey screen forever OR gives me the prohibit sign. The only way to get it to work it to hold that power button until the long tone again.
    Any idea whats wrong and how i fix it??
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    The long tone is an indication that a firmware update is installing. Do you get a progress bar at the bottom of you screen after letting the power button go?
    Have you reset the PRAM? (cmdalt+PR when you restart the machine)
    Also repair permissions when the machine is up and running.

  • T540p wont boot after bios update

    I updated my T540p a few days ago using Lenovo Solution centre, hiwever, it cant boot after update. The power button is on and fan spins, but the screen is black. I tried: remove battery and all external device and press power button for 30 seconds, out back the battery, still screen wont show anything; tried usb recovery stick, didn't work; tried Recovery discs from Lenovo, still failed.
    Please help. Thanks in advance.

    Ouch.  And just out of luck. 
    Chances are, the board is bricked. 

  • IPad wont boot after screen replaced

    Just replaced the screen on my sons iPad 4 and now it wont boot...
    any suggestions please?

    Who did the replacement? If the screen was replaced due to a drop, there may be some internal damage or loose connection.
    Some iPad users have been able to revive their dropped iPad. Turn the iPad over and give it a HARD SLAP on the back. May take several slaps.
    dropped iPad
    Try this  - Reset the iPad by holding down on the Sleep and Home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons. (This is equivalent to rebooting your computer.) No data/files will be erased.
    What to Do When Your iPad Won't Turn On t-Turn-On.htm
    iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    iPad: Basic troubleshooting
     Cheers, Tom

  • Wont Boot after unplugged?

    Just received an iMac g4 and it didn't come with a power cord. I will be receiving one in a couple days anyways. I have to unplug the cord and use it to charge my laptop and am wondering if this is the reason why my imac g4 700mhz 256 mb ram wont boot up. It hangs at the apple logo with the spinning loading symbol. I usually have it unplugged for a max of 12 hours and most often have it unplugged for about 3-5 hours though. Now when I get a chance later today I am going to attempt to reset the pram and check to make sure my imacs startup disk isn't set to network boot. Any help would be well appreciated.

    You could try to boot the computer while holding the Shift key down, but
    if you do not know the Admin password, you won't get past the next step
    where you'd have to log in with that, in order to proceed. This step can
    take time, as you hold the Shift key to start in SafeBoot mode, and at the
    login, you let go of the button (to be sure it boots Safeboot.) Then one can
    generally run Disk Utility, and choose 'repair disk permissions' in Disk First
    Aid, on the volume Macintosh HD, or the name given the computer drive.
    If the small battery on the logic board of the iMac G4 no longer has power,
    it would need to be replaced. The battery is a 1/2AA Lithium 3.6v battery.
    And getting there is a chore.
    You could try resetting the PMU (power management unit) as one of the
    temporary last resorts; since the lack of a good battery on the logic board
    may require this action if resetting the PRAM/NVRAM doesn't help it.
    • How to reset PRAM and NVRAM:
    • Resetting the iMac's (Flat Panel G4) - Power Management Unit (PMU)
    A take-apart guide is available to help get into it, to replace battery and
    also upgrade RAM and both kinds of drives within the computer.
    • iMac G4 Take-apart for Drive and Ram upgrades (and battery)
    The original power cord with the 'odd end' that goes into the iMac G4
    is one of the harder ones to get; except for the fact some PC portables
    use a similar cord to go into their power brick, may help find another.
    Usually, the original cords go missing if a computer is sitting around
    where someone may decide to use it elsewhere, or on another iMac.
    Hopefully this helps somewhat.
    Good luck & happy computing!
    +{ edited to add safeboot info }+

  • Osx wont boot after installing windows dev preview.

    Hi. I recently added boot camp and windows 8 to my 2011 mbp 17". Ever since the install my computer wont boot osx unless i run disk utility and repair my mac partition. Then everything runs fine untill i go into windows again and then go back to osx.  Thoughts?

    mcwilliamsc wrote:
    Do i need to make a clone or will my time machine backup work.
    TimeMachine drives are not "hold the option key bootable" like a clone and with Lion there is only a "hold Command r"  Recovery Partition on the same drive your trying to repair.
    So to get a external source to boot Lion, you need to Carbon Copy Cloner Lion to a another new/blank Disk Utility HFS+ Journaled formatted drive. Disconnect your TimeMachine drive before doing anything and don't clone to it or everything will be erased, use another drive.
    Once you have Lion cloned, hold option and boot from the Lion clone and test it out.
    mcwilliamsc wrote:
    I only have one external drive andni dont think a clone will fit.
    Only clone to another drive with no data on it, don't clone to a partition, don't clone to a TimeMachine drive. Disconnect all other drives before cloning so you don't make a mistake.
    mcwilliamsc wrote:
    Also when you say c boot do you mean using a lion install disk as opposed to the install option when you boot into disk utility?
    Your signature says you have 10.6.8, obviously there are no install disks for 10.7, however you can make some by "hold option" and clicking on Purchases in the MacAppStore and redownloading the Lion installer (but don't install)
    Follow these directions to make multiple "hold c" bootable DVD copies of the Lion installer.
    Test the disks out, you can see it's just like the 10.6.8 installer disk with Disk Utility and everything.
    With a Lion DVD one can install Lion AND the Lion Recvoery Partition on a new or totally erased drive, like we are about to do.
    When you clone Lion, it only clones the Lion OS X partition, not the Lion Recovery Partition. So by totally erasing the entire disk and installing Lion from the DVD can the Lion Rececovery Partition and Lion OS X partition be restored and your GPT repaired and your firmware flushed.
    So once you got a Lion clone disconnect it, then c boot from the DVD and erase your ENTIRE Lion internal drive, this means you have to select the drive makers name on the left, HFS+ journaled of course.
    Once that is competed, install Lion fresh, this will create both the Lion OX  partition and the Lion Recovery Partition.
    When that is finished, don't bother booting into the fresh Lion install, simply option boot off the Lion clone and reverse clone onto the Lion OS X partition, this will place back Lion, all your programs and files just like before.
    Then you should be back to normal, your GTP is fixed, EFI is fixed (reboot twice) and you have everything except the Windows bootcamp partition.

  • Imac wont boot after long time without restart

    I've got a two month old new Imac 21,5" with fusion drive 1TB, i had it just before mavericks was launched..
    i update to mavericks. All was fine, But i allmost never shut down, or restart the imac.
    After some time, I did for a reason i dont remember, had to restart the imac. while booting, it was stuck on the grey screen.. i wasn't able to get it started up, not in safe mode, not after disk repair.. i think i might have tried all the little tricks to get it running again...
    luckily i did have a time machine back up...
    after installing this back up, everything was fine again..
    until 2 weeks later, for some reason i had to reboot again.. and again, it was stuck.. only thing to get the imac working again.. reinstall from time machine back up
    after this , it tried rebooting everyday, and the imac kept working..
    after a few days, i forgot to reboot for a few days.. and what did you think.. the imac is stuk again.. so while reinstalling the time machine back up. I am writing this. anyone else having this rather strange problem.. if i restart the imac now and then i keeps working.. if i dont after a few days, and i do reboot the imac.. is wont boot anymore..
    Any suggestions are welcome

    The long tone is an indication that a firmware update is installing. Do you get a progress bar at the bottom of you screen after letting the power button go?
    Have you reset the PRAM? (cmdalt+PR when you restart the machine)
    Also repair permissions when the machine is up and running.

  • New Mac Mini wont boot after OS upgrade

    I bought a Mac Mini Yesterday i7 1tb disk
    Wire keyboard and track thingie
    my first mac
    First decided to upgrade OS to latest version
    Its been 24 hours and I have not gotten past the grey screen with these 2 spinnung wheels

    Take each of these steps that you haven't already tried. Stop when the problem is resolved.
    Step 1
    The first step in dealing with a boot failure is to secure your data. If you want to preserve the contents of the startup drive, and you don't already have at least one current backup, you must try to back up now, before you do anything else. It may or may not be possible. If you don't care about the data that has changed since your last backup, you can skip this step.   
    There are several ways to back up a Mac that is unable to boot. You need an external hard drive to hold the backup data.
        a. Boot into Recovery by holding down the key combination command-R at the startup chime, or from a local Time Machine backup volume (option key at startup.) Release the keys when you see a gray screen with a spinning dial. When the OS X Utilities screen appears, launch Disk Utility and follow the instructions in the support article linked below, under “Instructions for backing up to an external hard disk via Disk Utility.”
    How to back up and restore your files
    b. If you have access to a working Mac, and both it and the non-working Mac have FireWire or Thunderbolt ports, boot the non-working Mac in target disk mode by holding down the key combination command-T at the startup chime. Connect the two Macs with a FireWire or Thunderbolt cable. The internal drive of the machine running in target mode will mount as an external drive on the other machine. Copy the data to another drive. This technique won't work with USB, Ethernet, Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth.
    How to use and troubleshoot FireWire target disk mode
    c. If the internal drive of the non-working Mac is user-replaceable, remove it and mount it in an external enclosure or drive dock. Use another Mac to copy the data.
    Step 2
    Press and hold the power button until the power shuts off. Disconnect all wired peripherals except those needed to boot, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards. Use a different keyboard and/or mouse, if those devices are wired. If you can boot now, one of the devices you disconnected, or a combination of them, is causing the problem. Finding out which one is a process of elimination.
    If you've booted from an external storage device, make sure that your internal boot volume is selected in the Startup Disk pane of System Preferences.
    Step 3
    Boot in safe mode.* The instructions provided by Apple are as follows:
    Shut down your computer, wait 30 seconds, and then hold down the shift key while pressing the power button.
    When you see the gray Apple logo, release the shift key.
    If you are prompted to log in, type your password, and then hold down the shift key again as you click Log in.
    Safe mode is much slower to boot and run than normal, and some things won’t work at all, including wireless networking on certain Macs.
    The login screen appears even if you usually log in automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin.
    *Note: If FileVault is enabled, or if a firmware password is set, or if the boot volume is a software RAID, you can’t boot in safe mode. Post for further instructions.
    When you boot in safe mode, it's normal to see a dark gray progress bar on a light gray background. If the progress bar gets stuck for more than a few minutes, or if the system shuts down automatically while the progress bar is displayed, your boot volume is damaged and the drive is probably malfunctioning. In that case, go to step 5.
    If you can boot and log in now, empty the Trash, and then open the Finder Info window on your boot volume ("Macintosh HD," unless you gave it a different name.) Check that you have at least 9 GB of available space, as shown in the window. If you don't, copy as many files as necessary to another volume (not another folder on the same volume) and delete the originals. Deletion isn't complete until you empty the Trash again. Do this until the available space is more than 9 GB. Then reboot as usual (i.e., not in safe mode.)
    If the boot process hangs again, the problem is likely caused by a third-party system modification that you installed. Post for further instructions.
    Step 4
    Sometimes a boot failure can be resolved by resetting the NVRAM.
    Step 5
    Launch Disk Utility in Recovery mode (see step 1.) Select your startup volume, then run Repair Disk. If any problems are found, repeat until clear. If Disk Utility reports that the volume can't be repaired, the drive has malfunctioned and should be replaced. You might choose to tolerate one such malfunction in the life of the drive. In that case, erase the volume and restore from a backup. If the same thing ever happens again, replace the drive immediately.
    This is one of the rare situations in which you should also run Repair Permissions, ignoring the false warnings it may produce. Look for the line "Permissions repair complete" at the end of the output. Then reboot as usual.
    Step 6
    Boot into Recovery again. When the OS X Utilities screen appears, follow the prompts to reinstall the OS. If your Mac was upgraded from an older version of OS X, you’ll need the Apple ID and password you used to upgrade.
    Note: You need an always-on Ethernet or Wi-Fi connection to the Internet to use Recovery. It won’t work with USB or PPPoE modems, or with proxy servers, or with networks that require a certificate for authentication.
    Step 7
    Repeat step 6, but this time erase the boot volume in Disk Utility before installing. The system should automatically reboot into the Setup Assistant. Follow the prompts to transfer your data from a backup.
    Step 8
    A dead logic-board battery in a Mac Pro can cause a gray screen at boot. Typically the boot failure will be preceded by loss of the startup disk and system clock settings. See the user manual for replacement instructions.
    Step 9
    If you get this far, you're probably dealing with a hardware fault. Make a "Genius" appointment at an Apple Store to have the machine tested.

  • PLEASE HELP!!!!! iphone 3gs wont boot after apple sign....

    On christmas eve my iphone for no reason shut itself down and wouldnt turn back on, whenever i tried turnt it on it would come up with 'Connect to iTunes'... as i didnt have my laptop on me at the time i had to leave it until today 26/12/2011 but now it wont show me the 'Connect to itunes' like it had before and wont boot past the apple sign, which now keeps flashing and my iphone wont appear in itunes to restore
    Many Thanks
    Kara B

    Ive now managed to start the restore process i got this message.. itunes detected an iphone in recovey mode. You must restore this iphone before it can be used with itunes.. then i click OK and RESTORE then it comes up with another message are you sure you want to restore 'iphone' iphone blah blah and i clicked restore and update which then extracts software...verifying iphone restore with apple...preparing iphone for restore then after about 3 seconds i get this message:the 'iphone' iphone could not be restored. An unknown error occured (21) ive tried this 3 times and still ot getting anyfurther ive uninstalled my security AVG and have turnt off firewalls ect... CAN ANYONE HELP ME GET ANY FURTHER???
    Many Thanks

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